
Ah Xian went over to help his father move things
But he was pushed away by his father
He stood there blankly
Although my father often beat and scolded me
He still couldn’t bear that his father was too tired
But his father interrupted him
Ask him if I will embarrass you for the rest of your life
can you tell me why
It’s because I look ugly
Or is it because of my job?
The boy said it was none of these reasons
Father said again that I wanted to support you
Working hard 365 days a year
Although I was not a good person before
but as your father
I have a clear conscience
Now I have nothing
You are my only pride
But you think I’m embarrassing you
The boy suddenly hugged his father
At this time, Uncle Haoxi also appeared.
After a day of exhaustion
Uncle Yin Quan returned home
Uncle Haoxi is sitting at the top of the stairs.
Just finished arguing with A-yin
He no longer has the energy to fight Uncle Haoxi
So let him go back to his home
Just when Uncle Yin Quan opened the door
Uncle Haoxi walked in without saying a word.
At this time, Uncle Yin Quan’s anger was suddenly ignited again.
The moment he turned on the light
Uncle Haoxi turned around silently
Then he knelt in front of him
This kneeling made Uncle Yin Quan silent.
He took out a bottle of soju
This is probably how men relieve their worries.
Needless to say
It’s all in the wine
In the end, Uncle Haoxi gave up.
To them
This life may be so ordinary
But he doesn’t want his children to be criticized
Uncle Yin Quan said angrily: Who dares to do this to our children?
you tell me
I’ll teach him a lesson
Uncle Haoxi listed them all one by one.
Including Shiji blacksmith Lao Jin and Aunt Ci
There is also an old man selling ice cubes.
When asked who else
Uncle asked Uncle Yin Quan to apologize to him
Only then did Uncle Yin Quan realize his mistake
He sincerely apologized to Uncle Haoxi
A simple thank you
Let the two reconcile
Then Uncle Haoxi said that he
Uncle Yin has been sent home
So please forgive Ah Xian too
Uncle Yin Quan did not respond
Just let Uncle Haoxi go back first
before leaving
Uncle Haoxi still took the initiative to say that.
But Uncle Yin Quan asked him to call himself
This kind of reversal made it difficult for Uncle Haoxi to adapt to it.
The two eventually reconciled
Then Uncle Yin Quan called Ah Xian
Tell him to feel aggrieved before he comes back
Say thank you to the old ladies
The next day Ah Xian was waiting for Yin Zhu at the door
The two looked at each other and smiled
Yin Zhu handed him a piece of cake
This is a blessing in disguise for them
Finally, it was recognized by everyone
Ah Xian said to Yin Zhu at this time
just yesterday
He was officially hired by the restaurant
Then say to the baby
Will their life always be so sweet in the future?
Let’s watch it together
A busy day is over
The dog hummed and felt happy
When he went to the laundry room to wash clothes and eat instant noodles
sit at the door
Notice the kids playing video games on the street corner
Look up at the game arcade opposite
Can’t help but recall the past
At that time, Shan Ya always spent time in the game arcade
He doesn’t care when people around him talk to him.
I can’t stand the things sitting in the back.
At this time, some classmates came over to find trouble.
Shan Ya walked out silently
As soon as Shan Ya left
The thing stood up immediately
As soon as I walked to the door, I was beaten violently.
But the thing doesn’t fight back at all
Shan Ya came back from shopping and pretended not to see it.
After being beaten, things behaved as if nothing had happened.
Then go back to playing games
At this time, Shan Ya handed him a bottle of milk
He also gave Shan Ya a chocolate bar distressedly
After being beaten like that, you can still eat and play at the same time
So calm
All I can say is that he is a tough guy
When leaving the arcade
It started to rain outside
Dongxi asked Shanya if she needed a lift.
Shan Ya nodded quietly
The thing carefully helped her put on the helmet
After getting in the car
Shan Ya hugged something
Thing immediately asked her
The two of them had happy smiles on their faces
Back to real hotel
If you get wet, change your clothes here.
Then the hotel owner asked him
Who was the woman that was brought?
The thing told him not to worry about it
That woman drove out two days ago
Haven’t been back for three days
The boss is worried that the thing will do something stupid
After hearing about it, Dongxi rushed directly into Shan Ya’s room.
See all personal belongings are still there
But the person has disappeared
Dongxi hurriedly dialed Shan Ya’s phone number
No one answered the phone
He immediately went out to find Shan Ya
First we went to the place where Shan Ya jumped into the sea before.
I looked around and saw no one.
in anxiety
He thought about where Shan Ya might go
The boy asked his mother to look at his injuries
Mother turned a blind eye
What is the deep hatred between them?
Shan Ya came home and saw her father and uncle fighting.
In desperation, I had to buy something to stay with me for one night.
back to room
It is convenient for boys to change clothes for girls
Covered with quilt
Worried that the girl will be cold
Wrap the girl in quilt again
At this time the girl asked
The boy didn’t answer
Just let him lie down
Then the boy said that he was actually very strong
Ever since my mother became someone else’s little wife
He just wants his mother to see him covered in scars
feel sad
At this moment, the boy felt unprecedented warmth
I saw the girl shivering from the cold
The boy silently hugged him from behind
Returning to Shan Ya’s childhood home with the help of memories
But time has changed everything
Everything around has changed
At this time, Shan Ya finally responded to the call
He learned that Shan Ya was in the place where he was a child
He drove the car to the door
Seeing everything around Shan Yahe in front of me
Her mood was touched again
Thinking back to my childhood
Fishing scene at the beach
I accidentally saw a classmate holding up his pants in a hurry
Walking out of a restaurant
Curious, I walked over to see what happened.
I found out that the girl inside was actually Shan Ya.
Seeing this scene, he ran desperately
He doesn’t understand why Shan Ya does this
Then I found that classmate
He usually doesn’t do much, and he completely lost control today.
The boy was beaten so hard that he could not fight back
All the classmates who had bullied him came to watch
He was also beaten severely
The thing was beating that classmate like crazy
Shan Ya’s behavior made his fist more powerful
The two have never seen each other since then
This past incident made him determined to turn around and leave.
Shan Ya, who was alone, seemed to understand
on the way back
Dongxi received a call from Shan Ya
He asked him when he was still a student
why should you face him
Shan Ya didn’t give him an answer
Thing said angrily
He was just an 18-year-old boy at that time
Only when I’m with Shan Ya
to feel carefree
He just wants Shan Ya to give him a clear answer
But Shan Ya still remained silent
This makes things angry again
if you want to die
Just go somewhere else and die quietly.
Why at this time?
appear in front of me
both in the past and now
I can’t ignore your existence
He begged Shan Ya to start from today
please stay away from my life
I hung up the phone angrily.
Shan Ya is on the other end of the phone
Don’t care about how things are vented
Continue to breathe casually
But in the end he decided to give things an answer
The thing immediately turned around and went back to look for him
After getting off the bus, go directly to Shan Ya
Then ask
Why did you have a relationship with that classmate back then?
Shan Ya just looked at him silently
Dongxi continued to ask if it was you who took the initiative.
Still being
The classmate forced Shan Ya to remain silent.
Finally told the truth
This makes things even more incomprehensible
It turns out that Shan Ya also liked this thing at that time
So he can’t let himself love others
and someone who loves him to destroy himself
hear this answer
Something feels choked
Then Shan Ya said
Actually they didn’t have sex
Because that classmate is afraid that things will know the truth
So I stopped halfway through taking off my clothes.
He was said to be a gangster at that time
Just to stop things from getting impulsive
And Shan Ya didn’t call the police either.
Just want to scare him
As for why Shan Ya wanted to destroy herself at that time
Because he wants his father to fail
able to bounce back
something for one’s past behavior
Now he feels very guilty about Shan Ya’s attitude
But Shan Ya has always understood
Although he looks rude
Very gentle at heart
Dongxi asked how Shanya had been these past years.
Shan Ya looked at the slightly bright sky
Invite things to watch the sunrise together
They recalled the past at the beach
Dongxi learns that Shanya suffers from depression
Two people I thought I’d never see again
An unexpected reunion in Jeju Island
Maybe because the other person is a thing
He can talk so calmly
Dongxi asked about the reason for Shan Ya’s divorce.
Shan Ya replied that her ex-husband could not accept his depression
After hearing this, things cursed
Severely condemning Shan Ya’s ex-husband
Feeling unfair for Shan Ya
If you see him
You must teach him a lesson
Shan Ya was amused by his momentum
Then he said that he should learn how to curse people.
That looks so relieved
Just scold me if you say something.
No need to learn at all
Shanya couldn’t say a bad word for a long time
The things were demonstrated on the spot
After cursing for a while
Things move away silently
At this time Shanya faces the sea
Leave all your worries behind
Release the depression in your heart
She had endured this before
Too much hope that things will get better under the care of things
Becoming so weird after relying on things
Shan Ya’s appearance made him change his previous temper
The company of things made Shan Ya smile more.
He no longer frowns
After finishing my busy day’s work, I went directly to Shan Ya’s house.
Seriously help Shan Ya decorate the house
Shan Ya casually gave him a like
And feed him carefully
Such a warm and sweet scene
I hope they can always be together
Please rest 1
Shan Ya told things
I’m going back to Seoul next week to file a lawsuit with my ex-husband.
If the lawsuit is won
He will bring the children over immediately
Dongxi asked what to do if the lawsuit was lost.
Gentleman is amazing
Shan Ya’s answer made things feel quite scary.
Don’t always think of the worst
In the end, you are always the one who is sad
Maybe Shan Ya is unwilling to face failure
Dongxi asked again if the lawsuit was lost.
Will you ever do something stupid?
Shan Ya still insists that she will not lose
Faced with Shan Ya’s stubbornness
I have no choice but to accept things
Until things saw the horses on the grassland
He asked Shan Ya’s child if he liked horses
The answer is definitely yes
Shan Ya bought a pony toy for her child before
The child likes that toy very much
Dongxi suggested going horse riding with Shan Ya.
Ke Shanya wants to decorate the house first
But whenever I think of something, I want to do it immediately
Seeing Shanya standing still
The thing kept honking the horn to urge her.
In the end, Shanya had no choice but to agree.
Arrive at the racecourse
Shan Ya just looked at things quietly and rode horses
Because of the upcoming lawsuit
he feels very nervous
How to face worries
Child is afraid of missing the flyer
But something told him not to think about it first
try to relax yourself
Seeing Shan Ya is not interested at all
Things will no longer be forced
Then ask Shan Ya to help record a horse riding video
Shan Ya reluctantly agreed
Seeing this grown man who is almost 40 still so childish
Shan Ya couldn’t help but laugh
The thing made Shan Ya take a photo with Ma again
Although Shan Ya smiled
But the smile is a bit forced
This makes things feel uncomfortable again
He demonstrated it on the spot
It immediately made Shan Ya laugh.
I think it’s only when I’m around things
Only Shan Ya would be so happy
on the way back
Shan Ya, who had been looking at the waves, said she felt dizzy
Just tell him not to look at the things
Today is the 100th day since he and his children were separated
Wearing beautiful lipstick
I want to show my most perfect self to my children later.
I saw the children walking out of the classroom one after another
He couldn’t wait to stand at the school gate
At this time his son Xiaoli came out
he walks forward
I gave the gift I bought to my son.
