都内から日帰り500km、長野の桜巡りツーリング[Kawasaki W800 Street]

Yamate-dori, Shinjuku 5-chome Gas Station. I went touring to Nagano to see the cherry blossoms. I’m heading to Nagano via the Kan-Etsu Expressway and Joshin-Etsu Expressway. I will exit the highway at Saku IC, then pass through Komoro and Ueda, and finally, from Takato back to Shinjuku. I’ll leave later to see the cherry blossoms at night and return late. Metropolitan Expressway, Nakano Chojabashi Interchange. I’ll use the Metropolitan Expressway to get out of Tokyo. The roads are clear if you avoid the rush hours. Gaikan Expressway, Bijogi Junction. From the Metropolitan to the Gaikan, heading to the Kan-Etsu Expressway. Kan-Etsu Expressway, Niiza Toll Booth. I entered the Kan-Etsu Expressway without major traffic jams. Joshin-Etsu Expressway, Fujioka Junction. Entered the Joshin-Etsu Expressway and headed towards the mountainous areas of Nagano. Traffic decreases and the scenery becomes more peaceful. Joshin-Etsu Expressway, Shimonita Interchange. Near the Shimonita IC, many cherry trees are planted. When I drove by, the cherry trees were in full bloom. It’s a promising start to a cherry blossom viewing tour. Joshin-Etsu Expressway, Saku Interchange. I arrived in Saku in about 2 hours from Tokyo. Today’s tour starts from here. National Route 141, Komoro City, Mikaeshinden, Nagano Prefecture. From Saku IC, I head west on the national road towards Komoro. Komoro has a famous cherry blossom spot called "Kaikoen." National Route 141, Komoro City, Otome, Nagano Prefecture. Kaikoen is located on the site of Komoro Castle. It has historical remains and is designated as an Important Cultural Property. I arrived there in about 15 minutes from Saku IC. Komoro Kaikoen. A short walk from the parking lot brings you to the entrance of Kaikoen. The cherry blossoms at Kaikoen were just starting to bloom. Kaikoen is a place where cherry blossoms bloom later. If there are some blossoms at Kaikoen, other places are in full bloom. It’s a beautiful place, but this time I ended my visit quickly. I was able to check the blooming status at Kaikoen. Next, I will move towards Ueda. National Route 18, Komoro City, Hei, Nagano Prefecture. It was lunchtime before I realized it. I drive while looking for a place to eat. Komoro and Ueda have many soba restaurants. Today, I headed to a soba restaurant I often visit. It took about 15 minutes to get to the soba restaurant from Komoro Kaikoen. The restaurant is located off a residential street. It’s a soba restaurant that looks like an ordinary house. Soba Teahouse Sakura. Personally, it’s a soba restaurant I hope doesn’t become too popular. They offer a combined serving of country soba and Sarashina soba, delicious. A large serving is enough for two, but it’s easy to finish. I also like the seasonal vegetable tempura. I was satisfied with the tasty soba; now heading towards Ueda. Ueda City, Hon’umino, Toshimi, Nagano Prefecture. I took a small detour on the way to Ueda. In the past, this area’s roads were known as "Kita-kuni Kaido," and there were several post towns along it. Kita-kuni Kaido, Umino-shuku. Kita-kuni Kaido stretches from Karuizawa to Niigata, and splits from the Nakasendo at "Oiwake-shuku" in Karuizawa. "Oiwake" means "a fork in the road." The historical landscape has been restored and continues with a beautiful town view. There’s a water channel on the left, so be careful not to fall into it. National Route 152, Ueda City, Oya, Nagano Prefecture. After leaving Umino-shuku, I entered Ueda City. Ueda has a beautiful hill with flowers. It’s a facility where concerts are held, and the flowers, "daffodils and lavender," are also worth seeing. While riding my bike, I saw the yellow daffodils. I ride up the open hill. Shinshu International Music Village. Daffodils are planted ahead of the lavender fields. Daffodils are planted all over this scenic location. There are cherry trees too, and they were almost in full bloom. You can stroll through the park for free. Even on weekdays, many people visit here. A place where you can enjoy cherry blossoms and daffodils at the same time. It was a place where you could feel "spring." The scenic view is also an attractive feature of this place. You can enjoy a panorama of the Asama mountain range. I could see Umino-shuku, where I had just come from. Leaving the music village, I head towards the center of Ueda City. Ueda City, Komaki, Nagano Prefecture. In the center of Ueda City, there is "Ueda Castle." It was the fortress of the Sanada clan, renowned for repelling large armies multiple times. Ueda City, Tsuneda 1-chome, Nagano Prefecture. I ride along the Chikuma River towards the castle. Numerous cherry trees are planted at the castle site, and it becomes a bustling place during the spring season. Ueda Castle Ruins Parking Lot. The parking lot itself is a beautiful spot for cherry blossoms. The most beautiful cherry blossoms are around the moat of the main compound. The cherry blossoms blooming around the moat were beautiful. A flood of cherry blossoms, every shot is full of blossoms. The area around the moat was lively with food stalls. I walk around the castle. Yagura gates and cherry blossoms, a scene like something out of a historical