【Full Movie】小三用照片污衊妻子出軌,哪料丈夫壓根不信,一個舉動讓她徹底死心!💕中國電視劇

Lao Feng Lai is back
Thanks for your hard work
Are you exhausted?
Have a drink of water
Feeling unwell
He doesn’t look good
It’s okay, I’m just a little tired. Ruyi
Ah, I’m playing games upstairs.
you’re really fine
Oh, almost confused
Lao Feng will start dinner soon.
I’m tired and won’t eat
Don’t shout
My old Feng
Let’s take a rest after eating
I won’t eat
Are you ready to give him dinner?
You are here
I bought him something more
Do you think I need to add some more nutrients?
Okay, I haven’t finished what I bought last time.
Ah, right?
Well, then prepare more
OK, all right
Thank you. You’re welcome.
Oh sorry
Master, I left something there
That’s it
I have to go back
You let him go
Who are you?
Why are you here?
I work as a cleaner here
In the middle of the night, do you dare to say that you are?
I really am
Can you say that again
I work as a cleaner here
Are you being stubborn?
I tell you
Don’t think I really don’t know you
Officer Choi?
There is a person named Saga in your jurisdiction
Well, the good thing is that I basically understand it.
Thank you
I’ll take care of it next, thank you
That’s how it goes for the woman
let me tell you
I definitely didn’t lie
This guy is a gangster
You must lock him up
Don’t get excited first
We still have to investigate the matter carefully.
to draw conclusions
If you two don’t want to be here
If you stay here for one night
Just sign quickly
then go home
Hey, stop, don’t go
Okay, okay
Beat someone up
No one cares about you
Endless, endless, endless
Does he dare? He he?
He feels guilty
No matter what, they didn’t pursue this matter against you.
Still need to do careful investigation
What about you today?
I’m very tired, so why don’t you go home first?
are you
I should have known where Saga was
Why did he do that?
I really don’t understand
There is something about me that disdains this era
It is difficult to integrate into this society
Lao Feng, why did you come back?
you’ve been drinking
You haven’t changed your shoes yet
What shoes should I change?
Isn’t this just a change?
Don’t take off your shoes
Why do you drink so much?
Come, come, the station is full
The station is full. Come help me pour some water.
Did you have meal
I am drunk
have you eaten
Have I drunk too much?
Good old Feng
Come on, Lao Feng, sit down
I’ll drink with you
I’ll drink with you tonight
You wait
I’ll make you some of your favorite side dishes
What do you like to eat
Lao Feng
Lao Feng
Wipe your face
Lao Feng
Come out and wipe your face
Lao Feng
Are you really okay?
I’m fine
You didn’t eat last night
I’m worried to death
I made some porridge for you
Bring it to you
Oh, no need
Xiaoqing thank you
The company has a meeting early in the morning
It’s too late now
The small prison has arrived
Aunt Zuo Jiatong
Zuo He is still sleeping in the room.
Why did you come in?
Do you still have some differences between men and women?
Do you know the difference between men and women?
Get up quickly
I have something to tell you
Hey, get up for me
Oh, Officer Choi
I’m sleeping
I didn’t break the law
What’s wrong with you
I also want to ask you what are you doing?
What’s wrong with me
You spend all your time reading newspapers and playing music to people.
What do you want to do?
This is how you want to experience life
Feel life
Tell me about you
You said you did this and you got into a fight with someone?
You really embarrass me
There is no ghost in my heart
I’m not afraid of ghosts calling the door
What are you doing to disgrace me?
I will follow you every day
A gate where neighbors live
What’s going on
Not enough
not enough
Cui Jiatong, you are a policeman
you should think about it
From the time Shen Bing lost his manuscript and got into a car accident until now
I was misunderstood by her husband
There is a big problem here
Yes, there is a problem
tell me what you think
I can help you
You listen to me
Now you go and get fired from the care center.
Want to wake up Shen Bing
Everyone has a way
People don’t need you
Fan Xueqin, I’m still waiting for you.
Waiting for you to go back to work
Why are you so stubborn?
Xiaotong, what’s wrong?
What happened
Mom, leave it alone
What trouble did you get into again?
I don’t
Say it again
Aunt Su, what is he doing?
Ask him if he dares to say it
Chen Yatong, shut up.
You don’t need to take care of my affairs
Don’t let my mother worry, okay?
You don’t want your mother to worry, do you?
Don’t want your mother to worry
Don’t be like this
Stop being a janitor
What cleaner
What kind of cleaner?
