Multi Sub【遮天】| Shrouding Heavens | EP 01 – 51 Collection | 热血似火山沸腾,激情若瀚海汹涌,欲望如深渊无止境……登天路,踏歌行。

Equipment inspection passed Louis will be released in 3 minutes I have set off Heading to reset point Arrive at the node cabin location Operation preparation Handle with caution elder brother Where are you Guan Tian Zhu Di Fissure The trap was indeed repaired Congratulations to the emperor Achieve great achievements The eternal emperor

What is the wind for me? God’s revenge, quick loan ghost’s ascension one after another All gravel Who ah ah ah Faerie Recast Thundergod Shuaiqi is here to seize the Immortal Summit. I come kill you Ah Wanlong Feiren ah How is the world You are seeking your own destruction you are crazy

Give me your brother’s life with your life Give it to you, thank you brother Wait for me at home I’ll be back soon brother do not go Brother, go back quickly Sister, he is still waiting for me Even if it goes through thousands of reincarnations I will always be in this mortal world

Waiting for your return ancient people Spring and Autumn are spent A hundred years old and still active Support the world Grasp the yin and yang Lost ancient civilization does it really exist Class reunion at 12:30 Good afternoon, all listeners. Today is May 3rd Wednesday A red rainstorm warning message is now broadcast

Come and give me a toast Please take care of Mr. Liu’s small business. I’ll go over there and have a look later I’ll come back to you later Boss Liu Oh, beautiful lady Lin Let me toast you Come on, come on, come on Please take good care of me in the future.

Thank you, monitor Monitor Ye is here Monitor, why did you come here? I’m going to have two more drinks in a while. OK monitor ye I heard that I was dumped by Li Xiaoman He was thriving in school Why not count when you join society? coming Hey monitor

The Mercedes-Benz S outside is yours, right? Oh Mercedes Benz Some people I just like renting luxury cars to attend class reunions Yes Yes Yes Monitor goes Wenchang, sit over there and be nice. Hey, it’s Mao Wenchang Xiaoman how have you changed You’re here, eh This one is my friend dear Er, Xiaoman’s classmate

Hello everyone Yo Speak Chinese well international friend Come, come, come Come and sit Yes, yes, everyone, stop standing. Hurry up and sit down. Hurry up and sit down. Sit down quickly, monitor we have air force We regard it as the enemy Provincial Meteorological Observatory issues red warning for heavy rainstorms

There are local strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds Please pay attention to real-time monitoring in all regions Preventive work such as flood warning and relocation This rain is really too heavy Let’s evacuate early The car may not be able to move Wait a minute, it’s a rental car after all.

I don’t dare to open this little water. Oh Lin beauty Give you a chance to send you back OK Let’s go I need to talk to the marshal. Li Xianzhi asked us to go to the wild mountain Yes, Mr. Liu Let’s go. Thank you, Mr. Liu. See you later, bye we are trapped

Help Help me, help me Have you set off? monitor monitor Monitor, are you them? The monitors are all on board Monitor, where did you get the boat from? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Get on the boat quickly Hurry up ah Ahhh Ahhhhh What should we do now

There is no road down below Let’s go up the mountain first Why The rain stopped Why is there no one? Oh my god where is this So magnificent This is the Jade Emperor Peak of Mount Tai It’s flooded below Why is there nothing happening here?

The sky is too high to reach Mount Tai Sacrifice after the wind and sand spirit spirit Mount Tai is never an ordinary place The Dragon Center, the Dragon, holds its feet It seems like it rushed over Run fast Ahhhhh ah ah ah Everyone is fine fine The warehouse has some leather fine

There was a landslide just now What the hell place Where is this? ah This is a coffin Why is there a coffin? Don’t panic, everyone The back has collapsed Maybe the exit is down there Everyone, stay close and don’t get separated careful It must be God’s blessing that we survived Really a dragon

Thunderstorm and darkness The dragon comes and wails Sound like a bullpen The weather phenomenon just now should be related to him love ah monitor what pattern is that That’s ancient prose Represents jade Is it related to the jade slab? Sacrifice written in ancient Chinese This is the five-color altar

What altar is an altar? The altar is a place used by ancient people to offer sacrifices This should be a relic left by the ancients ah what happened uncle Tai Chi Bagua Diagram The dragon is turning over ah Ah, be careful Ahhh Ahhhhh Ahhh Good afternoon, all listeners. Today is May 3rd

Wednesday last day of holiday The sunny weather also continued A training session is inserted below My roommate Ye and other tree people disappeared mysteriously If anyone knows anything, please contact me in time. The mission was successfully completed Everything is running normally Ahhhhhhh Everyone, try to grab the rocks next to you.

Everyone, hold on About to land Where is this? What the hell Why is it a coffin again? What a shame, why are there coffins everywhere? I remember We were also sucked in by a coffin just now. no matter where we are Be safe first See if anyone is left behind

Let’s all report the number. 5123 456 8910161718 liquor 20 Are there 19 of us at our class reunion? Why is there an extra one now? Ah, don’t come back Huang Bo, stop playing and come out. Humph, it’s boring to be seen through by you so quickly.

I discovered it when you were wrapping the books pangbo pangbo Why are you here? Am I late? So I rushed to the class reunion to find you. As a result, there was heavy rain and the road was blocked. It happened that I ran to the mountains Why What about fate?

Pang Bo, why are you as shameless as before? Everyone is almost scared What’s going on? Are you kidding me? Isn’t that what you said is a ghost? Uh hahaha I said, what on earth is there? Ahhh Ahhh ah Ahhh It seemed like we were in that coffin just now Another five-color altar

I don’t know if there is any danger Don’t wander around Will say useless things Are you staying here to die? If you want to live, follow I go Why leaf Let’s go together It’s best not to separate you and me Hey Ye Zi Zhouye You are good at ancient prose

What is written on this? Ancient Chinese again The first word is day The second word is It’s abyss The bright sun is far away Yuan Xi It seems We are no longer on earth is that a lie Will we never go back?

I don’t believe it I don’t believe it I don’t believe it Be careful not to go Be careful to get hurt save me ah ah Ahhh Let’s go back to the altar first You see there is light Where there is light, there are people Let’s go quickly leaf

It’s all here, look at it Stepping on these wrecks Should be able to avoid quicksand Such a big Buddha head Everyone hurry up Almost there be careful ah That seems to be a temple Yeah go check it out love girl leaf What the hell is this place? Ancient books record 2,500 years ago

The prince of Kapila King attained enlightenment under the bodhi tree in front of the temple Kapila is the ancient people’s name for Tianyuan Ah yes Just a statue fuss He is one of the eight famous generals of Kapila Kingdom He once fought in all directions with Prince Kapila Kill demons and demons

In this way, life feels like the lamp illuminates everything that is unclear and hidden. Ahhhhh Ahhh Be careful ah ah What are these three-inch nails? Ah ah ah ah ah ah It doesn’t work like that broken lamp Ah ah magic weapon Can fend off monsters It’s so easy to find a magic weapon.

Ahhh ah ah careful you Steal women’s things You scumbag Don’t grab it Everyone come closer Lawful and disciplined students protect lawless students pulling rain The statue seems alive Ahhh I have a bad feeling This sound ah ah Ahhh Three-inch nails in hand The minister is unwilling to accept

If this continues, everyone will die here. Eight generals in one Protection against evil Why was Coconut so scared? I know what to do A classmate who is a mage came to my place My Bagua formation is in good shape. Is this a joke? Come over if I ask you to come over

There’s so much nonsense No time, hurry up Yang Yunzhi, what are you doing? He didn’t run That classmate I’m in the middle Hurry up, foreigner you are here You you go there Xiaoman, you are here Li Changqing points forward Don’t move your eyes Ziwei, you are here Don’t panic, everyone

Reveal the magic weapon Monitor O, my brother This is Tathagata’s territory Let’s get out of here Move towards the altar stay in formation well Go out quickly and close the door Have a fierce fight Initiate breakage There is a loophole in the top Gotta block the top Let’s take the plaque off

Swallow legs pick me up ah ah ah Yeah, come on no one found Come under me ah It seems like the protective shield is shrinking Ah, do we still need to run away from drugs? five color altar Is the light going to disappear? Don’t panic, you’re pretty good right?

The light is directed towards the five-color altar Hands take us back to the altar too many cars If they all pounce on me, I can’t stop you. Solve all useless cases Go away Awesome leaves Let’s go quickly maintain formation ah ah Ah ah ah Ahhh

If you don’t run away, you’ll be dragged to death by these people. Don’t leave him. It’s too dangerous right now. None of my business ah Ah, over there Ahhh ah Ah get up Doctor, please go first Leave me alone I can’t run anymore Just hold on a little longer and go I

Can’t run anymore Everybody sit down sit on it Ahhh Ahhhhh Pharmacist, you are so inhumane Look, I’ll let it go And destroy this evil medicine Do you want to kill us all? You pharmacists You guys are going too far Has it stopped? Ahhh ah ah leaf what is that Tai Chi again

Bagua map Bagua map want to go home fine Ye Fan, you have many ideas Is there any way to go back? The Bagua Diagram is the Gate to the Starry Sky Just collect enough energy can restart the starry sky gate But what is energy? what Don’t smell it again This is evil 4

Ahhh Ye Fan, please let me go ah you let me go let me go Ye Fan, you are crazy you want to kill me You ungrateful thing The leaves just saved us I am obsessed Don’t know what’s good or bad let me go I don’t dare anymore

No matter what people do, they have motives I really want to hear what I did wrong I don’t have a magic weapon So when it comes to his father Hey Ye Fan Let’s all sleep together If you have any questions, let him go first and tell him slowly. Yes, Ye Fan

Don’t be impulsive and stop for me No one is allowed to leave Ah ah ah I said I said It was Li Changqing who gave me the idea He asked me to seize your bones Cheng Wang, what are you talking about? It’s a true legend There are many people on the instrument

I want to keep it a secret can only do this The most powerful ancient elixir Ha ha asshole run godfather of light Ahhh pay homage sacrifice Blood The energy that lights up the Bagua array is blood You guys are things Blood stained gossip picture Open the door to surprise

Let’s get out of here San Cun Ding, your Grandpa Pang is going to go on a killing spree. ah ah Ah what is that? Banned my little brother My name is Tathagata It was so hot Everyone, don’t stop and keep fighting. careful What the hell is this?

Apparently they are the ancestors of those Three Inch Nails Ahhh Be careful up there I haven’t said anything about the Dharma method yet. On again Bodhi is in front of the temple Pangbo, go and protect Dongxue. Ha ha ha ha Ahhhhhhh Damn it! Damn three inch nails damned These little stars

Does it look like a road? But who built this road? things we met It’s already beyond the scope of our knowledge Maybe they are all relics left by ancient civilizations well Never thought of it anyway Let’s get some sleep first Maybe we’ll be back on Earth when we wake up Why

Can we still go home? what happened become king he died Ye Fan You are too vicious There’s no need to kill him even if you’re angry. I didn’t kill him People die at your feet Alas, poor Cheng Meng Didn’t die on Tianyuan Star But he died in the hands of his own people

Monitor, even if you have resentment in your heart You can’t attack your classmates either, right? What are you talking about? Definitely not a leaf Mr. An is not the kind of person who is here. just us people Now people are dead Who could it be if it wasn’t him?

Ye had a conflict with the deceased So he has a murderous ear It’s your foreign devil’s turn to speak. Pangbocat is just discussing the matter Yeah, Ye Fan There is indeed suspicion Lin Xiaoman Why do you say that? After rewinding, everyone quickly take out the Dharma letter. fine

How did these three-inch nails get in? It should be hidden in Chang Mang’s clothes. Changmang has a hole in his chest It must have hurt the heart Queen Mother Yiyi You protect everyone I’ll go find him To avoid long nights and too many dreams Come and gather everyone together The way of heaven

Loss more than makes up for the deficiency leaf Have you found the three-inch nails? Already beaten to death by me There should be only one The road is lighted Why does it look like a subway station? Three Yuan and Four Symbols twenty-eight nights

This picture is very similar to the star map in ancient my country This point is Tianyuan Star This is the direction of the Big Dipper Are we going to the Big Dipper? Ahhh Ah ah ah ah ah Ahhh What the hell is this place? Fortunately we came out early How deep is this?

Oh my God This is just great The only means of transportation are gone It’s over, it’s over What should we do now I want to go back I can’t stay in this damn place Everything happens for a reason I believe As long as we figure out what’s going on

I’ll definitely find a way to go back yes Riding a horse compared to Tianyuanxing This place is more like a place for people to stay Will there be anyone here? Just go down the mountain and look for it. oops Ink for a while It’s getting dark move The current is very fast

Stop slipping Thanks Something’s wrong strength What did you find? too quiet Oh my god, don’t talk about the birds chirping. Not even a worm Are there no such things on this planet? monitor There is a stone monument here Wild past and present forbidden area Why doesn’t it feel like a nice place? ah

What ah Big big bird Flame Golden Wings The moon is like a blade This is the roc bird Don’t move it, it will only capture living creatures Ahhh Oh no, run away ah Ahhh Hide forward and quickly ah ah Ahhh There is a cave in front Everyone hide in Ah the magician king

I wrapped the dead prey Don’t move or make a sound ah Ahhh ah Do you want to go there? Let them be two We just happened to survive ah Oh, help, help! Ahhh Ah go away Ahhhhh ah Ahhh ah Are you okay? ah Liu Yunzhi Run farther next time

Don’t let us save you Ye Zi, how do you know that big bird? Gujili has seen I originally thought it didn’t exist on the market But along the way What we saw It no longer proves that the incident in the morning really happened There won’t be anything weird again, right? ah what sound

Sorry, I’m hungry It would be great if there was a roast suckling pig One head is not enough At least one person per person I’m really afraid that big bird will come back again Shut up If only we had roasted that big bird just now I want to eat, too

Haven’t eaten anything for a day I’m going to starve to death if I don’t find something to eat. Let’s split up and find something to eat. Don’t run away, everyone nearby Shout when in danger Everyone takes care of each other okay Come to grandson Why Sir, be more vigilant Beware of the roc

Hey, do you think you can find food here? I don’t know if I find something, I’ll count it. We still have to protect those students who have no weapons. Hey, is there water over there? Walk Hey, there’s an old tree there Ah, stop drinking Go and have a look Why Hey hey hey

Hahahaha brother Haha brother Hahaha brother Do you think that cloud looks like a snowflake? So beautiful Brother, brother, come and chase me. Hahaha Woohahaha Woohahahahaha Brother, brother, it’s fun Hahaha Brother hahaha Come and chase me elder brother hey-hey elder brother Why is the swallow so stunned? Eat it quickly.

The brighter the colors of things in the wild, the more dangerous they are The color of these fruits is somewhat unusual Maybe it’s poisonous It’s okay, I’ve eaten two Let them take the remaining three back with them In case a classmate fails to find something to eat

At least this can last for a while Otherwise we would have only eaten 5 of these little fruits. You say this thing, he, um, he It’s up to you to take it back with you There’s no one here, let’s just stay here Ah good Then I only have this little chocolate left

If anything happens in the future, you have to take care of me. Do not worry We weren’t with everyone just now Although Ye Fan didn’t say anything But the way I looked at him made me panic He is just holding a grudge like this.

It seems that we have to find a way to survive on our own from now on. It’s all Cheng Mao’s fault for not being able to snatch Gu Deng away. Otherwise, it will be Ye Fan’s turn to listen to us It’s a pity that Ye Fan is on guard now

We have no chance to make a move Watch while walking Kill him as soon as you get the chance. Really want to kill him Ye Fan also saved us Not for oneself Heaven and earth will be destroyed Why pretend to win or lose? What’s this what Not exciting ah Ahhh

Ah ah ah save me Help A handful what sound monitor Did you two find something to eat? Come and eat this Here are two for you Eat more meat on your body Um Thanks Um What about the rest Hmm, I don’t know Everyone left separately, eh? Oh no Oh no

What’s wrong, Chang Qing? And Wang Yan and the others fell into a trap. where I’ll take you there Inform everyone to come and help A good journey to He Mucang Li Changqing Changqing Wang Yan Li Changqing Evergreen Li Changqing Not where the person is? Hey, the caves here are all the same.

I can’t remember clearly Li Changqing Wang Yan Wang Yan Li ChangqingLi Changqing It should be that Li Changqing Wang Ye Li Changqing Wang Ye What the hell is this? It’s okay if you don’t know Yifan squad leader Just run Run quickly and stop. The black giant beast doesn’t seem to be catching up.

Keep running Stay away and be safe Why do I feel hot all over? So hot My whole body is on fire I can’t breathe ah ah pangbo Why have you become smaller? Stop talking about me Take a look at yourself We all just passed out

When I woke up, I found myself transformed into a little brat. why is this happening who knows This place is crazy, right? Hey, I checked Everything that should be there Just getting smaller Tom me ah ah You are well Don’t kneel down, I can’t bear it

Let’s go see if others have changed too good let’s go let’s go Let’s go Who are you Huang Ziwen pangbo you are the monitor right Why have you become smaller? I also want to ask how you have grown old. well Everyone was dizzy just now

It became like this as soon as I woke up Well, where are Zilin and Yiyi? We are here Yiyi Why haven’t you changed? I don’t know why either Only makes a few of us grow old Are we the only ones here who ate the fruit? It’s a pity that the fruit is gone

Ahhh Why are you here again? Everyone, run quickly It seems we have come out The monster doesn’t seem to be following Ahhhhh leaf Have you ever noticed that you have more strength after waking up? in and out Why What’s going on? There’s something under the cliff

Maybe it has something to do with that weird mouth These fireballs can hurt him go there Even if I try to catch them, there won’t be anything left. leader leader leader head of the group head of the group They were here just now leader They are here to save us monitor

Are you calling me? monitor monitor monitor We thought I thought Hey just now You really scared your friend and me It’s a pity that our brothers’ lives are tougher than that monster’s I heard a crash under the cliff Is that the coffin?

Ye Zi also thinks it has something to do with the coffin, right Ye Zi? Did you see it? ah That’s a big house Not a palace Oh, everyone is like this anyway Maybe I can survive from a desperate situation? Monitor, tell me Can the people inside help us restore our status quo?

Our legs are like this It’s not convenient to walk How to get up there? It must be built on the high mountain in front Clouds cover the mountains Let’s go faster light rain Ahem cough Are you okay? Let’s cook this Thanks Everyone, watch your step walked all night It’s dawn leaf aunt

You are starting to get older too It seems that if you don’t leave here, you will continue to be affected. But why did we walk for so long? The palace is still so far away yes We are back to where we were just now I won’t leave I won’t leave I’m lying flat

It seems like this is a maze Where did the petals come from? This petal Where have you seen leaves? No matter how similar the petals are It’s definitely not the same flower Everyone, keep holding on Can’t stay here I really don’t want to leave Come and let me lie down for a while

Hold on Come on, everybody Let’s follow the monitor Wang Ziwen is clever So lazy too Do not make jokes Seems to have come out We are out of the mountains ah Ah, am I going to die? Why do you see someone flying in the sky? He just flew here

You all have just come out of the ancient forbidden land. Master are you from the palace where palace That’s the one Why Gone ancient forbidden land Sterilization in ancient times Since ancient times People who accidentally entered it and came out alive Everyone said they saw a fairyland close at hand but inaccessible

How did you enter the forbidden area? Our hometown is far away from here Just because I climbed an ancient mountain Just came to this side of the sky I don’t know if I can go back. Isn’t there a strong person setting up a formation on that ancient mountain? Can change in an instant

This method is really terrible But you can come out of the ancient forbidden land It is truly a once-in-a-millennium opportunity this old gentleman We almost died there What a chance restricted area of life A life of death But the sea of suffering was also activated

If you go to the path of spiritual practice Can do twice the result with half the effort If you are willing Why don’t you come to my Lingxu Cave to practice? I will cultivate you well If you practice Can we become young again? If you practice diligently The technique is successful

Able to change one’s appearance Rejuvenate your youth I go You can go here Where are you two? After practicing Can I fly like you? If you practice successfully Naturally able to fly in the air If you fly, maybe you can go back Um Hahaha God We are in heaven hahaha Ahhhhh

Is everyone okay? It’s okay hahaha The Supreme Ancestor sensed something strange happening in the ancient forbidden land as expected Elder Yue Hong and others I have agreed to go to my Lingxu Cave to practice. Hum Lingxu already has a genius. It would be more suitable for you to come to Yanxia to practice.

Several of them Yanxia Dongtian’s method of cultivating disciples is not good It’s better to come to my Ziyang Cave. I, Yuding Cave Heaven, also intend to accept it. you Long-lasting qi and blood She looks like a good young lady with a delicate face The remaining You divide I want these two

Why don’t we all have a fight? Whoever wins gets to choose first Just hit They are simply human weapons. compared with them we are too weak This is the practitioner Everyone, stop for now Since everyone is interested It’s better to follow the organization I’ll first help them to cross the gods.

Look at their qualifications Then choose a cave suitable for cultivation Okay, okay Cave Sky of Yan State Connecting branches with the same spirit I have no opinion so amazing It’s incredible Incredibly magical There really is such a legendary physique in this world What physique Unparalleled The Holy Eucharist

It is difficult to appear in the past thousands of years A person who possesses the unparalleled holy body has It will also be hidden by aristocratic families or holy places. We should put down the sword of the sect Let’s work together to cultivate him well I know you are not a mortal

The Unparalleled Holy Body Hahahahaha I think you may have misunderstood it Or maybe I didn’t make it clear He does possess the Unparalleled Holy Body But it’s also an ancient holy body What is the ancient holy body? The ancient holy body is known as the first divine body in ancient and modern times

It is said People with this kind of constitution Practice will reach an unfathomable level It’s just a pity Since ancient times I don’t know why this kind of physique gradually disappears among all living beings. Not only does it lack prestige We cannot look down upon the heavens as we did in ancient times

And for thousands of years A person with such a constitution No one can embark on the path of spiritual practice anymore The sea of bitterness is as hard as meteorite iron Unable to open up the foundation Just a waste body Alas, what a pity this body of blood is! Elder Xie informed

Complete the body by measurement After spending time together, why not decide where you are going first? What do you think? Everyone has something to say first This time, I, Lingxu Dongtian, will choose first. Elder Wu invites What a pity for this kid Are you willing to enter my Lingxu cave to practice?

I have to be with Ye Zi There are no mortals in the Paradise of Cave Heaven It might not be a good thing for him to join in. Huang Bo You go with Elder Wu I will not join any paradise Maybe it’s simple Ordinary It’s better to be an ordinary person

No, I must take you away At worst, we’ll just be together Become a mortal If that doesn’t work, you have to practice hard. I will rely on you to support me in the future For example, chivalrous fairies, goddesses and saints Just introduce a few to me I’m not picky

If you don’t go, I won’t go. That’s all Just follow me Let’s go to Lingxi Cave together, haha Right, let’s go together Let’s practice together Meet another pair of fairies saint saint How good hey hey hey I’m just a guest for a while instead of joining there

I don’t know if Lin Xudongtian allows it so good Although I cannot officially accept you as a disciple But I will treat you equally Thank you, Elder Wu where will we go finally saved Everyone, practice well You’re right, we can hope to go home monitor believe in your ability

Even if you can’t cultivate immortality You will definitely be able to live a more colorful life. You should also take care Ten thousand and ten thousand Take care, take care, Pang Bo let go Ye Fan Just be a normal person wish you a happy life monitor This is for you

We will definitely meet again in the future Extremely colorful This bead is originally a good thing Why was it ruined? All the valuable Dao patterns inside were destroyed. Where did this come from? This was picked up in the ancient forbidden land. What a pity, what a pity It’s getting late

Everyone, let’s get going Goodbye, take care, take care, take care Take care, take care, take care, take care, take care Take care, take care, take care, take care hold on Yanzi, look at that car, it’s too small. I really hope we can also learn to fly red Don’t worry, Ye Zi

One day we will also be able to fly Um This is too beautiful It’s like a fairyland haha This is Lingxu Cave Heaven This is your residence 1 day off Official practice starts tomorrow Bye-Bye Hey Yezi Let’s take a look and go Why And the panoramic sunroof? Hey Yingzi did not expect

We actually started practicing Haha, let’s practice well now Only then can we understand the laws of this world one day We’ll figure out what happened to us. find the way home Oh yes Don’t enter the tiger’s den How to get tiger cubs Besides, this tiger’s den is really good.

