桜🌸 Sakura  さくら ① 大阪府八尾市玉串川沿い (5/4/2024)  #桜 #Sakura  #さくら #大阪府 #八尾市 #玉串川





The cherry blossom carries the fate of quickly scattering away.

There is a saying by Kamo no Chōmei: “The flowing river never stops and yet the water never stays the same.” This phrase illustrates the passage of time and its inherent transience.

Similarly, the cherry blossom, like a river flowing through its lifespan, undergoes constant change. Its beautiful petals gracefully scatter in the wind, resembling the flow of water on the surface, ultimately disappearing.

The sight of cherry blossoms falling embodies the aesthetic concept of “wabi” in Japanese culture. Wabi represents a beautiful sentiment that coexists with beauty, transience, and solitude. The image of cherry blossoms wilting and withering touches upon a fundamental human sense of life’s ephemeral nature. Yet, within this process lies a profound beauty, which indeed epitomizes the essence of wabi.

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