I saw it was my mother
The child took the initiative to hug him
He felt extremely happy at this moment
Seeing Shan Ya being so close to her child
Dong Dong is also really happy for him
Later, Shan Ya took her children to the underwater world
Facing various underwater creatures
Children still love the pony given by their mother the most
Seeing the child like ponies so much
Shan Ya took out the photos of riding horses with things before
When a child sees a real horse
Keep making envious sounds
When I turned to the photo of mother and horse
Shan Ya told her children to go together next time
So he didn’t ride a bike
The child’s praise made him smile from ear to ear.
And the East and West are waiting to receive the single pension.
And reunited with old friends whom I haven’t seen for many years
He brags about driving a pickup truck
Earn 10 million won a month
My friends all laughed after hearing this
Everyone thinks he is bragging
He then took out a pile of cash from his pocket
The envious eyes of his friends satisfied his vanity
Maybe it’s because I finally have someone worth waiting for
His life seems to have more warmth
At this time, Shan Ya was enjoying the time with her son
Good time alone
Apparently he has forgotten the agreement he made with his ex-husband
He was supposed to go home before 9 o’clock
It turned out that it was not until 11 o’clock
His ex-husband looked at him with disdain
And things are already waiting at the door early
When the ex-husband was about to take over the child
But Shan Ya said just carry the child to the door.
My ex-husband is very dissatisfied that he still has no sense of time
But at the door
Shan Ya changed her mind again
He asked his husband to let the children sleep with him tonight
He naively said that after winning the lawsuit
You can ask your ex-husband to pick up the children at any time in the future
Just when her ex-husband took the child away from Shan Ya,
child’s cry
Let his hateful depression come back again
He pulled the child’s arm frantically
After seeing the thing next to him, he immediately got out of the car
At this time, Shan Ya slapped the car window crazily
Something came forward and grabbed him
Shanya stood alone in front of the window after returning home
Everything around me becomes dim again
Just today
He completely lost custody of his son
All this is because I have depression
Lee Dong-seok enjoys a delicious meal in the restaurant
Shan Ya is still immersed in the pain of the day
It’s sad to lose the lawsuit
But life must go on
For Shan Ya
This is no consolation
Because things cannot be fully understood
She can’t even take care of herself now
How is it possible to take care of children?
on the way home
Shan Ya’s mind is filled with children’s matters
He feels guilty for hurting his son yesterday
Dongxi suggested that he call and apologize directly.
But he is afraid that the child will really hate him
I’m so scared
The thing persuaded him to think of something else
Don’t be too pushy
Think about the above
Want to find a good lawyer
Find a reliable lawyer
I’m thinking about building a house to live with my son.
you still have a lot to do
But he felt he couldn’t do it
Because children mean everything to him
Shanya pleads with Dongxi to help
Looking at poor Shan Ya while helping him with things
I kissed him without thinking twice.
sealed with a kiss
Then take him to the arcade
trying to divert his attention
But it seems to have no effect
At this time, Shan Ya wanted to relax alone
Something held him tightly
Insist on sending him home
But Shan Ya insists on moving forward
Things no longer accommodate him
Follow him and keep preaching
This makes Shan Ya feel irritated
Because it makes him feel
The things are the same as those of his ex-husband and mother
I always ask myself how long I will be sad for
Or when can I get rid of the haze?
But he just can’t find the answer
This is why Shan Ya looks like this now
Half of it comes from his family background
Abandoned by mother as a child
Father committed suicide due to business failure
The other half ended up getting divorced because of the husband’s incomprehension.
plus the loss of a child
Such a life is really miserable
Life seems to have lost its meaning
But you have to be a role model for your children
You can’t give up on yourself like this
Then he will make the same mistake again
His life will not be happy either
These words touched Shan Ya’s pain point
He squatted on the ground and cried bitterly
And something is sitting next to it
Keep telling him it’s okay to be sad
can cry
But eat well
sleep tight
Let yourself be happy occasionally
Although I can’t be with my children
You’re about to collapse
If you mess yourself up again
Then your life is really over
Shan Ya was awakened by these words
Walking on the beach with stuff
Thing asked him what it felt like to be depressed
Shan Ya replied that she felt like she was being pressed down by an insomniac bed.
Even in brightly lit places
Sometimes it still feels dark
Something told him that it was all an illusion
Next time I feel like this
Convince yourself like a mantra
or call me
I’ll help you wake up
Then Dongxi encouraged Shanya to actively accept the treatment trial
try all methods
Whether it’s medication or psychological counseling
if pockets are empty
Shan Ya laughed happily
Finally they both sat on the river bank
Shan Ya listens to the recording car commercial
Can’t help but laugh again
life of things
Always looking for it in constant loss and loneliness
Wandering for many years
Not even planning to buy a house
Because he no longer believes in the concept of home
at this moment
Shan Ya became his destination
Shan Ya
Also constantly dealing with the darkness and loss in hallucinations
What is less clear about the struggle is that
God has actually given him the warmest sunshine
Shan Ya found an outlet to vent overnight
Finally I calmed down in the company of things
They returned to Shan Ya’s home together
Things have been wandering unsettled
Until I met Shan Ya
He just found a place to park
But it seems that he only has Shan Ya in his heart
Just kidding
Then Shan Ya said he would stay with his son
heard this
Something feels a little lost
He also found a suitable job
This was the decision he made while watching the sunrise
Things can only respect his decision
He asked Shan Ya to rent the house to him for a few weeks
Shan Ya readily agreed
At this time, Dongxi asked Shan Ya where her room was.
Shan Ya looked at the room next to her
some unpleasant memories
So he plans to move to his son’s room
Or just sleep on the sofa in the living room
The thoughtful things went to my son’s room first.
Then I went to Shan Ya’s room and took a look.
Then ask Shan Ya
Do you need help moving the bed into the living room?
The words have not yet fallen
They started taking action immediately
Let’s change the quilt cover, hang the curtains, and clean the glass together
During this period, we also had some fun from time to time
Like a couple in love
with the help of stuff
The simple room becomes completely new
This change surprised him very much
Dongxiang Shanya boasts about herself
own craftsmanship
Shan Ya happily high-fived him to celebrate
after busy
Shan Ya made Dong Dong his favorite dumplings
Even made the bed for him
Let him have a good rest after eating
Return to Jeju Island tomorrow
Thing is very satisfied with his craftsmanship
Shan Ya showed a sweet smile
Then the things were laid on the floor
Tell Shan Ya
If you need help in the future
Just call me
Just like today
Give me a call when you need help
You can also eat sashimi from Jizhou
things remind
If you can’t sleep at night or have distracting thoughts in your mind
Just remember to exercise more
I feel scared that the house is too big
Just move to a smaller place
If you feel like everything around you has become dull
After chatting, the two gradually fell asleep
With the faint morning light
Things slowly wake up
He looked at Shan Ya beside him and smiled involuntarily
Just watching Shan Ya silently
But my eyes turned red unconsciously
Finally he decided to leave
Shanya woke up and received a text message from Dongxi
Because of Shan Ya
Things begin to look forward to future reunions
He was looking forward to his next meeting with Shan Ya
before that
He has to work hard every day
in the restaurant
A mother is enjoying lunch with her child
But the next moment
The surrounding scenery suddenly turned dark
He silently turned to look at the child
At this moment, a golden light suddenly lit up behind the child
The world around me becomes bright again
He realizes his depression is coming back
but for him
The child is the shining light
Innocent child gives his toy code to his mother
Shan Ya declined
Just let the child hug me
after dinner
Shan Ya sent the child back to your ex-husband’s car
Looking at the sleeping child
Shan Ya kissed him
The ex-husband then asked Shan Ya if she would lock the door.
Shan Ya nodded silently
He said to wait for the condition
I heard this after I got better
Ex-husband feels comforted
Shanya finally begins to get rid of the shadow of the past
He decided to face life positively
Wait until the child actively seeks a hug
When the child needs to rely on him
Only then will he sue
These words also touched Shanya
Both finally felt relieved
But when Shanya returned home, she sat alone on the bedside
At this moment his world began to darken again
He reminded himself that it was all an illusion
The world outside is actually very bright
But he still couldn’t conquer the fear in his heart
He smashed the flowerpot next to him to the ground
Then I cried with my head in my hands
At this time, things’ words echoed in his ears
He unlocked the phone silently
Video of rummaging around and riding a horse
He gradually calmed down
Finally walked to the treadmill
Because Dongxi once said that things were not going well
should exercise more
Just then, Dongxi gave him a gift.
Listening to recordings of things being sold
Shan Ya felt much more relaxed
The world before our eyes becomes bright again
Do you think he will end up with something?
Will she still go back to her ex-husband?
Ever since Yingzhu and Ah Xian were recognized by their parents,
Uncle Hao Xi runs his ice business as usual
The whole person seems to be more energetic
But something bothers him
Ah Xian often goes to Yingzhu’s room in the middle of the night
Uncle Quan became anxious when he heard this
When your daughter says Ah Xian is not here
He doesn’t want to study
In addition, Ah Xian always asks him to buy things when he feels uncomfortable.
I also have a terrible headache
Brother Hao Xi even said that he got a nosebleed
Uncle Bingquan touched his nose and took a look, brother.
You’re not the only one who can’t sleep well
At this time, things came here to eat
The two talked about buying a house again
Uncle Bingquan bluntly said that he has no money
Uncle Haoxi said that all the money was left for Yingzhu to go to college.
Uncle Bing Quan was not happy when he heard that your daughter is still studying.
My sons have dropped out of school
You still need a work permit
Taking care of him, my son made the biggest sacrifice
Uncle Haoxi also refused to show weakness
Your son can also go back to school in the future
Continue studying
I can’t hear the things next to me anymore.
He suggested that Yingzhu and Ah Xian live together
Why don’t you two live together?
But Uncle Bing Quan was still dissatisfied that Ah Xian left.
Then who will cook for me?
Dongxi glanced at Haoxi’s book next to her
This is Dong Hee’s mother
Aunt Chunxi also came to eat
Dongxi ignored his mother
Aunt Chunxi saw this
Then he asked what the relationship between Dongxi and Shanya was.
Dongxi looked surprised
My mother, who was pretending to be calm, also wanted to know.
Dongxi looked at her mother in front of her
Then the situation of Shanya was mentioned
and said he wanted to build a house with him
Want to live here together
But he wants to live in Seoul
I let him leave
Facing Aunt Chunxi’s question
Things seem a little impatient
Aunt Chunxi didn’t ask any more questions.
As soon as my mother appears
He lost his appetite
So he left alone
After things leave
hawking in front of his grocery cart
At this time, my mother walked to his stall
I randomly picked out some clothes under the gaze of things.
Then he put the money in the basket and left
I saw my mother gave me more money
The thing got angry and took the change back
Put it back in mom’s hand
Mom holds on to the money in her hand
Finally left with a humble look.
Return the items to the stall and continue selling them
But mother appears again
made him very angry
He drove away all the customers at the stall
Then I took some clothes to my mother’s stall
throw clothes on the ground
Then say big brother
Do we still wear these expensive clothes?
this must be a good thing
Aunt Chunxi was scolding things next to her
But things don’t look like that
Aunt Chunxi
Then said there is no your mother
You can’t even see this world
These words made Dong Xi feel angry.
Three feet to him
In addition to giving him life, his mother
no sense of responsibility
Aunt Chunxi stood up so angry
Dong Xi was stunned after hearing this
He turned to look at his mother
It is said that people have to leave one day
Is he the only one who does this?