Ah ha ha ha ha ah All disciples within three years of entry have been taught by me Tang Bo Ye Fan within the next year I will wish you on the road to immortality Officially become a practitioner from today You need to practice more diligently

One day we will open up a sea of suffering spring of life Build a divine bridge Arrive at the other side Make the realm of wheel and sea perfect Fang lived up to the sect’s teachings and cultivation This is made from the essence of Baicaoye Baicao

May you open up the sea of suffering extremely precious Disciples within the sect can only receive one hall every three months Elder Wu Do I have it too? Although your physique is special However, when getting started I already said I would treat everyone equally The so-called planning depends on people

Everything will come true As long as you do your best Maybe there may be a chance in the future Wait a moment You two are still mortal You can put these leaves of grass away first. You need to take care of your body right now Practice the system to the extreme

It will be helpful for future practice ah ah Ah ah ah ah ah too easy Give me another one I can lift it too Show less ability ah I’m afraid there’s no cook in Lingxu Cave. Sweet potato white porridge every day A bird appeared in his mouth well I want to eat meat

Eat vegetarian all day long Human body will lack protein Not beneficial to practice It would be best if there is a roast chicken No roast chicken Can you roast the bird? Hey, it’s cooler Hey, add more chili and cumin Hey, hey, hey Comber Why Hey, we were just passing by Just passing by

Ah Why farewell farewell ah ah Ah wow wow The big flying bird is so fierce Don’t be stunned and run away ah Is this a bird body or an iron gun? too exaggerated Ahhhhhhh A powerful punch Hey wife ah Well uh uh leaves This bag is getting heavier and heavier Something’s wrong

Covering it, covering it All the animals in the ice and snow have spiritual equipment. How can I allow you to act like this? If the law enforcement elders find out Do you two know the consequences? Just now you two fought with that crane I see it all these three months

You’ve made quite a bit of progress But there are also shortcomings Uncle Tang, you are extremely talented But the mind is unstable impulsive if not improved There will be dangers in practice in the future As for Ye Fan you have a quick mind Perseverance and determination Unfortunately

There will be contempt in the door tomorrow You should also go and take a look Open your eyes yes once in a while The disciples within the sect will learn from each other. The winner will win Baicao Industry Elder Hu Wow this This is too cool They are all bitter monks

After opening up the sea of suffering, you can focus on the pattern of concentration Divine patterns can be attacked directly Can also be turned into a weapon When will Elder Hu teach us how to fly? Reaching the realm of destiny A monk can fly to the sky and escape from the earth

The divine pattern will also be more powerful than before Well, the sea of suffering is the fountain of life What’s going on behind the Shenqiao and the other shore? Hey Yezi That man flew too fast Take a look here I’ll come back as soon as I go yes

Qingfeng meets the headmaster and fellow seniors The leader is in the shape of a ruined ancient land discovered something There is indeed movement Not surprisingly Something must happen to Lingbao Junior Brother Qingfeng, please follow us into the palace. Careful voice yes Come on brother Bravo If I don’t fight, I will admit defeat.

Feiyu’s moves just now were really wonderful. Why These two are pretty fierce, too. Excuse me My hand slipped accidentally I also want to slide my hand Um boy Do you know the consequences of attacking Senior Brother Han? I advise you to think twice before you act Your friend dares to eat any fruit

Why is this thing so hard? ah Why is this thing so hard? Ah, stop it The blind date in Longmen is my spiritual plan You bastard Just sneak attack on the leaves Elder Wu misunderstood How could I possibly attack my junior brother? You act most fairly on weekdays Fei Yu

I believe you won’t just listen to one side of the story. Right, Elder Wu? If there is a next time I’m afraid I have to go meet Elder Han. sure You two come with me Hey, this is me Feiyuan, why are you having trouble with these two losers? You will know later

Han Fei became a monk in the sea of suffering His weapons are made by divine texts beyond human reach Ordinary people train their bodies to the extreme It is also difficult to defeat a junior practitioner So what kind of practice can you do? I ask you

What do I have in my hands right now? Air dust It’s dust, it’s no longer dust If it’s not dust, what is it? It’s a world So is our body Trees have growth rings We also have the wheel of life The wheel of life lies beneath it

Contains the essence of the whole body It is the foundation of spiritual practice every other year will add a scratch so-called practice Just before the life wheel wears out Cross the endless sea of suffering below the wheel of life Break the rules of heaven and earth longevity ancient people

A hundred years old in spring and autumn It turns out that everything Suwari said is true. Next I will teach you the Taoist scriptures Tao Jing is the most powerful basic method in the world Although Dongtian only contains a fragment of a chapter

But it’s enough to lay the foundation for the two of you. Open up the sea of suffering correct The Baicao leaves I gave you last time are ready to be taken. Remember the medicinal power of Baicao leaves Drinking too much at one time My body may not be able to bear it

Follow me into concentration Feel the wheel of life Do you feel the wheel of your life? Why I saw black sea leaves under the ice And you How about you drink some more Baicao liquid? Although Baicaoye is not as genius as Jade Orchid, But remember not to drink too much

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous Is there no other way? Sharp as black iron It cannot be opened by external forces. This kind of physique is called the first holy body in ancient times. Of course it’s not something we can understand Such a system also appeared in the post-barren ancient era.

Holy places as powerful as the Eastern Wasteland are helpless With my Lingxu Cave Heaven background Really powerless He can only rely on himself There is no other way If you can find the complete Taoist scriptures Maybe there is a way However, Quanben has been missing for thousands of years The trace is slim

Uncle is sure Those two people are the medicine my uncle is looking for. Especially the boy named Ye Just brute force Then he resisted my divine attack It must be because he ate the spiritual fruit So to say You lost to that boy How can it be Are those two losers my opponents?

If that old immortal Wu Qingfeng hadn’t appeared, Today I can capture them both for my uncle. The other one has been listed as a fairy seedling by the leader Don’t think about him for now What does uncle mean? Green wood seal and trace jade pendant

Having these two treasures will definitely help you succeed Mr. Su, don’t worry I’ll go and bring him right away remember The one who wants to pay me back is hahaha Although you cannot open up the sea of suffering But with practice and fitness Your essence and blood are getting stronger and stronger

It’s not like I gained nothing. Thank you, Elder Wu Tang Bo You see the ice may break Of course I smashed it Didn’t break it open The ice is too hard It seems that you still haven’t been able to concentrate. The so-called unthinkable Can’t think of anything

You have to focus all your attention on the wheel of life Only in this way can one thought replace ten thousand thoughts. Impact the sea of suffering Elder Wu, can you tell me simply? what to do Sit quietly and pranayama how long do you want to do it at least several months

As many as several years Counting years I can’t sit still here Does Elder Wu have any other methods? Just the more efficient kind Efficiency Just be faster The kind that can be practiced immediately The power of cultivation Haste makes waste Elder Wu was reserved Sitting quietly is really not suitable for Pangmai.

He practices for an hour I just couldn’t sit still for half an hour. Um There is indeed another way Let me try it quickly Finished You are too impatient Am I impatient? I’m not impatient, right? Isn’t that the sniper rifle? passport passport I have cast the Fragrance Seal Technique on you and him

As long as you really stay calm and focused You can make him obey you Control it as you wish Your sea of suffering will naturally be cleared away Ah trouble, I like it Ha ha ha ha Little crane I am coming Oh help Brother He and Sister He He Caocao

Just let me ride it Have you been fooled, stupid bird? This time I am determined not to let go. What can you do to me? Hey hey hey big fat bird If you don’t believe me, I can’t conquer you. Ah ah ah ah ah This guy is too irritable

I want to help him open up the sea of suffering You have to think of other ways good Stop hiding it This guy is a bit evil Why did you sneak up on me? snort I don’t know who swore it just now One person can solve it

Stop talking nonsense and let’s go together Humph, I don’t know who swore that just now. One person can solve it Stop talking nonsense and let’s go together Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh ah Oh, so inexperienced Your speed is worse than that of a bird Ye Fan you wanna die Don’t be in a hurry, kid.

You again Han Feiyu, where did I offend you? Just to see you unhappy Ah ah ah, let me borrow it for you. I can’t let you come in vain tom swallow Quickly fly to save people Grandpa Crane Grandma Crane I beg you calm down Don’t be panicky, be outgoing and incompetent

Introversion is nowhere Thoughts on my mind hit the sea of suffering See how many punches you can hit leaf Wow wow Who are you Became a fist cannon I learned this trick from Brother He on whether to cry or not. Thanks, Brother He. We’ll do the rest ourselves

I don’t care if you are a fairy or not This young master will take you to fight together It’s so enjoyable. I’ve wanted to play like this for a long time. Ahhhhh What the hell Why is it so heavy? Is it fun to plant a tree upside down? majestic 123 Don’t run Ahhh

Oh Ahhhhh ah Done and call it a day Wait a moment ah Why Haha Um what are you doing Steal my things This Baicao leaf It’s a waste if you drink it I’ll do it for you Received them all asshole And I see you are quite unhappy too.

Because your hairstyle is really beautiful Please shut up, please Besides, I’ll shave your hair. Don’t let him continue to control the definition ah I want to burn you Brother Han, is the air down there fresh? Haha ah Why did that thing escape? It seems there is someone more powerful behind him

No matter who is behind him If you want to bully us, there’s no way Um Take a walk Hey swallow You really almost fell off the cliff just now I recall this Why do you think you are irritating me? Why Is it intentional? oops This time we can send it

Robbed hundreds of bottles hey-hey The results are amazing That guy surnamed Han is really a fat sheep I have so many grass leaves with me He troubled us twice and three times There are experts behind the scenes This thing doesn’t seem simple Hi Wouldn’t that be better? It’ll be fine next time

Don’t worry, Ye Zi Our soldiers are here to cover up the water and soil. It’s thanks to him that you can open up the sea of suffering. Why leaf What do you think this sea of suffering is? Since the sea of suffering opened I feel my body has changed a lot

Under the banner, power surges out Have endless energy to hum Master, you read a lot You tell me What exactly is going on In ancient medical science, there is a saying that one person is the same as the earth. Specifically

The human body is actually like the sun, moon, stars, and everything in the universe It’s also a small world If we can’t see inside, the world will be in chaos. However, some ancient people with extremely high understanding But you can feel the existence and changes of your own world reclaim and improve it

Investigate its mystery Release the hidden energy in this world To prolong life All you can do actually It coincides with some current genetics. Opening the sea of suffering should be our way of breaking through chaos A cautious first step in endoscopic exploration Um understood understood I really understand

Doesn’t it mean that our genes have mutated? There are so many Baicao leaves Wouldn’t it be more powerful if I drank it all at once? There’s nothing wrong with you saying that. swallow Others drink a bottle of Baicao leaves for three months These should not last for several years We both drank

You can’t reach the level right away, right? Hey, okay, okay Come on, mother-in-law and mother-in-law Let’s talk about it after it’s done What a god This sea of suffering has really grown bigger useful useful Come and do it together Come on, leaves Come and do it Come again I

The sea of suffering is twice as big keep coming how frightened It’s true that haste makes waste The sea of bitterness rushes wildly This is like a needle prick I’m looking for someone fine Be able to grit your teeth and get through it The leaves are you I drank six or seven bottles

Why is nothing happening? The sea of suffering still has no waves, cat No Then have more Maybe it can produce some strange effects Forget about my physique No matter how much Baicao liquid you drink, it is still a waste Instead of this I might as well leave it to you for your breakthrough.

Rest assured Didn’t you hear what the person named Han said? I am Xian Miao You drink quickly and wait until you have a breakthrough before we can go home together. Okay, I’ll try again drink so much Are you okay? How about it what does it feel like ah leaf coming Could it be

No It’s really a golden tsunami You don’t know how shocked you were just now The whole place is shaking Fortunately we live far away Otherwise it will definitely cause an uproar You saw it too The waves are surging Four shining golden lights leaf did you succeed

I don’t know if it’s a success or not. The sea of suffering is only the size of a sesame seed Every grain is also an ocean Concentration is the essence I will tell Elder Wu the news that you can practice cultivation. The ancient holy body can be cultivated Still golden

The sea of bitterness can still emerge from the body Such a proper halo of the protagonist I went Why can’t tell them Yeah Temporary caves cannot deter animation Once the news leaks I must be in danger And I might not be able to continue practicing Most of it is still scrap metal.

Are you overthinking it? Hasn’t the sea of suffering already opened? It takes dozens of bottles of Baicao leaves to open a sesame seed to relieve the sea of suffering. This kind of consumption is not something that ordinary sects can afford. In the later stage It is an unimaginable astronomical number.

You said if it was like a martial arts novel What martial arts secrets did you find? For example, the complete version of the Taoist Scriptures Is it possible to cultivate the ultimate magic skill immediately? I am not the first person to use the Ancient Holy Body But why so many years

The ancient holy body is called the waste body Think about it later It is very likely that there will be more harsh and difficult conditions otherwise Those holy places and ancient families will not give up easily But If the ancient holy body could be cultivated simply, It loses its meaning

They come, the security Just go as far as you can That’s right Every protagonist will experience setbacks This is the rule Ha ha My uncle let that kid escape again this time ah I already know Good kung fu The main reason is that Pang Bo insists on meddling in other people’s business.

If it weren’t for his name you said last time What’s that kid’s name? Ye Fan Ye Fan Hahahahaha Well, it’s another day of trying to raise the flag. I heard they offended Han Feiyu The Han family dares to offend these two people I’m afraid I won’t die.

What the hell are you talking about? Step aside A good dog stays out of the way Pangbo, you are a fairy seedling We won’t touch you What we are looking for is Ye Fan how Want to fight again Hey, there are too many people You go and invite Wu Changle first

Let’s go together Hey, the guy named Han didn’t eat enough mud last time. I also want to have some upside-down green onions oh oh No way They actually beat Han Feiyu away Ha ha ah Why ah Ahhh ah ah Ahhh Ahhhhh ah ah The other side is going to start a wheel battle

It’s definitely not going to work like this. Then take off the wheels. They all pushed away and attacked in formation oops No matter how fast you are As long as you don’t get close Just get beaten Wang Po It’s none of your business here you can go less nonsense Just hit it

Damn it, hit me hard it hurts So brave Dare to attack the fairy seedlings Soldiers Ye Fan attacked me first I came to Ye Fan to reason alone. It was Pang Bo who rushed up to beat us. Yeah no reason They all have to go to the back mountain and face the wall.

Reflect on mistakes Thank you very much, sir well This guy surnamed Han is really haunted. See him again later hit him once The Han family has deep roots in Dongting, a forest area. There have been several generations of elders in the family Especially his uncle Elder Han

I heard that I have reached the other side Doesn’t matter if he is the leader or the elder I will beat up anyone who causes trouble from now on. Who? Elder Wu still wants to beat someone up Very different in strength All you can do is get beaten

Elder Wu, Han Feiyu came to see Ye Zi again. I know everything about what just happened It’s just a bullshit plaster. Why doesn’t anyone care about him? His uncle, Elder Han, was proficient in etiquette Very high status in the temporary cave The Han family is also a wealthy family Generational foundation

Tangled and intricate Even if there are continuous changes in personnel, The Han family’s whereabouts are also controlled by the Han family. Who can control him? Do you want to resist Han Feiyu? You can only practice hard Let’s talk about it after we have absolute strength absolute strength Why Wang Chenglao

Do you have that special potion to replenish blue? blue potion It’s just that in the game, after drinking it, your spells are greatly increased. Things that can be upgraded Practice requires full dedication What a game Ah, Elder Wu Pang Wei means to learn while having fun ah Forget it

I already know what he means Pombo If you still want to borrow the Baicao Leaf to break through I advise you to give up early. Baicao leaves are rare and hard to find And don’t drink too much Elder Wu, what are these leaves of grass? know As the name suggests, Baicaoye

Equipped with Baicao some herbs Only in Linxu Cave Sky Found in the ancient tomb wolf forest in the back mountain Although there are many spiritual herbs in the Tomb Wolf Forest, However, monsters abound extremely dangerous Usually regarded as a forbidden area by the disciples It can be seen that

Baicao also has a hard time waiting. Tomb Wolf Forest Oh, please ask Elder Wu How did they control the weapons just now? The monk’s weapons are condensed with divine patterns Every divine pattern is like a divine iron chain Hovering over the sea of suffering Monks can mark divine patterns into various shapes

Like a flying dagger Qi moves at will Can be released outside the body to kill enemies yes If there is no magic pill Magical weapons are also fine. If you want to become a magic weapon Don’t be afraid of complexity and mystery Repeatedly tempering divine patterns

Extrude an instrument such as a bell or tower There are often some mysterious changes If the divine pattern is sufficiently mysterious when tempered, In the later stage, it is even possible to form Dao Wenwei immeasurable power I can’t always rely on majesty to protect me

You still have to find a way to become stronger on your own The realm of the ancient holy land requires more spiritual grass Venturing into the ancient tomb Wolf Tomb is not an option either. leaf If you don’t sleep, what are you doing here? It’s not sleepwalking, right? How did you come

Looking for you To avoid being targeted by those villains like Han Feiyu again My identity as a fairy is our talisman. Hey hey hey forget it It’s disgusting for two grown men to be together every day leaf ah you dislike me When I was on the football team

We wore a pair of pants Who wore the same pants as you? I admitted that you didn’t bring your pants with you during that game. Didn’t you borrow it from me? We brothers are united Still afraid of protecting me Son must be precious Don’t act rashly

The leader of Shuguang is clearly protecting Ye Fan and the others. We have no chance to make a move. what to do Then wait until Ye Fan comes out of Lingxu Cave You do it again By the time See who can protect him But he finally entered the cave with great difficulty

Why are you leaving? snort What about people like Ye Fan? Will definitely go It seems I’m about to get all these medicines together Ha ha ha ha Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha It’s them two What to look at Go back and tell that guy surnamed Han. Is there any other trick you can use?

Master Pang, I’m not afraid snort If this happens again Pang Bo can’t stay in the cave for any longer. Hey hey leaf There are mice in the grass to be caught Forget it, I won’t offend anyone unless they offend me If I make a fuss, we may not have a chance of winning.

Let’s go ah ah What’s the matter Pombo Pombo, Pombo, what’s wrong with you? ah I explained again and again Do not drink too much Baicao leaves If the medicine is too strong, it will break your pain. If Ye Fan hadn’t come to me in time to save you,

I’m afraid I will never be able to do it again in this life Cultivated I just want to become stronger quickly Eagerness for quick success will inevitably lead to backlash Elder Wu Is there any way you can help him? That’s all I will encourage his luck Ye Fan You are guarding the door

Don’t let others disturb you search He is so powerful If I don’t change into a gun soon Wouldn’t it be up to them to bully Ye Zi? I just went to grab Baicaoye again. I understand that you have deep feelings But everything has its rules think of yourself promising future

I can no longer waste my money willfully. Ancient Holy Body With our continuous foundation Really powerless He can only rely on himself Forget it, I’ll send him a Yang Linhuo Emergency moment Disaster can be avoided The Han family is so powerful If I don’t change into a gun soon

Wouldn’t it be up to them to bully Ye Zi? Pangbo, you are a fairy seedling We won’t touch you What we are looking for is Ye Fan pangbo It’s none of your business here you can go I just want to become stronger quickly Eagerness for quick success will inevitably lead to backlash

It’s time to Out of here The way of heaven Loss more than makes up for the deficiency This ancient and modern I leave it to you Maybe useful Isn’t this unusual in ancient and modern times? Every stroke embodies a kind of poetry All poems together

It forms the power to erase the past and present Something really happened Who is the person who left scriptures on the bones? why we came to this world So many questions waiting for me to find answers I really can’t delay it any longer. i am leaf Let’s overthrow them together

Take good care of yourself pangbo Lin Xudongtian is no longer suitable for me to continue practicing. I want to travel around the Eastern Wasteland chance You practice well Ye Fan Pang Bo was highly regarded by the consecutive cave elders You will be able to practice successfully hope next time

Don’t fall behind when we meet That kid is too many What god has been lost? I searched around but couldn’t find Ye Fan. Ye Fan must be gone Feiyu makes you stare at them How good it is now You actually lost me I literally kept staring at the door.

I didn’t see anyone going out. If you can’t find Ye Fan, I’ll pay you to my uncle. I’ll find it right now I’ll find it right now I go with him Ye Fan Just wait to die Could it be that the Han family discovered it? Ahhhhhhh Pang Bo is not loyal

The agreed brothers will go together first I want to go together You actually ran away Calm down See you deserve a beating what sound It makes people feel panicked and something is wrong Run quickly swallow swallow This matter is not over yet Let’s talk about it later ah This is Lightning Bird

Awesome monster The elephant is dying of thirst That big monkey just now It can’t be King Kong, right? Leave now Hey, the whole group of demons are dancing wildly Grandma, go this way No more Can’t run anymore Where did these monsters come from? Is that the big bird fighting with the big monkey?

Can’t we just make a noise out of them? They were obviously frightened And he ran out from inside Is there something more powerful inside? Why is this drum sound coming again? It makes people’s hearts burst. Try running the mirror It seems to relieve the feeling of panic good so far so good

I thought my fate was sealed here Unexpectedly, the old snake is also afraid of the bitter snake That’s Magnolia What blue Magnolia Magnolia is a kind of spiritual grass that grows near the tongue of jade legs When the jade tongue swallows the essence of the sun and the moon

Follow to absorb the essence in After hundreds of years of spiritual baptism Condensed a large amount of the essence of the sun and moon Metamorphoses into a strange plant that resembles an old snake Therefore it is called Jade Snake Orchid oh Could it be that the old snake is a jade-legged snake?

I remembered I heard Elder Wu say it before I remember the medicinal properties of magave More powerful than hundreds of bottles of Baicao Liquid Looks full of energy This bite is definitely full of energy It is rumored that the Royal Foot Snake is the failed spiritual creature of Hua Jiaolong. No small matter

Can’t rush there What should I do? You can’t eat the roast duck after all Someone is anxious to death You just said you were always afraid of the sound of drums Why don’t we wait for the drum to sound again? Then follow the golden whip good chance ah incredible

No wonder it’s called Magnolia Looks like that old snake Go out first and then talk Why Replied too quickly Bar We won’t run straight into the snake’s den Then I met a group of snakes and grandsons, right? Ahhhhhhh ah No, no, no Legs are weak This snake’s venom is too powerful

Pangbo died for this fish It can be seen that the poison staff is too powerful Kukai is about to explode Tiezi You have a strong constitution You can eat the rest I am resurrected with full blood again Look at the exit Ahhhhhhh What son hurts grandson? It’s all in this cat

Hang up the elite soldiers OK Ahhh ah Why is this old snake so vindictive? It’s not over yet ah Wow Chen Wenjiezi Have you had another breakthrough? Let’s leave here first. Magnolia is truly extraordinary My cry got louder again Then let’s go find more elixirs Hey, forget it

You’d better go back to Linxudongtian first. What nonsense are you talking about? It’s too dangerous here If you stay, you will only narrowly escape death. I expect you to make a name for yourself in Linxu Cave Will you protect me from now on? well We want to go back together Let’s go together

Want to be alone no way Besides, there are so many spiritual herbs here As the saying goes There is no reason to enter Baoshan and return empty-handed. Let’s go and look for Peng Bo You don’t have to take risks with me What’s the meaning Want to break up the gang? yes

Our paths were originally different There is no need to tie them together before you talk about it We agreed to go home together You’re just talking nonsense now No way Seems a ha ha ha Hahaha What happened to that ancient beast just now?

Were all those giant beasts driven out by the Ancient Saints? The ancient wood wolf forest is an ancient ruin Many monsters If there is no uncle magic weapon for protection Even I don’t dare to come in easily Cloud Where are they? Seeing it was Ye Tan, I said I saw it right.

Pang Bojin fears the wood wolf Company commander Ye was disgusted Stop give me pie ah Ah ah ah ah ah ah Ah You you Ah You Oh my God that snake They must have lured me here Don’t go, don’t go Yifan, don’t run away Ahhh ah Are you okay? expanded dawn Su Gong

Elder Han, thank you for arriving in time. Otherwise we will all die here You two are dead this time good good leaf Do you think this old man’s eyes are stupid and perverted? Uncle, run away quickly Forget about cooking this monster snake Not bad Got a few more herbs

Where are Ye Fan and Pang Bo? Just let these two boys run away Uncle, should I pursue him or not? Something has changed here You go back to your uncle first poor face Why are you crying? He died We can’t let that kid go like this. Let’s continue chasing Alas alas

I probably can’t catch up. Oh, this weird old man looks scary. Alas, he is Han Changlong leaf think he’s targeting you That look in his eyes just now It’s like you are a plate of fresh meat I wish I could swallow you up right away maybe You really guessed it

What grudge does Elder Han have against you? You’re so unlucky, right? What to say I mean Elder Han is proficient in pharmacology Han Jiayou keeps staring at me is it possible It’s because of something in me Is it related to the Ancient Holy Body?

The leader said that the ancient holy body is invincible in close combat He wants to use you as a guinea pig Fortunately I didn’t chase you What happened to Ye Zi’s drumming sound just now? Dense and urgent I almost didn’t get knocked Cardiovascular burst I have a very ridiculous association

Does that sound sound like some powerful creature? After sleeping for endless years Slowly waking up Did you mean to say That’s his heartbeat, right? possible Maybe this is why those giant beasts ran away Ye Zi, do you feel that after entering here? It seems to be getting colder Something’s really wrong here

This ground Why does it look like volcanic rock? The trees also look weird There’s something on the tree Who is attacking Get out of here, Mr. Pang people so many coffins This is tomb group No wonder it’s so cold This yin energy is too strong Um ah gather Oops Was actually controlled

Invert the body Unity of mind and heart Outgoing Introverted Invert the body Unity of mind and heart Outgoing Introverted careful Bloomberg Bloomberg Are you OK Get out of Pang Ze’s body quickly Ahhh Bloomberg Express Bloomberg blew Grandma stopped Ahhhhh Oh my God what happened Cannons, etc. Ye Fan Stop Ye Fan

You and I are at odds with each other Pang Bon running somebody is coming Ahhh ah ah ah Who is this over there with the fifth elder? You control me with sorcery Disciple Lingxu blocks my way again Could it be that he wants to be an enemy of Lingxu? Hahaha

5 The elder wants to confuse right and wrong. It’s obvious that you are coveting my heart. How do you make it sound like this is the tomb of the great emperor of the human race?

In the past, the last great emperor of the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan was created by the Council of Ministers. Use your supreme power to seize the most precious treasure of my human race In the future, the most valuable treasure in the Eastern Wasteland will be the Taoist Scriptures.

