這是為猛男而造的車! 東風騎士917泥地越野挑戰,撞壞欄桿也要繼續挑戰!#M-Terrainev#m-hero917#越野

Mount up cry Wow! I said haha My word! The cow This license plate is so good Here we go ah Here we have M-Terrain 917 Super awesome M-Terrain 917 Oh, I don’t think so Do this You’re doing this Look at this Haven’t been up here in years Just got here I don’t know how many Go straight to the wall It’s so sideways Come to us M-Terrain 917 Old driver. You gonna do that Are you sure You have the skills to handle this Not getting down is harder than getting up It’s a lot harder. Look at it This old driver I won’t say any more The master is also tough and doesn’t talk much Direct drying well More technical How is he? Where did he come from He is from Hunan Zhuzhou, Hunan Province Zhuzhou, his Zhuzhou I wonder where he ranks in this technology That doesn’t make the list It’s not a name I don’t think I’m on the list Cars can be named Do It What are the people who drive M-Terrain 917 afraid of Is that right? Go down. Why? It’s more difficult It’s gonna be hard to get down there oh It has rear-wheel steering Let’s see if we can get through it Hit you first Look ahead Go ahead, go ahead Go ahead Go back To the right It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. You have to stop scaring him It’s not really a problem The more you talk, the more scared he gets You know, ask. No big problem Master, is there a big problem So there’s no big problem What’s the problem Bobo, you just you go straight down Just get over it. It’s okay go Don’t be afraid. Go away Opposite direction Take a walk Turn the direction Turn the direction Pass it by I’m going in the right direction It’s time to turn What are you afraid of Isn’t it? Ah, it’s not a pass Just over You don’t stop doing it Okay, you ride under the ditch Go inside the ditch Down into the ditch Below surface Go down the ditch Go in the ditch in the direction Go inside the ditch Go down into the ditch Yeah, afraid of what go footboard Be careful Yeah, it’s okay. It’s okay. Have nothing to do It’s okay. Don’t panic Dare not touch him already Because he can’t ride that way Afraid of him, you know This usually goes down the ditch It’s already up That’s fine. Well, then you’re going back a little bit In fact, it can be done I don’t know where I’m going It’s not going in the right direction Yes, yes, yes Or get down Or on Or fall down It’s actually fine So, uh, what about the upside down movement M-Terrain 917 I want you to put it in the right direction Don’t hit it backwards under the hook Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Spell it for him Give him his hands Wait a minute. Wait a minute It’s okay. It’s okay. Already down It’s already down Here is a piece of the past Hit right Hit right Right, right, right, right Get the direction right To the right Hit right Yes, yes, yes, to the right Yeah, that’s actually the way it started Okay. Okay It’s okay. Gone, gone Let’s go. Let’s go Let him still be a fierce man Come on. The quality is good The bars aren’t even out of shape Okay, okay. That’s enough Oh, my God. Here. Here. Trailer This goes that way I can’t help it. His side bar has that Because he can’t walk to that place anymore It’s better if he goes inside Go up and inside He’s not gonna make it down there I left Just pull back and drive up Turn around Turn around I think you’re scared You’re scared Drive up. Turn around here Turn around and go up here Don’t tell me this four-wheel-drive is still okay It’s like walking on smooth ground Turn around Come up from here Turn off the fire for nothing running Oh, oh, that’s it Tune pattern Put it in the worst possible mode Let’s see if he can do it How do you think Hosovietl behaved when he saw this car I said Star Cross l will do What’s the matter? You don’t say This car is really okay Look stable ah right well Was he just rising right In fact, he should have risen when he came down Yes, yes, no. His pedal’s not out of shape. It’s fine What do you think? Whoa, no, no. Just ride on the crossbar Yeah, come up like that Yes, yes, yes. On like this It’s okay. Just do it It’s all right Have nothing to do Cross axis It’s all just one kick away Come up haha You want him to fuck you and you’re scared Okay, pour it again Reverse it. Reverse it You, uh you know, this is normal This is normal He’s got the skills There’s no point in that technology You know what? He’s gonna do it anyway Slow down when you’re done No more mopping No more mopping Mopping the floor No cross axis too big Your, uh, the trench is too deep Mop the floor as soon as you get in Then you’re on the side On the way He’s a good guy who can roll a box So slow down No, he would. He’ll fall You see when he’s gone you’ll know he’s off the ground It works with your other cross axes Took the outermost circle Ah him He won’t do anything He can’t walk Do you know Or ride a crossover bike Hey, why can’t we walk here This is even the road Well, don’t fall in that hole Ah, M-Terrain 917 is still not good for playing in the mud Yesterday. Yesterday. We’ve been getting a lot of cars up here lately It’s not just Tule Our that Uh, guard. Tank 300 ah Everybody up here. Wow haha Wow! I said haha My word! This torque is still okay This car or Drive it Akh akh At the most critical point It’s the wrong way round It fell in the wrong direction This place 99% of that car is the wrong way around anyway the You made it to the first hole So this is not a pit Oh look This is about getting some guts No, he — he fell into a hole He’s used to putting up with it I think there’s no oil in the electricity Hey, don’t tell me he’s got a great license plate Wow, just now. 917 M-Terrain 917. That’s a hell of a plate Here we go ah Here we are ah ah ah cry ah You can’t go. You can’t go Maybe we should hang him with a winch I’ll hang the winch for you Don’t hang the footdoor The kids won’t let them see it right Are you hanging your feet right Right right right coming ah That’s a hell of a license plate 58917 Take a look you Not engage in ah Prepare for rescue. That’s not yours Not yours and someone