아기랑 동물원👼🦒(로망달성🥹)자전거당근🚲책장구입📚로제파스타🍝가방꾸미기👜

Today is going to be amazing! It’s the day I’ve been waiting for so long. [Caution of silliness] I don’t even know how long I’ve been waiting for today. I didn’t put on any makeup except for sunscreen. I only applied a lip product. I’m heading out like this. I think the weather is going to be very hot today. We’re going to be taking SARANG outdoors for a very long time. A cool sheet for the stroller. One that blows air. I fully charged this, so I’m going to be bringing this with me. Today, we are going to the zoo! [(What’s wrong with mom?)] This is the pretty outfit that we bought at Namdaemun last time. The car seat is covering it. SARANG has been liking animals a lot these days. But she hasn’t seen one in real life. I waited and waited for this day. I think she gets more interested in animals because she plays with SOM. So we’re going to Children’s Grand Park! I was very confused between Seoul Children’s Grand Park and Children’s Grand Park. They’re two different places. Seoul Children’s Grand Park is larger. Children’s Grand Park is smaller compared to it. This hat is so cute. [The cutest in the entire universe] SARANG’s head is bigger than most. So this hat is a bit small on her. That’s why it’s laying slightly up here. It feels like it is showing a lot of forehead. This wasn’t what the model looked like. SARANG wearing this is so adorable to me. [We left around her nap time, so she fell asleep right away.] We’re here! Since we’re going to a zoo do you see how many animal books I brought? I brought a bunch of animal books and cards that SARANG likes. I also brought a windbreaker in case she get cold. [The amount of people at the zoo this day was like all the kindergarteners in the neighborhood gathered here.] That’s cute! That’s so cute. When we go in the herbivores and deers are the closest. [My husband set up the route according to the time the animals eat.] [Lifting] [The tiger is so far away.] [Roar. Over there!] [A baby seeing a tiger for the first time.] Roar! [Most of the carnivores were asleep.] Older sister! [She likes older sisters more than animals.] Where do we go now? The tropical pavilion is over here. As we head down, there are small animals and the monkey village. Should we take a look at tropical animals? Sounds good! [We came to look at meerkats.] That’s a meerkat! [A cuter on beside a cute on.] [It was my first time seeing meerkats. They’re so cute.] [She’s waving at the meerkats. So cute.] Say "I love you" to the meerkats. [I love you] Meerkats, I love you. [Caution of mom’s silliness] [We hesitated when she asked where the monkeys were. That’s because…] [They look very different from the books.] Pat the monkey. [Pat] Pat, pat. We’ve been looking around for a while now. It’s very hot so we’re going to grab something to eat. I also didn’t eat. To feed SARANG her snacks and to feed ourselves, let’s go! [They had a food court, so we came there!] In the icebox… [She’s spacing out because of the heat.] I packed apples. [What’s that?] [Give it to me] [Yum] We ordered a hotdog. That’s not soba. Buckwhat? (Not in my right mind) Yes, buckwhat. – Why did I say soba? – Bu, bu, buckwheat! Buckwheat! We ordered cold buckwheat noodles. My husband’s eating it right now. We’re going to take turns eating. Both of us can eat together but we wanted to share one. The air conditioner doesn’t seem to work here. Yummy, isn’t it? [Observing a hotdog mukbang] [I like how we can communicate a little bit at times like this.] My dream has come true! What is it? The amusement park? That’s one of my dreams. The amusement park and zoo. Successfully achieved one dream! [(Caution of a daughter’s mommy)] Are you really an angel? [(Caution of a daughter’s mommy)] This outfit is so pretty! [She’s eating her second snack, chestnuts.] [What’s with the arms?] [(Embarrassed)] [(More, please.)] I guess this is happiness. Right? You saw the elephant earlier, right? What did the elephant’s trunk do? [Like this!] You also saw the horse, right? Neigh. [(Pressed on the tiger)] Roar! [SARANG plays with her favorite animal book and we take a short break] [We came out just in time with the fox’s meal time] [She doesn’t care about the fox, she keeps smiling seeing the baby behind] Guys [Already on the way up…] We have to walk up there It’s empty here my husband is carrying SARANG and he’s already there. There’s a kids cafe in this zoo I already made a reservation But the kids cafe is at the top like this? [It’s so hot, hilly, and I have a poor physical…] [My husband has arrived and been waiting] You arrived safely? Of course! How did you arrive all okay? Was that hard, honey? So happy! – So nice, so refreshing! – It’s refreshing [Playing so well once released in the kids cafe = Time for Mom and Dad to catch their breath] Looks like she likes that doll What doll is it? Not sure as well Should