The most important remains are here How come the word “covet” comes into play? Leader Li is truly worthy of being called The Lord of Lingxu is really eloquent I don’t understand what I mean Steal other people’s things Said so grandly This little lady really admires you. Hahaha Don’t admit it

Does anyone want to steal my human treasure? Abandon my clan name Invade my clan spirit So what if we start a war? Wulan suffered death Yanzi, I was in a daze just now I seem to have heard something surprising Don’t be confused You were almost controlled by demons

The two demons are already fighting Let’s go quickly We have good intentions You’re waiting for me You covet the heart openly robbed My demonic nature is still hard to find Hahaha, beat me first and then talk nonsense. Overestimating one’s capabilities Just black magic Trivial skills Our emperor’s human treasure must be recovered

How could I fall into the hands of your demon clan? Years of grudges Finished today The witch died Bold and evil Don’t kill me, I’m so weak Ye Fan Keep the King of Kunyao Wait for Pang Bo to leave quickly. This is Chase him quickly, don’t let him run away

It’s because they can’t escape faster Okay, I’m fine Run fast, run carefully go up Swallows beware Let’s see where you run away After a long time, the network was broken So fatal Do you really think you can escape? I’m going to bullshit the plaster. I uh uh uh Well Uh-huh, so uncomfortable

Fast forward to hell That’s what they just said a few minutes Ah ah ah ah ah Protect the gods Take back the treasure of humanity Miyun Hengpi Ancient life? take advantage of now Go faster Huang Bo pangbo Pangbo, what’s wrong with you, Pangbo? pangbo wake up quickly Um So balanced Noisy to you

Huang Bo Red Devils Wake up quickly and don’t be controlled by that monster. He can’t wake up Who is it? It’s a pity that I’m a step late Elder Wu, help me catch up with Pang Ming I’ll wake him up With your friendship Maybe we can fight the monster Let’s go Hahahahaha

It seems that your demon emperor doesn’t like you. Hahahahahaha Um Hahahahaha There is a monster on the door prohibit I am the mother of the great emperor of the demon clan How can it be that you mere humans can get your hands on it? Trivial skills Fuck me

A group of monsters looking at swords Tang Bo Congratulations to my king for successfully seizing the body Congratulations on my success in seizing the body Pombo is possessed by the demon king Stop him quickly Don’t even think about it ah ah ah Ye Fan Go quickly Tang Bo, I know it’s you

You can definitely drive this thing out We agreed to go home together You won’t lose. Stop arguing. Daodao Tiandi There is movement and stillness Peace of mind Everything in heaven and earth can be done As big as heaven and earth There is movement and stillness pure heart

Everything in heaven and earth can be done little brother You are so noisy Everything in heaven and earth can be violated In need of illness shut up Little brother, you really talk a lot Bloomberg, don’t go in Find the Taoist spirit and the human treasure This is the book

Although it is only one leaf long Probably tens of thousands of times Lun Hai Scroll The famous Immortal Classic of Taoism in the Eastern Wilderness It was also split up at that time Lost a very important volume Could this be the missing volume of the Taoist Scriptures?

If it were like martial arts novels What martial arts secrets did you find? For example, the complete Taoist scriptures Pangbo did it on purpose He is still fighting with that demon king pangbo I will definitely save you Ahhhhh The last demon emperor in the Eastern Wasteland is buried here

After his death, the seal became so strange This is not your human race I want to act rashly This shark has extraordinary cultivation But he was easily killed instantly Elder Ji is here to visit The Taoist Scriptures and the human race’s most precious treasure, the Wild Tower, are within easy reach

The Taoist scriptures in the first divine burial are missing who took it Elder of the Handicap We haven’t entered the demon city yet Have any of you seen the Taoist scriptures? Such a big scene How can you miss my Jiang family? Elder Qi, you haven’t been in the group for a long time.

Don’t blame me for being the first Elder Ji Don’t block the road Give way The Mongolian Jiang family is also here The two aristocratic families have always been fighting openly and secretly. Indistinguishable for thousands of years This time it’s all about the absurdity I’m afraid I can’t be kind anymore

Mr. Jiang is well-informed Came all the way from the bitter cold land of the Northern Territory Really hard work Not as good as Let’s rest next to it first You dare to stop me Ha ha Eastern absurdity Zhongzhou Green Bronze Kunlun Fairy Middle School Get one of these three treasures Can navigate Beidou

How can I, the Jiang family, stand by and watch? The demon emperor’s weak and infinite power This seal is specially engraved with the human race It’s hard for either of you or me to break through the wind. word has spread Yaochi Yaoguang and other powerful people are arriving one after another Elder Jiang

Why don’t you and I join forces? Take advantage of this imperial power before it is in danger How about taking out the heavy treasure inside? Elder Ju, what you said sounds nice. Then who owns this deserted tower? We both belong to the Eastern Wasteland

I have been protesting in Donghuang for a long time Difficult to compete with Zhongzhou If the desolate tower is taken out Can be shared by two families They are all from the Eastern Wilderness Moreover, this tomb There are also the demon emperor’s holy weapons and many demon clan spiritual treasures Once broken

There is no reason to return empty-handed Take it out first and then talk The third level god general has come out Successful majestic do not go In front of a monk of this level We are ants Going up there will only lead to death. Possessed by the Demon King Then I can’t stay

The heartbeat sounds like something inside is coming out It’s the sacred heart of my monster emperor Demon Emperor’s Heart ah Ahhh Don’t run, don’t chase. Someone will blow this heart Elder Jiang is right This is the heart of the earth There are already arrangements in the clan The deserted tower is important

No room for error Must be taken as soon as possible continue to break Um trance Don’t catch it It’s going to be a mess here soon. After finding Pang Bo leave as early as possible Where did Huangpu go? The heart of the highlands is beating This way

This place is the same as the ancient forbidden land Someone posted a poem Are all the scenes in front of me fake? pure heart Everything in heaven and earth can be done Follow the heartbeat found it If you don’t surrender, you will take the initiative to attack. There’s something weird about this place

There are more and more dinosaurs Must escape as soon as possible Oh damn it Trouble now This is someone launching a formation here I see This is trying to trap me I must have a way to break through I will live for you to see The eye of the formation is right here

My heart stop here otherwise you will lose your life There is such a beautiful woman in the world Perfectly threatening The holy couple whose nerves turned into women You will regret this What’s there to fear from such attacks from inner demons? ah stop here otherwise you will lose your life

There is such a beautiful woman in the world It’s so perfect that it’s almost threatening. You have left a door in the formation I broke out of the formation It can be regarded as a fate with you, fairy Please answer my two questions what is the problem Is Pombo here? exist

What should you do to get Pangbo back? This is the Qinglian you destroyed I reborn her with sharp Xiangyun She is still the same green lotus plant Pangbo is also himself How do I give him back to you? The person inside him is not Pang Zhen at all

With the body of a mortal or the principles of a demon king give up part of yourself get more power This is an opportunity that many people dream of People are not grass and trees give up Persistence should be Pang Bo’s own choice It’s not up to you to decide

This person seems to have a different constitution Qing Niang, go try his skills You were the one who was causing trouble just now Your Highness, I will teach him a lesson right away. Hey Jin Zhan, you may not be able to beat me ah But I may not lose accept the punishment

Let him go Bloomberg I said it let him go Qing Yao, please let him go first. Converge your mind Do not affect your acceptance of inheritance in the future yes Pang Bo, come back with me Bloomberg Send him away Bloomberg I know you can hear me Come back with me quickly Bloomberg

Here again Can’t touch Grow up you Both of us, the Supreme Elder, are behind us. Abandoned by all four feet Hurry up and take action with all your strength Lingbao Something happened to Lingbao What are you here for? Hurry up and catch up Hahaha, everyone depends on their ability.

Don’t let them take it all away Huangta hasn’t come out yet Gadra, let’s keep going The weapon that shakes the foot Amazing talent It should be a psychic treasure Where can the monster escape? Hahaha Hey hey hey What luck I didn’t expect to actually catch a psychic weapon. Hey, master, hey

Master, hey, little friend, it’s funny. Hey, hey. Oops, little friend This is a murder weapon You can’t control him Don’t move or let Master Dao subdue him for you. Mountain Lingling Dinglingling The strong wind has nowhere to go to show its spirit I remember the favor of Xiaoyao

It is said that the mountains will not turn and the road will turn. See you next time Master Dao, I thank you very much Hahaha, I know how to retrieve things from afar At least the sacred bridge is majestic Taoist priest Ah, it’s better to choose a day than to hit it

It just so happened that a friend of mine got into trouble Possessed by a monster lost consciousness Do you have any way to drive away that monster? ah Hitting shoes Why Oh Lord I really have a way to ward off evil spirits Just go home, wash and sleep Just wake up Um

Goodbye by chance Fatty Master Dao, I’m not that fat. Just strong See you next time Taoist will bring you good luck Infinite Heavenly Lord Hearing is also so sensitive ah Another magic weapon of the demon clan Lightning Taoist priest, you made a mistake again Pindao is indeed destined to be happy

Don’t want to meet so soon This treasure is closely related to Pindao Can I borrow Xiaoyao and Pindao for use? really Taoist priest, you are too bullying. You have taken away my sword and psychic weapon I can’t give you this sword anymore Oops, little friend You can’t hold him down

This is the devil It’s better to let Pindao subdue him. Monsters and monsters appear quickly Urgent as a rule Hey hey hey hey hey Hey hey hey hey Taoist priest Didn’t you say you would thank me when we meet again? As a result, they robbed my things again

Give it to me this time rest assured Is Master Dao the kind of person who doesn’t keep his word? You and I have formed a good relationship after meeting each other twice. I can give you a way to ward off evil spirits Please give the Taoist guidance

Why don’t you just smash him away? Even if I find a wife I can’t help him get rid of the demon king either. Ah, I can’t beat him That’s still the same sentence Go home, wash and sleep Life is just a dream It’s nothing more than going from this dream to that dream

When I wake up, nothing happens. Come on, see you again if we are destined Infinite Heavenly Lord raised his sword and went Damn fat man, don’t ever meet me again in this life Huangta hasn’t come out yet Elder Jiang, there is no need to waste time.

Use any means at your disposal as soon as possible 1 Kunlun Than musket Here comes another one Is there bound to be a problem with this? This damn fat man Unscrupulous evil priest Curse him for being robbed They didn’t even give him a robe. I have two treasures left.

Otherwise I would have collected three pieces This time he was finally not discovered Poor people come The little demon and I are indeed destined Ghosts are destined to you Sure enough, it was a demon groping Master Dao, I can only reluctantly continue to collect demons. This hand is too fast Alright

If you are a step slower The little demon is dead a long time ago My friend and I are really destined I’ve saved you three times in just a few moments. A lot of nonsense A rogue is neither nor nor nor a rogue. Master Dao, my surname is not Wu

The Taoist surname is Duan De No wonder he’s so wicked Duan De Duan De Obviously he has lost his moral character This stone wall seems to be closely related to Pindao. Since my little friend has stayed, I promise you will gain something Such a big movement Hahaha big baby

Ah ha ha ha ha It’s the Demon Emperor’s Holy Weapon Chase My lord, I am truly blessed This demon emperor’s weapon is no worse than the Yellow Tower. Hey, this bowl looks quite crispy. Can you catch it? He also lost his wife and lost his troops. It’s not worth buying this Shout out

That Tianzun from Wuliang was almost smashed to pieces There is something on the stone wall That one, that one, that one what is that This is a cornucopia No wonder 10 coins can bring out new treasures one after another It turns out there is a cornucopia down there Thank you for your help

Otherwise, even if the descendants of the Demon Emperor come in person, It is also difficult to collect the Holy Soldiers of the Great Emperor Demon princess Yan Ruyu it’s him you know Pang Boai I am the little ancestor Are you afraid that they can’t see us? Go quickly, go quickly

The witch handed over the holy soldiers clear Ahhhhh Ahhh King Jiang joins forces to take action, okay? Farewell A streak crosses the void The witch escaped He can’t escape far Elder Jiang It’s better to take out the desolate tower first. Mecha’s tracking technique return Hahaha my bowl my bowl Don’t break it ah

Ahhhhhhh What a fight between gods Mortals suffer disaster, Xiaoyao Is it okay to have some determination? When you see a beautiful woman, rush forward I was almost killed by you He took my brother and your brother. Which one is the evil one? He hit Yan Ruyu

Work hard and practice well for a thousand or two thousand years You can definitely catch up with his cultivation level You will definitely be able to save your brother by then, huh? Hey, I can’t get it this time Although the basin is gone But the sharpness is still there

Tour guide, I’m going to grab the treasure hehehehe Instructor Pang is right Want to save Peng Bo Only you can become stronger Letting go is what I saw first What nonsense? Who gets the rules first? do not move This is mine too This is the property of the Jiang family

If you don’t want to die Leave quickly a piece of scrap copper That’s all Reward you huanggujiangjiang What kind of utensil is it like? a broken piece a ha ha ha Ouch hahahaha Get rich Get rich 5Two Heavenly Lords fall into the sea What’s going on is Panmanboman Yeah, it’s full. It’s full.

Ha ha ha ha Hey Xiaoyao Have you been haunted by some demon again? Fellow Taoist, let me help you surrender. Ah ha ha ha ha This time it’s a particularly powerful baby. You have to get something in exchange for it. For example, some cultivation techniques Still thinking about defeating Yan Ruyu All right

Let me teach you a trick The so-called heaven and earth have their own way enlightenment enlightenment It’s not about learning but about Enlighten oneself Siqiwu Ha ha ha ha Infinite Heavenly Lord, you lied to me Isn’t it just a piece of rotten copper? I didn’t lie to you Arsenic here, honey there

I think he is a treasure Of course he is the baby you you you you Too dazzling spiritual treasure It’s better that you touch less By then, you may not even be able to save your life. Tour guide, I’m leaving Fight life and death for you

And I despise you for being a piece of scrap copper This is obviously caused by their desires Ming Zhu Mengchen was not recognized by others In that case, I will put it away myself What on earth is this green copper? I heard Elder Wu say If the divine pattern tempers the master’s strength

In the later stages of mysticism, it is even possible to form Dao patterns. Immeasurable power This is Daowen Where is my broken head? Oh, where’s my big baby? You lost it yourself Why are my two poor monks so mean? I chopped you Do you remember where you lost it?

Kicked directly into the pool What Not nice My powerful monk can use the divine stone to swallow the sea of stars water pool water pool water pool water pool It’s really a puddle A lifetime treasure hunt But he missed the treasure of the human race Ahhh ah No, he is Huangta, right?

Desolate Tower Huangta can have no spiritual power fluctuation at all. Who said it was a deserted tower? What do you know He is a certain green bronze from Zhongzhou. Hahahahaha He is green bronze Ha ha The green camel and the mysterious warrior are known to the public

The gun battle in Zhongzhou was all over that year The world is in chaos But just such a small piece Just such a small piece There are also congenital Dao patterns on it condensed angel Not worse than Huangta at all Promise me to risk my life Eastern absurdity Zhongzhou green copper Kunlun Fairyland

Get one of these three treasures Can navigate Beidou If it is really green eyes Maybe you can help me rescue Peng Bo This baby finally came out of the grave I asked you to give it back again Why go back? The infinite deity This brother is really cunning

He actually set up a tomb for himself, one yang and one yin. Bury the heart, the source of strength, in the Yang grave real corpse This underwater grave There is a grave under the pool This tomb is not simple There are many restrictions underwater It’s hard

I went down three times and still couldn’t find the green pass. I’m so angry Ah ah ah ah Taoist priest, what are you doing? deliver a punch What is it Endless Yuan absorbs the power of genes from all over the world Claimed to be able to shatter people’s souls

Is an extremely powerful creature Ah, hurry up run Wujin Garden is not simple. It seems that Ganoderma lucidum has been blooming before But was hit hard by someone Lost Ganoderma again Ahhh feel dizzy after riding a roller coaster here. The house that runs fast is used Hahaha What is this?

Is gold and silver lightning and open fire Fortunately, these two heads are not in perfect condition What would happen in a perfect state? It seems that my life is not guaranteed Everything is explained here ah Hehehehehehahaha Xiao Yao and I have a tacit understanding It’s simply fate from a previous life

Hey hey hey Let’s go move Otherwise he comes out again Alas alas alas alas Alas, alas, my leader Since you can’t get it Why do you want me to meet him? The thing I hate most in life is being destined to have no fate. Hey stop stop stop stop

Master, I really can’t reconcile myself to it I will go back even if I die Taoist priest I tell you about you what is that Could it be that the three-headed monster is back? ah Hey, it seems like I just did something unintentionally got into trouble What move

I saw the edge of the pool There is a stone tablet with the words Mingtan engraved on it I just threw it down to explore the way. It’s not that it’s whitewashed Tens of thousands of years have passed There is a tomb in the shade There are actually gravekeepers Yeah hey hey hey

Not bad They are all rare treasures Hey hey hey Taoist priest Didn’t you say that they were all transformed by demons? It is absurd to say this Fairy and devil No boundaries Just a thought difference These babies were conquered by Taoist masters Turn into a magic weapon to subdue demons

It means they are destined to be Taoist Fate has its own destiny Sir, I can’t go against the will of God. That being the case God destined you to have no fate with Lutong Why do you have to go against heaven? I hate it wooden texture

Sprinkling sand into ice is indeed a good method. Um The wooden sign guide smiled and accepted it. There’s something weird here Leave that wooden sign You can go Who are you I am a disciple of the Ji family If you don’t want to die, get out of here quickly.

How dare you pretend to be a disciple of the Ji family? Don’t say you’re not Qiao San you are real I dare to slap you to death Um ah Ah ah ah ah ah Not bad or bad The Demon Emperor is evil because of his separation from others Started a killing move

Damn it It will be even harder to enter this tomb in the future. It’s the demon emperor’s tomb Active volcano is Yangmu The Netherworld Cold Pond is a Yin Tomb One yang and one yin Observe Tai Chi violently The creation that conquers heaven and earth Can evolve endless changes

The Demon Emperor is indeed extraordinary The Donghuang Human Clan’s treasure has disappeared. Most of the desolate towers are in this tomb. It’s a pity that now the decisive battle has begun After thousands of years No matter how perfect the layout is, there will be some flaws. Do some research before making a decision

I just heard someone say Even if you meet a Ji family disciple, you dare to slap him to death who said that It’s him The damn fat man is indeed not a good person. Hey Taoist Priest It wasn’t you who shot him down So that he can catch you and run away

When you came back from the Tomb of the Dead, what kind of tower was there? Wait until he finishes exploring the road You can get into it all Take that nonsense back. Don’t talk nonsense Have you ever been to the grave? Ahhhhhhh That being the case Just come with us one more time

Taoist priest, you are blessed with great fortune. It’ll be fine Next time, don’t trick people so casually. this place No matter what, I can’t stay any longer. The elders have used Dao patterns to temporarily seal the ruins Before finding the deserted tower No one is allowed to leave go

If they come to a carpet ceremony The end of the road and the green earth There’s no guarantee that they won’t be discovered by people outside Forced to break open and leave Everyone comes here for jewelry But they are just a group of moths fighting against the fire Walked all day and night

It should be safe A breeze ha Hahaha Bad old man There are fewer and fewer things to order at your house. Has the cook changed? Hey, cooking was really not like this before. Sorry Okay, walk slowly, walk slowly Wife Is there anything to eat? And some steamed buns give me two

Hey, I don’t have money Another deadbeat You shouldn’t bully freeloaders, right? Tingtinghey grandfather excuse me Hey, boy, wait a minute ah That’s all in the kitchen Just make do with it. Grandpa, we can’t even eat anymore. Why do you want to buy it for him? Who hasn’t encountered any difficulties when going out?

Um Why Have a laugh, please come over here Young man, you’ve been on your way for a long time, right? Come and eat as if you were at home gun Just stay here for a few days. Ouch eat slowly Eat slowly and don’t choke. Come and drink some water old man

Can this be used to pay for meals? Yuping, no, no, no This is too expensive Can’t do it Old man, please take it. I want to stay here for a few more days The rest will be used as room fee this I am becoming more and more comfortable controlling the divine texts.

I don’t know what mysteries are about scriptures and laws. Jade pupils are so vast like crows No wonder it is called the treasure of Zhongzhou Look at Daojun again Can’t see clearly at all Is there no way to practice the mysterious methods in the scriptures? martial arts martial arts Not about learning

But for Yu Zi Enlightenment enlightenment He can realize enlightenment arbitrarily Yes Yes The Beginning of Tao Born in the sea Run day and month Wander around all things Some are clear and some are turbid There is movement and stillness The sky is clear and the earth is turbid

The sky is moving and the earth is quiet Lun Haixuan is indeed extraordinary If you practice this Serve the magic grass again Get a life-impacting realm old thing Stinky old man Hahaha How many meals will I have with you? How dare you ask for money? Just hahaha

You are not allowed to bully my grandpa The smelly girl is looking for a beating please listen grandpa Hahaha broad daylight Langlang Qiankun you Lang Lang Qian Kun Hahahahahaha the world is bright you you let go Let go It’s amazing how strong you are

Yes, wait until my young master comes back with one hand snort I can knock you over with one finger young man don’t offend them snort I guess you are interesting I’ll be generous and let you go today Walk Waiting What to look at go away go away This Qingfeng Town A Li family

A royal family Just because he has no children to practice in the cave Everyone dares to be angry but dare not speak out Why That person just now was the manager of the Li family Mr. Li and my son and daughter-in-law We originally practiced together in Yanxia Cave Yanxia Cave Sky Why

The Supreme Ancestor sensed something strange happening in the ancient forbidden land as expected That kid from the Li family misbehaved Taught by my son Since then, we have become enemies My son has extraordinary qualifications Not afraid But who would have thought Accidents will happen

Two years ago they went out into the mountains to collect elixirs It is said that he died under the claws of a vicious bird From then on Then Butler Liu makes things difficult for us everywhere. Since I feel aggrieved why stay here My son can’t live without seeing anyone Dead but no corpse

If I leave In case they are still alive Who is waiting for them at home? When can I go home? my parents and relatives Are they waiting for me too? Kowloon Pass Travel across the stars There must be a way to go back I want to become strong enough

Sooner or later one day I can also cross the void Return to hometown young man Please leave quickly tomorrow morning Lest we cause trouble to you Do not worry They can’t come tomorrow Why How can the young master pay back?

If you don’t come back, everyone in the Wang family will be in trouble. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he is back young master young master Master, you are back

What Lao Liu is waiting for you is really to see through the autumn water. Desperate to see through I took a look, hahaha It seems that I pretended that the Wang family burned the Li family’s goods. Sure enough, he brought back Young Master Li. Only solve him Old man Jiang has no worries

What about that thing? Don’t worry, young master The herb collector accidentally discovered the ape I immediately led people over there. The Wang family still wants to rob me Trouble me secretly Burned our carriage They also drugged horse grass Fortunately I’m very resourceful I brought that round piece back to you. Hey hey hey

Yuan The era when heaven and earth combine to create all things Many spiritual objects contain a large amount of life Jingyuan is called Yuan extremely precious to monks It seems that the water between the Wang and Li families needs to be muddied again. The Wang family’s young car My young room is Qingfeng

This must be Li Jiaqiang’s family motto The queen of the Wang family got promoted and made a fortune Who? Ah, stop making trouble Stop making trouble ah who Tell you Mr. Liu, I am also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. Ah, there are strong winds and waves Ahhhhhhh

Do you dare to leave your name? Ahhh ah You dare to hit me You burned my Wang family’s house You’ll know how awesome it is when I come back from my home. It’s better to hand over the fate Otherwise, none of your Li family will be able to escape.

How dare the Wang family make fun of you? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ahhh Master Jin I’m coming You two have been waiting for a long time Excuse me grandpa grandpa good news good news Run slowly The Li family and the Wang family got into a fight over something.

Butler Liu wants revenge after being beaten These two families are in chaos Oh, it’s called dog eat dog What a hairy mouth Hey young man You old man Jiang ah Come and be safe Old Man Jiang Stay safe This inn is really It’s getting worse and worse Ha ha ha ha

Hurry up and get out of here Why are you driving away our guests? Ai Tingting bad guy Secretary Tingting Tingting has grown up She looks more and more like his mother after kissing the seventh young master Since you mentioned Tingting’s mother I have something to ask you, old man

Are Tingting’s parents really unable to come back? Aha No wonder you’ve been guarding this shabby shop and refused to leave. Could it be that you are still waiting for him to come back? Ha ha ha ha I advise you to give up on this idea. They were acting in front of me.

You’re talking nonsense. My parents are not dead at all. People in Yanxia Cave said they were injured by ferocious birds Falling into a cliff How did you watch them die? Old man Jiang, you are so old too Only a few more years to live It’s no use thinking too much

I think he has good qualifications Why don’t you let me take him back to Yanxia Cave to practice together? You are a bad person I’m not going with you unless i die Otherwise, I won’t let you take Tingting away. You said it yourself Master Seven, listen to it

It’s not always good to bully old people and children in public, right? who are you Seventh Young Master He’s just a passerby It’s none of his business snort What’s wrong with you, young man? Big brother Weak people also deserve compassion Huh, that’s outrageous

I will come over in person in two days to take Tingting away Hahahahahaha Big brother Don’t worry, I’m fine But big brother, you are bleeding You, you are really okay It’s okay. It’s bleeding. I bit my tongue on purpose. If it were an ordinary person

I couldn’t live more than half a month after taking those two blows just now. Are there any hidden caves near my uncle? There is a cave in the suburbs sparsely populated Just in time to hide rest as soon as possible The magic weapon is refined from the wheel and sea circle

In order to defeat the enemy Lun Haijuan is indeed extraordinary 19 divine patterns were revealed in one day and one night Can be contacted Please come Neither good nor bad I know what to read Zuo Zhuan of the Spring and Autumn Period records that the King of Xia cast the Nine Tripods

One cauldron, two ears and three branches Enlightenment One life, two, two, three Three lives and all things Just practice tripod how so This is Uncle Chen Yejin can actually be used as a weapon It’s time to meet him Come here quickly Come and take a look Get out of the way

Why are you looking for death by hiding away? Give me one Hey hey hey, get out of the way quickly seven The young master is afraid of revenge from the Wang family Don’t leave in a hurry

It’s you, Wang and Li, who have had a dispute for many years that has come to an end. Shouldn’t you thank me? It turns out you were the one behind it what is your purpose Were you the one who killed Tingting’s parents? So what Murder must be paid with life

People who meddle in other people’s business will not live long. you you you What kind of magic weapon is this? It’s a book A very nice book Um Uh-huh Uh-huh, why do you want to kill Tingting’s parents? We are not related to you Why are you meddling in this business? Uh-huh.