Dongxi still doesn’t understand what Sister Chunxi means.
He continued to yell at his mother
while we are still alive
Don’t meet again
Don’t recognize me either
After getting rid of the shackles of the captain
The thing left angrily.
In fact, long before that
Mom used to call things
I saw it was my mother calling
hesitated for a moment
Still answered the phone
My mother just got through and didn’t say anything for a while.
I told my mother that since I called
Just say a few words
Mom mustered up the courage to ask if she had eaten.
I was surprised after hearing this
His mother never cared about him like this
Stuff questioned whether mom was confused.
Or did you dial the wrong number?
I am something
Not the two sons you love most
When the nurse called Aunt Yudong’s name,
He hung up the phone subconsciously
At that time, my mother made my head big with things.
But these times my mother took the initiative to approach things
It’s because he has stomach cancer
If you don’t go for treatment
Maybe a month or two
But he only asked the doctor to prescribe some medicine
After the catharsis is over
Thing took the captain to Shan Ya’s house
I saw something quietly painting the wall
The captain also joined in
Then Dong Hee started talking about him and Shan Ya
Dong Xi said because the other party is you
I just decided to speak
And said he would live here in the future
The two chatted about their love stories
I laughed unconsciously
I hope Dong Hee and Shan Ah have a bright future
I also hope Dongxi can resolve the knot with her mother
At the same time, I also hope that the captain and Yingyu will have good results.
Handsome captain sitting alone on the beach
I remember the question asked by the aunt at the canteen during the day.
Why did Meng Qing ask him to go?
And company
The captain mentioned that he was defrauded of millions and nine thousand
Aunt Huici also said he was full of lies
In the face of these people’s gossip
The captain returns to his RV
I wrote my inner words on the car window
The answer is no
But how should I face depression next?
at this time
Depression called
The captain just looked at what he wrote silently
no response
The captain casually said I miss you too.
When I heard this, I was secretly happy
Then invite the captain to travel with you
heard this
The captain was stunned
Because he felt like his depression was hiding something from him
second night
Depression finds the captain
Ask him why he doesn’t respond
The captain just looked at him blankly
asked the captain gloomily and tentatively
Do you think this progress is too fast?
The captain remained silent
I was a little unhappy to see Yin Yu
The captain finally spoke
Yin Yu said that he hates such silent people the most
The captain then asked Yin Yu if he had ever lied.
Yin Yu recalls her student days
I once secretly asked my parents for an extra 10,000 won
buy reference books
What about when you grow up?
Yin Yu confesses that she is also lying now
The captain still didn’t understand what he meant.
Because Yin Yu is very concerned about the past events that he doesn’t mention.
But he pretended not to care on the surface
The captain couldn’t help laughing after hearing this
Then Yin Yu said to the captain
if you don’t like me that much
Let’s stop here
The captain remains unmoved
Only then did he realize that the captain was testing him.
The captain finally agreed to go on the trip together
Because Yingyu said he didn’t lie
That’s enough for him
It was the first time he met such a special woman
The captain proposed to go cycling on Singapore Island
Yingyu immediately agreed
At this time, Enxi and the other two sisters also came to join in the fun.
The captain stood up when he saw it
Watching everyone singing and dancing happily
The two of them couldn’t help but laugh too
They are all happy about the relationship between the captain and the haenyeo
But Yingyu was still shy and refused to admit it.
The captain took the initiative to admit it
3 people all expressed their appreciation for this handsome man
just yesterday
The haenyeo kept ogling the captain
This eventually led to Captain Yu Bing being infected with the new crown virus
Then Yin Sheng started a whole day of fishing work.
Then his cell phone rang again
Dingjun immediately told the captain after seeing it
Asked: Don’t you think this is strange?
The captain remained silent
Because he chose to trust Yingyu
The divers are busy fishing for abalone underwater
There is a rule here
Every time you catch an abalone, you have to come up for air.
But Yingyu still wants to get more
At this time, his companion came over to remind him
After he came up, his companions began to scold him.
Yingyu responded impatiently
I already know these rules
The companion reminds him again that if you are still like this
We will support Aunt Keiko in driving you away
the next day
Yin Yu and the captain started their vacation
The two helped each other take photos during the trip
This is their happy time
Then the two took another sweet photo together
Looking at the photo, the two couldn’t help but smile happily.
In the end, Yin Yu snuggled into the captain’s arms with satisfaction.
Arriving at Singapore Island
They rode a bicycle together
They chase and play happily
Does this picture remind you of the time when you were in love?
After the picnic, the captain asked Yingyu why he likes the sea
Yingyu said that only in the sea can we stay away from troubles
The captain then said don’t be too greedy in the sea.
Yingyu insisted that she wanted to make a lot of money
He wants to make a lot of money
What secret is hidden in Yingyu’s heart?
At this time, the captain turned around and begged Yingyu to promise something.
That is, never be alone in the sea
Be sure to stay with your friends
Together, but Yingyu still stubbornly said
she likes to be alone
Because only the haenyeo can protect her in the sea
No matter how much the captain loves her
Yingyu still insists on her own way and can’t help.
moment of crisis
Yin Yu showed a sweet smile
Then he whispered in the captain’s ear:
The captain smiled stupidly
at that moment
Yin Yu suddenly received a mysterious phone call
He hung up the phone hurriedly
The captain asked him why he didn’t answer
Yin Yu said he would disturb us if he picked it up.
I already felt a little cold as an excuse
Lying in the captain’s arms
They drank in the hotel at night
Decided to just talk about life tonight
Talk about problems you may face in the future
They made their own demands to each other
Just as Yingyu tells the captain not to take it too seriously
The captain readily agreed
But he didn’t know it would break his heart
When Yin Yu went to the bathroom
That mysterious phone call comes again
The captain looked at Yin Yu who had just left
Choose not to answer
When he got up to get the wine
The phone fell out of the pocket
The screen shows that the call has been connected
The captain picked up the phone and sat back in his seat
I saw that Yin Yu hadn’t come back from the bathroom yet.
He finally picked up the phone
But no one spoke on the other end of the phone
At this time, Yin Yu came over in a panic.
Take the phone and walk out
Yin Yu sitting outside
Chatted with the person on the phone for a long time
The captain got two bottles of beer
Then walked out of the house
Seeing this, Ding Yu hurriedly hung up the phone.
The captain asked who was on the phone
Ding Yu took a deep breath
Then said to the captain I know
Many people talk about me behind my back
Say I have other children or men outside
but i can assure you
Neither of those things are true
The captain said that as long as these two things are not involved
He can accept it
For example, an ex-boyfriend with whom you have an entanglement or a
He will take care of all the creditors.
Because you are my woman
heard this
Yin Yu’s eyes couldn’t help but get wet
The two couldn’t help laughing
the next day
The captain drove his brother and saw the small villa in the distance
he said to his brother
I want to buy a house like that
innocent captain
I have already started thinking about marrying Yin Yu.
But can everything go as he wishes?
On the other side, Yin Yu was fishing for abalone as usual.
But he’s still unruly
I caught one and want to catch another one
Just as he was about to return to the surface
Unlucky perspective got tangled in fishing net
He struggled to get out of the fishing net
In the end, it was still tightly wound
He threw away the abalone in his hand
Bend down and try to untie the fishing net with your hands
The result was still unsuccessful
Fortunately I have companions
See this situation
He swam desperately to the water
Then asked other haenyeo for help
Learned that Sound Range was trapped underwater
The divers came to the rescue one after another
At this time, the underworld is almost suffocating
Aunt Chunxi who arrived first
Desperately trying to dismantle the fishing net
but still useless
Finally, with the help of other haenyeo
They finally succeeded in rescuing the underworld
But unfortunately
Aunt Huici’s feet were accidentally entangled in a fishing net
Fortunately, Aunt Chunxi hasn’t left yet
Help her out in time
Once back on shore
Aunt Hyeji caught abalone from the haenyeo
Throw it all to Yin Yu
and loudly reproached him for his greed
It’s about Liu’s family
Aunt Chunxi decided
Yin Yu knelt in front of Aunt Chunxi
I prayed to Aunt Chunxi with tears streaming down my face.
give him another chance
But this is not the first time he has made a mistake
What makes him so greedy?
Even at the expense of life
What are the rumors about him?
Finally, under the questioning of Aunt Chunxi,
Yin Yu finally told the reason
Uncle Haoxi woke up from his dream late at night
Glanced at the phone
show despair
Then drill the head
He got into bed but the noise outside woke him up again
Open the door and say to a young couple
Yin Zhu said awkwardly that the baby in her belly was hungry.
Uncle Hao Xi smiled helplessly
Then he asked Ah Xian if he lives here now.
Yingzhu protected him and said that the baby wanted to see his father.
Hahaha Ah Xian realized that he had disturbed Uncle Haoxi
Then take Yingzhu back to the room
But they still chatted happily after returning to the room
This made Uncle Haoxi laugh desperately again
After closing the door, he began to pack his personal belongings
And then left this house silently
Dejected, I went to Uncle Yingquan’s house.
When Uncle Yingquan saw this, he told him where Ah Xian’s room was.
What do you think of this combination?
On the other side, I was forgiven by Aunt Chunxi
Yin Yu went fishing with the aunts as usual
Only Aunt Huici is still sitting there
Other aunts have already set off early
Aunt Huici said during the conversation
I already know Yin Yu’s situation
Yin Yu hesitated for a moment
Don’t know how to answer
He never cared about Yingyu before
He even took the initiative to bring him the transport medicine.
He also said that he would not tell anyone about Yingyu.
Because he and Aunt Huici have similar experiences
He understands Yingyu very well
Why risk your life to make money?
After saying that, he walked towards Yingyu’s car.
Maybe it’s because it’s understood
he feels more guilty
So before departure
Aunt Huici said to Yingyu that starting from today
We work in pairs
do as i say
Every time I dig an abalone, I come up for air.
if you disobey
I won’t show mercy
Yingyu smiled and agreed
He also said seriously that starting from today
I’m your boss
So what secret is hidden in Yingyu?
Have you ever heard of Down syndrome?
Their main characteristic is lower intelligence
And a unique face
This is our hero
Yin Xian
Although he can’t speak as fluently as ordinary people
But people around him are more understanding and patient with him
in free time
He took photos of his working environment
Sent to my sister
It turns out that today is the day that Yingyu promised to visit her sister
But he always puts it off because he is busy
My sister was very unhappy when she received the news.
Just then an empty taxi passed by
Since you don’t come
Then I’ll go there by myself
After she finished speaking, she got into the taxi alone
She is very happy to see music soon
So much so that he forgot that the principal said he would come to pick him up.
Yin Xi sang happily in the car
The driver saw it and asked where he was going.
After saying that, he gave all the money he had to the driver.
But the driver sent him to the police station in the next second.
The principal rushed over after receiving the news
Seeing Yin Xi safe and sound
Finally relieved
And Yin Yu on the other side
Enjoying a sweet moment with the captain
I didn’t take my sister’s affairs to heart at all.
He has no idea what happened to his sister
on the way back home
Yin Yu received a call from the principal
But she chose not to answer
Just when she was about to get off the car
The principal sent another text message.
Said Yin Xi will fly over tomorrow for a few weeks
Yin Yu will call back immediately
Asked why Yin Xi came suddenly
The principal explained that it was because the park needed to be renovated.