drama. Everywhere inside the castle is filled with dazzling cherry blossoms. It was a place where I could fully enjoy the cherry blossoms in full bloom. Leaving Ueda Castle, I head to the next location. Next, I will cross the mountains towards Matsumoto. Nagano Prefectural Road 65, Ueda City, Shimonogo, Nagano Prefecture. There is a distance of about 50km between Ueda and Matsumoto. The two are separated by mountains geographically. National Route 254, Ueda City, Higashuchi, Nagano Prefecture. Gradually, I enter the mountainous roads. Surrounded by mountains, I ride through the scant flat land. I can see the pastoral landscape of the mountainous area. The road continues as a comfortable two-lane road through tunnels. National Route 254, Matsumoto City, Shimouchi, Nagano Prefecture. I entered Matsumoto City in just over an hour from Ueda. I can see Matsumoto’s plain, formed by rivers such as the Azusa River. Road along the Azusa River, Matsumoto City, Shimouchi, Nagano Prefecture. Matsumoto has several famous spots for cherry blossoms. "The road along the Azusa River" is one of the beautiful spots for cherry blossoms. Unfortunately, the cherry blossoms were not blooming yet when I visited. This area is a good spot for taking photos of motorcycles and cherry blossoms. This time, I gave up and headed to another famous cherry blossom spot. National Route 158, Matsumoto City, Niimura, Nagano Prefecture. Weeping cherry trees tend to bloom a bit earlier, so I decided to look for a famous spot for weeping cherry trees. From a distance, I could see a place where the cherry trees were in full bloom. It’s a temple famous for its weeping cherry trees. An’y?ji’s weeping cherry trees. I visited at a time when the setting sun was beautifully illuminating the area. Beautiful cherry blossoms were visible even before entering the temple grounds. The cherry blossoms were shining under the shallow angle of the setting sun. Many splendid weeping cherry trees are planted here. The area in front had been prepared for a water mirror reflection. It would look very beautiful with water filled. The sun was gradually setting. The sun sank behind the mountains, and the quiet temple was comforting. Now, I’m finally heading towards today’s destination. Takato is about 60km from Matsumoto. Takato’s castle ruins are particularly famous as a cherry blossom spot. Higashichikuma County, Yamagata Village, Nagano Prefecture. The plains around Matsumoto are covered with fields. I drive towards the sunset. Matsumoto City, Imai, Nagano Prefecture. Visiting Takato’s cherry blossoms during the day is enjoyable, but since they are beautiful at night, I adjust my timing while driving. National Route 153, Shiojiri City, Nagano Prefecture. It was after 6 PM, and the sky was getting dark. National Route 153, Minowa Town, Kamiina County, Nagano Prefecture. By 7 PM, it was completely night, a good time. National Route 361, Ina City, Takato Town, Nagano Prefecture. I arrived in Takato after 7:30 PM. At this time of year, Takato feels a bit like a festival. You can see the lights of lanterns on the central mountain. There’s a parking lot at the top of the mountain. I follow the directions to the motorcycle parking area. Takato Castle Park Sakura Festival. I carry a tripod to the event venue. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, and they looked spectacular with the lights. The famous ‘Sakura Cloud Bridge,’ it looks very beautiful against the backlight. There are lights everywhere, and the venue is bright. At Takato Castle Ruins, there’s a beautiful place called ‘Kagami Pond.’ The cherry blossoms reflected on the water surface are beautiful. It was breathtakingly beautiful cherry blossoms. The reflection was so clear it was hard to tell which was the water surface. It was around 9 PM, but many people were still viewing the cherry blossoms. The lively food stalls added to the fun. The dam was lit up, and the whole town was festive. Takato’s cherry blossoms, I saw some very good blossoms. The cherry blossoms were so beautiful that I stayed late. At this hour, there’s no traffic, so I’ll return via the expressway. National Route 152, Tsue Pass, Ina City, Takato Town, Nagano Prefecture. From Takato, I’ll cross the pass heading towards Suwa. The road is dark without streetlights. National Route 20, Chino City, Miyakawa, Nagano Prefecture. After crossing the pass, the town around Lake Suwa spreads out. There are 24-hour stores available for dinner. It’s cold at night, so I’ll warm up before heading back. Kurumaya Ramen, Suwa Store. Reliable and trusted, negi miso chashu. After a good rest, I’ll enter the expressway. Chuo Expressway, Suwa Interchange. From here, I’ll head straight back to Shinjuku non-stop. Chuo Expressway, Futaba Junction. Chuo Expressway, Fujino Parking Area. Chuo Expressway, Hachioji Toll Booth. Metropolitan Expressway, Eifuku Toll Booth. Metropolitan Expressway, Hatsudai Interchange. Finally, I’ve returned to Shinjuku. Today, I fully enjoyed Nagano’s cherry blossoms. Yamate-dori, Nishi-Shinjuku Gas Station. Cherry blossoms are a flower that requires precise timing, but I hope this video serves as a reference for the right time and place. Thank you for watching until the end.