I look it up? What’s the identity of this doll? You know, that character who lends money(?) What is it? What was that called? Right It is a radish, honey! It’s a smiling radish When SARANG playing with me She can play by herself but if her dad is here, she’ll ask to be carried so her dad is hiding. [He can’t be seen by SARANG…] – This doll – Yeah It’s Jibangi Jibang? Its name is Jibangi! But it’s not for sale [Why you should never let down your guard when taking care of a child] [SARANG gets scared easily, she doesn’t want to go here] [When my husband and I went in, she became interested and went in] [(Should I come in or not)] [Tired Mom and Dad / Once she went in, SARANG plays well] Take the camera there, that one on the floor Let’s try if you can do this! You see the camera here? Take the camera with you [SARANG runs an errand for the first time] [Let’s see what she’ll do!] [She took it!] [Taking it to me] [First errand success!] [You’ve grown up] [Let’s go home!] We had a lot of fun at a kids cafe called Palgakdang Cafe and we’re going home now. SARANG seems a bit tired so we left. But she played so well in the cafe. [(I still followed her for safety reason)] She went around even without me She had so much fun, it surprised me. Also, what’s so nice about the Palgakdang Kids Cafe the adults don’t need to order a beverage and it’s super affordable. Baby 3,000 won / Adult 1,500 won It’s run by the city. Mom! Oh my, it’s blinding I’ll put this here The next day after we’re back from the zoo. Today’s breakfast is a completely fixed menu which is tteok manduguk with white kimchi. Roar! Guys, I have two amazing news today They’re two shocking news As you know, I was contemplating to buy a trike [What is a trike? It’s like a tricycle pulled by the mother with the baby riding it] There’s one I’ve been looking at [Something that makes me think ‘I wonder when will SARANG ride that?’ whenever I see it] the similar trike that my friend bought I saw the same thing on secondhand marketplace in a very good condition. As soon as the notification popped up, I said I’d buy it in 1 second I succeed and my husband just picked it up. So he already brought the trike. And the second news, SARANG has too much books and we don’t have a space to keep them We’ve never bought her books We always received them from gifts and such We’re thinking of getting a proper bookshelf and looked it up but Mom Cafe highly recommended the rotating bookshelf. They say it uses less space you can keep a lot of books there and it’s pretty So, as I was looking it up I found a very aesthetic white rotating bookshelf, honey. So I ordered that and the delivery man said it will be delivered later today But since it’s during SARANG’s sleeping time I bought that bookshelf and the kids’ book shelf The pretty one You know I’ve given up aesthetic all this time For the house interior. But this time, I bought a very aesthetic baby product. The kids bookshelf and bookshelf are in very aesthetic white I bought a style that I really like this time! SARANG kept asking me to put on the same clothes from yesterday so I put it on again. She loves this clothes and cardigan Kiss! [Why does she love kisses so much…] Mwah! [Putting it in the laundry net to wash the baby’s laundry] [Putting it in the laundry net to wash the baby’s laundry] [Boop] Huh? [Peekaboo!] Let’s wash the new clothes as well A fellow parent Ta-da bought this dress and this cardigan They were so pretty, I bought them too So I’m going to launder these These look so pretty and it’s on sale [From Walton Kids, 69% off in the Moomooz app] They were so cheap It was almost 80%(69%) off Open the Moomooz app right now A must-have app for baby mothers [When a baby asks for something they shouldn’t have] Where’s Hobi? [ask them to find their favorite toy] Please find Hobi, will you? [Right there!] There he is! That’s Hobi! [Found Hobi] Tell Hobi you love him What is this? Hobi! Mommy’s going to run the washing machine Ta-da SARANG fell asleep and these shelves and cabinets are delivered Aren’t they so pretty? But the smell of new furniture is so intense These need a little bakeout I laid some blankets on the balcony and laid them out I think they need at least a week of bakeout The smell is really intense This one’s a rotating bookshelf and that’s a toy cabinet SOM is in there [Making lunch] [Butter] I’m supposed to put sliced garlics but I’m lazy, so these are frozen minced garlic Honey, this recipe is from Ryu Suyoung They say his recipe never fails Okay What did you cook for me from his recipe before? I made you salmon rice [Shrimp meat] [Olive oil] [Red pepper powder] [Milk] Now, high heat I’m supposed to put anchovy sauce but let me try tuna sauce [Boil down with high heat] [Pasta water] [Mayonnaise] Mix, mix Ta-da This is how it looks My husband wanted to eat a lot but I wasn’t hungry so I’ll have a