2月は伊豆へ、雪道と河津桜を巡るツーリング[Kawasaki W800 Street]

Yamate Street, Nishi-Shinjuku Gas Station.
In February, I went to see the Kawazu cherry blossoms in Izu.
Heading from Tokyo to Odawara,
I drove on the Turnpike and the Izu Skyline,
to go see the cherry blossoms in Minami Izu.
I left after the temperature started to rise because I was afraid of freezing.
Metropolitan Expressway, Hatsudai Minami Interchange.
I will travel to Odawara via the expressway.
Metropolitan Expressway, Ohashi Junction.
Even around 9 o’clock, the Metropolitan Expressway is surprisingly clear.
Tomei Expressway, Tokyo Toll Gate.
I was able to drive to the toll gate on the Tomei Expressway without congestion.
It started to get crowded as I approached the Yokohama Machida JCT.
The morning congestion section is short, so I’ll endure it and keep driving.
Odawara Atsugi Road, Atsugi Interchange.
From Atsugi IC, I enter the Odawara Atsugi Road.
It’s easier to merge if you run in the right lane towards Odawara.
Odawara Atsugi Road, Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Tajima.
Driving on the Odawara Atsugi Road brings you closer to the mountains of Hakone.
The weather was good today, and Mount Fuji was clearly visible.
Odawara Atsugi Road, Odawara Nishi Interchange.
I have reached the end of the Odawara Atsugi Road.
The right lane leads to National Route 1, which goes over Hakone.
Today, I enter the left lane and cross Hakone via the Turnpike.
After exiting the Odawara Atsugi Road,
there is an entrance to the Turnpike 500m ahead.
There are no convenience stores until Izu when entering the Turnpike.
It’s good to finish shopping at the convenience store on the left if you need to.
Hakone Turnpike, Main Line, Odawara Toll Gate.
This time, I will purchase a special discount ticket at the toll gate.
In February, a round-trip ticket with a 40% discount is available.
With the combined round-trip ticket for the Turnpike and Izu Skyline,
you can travel from Odawara to Amagi Highlands and back for 1,400 yen.
I’m looking forward to the Turnpike after a long time.
I’ll drive carefully as it snowed a week ago.
The Turnpike is a mountain road.
The entrance at Odawara is about 20 meters above sea level, but
near the top of Hakone, the elevation is 1,000 meters, and the climate is different.
For every 100 meters of elevation gain, the temperature drops by 0.6°C.
With an elevation difference of 1,000 meters, it’s 6°C colder, and snow accumulates.
The mountainous areas of Hakone can have snow even in March.
When it snows, the Turnpike is cleared.
Even in winter, you can ride a motorcycle on the snow-cleared road with confidence.
It’s rare to ride a motorcycle while seeing snow,
so it’s a fresh and very enjoyable experience.
I enjoyed the extraordinary scenery while riding.
The Turnpike is a road with a total length of 15 km.
It takes less than 20 minutes to reach the summit.
Near the summit, a lot of snow was remaining.
Turnpike, Daikanzan Observatory.
I’m tired from driving all the way from Tokyo, so I’ll take a break.
The parking lot had a lot of snow cleared to the sides.
In winter, the air is clear, so Mount Fuji is clearly visible.
Many people were enjoying the Turnpike.
I’ll take a long break to warm up before setting off again.
Turnpike, Hakone-Izu Link Road.
I entered the link road of the Turnpike.
The Turnpike consists of the main line and the link road.
The link road is a very short distance of 1.7 km, but
it’s a convenient shortcut to the Izu direction.
Usually, I don’t use it because dealing with small change is bothersome,
but today, I have a round-trip ticket, so I’ll use it.