Cui Jiatong
Hehe, you are such a good coach, I don’t deserve you
Why do you want to be a cleaner?
I do it for myself
a person who saved me
Who saved you?
The one who saved my soul
Stop talking. Stop talking.
I don’t understand either
The more you talk, the more confused I become.
I just want you to know
I’ve been pulling you up all by myself since you were little
Not easy
Did your mother make any demands on you?
No, right?
you want to box
I’ll let you go boxing
You do it for a girl
You spent five years in prison
You ruined your future
Have I ever blamed you?
I haven’t complained, have I?
Who makes you a sentimental person?
I tell you
Hehe can’t do it this time
Not this time
Mom is old
Mom can’t stand your troubles anymore
I’m not high on you
I just want you to be a normal person
We two are just like normal people
How about we live a peaceful life for a few days?
Ah congratulations
Do you promise mom not to
Give mom a nice word
Hey, why are you still here?
You’ve made a fool of yourself
We can’t afford this
did you hear
Put your things down and leave quickly
I won’t leave
I’ll compensate you for this
What are you looking at?
So focused
Why are you looking at me like that?
Is this wrong for you?
Lin Dui
Do you think a book can change a person?
Yes, I just watched Sherlock Holmes
I just want to be a police officer
I kind of understand now
What book are you reading?
Written by Shen Ming
It is indeed a good book
Here we go again, right?
You don’t have a long memory, right?
This is today’s newspaper
I have to read it to him
he is my wife
I don’t need someone like you to take care of him.
What about the person in charge?
He didn’t fire you, did he?
I’m going to complain to him now
can we talk
I have nothing to talk to you about
I am a reader of Shen Bing
But I’m also his collaborator
That’s ridiculous
Do you think you just said that casually?
Can I believe that you are a gentleman?
you can insult me
But you can’t insult your own wife
I know what kind of person my wife is.
I don’t need you to lecture me here
Do you have anything else to say?
Is this the role readers and collaborators should play?
you tell me
If you want to hear my explanation
i want to tell you
Because when he was writing that new book that was lost
interviewed me
Then his book moved me
free me
It’s like I’ve been reborn
So I really hope he wakes up
I don’t know what I’m doing now
Can it be of any help to him?
But this is the only way I can
What you said is very beautiful
You may believe it
It’s okay if you don’t believe it
Anyway you can’t change my decision
I won’t leave here
If you still want to take action
I can only tell you
I already let you go once
I won’t let you do it a second time
Then try it
News Center Our city recruits national civil servants
Private enterprise registration
Exam content and methods
common sense judgment
Quantitative relationship judgment reasoning and data analysis
Are you thirsty? Ren Bing
I’ll get you some water
Jiatong, you are here
Shen Bing
Look who’s coming
Cui Jiatong Police Officer Cui
You know him?
Do you really believe he can hear you?
I believe that although he is unconscious now
But his mind can feel everything
i believe in science
But I also believe that people have souls
The soul can transcend the existence of the body
As long as he wants
He will wake up
Because there are many people like him
they all woke up
If he were a book himself
He shouldn’t end up like this
to finish writing his life
Let me read a paragraph for you
Enterprise relocation should benefit future generations
Yesterday’s special research deployment
Accelerate environmental management work in industrial zones
We must put people first
you drank too much
you will feel uncomfortable
It’s even worse if you don’t drink
If you have anything unhappy, can’t you tell me?
If the great writer Shen Bing doesn’t want this matter to be exposed,
Please pay a sealing fee of 100,000 yuan
This person wants to blackmail Shen Bing
He probably doesn’t know Shen Bing’s current situation.
Now I really wish I was blind
i wish i never saw that
These messy things
And that man who disgusts me
I know this man
I’ve known about this for a long time
what do you know
Shen Bing betrayed me, right?
That’s all happened
It’s time to go
Why mention him?
I I beg you to tell me
Shen Bing once told me
He had the seven-year itch
Eight years of pain
He said
he met a man
A man with a rough appearance but a rich heart
A man who can read his books
one that really attracts him
a man who makes his presence felt
But he didn’t leave you
Leave Ruyi
I feel
Shen Bing has fallen in love with him
they are the same people
Very romantic
Very idealistic
Okay, Lao Feng
stop thinking about it
Let the past pass
Just let him spend more time with the magic weapon
This is a kind of compensation for the magic weapon
Sorry Lao Feng
I talked too much
I I’m just
It’s not your fault
I hate myself
Do you know why?
