
Hello everyone Today, I will introduce you to a car ferry that connects the islands of the Seto Inland Sea. Please watch till the end. Hello everyone. Today I will introduce you to a car ferry that goes from Sakari Port on Omishima Island to Tadanoumi Port in Hiroshima Prefecture. Many tourists use this ferry, and there is an island called Okunoshima on the way, It also has the negative side of being an island where poison gas weapons were used during World War II. But now it has completely changed its appearance and is now a rabbit island. I would like to go on board by car. Today’s place is the calm Seto Inland Sea. If you go overland from Omishima to Takehara City, you will take the Shimanami Kaido highway. It’s a long circuit, but if you take the ferry from Sakari Port to Tadanoumi Port, you can significantly shorten the distance. However, in terms of the time required, there isn’t much of a difference. The laid-back atmosphere of the ferry terminal is nice! The Seto Inland Sea is dotted with many small islands, and ferries have been an important means of transportation both in the past and now. There are no waves in the Seto Inland Sea, so car ferries like this are common I was little, too . , I lived in Onomichi, so when I think of a car ferry, this is what it looks like. Now that the boat has arrived, let’s get back to the car! The vehicle deck is open and it’s great that you can easily board the ship even by car! You can see the Tatara Ohashi Bridge that connects Omishima and Setoda. Omishima is very famous as the island of the gods, especially the Oyamazumi Shrine, which is visited by many worshipers. Okuno is famous as the rabbit island. This ship, which also calls at the island, has rabbit decorations… It is said that this small island in the Seto Inland Sea used to be the top of a mountain long time ago. Todat, I actually have something in Takehara City, and there is a grave of the Oto family in Takehara. Before returning to Qatar, I’m going to visit a grave to see my ancestors. Now I can see Okunoshima, which is famous as Rabbit Island. There’s a very long line of passengers, but I think it’s OK for this ferry. Today I’m going to visit a grave. So I won’t be stopping by Okunoshima. I wish I could have done a report on Okunoshima… It’s amazing! Synchronize perfectly on both sides! This ship is full of tourists today Okunoshima used to have a poison gas factory, so it is called This island , which was once called “an island erased from the map.” because, there ware poison gas factories. still has the negative legacies of the war, such as the ruins of artillery batteries, power plants, and poison gas storage facilities. You can see Mt. Kurotaki, where you can see the Kannon-do hall from the Kamakura period and 33 stone Buddha statues. Sakari port on Omishima Island Unlike, this one is all about rabbits. In addition to ferries, there are sightseeing boats that go to Okunoshima. Tickets can be purchased from vending machines. Before you go to the island, don’t forget to have a rabbit snack. This sweet is for me I love soft-serve ice cream as a snack, so I eat it everywhere! The souvenir shop in Tadanoumi and the boarding ticket office are very stylish. Port of Omishima is a bit laid-back, and it has a nice atmosphere… The Tadanoumi side actually reflects Hiroshima’s commercial ideas. This is a night light that has been standing since the Edo period and has been designated as a Japanese heritage site. Tadanoumi Port has very good access to Tadanoumi Station on the JR Kure Line, so it is convenient for those coming by train. When you think of Takehara City, you cannot miss the townscape preservation district. The sea of ​​the Seto Inland Sea, the beauty of the islands, is beautiful, isn’t it? In my mind, when I think of the sea, there are many islands floating off the coast…I imagine a calm sea like this, Sea of ​​Japan or the Pacific Ocean, You can see the horizon and the rough waves… well, it gets a little scary for me. Takehara, the town of bamboo. Takehara is actually a sake brewery. The most famous one is Taketsuru, which became famous on TV drama of Massan (NHK). There are many other sake breweries as well. I came to visit the grave of Oto family. In fact, the grave of the Oto family is located at a temple at the end of the Takehara Townscape Preservation District. I’m glad I showed this townscape preservation district in a YouTube video before. Please have a look at that as well. What do you think about car ferry trip in the Seto Inland Sea Why not take a weekend drive to Rabbit Island? Thank you for watching until the end. See you on the next trip. Goodbye.

皆さんこんにちは。今回は神の島と言われる大三島の北端にある盛港と竹原市の忠海港を結ぶ大三島フェリーの乗船レポートです。途中ウサギの島(Rabbit Island)として再度有名になった大久野島へも寄港するこのルートは、広島県側から大久野島を訪れる多くの観光客の主要なルートとなっています。
大三島はしまなみ海道で最も大きな島で、日本総鎮守の大山祇神社(おおやまづみじんじゃ)が鎮座する神の島です。 境内中央には樹齢約2,600年の神木である大楠が鎮座しており、神社内の楠群は日本最古の原始林社叢の楠群として、昭和26年に国の天然記念物に指定されています。
うさぎで有名になった大久野島は、竹原市の忠海港から船で約15分の位置にあります。 周囲約4kmのこの小島は、かつて毒ガス工場があったことから「地図から消された島」と呼ばれていました。 敗戦後は日本軍によって毒ガス兵器製造の証拠の多くが隠滅されましたが、 この歴史を忘れないために1988年に大久野島毒ガス資料館が建てられています。 島には今も砲台跡や発電所、毒ガス貯蔵庫などの戦争の負の遺産が存在しますが、現在は国立公園に指定され、約500~600羽ものうさぎが棲息することで知られており、国内外を問わず多くの観光客が癒しを求めて訪れています。
大久野島に渡らない人もとにかく寄ってほしいのが忠海港です。忠海は竹原同様古くから栄えた瀬戸内の港町です。その名前の由来ですが、平忠盛(平清盛の父)の名が由来となっています。 平忠盛(清盛に父)が1135年(保延元年)日宋貿易の航路である瀬戸内海の、忠海沖(当時「浦」)で海賊を捕らえた功績として、忠盛の二文字を分け、「浦」を忠海と、対岸の島である大三島を盛村と名づけたと伝えられています。

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