(第3話)第一航空で行く粟国島日帰り 美しいのどかな島をサイクリングと那覇裏道散策

Good morning from Naha Airport!
Apparently, the airline we will be flying with today is not listed on the information board.
Have you ever heard of Daiichi Airlines? That’s the airline we are going to take today.
Check in at the office in the corner of the arrival lobby on the 1st floor.
Destination is Aguni Island, 60km away from Naha
From January this year, also started service from Ishigaki Island to Tarama Island and Hateruma Island
Do you have checked baggage?"
No, just hand luggage.
"Well, if it’s a little bigger than this, it won’t fit…"
I’m going to leave my backpack with you.
You can make a reservation online, but payment is only at the counter.
One-way 8,000 yen per adult, not variable, fixed price.
The size of allowed carry-on baggage is small. It can’t be helped because the aircraft is also small.
By the way, if you sit here, you can see Kerama Islands.
"This way you can see the uninhabited islands."
"Kerama, which means Zamami island and thereabouts."
"Yes, well, you can see it from either direction "
Wow this strap is the boarding pass!
There is no restroom on the plane, so if you need to use the restroom, you need to go to the airport.
I’ve never had such a boarding pass in my life, and I’m already so excited
Flight route
There is one flight a day to Aguni Airport 3 days a week (Mon, Wed, Sat)
Fare is fixed.
Will return by ferry Awaguni (2 hours)
When I told them that I came here to take this plane, they gave me some slides about the plane and a card.
The maximum speed is 300km/h and it can take off in only 366m!
After a short chat, the plane departs.
It’s kind of like going on a picnic.
After the security check, we get into the pick-up van.
A video is shown in the van with boarding instructions.
Everything is new to me.
Feel like a VIP in a way, to be able to get in the car and go to the front of the plane.
Only six passengers today
"We are now going through the gate, please show the security guard the seating chart around your neck."
Everything is a new experience
Through the gate and finally into the airport
Passing under the bridge on the JAL side first
It’s a strange feeling to drive a van on the runway
"We are preparing to leave now, so please wait a moment"
"The winds are still quite strong again"
The aircraft is shaking in the wind
The first seat in front of me is occupied by a pilot who is in training.
What a nice! I can see cockpit!
Engine start
EVA Airlines arriving from Taiwan
The jet looks so big when viewed from the small plane like this.
I lkie this inorganic cabin!
It makes me realize that an airplane is a machine for flying.
BGM is, of course, the sound of the engines.
You can see Senaga Island where Umikazi Terrace is located.
After this Peach goes, it’s time to take off.
The runway is very wide compared to what you usually see from a jet
The second runway is 2700m long
Only 366m for takeoff, more than enough for this aircraft.
When I get on the plane, I count the number of seconds I expect it to take off.
It is usually between 25 and 30 seconds. But this time it was only about 12 seconds.
The cruising altitude was very low, about 500m? I flew all the way at about 500 meters.
Kerama islands are in sight
The sea is quite rough
In no time at all, Aguni Island is in sight
This is the southern island, peaceful scenery.
Hmm? why not decending altitude? Going to land from the other side?
It passed right over the airport, and now it’s out of the island.
Don’t tell me it’s too windy to land?
The sea level is also rough
Eventually, it made a 360 degree turn around to the right and reached the south side of the island again.Started descending.
The color of this sea
The port and the village come into view
Still, it’s quite bumpy.
This is the view from the cockpit
I’m taking pictures of the front with my cell phone camera, and also continue to take pictures with the GoPro on my left hand side.
I think I’ve heard that propeller-driven planes descend with the model facing down when landing.
I know, but it’s as if they are plunging toward the ground!
The view out the front window shows that the shaking is not just in my mind.
The wind is coming from below and the plane is turning up,
And then it turns downward like this
I find myself unconsciously stepping on both feet with a lot of strength
Pilots are really amazing!
Finally, I can see the runway.
Wind still coming from side to side, up and down, and stopping,
squeak (grounding sound)
Relaxing the foot now
The engines are stopped, and a feeling of quietness prevails in the cabin.
No one says a word
But I think we’re all feeling the same thing.
I even feel a sense of solidarity
I can hear birds chirping, and the air of the island is so relaxing that it fills the cabin.
There is no baggage turntable.
Now, first of all, we will take a village bus here to the tourist association,
We will rent bicycles and go around the island.
By the way, the bus driver said, "I didn’t think the plane would come because of the strong wind today.
In the end, all 6 passengers on the plane were on this bus.
‘Excuse me, can this take me to a place called the Tourist Association?’
Yes, um, now."
"Yes, now, going to go around the village and come back."
"Nearby is fine, I’ll get off at one of the stops near there and walk around."
"Nearby, from the school, it’s about 200 meters"
"Oh, it’s totally fine"
"It won’t take me more than five minutes."
"Not at all, we’ll walk."
"How can we pay and when? now?"