What if I don’t have the right footing? trample you to pieces Devil’s forgiveness Devil’s forgiveness they don’t die Elders won’t take me seriously My posture isn’t bad either Why should I be compared with them? Just because of this you kill them I didn’t kill them I just want to punish them

So I sprinkled some violent spirit beast powder on them. I didn’t expect them to go out to collect medicine. Provoked the lightning bird You can’t blame me for this Wherever there are people, there are complex human hatreds Whether it is the secular world or the world of monks no difference

I said everything I needed to say You and I are both monks Give me a break I will definitely repay you in the future The murder of Tingting’s parents When forcing a lonely old man like old man Jiang Have you ever thought about leaving it to them? a way to survive

I I was wrong I was wrong You, please let me go yeah Ahhh You killed yourself Can’t blame me Why This is fate Sure enough, the spirit is majestic If you refine it all It should be enough for me to challenge my right to life.

I have to thank you for giving me this opportunity Ancient generals This young man I would like to ask if there is anyone named Jiang around here? Even if it is Jiang But he is also a person who takes things by force I’m afraid it’s not a good thing

I’ve never heard of anyone named Jiang Is the news wrong? Look elsewhere Um come here Yichen Business matters Don’t worry about outgrowth It’s sister Let’s go Take Tingting and the others away from this place of right and wrong as soon as possible Wife Wife Wife Little brother haha You didn’t leave

I want to take you with me Where are you going? Hahaha Tingting, go to the door and play for a while. Drive me straight again treat me like a child Hahaha obedient go ahead old man Tingting’s father and mother were indeed harmed by the male relatives

But it was designed by the Seventh Young Master with drugs It’s really that beast wife wife You want to pick up Ann And Tingting You have to take care of yourself for him Wan’er Wan’er, he uh uh uh Wife I have avenged your son’s revenge you How did you do that, kid?

Let’s not talk about this for now. old man Do you know anyone from the Huanggujiang family? I have lived for more than 70 years and have never left this town. grandpa grandpa grandpa Hahaha grandfather Come and see Look quickly Grandpa, grandpa, come quickly

The spiritual beast riding in front of me can still fly. Come and see, grandpa Grandpa, grandpa, come and see Haha, those people riding spiritual beasts can still fly. Hahahaha look quickly Is this the Jiang family? Yes I don’t know what’s wrong with you guys How dare you lie to me just now

One minister retreats Senior sister Old man, may I ask if your father’s name is Jiang Zhe? how do you know Old Mrs. Jiang really lives in seclusion in a cigarette butt You are a descendant of Mrs. Jiang He is our uncle Shouguang I wonder if Mrs. Jiang can come out and see me

My father died 50 years ago oh Passed away It’s too late after all These two are your grandchildren I was just passing by My surname is not Jiang big sister Do you know my great-grandfather? we are from the same family Your great-grandfather and his wife left home at that time

Now the misunderstanding is shallow I’m here to take you home. It’s time to get through it Ai Tingting We’re used to living here I’d better not go with this one. Uncle, even if you don’t think about yourself You also have to consider your granddaughter big sister I went

Does that mean no one will dare to bully us? Of course My ancient Jiang family was so powerful that it shocked the Eastern Wasteland Who dares to despise grandpa grandpa let’s go Um Then let’s go and see Um Big brother Big brother, let’s go together Little brother if you are willing to

Can go together I made an appointment with a friend to go home together It’s not good to go back on something you promised midway Everyone has his own ambitions That being the case forget about it Let’s go I’ve lived here for decades I want to tidy up a little before I leave. oh

Big brother, I can’t let you go Tingting will be an adult from now on After arriving at the Jiang family, you must protect grandpa well. Isn’t the Jiang family very strong? He will protect me and grandpa, right? Personnel changes It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others After this

No more waiting young man Take care of yourself Brother, take care Take care of yourself Little brother, you are well protected Be careful Set off Now the Li family is finished Look at the momentum of the Jiang family There is also trouble in Yanxia Cave Sky I hope my hunch is wrong

Really chasing me Want to hide I’ll destroy this place Look where you hide ha it’s here A few handfuls of gods and powerful realms can’t be shaken off at all This guy is really cunning I’ll search here Unfortunately not coming out ah Is it hateful?

The Dapeng Bird is near the Huangpu Forbidden Area. That ah Ahhh Ahhhhhhh If I hadn’t carried the river I’m afraid he would have died in the swamp long ago Jiang Jiang The way of heaven Loss more than makes up for the deficiency

The damage of human nature is not enough to give more than enough Who can have more than enough to serve the world? Only the Taoist It is to regard saints as people but not to rely on them Success but not ownership Don’t you want to see a wise man? Bitters can heal wounds

Return to the Forbidden Land World Era You really want to escape to the ancient forbidden land Two top lions in the sea of suffering Even one-on-one The odds of winning are not good either Boy, hand over the heavy treasure two persons I’m just an ordinary person Nothing valuable Stop making excuses

Young Master’s spirit beast can sense heavy treasures Even if you hide in the sea of misery As long as you die All the things in the sea of suffering will come out I see I see It must be this one picked this up in the mine It’s round

As long as he’s close, there’s a chance Oh, boy, you’re cheating ah I don’t want to kill you But I really want to be killed by you Ahhh I really want to drive me away to death They’re trying to figure out my escape route Can’t go any further Did he also lose someone?

I hope it has nothing to do with him Otherwise, Tingting would live in such a complicated family I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse The Demon King’s Palace is really scary If you can’t enter the ancient forbidden land how to get rid of them Hey, put it right away

You like this Got this This is cheap Haha, take a look Lose as much as complain Thousands of people like a sea See how quickly you can move across the sea Huhuhu Hahahaha, so awesome, so good, so good Hey, wait for me It’s all in my hands Gone Brother, look quickly

How do you, a beggar, walk? There are a lot of thieves recently Junior sister, check if there is anything missing. Let me see The money bag is still there Can I leave? Huh? Senior Brother and Senior Sister It’s you ah Xiaoman You know him Um know

He and I are from the same place It used to be Neighbor oh Hello Your neighbor is really pitiful He behaves like a beggar Today’s beggars are begging and stealing at the same time. Master Li You have to tell him carefully not to go astray this is for you Stop being a beggar

I believe you can support yourself thank you for your kindness But I don’t need Junior Sister Li to give you clean money. Don’t you really want to make a living by stealing? Take it and be a normal person Congratulations on regaining your youth Xiaoman, he even knows that you lost your youth

Were you familiar before? Didn’t know much about it Maybe it will be difficult to recognize him when we meet again after more than ten years. yes Memories will always fade Some people and things will eventually fade away over time This beggar has quite a personality. Wait a moment

Do you have a lump on your body? I feel the ape’s breath from you Ye Fan, do you have an ape? Got one by chance boy If you are willing to give up this circle we keep Give you a satisfactory price Sorry I don’t want to exchange Don’t know how to praise

You are just a mortal It was of no use to you Why is it useless? It contains a lot of life essence Extending life is not a problem, right? Why use apes to extend life? You are wasting treasures Hand over the person quickly broad daylight Are you planning to rob? Ye Fan

You have no ability to protect yourself It would only bring disaster to you exchange it for money you can be a rich man A glorious life Just like you before I know you are unwilling to be an ordinary person but that’s the fact Your physique is simply incapable of practicing cultivation. sober up

Forget those unrealistic fantasies Fate really has no effect on you It seems we never understood each other People always strive upward Immortal and mortal are originally two worlds Who can say for sure what will happen in the future? Maybe I will appear on your road too By the time

Don’t accidentally be surpassed by me, an ordinary person. The wooden box in the manor is indeed valuable After changing clothes, there is still a lot left what’s the situation The general’s men are chasing him again so quickly Which piece of jewelry is it for? Is it because Bodhisattva

Long nights and many dreams, love and death as soon as possible Complete This is destiny The sea of suffering has always been amazing want to hit the fountain of life with a circle Must find a safer place Keep chasing What’s the meaning snort As long as you obediently hand over the garden

We can give you more wealth than you can spend in ten lifetimes boy You can’t keep this source Better take it out quickly ah It seems that he has no intention of keeping me alive. Let the monk break the ring in the middle of the night What if I don’t take it?

This little slut Hurry up and catch up You boy You are Mr. Xiao I didn’t say I was a mortal But Xiaoman said Xiaoman said You are obviously a beggar I never said I was a beggar ten ten Murderous intentions appear like killing people You are not unjust

I can no longer carry Yuan with me Are you here to hunt me down or to stop him? Senior Brother and Senior Sister Hope it’s the latter The boss will not chase after Yuan Jing but just in case Better hide it first Come and pick it up later Say something Hahahahaha

Have another pot Come on, come on, come on Hahaha There really is no place in life where we don’t meet each other Hahaha Han Zhuoluo I’m looking for you good you are fine What does Elder Han have to do with me? I have prepared endless elixirs for you

But I haven’t been able to find you Finally reunited again Prepare elixir for me You are the main medicine Other elixirs match Hahaha As expected, he wants to use me to refine medicine. If you hit it with one hit Um no The difference in strength is too big Elder Han

You treat living people as important Lingxu’s charming people probably won’t tolerate you either, right? This place is more than a thousand miles away from Lingxi Cave. no one will know all this Hahaha Speaking of which, you are quite alert. Hahaha Leave a mark on you that day I wanted to catch you back

I don’t want you to run away first Out of my range Give me a good meal ah Ahhh Why do these useless things? There is a huge gap between me and him. us Get on the road Although it is prohibited to reopen But it’s so high here Can’t escape at all It’s him

You are Huanggu Since the Jiang family knows the Jiang family, Just hand over this boy obediently. you want him this impossible Open the sword This ability Ahhh We can’t let this kid run away again Must be resolved quickly shot to death Oh go to hell Ahhh not that easy old age Ahhh

Kun ah ah But a minion of the Jiang family Die to me Ah ah ah ah ah ah Go quickly Walk If you and I continue to fight, that kid will run away. ah Ye Fan Damn it, let him escape again Ahhh ah ah Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

He didn’t spare your life It’s so useless Thanks to you I almost lost a hand Once close Maybe there’s a chance to give it a try boy You can really run Vibrant life I like Hahahahaha ha The elixir is finally gathered Hahaha come and see what I have prepared for you

But they are all priceless elixirs. Lotus seeds of Wumu Shenlian Green Jade Snow Lotus Fruit And this nine-leaf phoenix grass You will be refined in the same demon cauldron they will be with you So many elixirs Continue vitality That’s enough. Why do you want to arrest me? because You are so tempting

Ancient Holy Body rare in the world This incomparable breath This fascinating vitality As long as I eat you You can break through the Wheel and Sea Sutra From now on, flesh and blood merge coexist in the world Hahahahaha Elder Han Aren’t you afraid that the knight is chasing you?

Maybe he’s outside the cave now Don’t worry have carved endless sermons here Since we entered the cave completely isolated from the outside world Fire has a close relationship with generals you caught me They won’t let you go Hahaha okay It’s time to send you to the top Elder Han

I’m not going to die soon Can you give me a full meal? Don’t waste your time and procrastinate. The pharmaceutical industry has reached its peak This guy can be my main medicine It’s your blessing in this life What’s this This is a slurry extracted from various herbs If purification continues It’s Baicao leaves

It’s best to use it to refine medicine. Haha, I’m an old gangster You are too self-righteous Kill me and wait for the disaster to come. Death is not terrible Meaningless hope is the most painful ah what are you doing Refining medicine Refining medicine You are the main medicine

Of course I have to sacrifice your blood first. You old fool misunderstood you ancestors let me out Don’t expect miracles to happen hahaha Soaked in this herb slurry I think you can live a long time I want to keep you awake Slowly refine it into the magic medicine I need you crazy

If you put all the elixirs in In case of failure Isn’t it true that fetching water from a bamboo basket is all in vain? I’m not done with you, old thing. You must die well First refine these 3 elixirs together with the pig demon Boy, do you have any last wishes?

Yes, old thing Can you hit your head on this top and die? snort It is somewhat popular It depends on whether your mouth is still tough when your flesh and blood evolves. This way of death is so frustrating It’s really unbearable If the purification continues, it will be Baicao Industry white noise Mother

Can I still can’t move Can’t get through Can’t die here Ye Fan Everyone Ye Fan save me fat woman Asshole Huh ah Take care, monitor swallow It’s all over swallow swallow It’s all over It’s all over Ahhh Pang Bo is still being snatched away by the demon Must save him Go back together

I can’t die I want to go home Go to death in peace meaningless hope more painful than death Hahaha no I want to live I must live to get you I almost died at the hands of that Jiang family member You stay in the roof for 7 days and 7 nights

After suffering all kinds of torture, turn it into elixirs The way of heaven Loss more than makes up for the deficiency The damage of human nature is not enough to give more than enough Who can have more than enough to serve the world? Only the Taoist It’s a saint

To do something but not to be real achievement Successful but not successful He doesn’t want to see a virtuous person Sure enough, they are all geniuses Lingbao medicine is so powerful Just activate the power of the wheel of life Break out of the sea of suffering

Can break through the whole world of life what sound Thousands of people experienced strange phenomena while refining elixirs Like facing the turbulent sea Is it close to a breakthrough? If we can cure the other spiritual herbs in the cave, Ah ha ha ha ha I can’t deceive the ancients sincerely

Tsunami sound thunder sound Same as what is recorded in ancient books This is a sign before the ultimate treasure elixir is refined. Hahahahaha Better wait two more days Seven days in a row Consecrated as Wenduo Possessing the power of fire to refine everything The effect of the medicine must be more powerful

Bring it on Burn it hahahahaha Then wait two more days After seven days All the best But it’s about to start hahahahahahahaha Find a good family for the rest of your life Hahaha oh Hahahaha, the hot ticket turned out to be psychic Hahahahahahahahaha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha not good

Ah Hey Boy, you’re not dead yet I will play with you Ahhhhh Ahhhhh Such strong vitality If the sneak attack is not successful, No chance of winning at all why Why Why You really treat me like a monkey It’s a pity that you are not too good What do I hate about you?

Your death was not unjust at all. I endured it for seven days and seven nights The killing blow was struck at the last moment Be a good person in your next life Otherwise, I won’t do it if it doesn’t end well. You deserve to die you you It can be seen

You are a very hardworking person A life of hard work Comparable to old scalpers But I want to say thank you I accepted it Hey, don’t be angry Be calm and collected when encountering problems Chance Always leave it to those who are prepared I don’t want to be my concubine Old friend I

Ahhhhh Find a good family in your next life Here you can avoid being hunted by the Jiang family Let me borrow your place Dao Wen is indeed profound and profound Even Elder Han can only linger at the threshold After 5 collections, it is still difficult to break through the civil rights one Year

Finally broke through to the realm of life It’s time to go out I should be able to try flying. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah ah I have entered the realm of destiny It should be able to fly in red But why does flying make divine power unstable? What’s wrong?

Go to the city and prepare some dry food Xu Huiyuan will continue to retreat after I didn’t expect that there is also a monthly payment here. What’s delicious to eat during the month’s end? The meat buns have thin skin and big fillings Hey, the customer buys steamed buns Brother, I’m hungry

Buy me a bun Grandma is very hungry Where did the beggar come from? Stop pestering my guests here and leave quickly. He is with me Ahhhhh Boss, please bring some buns okay Come and pack it Take it and eat it This is for you Thanks ah flew away

If only we were dandelions too You can fly with the wind Dandelions are originally yin Moved by the wind and become Yang Be still and move One yin and one yang It is an unstoppable trend The secret to understanding everything in the world Fuhai Mingquan One yin and one yang are called Tao

Yin descends and Yang arises I am Zicheng ah They’re all flying hey hey hey ah Big brother and the others have all flown far away I’ll take you to chase Um So many dandelions happy happy But in Nan Nan’s dream, he flew higher than this. Washed the dishes It’s so lively today

Yes, doctor, please have a few more drinks. Go over there and have a look Hey hey hey Um So many people Ahhh ah Big brother has other things I leave these to you take care of yourself Big brother, will you remember me? ah Big brother, look So beautiful

Next time, big brother will take you to a higher place Um Okay, let’s hook up Hook hanging No change allowed for a hundred thousand years hey-hey Goodbye little brother The joy is still here The energy in the garden is really amazing Just pity what happened

If you use the innate Tao pattern of green eyes, Copy on the tripod The more complicated chess game The more difficult it is to form I practice chess Are you really holding me tight? If you want to practice, practice the best late bloomer Better than a wasted life

Possessing the power of fire to refine everything Fire evil Forging magic weapons since ancient times All must be forged with fire source Volcanoes are really useful It’s truly a request for help. One cap breaks all laws Let’s talk about it later The ancient forbidden land Ah, you’re here too

Yes, such a big thing Look at the excitement It’s okay to just pick things up on the periphery. This is the town closest to the ancient forbidden land so many people I heard that a big shot in the family is dying

We need to collect the magic medicine from the holy mountain to save lives Holy mountain medicine The Forbidden Land of Huanggu is one of the seven forbidden areas of life in the East. I heard there was a holy place back then Go out with all your strength when you are at your peak

Everyone is guarding downstairs That holy place is too conceited Want to hit the deepest part That’s what happened I heard that this operation does not require entering the abyss. Just climb the holy mountain I see It looks like there are big moves to follow Go and meet Li Yefan in the brothel

It’s really you Wenchang Come Why Ha ha can meet you here Just like a dream Yes, it’s been three years Ye Fan, how have you been doing these past three years? It’s in Lingxu Cave Still living in this mortal world? I have already left Linxudongtian Traveling everywhere now Calendar

It’s easy to practice as a mortal Very rare I just want to be like them Keeping a small shop and living a stable life Wenchang, why are you here? The family speaks Let the charming disciples go with them into the ancient forbidden land The sect does not want elite disciples to take risks

So I found some qualifications and sent them over. Ah, I was sent here by the sect to top up my account. It seems I will never stand out anywhere in my life. A life of mediocrity I heard that Lin Jia, Zhou Yi, Wang Ziwen and Li Xiaoman

All have gained the attention of the masters Some people No matter where you go All can shine Don’t make conclusions too early about the future. Ye Fan I really want to go back I don’t want to stay in this strange world three years The child is almost three years old

In my dreams, I want to kiss him and hug him. Wen Cheng who is crying It turns out to be that useless piece of trash. What a waste, you still have the nerve to cry How ridiculous Everyone Accumulate moral ethics Don’t be so poisonous with your mouth Who are you

Before meddling in other people’s business, you should weigh your own weight first. He is also a veritable waste Where in life do we not meet each other? I originally thought you died in that ruins I didn’t expect to meet you here Where in life do we not meet snort

I actually heard this sentence again less pretentiousness No one can save you this time Junior Brother Han Has this kid ever offended you? Leave it to us I promise to beat him to pieces today Just waste Just need to clean up Several brothers and sisters Don’t do this

He, he is just an ordinary person What’s wrong with you? When you first started Then Elder Ma Yun has always regarded you as a treasure. What’s the result? Over time His true form has appeared, right? If Liu Yiyi hadn’t been protecting you I have already come to me if you are angry.

Don’t make it difficult for him I said you don’t understand human language Yeah If you don’t want to die Get away from me Did you hear that? Who do you think you are? you wanna die ah ah careful This waste has a special constitution Infinitely powerful Don’t get caught by him

This guy can’t practice Just strong As long as you don’t get close to him Send weapons directly Killing him is easy He is not only my friend Still Liu Yiyi’s friend You can’t do this to him It doesn’t work if you exclude anyone from coming.

It’s hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart without killing him you step back They can’t do anything to me Why are you still standing there? Cut him alive for me Yeah ah ah Why would you want to bully someone? Even me, a loser who can’t practice Buddhism

I’ll still beat you until you have teeth all over the floor. Junior Brother Han, didn’t you say he was a waste? Why is this trash so powerful? come on Where in life do we not meet each other? Where in life do we not meet each other? Ye Fan, please leave quickly.

There is also a life-power monk behind them Just in case you come You can’t leave A monk in the realm of destiny You can bully your classmates at will Ye Fan, you don’t understand cultivation at all Just because the system is outstanding Only in this way can we defeat these bitter sea monks.

You don’t even know the terror of the Life Power monks? If I leave like this Won’t they take their anger out on you? oops Ye Fan is fine They dare not kill me Kill fellow disciples for no reason life for life Hey don’t worry Let me leave quickly ah That being the case

I’ll leave right away Hey, come on, come on Walk around quickly When I came here I saw a river behind the mountain Just go through the river ah Ye Fan I want to ask you to crush your bones and spread your ashes Go find Brother Chen quickly Ah good Ye Fan

You can’t run away this time You are the monk with the power of destiny Just a mortal Such a ruthless attack It would be a disaster to stay must be removed snort Senior Brother Chen I’ll leave him to me later We can’t let him die too happily Hum hum

You really think I’m a dead person Ha ha ha ha Don’t be so reckless in the next life otherwise I don’t know how to die Rushing to give away heads You are Shot too slowly But he has a bad heart It would be a disaster to stay Better get rid of it

Elementary level of power of life I can still kill you It just so happens that I can too I know you are at the pinnacle of your destiny good complex what you say Also suitable for you I don’t even know how I died. Now that it’s here Don’t go back

Do not kill me Ye Fan For the sake of our friendship as classmates forgive me When my uncle and the others were chasing me When bullying Wenchang Have you ever thought about fighting with the same sect? A group of people who forget their own good. bully Also worthy of friendship with me

In addition Elder Han has been beheaded by me knock off I do not believe Identifying the owner of the psychic weapon Old master, new master If Elder Han had not died in my hands How could this green wood seal be used by me? How did you kill him? Just slit his throat

Took up all his elixir Speaking of which I am able to exercise my right to life thanks to Elder Han I’ll fight with you Sure enough, one cap breaks all defenses Ouch thank god Are you okay? I heard that Chen Shiyong is chasing me. Elder Ma Yun was specially invited here

Elder Ma Yun You killed this person they want to kill me no way I had no choice but to fight back It’s me who’s covered in dust The fairyland in the jade cave are you done You are a respected elder I think you should understand and know the right and wrong Moreover

With my speed You can’t stop me Yifan It must be the ancient holy heaven Clearly unable to practice Now it has reached the realm of destiny This kind of training speed is too terrifying Just a fluke Ye Fan Are you willing to join my Yuding Cave? Thank you Elder Ma for your kindness.

I’m used to being free and loose It’s really not suitable to join any sect Really don’t think about it Why It’s just that we were all blind that day Elder Ma Yuan I plan to take Zhao Wenchang away If this matter needs to be held accountable Just look for me You go

I’ll handle this matter As for Wenchang Don’t worry, I will accept Wenchang as my disciple No one will dare to bully him from now on Please also ask the elders not to tell anything about me. Thank you, Elder Ma take care I will come to you later long article

Although your cultivation is slow but kind hearted You can also practice day and night This is the blessing you have gained through cultivation Come and take a look Come here Come and take a look Those who respected ancient and forbidden places in the past All died because of the curse

This medicine was developed by my Ji family elders After taking it, you can resist the curse of the forbidden land. Anyone willing to listen to our arrangements The monk who climbed the holy mountain to pick the divine fruit Everyone gets medicine here magic fruit

Could it be the red fruit that Pangbo and I ate? Can I enter this ancient forbidden land? There won’t be any danger, right? Earth-level monks like us are going to be cannon fodder, right? Don’t worry, everyone Just stay with us Even if you don’t get the magic fruit

You can also get a lot of spiritual grass as a reward The person holding the hand is short-handed And the ingredients of this medicine are unknown In case of being controlled by others It’s better not to remove it No matter if he wants it or not

Let’s go over there and take a look before we leave. Dead, dead, all dead, all dead Dead, dead, all dead died All dead, all dead, all dead Go away, go away What are you doing? This is so cold Actually protecting ants Frozen to death. Frozen to death. barter export

I will save you today too One rescue How can there be no death? Breath leaks Dead, dead everyone is dead What did you say he’s here again dry Bones are boundless Mountain of corpses and sea of blood everyone must die everyone must die They all have to die, die, die Turn around quickly

Otherwise you will die too die Dead, dead All dead All dead Mechas and Mechas and Mechas It’s the Jiang family and the mecha army. Entering the barren golden land again Hurry, the army is about to set off Any big shot in the family is enough to destroy the Yan Kingdom Zhudongtian

It’s nice to enjoy the shade under the big tree You can pick up some elixirs and herbs at the back It’s my creation Save it The real big shots will only support from the outside Won’t enter the forbidden area at all Gather into wilderness Must pick the holy medicine

We’re about to enter the wilderness. Follow us. The vanguard team in front Why are the elders so panicked? Is there a violent capture? Go quickly ah Um ah ah Ahhh ah ah Live well ah ah evil beast Break everything with one hammer Ahhhhh Ahhhhh ah ah Jemissa

This was the last time the Dapeng bird was so powerful He just plays with us River of blood Mouth is boundless River of blood Mouth is boundless you are dying you are dying You are going to die too You are going to die too Dead, dead, dead, dead Hey hey hey Hey bird

Big bird Ha ha ha ha Old man Hunting Sichuan River of blood Boundless and dead All dead All dead Immortal and immortal What kind of immortal can you become? Do you have to become some kind of immortal? ah Old man, run quickly retreat What kind of immortal can you become?