For motorcycles, the benefit of not having to handle small change is significant.
Shizuoka Prefectural Road 20, Tagata District, Kannami Town, Shizuoka Prefecture.
Next, I head towards the entrance of the Izu Skyline.
Izu Skyline, Atami Pass Toll Gate.
It’s about a 10-minute distance from the link road to the entrance of the Izu Skyline.
Having a round-trip ticket makes payment easy.
From here, I’ll drive through the pleasant ridge road.
The Izu Skyline is a road from Atami to Izu Kogen.
It’s a toll road boasting a total length of 40 km.
The road has curves with just the right amount of curvature, making it fun to drive.
There are many observatories with good views along the road.
This time, I stopped at a place where I could see the Numazu area.
Izu Skyline, Gendake Parking Area.
The view was unobstructed, stretching far into the distance.
If you have a telephoto lens, you can take beautiful pictures of Mount Fuji.
The view of Suruga Bay and the cityscape of Numazu was also beautiful.
Izu Skyline, Near Hiekawa Interchange.
As I proceeded on the Izu Skyline, the scenery gradually changed.
The elevation decreased, and houses and buildings started to appear.
Driving through the forest was also an enjoyable time.
Izu Skyline, Amagi Highland Toll Gate.
I’ve driven the entire Izu Skyline to its endpoint.
From here, I’ll descend to the national road and head south.
National Route 135, Ito City, Futo, Shizuoka Prefecture.
I join the national road and head south along the coast.
National Route 135, Kamo District, Higashiizu Town, Okawa, Shizuoka Prefecture.
National Route 135 runs close to the sea, offering beautiful views.
The temperature is mild, making it a pleasant road to drive even in winter.
National Route 135, Kamo District, Kawazu Town, Mitsutake, Shizuoka Prefecture.
As I drove, the atmosphere along the road began to feel like spring.
The early-blooming Kawazu cherry blossoms were vivid in pink.
It’s hard to believe there was snow on the roadside just before.
Kawazu Town, Kamo District, Shizuoka Prefecture.
I arrived in Kawazu Town just past 1:30 PM.
There’s a parking area near the Kawazu Town Tourist Association.
It’s a bit hard to find, so it’s better to look it up in advance.
There are many tourists, so I drive carefully.
This year, parking for motorcycles was available for 500 yen.
The cherry blossom trees were just a short distance from the parking area.
The Kawazu cherry trees along the river were in full bloom.
The soft pink petals were beautiful.
Underneath the cherry trees, "rape blossoms" were planted.
A vivid landscape of pink and yellow spread out before me.
I walked along the promenade, exploring the cherry blossom trees.
Many Kawazu cherry trees were planted along the river.
The cherry blossoms reflecting on the water surface were dazzling.
The atmosphere of the cherry blossoms changed with the sunlight, which was interesting.
Many tourists came to see the Kawazu cherry blossoms.
People enjoyed hanami (flower viewing) on the riverbanks, a scene of spring.
Stalls were also set up along the river, adding to the festive atmosphere.
I was able to enjoy an early taste of spring.
It’s mid-February, but the tip of Izu was already spring.
It was worth taking the time to come here by motorcycle.
I fully enjoyed the blooming Kawazu cherry blossoms.
Now, I head to the next destination.
The sun gradually began to set.
The weather is nice, so I will ride along the coast of West Izu.
National Route 136, Kamo District, Minamiizu Town, Minato, Shizuoka Prefecture.
In February, the roadside in Izu is overflowing with flowers.
National Route 136, Kamo District, Matsuzaki Town, Kumomi, Shizuoka Prefecture.