"100 yen"
"100 yen, then (for two) 200 yen"
"Half price for senior citizens 75 years old and over"
"I see, heh heh heh, can’t be applied to us yet."
We continue on this peaceful road
But I still think 100 yen is too cheap.I think they should get more from tourists.
I heard him telling local passengers that one of the bus drivers recently quit.
"Thank you very much"
"Is this your first time?"
"First time, I’m going to cycle around now."
"Uhhhh, from where?"
"From Tokyo"
"From Tokyo! From far away!"
"I’m glad you’re having a nice day."
He was a very nice man. I refrained from talking to him mroe because there were other passengers, but I really wanted to talk with him a little more.
We rented this electric bicycle.
A small island with a circumference of 12.8 km and a population of less than 700
going to go around in a semi-clockwise direction
This is the port.
Faded letters say "Minshuku Hashiba" ("Guest House Wharf") 
Island air, my body and soul are happy
Kume Island is famous for Awamori (Okinawa rice whiskey), Kumesen.
This road continue?
I remember that two years ago on a bicycle trip in Hokkaido, we went off route along the lonely seaside,
I asked a group of fishermen who were working on the ground if there was a road ahead. I asked him if the road continued ahead.
The boss answered, "There is a road, a road without a road," and the young people around him laughed.
Let’s take a short break and pick up some refreshments
There is no other tourist today
Saga beef curry bread and San-Pin tea (jasmine tea) that I bought at the airport
Aaargh, pain!
I tripped on a step.
It says "We are China" something.
This is from Vietnam…
Now let’s go around the island by bicycle.
No particular destination
Keep going as mood strikes
cow and bull
Entering the settlement
Fences made of coral
Continuing to run as the mood strikes
"Higashi Yamatogar"
Aguni Island is also the setting of the movie "Sotokotsu" which depicts the custom of washing the remains after burial or burial.
There was a sign "Yahija Beach Entrance" nearby. The area beyond that is said to be distinguished by being called "the other world" in an area where such graves are located.
But recently, cremation has become the most common method of burial. It is a custom in Southeast Asia and the Southwest Islands.
"Ishi Ganto"
3 hours passed so fast
Okay, now time to go back
Now we are going to walk to the harbor
Ferry Awaguni is in sight
It costs 3.470 yen for one way.
Filling out boarding list
There is a floor-type area on this floor where you can lie down
The floor above is a seating type, all seats are unreserved
Let’s go outside
If it’s not too windy, it would be nice to stay here.
It’s hard to choose when there are so many empty seats
The front one might be more shaky, but let’ try the front one.
The wind was a bit strong, but it was sunny and we enjoyed exploring by bicycle so much!
Fields, wide sky, village, sea, cows, time flowing slowly 
Even day trip its worth to came to Aguni Island.
Was shaken, but drowsiness won, and I lost consciousness for a while
In no time at all, the main island of Okinawa came into sight
After a breath of fresh air, or more precisely, a little splash of air, the sleepiness is all but gone.
Airplane taking off from Naha airport
Aircrafts take off one after another
And so it goes
Naha airport is the 5th busiest airport in Japan (in 2022)!
By the way, cam you quess which airports are ranked 1st to 4th in Japan?
1st=Haneda, 2nd=Narita, 3rd=New Chitose(Hokkaido), 4th=Fukuoka(Kyushu)
Finally, Tomari(Naha) Port
This is the ferry "Daito" which connects Kita Daito, Minami Daito and Naha overnight
It is famous for cage and crane landing on the island. I would like to ride on it someday.
The sailing schedule is not announced until the second half of the previous month.
And depending on the sea conditions, the sailing may be postponed and the schedule shifted, so it is very difficult to plan
This is the ferry "Zamami 3.
It goes to Aka Island and Zamami Island which are famous for its beautiful sea called "Kerama Blue".
The harbor is narrow, so turning around to berth.
Here we are, arrival at Naha Tomari Port
We have an early dinner at "Ikari-ya", a restaurant located under the Seamen’s Hall next to Tomari Port.
Fish and Soki Soba are good, but I can’t get the word "steak" out of my mind!
My wife had sashimi and arajiru set meal, I had steak set meal.
I had only one curry bun for lunch, so I feel like every bite I take is a nourishment to my body.
Choice of colors
It is 3km from Tomari harbor to the place we are staying
Aged, balcony railing on the second floor, nice
This area seems to be lively at night
Kokusai dori is crowded with many people
One step outside, it’s very peaceful
Unicorns We grow unicorns at home, but in Okinawa, they seem to grow just fine if you just leave them there.
what a big banyan tree
Parking lot of a famous Okinawan noodle shop in an old house
arrived at Hotel
2024/03/21 Clear sky
Today we will go to "Umanchu Market" to get local vegetables and fruit
It takes about an hour in total by bus and walking.
On the way to the bus stop, Displayed? or Abandoned?
Vehicle used to transport sugarcane in Minamidaito Island
Until 1945, there was a railroad running from Naha to Kadena
If you look at an old map, you can see that there was indeed a railroad that ran through there.