little This is really a Korean pasta So good This is awesome – Right? – Yes I’ve never had a pasta like this – Right? – Yes This is new It’s like sticky spicy rosé pasta It just tastes like cream The savory flavor from mayonnaise makes it feel creamy The weird thing is this is rosé but there’s no cream, no tomato sauce Are you drinking champagne? He’s drinking champagne without me It’s demi soda Yup, demi soda I thought you would like it but you didn’t But it goes well with this It’s like a real champagne If someone told me it was champagne I would totally think it is Non-alcoholic champagne Yes, non-alcoholic champagne You know, when I started cooking this before I boiled the pasta I feel like I exactly measured the amount you and I eat It’s good that you made a lot (Proud) Really? This is good (Proud) Seriously? Does this meet your criteria? Yes, I was hungry It’s so easy, but it’s still rosé You know it doesn’t have no pasta sauce the ones from the market I know It’s so weird Me too SARANG dances like this when she’s in a good mood She’s even doing that involuntarily So adorable She’s growing every week We finished eating and doing the dishes It’s 3:23 right now Later at 4 with that fellow mom there’s a place called Children’s Culture Center so we decided to take our kids there And that fellow mom’s baby started going to the preschool so she hasn’t met SARANG forever The two babies are meeting after a long time I’m so excited I’m going to rest for a bit and go to the Children’s Culture Center and go to the Children’s Culture Center SARANG woke up after two hours of nap. We’re heading to the Children’s Cultural Center with SARANG wearing her hairpin. [We’re here.] Yoon-na. (Friend’s name) [Yoon-na, SARANG ‘s first friend] [Boing] [Boing for mom!] [Boing for Yoon-na.] [Trying so hard…] [Successful Boing!] [Playing with toy blocks with her dad] A-boo-ba. [I didn’t even know there’s Children’s Cultural Center in the area] [Being here, it was really nice. (I regretted not coming here early)] [It was enjoyable because there were many new toys, like these, that she couldn’t see at home] We’re back home after visiting the culture center or somewhere. Now we’re putting her on her first trike, that I told you before! This is a book about bicycle. SARANG brought this because it’s the bicycle book. I heard that there are babies who are scared of this so this is a tense moment right before finding out whether or not it’ll be successful for SARANG. [Finally her first test-drive] She doesn’t seem scared. How do you feel riding the bicycle? I’m so curious, as your mom. Please tell it to me. Just to mom! (Insanity) It’s okay to tell your own mom. Please tell your impression on riding the bicycle to mom. Yes! That’s called bicycle. Say how you feel to mom about riding the bicycle. (Obsessed) (Madness) This is reporter Sujeong Park! Please give us a word. We’re all waiting for you. [As we’re already here, SARANG will ride on the trampoline that she loves] [So into it] Sister? Look at her cute little hands and head. It truly feels like she likes it better than the stroller. It really seems that she’s leading more. How about you? Tell how you feel, honey. I’m quite satisfied until now and I’m thinking of buying the new one if it’s a lot different than this one after I browse it a bit. Succeeded in revolution from the stroller! We’re heading back home quickly because we were just out for the test drive due to the stiff fine dust. Sarang needs to eat dinner now. But she likes riding it so much. Aww, she’s laughing. [I’m back home, cooking SARANG’s dinner.] Wouldn’t it be nice to visit Children’s Grand Park again? I want to go there again! – You do, don’t you? – Yes! I like it there, too. But… Would it be okay in this weather? It’ll get hotter. You’re right. How about visiting Seoul Children’s Grand Park next time, which is bigger? [I’m grilling the carrot to feed SARANG] How about reading transforming cookie book with daddy? She likes that book! [Finally got to know the new world of the cast iron pan as starting to cook baby food. It’s really the best] [It’s so convenient as I don’t need to worry about the lamination getting peeled off and it doesn’t scorch at all if you warm it up thoroughly] [I’m grilling the beef for SARANG that I divided earlier] [She eats 20g of grilled meat for lunch and dinner everyday] [I’m boiling the Beef Bone Soup, too. (Have to cut the meat into small pieces because she can’t eat huge ones yet)] I’m done feeding SARANG and my husband went inside the room to put her into sleep after eating his hamburgers. I’m going to eat mine meanwhile. It’s been a long time since I’ve ordered from Lotteria. I’m so into Jeonju Bibim flavored Triangle Gimbap these days. And there was Jeonju Bibim Rice Burger on the menu. At the moment I found that out, I totally flipped out and had to order it! I remember eating