Do you have to become some kind of immortal? Ahhh ah completely annihilated The prophecy came true everyone is dead All dead old man Hey hey hey The enemy’s steps were reduced to inches Dao pattern Just lift your feet to form lines Comparable to the legendary ancient power Ahhh Old man, wait a moment

So close I’m back I’m back to see you You all come Come all Legend has it that 6,000 years ago come heaven and earth The whole army was wiped out in the ancient forbidden land Could it be I’m back I’m back Luan family Are you here to see the bronze door?

The great success came to nothing When will reincarnation return? Even if it is empty We must also fight for it ah The song ends and everyone disperses I’ll see you later Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Elderly people, please stay. Hey hey hey who are you Juniors follow seniors here I don’t know what the way forward is

Can I go on another journey with my seniors? Do you want to turn into dust with me? I shouldn’t exist at all Fortunately I didn’t go then It’s really prescient. Fortunately, it’s too miserable Hey, have you heard that? All the people who were in the famine three months ago were among the snakes.

It’s simply a Shura field. I also heard that the family is planning to send out another peerless warrior Then enter the wilderness again I still have to go, huh? It seems that the Arakani family must panic and collect medicine this time. Ye Fan What to do

I’m going to have tea with my friend Are you also following? Lin Jiao I thought I was wrong I didn’t expect it was really you Doing well There are already police commissioners Alas, they are all from the Jiang family Pointing at us and leading the way

Every time I go out, I stare at you from behind Forget it, these are all matters in the spiritual world. Even if you tell me, you don’t understand Haven’t seen each other for three years how have you been Fairly smooth Slow use thank you Why

I have to congratulate Granny Lin on her restoration of youth. regain beauty Endless charm You deserve a beating Hey, time flies so fast Things in the past are like a lifetime ago It doesn’t feel real anymore Maybe one day we can go back I have given up hope Ye Fan

If you run into trouble in the future Come to Yanxia Cave to find me You leave now What’s going on If people from the aristocratic family know that you have also entered the forbidden area, It will be bad Just listen to me Have a drink of tea and see you later Come again

Oh, that’s too much Why are you still as anxious as two years ago? I think you are more like a dog And very loyal two years You can actually smell me The mouth is quite tough I don’t know when I am slowly slaughtering you Do you dare to say that?

You’re so sure you can kill me certainly Killing you is no different than stepping on an ant. Um elder He has entered forbidden areas Leave him to put on his armor Entering the wilderness Maybe useful Subordinates understand Elder B No trace of strange beasts found ahead Set off Females are in trouble

We have to find a way to save ourselves Run when you get the chance Send an order yes The elders have orders The ancient forbidden land is mysterious and unpredictable Everyone coordinates the order Don’t act recklessly yes Ziwang and Xiaoman are also here Don’t try to play tricks

You know it in your heart We won’t let you leave alive but As long as you hand over that valuable treasure I’ll let you die painlessly This is an ancient forbidden land Not until the last moment It’s hard to say who lives and who dies. Maybe I’ll break your neck hahaha wishful thinking

Even if I lose my powers It’s easy to kill you One more piece of advice to you All the mythical beasts here are psychic Will not be controlled by others You are a tomb from which you cannot escape It’s been two years since we’ve been apart Elder Jiang You came early this time.

If Elder Ji is interested The Ji family can take the lead Our Jiang family is willing to provide support from behind. It is a cooperation between the two Lunch box advance and retreat together In what order? Could it be that Elder Qiang is hiding something bad? reveal in front of others

Going deeper and deeper into the ancient forbidden land The weaker the divine power The road ahead is unpredictable I think there is a greater chance that the two families will separate. Or should the two families enter the wilderness together? Join forces to collect herbs It’s easy to split it evenly afterwards

Save your breath Set off My divine power seems to have dried up My life cooperates Divine power cannot be used in the ancient forbidden land It seems the rumors are true What are you panicking about? This was already expected things to come It doesn’t matter if the divine power dries up

No flying here As long as you can withstand the curse keep walking My divine power has not dried up Could it be that the Ancient Holy Body Can resist the threatening power of this place ah Ahhh There’s something strange ahead Go and have a look Pretend to be a ghost hateful Why snort

Elder B has nothing Just a white skeleton Ahhh It’s the emperor’s breath Hurry up and run away Go, go, go ah Go quickly My hands Let’s go quick hurry up team leader what is that Could it be people from 6,000 years ago? At first

The Holy Emperor Tianxuan lost countless powerful men in the ancient abyss It should be them But why do these bones need to be pulled out? Find someone to go there Find out once you find out come here Well I May I ask what your senior’s instructions are? you climb up

If you can pick the magical fruit I can make an exception and bring you into the Jiang family ah The money has not been opened. The money has not been opened. We are incompetent If you go up there, you will die. Let the more capable people go up.

If you don’t go up, you will die now. ah My two great families are here today Why are you still dissatisfied? The ancient family cannot kill people casually We are all immortals in the door If the elder of the sect asks How do you answer Compared to the magic fruit

A few lives are nothing at all Killed these two too yes Wait a moment Ye Fan can pick the magic fruit for you two Elder Jiang really hid a surprise ancient forbidden land mysterious Of course you have to be well prepared Results are hard to find

If you try to be brave and talk nonsense Must be severely punished I’ve eaten I’ll try The system is tyrannical far beyond mortals It is rumored that the magical fruit can make people reborn It’s true ha Where did you get the magical fruit? On that mountain, by a pool

The pool must be sacred water I can take over Got the magic medicine but You have to make me feel happy Let my friend go Then I’m going to kill this person snort Elder Jiang The world of cultivating immortals is really becoming more and more disgraceful. How dare a mortal threaten me

Wait until he wants to kill you how do you say This subordinate will wake him up. A waste that cannot cultivate No matter how tyrannical the system is Just a mortal Mere mortals want to fight against grooming whimsical You just have some effect afterwards

It would be nice if I left you a whole body. as a mortal I slapped your decorated face really comfortable mentioned in the previous episode Ye Fan met by chance two years ago Dr. Jiang Feng who performed the surgery on him Ye Fan, who transformed into a coat, immediately started fighting

Ask for compensation I was persuaded by a passing rich man and arranged a free tour group Visit the ancient forbidden land with shielding skills again I didn’t expect it to include my ex-girlfriend Students including female classmates who feel a bit ambiguous All in Tuanling Even though I was scared, I was cheating

Ye Fan, who has no shielding skills, has never dared to show up. After experiencing the wilderness Famous tourist projects constructed with breathtaking atmosphere After the relationship between man and ghost is over The wealthy man actually forced his classmates to play more exciting sports Ye Fan, who has practiced poisonous speech for many years

I had no choice but to stand up and hit him. 13 at the end of superior Jiang Bang, who was in the same group, didn’t even look at him and asked his thoughts. Dare to hit Ye Fan’s hand with your face But we all complained that your surname is not Zhao

There is no wife named Yuanyuan How dare you make trouble with Yi? Let’s watch the sequel of this episode as a mortal I slapped your decorated face really comfortable Well, no one is allowed to take action You and I, as mere mortals, will still slap you down There’s nothing special about retouching.

Oh, but there are some unusual ones Extremely thick-skinned My hands hurt from the beating Does your face hurt? Are you looking for death? The other half of the face was also sent over. ah ah He is indeed a strong man Even dealing with a mortal like me is fatal. Ahhhhh ah Ahhh

There is gold under the man’s knees You kneel to me like this I deserve it Better get up cub You think I’ve humiliated you Two years ago you were bent on taking my life. The heaven that chases me has no way, and the earth has no door. compare with

What does this humiliation mean? Two years ago I decided that I would take your life Ahhhhhhh ah Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Anyone who stops me will die Ahhh ah Ah, who dares to stop me? Ahhhhhhh ah ah Ahhhhh Ahhh The old guy is really scary Even without magical powers

The physical body is so strong Well, I didn’t expect that After mortals serve the divine fruit So tyrannical The magical fruit is indeed well-deserved You also came from mortals How about an open-mouthed mortal? How about shutting up mortals? Looks aloof You really think you are gods Can you control everything in the world?

Ah, very good The more powerful the body is Indicates that the drug is absorbed more fully Can withstand the power of the ancient deep smoke curse The magic medicine you picked gives you a little more hope of success. Wait until you beat me Say this again ah Yeah good road Ahhh Ahhh ah

Do you dare to take back the battle you fought 2 years ago? Elder Jiang’s strong physique is really rare It’s a pity to kill him like this Let him go up the mountain to pick the elixir. If he continues to be aggressive I can only use my divine power.

The ancient spy undergoes inexplicable changes Thousands of bones struggled to be pulled out Could it be that everything is because of Tongguan? Going to Guguan Legend has it that the endless abyss buries all the energy Back then, Tianxuan Holy Land attacked this place Just for this Tongguan

Climb the mountain with the help of these people Only then can we discover the secrets of the forbidden land and the valley pass. Elder Jiang I have a personal grudge against this person Has nothing to do with anyone else I have no intention of becoming your enemy

You want me to let you go I can get the magic medicine for you I haven’t aged since I panicked last time. The breath of desolation can make people age quickly You are not affected Is the rumor that the divine fruit can resist curses true? if

Can you help me clean up the bones on the mountain in advance? I have the confidence to ask you to pick the magic medicine. Let my friends go first You are kind and righteous It’s a pity that you are not qualified to negotiate terms with us snort

Even when a fish dies and a net breaks, it is also a wave what are you doing Those bones went down the mountain you want to kill us This is also the result if you sent people up. I’m just exploring the way for you in advance The breath of Huang Xiaowang Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ah ah ah I was chilled to death Go quickly Don’t run away, please run away Run quickly I’ll take it A supreme elder personally paid tribute to Qi Qi Countless lines and short-term condensation under the brand Angel can give me 9 chances to take action This is the taboo of the Supreme Elder

The old guy can actually use magical powers All down the mountain yes Elder Jiang Should we continue walking or withdraw? Last grave Return empty-handed This time I have to guess the magic medicine Elder Jiang has arrived There’s no need to hide your clumsiness now

This air intake can make my source of divine power spurt 9 times Instantly restore cultivation I have 9 chances to take action Walk Many things If you want to go up the mountain, you have to clear a way The power of these two people is unfathomable

Chief Qin will be able to escape later that year The closer to the top of the mountain The emperor’s aura is getting heavier If this continues We must die Why not take the risk and go a hundred meters further? Send this kid to the top of the mountain Collect the magic medicine

I don’t worry about this guy What if he reaches the top of the mountain? ruined the elixir I ate it myself We are trying to fetch water from a bamboo basket but in vain Ahhh Puppet mark This will ensure nothing goes wrong cannot be controlled The way of heaven

Loss more than makes up for the deficiency That’s why it’s time to win More than enough It’s dangerous if you don’t have backbone I’m afraid I’ll really become a puppet and stand up Painted magic medicine Leave it to us The puppet mark really works This soldier can carry a mountain self-contained space inside

After picking the magic medicine Use it to collect the spiritual spring Go up the mountain Such a desperate situation How could there be such a beautiful woman? Why hasn’t she aged at all? What a seductive play Hand Ah stop Stop, why are you down? Elder Jin you know this woman

I’ve seen this woman’s portrait That portrait is an artifact from 6,000 years ago Man who lived 6,000 years No Not a living person He died in the ancient forbidden land 6,000 years ago He is Tianxuan, the first saint of Donghuang Saint Tianxuan He is the old man’s classmate Such a beautiful woman

It’s true that beauties are unlucky Man who lived 6,000 years Appeared again today There is only one possibility He became a slave of the emperor ah Emperor Jing actually had an imperial slave Retreat The smell of yellow on this woman is too strong

I feel like the fire of life will go out at any time That’s too late Damn it We can’t escape the danger It’s a shame that everyone is in vain When will reincarnation return? ah When will reincarnation return? ah ah Immortals and demons slain tower Imperial Tower unique

This is just a defective product from a visitor The imperial tower can shock immortals to death Even defective silkworms have such power Sure enough This thing was originally prepared for the emperor’s slaves It’s just that the Tower God can’t hold on for long What are you still doing? Go and collect medicine quickly

The sword energy is destroyed You become mortals again you are not controlled I really thought I could control me Falling short of success All the agencies are exhausted It’s impossible to calculate Life force is running out want to live Must find the magic medicine let me go I can’t die here good ah

It seems to be Lutong Jiuluo ah pity He will be buried with me in death leaf leaf Don’t sleep anymore Get up quickly Here come the leaves Look there’s something delicious I’m not dead Is it divine water? It’s good to be alive magic fruit Thank you, Mrs. Wang

Sure enough, there is something delicious It actually contains such strong vitality Eat it the same way last time It’s simply a horned peony Wife, this is It seems that this victory can enhance one’s life experience Aliens are still there how so This is the only place where silence has been described

The Holy Maiden of Tianxuan was knocked away Didn’t show up again Are you intimidated by the green eyes? Who is that The original peerless person Imprisoned by warriors on the top of this holy mountain strangeness Why didn’t we meet Huangnu last time? Could it be because of that ancient bronze coffin? Oops

Looking into the distance while driving I can see the military attache you might see me Donghuang will no longer have a body like me Get the magic medicine and leave as soon as possible two elders Send me here in pieces You must not let down their good intentions.

He also said it could hold a mountain. It’s full so quickly The aura of desolation wears away the Dao pattern No wonder the effect is greatly reduced Divine power is getting weaker and weaker Elder Sakyamuni’s magical weapon Even if it’s damaged, it’s no big deal Collect them all Where to escape

Don’t even think about leaving if it’s a clean place Ye Fan Great, you’re okay Why are you still here? What about the rest After we go down the mountain Stopped by guards at the foot of the mountain Xiaoman said that being together is too eye-catching Everyone decided to leave separately.

The four powers of life disappeared We went down the mountain on the orders of Ji’s elders Why block It’s impossible for the elder to have an order Any living creature that comes down from the mountain Always killable When someone comes, stand at attention ah Ah, these fantasies are hard to tell from reality

If this continues, they will drag you to death. Want to escape It’s the elder’s upheaval Why is he here? ah ah The Ji family’s elder law system can indeed restrain the Ji family’s formation system The family will not let it go Don’t go back to Yuding Cave yet Find a place to hide

A year and a half later Wait until things calm down before showing up again By the way, Ye Fan how did you escape It’s a long story I also had a lucky escape However, this time entering the wasteland was not without gain. I heard from Wenchang that you just broke through your destiny

With them You should be able to speed up your practice Become a monk of Shenqiao This is the miracle drug they are looking for I heard about the elixir and herbs needed for the Ancient Holy Body Far better than us Just keep it for yourself You are the right one now

Behind there is Shenqiao and the other side still think I am the monitor Just accept it Thank you monitor quietly this time I remember many things from the past Ancient Guan Tianyuan magic weapon The ancient lamps and plaques are all left in the mausoleum ruins Maybe they are above Can still find some

Clues about ancient viewing and starry sky travel I heard that there are bigger brothels in the Northern Territory of Eastern Wasteland I want to take a look Ye Fan you I still have things to do I won’t go this time Once I see you you have changed a lot

I believe we will meet next time You are already a Shenqiao monk next time Well, I’ll definitely see you again The spiritual energy is too strong Only ate 3 pills The sea of bitterness is about to be frozen through what to do Can we only watch but not eat?

There is an ancient method mentioned in the Taoist Scriptures Courage suppresses his body can achieve eternity try At this time Please kiss your 9 princes Sure enough, it can calm the sea of suffering Just practice in the top My cultivation has improved again Mecha Storm The Jiang family knows the world of Bagua

2 Although the sword is broken See if it can be repaired My Tao is indeed profound and profound The holy fire of the ancient sword land slightly rises in its sheath Temper your body Now I’m at the top of my life circle Relying on the essentials of the Holy Fire

Only then can we break the system of the ancient saint ancestors ah divine bridge It is the third level sacred bridge of Longhaijing hour bridge broken Accumulation in the air Lingjue becomes stronger A narrow escape in the ancient forbidden land almost died But I can get this opportunity But it’s worth it

Senior sister, let’s run away Yes, senior sister I don’t want to be invited back for tea by Elder Han Huh, look at you two, you two are so useless. Elder Han’s side I’m going to report back Thank you, senior sister Senior sister is indeed mighty

After the conflict with my senior brother and that good-for-nothing Ye Fan, I went out with senior brother Chenfeng Later, there was no news about poop. The disciple asked the people at Yuding They said that Senior Brother Chenfeng went out on a trip. Brother Feiyu might also go with him. oh

Suddenly went out for a trip before entering the wilderness Brother Qianfeng is a monk with the power of destiny Senior Brother Feiyu should be fine if you stay with him. Thanks for your hard work Have tea La la la stop Who trespasses into Lingxu Cave This brother

Ye Fan came to see Elder Wu Qingfeng A break Elder Wu can know you Leave quickly Elder Wu Ye Fan ask to see What are you yelling at? You asked for this huh? Um Elder Wu Ye Fan Why It’s been three years since you and Pangbo disappeared together.

Pang Bo was blackmailed and controlled You are missing again always thought Just come back I chased Pang Bo out of the ancient tomb corridor forest Later, he traveled around the country of Yan I also gained a lot of knowledge only I couldn’t find the majesty

Pang Boruo was taken away by the demon clan With my ability to wait Just find him Can’t bring him back Hey hey Isn’t that Ye Fan? Didn’t he disappear? Right? Go, go, go Let’s go Let’s find a quieter place Elder Wu What happened to Yaodi’s tomb? Hey, it’s a long story.

After the tomb of Yin was dedicated Talk about resentment It has also become a Shura field where there is no return. Later, the hidden tomb actually sank into the Qin Emperor There is no more clue between him and Dao Jing The head brother was held accountable by the Holy Land Family for this.

Go out and find the whereabouts of the Yin Tomb Haven’t returned yet But Lin Xu survived peacefully. I didn’t expect that so many things would happen later yes I didn’t expect that the ancient holy body could also bring out the sea of suffering. ah Wu Zhenbao you

I haven’t seen Qixian envoy for three years, so he has a body Elder Wu, please stop now. Is there really a Youyoutian? Wait, that’s wrong There’s no shark on him Take a gamble Ah, the realm of divine orifice Next time I will come back with Peng Bo You got the magic fruit

It’s a big opportunity Now the sea of suffering has opened Advancement is so fast There will be great success in the future I have to thank Elder Wu for his teachings. It is not a trivial matter for the Ancient Holy Emperor to cultivate Now the head brother is not here

Lingxu is completely controlled by Elder Han Do not expose yourself at this time To avoid causing trouble Elder Han don’t talk about him Better not to deal with him Ye Fan, you have something to do when you return to Lingxu this time.

I want to retrieve the ancient mounds and plaques left in the forest area Take it away and think about it Gone After you and Pang Bo left This house has always been empty Could it be that someone came in and took away the magic weapon? It’s getting late Take some rest first

I’ll ask It seems that improving your cultivation level can also enhance your life experience. someone Find me Ye Fan snort How dare you come back? I’ve been thinking about you all the time these past two years Am I so charming? It’s worth your worries You trash

Even when you are about to die, you still keep talking. Tell me where Feiyu is Waiting will make your death easier Where is Han Feiyu? how could I know He obviously looked for you There are more people looking for me Who has nothing to mention these things?

Just because of this you are giving me trouble Every word means death Is there such a big hatred between us? You performed the role of the Royal Foot Snake and killed Li Yun And I was punished by Elder Han I must kill you today kill me Just the three of you

Senior sister, don’t talk nonsense to this guy Let him kneel down and apologize to you first Hum this world There is no one who is worthy of me kneeling down. Just a bastard like you Even shouting a hundred times is not enough Who do you think is a trash fish?

Be careful, this guy is evil The case of mentioning Sanming and May 3rd I don’t have to reveal my true state now Ahhhhhhh Have your skills improved? but it’s no use you Don’t kill me Did you take the things in my room? Lin Xudongtian stared at me and the majestic man.

What do you have? Don’t Since I don’t know Then there’s no point keeping you here The knife is not in my hand I I leave it to Elder Han Han Chang is gone He is Elder Han What are you willing to ask for? There are two elders in the Yama Han family

They are just the ones who are good at Qi training Ye Fan Elder Wu, please come in quickly The magic weapon was found But it was taken away by Elder Han Yishui This Elder Han is Han Feiyu’s grandfather I went to ask for it yesterday But he wants to keep it for himself

Elder Han has a soft spot for his beloved wife rest assured I’ll go with you I must take you back Ah ha ha If you can understand the divine patterns inherent in the same energy, Maybe you can break through the wheel sea Enter the Taoist Palace Daogongwujing heart liver spleen lungs kidneys

How can a breakthrough be so easy? Elder Wu I have brought Elder Han here. You give those things back to him Uh, isn’t the bronzeware from my disciple Pang Bo? What does it have to do with him Elder Han, these bronze utensils The plaque belongs to Pang Bo

Guden and the other one are mine Pombo and I are best friends Naturally, he also entrusted me to take it with him. who are you This place is full of Lingxu caves and heavens What the elders are greedy for are all secrets of spiritual practice.

Is this a place where you, a little mortal, have set foot? Use your identity to oppress others Elder Han, I’m here to get what belongs to me. What’s the problem? That is the item belonging to my disciple Pang Yan Nature belongs to me, Lingxu Cave Heaven You never joined our party

What qualifications do you have to ask for something? Don’t leave quickly Han Yishui, what do you mean? Elder Wu, I have made it very clear. Trespassing on our important territory Never leave again There will definitely be a risk of death Don’t go too far Isn’t what I said the truth?

This is not the place he should be Han Yishui But you are unreasonable Then let’s use our strength to talk about the elders. Forget it Doesn’t Elder Han only have a few broken copper utensils? Nothing to study The way I see it Please don’t hurt your kindness This is wrong

Although the bronze is broken But it’s a terrifying weapon that contains too much magic if extended You can still gain something You really want these things back something that belongs to me why can’t i take it Hahahahahaha So brave I won’t make it difficult for you either Go get those things fifth elder

You also know my temper When I encounter Lingbao, I always want to study it thoroughly. It’s hard to research anything anyway I’ll give it back to him You and I have known each other for decades No need to blush Ha ha ha ha Um Thank you, Elder Han Then Wu will leave first.

I’ll bother you again another day, haha Thank you Elder Wu for your kind words. The matter is over I’m leaving Lingxu too You really don’t consider staying with your understanding Increase appetite a little We will surely reach the perfection of the wheel and sea.

If you continue to practice after completing the Wheel and Sea Realm, Which one is the most suitable for ancient and modern times? child If you cultivate the Wheel Sea Realm to the extreme, Can also achieve something Or a strong one If you stay in the wheel sea realm

How can we defeat those monsters? Rescue Pangtuo Please also ask Elder Wu to inform you in detail After practicing in the secret realm of wheel sea Then we arrived at the next secret realm, the Dao Palace. Cultivation in this secret realm All kinds of mysterious things will happen

The secret realm of Dao Palace should belong to the mysterious land of Yaochi Holy Land. The strongest in ancient and modern times Legend has it that they are all female disciples Yaochi Holy Land I don’t know if these female disciples will get married?

But Yaochi Holy Land and Yandi are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers Long Trip If there is no way to cross the void Maybe you won’t be able to get there in your lifetime Don’t worry I have my own plan Even though don’t go there

I also want to travel around the world Tonghuang is so big If you don’t take a trip Wouldn’t it be a waste of this great time? Hey master master Didn’t you say that the bronze was something special? Is the origin unusual? Why did you return it to Ye Fan?

Do you want me to fight Wu Qingfeng? Even if you take something, you have to leave with your life. Master means oh clear Disciples will not leave any clues Elder Wu will never know Uncle There’s something wrong with that Ye Fan You started with him That kid is very evil

The disciple almost fell into his trap The disappearance of the fish has something to do with him What I couldn’t figure out before was that This guy is a mortal I don’t have the strength to kill the Life Power monks. now I understand It’s him It must be him

Master, I will capture him now Second Senior Brother, I will go too wait a minute You guys go too The master is dealing with a mere mortal Do you need a few of us to take action together? It’s not easy for this guy to defeat the fate monk.

I even suspect that he has been forced into the realm of Shenqiao Could it be that that waste can only practice cultivation? Remember not to underestimate your opponent Leo and Rabbit also use power We must not give him a chance to escape. Elder Wu sent it This is enough Take care of yourself

How about staying a few more days? When the time comes, I will send you off in person Thank you, Elder Wu Wait until I find Pombo I will come with him to pay homage to your old man again Um Will definitely come back again Elder Wu, I have something to give you.

You must keep it Don’t be discovered by others Otherwise you will be in danger Such strong vitality Elder Wu should not ask any more questions at this time. Even though this spring water cannot lead to life or death Human flesh and bones But healing your injuries and saving your life is enough

Things are too precious I can’t have it Put it away quickly Elder Wu Please stop refusing Leaving Yan State this time I don’t know when I can come back again Ye Fan No one can save you this time Leave everything and people behind Are you sent here by Han Yishui?