Because compared to that bastard guy
My hope that Shen Bing can wake up
Too slim
how are you today
Oh, it’s pretty good
Looking good today
Thank you Saga
you need to know
Her husband is not his confidant
Only you are willing to stay here with him
I don’t want to cause trouble to him
how could be
His husband is no longer a problem
I really envy Shen Bing for having a good friend like you
I hope you stay with him
Just like seeking scriptures from the West
After many hardships
Overcoming the difficulties of ninety-nine and eighty-one
I think
This book is not only Shen Bing’s work
It also embodies a lot of Comrade Qin Hainan’s hard work
It can be said that this book is the child of the two of them
Yeah yeah
The current number of pre-orders has been increased to 500,000 copies
no doubt
I’m sure
This book will create a myth in publishing
At least it’s a distribution myth
Xiao Qi
Do you want to say a few words?
I just hope he
be able to wake up earlier
Saw this book with my own eyes
Ocean blue is simply amazing.
Thank you for your hard work
applause sea blue
Goodbye. Goodbye.
I want to discuss something with you
Look at you now
He is an experienced editor.
Able to stand alone
Come out of that varsity room.
Gee, you could be a good editor
I’ve thought about it all
Just try it first
You sit in the seat of military review
It would be a pity that his project was abandoned halfway.
Can you help him catch him?
can i do it
Oh no problem
That’s it
Ah, I, I have a party tonight
I guess I won’t be back until very late
Did Ruyi sleep?
Hey, good
Lao Feng
Haven’t rested yet
No, I’ll wait for you
Come and show you something
This book is doing well
Already 500,000 copies
Of course this is just the beginning
Shen Bing is such a good writer
Not Xiaoqin
This book is half of your credit
This book wouldn’t exist without you
I thank you on behalf of Shen Bing
You’re welcome
Shen Bingqing and I are sisters
When we were little, we were as good as one person
He did a lot of things for me
Now I should do something for him
In fact, he and I are indistinguishable from each other.
You do have a lot of similarities.
if you are willing to
I am willing to become another person for you
you are a very good woman
He knew that you wanted to publish this book
Put in so much work
He will definitely thank you very, very much
I have put the water for you
You go take a bath
If it gets cold, add some hot water
Thank you
Good night
Good night
Shen Bing
Your book is finally out
You don’t have to
I’m worried about you, so rest in peace.
Thank you Shen Bing
Hai Lan, you are here
Great, sit over there
sea ​​blue
You are so patient
From now on, we must unite well together
I know you are much older than that friend of yours
Xiaoman, I don’t have enough experience.
Please help me more in the future
It depends on what you said
From now on, all I need is a word from you Hailan
I thank Xiaoman
Go up the mountain of knives and go down into the sea of ​​fire
I’ll charge you without blinking an eye. You’re busy.
Come to Lao Feng
Ouch ouch
If you wish, drink slowly. Drink slowly.
The soup you made is so delicious, I want more
Aunt Xing will serve you another bowl.
Xiaoqing, you can eat it yourself.
Oh, yes, Lao Feng
The editor asked me to ask about the settlement method
Auntie, what’s wrong with dad?
It’s okay baby
Let’s eat
Hey, stop drinking soup
Come and eat when you’re full.
Your bank card, name, seal, and ID card are all here.
Digitally reversed
You don’t even ask how much the royalties are.
Where’s the violin?
If I don’t even trust you
Who can I trust?
You are the only person I can rely on now
I really don’t have the energy to deal with these things
Just leave it to you
Principal, you have to accept this money.
Fellow Yang
Well, although the child’s household registration is not in this city
But we will take special care of such children
Uh, in addition to the normal charges
I think you should take the money back
The principal is like this
Even if it’s the sponsorship fee I gave to the school
Because I just changed schools
I found that good kids don’t take money
I found um
That good boy is obedient
Many tables in the activity room are broken
Some facilities also need to be replaced
So this money is all considered as temporary accommodation expenses.
And I have a small request
because of the nature of my job
I’m often not at home
Travel frequently
So I entrusted this child to the school.
I hope you will take good care of me
Come kids
Put your schoolbag on your back
Well, let mom see
Not bad, he is really a primary school student.
Here are some things like pencils?
Put them all in the pencil case
How beautiful
They are all our Taotao’s treasures
Go and play
Don’t get your clothes dirty
And a school bag
What are you doing standing there?
My son goes to school
Are you unhappy?
How can I be unhappy when my son goes to school?
But where did you get so much sponsorship money?
I earned it
You earned it
What are you doing?