Seasoned French Fries that you eat shaking the seasoning powder attached so delicious from here so I ordered one cheese flavor and one chili flavor together and I’m eating them with Sprite. My husband polished a bacon something set off. It looks like this. I’m so curious how it’ll taste. There’s even fried eggs inside so it tastes more like Bibimbap than the Jeonju Bibim flavored Triangle Gimbap. There are vegetables inside, too, so… [Finished eating them and came back after washing myself] [Not Makgeolli] I’m drinking yeast after taking shower. Yeast after shower is so delicious. I’m joking, it’s terrible. I’m calling it yeast because it tastes so similar as Makgeolli but it’s actually some kind of beverage of fermented brown rice that many people recommended on the comment for its effect on constipation. I bought it right away because they said it’s good for constipation. I’m suffering with it these days. It tastes so much like Makgeolli. Brown rice is also a kind of rice. Perhaps it’s because it’s the beverage that fermented it. But it tastes like Makgeolli that’s not delicious. It’s very sour. Try guessing if it was effective for me or not. It wasn’t that effective, was it? At first, it seemed like it was quite effective but now, not really. But I heard that it’s good for your body. I heard that this stops diarrhea for the ones who are suffering from it, and at the same time relieves constipation for the ones who are suffering from it. Then it’s similar like lactobacillus. If that’s true, isn’t it better to just take the lactobacillus? [It’s the unboxing time] It’s what I purchased directly from overseas. The infant care item recommended by one of the infant care buddies. It’s something that helps the babies’ breathe easier if you apply it on their back or other places before they go to sleep when they catch cold. When babies catch cold, their noses get stuffy so it makes them difficult to go to bed at night because they can’t breathe easily. One of my infant care buddies said that she was gifted this from someone and was effective to her baby. SARANG is fully recovered right now but I bought it when she caught the cold. Since it’s coming from overseas, it took so long to be delivered and it arrived after she was healed. I should try it first on me. I heard that people apply it on the babies’ clothes even though it might cause stain. Ah! The Eucalyptus oil. Yes, I heard that it’s made of Eucalyptus. So it helps the respiratory organ. [Next box] Ta-da! It’s like this inside. It’s mine. I’m so satisfied. The item to decorate your bag? Yes. Ta-da. It’s quite glamorous. It’s really pretty. Prettier than I imagined. It seemed like decorating your bag is the new trend these days. And that was so right on my alley. Decorating my bag. So it’s like attaching all the cute stuffs on your bag and decorating it as if you do with your diary. It’s in full bearings on the bottom with pearl ribbons, hearts, and stuff. It’s so pretty. This is the Depound backpack I’m wearing these days which I showed unboxing it on the video before. You do it like this on bags like this. – Oh? Honey. – Yes? There’s a designated spot to attach the decoration. – Where? – On the other side! Oh, you’re right. Why would have they made that? I guess the bag reads the trend. There’s a designated spot to attach the decoration. It’s so pretty. As you know, you can’t just attach one. So I bought another one. Well, you know, attaching several items is the true charm of decorating bags. Ta-da. It’s To-soon, SARANG’s favorite doll. To-soon is from the brand called JellyCat. It’s popular for babies’ dolls. There are keyring items launched at the brand. This is the JellyCat keyring. And it was on a huge discount. This was the only one left because I found that out late. I wanted the white JellyCat character with small flower prints only on its ears. I wanted to buy that. But this was the only one left so I bought this. I’m worried SARANG would want to have it if I attach it on my bag. Ta-da! Like this! It’s great. It’s so cute. What’s this? What is this? I have absolutely no clue. I’ve never slipped pen in SARANG’s hands yet. But as time flows she’ll be scribbling things anyway. I saw this on Instagram ad. This is called YOMIMON Wow pen. I heard that when babies start to scribble things they don’t do it only on the sketchbook but they scribble everywhere from the floors, the mat places like blankets, the wall or even the tables. But it says that if they use this Wow pen no matter where they scribble I can wipe them all with wet tissue. I believe it’s 95% water. When would she start scribbling? It’ll be a nice gift to your friends. That’s a great idea. I should gift this to my infant care buddy. Oh my god! Come to think of it, I heard she just got the stain remover for baby clothes as present. But now I’m giving her something that causes the stain.