So everyone in the garden has to go home temporarily for a week
But Yin Yu still makes excuses
Said he couldn’t take care of Yin Xi
The principal said he understood his situation
But when it comes to Yin Xi, he has changed a lot now
Got a lot of education
Social skills have also improved a lot
Yin Yu still disagrees
He said he could go to Seoul
But have to wait until next week
The director said nothing more
Finally hung up the phone
Yin Yu then called her sister
He wanted to try to convince Yin Xi
Just as Yin Xi was about to answer the phone
The principal next to me stopped him
Got him
He knew what Yin Yu would say
That’s why I didn’t let him answer the phone
Yin Xi obeyed and nodded.
I saw Yin Xi didn’t answer the phone
He feels a headache
He took a sip of ice water
try to calm down
at this time
The phone screen suddenly lights up
He thought it was a message from Yin Xi
Look at the phone
It turned out to be the captain.
In the video, the captain is singing affectionately
The captain said that his parents wanted to meet Yin’s mother
Let’s have a simple meal together when he is free.
This news made him feel helpless again
Why does her sister’s appearance make her so uncomfortable?
as a parent
greatest wish
That is, children can grow up healthily and happily
But not everyone is so happy
Everything goes well
There are some children in the world
They are also the treasures in their parents’ eyes
It’s just that they are different from other children
Since Yingxi suffered from Down syndrome
His parents
I gave up my unprofitable career as a painter.
Turn to selling clothes to take care of Yin Xi
When I grow up
The difference between Yin Yu and Yin Xi becomes bigger and bigger
Whenever a classmate bullies Yin Xi
Yin Yu will always stand up for him without hesitation
Destiny always likes to joke
when they are 12 years old
Their parents died unexpectedly
This caused Yin Xi to begin to suffer from schizophrenia
From then on
Yin Yu also became more and more impatient
Even my aunt’s son can’t stand Yin Xi’s behavior
Even his uncle is disgusted with him
This made Yin Yu turn over the table in anger
As a result, they ended up living at their aunt’s house for a year
Take care of my sister alone
This made him feel very hard
I even wanted to give up on him at one point
The train moves forward slowly
He was also quite reluctant to give up.
Yin Xi reacted
Shout out to Yin Yu
He tried to find his sister in the crowd
Yin Yu finally decided to stay with her sister
From then on, they both depended on each other.
Fortunately, we passed an orphanage
When the dean decided to take them in
In the blink of an eye, they are all 22 years old
Yin Yu decided to go out to earn money to support Yin Xi
The innocent sister told Yin Yu to make a lot of money
I want to be as beautiful as Yin Yu
Yin Yu readily agreed
Yin Xi nodded happily
Before leaving, the dean stopped Yin Yu.
Told him to take care of himself outside
Yin Yu told her sister that she would come back to see him often
My sister jumped up excitedly
but they don’t know
It’s just an excuse for Yin Yu to go out to make money.
In fact, it was to stay away from Yin Xi
From then on
He often changes his workplace to far away places
I didn’t go back to see Yin Xi very often.
Watch it once in the first few months
I only saw it once in the next few years
Now only phone contact is left
He thought Yin Yu would forget him like this
In fact, it’s just self-deception
In the early morning, the haenyeo go fishing as usual
The captain stretched out his hand to help Yin Yu
But was coldly rejected by Yin Yu
After sitting firmly, Yin Yu sent a message to the captain.
The captain’s face changed drastically after reading the text message.
Yin Yu’s sudden change left him confused
He confirmed the content of the text message again
The main content of the text message is
Relationships predicated on marriage
Make Yin Yu feel pressured
So he broke up with the captain
It’s obvious that the two of them have such a deep relationship
How could it become like this?
The innocent captain was deeply hurt.
But he adjusted his mood and started working
On the other hand, Yin Xi arrived at the airport early
Keep staring at the timetable in the distance
He can’t wait to see Yin Yu
It’s finally time to check in.
The director handed Yin Xi to the flight attendant and left.
after fishing
Yin Yu received a text message from the captain
The text message said that I would go find him when I was done.
Yin Yu looked a little impatient
The captain was so anxious that he never received a reply.
Keep calling Yingyu
The younger brother asked the captain why he was in such a mood.
Captain Cha remained silent.
At this time, Yingyu’s car passed by from the opposite side.
The captain immediately made a 360-degree turn
Overtake Yingyu’s car at the fastest speed
Then stopped him on the side of the road
The captain walked to Yingyu’s car
Ask him why he doesn’t text back
Yin Yu said he was going to the airport
Something urgent to say
Let’s talk about it in a week
Yin Yu had no choice but to agree.
He walked into the airport
Looks distracted
The sister I haven’t seen for many years
How should he face it
The moment I turned around
That familiar figure appeared in front of me
After hesitating for a while
He waved to his sister in the distance
Yingxi saw her sister running towards him happily
They hugged each other tightly
Kiss each other on the cheek like they did when they were kids
Yingyu also stroked her sister’s head
My eyes became moist involuntarily
After walking to the parking lot
Yingyu is packing her sister’s luggage
At this time, the captain also arrived in a hurry
As soon as he saw Yin Yu, he ran over quickly
Grab Yin Yu
Tell him I know you don’t like to pester people
I do not want this
But I really can’t sit idly by
Ding Yu saw this
Let the captain say hello to his sister first
The captain hasn’t recovered yet
Just look at Yin Xi in the car
The captain was shocked by this scene and was speechless for a moment.
Ding Yu told his sister that she has Down syndrome
Yin Xi in the car also produced relevant certificates
Don’t know what Down syndrome is
Check it out online
After saying that, Yin Yu left with her sister.
The captain really doesn’t understand this disease
I didn’t know what to do for a while
This made his sister feel bad about him
Twin sisters hugging each other tightly
This is their first meeting in 2 years
The elder sister pinched her younger sister’s face happily
The younger sister is also stroking her elder sister’s head
Their relationship is not as good as everyone sees
Yin Yu takes her sister back to the Haenyeo Home
Say hello to everyone
She helped her sister go
First of all, everyone around looked at me strangely.
He explained to everyone that this is my twin sister
Aunt Chunxi saw this situation
Tell everyone not to read anymore
At this time, a gossipy aunt preached
Both parents are painters
How could a child be born like this?
Aunt Huici said loudly that this was Down syndrome
If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense.
The aunt left angrily
Enxi also said that she was shocked
Aunt Yudong told him
Next time you see Yin Xi, be more natural
It seems more polite
After Yin Yu finished her work, she asked her sister to get in the car.
But Yin Xi was attracted by the ice cream in the hands of the aunts
Yin Yu was about to pull her sister away
Enxi suddenly stopped them
He proposed that Yin Yu live with him
Yin Xi bowed politely
Aunt Yudong took out the money
Ask Xinxin to buy another ice cream for Yin Xi
Yin Yu feels embarrassed
want to refuse
At this time, Aunt Chunxi asked Yin Xi to sit next to them
Unexpectedly, Yin Xi actually sat down
He curiously asked how to use these things
Yin Xi nodded to express happiness
Aunt Yudong demonstrated it again
Yin Xi learns quickly
This surprised Enxi next to her
Yin Yu also smiled
In fact, the sister with Down syndrome
It’s best to live here
The captain finally arrived
He wants to talk to Yin Yu alone
Seeing Yin Yu standing still
The captain walked directly to Yin Yu
Then squat in front of him
The captain apologized to Yin Yu for his rude behavior in the morning
After that, Yin Yu left with the captain
But Yin Yu still hasn’t forgiven the captain
The two of them walked to the beach
Yin Yu asked why he was doing this nonsense
The captain asked him why he broke up
Yin Yu said that as long as the two of them are happy together, it will be fine
He never thought about getting married
The captain expressed understanding
And promised not to mention it again in the future
You don’t even need to give in to your parents’ opinions.
Listen, we are no longer children.
Is it really that important whether you go or not?
After saying this
The captain apologizes to Yingyu again
Because he’s never seen anyone with Down syndrome
So I don’t know how to deal with people with disabilities
But he promises it won’t happen again
Ding Yu couldn’t help but choked up after hearing this.
He turned around and wiped the tears from his face
Then ask the captain if you are sure you have met Yin Xi
Do you still want to be with me?
The captain replied firmly that of course
But that’s what everyone said in the beginning
Eventually we will get tired of it
then leave
This made Ding Yu injured again and again
This is also the main reason why he proposed to break up
the captain told him
He is different from those people
Ding Yu was silent for a while
Then ask him what’s different
The captain said he would rather die than leave
You underestimate me too much
thought i could be that bad
He held Yingyu’s hand tightly
Yingyu was moved to tears again
in the next time
You will understand how much I love you
Because Yingyu’s sister wants to eat sashimi
He went to the market early in the morning to buy
On the other side, Yin Yu is helping her sister blow dry her hair.
He apologized to his sister for the captain’s reaction yesterday
And said the captain is really a good man
But my sister, who has never had contact with the captain, still doesn’t trust her very much.
At night at Yin Yu’s pub
Everyone plays the building block game with Yin Xi
Enxi and Xiaoyue had a lot of fun
Look at their proud looks
My sister couldn’t help but rolled her eyes.
He deliberately called the captain Cheng Jun
Cheng Jun is Yin Yu’s ex-boyfriend
I didn’t expect my sister to be so vindictive
But the captain didn’t mind at all
He also said that he is far better than Cheng Jun
He slowly pushed out a building block
Yin Yu nervously held his breath.
Seeing the captain successfully pull out the blocks
The two immediately cheered
When it’s Enxi’s turn to operate
Yin Xi cheated and blew the blocks over
Yin Yu won
Jumped with joy
Then give my sister a sweet kiss
My sister proposed drinking to celebrate
The captain was surprised
Because they still treat Yin Xi as a child
Don’t forget that Yin Xi is 34 years old
After all, there are so many people around him to take care of him
The captain asked him what beer he wanted to drink
My sister said, just drink some beer.
before the event starts
Enxi takes Yin Xi outside the door
Point to the stars in the sky and tell him they are the Big Dipper.
Xiaoyu also told him that they sat in succession
Yin Xi quickly remembered these names
Let’s raise a toast together to celebrate
They also jumped up with Yin Xi
I never expected
Yin Xi can actually dance with such enchanting postures
The captain smiled looking at it
At this time Yin Yu told the captain not to be too nice to Yin Xi
Although his IQ is only 7 years old
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand anything
He understands the joy of loving and being loved
I don’t understand my parents’ sadness
The sorrow of the handicapped
Don’t look at him with gentle eyes either
If you don’t plan to leave
Then you have to be responsible
The captain took advantage of the situation and took Yin Yu’s hand.
Yin Yu said just deal with it casually.
Because he did it himself
It’s not that I don’t want to be nice to him
But I’m afraid he’ll get hurt
Before the end, Yin Xi started taking photos for everyone.
Yin Yu next to him seemed a little impatient.
He told his sister not to move
But Yin Xi insisted that he leave it alone
Said it would affect his filming
Yin Yuan retorted that you drank too much.
That’s why I couldn’t find a good shooting angle
He also asked why people had to sit and take photos all the time.
what do you want to do
Because that was the source of inspiration for my sister’s paintings
Yin Yu snatched her sister’s cell phone
He doesn’t believe that his sister can draw
My sister threw her phone to the ground in anger
Angrily saying that Yin Yu is a bad person
He also mentioned being abandoned on the subway.