"Number 89"
This is not the bus we take.I see… so you get on from the front and get off from the back.
Hmm? I’m sorry! This bus only has front doors for both getting on and getting off.
Yes front seat! wait..I can’t see anything
Buildings in Okinawa, I never get tired of looking at them
It looks a little bit like Southeast Asia
Okinawan style is to write the name of the apartment or apartment in big letters
Maybe it’s different these days.
Trees and flowers are vivid
Shopping time
Lots of local vegetables such as pak choi, basil, garlic, etc.
Passion fruit
Seafood is sold in the building next door
You can buy seafood and eat at table
We decided to eat at Okinawa soba restaurant across the intersection
Fresh noodles with yomogi (Japanese mugwort) if you like.
No Koregusu(Liqur with Red Chilli), No Okinawa Soba
It was a clean taste
Vending machine of homemade food in front of a tavern
Let’s try
Backed to Naha central. Let’s taka a walk.
We are here now.
And We’d like to walk around here
Because the roads are lined up irregularly and wiggly, and there seems to be a gradient,
Because these places are often interesting to walk on, because there are usually narrow streets and so on.
Let’s get started
This narrow road is nice!
Wooden telegraph pole found!
It is strange to be surprised to find a wooden telegraph pole, since the Chinease character for "pillar" itself contains the word "wood".
I didn’t expect to see a wooden telegraph pole. 
Let’s go up the narrow road on the left
It reminds me of Nagasaki, Onomichi and Hotojima island in Oita
I hear the sound of construction work, da-da-da-da-da
And if it was 70 years ago, this wouldn’t be sound of construction but sounds of machine guns.
I suddenly thought about that.
The sky is clear blue today in 2024
workout of the day
There is a big grave
Moriguchi "park", seems to be a sacred place originally
The hustle and bustle of the city are out of here
Naha city center can be seen from here
Nice side road again.
It’s time to finish the side road walk.
We have come this far. we are going back across the bridge.
2024/03/22 Morning 
Passion fruit and mini cucumbers we got yesterday.
Time has come, finally back to Tokyo
we have time, so we walk one more station ahead to Okuyama Koen station.
Yui Rail to the airport
Impulse purchase at Naha airport
back to Tokyo on this A350.
Return flight became memorable flight!
I could see the islands I had passed through on the ferry and the places I had visited.
The flight was like watching a rewind of the week’s travel from the sky!
Unlike the viewpoint from the propeller plane the other day, the ANA plane in the middle looks smaller today.
Rewind and digest version of the week-long trip start!
BTW, Naha Airport is shared with the Self-Defense Air Forces
In fact, it is not unusual to see fighter jets scrambling
Last year, there were 788 launches
It’s a beautiful tropical destination with a beautiful ocean, but it’s also the front line.
Ok, let’s get back to the digest
"Umanchu Market" where we visited by bus yesterday for shopping
Okinawa Fisheries High School
Naha airport on a propeller plane to Aguni
Aguni Island
It was probably because of the low humidity. It is rare to see such a far distance in a tropical country.
Motobu port
Yoron Port
Airplane is incredibly fast!!
Okinoerabu Island comes into view to the north of Yoron
Wadomari Port, the port where the waves were high at the conditional port call
Kametoku New Port where sea turtles greeted us
Amami Oshima Island seen beyond Kikai Island below
Naze port arriving early in the morning
I used my eye muscles as much as possible to try to see, but unfortunately I couldn’t see Kagoshima.
Near Tokyo already, Niijima is clearly visible
Yokosuka port is already in sight
A week ago, we started our journey from Yokosuka at midnight.
We stopped at Kagoshima, so we spent 4 nights and 5 days to get to Okinawa.
And returned only in 2 hours by flight
No matter how many times I fly, I feel flying is a miraculous.
And not only from a physical distance, but also from a historical perspective.
Therew was a period of hardship, passport was required to get in and out of Okinawa until 1972
From that point of view, now it’s very close, and even make a day trip is possible
Buy there are still many places I don’t know, I would love to visit again
Calm landing with no wind
I’m so happy if this video could bring you the air of Okinawa to you even a little
This concludes the third episode of our ferry trip to Okinawa!
If you haven’t wathced episodes 1 and 2 yet, please check them out as well!
And if you like this video, please "Like" it.
I will continue to make travel videos, would be so happy if subscribe this channel!
Thank you for watching to the end! See you again!

00:00 第一航空チェックインから機体前まで
03:55 搭乗 粟国島までの大揺れフライト
09:42 町営バスで観光協会へ
11:15 レンタルサイクルで島サイクリング
15:38 フェリー粟国で那覇の泊港へ
19:04 いかり屋で早めの夕食から宿まで散歩
20:58 うまんちゅ市場で買い物へ
24:48 那覇小禄裏道散歩
30:36 朝食から空港まで
31:18 通った島々が全て見えた帰りのフライト

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