✔️ 이 영상은 유료광고를 포함하지 않습니다


#브이로그 #일상

비지니스 메일_tweety@sandbox.co.kr


  1. In the uk we have a similar eucalyptus balm for colds etc and if you have a cough rub it on the soles of their feet and put socks on it really helps adults and children too 😊

  2. 저도 만성변비때문에 넘넘 고생하다가(변비약 달고 살았었어요.. 나중에는 변비약도 안들고..하)
    이제는 약없이 하루에 한번씩은 가는데요..! 제가 효과봤던 것 하고있는 것을 적어보자면요
    1. 쉰다리(블루베리, 감귤맛, 보리맛으로 다양하게 나와요)
    2. 일어나자마자 따뜻한 물 한잔 천천히 마시고 유산균 먹기
    3. 전 물은 되도록이면 따뜻한 물만 홀짝 홀짝 마셔요 조금씩 자주
    4. 완숙토마토 푹 쪄서 올리브유 뿌려 먹기(저도 위가 정말 정말 약해서 이건 매일은 못먹고 이틀에 한번 정도 먹어요) 토마토는 공복에 먹으면 요단강 건널지도 모르니 꼭 밥이나 다른 것을 먼저 먹고 반찬같이 드세보세요 이건 진짜 효과짱이에요..(껍질도 같이 먹는 것 추천드려요..!)
    4. 설탕x 첨가물x 땅콩백프로 땅콩버터 한두숟갈씩 챙겨먹기 꼭 땅콩백프로 땅콩버터여야해요 바나나에 발라먹으면 맛있더라고요 배변활동이 원활하려면 질좋은 지방도 먹어줘야하더라고요
    5. 최겸님 유튜브에서 나온 저온야채찜 해먹기. 당근 비트 무 양배추 상추 깻잎 등등 집에 있는 야채들 다 큼지막하게 썰어서 찜기에 때려넣고 제일 낮은 온도로 오래 쪄서 그걸 반찬처럼 먹는거예요 아침 대신 먹어도 좋고요 저는 올리브유 듬뿍 꿀 뿌려먹어요. 최겸님 유튜브 저온야채찜 검색하면 방법이 자세하게 나와요 저는 특히 당근을 추천합니다 껍질 벗기지 말고 깨끗하게 닦아서 찌는게 더 효과 좋아요 이 야채찜은 먹고나서 속도 편하더라고요
    저도 정말 심한 변비고 관련 수술도 했는지라 (tmi 죄송합니다^^..하) 여러가지 시도 끝에 효과 본 것들이에요
    이렇게 챙겨먹으면서 과자도 먹고 빵도 먹고 유연하게 먹고픈거 위가 허락하는 선에서 먹고 있어요..! 하루에 한번씩 화장실 가고 있고요 가끔 이틀에 한번씩 가기도 하지만.. 저도 변비약도 안먹히는 심한 변비였거든요.. 이만하길 어딘가 싶기도 하고요ㅠㅠ혹시 도움이 될까하여 자세히 적어봅니다!!

  3. 언니 안녕하세요! 언니 GRWM 영상부터 매주 언니 영상 보며 힐링하는 27살 구선생입니다,,,
    매번 영상 보기만 하다가 유튜브 댓글은 처음 달아보네요,, ㅎㅎ

    제가 이번에 유방암에 걸리게 되어서 가발을 구입해야 하는데 가발 정보가 너무 생소하구 가격도 가격이라 하나를 구입할 때도 너무 고민이 되더라구요…!!

    그러던 중에 언니가 옛날에 가발 영상 찍은 게 생각이 나서 해당 영상으로 조금 도움을 받긴 햇는데, 너무 옛날 영상이라 요즘 사용하시는 가발 정보도 궁금해서요🥲

    혹시 요즘 쓰시는 가발 정보나 브랜드 정보를 공유해주실 수 있으실까요..?!?

    매주 너무 잘 보면서 힐링하구 있어요 정말 팬입니다….❤️

  4. 트위티님 ㅂㅂ때문에 고민이시면 라브 꼭 드셔보세요 !!! 진짜 찐 추천~~유산균보다 훨씬 효과적이고 장건강 자체의 면역력을 올려준대요 저도 제돈제산으로 두 달째 먹고있는데 그 어떤 유산균 약보다 배안아프고 효과적이에요

