Grand Theft Auto Vice City – TV Series Episode 5 / Subtitle / Gameplay / GTA

GTA walkthrough
Vice City
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition

After fulfilling Avery Carrington’s requests, Tommy headed to Colonel Cortez’s yacht. Colonel Cortez expressed his belief to Tommy that Gonzalez needed to be eliminated, as he considered Gonzalez the cause of their mutual problems. According to Colonel Cortez, he had been tolerating Gonzalez’s incompetence for years, but it had reached a critical point. Furthermore, Colonel Cortez promised Tommy a reward and the recovery of his stolen money if he carried out this favor. He informed Tommy that Gonzalez could be found, probably half-drunk, at the Penthouse, and handed him an electric saw to carry out the deed.

Tommy went to the specified location. Despite Gonzalez’s attempts to persuade him with the promise of double the money Tommy was offered, Tommy proceeded to kill Gonzalez.

After disposing of Gonzalez, Tommy returned to Colonel Cortez’s yacht. It seemed that the Colonel lived nowhere else but on his boat.

Colonel Cortez expressed gratitude to Tommy for eliminating Gonzalez. However, due to the nature of his business, he suggested that Tommy should act as if he were mourning for Gonzalez. Tommy sarcastically commented, “How does all this get me closer to my money?” Colonel Cortez turned to Tommy and said, “Be patient, Tommy. You’re not in Liberty now.” He added that things worked differently here and mentioned a valuable deal he needed to complete, involving a courier carrying a technologically valuable product.

The courier engaged in a coded conversation with Tommy, who didn’t fully grasp the message. Tommy told the courier that he was sent by Colonel Cortez and asked for the chips. Meanwhile, French-accented police officers raided the place, and the courier started to flee. Tommy chased and killed the courier, obtaining the chips.

Tommy returned to Colonel Cortez’s yacht, and Cortez asked for another favor. He informed Tommy that Diaz had asked him to oversee a small business transaction and wanted Tommy to be involved. To assist in this operation, Cortez left a special weapon for Tommy in the multi-story car park. Tommy considered the possibility that Diaz might be the key figure managing all these big bosses and believed that being close to Diaz would provide valuable information.

As Tommy went to the multi-story car park to retrieve the specially prepared weapon, Lance Vance followed him.

Tommy turned to Lance Vance and asked, “Can you show me that you’re good for something other than shadowing me everywhere?” Lance accepted the offer.

Tommy and Lance went to the location where Diaz would make the deal. They found a suitable place to secure Diaz and his men. During the deal, a conflict erupted, resulting in chaos. Meanwhile, a motorcycle rider seized Diaz’s money and attempted to escape. Tommy pursued and retrieved the bag, bringing it back to Diaz.

Diaz, relieved to be alive after the skirmish, thanked Tommy for saving him. It was evening, and Tommy’s phone rang. The caller was Ricardo Diaz. Diaz expressed gratitude again for Tommy’s vigilance and revealed his desire to work with Tommy due to his frustration with the people around him. Diaz believed that working with someone like Tommy could make them both very wealthy. The payphone ringing by the side of the road caught Tommy’s attention. The person on the other end said, “Mr. Teal, your assistance in eliminating those coming from out of town has been invaluable for the business world. I have more work for you with a more hands-on approach. Your next assignment has been saved under the phone,” and then hung up. The caller had identified a pizza delivery person who needed to be eliminated before completing their delivery. Tommy carried out this task. And with that, we conclude Chapter 4 and move on to Chapter 5. Enjoy the story!

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