Just because of a few pieces of copperware He actually wants to kill me It’s not just about copperware Feiyu also needs to settle his account. I wanted to leave peacefully did not expect You guys rushed here to die queen of backwaters What am I? Ah ah Leave when you get bigger

The corridor is really a religious monk Go together ah Want to catch up with me Where to run Hanyi wants to kill me You might as well come in person Why let you come to die? ah ah This guy is so fast Can’t catch it at all It’s simply a monster tribulation formation

Let’s kill together I really don’t want to kill anyone Shameless talk It seems useless to say more I’ll send you on your way Found your location Ahhhhh Bad hair quality is broken Forgot now Dr. Han Since you want to kill me Then I can only kill you Just say 8 people

Why is it taking so long? The magic weapon was destroyed Ye Fan Elder Han Stop looking for me. I’ve already sent them on their way. you are waiting for me It’s been a long time waiting Killed without escaping There must be a plan Say it what do you want I want

Send you to reunite with them Even a mere monk from Shenqiao dares to say that he will kill me. You’re right, no wonder your disciples are vulnerable ah Well that One’s own strength less nonsense Strong rush ah ah He even cried with his bare hands ah I can kill you rise Um ah

Ye Fan, I have heard that you are like a strong wind But that’s all ah The whole territory of Yan State I am the only one who refines Qi and is respected Really? Then what do you think of this well? Um ah Watching the party, Ah Hou Ahhhhhhh

Little boy, how can you understand the way of refining qi? How is your technique? ah He is indeed a Qi practitioner. There is quite a lot of scrap metal. Give you a long experience Jiuxiansuo Town Don’t even think about escaping now dad So scary at a young age If I let you

Who else can surrender to you in the future? Old man, you are too early Hey green wood seal He actually fell into your hands This green wood leaf must have been refined by you, right? I just don’t know which one is stronger. Um receive I just forgot to tell you

I also killed Han Feiyu The fish was indeed harmed by you I will make you pay with your life today Don’t waste your time Since I want to kill you How come you didn’t make any preparations? I carved a message here looking from the outside It’s quiet here nothing unusual

No one will find this place You are young How to understand the arrangement of Dao patterns speaking of I also want to thank your cruel brother Not only did he use the elixir he had worked hard to pick for half his life, Gave them all to me

There was also a roll of animal skin left behind Explanation of ancient texts Although I can’t fully understand it But I can still do it like a cat and a tiger. My second brother What will you do to him? He wants to teach me how to make medicine The result is very unfortunate

He got himself into it Today you two brothers can be reunited Damn it boy heavyweight Didn’t expect it Shaolin has another secret There are also weapons hidden in the air Kill my disciple Kill my flying girl Kill my biological brother I will kill you to death today ever-changing Reason is consistent

How is it like the way of Tai Chi? The wooden sign must be broken first Can you still be more powerful than the magical weapon of the noble family? cut Ahhhhh That is not a magic weapon that can be intense in the wheel and sea realm. You’re good too

It also nourishes Qi with Qi There is indeed some talent It’s a pity that I don’t have as many plug-ins as I do I am the elder of Lingxi Cave Heaven if you kill me Will encounter endless pursuit In the end, the Southern Dynasty died I am a mortal

I didn’t just kill you There are two other aristocratic elders You are a bunch of children from aristocratic families You have the intention to kill me How could I leave myself with such a big problem? I hope you can all be good people in your next life

All the markings on it have been worn away It seems I can only ask an expert for advice. mother-in-law wait for me Yaochi Holy Land Thousands of miles away Hiking and Yuhong are both unrealistic Must be before the realm of wheel and sea is perfected Find a way to cross the void

Tai Chi moves and generates Yang Extremely dynamic yet still Quiet and yin Jingji Interactive One movement and one silence each other’s roots Divide yin and yang Sympathy between the two Qi transform all things Tai Chi is the evolution of Tao The crystallization of Chinese wisdom

If I could turn it into a physical technique perhaps A mysterious method comparable to that of this male cultivating world I don’t know if I can find a way to cross the void first It’s better to find Pangmai first Hey, walk slowly and come back next time. Hey, eh.

Wow, this food is pretty good Well, this one is good Well, do you think that kid will like it? Oh, just don’t worry Hahaha, it’s all what he likes to eat Um Ah, boss Seven more bowls of wine, please? It is unlucky not to eat Eight more bowls Oh, okay, okay, okay

Eight bowls, please wait a moment I’ll get the wine first Duan De This fat Taoist priest can escape from the Eagle Grave The strength is unfathomable I don’t know if we are friends or foes now. Hahahahaha There are many mysteries in leadership

Where can I go to drink at Kung Fu Mountain in Ninth Middle School? Hey, you haven’t paid me yet Why Run so fast Where is this damn fat guy going? Who wants more? Who will give me something to drink? Hahahahahahahahaha Did the new drug king say that It’s Pangtuo

Follow up and take a look Hahaha Damn it, I’m no better than anyone else You look good today Where is the damn fat man? What kind of crap are these? Where did this fool come from? Still want to ambush me These lines of fire are endless Swift and fierce Contains gold and stone

Um No one controls death What is mobilized is the energy of this world This world is like fire I was born in wood hidden in soil Water Bureau on the side Five elements and its back Is this place arranged by someone? Use your Musashi to understand the realm of Daoguang really

Breaking the ground disrupts the five elements here The power of the line of fire has also weakened. This place can disturb my five internal organs Entering the fire will bring excitement Visible intervention Fatigue after landing We need to set up our formation quickly Make fire with wood

Watch me break it with my strength Formation center I really have an understanding Why Why Hey hey Oh, Xiaoyong You are here too Oh, what a coincidence, what a coincidence Hahaha what are you doing? Look what that is It was you who stole my treasure of haze

I’m not the one who stole the treasure It was the fat man just now Who should you go to? Hey stop Don’t ah ah The fat man did it on purpose Let me take the blame Oh If you dare to bully me, Yan Xia disciple, stay with me. hey-hey Who are you

Ye Fan ah Wait until you take the blame Mr. Du, I will definitely give you a good reward. But speaking of it How did this kid improve so quickly? Last time it was a sea of misery This time it’s directly to Shenqiao. What kind of panacea is this? Yeah hey hey

Where is my baby Ye Fan You are obviously the ancient holy body Unable to practice How did he become a monk at Shenqiao in just a few years? What ancient holy body What Ye Fan My name is Duan De Duan De This elder I came here to chase the fat man to death.

No treasure was taken away But it seems that the fat Taoist priest took something away just now Elder Yue Hong’s disciples saw him with their own eyes They put their arms around each other They’re basically in the same group Hey hey hey Duan De This wicked guy A nest of snakes and rats

I’ll catch you first and then talk about it ah Elder, I am really innocent If you don’t go after Fatty Li, you’ll run far away. Fatty actually dares to trick me How dare a good boy go against my Yin Xia Ahhh He is so accomplished at such a young age who are you

I’ve already said it, I’m calling it quits Cut off your head Chase quickly Qiankun Invincible Blast Blast Blast ah Got fooled hateful Hey, hey, where is it hidden? Where are you hiding? Uh-huh Look what that is Your hands are actually faster than Master Pirates’s. Things come back Ah hey hey be careful

I still need Dao Master to answer a few questions for me. Otherwise I will crush it now oops It’s useless if it’s broken. Hey hey hey hey first question Who is the new demon king of the demon clan you are talking about? Where is the new demon king?

I was drunk and talking nonsense Ha ha ha ha Xiaoyong is handsome and unrestrained Unparalleled Who cares what the demon king’s surname is? Can they all be compared with Xiaoyou? Full of nonsense Ask something else first The second question is what is this? Why is the haze so beautiful?

Will hide him in the woods Oops, that’s the people in Yanxia who don’t know their stuff. I got something I didn’t recognize and thought it was a treasure And they were raised in a land with abundant forest air. Guarding with rockets again This is actually It’s just a stone

But this is an ancient thing Contains a trace of divine power from Beiyu Yaochi Holy Land It’s perfect for viewing enlightenment There seems to be the strongest aperture in Yaochi. The third question Uh-huh, uh-huh, how to cross the void to the Northern Territory? Go to the Northern Territory

Crossing most of the Eastern Wasteland at once In addition to the ancient family and several major holy places, Only Taixuanmen, which has a long heritage, is left. sect with a profound foundation can do it But you are not allowed inner disciple They won’t give you a way to travel easily.

Let’s talk about Taixuanmen later Follow Fatty Fatty first to see if there is any serious news. Hey, let me take care of it. Hahaha oops Speaking of which, my little friend has improved so quickly. Do you still have that precious green bronze on you? Come again

Since I ate the spiritual lord and the divine stone after eating the divine fruit, It has been enhanced so much Then I’ll treat you to a show for free He can come out of Yingtan alive You must know that there is no aluminum cylinder at the bottom of the pool

Or just throw it down He will know immediately that I lied to him last time We have to find a way to round out the story. I want you to check whether Who are you Hello Crazy and crazy shrinking into an inch Is it really him?

Taoist Priest, are you peeking into my memory? What a peek It’s clearly a young friend and a Taoist friend I have a good connection, okay? Haha you know who he is ah A powerful man who was famous in the Eastern Wasteland 6,000 years ago A person who shouldn’t exist in this world

I was just lucky enough to see his portrait. Lived 6,000 years Well, have they all become immortals? Um impossible There’s something wrong with his mind How can one become an immortal? But he is indeed an incredible master. fell into that person’s hands I have no chance to ask for it

The most famous treasure in Zhongzhou I held it in my hand that day But as thin as a servant’s shoes You once recognized it as a foot Miss me What do I hate hahaha Pay attention next time You are so unkind. I’ll be honest with you that day You actually lied to me

As a result, I almost died under the Eagle Pond Taoist Priest, I am also doing this for your own good. You can’t beat that guy Besides, you robbed me of three Tongling treasures before. Who is the unkind one? Having said that, Did you trick me just now? Hahaha

What are you doing again hahaha Little thief, why did you steal someone else’s magic weapon? There they are Quickly catch him catch them catch him quickly goodbye Fatty Who would you frame? Watch me get hard Why does Duan De want to turn me into you? Pass the order

I, Yanxia, am trying my best to capture Duan De No matter fat or thin yes Damn fat man, don’t leave LOL What are you talking about? Runs pretty fast Pang Bo’s whereabouts are unknown If you follow this fat man closely, you might be able to find a clue. Ouch ouch My good boy

Hahahahahaha Oops ha Did you see some genius treasure? This kind of virtue Hey, shush, keep your voice down have what you want Come here, come here Uh uh uh uh uh Uh uh uh Hahaha How about hehe Didn’t I lie to you?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Look at Sister Guang’s skin This figure Ouch yo yo Hahaha Wow Ah it’s him Ha ha ha ha Are you a fat guy? Hahaha Sister, look Someone is peeking Keep your voice down so you don’t scare people.

Don’t leave in a hurry There is a Tao pattern engraved here The strange beauty that condenses the mountains, rivers and land A world of its own You can’t leave Our Highness has just retrieved the Imperial Arms and the Sacred Heart of the Demon Emperor.

The glory of Qing Emperor during his lifetime will soon be restored Since you are here Why don’t you stay? Ha ha Come on, let’s dance together Haha, don’t worry We are the orthodox lineage of the Qing emperors Not those wild monsters you met outside. Meet the human race

It doesn’t have to be a fight or a killing. Especially one as handsome as you short fat man I was killed by him Quite courageous He actually spied on me while I was waiting to be released from prison Totally a misunderstanding A damn fat man framed me

He was clearly peeping here just now It doesn’t matter whether you are framed or not Since you are already here It can be considered an opportunity. I don’t want this opportunity Dear fairies Please let me go It really has nothing to do with me Sister Qin Yao

I feel the harsh part of this sentence surging blood Like a great river Unparalleled body Dear fairies As long as he is a normal man My blood will boil at this moment Can you guys stand a little further away? Otherwise it will ruin my longevity haven’t seen you for a long time

Qin Xianzi Is Pombo okay? I still miss your friend Rather persistent Where is Pombo now? Hahahahaha The fairy is quite satisfied with this treasure body. Hahaha oops This fresh and hot body Look at the blood flowing The appearance of dragon and tiger Haha, damn fat man You cheated me again Why

From what the person in Yanxia said, it seemed like some kind of ancient holy body. Fairy, do you want to test the goods first? No need to test He is indeed a good choice Well, then we agreed Taoist priest, please rest assured will never break my promise to you Hahaha

Hey hey hey smelly Taoist priest you sold me Carefree How could you miss Master Dao so much? Master Dao, I am clearly trying to help you. Don’t you want to cross the void? in case you are selected From now on, he will definitely be on top You can cross if you want to

Go wherever you want Hey hey hey, I’m just afraid that you’ll be too happy to miss Shu by then I don’t want to leave at all Haha what does it mean? Yeah, yeah, this is a blessing that others can only ask for.

Hahaha, if you were younger than me, how many years younger would you be? Nothing will happen to you, hehe If the Taoist priest is willing to stay, I’ll wait and treat you well, hehehehe Getting older Yeah, old arms and legs Can’t bear it Hey hey hey Oh my demon emperor essence blood Wow

It’s the demon emperor’s essence blood Bloomberg is here Um Thanks a lot hehe Um You spent so much time this time But for that person Thank you for your hard work, okay? fine Long road ahead Things are hard Cherish each one of you Hey Xiaoyao I look at your face

It is the boundless blessing of great blessings Be happy hahahahahaha One day I’m going to punch you in the face boy Come with me Now that we have come to Xuanyuan Valley Just follow me obediently I advise you not to wander in randomly This peach forest Something has been laid

It’s hard for me to leave Can’t sit still and wait for death Hum, it really hasn’t changed at all He just refuses to accept his fate. Hum, since you want to take action so much Then I’ll play with you Shenqiao is quiet Fairy, don’t leave I have something else to ask you

The speed is not slow Can you avoid my move? Not seen for two or three years You have improved a lot in your cultivation. Don’t dare to take it Thank you Fairy for your guidance. Do you just believe me like this?

I said you may not be able to defeat me in close combat. Take me to find Pangmai Why do you want to kill someone just after watching it? You can try Where is Pombo? Farewell to the Demon Emperor’s Burning Tomb I have entered the Taoist palace Think about parrot boy

You’re still far away It’s not over yet stop Yan Ruyu Your Highness, he is the person brought by Taoist Duan meet again I didn’t expect that we would meet like this. Yan Xianzi I want to see Pombo I’m afraid you can’t do it Why He is in retreat he

Is he majestic or a demon king now? I once said yes or no It’s not possible to define yet Losing and winning, possession and loss Annihilation and Rebirth Not sure yet I’ll have the answer later What’s the meaning you do not need to worry

There are some things we will never harm others without reason So please don’t worry I will definitely see your friend in the future Your Highness This meat sheath is really extremely powerful Can be called thin body Very suitable as a sacred vessel Is Your Highness suitable? Your Highness Take him down first, right?

If you want to see your friends, just be nice. Your Highness, are you worrying too much? If something goes wrong The consequences will be serious If you don’t consider these What do you think of this treasure body? The man in retreat once said that Ye Fan was the ancient holy body

After Yu Bangmao Lingjue became stronger, Hearing is also sharper He also served gods and demons If the demon king takes their blood sheaths It is very likely that he will become an emperor in the flesh in the future Pang Bo’s body has not been taken away by him yet Grinding and chirping

So reluctant to leave Is it possible that you have a crush on my Highness? I don’t dare to climb high Don’t say it too early Maybe you’ll have good luck, kid? Let’s go quickly That’s not a good thing The one in retreat A meat sheath has been selected Now this

Just as a sacred vessel The one in retreat I don’t even know if I can extend my life. In the future, it will be difficult to say who will help whom This man named Ye Fan The body is very unusual As a concubine Unpredictable what happens Your Highness time is limited

Make a decision that morning Now it’s just you and me It seems we have a lot to do next. Very comfortable Fairy is well prepared thank you He is a sensible person Just feel free to stay here If you really become a concubine That’s your great opportunity What holy relative?

Have you seen the Demon Emperor’s Heart? How does it feel Divine power as vast as the ocean Definitely not the opposite So your opportunity has come We want to use your body as holy energy The heart of the earth The Sacred Heart will remain alive within you It will also nourish your body

Maybe you can become an emperor in the flesh you say Isn’t this a great thing? ah You are butchering my body Who makes your body so full of blood? Not a mortal body See the scene by the lake Can you not be surging? loquacious Don’t worry, the Sacred Heart has been sealed

Strength will never hurt your body only one place Um If warming is successful In the future, our Highnesses will also pledge themselves to each other Practicing supreme skills with you These are countless men in the Eastern Wasteland dream snort This is stuffing something into your stomach again It’s La Lang Pei again

How did Tang Monk mistakenly enter the daughter country? What Tang Monk I feel like I don’t have such a grand ideal right now I’m afraid I can’t afford to be this holy wife The Sacred Heart is enough to transform you again If it weren’t for someone with your physique hard to find

Do you think such an opportunity will fall on you? Huh, you actually put it off A peerless beauty is a good thing Please hire someone else for that heart His Highness’ identity will be by your side for no reason You really dare to think about anything I’m just a waste body

I really don’t dare to delay a family member like His Highness. oh Who was that just now? It’s boiling and surging at the same time Uh uh uh uh Uh, am I not considered a beauty in your eyes? Fairy Qin is stunning Close the moon and shy the flowers

Empress the country and the city That’s all. I’ll spare you for now. In troubled times, there is not enough power Anyone, including me, can die quietly Think about it yourself Sister Qing Yao Wait until His Highness has mastered the supreme technique. Will we not be bullied? certainly When Emperor Jin was alive

Dunhuang monsters originally kept pace with humans This time we retrieved the holy weapon from Qingdi’s tomb Got the Sacred Heart again as long as everything goes well His Highness’s Kung Fu is accomplished can recreate the prosperous days of the Qing Emperor Good morning anyway

The place where you monsters live is really not that good. Not even a room This is not our place We’re just staying here temporarily Then where will you go from now on? oh Want to find a girlfriend? snort Come with me He is the holy body of the human race looks weak

What qualifications do you have to receive the Sacred Heart? Your Highness The world is kind Let you think about it for one more day You don’t know what is good or bad Then don’t blame me Be really kind It’s better to let me go The sacred bridge is gone Still want to resist

Come back with me obediently If you can’t bear the Sacred Heart I’ll find a way to protect your life Wife, do you think I will believe you? Kambashi Brothers Sainthood is a rare opportunity risk it for him If successful It will definitely make you reach unimaginable power Not high in cultivation

Get it as a gift It really surprised me ah Stop struggling Follow me back ah ah ah let me go Ahhhhhhh ah ah Feed Tian Fairy I don’t want to be angry ah Welcome to the Sacred Heart Tens of thousands of years The design also has this design

The power of cultivation is unfathomable Even he can’t become an immortal It really makes people wonder if there are immortals in this world. Silver thread, you want to marry me I have to be willing hateful Even the sacred stone has been sealed for your age Mental power far exceeds that of ordinary people

I’m going to take action Ahhhhhhh Don’t be nervous We won’t take your heart out Just place the Sacred Heart of the Earth in your destiny With the unique divine power of your ancient holy body, Come and nourish this heart Ahhhhh Ahhhhh The sea of suffering has been unbreakable for so long

The ancient holy body is the strongest fighting body of the human race Invincible in the past It’s a pity that it is now a waste body With His Highness’s fourth level cultivation level To break through his sea of suffering, you have to be careful to restrain yourself. Ahhh how

No, Your Highness has been fully guarded. Demon Emperor’s Holy Weapon Your Highness plans to use the holy weapons to break through his sea of suffering. Ahhhhhhh Golden Sea of Bitterness Could it be This is the fundamental reason why the ancient holy body is unique in the world

It is rumored that the ancient powerful wheel sea All living in visions Zizi’s golden sea of suffering was originally the most powerful spectacle But the heart of the demon emperor Unstoppable unless powerful Um snort this is my place won’t let in No one can enter Is the demon emperor’s heart unstoppable?

If I want to block it, I will definitely be able to block it. It’s Green Village that’s building me up Ah what’s going on The heart of the rope was stopped what have you done What should your highness do next? Put it next to him first boy

Why are you risking the sea of suffering to collapse? Nor willing to warm up the Sacred Heart nothing It’s just that I have my own path Your suffering is truly amazing. If you are willing to warm your Sacred Heart A and B will definitely accomplish something great in time

There may even be a vision of the wheel and sea of ancient power. Like the bright moon rising over the sea Planting Golden Lotus in the Sea of Bitterness Or the stars shine in the sky You should have a good rest first Consider our arrangements Leaf Pangbo why am i here

Where is this Don’t go leaves leaves Hurry up and merge with the heart of the bottom of the kiln Then we can go home together right away Ye Zi, I’ll rescue you right away, okay? You are not majestic You are not the heart of the demon emperor. Who are you?

Want to know who I am You’d better ask what is the purpose of your practice? I go home with my friends Strive for the power to fly across the stars You can also use this power to protect everything you care about. No matter how terrible the enemy is, Don’t worry, Yanzi

One day we will also be able to fly Maybe I can go back You want to protect everything you care about then you know On the road of spiritual practice, we often encounter various accusations and abuses. The sea of bitterness is as hard as meteorite iron Unable to open up the foundation

Just a waste body Your neighbor is really pitiful He behaves like a beggar three years I don’t want to stay in this strange world He is also a veritable waste if you are making slow progress Even being caught up one by one by fellow travelers and latecomers The world will insult you

If your friend insults you, they may suspect you of slandering you. can you rescue I I can Bloomberg I know you’re in there You can definitely drive this thing out We agreed to go home together you won’t lose stop fighting go home The journey of begging for love is often painful and torturous

Lonely, calm and patient Any time because of fighting Even those who died due to the residual power emitted by the powerful power everywhere Death is not terrible Meaningless hope is the most painful can you persist ah Ah I can Hahaha Ye Fan There are many temptations on the path of spiritual practice

Make it easy for others Just accept Get powerful power right away You can even hold it up immediately I just ask you to give up a little bit of yourself can you persist I see you are me I won’t do it because of the power of the demon emperor’s heart itself

And to integrate into his insistence on giving up himself God I’m just for external use, that’s me A gentleman who is strong in nature will never rest with his own mind The great emperor of the monster race left behind by the good fortune Snake fairy is neither good nor evil

But if I accept it completely Must be influenced by him This is not my way A sea of misery guarded only by Green Tong Might be able to give me a helping hand Suppress the heart of the demon emperor I wonder if I can get a few drops of Enchantress planet

If it weren’t for the green pupil here There is no way to suppress the demon emperor’s palm They didn’t completely seal the heart Thrilling Demon Emperor He didn’t expect that the Sacred Heart could nourish his body so quickly Your Highness The Sacred Heart has been nourished Will last forever

Your Highness can practice the supreme technique with confidence and boldness. Do you really want to practice with him? This is for Your Highness to decide on your own. This time it’s your decision Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty Even if you get a bargain, you still behave well.

Fairy Yan, I have accepted the Sacred Heart Can you let me meet Pangbo? Why are you so anxious? You have just warmed the Sacred Heart The days with His Highness will be long in the future. Everything is done Prepare to leave here in a few days Hey Yan Fairy

Do you really want to marry me Hello Your hand is in the wrong place ah Well ah Tigress ah But if you absorb a drop of essence and blood, you can be reborn. If you can absorb one body and ten bodies Or refine the whole heart good

Then I’ll try again using the same method Still want to resist Sure enough it can As expected of an evil spirit Even after ten thousand years Still so powerful I don’t plan to pay rent anymore. live in vain Green eyes are too mysterious Can calm the heart of the demon emperor

But this surprise is too hard to squeeze out Try that method Watch me conquer everything in one breath wind The cauldron can shake one’s body I will use this secret recipe to grant you magical power It depends on whether you are convinced or not Three legs determine the world

Two ears determine yin and yang Yuankuo that chaos Origin of heaven and earth It seems that I was right to choose ironmaking in the first place. There is green copper to help me stay in the sea of suffering No matter what kind of demon emperor you are,

They all have to be suppressed by me In the end, I blew out another drop of blood. Get some more energy Reborn three times The tyranny of the flesh will be unimaginable Nourishing the body again Qin Xianzi Greedy ghost Now you know the benefits of the Sacred Heart, right?

At first you thought I was going to harm you How can you thank me? I am so poor that I am the only one left. How do you say thank you? Not as good as pledge oneself That’s what I want It’s a beautiful thought Okay, I’m here to inform you

We plan to evacuate immediately It’s so urgent, doesn’t it mean to wait a few days? Can’t wait any longer His Highness discovered the Ji family’s tracking pattern on the holy weapon. Not only that A Western-style divine body appeared in the Ji family Now the cultivation level is out of the city

Arranged by the elders of the Ji family Want to take us as Taoist bodies? Is it that scary? Even if you go out of town Could it be that your highness cannot defeat him? The general will definitely send many strong men to guard him. It is impossible to allow accidents to happen

If you die young They will overthrow the entire Eastern Wasteland None of us can escape What about Pang Bo? Don’t worry, he will go with us Mecha monks obey orders Destroy the demon crystal Stop them quickly Damn it, they’re already here block them Bloomberg where are you

We can’t let them destroy the barrier follow me Your Highness, we are surrounded. After crossing the void Meet again Yes Yes yes Descendants of Emperor Zhao Please stay Your Highness We have no grudge against the Ji family Why are you attacking us? My divine body leaves the city

I heard that the descendants of the Demon Emperor are here Specially come for a fight You are Ji Haoyue He is the Ji family divine body Ji Hao Yue Ji Hao Yue My Highness just casts a spell on the formation Too much loss It’s unfair

Please also ask Mr. Ji to make an appointment another day Even so, I won’t force you Please leave the Demon Emperor’s Holy Soldiers behind After the divine body left the city There are few loyal magic soldiers of mine in the world Lack of useful weapons what are you saying

I don’t understand it at all We don’t have any so-called holy soldiers here three years ago The Demon Emperor’s Holy Soldiers were snatched away by your Highness with a cornucopia of treasures. How could it not be in your hands? Even if the demon emperor’s holy weapons fall into the hands of my highness,

It’s natural Why do your Ji family ask for it? Demon Emperor’s Holy Weapon I will get it What a loud tone I don’t know if the divine body is worthy of its reputation. You can come and have a try Then come and give it a try What’s so scary about the body?