Along the national road, cherry trees sporadically grow.
Kawazu cherry trees and regular cherry trees coexist,
allowing for cherry blossom viewing from February to late March.
Just driving along is enough to be moved by the scenery.
Entering West Izu, the roads become a bit narrower.
The road is built along coastal cliffs, featuring continuous small curves,
making it a fun drive.
National Route 136, Kamo District, Matsuzaki Town, Ena, Shizuoka Prefecture.
As it approached 5 PM, the sunset became beautiful.
I look for a place to view the sunset.
National Route 136, near Dogashima.
As sunset approached near Dogashima,
Dogashima has areas where you can descend to the coast, so I head there.
Dogashima has parking spaces on the bridge.
These parking spaces are only available during the daytime.
I cross the bridge and head towards the sign marked "Tombolo."
I descend the steep slope beside the hotel towards the sea.
Sebama Beach, Dogashima’s Tombolo.
The beach has become a park where you can take a walk.
From the slope, you can see cliffs and pine forests.
Natural bonsai, the incredible shapes of pine trees.
Reaching the coast, islands appeared before me.
At low tide, you can walk across the sandbar (Tombolo) to the islands.
Sand accumulates, creating unusual wave patterns.
Waves cross at the sandbar from both sides, creating a unique landscape.
The day gradually turned to evening.
5:25 PM, the moment of sunset.
Today, with the clear weather, it was a Daruma sunset.
Daruma sunsets occur in good weather during winter,
when the temperature difference between the sky and the sea surface,
causes the refraction rate to change, distorting the sun like a lens.
When the sun fully set, the sky turned a deep blue.
After watching the sunset, it became completely dark.
I start my journey back home.
On the way back, I also drive through the Izu Skyline.
I head from the coastline towards the inland.
Shizuoka Prefectural Road 12, near Shuzenji.
The temperature gradually drops, so I hurry on.
Izu Skyline, Hiekawa Toll Gate.
I use the round-trip ticket to drive through the Skyline.
Winter night roads may seem scary due to potential freezing,
but with the temperature above zero, the risk of freezing is lower than in the morning.
Turnpike, Hakone-Izu Link Road.
However, attention is needed as the temperature drops on the mountain tops.
In Hakone, the temperature dropped to -1°C.
Melted snow freezes, so I carefully watch the road surface.
Turnpike, Main Line, Daikanzan.
I entered the Turnpike.
Recalling the condition of the road surface on the way, I proceed.
The Turnpike is dark at night due to the lack of street lights.
I descend the slope, navigating by the shape of the road on my navigation system.
Finally, I managed to cross the pass and return to Odawara.
Turnpike, Main Line, Odawara Toll Gate.
Riding non-stop over the pass from West Izu left me exhausted.
I’ll warm up before heading home.
Kurumaya Ramen, in front of JR Hayakawa Station.
Kurumaya Ramen’s miso ramen is a sure bet.
I took a break and adjusted my timing to avoid traffic jams.
I’ll leisurely take the expressway back home.
Odawara Atsugi Road, Odawara Nishi Interchange.
Tomei Expressway, Atsugi Interchange.
Metropolitan Expressway, near Yoga Toll Gate.
Metropolitan Expressway, Hatsudai Minami Interchange.
I returned to Shinjuku around 9:30 PM.
Finally, I refuel at the gas station before going home.
Though it’s February, I was able to experience an early spring touring.
Yamate Street, Nishi-Shinjuku Gas Station.
There’s a slight risk of snow and freezing,
but I hope this February touring course serves as a good reference.
Thank you for watching until the end.