This surprised Yin Yu
It turns out he really remembers everything
His sister asked him again
My parents asked you to take good care of me before they left.
why do you abandon me
Yin Xi burst out suddenly
Make everyone confused
To lighten the mood
The captain picked up the mobile phone on the ground
After Yin Yu adjusted her emotions, she apologized to everyone.
Because he has never seen his sister draw
So please don’t have too much hope
After that, he left the bar alone
Maybe only the captain can untie their knot
Yin Xi has fallen asleep after returning home
After washing, Yin Yu walked to the bed
Then asked my sister softly
Are you still angry
At this time Yin Yu sat up from the bed
Don’t talk nonsense
Yin Yu told her not to talk nonsense
After all, we have lived together for 22 years
From Baoyu Garden to later life together
i never left
My sister seemed to be moved by his paintings
Then Yin Yu asked her sister to take out the paintings and take a look at them
He was also curious about whether he could really draw
After saying that, he would get up and go get something.
Yin Yu took a look
Immediately step forward to stop
After grabbing something
He hugged his painting seat tightly
Yin Yu had no choice but to do this
But the paintings in his backpack aroused his curiosity again
He gently pushed his sister’s hand away
I was almost bitten by my sister
Yin Yu finally had to give up
Finally he whispered in his sister’s ear
Late at night while Yin Yu is sleeping
Ding Xi started to draw
He painted Yin Yu’s face stroke by stroke
Even if my hands are sore, I think it’s worth it
He ended his painting
After packing up things
He lay quietly on the floor and fell asleep
The next day the two of them were back as before
Happy waving goodbye
Yingxi asked her sister to make more money
So that I can have plastic surgery
These words made the girls around laugh.
In the eyes of my sister
Yingyu is the most beautiful woman in the world
While the divers are busy fishing
The captain took Yin Xi to buy new
cell phone
The captain asked her sister if she liked the phone
Yin Xi said bluntly, just buy it for me.
Although she also has a job to make money
But all that money is for plastic surgery
make yourself more beautiful
The captain readily agreed
Yin Xi returned to the tavern and opened another can of beer.
The two started chatting about daily life
Yin Xi said that those who only look at faces and appearance are bad men.
The captain laughed after hearing what Yin Xi said.
Sister is like all girls
I also want to put on beautiful makeup
Hope you look attractive
I also long for a romantic love affair
But men usually only fall in love with beautiful women
And Yin Yu is someone he is proud of
Even though she thought about giving up
But she still praised her sister for being beautiful
The captain’s company these days
Make my sister think she is a good person
Ah Yin and Yin Zhu’s family are happy after not seeing each other for a long time.
Photographed together
Xingxing and Xiaoyu were also present
Fisheries tycoon Eun-hee and the hardworking and down-to-earth haenyeo women
Because Yin Xi will leave tomorrow
He decided to give them the most beautiful painting
Although we don’t know yet how good my sister’s painting skills are
But I believe it will be the most beautiful painting in the world
After taking pictures
Yin Yu sat alone on the beach
It seems that the captain and Yin Yu get along very well
He couldn’t help but laugh
When Yingyu is not paying attention
My sister secretly filmed this scene
Then he sat next to Yingyu
Ask your sister why you don’t play with me
Yingyu said he likes someone
But contrary to my sister
he wants company
Ask Yingyu why he likes to stay in the sea
He just looked at his sister quietly
No answer, but my sister already has the answer in her heart
Entered the restaurant
Sister is eating food
The boy opposite gave me a strange look
When my sister’s favorite steak is served
He cheered excitedly
The considerate captain helped cut the steak and handed it to my sister.
He felt very satisfied at this moment
But the ignorant kid opposite was laughing at him
His sister angrily told him not to look.
The captain asked the child not to do that
But that uneducated child still can’t change
Yingyu really couldn’t bear the child’s behavior
Then I sat across from my sister
At this moment
The little boy behind was woken up by his mother
The little boy left his seat
My sister excused herself to go to the bathroom and left.
Yin Yu interceded with us to discipline your children well.
Wouldn’t this also make you sick to your stomach?
Mom said he has already educated the child
Also told him not to laugh at people with disabilities
Stand up when you see the other person
The captain also stood up
With the waiter’s advice,
Both of them finally returned to their respective positions
The boy in the restaurant saw the scene in front of him
Yin Xi suddenly fell to the ground
Then Yin Xi said to him
Do you like being stared at by me like this?
I saw the boy was frightened.
Yin Xi reached out to help him get up.
and dust him off
Yin Xi educated the boy again
Tell him not to laugh at people with disabilities
Don’t stare at people all the time
After saying that, he turned and left
Yin Yu leaves the restaurant
Still in a bad mood because of what just happened
But my sister told the captain
he wants to stay
Yin Yu couldn’t help but get angry
He asked his sister to go back tomorrow as planned
In order to prevent my sister from losing her temper
He only wore a thin piece of Chinese hair
The captain wanted his sister to stay a few more days
Yin Yu asked, do you want to take care of him all the time?
The captain looked at Yin Yu silently
no answer
What happened during the day is a trivial matter to him.
There are many things more serious than this
But the range of voices can be understood
Because in daily life
few people can understand
Like Yin Xi
He had wanted to live with his sister
But can’t find a suitable house
There’s no way to go to work
Ordinary schools don’t let my sister go to school either.
Special schools cannot be located in the city center
He really doesn’t know what to do
My sister completely understands all the feelings of the vocal range outside the house.
He understands that he is a burden to his sister
This is why he is willing to go out in such a cold weather
stay outside
He understands that as long as he does not appear in front of his sister
My sister will lose her temper less often
back inside
Yingyu releases her emotions to her heart’s content
The captain held him tightly in his arms
He felt aggrieved because he had such a sister
I also blame my parents
Why take sister
Entrusted to a self who is not kind at all
In fact, he has tried his best
Everyone expresses love differently
He just doesn’t want his sister to get hurt more
But when I think about it carefully, I feel so wronged
The sister who was born like this must be even more aggrieved.
To give my sister a surprise
Yin Xi followed the captain to his RV
Then he gave his painting to the captain
The captain was stunned when he saw his sister’s work.
His sister asked him how his painting was
The captain sighed that Yin Yu would definitely like it very much when he saw it.
Yin Xi finally put his name on each painting
with the help of the captain
He also carved his own seal
Early the next morning
Yin Yu urged her sister to pack her luggage quickly.
She came out of the bathroom and found that her sister was not in the room
She walked outside the house and called her sister’s name
turn out to be
Yin Xi had already packed her luggage and was waiting for her outside.
saw this scene
Yin Yu’s eyes are moist
While Yin Yu went back to the house to prepare her luggage,
My sister turned on the beauty camera and was busy
I saw the captain coming from a distance
He happily high-fived the captain
Then show the captain the desktop of your mobile phone
Above is a sweet photo of him and Yin Yu
Arrive at the airport
Yin Yu hugged her sister tightly
Told my sister to learn to take care of herself
I see my sister in winter
Put the scarf you knitted for your sister around her neck
Looking at my sister’s retreating back
Yin Yu’s eyes were moist again
After returning to the captain’s RV
The captain asked Yin Yu to get on the bus first on the pretext of buying coffee.
The moment Yin Yu opened the curtains
The painting next to her caught her attention
This story contains Yin Yu’s grievances
It’s also difficult for Yin Xi
Yin Yu as a family member
She also thought about giving up her sister
But she never let go
She has normal human emotions and grievances
But he also has rare kindness
Yin Xi hopes to be with her sister
As a disabled person, he also has grievances
But he was born this way
Can’t choose
he knows
Being with my sister may cause some trouble
so he’s trying to get better
In order to no longer be a burden to my sister
Later he asked his sister
Why can you draw so well?
Yin Xi told him
Every time I miss music or feel lonely
He will pick up the paintbrush
So my paintings are getting better and better
The 18-year-old father is busy making money to support his family all day long
In addition to working in a downtown restaurant
In my spare time, I help my father look after the store.
Just as he sat down to rest
Suddenly I saw a text message from Yingzhu
He stood up immediately
Seeing this, my father asked what happened
Ah Xian hurriedly replied that Yingzhu was sent to the hospital.
Obviously his due date is still next month
The two fathers also hurried out.
After get off work in the evening
Enxi also rushed to the hospital
The two fathers sat listlessly at the door
they hold each other’s hands
Let’s pray together for Yingzhu
Enxi parked the car and ran over.
Seeing the two fathers looking depressed
He also sat quietly next to them
Then asked about the condition of Hoxi Shuyingzhu
Uncle Haxi cried and said that Yingzhu was in pain
It has been hurting for more than 10 hours
Benxi thought something had happened to Yingzhu
I asked again, is this just ordinary analgesia?
The two fathers nodded in confirmation
He who had been nervous finally relaxed a little
Then he collapsed on the ground
I’m still worried about Yingzhu
The three of them have no experience in giving birth.
Pray again for Young Joo’s safety
The constant pain in Yingzhu’s hospital bed
Ah Xian looked very distressed watching from the side.
He held Yingzhu’s hand tightly
Ah Xian suggested that Yingzhu could choose caesarean section
Yingzhu shook her head
If you refuse, the nurse will come to check.
Found out the baby was about to be born
Immediately push Yingzhu to the delivery room
The three parents were nervous and excited at the moment
Waiting anxiously outside
Guess whether it’s a boy or a girl
Danya’s house on the other side is almost finished.
I took the photo and sent it to him immediately.
Soon Shan Ya called
Ask him how he is doing recently
Does he exercise every day as you asked?
I still think of you sometimes
Thing then asked, do you still consider yourself an older brother?
Shan Ya blushed
He laughed and then heard his colleague calling him
Shan Ya didn’t answer him
It rained heavily the next day
Things are busy finishing the work
At this time Shan Ya called
She said she missed things very much
Shan Ya is very sure that it is you.
I feel secretly happy after listening to something
Shan Ya said she would come to Jinzhou next weekend
The thing is joking that you won’t jump into the sea again, right?
Shan Ya said she just wanted to see him
After hanging up the phone
something laughed
I hope they can be happy together
White Ghost drives a grocery truck after retirement
In addition to setting up stalls every day
We also deliver goods specifically to the aunts in town.
Occasionally, I also help repair furniture.
He looks rough
But gentle inside
I get a headache every time I answer my mother’s phone call
The phone keeps ringing
After hesitating for a while, he picked up the phone
He hung up without letting his mother speak.
But the phone rang again right away
He answered the phone again
About to hang up
But my mother stopped me
His mother asked him to take him to Mokpo Town East
Xi was surprised and asked what he was doing there.
Mom said next week is my stepfather’s death anniversary
Thing became furious after hearing this
How could he agree to this when he has never even worshiped his own father?
Mom didn’t listen to his explanation
Then hung up the phone
when he tried to call back
Mother didn’t seem to hear her
This issue
He almost killed his mother who never cared about him
Driven crazy the next day
Enxi accompanied Aunt Yudong to get medicine
Only then did I find out he had terminal cancer
Eun-si held back tears
In the car, I asked my aunt why she didn’t tell her anything.
despite this
He still cares about whether Enxi is married or not.
The clear blue sky along the way made my aunt sigh with emotion.