  5. 사랑이랑 딱 한달차이나는 아기 키우고 있는 엄마에요! 트위티님 영상보면서 태교도 하고~ 한달차이니 영상 올라오는것 보면서 출산준비, 육아방식 등등 영향을 많이 받았어요 애기 키우면서 정말 대단하시다고 생각해요..! 두분의 노력과 사랑이 사랑이의 행동에서 그대로 나타나는것 같아요~ 보는 저도 행복해져요^^❤️ 미운 댓글들도 몇몇있지만.. 개의치 마시고 지금처럼 행복한 모습들 많이 보여주세요! 저희 아기는 티비에 사랑이만 나오면 언니! 하고 방긋 방긋 웃어요~ ㅎㅎ신기하네요

  6. 이 영상사랑이 심쿵 모먼트 몇개냐며ㅜㅠㅠㅜㅜ사랑이가 정말 많이 컸네요..🥺 이번편 넘 행복하게 봤어요:)

    1:34애기사랑이 차안에서 새근새근 자는모습. 가까이가면 진짜 애기 냄새 날것 같은거 있죠🥹(덤으로 스위티님이 떼어먹을 볼찹쌀 떡까지 흘러내리고 있음🥹🥹ㅋㅋㅋ
    2:20호랑이 울음 어흥 이나 초성이 바뀐 사랑이만의 호랑이 소리..ㅋㅋ허응~🐅🐯🐯

    11사랑이가 옆에있는 무언갈 쳐다볼때 위에서 아래로 내리까는 듯한 특유의 회장님 눈빛이 있습니다🤣🤣 여기서 그 눈빛이 나오네요ㅋㅋㅋ저는 사랑이그 여유있는 눈빛을 보는게 너무 엉뚱하고 귀여워서 그렇게 이쁘더라구요🐰🌸
    4:27 식사 시간에 보채지 않고 의젓하게 앉아서 엄마 먹방 직관 하는 모습… 4:34엄마의 만세 요청에 따르는 짧고 오동통한 팔과 손🥹

    5:11맛있는 밤 입에 쏙 넣으니 갑자기 둥실 뜬 오도통한 양팔 과 손 과 머쓱함에 살짝 포개어 놓는손🤣그리고그 짧은 손으로 더주세요👋🥹+스위티님리 스윗하고 아름다운 멘트
    ▶️ ⬅️개인적으로 이부분이번영상 베스트🩵😘💕
    8:27 생의 첫 엄마 심부름 성공!
    11:12엄마 다리 끌어안고 똥그란 아몬드 눈으로 위의 엄마 얼굴 올려다보며 외치는 ‘뽀뽀😘!!! 이부분 앵글 분의기 사랑이 모두 만화 보는거 같고 너무 사랑스러워 미침 ㅜㅠ 참고로 여기서도 애기냄새 나는 것 같아요🥹

    8:32사랑이의 첫 유아 자전ㄱㅣ거 트라이크 첫 시승식

    물론 아주 작은 부분부터 난이도 최상급의 힘든육아는 편집되고 예쁘고 행복한 부분만업로드 되는게,그리고 육아 공개에 따라 견해차이가 있는게 유튜브의 현실이긴 하지만 래도 뭐…이 가족이 살라가는 방식이 있고 이기가 출연도 하는데 이욍이면 기분좋게 같이 보자구요🌸🌸🌸

  7. 트라이크랑 책장사는게 엄청 대박이라고 하시는거 넘 귀여워요 ㅋㅋ 작은거에도 설렘이 많으신,,

  8. 육아 븨로그 채널 많이 구독중이지만 갠적으로 트위티님께 가장 보기 편함 ! 편집도 광기로 야물딱지게 하시는 것 같고, 아이가 집 어지럽힐텐데도 배경이 밝아서 그런가 전체적인 그림이 깨끗한 느낌이 들어서 눈이 편안해요🌼 처음에는 육아 이거저거 너무 힘들게 하시는거 아닌가 했는데 그 텐션이 돌 넘어서까지 오니 이 사람은 저 꼼꼼함이 진심이구나 싶어서 사랑이가 부러울 정도로 트위티님이 대단해보여요👍🏻같은 엄마로서 존경합니다!

  9. 트위티님🤍 혹시 다음에 성시경님 브리치즈 파스타 레시피도 보여주실 수 있나용?ㅎㅎ 트위티님 반응도 넘넘 궁금해용🥹

  10. 0:08 아기 너무 귀여워요 😂
    12:13 영상 잘봤습니다
    18:19 항상 유익한정보와알찬소식으로 많은분들이 공감하고 있습니다
    27:12 앞으로 많은 분들이 오랫동안 함께하며
    더욱 다양하고 알찬 소식이 가득하며
    즐거움이 함께하는 공간이
    되길 항상 응원할게요

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