google maps:https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1DxlxnLddwQurkhzKdKLnDfqhx1sMNlc&usp=sharing

00:00 コースの紹介
00:32 高速道路で移動
01:45 小諸の懐古園へ
03:18 蕎麦茶屋 さくら
04:28 海野宿を経て信州国際音楽村へ
06:55 上田城跡
08:30 松本へ移動し安養寺へ
11:24 高遠城址公園の夜桜へ
14:01 高速道路で帰宅
15:42 費用や燃費の紹介


  1. 今回のツーリングの服装計画(20240410)


     Powerage コンフォートライダース



     KUSHITANI エクスプローラジーンズ



     おたふく手袋 夏用インナー



     モンベル WIC.ドライタッチ ロングスリーブシャツ



     ガエルネ 防水ブーツ



     Powerage 防水・防風・透湿インナー



     GOLDWIN レインウェア Gベクター


  2. いつ見ても一日の距離が凄いそして夜もいとわずに、我々シニヤ世代には、夜間の走りは辛いものがあります。いつも楽しく見てます。😮😊

  3. 今回のルート、今年はもう無理ですけど、来年の参考にさせて頂きます🏍

  4. 上田は某小説の影響でいつか行ってみたい憧れの地なのですが、なかなか機会がありません。
    gasoさん今年の夏はどちらへ行かれるのですか? 私は北海道、最北端を目指します。

  5. 抜群の時期の高遠でしたね。長距離の疲れも吹っ飛ぶ眺めだったのかと。ところで気温はどのようなツールで記録しているんでしょうか?高低差や気温の記録ツールを揃えたくて。

  6. 「待ってました」の情報でした。桜の時期のツーリング情報。「夜桜」とは。「幻想的ですばらしい」の一言です。春を走ってる感満載で、待ち望んでいた通りの情報でした。素敵な情報を、有り難うこざいました。一日500㎞とは、凄すぎます。gasoさん!

  7. 今年はW800street納車されたので高遠の桜を見に行こうと思ったのですが天気に恵まれず行けなかったので動画を見ていった気分になります、ありがとうございます!

  8. 安養寺の枝垂桜は見事ですね。画角や構図で更に良いものとして見せてもらっています。
    来年あたり行ってみようと思います。 いつも綺麗な画像をありがとうございます。

  9. 毎回楽しみにしてます。gasoさんと同じstreetが廃盤になってしまったのでメグロを購入しました!携帯の工具やパンク対策はどうしているのですか?

  10. 帰りが深夜になってお疲れ様でした。安養寺の桜を観に行かれるとはなかなかですね また緑の深くなったシーズンにいらしてください

  11. この時期にしては暑い中いい旅動画をありがとうございます。

  12. gasoさん

  13. 蕎麦好きにとっては、蕎麦茶屋さくらが頭から離れませんww

  14. 今回の動画でわりと近所の風景が写ったので(群馬)なんか新鮮でした(笑)

  15. 安養寺の枝垂れ桜🌸、

  16. 帰りの高速は深夜割引でとてもリーズナブルですね。八ヶ岳とは違った趣のあるルートなんで是非ためしてみます。

  17. お疲れ様でした

  18. いつも楽しく動画見てます🎥凄い体力❗️羨ましいです😂自分はそこまで単車で走れませんね😅素敵な桜ありがとございました♪

  19. 初めましてこんにちはようこそいらしゃいました、私は高遠城址に近い伊那圏内に住んでいる者です、偶々youtubeを見て居ましたらgasoさんが配信されて居る動画を拝見させて貰いました、各地の桜は如何でしたかこれからも安全運転で頑張ってください😊

  20. 毎回そうですが、特に今回の桜の写真はどれ見ても圧巻でした!すばらしい!以前短期間ですが上田に住んだことがあるので、懐かしく拝見しました 

  21. 安養寺の桜を見に来るとは、なかなかコアですね。

  22. gasoさんのツーリングルートを走ってみたいのですが、グーグルマイマップからどうすればナビアプリなどに表示できるのでしょうか。google mapのアプリではどうもうまくできず、なかなか苦戦しています。。。

  23. 高遠の駐車場は、自分の母校の校庭だった所です。529キロは流石ですね。自分は実家が近いので一泊です。ケツが痛くて、とても日帰りする気にはなれません。

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