How can you earn so much money?
what do you mean
Hey, what do you mean?
do you think
I’ve done some shady things outside.
Or what?
I I don’t ask me anymore
I’ve got the money back
I just hope you can live a good life with Taotao
Don’t ask so many other questions
The origin of this money is unknown
Can I live a down-to-earth life?
Then what do you mean by being down-to-earth?
you say
Do you think you should let Taotao run wild outside all day?
Let some kids bully him every day
This will make you feel at ease
Okay, I’m leaving
Ming Ming remember to take Taotao to school
If you stop, I will leave too
Where are you going?
I’m going to work
I went to other places to find work
There’s something I want to tell you
the day before yesterday
There is a Nanyang labor service company recruiting workers here.
I have already signed up
How could you do this?
What will happen to Taotao if you leave?
Who cares about Taotao
Is it time for you to take care of it too?
I am an old man who stays at home all day long to look after the children.
I will sell vegetables for the rest of my life.
I also have to go out and earn some money so that you can live a good life.
no matter what
You should discuss this matter with me, right?
We can’t listen to you on everything anymore
You say lotus
I shouldn’t have said that the peony is in your hand
I’m like a little puppet tied up with a rope
It’s whatever you say.
Can’t do this
Ah, are you Aunt Bao?
Yes this
This is Taotao, right?
Yes, this is Taotao
Uncle-in-law calls grandma
Grandma haha
How well-behaved this child is
Ah, what a beautiful young man
You can tell by looking at it that people like it
Hahaha, let’s play Taotao
This child doesn’t know how to be born.
I’m usually alone
Very busy at work
So it is very inconvenient to take care of children
Do not worry
It’s okay, leave him to me
I like children
Although I have never given birth to a child in my life
But when I get old I can take care of a child
I’m happy hahaha
It would be great
I will leave Taotao to you in a down-to-earth manner.
Hey, don’t worry, hahaha
Auntie, this is the living expenses
No, no, no, don’t worry
Auntie, just accept it.
Just accept it
Hahahaha, look why are you so polite?
That’s good, I can go to work with peace of mind.
Okay, don’t worry, okay
Woo woo
We Ruyi is 5 years old
Tell grandma what wish you just made
I hope my mother wakes up soon
You said I should always think like this
Mom will wake up
Come on baby
Let’s cut the cake
Ah, right
uncle aunt
It’s getting cold
I prepared two cashmere blankets for my second wife.
Auntie is giving this to you
The uncle of this flower is for you
Yes, do you like it?
Your uncle is saying
thank you
You are welcome
Uncle, Shen Bing and I are as close as sisters
This is what I should do
You must be exhausted
I see your face has become smaller.
It’s okay, it’s okay
Ruyi, thanks to you
No one can do it except you
I have a fate with this kid.
Ruyi is so good
So sensible
Ruyi has a good birthday today
The whole family had a great time
Just be happy
Uncle and aunt are also very happy
Well, wishful thinking
Sleep, sleep
The little guy is exhausted
Hey Hailan
come here
This is the key to Shen Bing’s car
You put it away first
I’ll find time to practice driving in a few days.
Otherwise, I would go to work, buy groceries, pick up the kids, and run around every day.
It’s tiring to have to squeeze into the bus.
How can I use his car?
No need for the moment
Take it
Hello, nurse Mei is here.
How is she today?
Everything is normal. Thank you.
Your car belongs to me
your home your children
your husband
It’ll all be mine
Do not worry
your everything everything
I will love it as if it is everything to me
Just sleep well here
sleep forever
don’t wake up
Have you fallen in love with that woman?
You said you were doing it for such a woman
You’re willing to come here and do that kind of work
Oops, I admire you as a big brother.
What should Jia Tong do?
You should know in your heart
Jiatong has always been pretending to be you
Hey, why don’t you speak?
Okay, where am I today?
I don’t want to say anything either
Fans of the authorities
Bystanders know
You, you have a clear mind, right?
I’m not suitable for him
What does it mean to be suitable?
What are the standards for love?
I tell you
Don’t pretend to be confused because you understand.
Don’t let yourself get away with it then
I understand
You can’t find one based on your family’s conditions.
What kind of happiness can someone like me bring to others?
Oh, thank God
Can you still think of these?
It seems you can still be saved.
I also understand some of the ways of society.
listen to me
Go back to our place
Not sure which
The kind of happiness you want will come
Pain will soon follow
I tell you
All pain is brought on by oneself
There’s no one like you in the world
You said it was for a vegetable
Look at yourself
What’s going on?