else’s You can’t flip it It’s such a big tree ah Have not arrived Will scrape the finish You know that’s not necessary We new source old driver see this situation how Evaluate it. That’s what you do with cars, man Our warrior collector The old driver said it was easy to watch on video We need this now. Harvard H9 rescue H5 or H9 There’s nothing wrong with this video right Groan or groan He’s got a pretty heavy car Your rope is strong You don’t want to break the rope It’s gonna be a double wound Ah, right, right. Why is it leaking in here That’s fine. The glass water Is the kettle high uh-oh You can’t buy What dogs! dog ah 917 doesn’t have a hook Where is he hanging? He himself has It has a place to hang it But we can’t hang it up. No cough Akh akh He’s a winch Let the winch ride for a while Right right right You got in the car by yourself I am a car The driver got on the bus. Ok. I’m going to make some money right away All you have to do is pull into the pit Pull the front of me into the pit Just pull the front of him into the pit There’s someone in your car There’s someone on your waist It’s not his leg cough Move again, move again ah Uninserted wheel You’re not going to do any eyebrow rolling or anything, are you Just wait till you get it in the ditch Gas up the car Winch in, winch in It won’t move there The car ran out of gas Mules refueling Mule I want to catch oil Chasing the sheep good yes Okay, fourth floor. Back point I hit the other way around It’s the wrong way round It went the other way. It went the other way Be nice to Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go Let me flip the table Oh, pull it. Pull it And pull and pull and pull and pull and pull and pull ah Take more, take more, take more, take more, take more Pull it in, pull it in the grass well well I got it. I got the winch He wants you to put some gas in and take a look Move along Yeah, yeah, take a walk in the pit Come on. Go ahead and hang him for you Go a little further Tell him to hang it for you And then you fall back Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait He hung it for you You hit it all the way back ah You didn’t hang it up for him first Hang it for him first Pull a little bit of you You hit it full in the opposite direction Back point You take a look or It’s not gonna make it. It’s not gonna make it A little, a little, a little As good as gold He could have used some angles Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I can’t get it down until I get it down The naughtiest rapper of "The Flower Road Of Youth" Swing right and left into the pit See if you can put it in the pit Hey, don’t fall. Don’t fall. No Be going to collapse Don’t fall down. You’re never gonna fall in a straight line Okay, that’s it. So much for the back-and-forth Untie the rope Got the rope Get the rope first the Go down and walk and follow the route Yeah, that’s right Yes yes This is the Angle Shifu must be scared I’m not gonna do it Maybe some other time It might be a little difficult today Come another time Yeah, it’s a little difficult today Come another time Yeah, that’s a little hard You can shoot a jump shot here You can shoot jump shots here That torque is still there When you get down, go in the ditch Because you can’t leave The circle on the outside It’s getting a little harder without going down But you just did it once I won’t tell you what to do down there Ah, challenge failure We’ll come back next time 917 My goodness haha ha My goodness He won’t be able to take that route He had to go in the ditch It’s okay to walk in the ditch He he goes there on purpose It’s easy for him to go sideways when he’s not in control Yeah, right. It’s okay to walk straight into the ditch Can’t go Can’t go that way Yep. Come on, brother He’s coming down. Just go If you can’t scrape in, you’re off the side He wanted to come down. He didn’t dare Okay, you can go You can’t go in there without you When you’re full of gas, you’re going up the hill It’s best to go down the ditch Ah, right, right, right That’s where you’re going to end up It’s not a big deal to walk a mile, huh You don’t you don’t put your foot on the brake Slow down, slow down Where are you It’s like they’re risking their lives No, no, no, no. Come down He has this pedal to his passing sex or I don’t think it’s necessary to make a pedal like an SUV desirable You can still get a bumper You don’t want to make a reverse wave I don’t think so Go away Hey, how come here? Is the car this wide Not too bad You’ve been so high up here that you’ve I saw this. Brother, I see you are sweating You must have been nervous Dude, I’m not nervous I eat betel nut I told you I wasn’t so nervous about eating betel nut Ah, the lion Failed today Let’s see if we have a lion master Well, I guess that’s the only way to go Great officials are welcome to become Buddhas The new moon teacher Officially, you can’t get any rain Ah, rain, not even the authorities So what do you think of the warrior Yes, yes. Yes yes Maybe you should run It was a good run to get there Ah, that’s fine Come when you have time But I said the driver did The authorities may not climb up either We’ll see if the authorities can get up here Welcome to Guan Chengbo Let’s see you later

這是為猛男而造的車! 東風騎士917泥地越野挑戰,撞壞欄桿也要繼續挑戰!#M-Terrainev#warrior917#越野


  1. Прошу организатора протестировать на этом сложном участке старую русский автомобиль "НИВА БРОНТО"😊

  2. ماهذا اين كانت عقول الفنيين عندما صنعو هذه السيارة اما كان الاجذدر بهم ان يضعون ونش السحب الكهربائي في المقدمه هذا خطأ لايغتفر بما انها مصممة لمثل هذه الطرق كان لزام عليهم اضافة الونش

  3. после такого эмоционального видео, мне срочно надо выпить успокаительные капли грамм 200 😊

  4. 我的天哪!又一名一流車十九流的車手!拜托! 先補点课再来走泥路吧!就算给他全世界最好的4驱车都没用,下坡車前輪差不多都要断了还猛踏油衝也不会稍轉直前輪可以说这車硬是了得'但司机真得為他难过!

  5. Over the time I have developed special love for Chinese SUVs. Affordable, reliable and state of the art….. Not sure why these are not offered to the Pakistani market. I'm sick and tired of seeing Japanese cars.

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