The sky is bright and the moon is shadowed Princess of the Void Qingyao Clan I’m on par now The initial danger of the elephant is unpredictable You wait, you wait, you are wise Even hitting an egg against a stone Scattered in vain demon princess You’d better take the challenge yourself Who is smiling

The bright moon rises over the sea Come back soon There are stars in the sky The bright moon is born in nine turns One turn today is enough Cultivation in two or three secret realms Only then can you manifest the alien land in the wheel of the sea This guy is really scary

Will hide him for many years Now he has reached 100% cultivation level That’s why he was allowed to teach The strength is unfathomable Fantasy of the divine body Can turn into a bright moon Then a thought of my misery Is this the case? Leave behind the demon emperor’s holy soldiers

You can leave as soon as possible How can the emperor’s holy weapons fall into your hands? Even if you succeed today Not afraid of other monsters Mighty kill the Xiang Ji family I really thought it was an ancient family Invincible? This is a matter of the Ji family You don’t need to worry

They are coming too The Supreme Elder of the Ji family is personally in charge So cautious Afraid of premature death Why let him come out? I will never take action Just watching the battle here That being the case I’m here to learn from you See how powerful the divine body is

Intention only intention Only then can we compete you are no match for me It’s too early to say this now Sifangxuanguang The world is disillusioned firefly light How can I compete with the bright moon? The elders sent us to rescue you You can attack together later Seven Years Qing Emperor Top Beidou Wonderful

I never thought that the demon clan would demonstrate here today Your wife is disappointed Retreat quickly Now that we are here Just don’t leave Isn’t the demon princess taking action yet? No one is allowed to take action without permission I say it again Leave the Demon Emperor’s Holy Soldiers behind Delusion

That’s the case Don’t blame me for going on a killing spree Don’t bully others too much Take them away first Come and break out with me quickly Don’t try to escape and stop them. Ahhh ah The coffin that I entered in the fantasy world Protect him like this Is there a torrent inside?

Evacuate quickly Can’t be stopped soon stop them He is a witch Bu caught him Are you OK Even a monk from Shenqiao dares to get in the way Too much nonsense Ahhh Is this the end of the Demon Emperor’s descendants? If the divine body really dares to fight

Why not let the guardian leave? You and I will fight with all our strength Regardless of victory or defeat Don’t make things difficult for others Oops Sarcophagus blocks Leikou sarcophagus remains Demon Lord ah ah not good People who don’t want to think about it You are delusional Ahhh Don’t be wary breakout

Leave now Are the descendants of the Qing emperor so annoying? Your Highness, leave quickly Let’s hold him down Why don’t you stop? Your Highness, please leave quickly. You leave first stop You should quickly leave this place of right and wrong as a sergeant. Stop it Go quickly Yan Ruyu, let’s fight with me

Demon Emperor The holy soldiers are here Come and get it if you can. Young Master, be careful with that goblin weapon. you are Demonic arm move Sure enough, it lives up to its reputation But I came prepared Mecha Sword Not bad Lift the void sword for me

The Great Emperor of the Void, Xitian, once fought with Dali in all directions. invincible Jaeger-LeCoultre’s memory is empty Why do you still covet my Qing Emperor’s soldiers? The Second Great Emperor is not the same as the Great Emperor of the Void Devotion to two people separated by tens of thousands of years

Which one is strong and which one is weak A soldier is better than a confidant. Emperor of the Void People in the past A last stand Never be weaker than others in life Now his descendants are behaving like this Really ridiculous But the descendants of the Qing emperor were so timid

Is this just what the Qing Emperor said? Imperial soldiers are great tunnel existences Today, I am allowed to talk about the Tao with imperial soldiers. The world is high and low That’s as you wish Ji Haoyue, do you really think I only lead the imperial troops? Ahhh Your Highness’s vision

Sea of Bitter Stars demon princess Amazing intention It’s a pity that the lotus pond is too small I can’t live up to my reputation Shameless talk Your Highness bought us time. Hurry up and break through the machine blockade Kunzai Huang Bo Where have you gone? We have broken through the sealing stone barrier

He can run away Leave and walk quickly You came with ground troops Aren’t you afraid of affecting others? Just want the whole happiness The war you speak of Just a field Imperial Soldier’s Position What pain Mentioning imperial soldiers It is difficult for ordinary people to push 1/10,000 is energy

You and I will make peace with each other The power of the imperial army I can get a glimpse of the immortal style How happy Can you spy on the beauty of the earth? 2 Great Emperor Soldier Showdown I don’t know what the consequences will be The demon princess is indeed very powerful

Qi family divine body Difficult to deal with And there is also the Supreme Elder here The ancient official has broken through the siege It’s time for your highness to go Your Highness is from our clan There is no need to fight for us in the future For my demon clan

Please leave your highness For me, the demon clan is your highness’s faction. settle for the country Please don’t feel sorry Everyone disperse and evacuate Meet again No one can escape from the void His Highness used the holy soldiers Don’t worry, if Fairy Yan is determined to break through,

No one should be able to stop him His Highness is a descendant of his biological brother They can’t stop it Let’s go to the meeting place and wait for him first. Why are you monsters fighting to the death to break through? But he happened to bring a human race with him Looks pretty

Show is mediocre It doesn’t look like anything special. Hum, the response is pretty quick who are you Why do the demon clan look at you differently? He can master the void technique at a young age The timing and details follow me Now that you know I know the void spell

Why are you still running? The magic of the void can travel hundreds of miles in an instant You can’t escape But you don’t have to be afraid I don’t kill people The ground soldiers are not here with us I’m not here to seize land. Oh, what are you doing here?

You’re not here just to block the two of us and watch the fun. Hey, you haven’t told me why you are in the demon clan Hold him back and I’ll look for an opportunity to take action. In fact, I was deceived and sold to the demon clan. Yeah How did you cheat?

For no reason Why do the demon clan want to bury you? I was tricked into a cliff valley by a big fat man As for why the demon tribe wants to buy me? I really don’t know lie You act in tacit agreement Clearly an accomplice I’m a kind person

You just don’t tell the truth I won’t kill you either At most, you can carve a little turtle on your left cheek Carve a little toad on your right cheek Hey, no one always believes the truth. Are there any treasures hidden in your body?

That’s why the demon tribe’s people are holding on to you. That’s it Wait until he gets closer You can search it snort witch sister Could it be that she has the spirit treasure of the demon clan hidden in her body? Or the demon emperor’s viscera There is a fairy

How could Mr. Xu be so great? I’m not here to fight But you have to force me to do it Qingyao, come with me Where is he, Your Highness? Ye Fanji’s family has repeatedly hunted me down Monster clan, you have a holy heart No need to take risks with us

It would be safer to separate for now Yan Xianzi can you tell me Is Pombo safe now? He is speechless if you can survive Maybe we can meet him in the future Thank you Fairy Yan You guys go first See you again in the future Ye Fan, take care Um

Your Highness, where are we going? Nanyue Peacock Palace The most beautiful woman in the Eastern Wasteland Amazing Dare to attack this lady If you are caught by me, you will be imprisoned for a few days. Dawan can block Yan Ruyuji But the injury should not be serious ah

Oops, the mecha is catching up. I can only lend it to you. what are you going to do Sorry, I want to enter your amulet let me go Wang Wei Come up quickly Sorry, I don’t want to be caught by you 7 family Underground rivers crisscross the place Don’t know where it leads

A good place to hide from pursuit Good thing there take me out quickly This is the underground devil Will rush us to the point of death Ruozi is so nice Thus It will be even harder to catch up today. Dao pattern that blocks divine power How could you, a monk from Shenqiao?

Don’t bother This pattern can only be reclaimed by the strength of the wrist. you crazy This kind of underground river is the most dangerous Once inside It’s hard to see the light of day again You don’t want your life That’s much safer than falling into the hands of your mechas. You believe me

Just go out I have the ability to keep you safe Who are you from the Ji family? What does Qi Haoyue have to do with you? Um he is my brother As long as you let me go promise there will be many benefits

I can ask him to teach you how to cultivate the sea life moon’s intention Um You are Ji Haoyue’s sister Um It seems I have no choice what are you doing You are so important to the Ji family If the Ji family finds out that you were kidnapped by me

I will definitely be silenced you want to kill me Um I tell you There’s a mark on me once dead No matter how far away it is, it will be transmitted to the mecha truthfully if you kill me I can’t survive myself so Oops, trouble Tied to a hot potato Um

Why don’t you let me go I promise the mecha won’t pursue you. snort I can’t work in vain Hand over all the treasures you have on you Otherwise I will carve a little turtle on your left cheek A small toad is carved on the right side of the face What You robbed me

Your life is now in my hands If you don’t leave some money to buy the way, I will ah OK OK for you Um This is all scrap metal Why is there a city gate here? This is the palace Ah, this is the Bronze Immortal Palace

Legend has it that he is the residence of immortals Will drift with the river of darkness Every time it appears, it will shock Donghuang People who can enter No matter how powerful he is, he is But they can’t leave us alive Get out of here Ahhh who No fluctuations in divine power

Is a dead person There seems to be a layer of wax on the outside before ancient times Monks in level four secret realms and above will seal their bodies with wax shells This is the wax stone from ancient times ah So many corpses Is it true that no one can leave here alive?

If no one survives How could the world know The existence of the Bronze Immortal Palace only one accident In a certain era when the Eastern Wasteland was extremely powerful, Some extraordinary figures join forces A corpse was exhumed from the Bronze Hall It is said that it is the corpse of an immortal

Then where does the immortal corpse fall? It was divided equally between the Holy Emperor and the Huanggu Family. So to say Your Ji family also received the corpse of the immortal. Legend has it that my family got it a fairy arm But everyone who visited the Bronze Immortal Palace died in the end.

What are you doing Since this place is so dangerous There is no way out around Instead of being trapped It’s better to go look for it Maybe there are clues to leave Quickly relieve my suffering Try my best to use my strength Maybe there’s still a glimmer of hope Hello did you hear

Quickly untie this lady Hey, hey, hey, little thief Are you deaf? For the sake of the illusory fairy fate The world is like moths to the flame does it worth Of course it’s worth it Who doesn’t practice to become an immortal? This door is sealed There may be clues about these wax masters

What are you doing You said they were all strong men in the past In other words, their magic weapon must be good too. Oh you want to steal their magic weapon Not stealing Let those magic weapons return to the world with us Well, it’s their wish This is a good deed

You say stealing things is so high-sounding Sure enough, he was born a thief This is That lasted thousands of years Once unblocked, it will be completely annihilated. Nothing can withstand time No clues left Are you really trapped here? Something’s wrong later There’s more over there These corpses How did you come back alive?

We can’t let these corpses get close to us once trapped Might end up like them Can you run again? stop And let me do it How unreasonable Pretty good What difficulty does this master with dried relics have? Ah, the little thief is still breaking in. You don’t want your life

All good heads were severed We can only go forward If this continues, I will be beaten to death or exhausted. Do you have any magic weapon that can destroy a group of people in one wave? Contribute quickly Haven’t you taken away all my magic weapons? You mean these what’s their use

If not, just give it back to me This is the forbidden gate seems to be touched there is no water here Have we entered the fairy palace? Could it be that the prohibition on the gate was triggered by him? Who is there this is mine

Legend has it that people who come in can never get out. Like me, a majestic future immortal Extremely smart Unparalleled beauty I will die here before I can shine. Even now, I’m still narcissistic ah ah nothing These are the people who were trapped and died in the Immortal Palace

I once heard Su Lao say The road to immortality is paved with bones. It turns out it’s all true Jiang Ze Yao Ke, they were all famous strong men in the Eastern Wasteland. Go and have a look in front Dare to ask God if there are immortals There are thorns at the bottom

Tianxuan Yang Yuzhen He is a peerless figure who is famous in the Eastern Wasteland. Traveling across the Eastern Wasteland 15,000 years ago few rivals Unexpectedly, I also fell here Are they a Taoist couple? This is Junior sister, don’t think that I don’t dare to kill you.

Senior brother’s intention to become an immortal is actually false. You exchanged the lives of many of your fellow disciples for your immortal fate It’s nothing more than Just let you become a puppet on the road to immortality Endless sea of suffering Turn around and find the shore

Come with me back to the Holy Land to accept your sins He Xin This is the residual fragrance left behind from those days Becoming an immortal is what I want in my life Who stops me Kill them together How can you look like a fairy? Rather like a possessed ghost

Neither willing to look back Then I will make it happen for you This life Even if I die with a knife And will become an immortal in reincarnation They died just because they were fragrant Hehe Wanzhong is in vain What is the purpose of becoming an immortal? There’s another body here This

What’s wrong He is the ancestor of my Ji family 9,000 years ago Not only is it recorded in the Ji family tree There are also names in the ancient history of the Eastern Wasteland Unexpected So many powerful men died here little thief Do you think we will die here too?

My name is Ye Fan ah It will also kill everyone. You should know the other person’s name My name is Ji Ziyue this is chaos You admit it There is a record in Mecha Ambush start quickly Chaos within Chaos extinguishes fire and souls Did they all die from the power of Chaos?

Is there any in Phuket? There are documented ways to crack it Nothing can be broken ah Go quickly This is Lu Gang Sword there’s no picture What’s this Can actually block the energy of chaos The person who wants to arrest you must be because of him Hey, what is your background, baby?

Want to know Stop pretending, I know you’re interested Hum, love to talk or not Teach me the ancient spirit of your Ji family I’ll tell you How dare you, a little thief, take advantage of the Void Spirit?

Oh, it turns out that the ancient spirit of your Ji family is called the void spirit. Stop wishful thinking The Void Sutra is never spread outside At that time The evil brilliance surges Is there really a chance to become an immortal deep in the Immortal Palace? In the history of Donghuang

Have you ever really been a fairy? There must be some Go over and have a look Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I have a thousand pieces of gold I was blocked by Chen Lao When will the dust be gone and light will be born? Illuminating thousands of mountains and rivers

Bronze Immortal Palace Not opened for tens of thousands of years Now another descendant is coming but Are you here to find the magic medicine? Chosen Mecha Yaochi They, they all died here. The magical medicine Bronze Immortal Palace was born several times

If there is a rumor that there is an elixir hidden in the palace, Powerful men from various holy places join hands to break into the Immortal Palace Could it be that they are the people who are looking for medicine from major aristocratic families? A miracle medicine enters the abdomen

I’ll wait for you to kill the city immortal Especially the ones you can get your hands on Can’t move There is only one heart left in the land of Chengdu He can’t be an immortal looking for opportunities break the ban Senior, I know you have become an immortal Boundless power

But we are just passers-by Just let us pass Nonsense, you clearly sent me the elixir Since today is here Just stay are you crazy Clearly lifeless No different from Woods But don’t say that you are an immortal senior You are not an immortal at all now Yellow-haired child

I am now immortal and immortal Why not a fairy The most powerful immortal man of How could we be trapped in this dark Bronze Immortal Palace? It’s just the walking dead. shut up The Bronze Immortal Palace is an artifact from the upper world

If it weren’t for the disputes and wars among the previous kings, How could this thing be left in the world? The bad guy got angry We are here to protect you It’s to wait for the road to immortality to open Deceiving oneself and others controlled by one’s own desires lose one’s heart

Bring harm to others People like you who go astray Everyone is a kid to be killed Still speaking in tongues ah take advantage of now These are all mummies without supernatural powers. Just get rid of them agree Hiding essence and keeping differences Who did you use to steal the gods and monsters?

Such a desolate look How does it look like a servant or an immortal? Like a controlled puppet That’s all They can still move they are not living people It’s just that the soldiers want to kill them The source of scholars must be destroyed Obsessed city Judgment of time

Find the source of the momentum first It’s actually on his heart To capture the thief, capture the king first Ji Zi said, hold them back I’ll deal with him How can I be swept away by the wind now in the sea of suffering?

The divine power injected into it is enough for you to use for a while. How come the things belonging to the Qi family are in your hands? Simple senior Back then, you might have been the most powerful person in the East. But endless years have passed Your power is no longer there

Wang Mang’s children How dare you disturb my fighting spirit? Just a mortal How dare you challenge a newcomer Don’t expect to be a fairy anymore Cultivation is to fight against destiny with one’s own body Change fate against fate So as not to lose it Why go against the will of heaven

How to change your life I’ll wait for you here Rat Korean unification seventy-two Waiting for the crossbow Don’t bother do not come Remove the magic weapon Diga also came to join in the fun. Quickly untie the Dao pattern for me if i die Your competition will naturally decrease But not this time

You guy Remember to go back to the source Limited ability mortal Accept your fate Not immortal at all Let go of obsession Stop fooling yourself They really thought they were immortals I am an immortal demon I’m already a fairy Immortal Immortal I will be like the Immortal Emperor All the same Forever Forever

It’s just a dream Dreams and wakings are empty There is a road ahead Let’s go The power of chaos may come at any time Let’s find a way to leave quickly born die It’s the door of life and death This becomes one It’s for Tai Chi

Don’t ever think about it and choose death. I still want to become a fairy Tai Chi generates two rituals Yang lives and dies wrong Anode produces yin The cathode generates yang Yin and Yang reverse each other Neither life nor death This is the real way to survive Why Shengmen seems peaceful

But there will never be a way out The door of death will definitely remain dark and clear. Survival from desperate situation These are all your guesses, right? You won’t explain the Dao pattern to me where can i go Ahhh It’s an ancient road Where does it lead to?

It’s still too late for you to turn back now Mozi has no regrets Looking back it’s a bear Ahhh Then what is that A little popular knowledge about Zhetian Is this the holy object you chose? Stop talking nonsense and get out of here This guy is a fairy let me go

Endless years have passed The blood still looks like it was written on it just now Could it be fresh blood? The famous mother of all things Heaven and earth are tangible Soothing yin and yang with the combination of hardness and softness nourish all things Create life nameless The beginning of heaven and earth

Formless out of nothingness endless Like a gossamer sword whereabouts Never fade Origin of heaven and earth The foundation of Tao Where is this place? Oops Life force is losing It’s for experience ah Ahhhhh ah It was Illusion Power that saved me just now so baby exert force Ah what’s going on

Don’t touch the blood The potential inside will make you die without a burial place Ming is the road Why does Tianyin have murderous intentions? Is the end of spiritual practice an abyss? Since the answer is unknown Let’s find a way to get out alive first. Can we make it out alive?

Mysterious yet mysterious The cake is thick or thin to give birth to saints Get rid of passion, remove desire and join hands There is mystery within mystery There are immortals in the Tao The door to all wonders opens with reinvention door of wonders

It’s not a dead end, a broken bridge, a bridge to continue. Hope of becoming an immortal There must be a secret to becoming an immortal in it Why Give you a chance to become an immortal Take big strides forward Let me give you this opportunity You’re welcome, you go first

How can this be so embarrassing? Ladies come first Oh, you first Spare yourself first My mecha has always been very agile. snort snort Give me that bronze ring you just took away Ahhh Now you still want to rob me I tell you I am a future immortal Stop being narcissistic

Give him to me quickly I just saw him in a fantasy world He seems to have some connection with this place Where did you get this ring? I found it at my ancestral hall. Legend has it that the ancestral hall is the place where immortal masters are kept.

Could it be that he is a fairy? There is a crack in the sky What kind of strong person can penetrate copper electricity? If word spreads, it will definitely shock Donghuang Maybe we can get out of here You aspire to become an immortal Let’s enter this wonderful door Since we came in together

Of course we want to go out together Change of mind midway Thunder strikes Then let’s go together Um Spring is about to fade away. Tears shed in vain What do you want in this life? Dare to ask God Is there infinite He actually managed to escape

The man who penetrated the Bronze Immortal Palace What kind of strong character is he? terrible Could it be that he has become an immortal? Is he that person in the fantasy? let’s go well I don’t know how many people are looking for traces of the Bronze Immortal Emperor but can’t find it.

Our trip is also a chance If others know I’m afraid it’s going to break the sky If you don’t say it, I won’t say it. No one will know There seems to be something I can’t stand it anymore so heavy This guy actually used the most difficult-to-identify pinnacle magic weapon go this way

Go this way This is Can you please take it and give it to me? what is that It’s not just a few things It’s so dangerous and you ask me to get it I’m afraid it’s something good I heard that there is a dark yellow color in the world Xuanwei Tianjing

Huang is the marrow of the earth Can temper all tangible ambitions He is Xuanhuang Qi, right? How many weapons can he make? Go and collect it quickly If I use him to temper my little tripod Maybe it will manifest an extraordinary flavor How can I try to collect it? ah

Everyone was escorted here Let’s save our lives first. Go quickly Once this kind of power is involved, We will turn into mist immediately Coming after me you have this love What a genius So excited That’s the Xuanhuang Mother Contract It is the essence of Emperor Xuan’s second concubine

Rarely seen in a thousand lifetimes He Xi cannot collect it at all Xuanhuang’s weapon was collected by the copper piece I knew you were hiding something Give me some quickly Of course I want to share it with you I can’t control it either This thing is really hard to use and try.

My thumbs up Just accept it Can the magic weapon be refined again? That’s easy to say but This Xuanhuang weapon won’t shatter your sea of suffering, right? A wisp of black and yellow weapons can crush a mountain range Fortunately, there are green eyes to suppress it

Otherwise, I’m afraid my sea of suffering would have been wiped out long ago crushed to pieces Nothing uncomfortable Maybe not Go quickly There are also many mysterious and yellow wares Go collect some It’s important to save your life, little money fan Ah, finally out of trouble Unknown situation outside

Let’s take a look here first save some effort You can try again later Wait a moment for Emperor Xuan’s mother to enter the body You’re okay What kind of freak are you? The King of Fighters’ mother energy is like the mountain and moon you absorb so much Why is nothing happening? you you

You Why are you moving your hands and feet? I you care about me I don’t That’s because I wish something would happen to me Neither Um ah Ahhh ah that We can be regarded as life-and-death friends who share weal and woe. You will lift my ban Give me some more Xuanhuang weapons

Hahahaha you egg lady You already look beautiful Don’t think about it being more beautiful. Friends of life and death should share joys and sorrows Is it correct to take a photo of the liver and gallbladder? What’s the meaning Write down the Void Sutra silently I’ll give you the Xuanhuang weapon

Action, you write silently Your power is blocked Can’t run away You can’t help it There is no golden inscription Only an immortal has one life It’s up to you I really thought I didn’t dare to touch you If something happens to me People from the Qi family will know my location immediately

You can’t run away either Um How what happened Ahhhhh It seems that the black and yellow weapon you put in your body Not completely refined yet ah Untie it for me quickly Fortunately, he controls the Xuanhuang mother cavalry. Otherwise, he will grow into a blood fox sooner or later

Fortunately, they were completely integrated Refined to the top Let Xuanhuang Muqi be used by me But my power is not enough I wonder if I can use the power of the Demon Emperor’s Heart The Immortal of the Demon Emperor is actually absorbing the Xuanhuang maternal lineage

The Xuanhuang maternal line is like a mountain and abyss I want to see how much I can absorb I’ll have to spit out all my capital and profits later. Thanks Your demon blood Just help me a helping hand It’s a state of rebirth

Could it be that he has a divine body like my brother? The golden light from the divine body also has divine power Maybe I can use him to open up the Dao pattern As expected of the Demon Emperor Essence and blood follow this arrow Squeeze the enemy again My head can be recast

Still want to appear Donate your essence and blood well Wait until I gain confidence Will warm you up All weapons I’m not completely dead yet Unable to completely suppress the demon emperor’s heart Fortunately, I still have the precious green copper Ask, don’t run away I promise I will suppress it in the future

Too harsh Ahhh ah Able to move The recovery of divine power is less than 10%, which is no longer enough. I’ll let you go this time I’ll settle the score with you later That’s the demon emperor’s heart The heart of the demon emperor is always in his body Here we go

Could it be I really went too far It doesn’t seem to be too much. Ahhh ah You hee hee You can move How dare you hold me hostage for so long? I won’t cut you to pieces today It’s hard to understand the hatred in my heart You actually regained your powers

Thank you very much no thanks Mountains are high and rivers are long Let’s just say goodbye It’s a beautiful thought, but my powers haven’t fully recovered yet. But it’s enough to deal with you little thief Aren’t you going to tie me up? Aren’t you trying to steal something from me?

Don’t you want the Void Spirit? Wait until I catch you want you to be a good man ah The mysterious fire mother is attached to your fist you how did you do it Want to know Replace it with a void mirror impossible When we first met

Didn’t you say you wanted to draw a turtle and a toad for me? snort Let you have a taste of this first haha Yeah ah Ordinary, please let me go Don’t come out of the Void Sutra I will untie your Dao pattern Let you go and give you a piece of Xuanhuang weapon

Um good deal Don’t even think about writing false scriptures As long as there is one If the word is wrong, don’t blame me for being too cruel. Why are you keeping an eye on my family, past and present? The Void Sutra was created by the Great Emperor I have no family or sect

Lack of Taoist secrets How can you miss this sutra? It’s not that I don’t want to write about the past and present It’s the family elders who have sealed the omen in my heart If I dare to reveal it Will be completely destroyed on the spot I don’t believe a word of this.