What did you say you were planning on?
It’s worth it if you really want to draw something.
I don’t want anything
I just want peace of mind
Brother Xueqin
I really hope you can understand me
today is your birthday
You see, everyone in your family is here to celebrate your birthday.
Help mom blow out the candles
What gift did Luo Yi prepare for his mother?
I got 100 points again
I scored 100 points in both Chinese and English
Mom, did you hear that?
If you hear this, please wake up.
Your daughter is talking to you
Did you hear that
Ruyi is already in elementary school
Good homework
Just like you and when you were little
Our family is doing well now
Everyone is just hoping that you will wake up soon
Sun Bin
Did you hear that
Please wake up quickly
You are all here
Director Luo, he has been lying here for two years.
He is a doctor. A doctor’s bounden duty is to seek truth from facts.
Maybe his situation will change
Maybe it will last forever
Two more years to go
ten two years
even until his death
aunt aunt
Don’t be sad
We will be with him forever
Okay, that’s it
Team Aylin
What are you doing here?
Shen Bing celebrates her birthday today
I’ll go see him
Bring me a good one
wish him a happy birthday
Team Lin
Shen Bing
Happy birthday
Time flies so fast
It’s your birthday again
That pot of perilla I gave you last year
Looking very good now
This is today’s newspaper
I’ll read it to you
Jiatong, you are here
Happy birthday Shen Bing
thank you
Yesterday at noon
After the reporter learned the news
Rushed to Sea World for an interview
The whale was already dead when it was discovered
Contact Whale Government Department
Dead whales brought to our park
Arriving just in time
will he wake up
have no idea
I’ve been asking myself
Will he ever wake up?
What am I waiting for
I can’t leave him alone
I want to wait
What if he can’t wake up?
It’s been 2 years
How many more two years are left?
We all like Shen Bing
We all hope he performs miracles
But what if this miracle really doesn’t happen?
have you thought about it
Are you going to keep avoiding reality like this?
It’s been two years
You can do a lot of things in two years
Two more years to come
Can do more things
If we do something for this society
Would it be more meaningful?
And if Shen Bing knew
I’ll definitely be happy too
Do you know when people are happiest and happiest?
That is when a person has faith
When a person has faith
He may have nothing in the real world
But he is extremely free in the spiritual world
I believe he will wake up
Please be quiet everyone
In order to celebrate Shen Bing’s Summer Rain
Published today
We specially invited you
Shen Bing’s best partner, Miss Qin Hailan
Sign and authorize books for everyone
good audience friends
Welcome to our studio
Then today
We are very honored to have famous writers
Ms. Qin Hailan, Shen Bing’s collaborator, welcomes you
When Shen Bing and I were in elementary school
They are inseparable good friends
We are very similar in many places
So, especially composition
The teacher always thinks
One of us must have copied the other
Oh, then you two are connected in spirit
You can say that
Oh, no wonder you were able to copy this Shen Bing’s manuscript
I have a photographic memory
Not exactly photographic memory
What are some details?
It’s me based on memory
A fix to the plot at that time
However, I am not satisfied with the style of his composition.
I am very familiar with it, including the writing style.
In addition, the two of us are good at writing
Very close too
So there isn’t much of an obstacle to completing it.
That can be said
It’s you and Shen Bing
Together we created such a
In the domestic publishing industry
A work that has repeatedly created and released myths.
Then now
What do you have to say to readers across the country?
I hope
I hope he wakes up one day soon
Can see this summer rain
thanks, thanks
He has loved cars since he was a child
From bicycles to motorcycles to classic cars
What a mystery
That’s more than 40 years
And since 1986 with the first
Hello Saga
Hey here
How are you today?
pretty good
Oh right
I’ve always wanted to ask you
How did this book come about?
I’m just helping him remember
Oh, your memory is also very good.
Every time Shen Bing writes a manuscript
I am his most loyal reader
I will watch it many times
So the impression is quite deep
Very good book, very good
Yes it is a good book
Hey haha ​​hey hey
How about this week? Are there any exams?
How was your exam?
Yes, I got 99 points in the Chinese test
Scored 98 points on the math test
really great
Let’s go. Yiyi will prepare delicious food for you. Let’s go.
Went home
Eat delicious food
Auntie, why have you become more beautiful today?
Auntie, I can see it
Well, the clothes you are wearing today are also new.
Hey, what day is it today?
Ah, what day is it today?
I’ll tell you when I get back
Better than eyesight

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