I have lived for so long
After all, old age and death are nothing.
on the other side
Things are as busy as usual after a day’s work
Sorting clothes at the hotel
He sent a message to Shan Ya
Ask if he suddenly appears
Will you be surprised or happy?
The answer is that I will be very happy
Just set the alarm for 5 p.m.
Open the curtains and prepare to rest
Then I received another call from my mother.
He went back to bed and stared at the phone screen for a long time
Until my mother stops calling
He fell asleep
Because I can’t contact anything
Eun Hee calls something again
As soon as I fell asleep, my phone vibrated and woke me up.
An urgent moment of grace
Revealed the condition of Yudong aunt
After listening to it, I feel neither sad nor happy
He thought for a while
Enxi wanted to yell, but she held it back.
He just hopes that things can come back and see his mother
Don’t regret it when the time comes
But things said firmly
He drove to see Shan Ya in the evening
Want to give him a surprise
But didn’t expect
The next scene actually caused him to completely collapse
Shan Ya turned around as soon as she heard the child’s cry
He happily hugged the child
Saw a family of 3 reunited
The thing’s expression immediately changed
Just then her ex-husband took Shan Ya’s hair
The moment of flirting
His eyes were wet involuntarily
Such an intimate gesture
Reminds things of the past again
At that time, Shan Ya had just broken up with her boyfriend
They still have photos of each other
Because he thinks he can still get back together with him
Things feel like they are being played with again
He honked the car horn frantically
After Shan Ya heard this
turn around
The car driving slowly while watching something
He could only stand there silently
Something that has always been wandering
I originally thought Shan Ya was my last safe haven
Unexpectedly, reality slapped him again
On the way, Dongxi received a call from Eunxi.
He hung up the phone silently
Then came another call from Shan Ya
He immediately turned off his phone
At this moment, he just wants to be alone and quietly
He doesn’t understand why his fate is like this
Shan Ya doesn’t answer the phone when she sees something
He opens a video of something riding a horse
Slowly zoom in
I think things misunderstood him.
Things were delivered the next day as usual.
But the phone in my pocket keeps ringing
He still ignored it
After finishing work
He is sitting at the entrance of the village
The phone finally stopped
But the text messages keep coming
Click to take a look
The text message did not scold him for being unfilial.
I just want him to go home and see his mother
Of course there is also the message from Shan Ya
He asked the thing to call him back
But he just glanced at it
This didn’t change anything for him
When people are unlucky
Nothing goes smoothly
I believe everyone has had this experience
Things are like this now too
Even if I just want to drink some instant noodle soup
Have to mention
Lee Byung-hun’s acting skills are still very good
Then he went to the warehouse to sort out the goods
about to leave
But he was stopped by Uncle Haoxi
But the thing didn’t pay attention to him
At this time, Uncle Yin Quan also blocked his car.
Things have no choice but to stop
He sighed helplessly
The three of them were so angry that they parked the car.
Then we walked together towards the beachside tavern
Uncle Yin Quan poured wine for everyone
Something refuses to drink
I urge everyone to speak quickly if you have anything to say.
He still has something to do
But others think he should let things go now
to take care of mother
Wen Xi asked him to take his mother to the cemetery
I originally wanted to take him there myself.
but he refused
Uncle Haoxi expressed that he understood his feelings
I also know that he is angry
But Uncle Yin Quan doesn’t see it that way
He thinks Dong Xi should feel sad now
anyone with a conscience
When I heard the news that my mother had terminal cancer,
No matter what grudges
We should accompany you until the end
Faced with Uncle Yin Quan’s endless preaching
I think it’s someone else’s business
Of course it’s easy for you to say it
My current situation is exactly the same as yours then
I plan to wait until my mother dies before regretting it
Can this satisfy you?
Yin Qun suddenly stood up bookishly.
Enxi next to him asked him to sit down
Then start remembering the past
After Dongxi’s sister passed away,
The thing’s mother packed her bags in less than a month
Remarried to another man
At that time, Enxi didn’t understand either.
he is also very angry
Although he never expressed it
But he really sympathizes with things
But now Aunt Yudong can’t even eat
Often vomits blood
He knows things happen in the heat of the moment
But the premise is that the mother is healthy
You have to be mad at him when he’s healthy
Eun Hee persuades Dong Dong to take a step back
Try to fulfill mother’s wishes
After he leaves
Then you can let go of this human relationship freely and easily
I still insist on saying no to things.
he said with tears in his eyes
What he hates most is when people say they understand me.
What do you know
You have no idea what he did to me
You know why although I have had several girlfriends
But you never thought about getting married?
Because stuff worries them like
No matter how nice his mother is
Just a little bit like him
He immediately felt disgusted
He angrily threw the cup to the ground
Before leaving he said again
The brothers and sisters in the work unit no longer tried to persuade him.
Maybe things have more unspeakable sufferings
He hadn’t calmed down yet in the car.
He silently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes
The captain witnessed this scene
Then we drove to the coastal road
The sunset in the distance contrasts with the sea into gray
This gradually calmed things down
He mentioned his mother who had cancer
Feeling very complicated
Can’t say sad
Not happy either
I just feel an indescribable anger
The time has come at night
The captain sent the things to Shan Ya’s hometown
Then he left silently alone
at that time
Dongxi received a call from Shan Ya
hesitated for a moment
He still picked up
Shan Ya hasn’t said a few words yet
The thing directly told the mother’s condition
Shan Ya was very shocked after hearing this
originally thought
He was finally able to escape from this troubled relationship
But his mother asked him to pay homage to his adoptive father
Dongxi asked Shanya if he should go
as a bystander
He’s not sure either
The thing knows that this is the mother’s last wish
But he just doesn’t want to go
Sha Ya then said not to go.
The reason why he hates his mother so much
It’s because his father was killed when he went to sea
Three years later, my sister also died while fishing.
At that time, he only had his mother to rely on
But my mother quickly chose to remarry
And asked him not to call him mom
This was too difficult for him as a child
He cried as he walked
My mother even slapped herself continuously
Until he fell to the ground
from that day on
The thing never called him mother again.
until today
He calls her aunt
until one day
He stole gold jewelry and money from his adoptive father’s house
When he wants to take his mother to Seoul
Life’s mother only replied with one sentence
Shan Ya heard this
Don’t know how to comfort things
He is still struggling
Worried about whether I would be embarrassed if I didn’t go?
Shan Ya asked him to do it according to his own ideas
don’t be like the past
I only regretted it after losing my father.
He lowered his head silently without questioning anything.
Ask Shan Ya if she has reconciled with her ex-husband
Shan Ya explained that it was because of the children
Only my ex-husband will come
His current partner is not his ex-husband
If you don’t ask about things
He will take the initiative to tell him
Things finally met their own happiness
hang up the phone
Something silently polishes the wooden chair
This is the first time he drinks coffee made by his mother
Because he is dying
While drinking, I looked at my mother fiercely.
Then leave the market angrily
He seems to be waiting for his mother to say something
Everyone had dinner at Uncle Yingquan’s shop at noon
At this time, things also came over
The curious uncle next to me was very surprised
Because stuff never sits at the same table as mom
Dongxi looked at Eunxi who was picking up food for her mother.
Then he said, are you pretending not to know me now?
Chunxi replied
He asked Uncle Haoxi next to him
Uncle Haoxi only asked him to eat well
Seeing how everyone treats him like this
He took a few simple bites
Then these words made everyone stop using their chopsticks.
Aunt Chunxi hurriedly answered the call
Aunt Yudong said it will be tomorrow evening
Let mom take the boat there tomorrow afternoon
But he didn’t give any response
Eun Hee urges him to answer his mother quickly
Uncle Curious said that if he doesn’t go
I won’t ask again
Things still haven’t spoken.
The mother next to me also wanted to hear what he had to say.
at this time
Dongxi asked if he could take the afternoon flight.
Aunt Chunxi suggested that it would be better to take a boat
Let’s book the boat at 2pm
I can’t suppress the feeling in my heart
Stuff is speechless for a moment
What do you want, you damn old woman?
In the end, Dongxi generously paid for everyone’s meal.
promised mom
I’ll see her at 4 o’clock tomorrow
Go to her house and hear this answer
Everyone laughed happily
Aunt Yudong is cleaning the floor late at night
I looked at the time and it was only 2:15
to stay awake
Aunt Yudong started practicing calligraphy again
It’s half past three
The things arrived at my mother’s house early
He called mom at the door
Didn’t hear a response
He opened the door
At this time, my mother’s voice came from the next room.
He walked over and took a look
Mom is still cleaning the toilet
This makes things feel helpless
At this time, his mother asked him to throw away the baggage in the room
Dongxi had no choice but to do it
Dongxi brought up two big baggage
When he turned around, he saw the photos on the wall
It’s a painting that Yin Xi gave to Yudong’s aunt
There are also photos of the family from childhood to adulthood
He doesn’t understand why his mother treats him like this
But I still have these photos
Just when they were about to set off
Mom is still procrastinating.
Dongxi can’t help it
I had to get in the car and wait.
Finally my mother got in the car too
Then he asked Dongxi to get out of the car again
Go get some dried radish and bracken
Dongxi takes a deep breath
Try to keep yourself calm
When he put the dishes on the seat
Mom asked him to put things in the back
Because Aunt Chunxi also wants to go together.
Things are still done as told.
but unexpectedly
Mom even needs something to help close the car door.
Continue like this
I think things might get tired before mom
Why does he torture things like this?
I have to observe a minute of silence here for things.
What gave him a headache was Chunxi’s scolding
box after box
They never finish talking
These two old ladies are really useless.
The three finally started their journey
I saw it was almost time for the boat departure
The thing drove his pickup truck like a sports car
The two old ladies didn’t dare to say anything when they saw it.
But they still didn’t catch up in the end
The boat looked like it was about to explode.
Aunt Chunxi had no choice but to say sorry
At this time
There may be countless alpacas galloping in the heart of the thing
He took the two old people to dinner
I went to eat kimbap by myself.
Are you trying to get rid of me, you old naughty boy?
I insist on sticking to you and not leaving
I didn’t notice my mother was behind me
When he turned around, he was shocked.
The mother who clearly has advanced gastric cancer refuses to listen to advice
Go eat soup rice
I want to eat kimbap with him
This is driving things crazy again
After the meal, the two of them sat in the lounge together
In addition to worshiping his adoptive father, Dongxi asked his mother
What else do you want to do?
He will help his mother realize all her wishes
Mother said she wanted to go to Matangli
Although I have never heard of that place
But he still readily agreed
He asked his mother if she had any other wishes.
Mother shook her head
He said to his mother again
If I remember something later
tell him anytime
no matter what
He will help make it happen
Do you want to know why I’m suddenly like this?
Do you think I took the wrong medicine?
Or did I change because you wanted to leave?
These are the questions you want to know
i will tell you soon
After you finish everything you want to do
But I feel it from my mother’s eyes
He doesn’t seem to want to know
There are many secrets hidden in his heart
After getting out of bed
Aunt Yudong accompanies Aunt Chunxi
Go to the hospital to visit my son
Seeing that Wanxiu is recovering well
Aunt Yudong looked very pleased
Wanxiu asked him why he suddenly fell ill
Aunt Yudong just hopes that he will get better soon
Said that after he left
He’s coming to his own funeral
Aunt Chunxi next to the rice cake
Tell him not to say such unlucky words
in the bathroom
Aunt Chunxi stood nervously at the door
Aunt Yudong vomited blood again
Aunt Chunxi hurriedly asked him not to get into trouble here
Wait until he gets home
Besides, Aunt Yudong gave him her savings at this time.