google maps:https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1yPOmbwDkSuNmOTkfX1p7ASC3BhrWkW8&usp=sharing

00:00 コース紹介
00:33 高速道路で小田原へ
02:32 箱根ターンパイク 本線 小田原料金所。
04:19 ターンパイク
05:46 伊豆スカライン
07:27 河津桜へ
10:27 西伊豆へ、夕陽の堂ヶ島
13:48 帰路
16:34 燃費や費用の紹介


  1. いつものタフさに感銘します 山、海、桜、てんこ盛りの映像ありがとうございます🎉ピンクと黄色のコントラスト、素晴らしい夕日、感動ものです❤😊

  2. 早春の眼福お裾分けいただきました!

  3. 2月にターンパイク伊豆スカイラインを走るとはすごいですね

  4. 伊豆方面はターンパイクも含めてETC-Xでノンキャッシュで行くことがありますが、割引券的なものがあるのですね。

  5. 今回のツーリングの服装計画


     KUSHITANI K-0629Z SINGLE レザージャケット



     ROUGH&ROAD プリマロフトウインターパンツ



     もちはだ もちジョイ タイツ超極厚地



     もちはだ ハイソック裏起毛厚手



     mon-bellシャミース ハイネックセーター



     mon-bellスペリオダウン ジャケット



     HeatMaster ヒートインナージャケットスポーツモデル 7A



     ガエルネ 防水ブーツ



     カドヤ ガントレット革グローブ



     GOLDWIN レインウェア Gベクター


  6. 河津桜に菜の花、富士山🗻に夕日🌇きれいなものを観ると、本当に癒されます。

  7. ターンパイクと伊豆スカイラインの割引往復券があるんですね。知らなかったです。

  8. 河津桜見事ですね

  9. ターンパイクの割引、初耳でしたが2月だけなんですね〜残念💦

  10. 箱根ターンパイクの標高差にビックリでした。 雪が残っているとは。 伊豆スカイラインの暖かな日差しを見て、2度ビックリ。 温度を見て、またビックリ、寒かったでしょう?。 しかしながら、河津桜のピンクと菜の花の黄色を見て、「もうすぐ春や」と思いました。 素敵な情報を、ありがとうございました。

  11. 伊豆スカイラインって、景色も良いし路面状況も比較的良好で、走るととても楽しいところなのですが、アチコチに設けられた料金所がうざいのが、玉に瑕です。お金を払うのはやぶさかではないのですが、バイクだと小銭の出し入れとグローブの着脱が、本当に煩わしくて。まだ現金支払いのみの高速道路時代の方法で、半透明なB5版のチャック付きビニールケースに1000円札と小銭を入れ、係員の方にそれごと渡して必要な料金だけ抜いてもらって、お釣とレシートを入れて返してもらう方法を使っています。これだとグローブ外さなくても良いので。でも、せめてETC対応にしていただきたいです。

  12. 春を捕まえに行きましたね!夕日の西伊豆も最高です!

  13. 色々な方の動画でターンパークの走行動画観てますが、雪が残ってると雰囲気が違って違う所のようでした。

  14. 同週後半に河津桜まつり行きましたが満開で綺麗でした。

  15. 2月は伊豆ですよね。

  16. 河津桜祭りが開催中なのを忘れて通りがかりました。河津はスルーして弓ヶ浜でのんびりと。

  17. ちょうどこの日に家族と車で海沿いから河津に行きました。ターンパイクは渋滞ないから有りですね。

  18. そんな割引券があるんですね。

  19. いつも参考にさせてもらってます!

  20. 今回も楽しく見させていただきました。南、西伊豆は私も大好きで毎年泊まりで行きます。

  21. 河津桜のピンクと菜の花の黄色のコントラストが遠近が効いていて素晴らしかったです。

  22. センスあり過ぎです。いつも時間を忘れて見入ってしまいます。

  23. おはようございます!



  24. 언제나 같은주유소에서 시작. 봄이왔으니까 올해도 좋은곳을 많이 보여주세요! 안전한 라이딩 기원합니다!!

  25. こんにちは
    参考にさせてもらいます、とは言えないです 完璧すぎて
    楽しかったです これからもどうぞご安全に

  26. はじめまして、今日はじめて拝見いたしました。パタパタという排気音、自分がツーリングしているような気分で嬉しく楽しく拝見いたしました。

  27. 最近、伊豆半島を一周したので、「ここ通ったな」と復習するような感じで拝見しました。山が海に迫る伊豆半島は景色を楽しめるだけでなく、カーブやアップダウンが程よくあって走りも堪能できる素晴らしいツーリングスポットでした。2日目の西伊豆は雨に降られて景色や走りを楽しめる余裕がありませんでしたが、お楽しみは次回に持ち越しということで。ところで、ロングツーリングの経験が豊富な方の雨天装備レビューは参考になると思いますので、機会があれば是非お願いします。

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