Let him use the money to help Wanxiu and his granddaughter
Or keep it for yourself
His name is Aunt Chunxi
Wait until Wanxiu can walk again next year
Come visit me when my granddaughter goes to school the year after next.
Do not worry
Before leaving, the two aunts held each other’s hands tightly.
They realize this may be the last time they see each other
After Aunt Jiang Yudong got in the car,
Aunt Chunxi stood quietly
Watch him goodbye
my lifelong best friend
In order to fulfill the wish of a mother with terminal cancer
Dongxi took him to Zong Yu’s house to worship his adoptive father.
Explain here
The adoptive father has two sons
Zong Yu and Zong Che
They used to bully things when they were kids
When they came to Zong Yu’s house
Put down your things and turn around to leave
His mother asked him to toast him with a glass of wine and apologize.
After all, I have eaten their food before
And took their money
But it was a stranger who opened the door
I learned that Zong Yu moved away a year ago
Thing turned his head and sighed to his mother
in the elevator
Dongxi was annoyed about Zongyu’s move.
But his mother told him not to enter Zong Yu’s house later.
After getting there
Thing said he would wait in the parking lot
Then leave silently
When I went downstairs, I met Zong Yu.
Seeing him reminds me of the past
In a moment of excitement, he turned around and walked forward
Just when the elevator door is about to close
He blocked the door
The two looked at each other
Something deliberately made him angry
He said he came to pay homage to Zong Yu’s father
Zong Yu asked him what he did for a living now
Thing confidently said he was selling groceries
At the same time, he ridiculed Zong Yu for not succeeding in his great career.
A kimchi factory was opened
Zong Yu was so angry that he asked him to be careful what he said.
For the sake of Aunt Yudong, can I still bear it?
Thing picked up the wine glass
The worship ceremony is over
Eat noodles in big mouth
Look at the way he eats
Zong Yu’s face was filled with disgust
At this time, Palm’s wife next to her spoke
The thing asked him what he said
Could it be that they often beat me until my nose was bruised and my face was swollen?
Then the next person laughed
He probably has nothing to say about me.
Dongxi took the opportunity to ridicule Zongyu
He ruined all his father’s property
this is your life
Your homestead and farmland have been expropriated
Received several billion won in compensation
But we drove the old lady back to our dilapidated home
How do you still live like this?
Zong Yu threw his face at things in anger
Then he grabbed his collar hard
This thing is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.
Push him to the ground with a backhand
Zong Yu angrily called the thing a thief
The thing that heard this also grabbed the food on the table
Throw it directly in Zong Yu’s face
things say
The total amount of things I took was only 20 million won.
I was beaten so badly by you
This little money is simply not enough to compensate
But the man said that something killed his father
At that time, I took them in because I felt pity for them and looked like beggars.
The mother who heard this then threw the sacrifice towards Zong Yu
He couldn’t stand Zong Yu falsely accusing things like this
In fact, after his father was injured after drinking, Zong Yu
Sold the family’s boat and land
In the end, the business failed completely
This made my father so angry
And he also took care of Zong Yu’s paralyzed mother for 15 years
I even changed my father’s diapers for 10 years
He asked Zong Yu for his money back as a servant
Tell mom not to talk to this kind of person
But this guy is still thick-skinned
He also said that he actually regarded such a person as his son.
Mother pushed things away
Said he was often beaten by your brothers for no reason
My mother is both a concubine and a servant
He has endured enough
How much more grievance do you want him to endure?
That young man didn’t do anything to you or me.
It’s already not easy
What qualifications do you have to scold him?
In the end, Dongxi took his mother away
After sending my mother downstairs
Dongxi went upstairs by herself again
It turns out that my mother knew about her grievances and entered the house.
Dong Xi said sorry
You will never see our mother and son again.
Because your aunt has terminal cancer
Not much time left
You can live with peace of mind from now on
Although this aunt is full of joy for dogs
But he has never looked directly at his son
After things left Zong Yu’s house
Mother and son hit the road again
The tired old mother has fallen asleep
And things haven’t recovered from the previous quarrel.
Looking at my mother who passed away soon beside me
Her eyes showed reluctance
At this time, my mother felt sick again
Thing immediately parked the car on the side of the road
Seeing my mother in such pain
He couldn’t help but his eyes turned red.
Then he asked his mother if he needed to go to the hospital
Mom shook her head and said no.
I have no choice but to accept things
But he gradually and patiently helped his mother get into the car
He also fastened his seat belt carefully.
Then he took his mother to the hotel
As soon as you enter the house, ask your mother to wash up first.
Then I asked my mother if she wanted to sleep on the floor or make a bed on the floor.
Mom didn’t answer
He slowly walked to the bathroom door
I opened the door and saw my mother brushing her teeth.
This reassured him a little bit
Before leaving, he couldn’t help but ask:
You were so protective of me during the day
I think you understand that I’m having a hard time
heard this
Things seem to feel despair
He slammed the door and left
It seems that my mother also has unspeakable pain in her heart.
Mother wakes up from her dream late at night
He walked to the window and looked at the things on the car outside.
I can’t help but feel some love in my heart
The next day my mother went to see Zong Che
Thing sat quietly in the car alone
Before leaving, Zong Che got in the car and said to things
Yesterday I heard Zong Yu mention that my aunt was seriously ill.
we all feel sad
Contact me when the funeral is arranged
After everything is dealt with
Dongxi took his mother to Matangli
Both mother and son were silent in the car.
I really can’t find anything in that place
So he went to ask the local real estate agent
But they don’t know either
Mom looks a little disappointed
Dongxi asked where Matangli was.
Isn’t your hometown Jeju Island?
Mom shook her head
This blows things away
I found out after asking people in the village
Matang has turned into a lake
Stuff asked what to do next
Mom still insists on going to see it
Although I am extremely reluctant
But things still decided to satisfy mom
Before setting off, they decided to have a bowl of fried noodles first.
When I got there, my mother was overjoyed to see the dog on the roadside.
I looked at the thing and shook my head.
while eating
The boss served the noodles to the guests in the back first.
Something reminded us that we were here first
Please come to our place first
But the two guests had already started eating
They both look bad
The boss came quickly to comfort me
He said he would give us something extra
I just want him to deliver the noodles as soon as possible
But the noodles that came up were not the ones given by stuff.
My mother ate it without saying anything after seeing it.
The boss suddenly snatched the noodles from my mother’s mouth
Thing threw the noodles on the table angrily
Then he paid and left
My mother apologized hastily
When you get back to the car, tell your mother something.
You see the dogs on the roadside smiling so happily
But he is so indifferent to his own son
you didn’t hurt anyone
But always so humble
Don’t you feel sorry for me?
Wait until we come back from Matangli
I have fulfilled my obligation to you
Thing’s eyes are filled with tears
It’s really distressing
he was really in pain
I felt so aggrieved that I drove to the foot of the mountain
Dongxi carefully helped mom get out of the car.
Then they walked into the mountains together
My mother sprained her foot after walking only a few steps.
He said nothing
Just resting against the tree next to me
I rested my ankles for a while and then continued walking.
Things didn’t notice this scene
Seeing that my mother has been unable to catch up
So he stopped
Until his mother walked to him with difficulty
He silently put the water on the ground
Then keep walking
But the place has changed
This area has been converted into a reservoir
The mother and son found a piece of wood and sat down.
The thing asked her mother where her home was.
He tried to find the past in his memory
Dongxi asked her mother again
When was the last time you went back to your hometown?
The mother said she had sex once after giving birth to his sister.
Ask mother if she has any brothers or sisters
The mother shook her head and said no.
When did my grandparents die?
Mother says they died when he was 6
At this time, Dong Hee recalled that an aunt came to visit her when she was a child.
Mother said that aunt died three years ago
Dongxi felt complicated after hearing this
He continued to ask his mother
Are you here to visit your grandparents?
mother said
I came to visit my grandparents and my brother.
Dong Xi was very surprised after hearing this
Mother tearfully reveals brother died when he was 13
Later, he was buried next to his parents’ cemetery.
After my mother said this, she got up and left.
On the way back
Dong Xi noticed that her mother’s foot was injured
He sat his mother on the wood next to him
take off shoes
I found that my mother’s feet were swollen a lot.
He said it would be fine after a while
I was very angry after hearing this
Then he found a wooden stick and asked his mother to walk with it
Seeing my mother struggling so much
In the end, he couldn’t help but carry him on his back.
At the moment when he was carrying his mother on his back
He couldn’t hold back his tears anymore
on the car
Mom looked at the dog outside the window with her affectionate eyes again
Said something after looking at it
Mom just glanced at him with disdain
Dongxi took the opportunity to ask his mother when he was beaten
Is he sad?
Still not moving at all
Yu Zhong’s mother remained silent
I still can’t help but ask, do you love men that much?
Even if I have a son
Can’t you live without a man?
I said at that time that I would drop out of school and work to support you.
Wait until I’m older
I also want to take you to Seoul with me
But why are you always so confident?
Don’t you feel sorry for me?
I had nothing then
Dad and sister are gone
Only mother is left
But you didn’t even let your mother
I asked you to take away my only mother
how could you do this
I’m very sad today
He thought that as long as the children had food to eat, it would be fine
Thinking that having a good house and studying is enough
So he just found someone to rely on
All this was the limitation of the limited knowledge of that era
He ordered things
Don’t cry when he dies
Let your ashes be scattered in the ocean of your sister and father
Like the support of someone who was severely depressed
Now it has a new look
After getting busy, he immediately booked a ticket to Jeju.
He happily shared the news with Thing
After seeing the text message
He is waiting for his mother’s diagnosis results
He came out of the consulting room
Dejected, I walked to my mother’s bed
he told mother
If you are not hospitalized, you may have to prepare for funeral arrangements.
Mother sat up with difficulty
Dongxi is worried that something will happen to her mother on the road
Insist on him staying here
Mother still insists on going home
Watching my mother beg and plead
He finally agreed
Shift change in two hours
Dongxi carefully helped his mother get out of the car.
From your own treasure chest
I picked out a pair of comfortable shoes for my mother.
Mother puts on the shoes that she picked up
follow him
They arrived at Zhajiang Noodle House
Mother doesn’t know how to eat
Help him mix the noodles
Considering that mother can’t chew it
He helped him pick up the noodles again
Then he asked his mother
When did you start liking fried noodles?
Mother said it was Dong
Xi’s father is still eating
Occasionally eat
but i don’t think so
Look at my mother eating noodles
He actually doesn’t know how to eat
Never even seen this thing before
Maybe it’s just because I like to eat the food
Then I asked if there was anything else I wanted to do.
Just tell him
Thing asked if it was close to here
Mother shook her head
The thing therefore rejected the mother
Because I have to see Shan Ya tomorrow
Mother lowered her head in disappointment
It just so happened that Shan Ya sent another text message over.
Said his son was injured
So I can’t make it tomorrow
This made things agree to their mother again
They came to the place their mother mentioned
this place
This is the place where mother and father met for the first time.
He was only 13 years old at that time and was washing dishes here.
Just to fill my stomach
On the way back
To chat more
He told his mother
Yingzhu gave birth to a baby girl weighing 6 pounds and 6 taels.
Then show the photo to your mother
See such a cute child
Mother showed affectionate eyes
Dong Xi suddenly felt a little unhappy
Take your phone back quickly
Then the mother asked Dong Xi how to write gold
Dong Xi was stunned for a moment
Then took a sip on the glass
I wrote down what my mother wanted to know.
Mother added two words in front that he could only write.
Wumanjin is his name
Dong Xi asked her mother what else she wanted to write
I’ll write it for you
Just like this, under the guidance of things
every important people animal
Landscapes and locations are documented
Finally printed on the glass of the ferry bound for Jeju
The next stop for mother and son
It’s Hanna Mountain, which my mother has never been to
The snow scenery of Bailutan there is the most beautiful in the world
Today he will fulfill his mother’s last wish
The sleeping mother next to him looked at him
He couldn’t bear to wake him up
But the moment my mother opened her eyes,
The heavy snow outside stunned him
He couldn’t believe himself
The girl with eyes asked her mother if she knew about Bai Luta
have you been here before
Mom shook her head and said no.
This makes things feel a little bit guilty
Mom then asked Bailutan if it was more beautiful than this.
The thing replied that it was incomparably beautiful there.
As soon as I said this
Mom wants to see it even more
The person who was shocked said that it would take four or five hours.
It would be terrible if the car breaks down halfway.
He advised his mother to just enjoy the scenery here.
But mom looks disappointed
Dong Dong had no choice but to reluctantly agree.
Before departure
Thing carefully selects equipment from the equipment box
She patiently helped her mother put on cotton shoes
Then I ran to buy hot tea for my mother
Looking at the back of things going away
Looking down at the new cotton shoes on my feet
He must be very happy at this moment
Along the way, the thing looked back at its mother
He is no longer as impatient as before
He casually asked his mother if he could start over
what do you want to be
Mom said she wanted to be a child of a rich family
This way you don’t have to worry about money
Can learn to read and write
You don’t have to let the kids go to work
Let them read more
Don’t meet people who are short-lived
But to be with people who live longer
It would be nice if I could live like this for once
It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work
during break
Thing asked his mother again
What if I was a good, obedient boy?
Are you still willing to be my son in your next life?
Mom turned around
Looking at something affectionately
Nod silently in agreement
Things continue to ask in this life
When was your happiest moment?
Mom said it’s now
Mountain climbing with you
The thing smiled coldly
Don’t know what to say
he doesn’t understand
Why does his mother say this is his happiest moment?
Obviously he has always been indifferent
On the way to climb Mount Hanna together
I heard some people want to give up on logging in
Shan Dongxi advised his mother not to go up either.
But my mother insisted on going to see the most beautiful Bailutan.
I asked my mother and the two young men to go down the mountain first.
He went to the top of the mountain to take pictures of the Egret Pond by himself
Ask his mother to wait for him at the cafe at the foot of the mountain
Watching the back of things leaving
Mom’s eyes are red
Reluctant to leave
East and West walked quickly towards the top of the mountain
Past events keep coming to mind
Those memories that make it difficult for him to look back
I get upset just thinking about it
After accompanying my mother on this journey,
He seems to have found some answers
I feel some temptations in my heart
The mother waiting at the foot of the mountain hesitated
Dial Zong Yu’s number
Zong Yu saw the call but didn’t answer it
If the call is connected
What would mom say?
Why doesn’t Zong Yu answer the phone?
When things are approaching the top of the mountain
But I found a sign that restricted entry into the mountain.
Reluctantly, I took out my phone to record this moment.
He told his mother that Bailutan was there
He cried into his cell phone and said
And the mother at the foot of the mountain has fallen asleep
on the way home
Video taken by mom looking at something
Eyes full of expectation and joy
Although I couldn’t see the snow-covered Bailu Lake
But I can be with my son in the last moments of my life
This is his real wish
After arriving home, Dongxi hurriedly opened the door for his mother.
Carefully help him get off the car
Watching the lonely mother walk into the house
He was filled with emotions
So he called his mother
Mother looks back with expectation
The thing asked him if he wanted to go and see where he lived.
Mother nodded happily
When they arrived at the thing’s place
Shan Ya walked out of it
The two met for the first time
I didn’t know what to do for a while
They just bowed deeply to each other
At this time, my son Xiaolie also followed out.
Mother’s eyes sparkle
Look at this cute child in front of you
Gentle and well-behaved
eyes full of love
Things are playing outside with Xiaoye on the swing
They made an appointment to go horse riding together tomorrow
In the room, Shanya is concerned about her mother’s health.
Mother praises things
Said she was a very kind child
Shan Ya turned her head silently
Looking at the father and son living harmoniously outside the house
Showed a happy smile
When his mother saw this, she praised him for being really kind.
Then he ordered something to take him home
Shan Ya wants her mother to stay overnight
Mother just gave him a warm smile
This trip gave my mother an extra pair of shoes at the door
The things in the house tell mother to take a rest early
Then turned to look at the wall
Hanging photos of the whole family from childhood to adulthood
Mother said they must have gone to a wonderful place
Because since they left
It never appeared in his dreams again.
before leaving
The thing asked his mother to make a big pot of sauce for him tomorrow morning.
Mom said excitedly: “Don’t you like eating?”
Help mom lock the door
and left
After things leave
He showed a happy smile
The next day my mother got up early in the morning
start preparing
Finished with this
He feeds his dogs and cats as usual
The stuff finally arrived at mom’s house
Mom is already asleep
The big pot of sauce is already on the table
Taste something
seems very satisfied
He tried to wake his mother
But his mother didn’t respond to him
Things slowly put down their chopsticks
It’s a pity that he couldn’t hear those words with his own ears
Things silently approached him
Listen carefully to mother’s breathing
The son wants to be raised but cannot be kissed
This may be the greatest sadness
He knelt silently next to his mother’s body
He dialed Aunt Chunxi’s phone number
Aunt Chunxi pretended to be calm after hearing the news
After hanging up the phone, he couldn’t help crying.
This is the end of the story of stuff and mom
Many people don’t understand what Aunt Yudong does
Some people say he is not worthy of being a mother
But along the way
The screenwriter on the journey has already given the answer
From Yudong aunt’s love for small animals
Until he cried because Aunt Chunxi’s son was seriously ill
And he doesn’t charge Yingzhu money to sell vegetables.
It can be seen that he has a kind nature
His parents and brother died young
He has been alone since he was a child
When something says he wants to work to support himself
I must know how hard it is for a child to go out to work
So he will definitely not agree
at that age
In a remote alley
There are really few ways for women in the village to make money.
Even if someone criticizes you from behind
My husband just passed away
She chose to marry on behalf of others
She doesn’t want her son to wander around
Things are no longer mentioned
She just hopes that her son can go to school like other children
Life can be what she expected when she was young
As for why she hits things so hard?
Watching his son being beaten without saying a word
I think he knows it
I know my son has an impulsive personality
You will definitely feel wronged if you go to someone else’s house
Nothing is better than being loved by your own mother
Slap yourself several times for no reason
Even more uncomfortable
The pain you will endure in the future may not be so uncomfortable.
From Yudong Aunt
Losing temper with second husband’s son
As can be seen
He has never forgotten that they beat his son
Maybe it’s because I’m helpless
Maybe it’s to repay others’ kindness
Or just to keep the house from becoming a mess
He could only watch silently as his child was bullied
My heart is roaring
Reality is so cruel
Can’t change anything anymore
You don’t have to understand him
Mom could have chosen another way
Mothers don’t need to be whitewashed either
Because he is tired enough in this life
I really like this monologue
No words say you love me
Not even a word of apology
My mother, Ms. Jiang Yudong, made a bowl for me
My favorite miso pot
Then returned to his original place
I held his body and cried bitterly
At that moment I really understood
I have never held any grudge against him in my life
I just want to hold him like this
Make peace with him
Today he is taking his girlfriend to meet his parents
You still have to look in the mirror before you go
Appreciate your handsomeness
He just got off the car
Turn around
I was shocked by the beautifully dressed Yin Yu
Just as the captain was walking towards Yin Yu
Yin Yu suddenly decided to retreat
He casually handed the gift to the captain
Looking at Yin Yu’s indifferent attitude
The captain was not angry
Instead, he said he wouldn’t go then.
Ding Yu was surprised and asked if it was true?
The captain who understood Yin Yu’s thoughts said to him
Since we don’t have to go to work today
They are all dressed so formally
Why don’t you go see a movie?
Ding Yu thought for a while
Ok, deal
Such a good boyfriend
To the sisters in the comment area
But Yin Yu returned to the car
I feel a little sorry
He asked the captain
Have you told your family about your situation?
The captain nodded
Then he told Yin Yu that my parents had met
will definitely like you
Yin Yu finally decided to meet her parents
But I put a condition on driving my own car.
Because he was afraid that the captain’s parents might not like him
if that’s the case
He will leave immediately without hesitation
The captain said if my parents make you uncomfortable today
I would rather do it three times for me
I still felt uncomfortable due to nervousness during the journey.
The captain asked him to take a deep breath
Bingyu also tried to take a few deep breaths.
got there
Parents are busy with farm work
Bingyu greeted them politely
The captain introduced that this is my girlfriend
Parents just glanced at each other
Then keep busy
At this time
Yingyu complained that they didn’t even know to look at me.
I’ve endured it once
The younger brother in the room looked at the violent father beside him
Then he told the captain that dad was in a bad mood.
Mom is in a worse mood
At this time, Yingyu was standing next to her mother
He wants to help his mother
but was rejected
After my mother asked the captain to bring out the food,
Just turned around and left
At this time, Yingyu said that mother didn’t even say a word to me.
Didn’t even look at me
Anyway, I’ve endured it twice.
Now there’s only one last chance left
During the meal, my brother said, "You call people over."
Why didn’t you say a word?
This is so embarrassing
If you are all like this
I will never bring my girlfriend home again.
Just as the captain was preparing to excuse Yin Yu,
Yin Yu stopped him
Dad then told the captain to be nicer to Yin Yu
And he said to Yin Yu that if he treats you badly
Just tell me
Help you teach him a lesson
get such support
Yin Yu was also relieved
Such a warm family is really great
After mother left
Things are being sold outside the market as usual
The shy person I haven’t seen for a long time is back here again
He imitates the way of selling things
I couldn’t help but laugh after seeing the thing
Shyly walked to him slowly
shook hands with something
Then ask how things are doing
Meilan came to Aunt Chunxi’s stall in the market
They hug happily
The whistle blows
The official opening of the sports meeting
Mi-ran and Eun-hee are best friends
The tacit understanding is as perfect as when we were young
Looking at the lagging opponent
They shouted excitedly
Successfully completed the handover of the baton
Finally they lay down on the lawn
Recalling every bit of the past
Joy from the first reunion
to the degree of breakdown of the relationship
Finally put aside the past and start again
This bestie relationship has gone through a test
will last until the last moment of life
In comparison
Shy, this combination seems a bit clumsy
despite this
This big man who is 1.9 meters tall
I also lowered my head and ran for life
He tried to take advantage of Eun Hee’s feelings
Come realize my daughter’s golf dream
But it was precisely because of meeting kind-hearted Eun-hee
He decided to change his mind
Speaking of the perfect partner
That must be the captain
His gloomy and vigorous steps and agile movements
The sisters in the audience couldn’t help but cheer
The ups and downs of the two sisters’ journey
I believe everyone remembers it clearly

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