You You are so cruel I never meant any harm to you You bully me like this Ahhh Aha The acting is too exaggerated Why not take a snack next time? At worst, Yin Yufan will die. This rich daughter of the Ji family cannot target her. Got it Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha

What are you doing, you shameless bastard? let me go LOL Stop it Yeah hahahaha If you don’t leave the Void Sutra, I will let you go. Ye Fan, my brother will definitely come to me If he has the ability, don’t run away when he comes. Are you talking about Ji Haoyue?

You can rest assured that I will succeed in my cultivation. He doesn’t come to me I’ll go find him too just you Um When the time comes, I will pluck his moon Plant flowers and grass in his blue sea ah Now let’s continue talking about the Void Sutra

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha let go I will never let you go Great road like abyss The origin of all things Harmony with light Ceres is immortal It’s for Xuan Pi Xuan Pi’s Gate It is for the root of heaven and earth Dao Palace

I really want to practice the martial arts artifact But how to fix it Hello Why did I write the key part and then it disappeared? My heart is so big that I can even fall asleep When the Void Sutra is finished silently What to do with this hot potato

If you let go, there will be endless troubles Can’t kill Headache Go through hardships A little popular knowledge about Zhetian Oh it’s you ah Don’t think you can bribe me with just roasted sweet potatoes. I won’t wash you again Really don’t write You might as well kill me

It would be nice to be able to kill Now I can’t kill you Can’t let it go I can’t support you for a lifetime, right? Moreover The appetite is not small Who said I ate too much? Who will be with you forever? Why I was thinking about it last night

It’s a good idea to get the best of both worlds That means we become a family You can continue to pass me the Void Mirror Mecha It’s not good to do anything to me again Hum hum Have your spring and autumn dreams Ah, catch him quickly Oh, hurry up Can’t let him escape

Otherwise we will all die So hard to catch Sure enough, it’s not a plaything Air is hard to capture Or just get rid of him? Change after one game It would be better to start softly. Killed by you what happened He is my cousin’s pet There are marks on the body

Will be exposed once he dies Quickly release my restraint Otherwise we will all die in his hands Why does your cousin want to kill you? It’s a long story Oh, please let me go first Um Your cultivation level is much higher than mine If I let you go He might die immediately

Let’s get out of here first Hahaha Miss Twilight Sparkle I really didn’t expect to meet you here Qixia, it’s you Has Sister Biyue arrived here? Miss Ziyue disappeared for more than a month Elder Su in the clan is very worried I mistakenly thought you fell into the hands of the demon clan

Fighting everywhere to find you Never imagined You are living in a solitude here Stay and live with others snort He’s just a young boy Miss Twilight Sparkle Your vision is too bad Her eyes are not very good Qixia, you are brave Untie it quickly oh Does Miss Twilight Yue have a good body?

Why do you look so weak? too tired Do you want my slave to help you? No need Jixia You are Sister Feng Biyue Sister ordered me to be killed. Miss Biyue is kind-hearted It’s absolutely impossible to do such a thing But slave, I don’t have so many scruples.

I really want to send Miss Ziyue on her way Just do it auspicious You have followed Sister Biyue for many years Sure enough, I caught her disease Suspicious by nature Are you afraid to take action? Miss Twilight Sparkle Come up and fight It seems that I am worrying too much Miss Twilight Sparkle

It turns out you were really captured The dignified eldest lady of the Ji family But he was captured by a young boy Imprisoned for many days If it gets spread this time The Ji family will be completely embarrassed by you. ah Ahhh Ahhh The person he wants to kill is me

You run away quickly I’ll help you kill him You asked me to practice Taoist secret realm Ji Xia is a monk at the pinnacle of Lun Hai You are no better than Caishenqiao Let’s go first Gonna catch up How do you plan to kill him? try it Not strong enough deeper

Maybe it can detonate the amount of blood and light You’d better leave quickly boy Your divine power fluctuates But how did the Shenqiao realm capture Miss Ziyue? Could it be a helper? Try to lure him down You can come down and have a look

I want to see what tricks you guys are playing This depth should be enough to detonate Emperor Xuan, follow me The legendary Xuanhuang Ahhh Ahhh Xuanhuang didn’t crush you Ji Biyue gave you the Divine Light Shield Talisman good In order to find Miss Ziyue I brought the Divine Light Shield Talisman

Incarnation of lightning I’ve been looking for you for many days It’s a pity that Shenfu was only wiped by Xuanhuang Essence It broke Miss Ziyue You’re on your way snort You deceiving slave I deserve to be punished My my fast Xiao Dan, I will die together with you

Ah, be careful he has a private bag ah he could a monk in the other side You beat me to death with your fists You are simply a humanoid beast The last one was killed by me with three punches He also calls himself an immortal under the Immortal King. His realm is nonsense

Even immortals are legends Where is the Immortal King? On the contrary, the third level of the Immortal Realm is known as the King of the Immortal Realm. snort good Ahhh Ahhh It was he who gave you the ban Divine Light Escape Talisman That divine power can be used at will

Sister Biyue gave it to Qixia Unexpectedly, a strange combination of circumstances saved me. So-and-so, you’ve been treating my husband hard these days How can I thank you? Haha you’re welcome Just pledge yourself to me How can that be enough? I must repay you well Ahhh Hum hum

It’s not easy to change the left side to the right side Hey Ah ha ha do not move Uh-huh The left side is better Now I’m tied up by you too What else do you want to do Give me the Xuanhuang weapon Otherwise I will draw turtles and toads all over your face

No, I won’t give it Even I can’t control him lie you are playing tricks If you don’t believe me, get it yourself Hey hey hey What if your mother loses control and hurts you? Don’t rely on me You hey hey hey hey Why do you bite? Hand over the fantasy weapons quickly

I said it’s not under my control It’s useless if you force me Hey, stop biting Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ah Popular knowledge about changes in the sky What are you running for? Miss Qi What else do you want? Hand over all weapons I’ll let you go He is not under my control

It’s useless if you force me oh Yeah Hello At least I saved your life You really intervened? If I didn’t miss you, I would still have some conscience I would have killed you long ago I won’t take it out until I die. Is it really not under your control? Why

Can be released now Let me go cannot There are too many secrets in you I want to keep it and dig it slowly Besides, you slap melee If my cousin comes to kill me again I can create opportunities for you to get close to him Then give him a big surprise

Why did your cousin want to kill you? snort Tang Jie wants to recruit me Heritage of the Jaeger-LeCoultre Emperor Naturally, my brother and I are unhappy if i die They naturally have more chances It’s the result of the original family again What are you mumbling? I can help you deal with your cousin

But you have to teach me all the Void Sutra Don’t even think about it Um Why The Void Sutra is impossible But I can take you to Taixuanmen If there is a chance You can still cultivate the secret realm of Tao Palace Taixuanmen Well, one force Only the great emperor inherits

Only then can we be called a holy land family Nanyu Jijia Yaoguang Beiyu Yaochi Jiang Family All is so Although Taixuanmen is not a holy place But it also has foundation Crossing most of the Eastern Wasteland at once In addition to the ancient family and several major holy places,

Only Taixuanmen has a long heritage Only a sect with a profound foundation can do it If you can cross the void to the Northern Territory Just in time to get rid of this girl good Let’s go to Taixuanmen Um So easy to talk to I can’t beat you again and again

Of course I can only listen to you What are you Can I go there as a Ji family member? To avoid getting into trouble Taixuanmen has a vast terrain There are 108 main peaks Representing 108 heritages It is the foundation of his everlasting prosperity But its true origin is a mysterious ancient method

Even though the Holy Land and the Ancient Family Very hot too Wow So many people want to enter Taixuanmen of course The heyday of Taixuanmen’s mysterious ancient methods. Compared with the ancient family Not in vain Why is it him? Do you know that senior sister?

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey what are you doing Hey hey hey Poor qualifications Too unlucky Senior sister We want to sign up It’s you Congratulations on getting out of there safely Congratulations on becoming a disciple of Taixuan Sect Um

Fortunately, the elder saw it with his own eyes Just a coincidence You also want to worship at Taixuanmen Trouble Send players to win qualifications Only those who pass the qualifications can obtain tokens Participate in the next round of assessment Junior sister Li met an acquaintance Have you met Senior Brother Chen?

I heard that Junior Sister Li is in charge of recruiting students. Came here to take a look Who is this ah Just a Gu Jiao Um Let’s go to the side It’s because you always gave up on him Or is he sorry for you? What are you thinking about? I’m not blind

You and him are not like ordinary friends. I see You must have been abandoned That’s why I gave up on myself Falling grass becomes a bandit Why Brother, hold on Senior Brother Chen Are you familiar with Junior Sister Li?

What annoys me the most is people like you who mess around with each other for the sake of assessment. Hey, are you deliberately looking for trouble? What is the situation? I do not know Junior Sister Li is extremely talented Since you are Junior Sister Li and Gu Jiao

He must have a lot of talent too Why don’t you let me test it? Still have some ability what about now Dog licking is everywhere Senior Brother Chen That’s Xingfeng’s senior brother Your boy is finished I’ve had enough fun with you, kid. It’s time for you to see the true inheritance of Xingfeng

The stars fall into the sky Elder Xu what happened Report back to the elders This guy was making a noise inside the mountain gate just now The disciple then gave him a small punishment. Don’t borrow me from other places Taixuanmen is a holy place for spiritual practice If someone quarrels and fights again

Regardless of whether he is a disciple or not Severe punishment is always Trials have begun in each branch examination room Come down later May I ask the elders what the rules are? before the flame goes out If you can enter this stone door Even if you pass the trial Cannot use void spell

Your identity exposed you you you ah Came just in time Borrow your fire come down go in Hahaha ha Those who pass the trial are disciples of Taixuanmen Next batch ready Don’t worry, it’s not difficult at all Taoist practitioners use the five treasures to cultivate the five gods

And this second round of assessment It is precisely with the heart fire of Li Gua as the divine intention The earth image of Gen hexagram is the formation machine See if you will become Taoist cultivators in the future It’s a potential Defeat a thousand armies with one punch It’s not over yet

A little popular knowledge about Zhetian It’s getting more and more difficult Unable to easily approach the stone gate Find a way to block it for a moment Life is too rare The flame goes out Not entering Shimen Trial failed Although you are very clever But the flames have been put out by you

Can the devil still play like this? Elder me Um you failed trial waste veteran I want to try again OK for now Die if you fail good why come back Junior wants to try again Rather than die here It’s better to leave early It seems that you had reservations just now

Please also ask Elder Xu for advice kill Then I’ll break everything else to you I am still here Elder, have you passed the level this time? If you pass the trial, you will become a disciple of Taixuanmen Hum, I knew you did it on purpose just now I worry about you in vain

All 108 peaks of Taixuanmen have inheritance Beginners can choose by themselves The main peak of practice yes Hey, that senior sister is very inspiring. I heard that Xingfeng is the strongest main wind of Taixuan Sect Do you want to go and stir up the wind too? Since we agreed to go together

Wherever you go I will go Then I’m going to catch the wind You take me here This Mount Everest will not be comparable to the Great Emperor as mentioned before. Is it related to the mysterious ancient method passed down? It is said that there was a very mysterious ancient scripture before ancient times

No profound thoughts are recorded But recorded nine secret techniques Therefore, it is as famous as the Immortal Spots such as Tao Jing Void Sutra. It’s just a pity that the ancient scripture was split up Nine secret arts are distributed in the world This is why the world calls it the Nine Secrets

This is the table you chose Not even a disciple guarding the mountain What do you know The magic passed down by this wind It is the secret book that reveals one of the nine secrets in ancient and modern times. Once running Can increase a person’s power several times Even ten times

Tenfold Realm King Quan Let’s go visit the elders of the main peak first Um I just dreamed about barbecue and haven’t even tasted it yet. Um Uh-huh, which one kicks me? Why are you on the ground? Senior is a member of the table style sect Um

Can you take us to see the elders? ah I, Li Ruoyu, am the elder of this title. ha The junior accidentally disturbed the elder’s rest just now I hope the elder will forgive me. Yeah, it’s okay Well, I’m afraid you two are lost. Go to Xingfeng Go that way Hey, elder

We came here specifically to catch bees and rest. Oops Zhuofeng has not been inherited for 500 years You’d better go to Xinfeng Ah go go go But we just like the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers here Well Well Well sunny Oh, elder Just leave us Oh, just leave us

Met Li Shibo Um What are the disciples of Xingfeng doing in Zhuofeng? We happened to pass by Zhuofeng I saw someone coming to take the wind-catching assessment Think about it and open your eyes Elders can stay as long as they pass the assessment, right? You’d better go Master Li

Maybe they have immortal roots Can carry forward bee catching Master, just give them a chance. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes Elder, we are here to catch bees sincerely. Please also ask the elders to help you Alright alright I won’t let you give up I can’t sleep well enough. Come with me

Zhuo Feng was at its peak 500 years ago But that Wind Lord competed with Supreme Elder Yao Guang perish together That’s why the inheritance was discontinued Even hundreds or thousands of years later The inheritance will eventually return But I know what year and what I want Nine steps to heaven

Didn’t expect it really existed Legend has it that all Taixuanmen disciples in those days Everyone has climbed the nine steps to heaven Proud to join Zhuofeng It’s a pity that it’s gone Is this the nine-step ladder? In fact, there is no need to test you If you insist on staying

It’s all considered passed I guess these two people have terrible qualifications. It is impossible to be selected by other main peaks That’s why I came here That’s it you two When I want to go up I can’t be looked down upon by some people The nine-step ladder requires ten steps to go up.

There are tests at every level If a calamity occurs Only then can we ascend to the next calamity At level three, if we follow the previous rules Climb the third level to enter the table square what does he want to do He didn’t go up step by step

I actually want to jump directly to the eighth level to catch the wind. Inheritance is the way of nature crow They are all transformed by the natural forces of heaven and earth such as ice, fire, thunder and lightning.

There were times when even those who were not geniuses wanted to leapfrog up the ladder to heaven. But they are hard to resist The power of instant ladder stacking These crows are getting more and more violent He faced the power of heaven and earth I’m afraid it will turn into chicken powder

Do you really think you are a genius? Oh no, this girl won’t be self-defeating, right? No matter how sad ah purple moon Either you can’t stop and you have to wait. About to reach the top A little popular knowledge about Zhetian Ahhh falling down turn out to be Um

These crows are not alive It’s just a creation of heaven, earth, pills and spiritual energy Spiritual energy of heaven and earth They are all used by my Yuanling body What kind of magic is he doing? Can actually mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth There’s thunder and lightning

As the energy of Yuanling gathers the power of thunder, Turn them into ashes Ha ha ha ha It really works There are no other obstacles this time, right? This nine-step ladder is not as difficult as imagined. Senior Brother Yang climbed to the ninth step of the ladder The scenery is pretty good Moved

It’s not over yet The nine-step ladder is the manifestation of the wind-catching method Symbolizing the three major realms of Sendai, the Four Ultimate Path The so-called assessment of one’s thoughts It’s his natural qualifications What realm may we reach in the future? Want to throw me off I can’t go down Above the dragon

It is the ultimate secret realm of the human body Those in Sendai belong to God’s will If the mind is not calm, the body will be difficult to calm down If you are determined Be like a mirror Hey, what other tricks are there? Use them all

The nine-step ladder coincides with the nine changes The way to transform into a dragon nine into one Sendai Kesu There’s just a pattern on the stairs Should I just ask the monk? Completed The last level was a bit difficult Elder Li, I have passed the test, right? Oops

Could it be that when I climbed the ladder to heaven, I alerted others? Who just climbed the ladder to heaven? But this girl Well it’s me Brother Li, I understand Such talent and ambition Staying here with me will only delay his cultivation. As long as he wants You can bring some excitement

Thank you, Brother Li, for your kindness. I just want to join Catching the Wind Ha ha ha ha Xingfeng ranks among the top three among the 108 main peaks With a girl’s qualifications Going to Xingfeng would be more rewarding. Well, I won’t go I’m not interested in other main peaks

You can join Xingfeng first If this place Reappearance of inheritance You come back again Well, why does the Elder Demon love him so much? What is this girl’s background? If you continue to struggle exposed identity Not good indeed I want to discuss this with my companion Girl, please what’s the situation

Why are the people in Xingfeng targeting me? People who have climbed all the ladders since ancient times Either a genius Or a top expert Ah, I was careless You are sharp all the way It’s not okay to stay here. Let’s go to the envelope first

But what should I do with my secret technique? This inheritance has not been seen for 500 years The chance is slim Um you stay here If the secretary is online tell me right away I can join Xingfeng but Don’t let them talk nonsense Don’t worry, they won’t say much

Then girl, just come with us. Hahaha Why don’t you two put him in the prison together? two elders Let the disciples try this little brother’s bones It seems that I want to join the style You have to be an actor first This guy is hiding the table two elders

My companion has low magic power It would be better to let him stay in Zhuofeng. Senior Brother Li, that’s all Let him stay ah Thank you elder Just study hard here There are many roads in the mountains, don’t run around knew I will come back to see you from time to time

Just go ahead with peace of mind We won’t continue to bother Senior Brother Li. Disciple Ye Fan has entered Zhuofeng I also ask Elder Li to spare no effort in teaching me. It’s a pity that you don’t join Xingfeng Starwind inheritance uses the stars in the sky as its original force

Can even communicate with the stars Cultivate to the extreme Can achieve the supreme immortal body Zhuo Feng, the unparalleled combat power The inheritance has been cut off for many years There is only one predecessor Obtained a secretary in the era of inheriting Wei Xian He only said 12 words before he died.

Big profit if rush Too clever and too clumsy You can understand it yourself If you don’t understand You just have to leave on your own Ah, let’s go back to sleep. elder Disciple, I want to ask you something Disciples want to cross the void I don’t know where Yumen is

Much success is missing Big profit if rush What Big profit if rush Too clever and too clumsy Why doesn’t this elder get enough oil and salt? All right Disciple, please prepare a meeting gift for the elder first. Ancient palaces The hare scurries away Dead vines and dead trees The old crow roosts

Three guests are too long Best of both worlds Um Fragrant barbecue Being courteous for nothing There must be something I want from you Can’t go I can’t see how long you’ve been practicing Charred outside and tender inside The heat is just right Please desecrate the holy place here two senior brothers

There are no fairies here Erwu Goddess I don’t know what I’m blaspheming about. Taixuanmen is a holy place How can the morning fire light up? Vulgar meat smells bad You said this fragrant barbecue smells vulgar Then what are you bastards? You are so bold Tiger tail on the main peak Insulting Taixuan

Unpardonable sin If you want to put a hat on me, I will You are not disciples of catching the wind The main style of trespassing It is a grave sin to catch the wind and to catch the wind is no different from a barren mountain What is the main trend?

So what if I break in? Elder Li If other disciples of the wind break in and catch the disciple of the wind, Can they be driven away? It’s up to you That’s OK ah You are so bold trespassing Insulting Taixuan The sin is unpardonable you

The Qing Ping soldiers couldn’t even stop Senior Brother Yang at the first level. Just because you don’t want to block it doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t. Sometimes don’t look at problems too superficially ah Ah ah ah ah ah Next time I’ll yell like this again I’ll fight you every time you see me

You wait for Senior Brother Yang to come You look good He sent you here Ah, aren’t you the two Xingfeng disciples from before? Why are you here again? military elder Each one takes the main wind room Disciple’s pen battle Starting in three months We are here to deliver a letter Good to know

Come back, please yes A little popular knowledge about Zhetian Yeah, Elder Li Is the barbecue delicious? Not bad, not bad Disciple wants to know the location of Yumen Um Eat and drink enough Just in time to sleep Elder Li Elder Li Elder Li crow crow Is the crow trying to get roasted wings?

Grilled wings crow I wish you well Just in time for the centralized exam This is the crow’s nest Why is there a broken bow here? It seems so broken that it can only be used as firewood. It was you who injured two of my junior brothers They trespassed on the main peak

Feel free to meddle in other people’s affairs I’m just trying to reason with them. Nonsense sophistry Dare to resist Do you want to be expelled from Taixuan? Since it is so rampant Then go die All intruders will be beaten out Remember it for me The only main peak for catching bees

No one is allowed to trespass Well said, no one is allowed to break in and catch bees from now on. People from Xinfeng might come to investigate. Please also ask Elder Li for advice on how to deal with it. Take out that bow and sword and use it

He had a panoramic view of every move I made on Mount Everest. many years ago The Clumsy Palace has reappeared I’ve never really used it I didn’t expect to be found by you today Maybe everything is determined I didn’t expect them to come so quickly This is the inheritance of a main peak

Don’t fly over at will You wait to retreat quickly Could it be that this ruined palace is actually a valuable treasure? Something weird It’s not easy to rewind quickly How can nine crows and sword feathers become one? Creating such a terrifying pressure on Mount Everest How many secrets are hidden?

It was Zhu Gong and Senior Brother Li who showed mercy to Ye Han Just scare them away I’m glad I didn’t roast these crows. Otherwise, we still don’t know what terrible things will happen. Congratulations brother Zhuo Feng is about to shine Why did Junior Brother say this? hundreds of years ago

Zhuo Gong then disappeared together with the Zhuo Feng inheritance Now the treasure of the mountain, Zhuo Gong, reappears Zhuo Feng is about to be inherited and revived glorious sky Zhuo Feng will reorganize the mountain gate Would you please ask any junior brother to tell the Lord of Star Wind?

Restrict the disciples not to trespass again I will tell the Star Lord later I’d like to ask your senior brother for today’s matter. It’s okay not to worry about it Elder Li really wants to use them as firewood Good deeds and fine skills are the root This skill is a key to Zhuofeng

Maybe the inheritance can be revived This is a valuable treasure Just ruin it What a pity Can’t be destroyed Will only merge with Zhuo Feng Reborn for the times Mountain power can break the sky It’s just that if the inheritance fails to be opened, Clumsy skills will disappear again Defect reproduction

Don’t know how many years later it will be Now you have found this skill There is God’s will in the dark The timing is consistent It’s time for the inheritance of Zhuofeng to be revived If I were to paint here Just leave on your own Everything has a chance

What you are looking for will appear later Let me protect you This notebook is my insights from many years of practice Maybe you can avoid it I’m worried that no one knows this note It is indeed a timely help thank you Guofeng will renovate the mountain gate The elders have all spoken

Take some time to rest You’ve all been wandering around for a long time Do you still want to break into the mountain gate? we are here to inform you The competition between the major peaks is about to begin Don’t have stage fright then But I’m just a bitter monk

Can’t beat again and again Just give up. Ha ha You have to play at least 10 games before you can give up. There will be many people taking good care of you then Take your time and enjoy Hahahaha, that’s it How about we discuss it now?

How about the loser can be dismissed by the other party at will? No martial arts allowed Guaranteed not to use ah Ahhhhhhh Ahhhhh ah Repairing the mountain gate requires sincerity and sincerity Do it bit by bit Just put in some effort Not allowed to use exercises

What bitter sea monk here can really fight? It needs to be cleaned over there too. Take this thing gently Don’t break it Hey you you you you Let it go, let it go, let it go Who asked you to move this? Hey, that’s over there Someone comes again

Although I am a bitter monk But I also welcome all the senior brothers in the fortune-telling world to come down and give me some advice. Brat, don’t be too arrogant Come on ah Dear brothers Don’t tire yourself out from work.

If you can’t hold it anymore, you can call some more people to catch the wind. Reorganize the Mountain Gate God’s Hand The more the merrier Haha um His enlightenment Could it be that Everest secretary is about to appear A little popular knowledge about Zhetian It’s the Taoist text of heaven and earth

Elder Li is meditating Everest Heritage Reappearance of Bodhisattva’s feelings Is this leading me to enlightenment? The natural breath is flowing Zhuofeng is as its name suggests This natural way is best for him The cycle of heaven Instant prosperity Only elders dare to realize Everest Heritage What is this place

How did I get here so Ye Fan is transformed from the windy avenue here. You and I are one with it I have a rich heritage This is the natural road There are also secrets hidden in it A cloudy and misty temperament Not this technique either If Bei Chuan does not transcend himself

You can learn this technique These are where I am the secretary myself Will you test me to surpass myself? beat one I will manifest a sky pattern orange What do you know The magic passed down by this wind It is the orange honey, one of the nine honeys in ancient and modern times.

Once running Can increase a person’s power several times Even ten times These 9 ships have not yet fully manifested Zhuo Feng has been silent for 500 years Disciples withered Now the inheritance begins Immediately select outstanding disciples from the major peaks I sent you to Zhuofeng Zhuofeng inheritance

Rumor has it that there is a secret technique hidden If Elder Li understands In the future, it will be comparable to the ancient powers Who are you Who are you Lend me a ten-mile magic weapon How should Wu Erlong defeat Ye Fan? Elder Li Elder Li I am me I am not myself

Only surpass yourself Only then can we understand something It’s raining in the south here secret art of splicing unlock potential to transcend oneself unlock potential how to release I am me I am not me ah Ahhhhh The next Taoist text of heaven and earth is finally completed Zhuofeng inheritance

It turns out to be so mysterious Who are you Desolate Holy Land The disciple didn’t mean to hide it you don’t have to be nervous I have no ill intentions I will also keep your life Elder Li, how did you see it? Just now you and I became one with Zhufeng

The road circulates Naturally perceptible When the disciple just realized Thanks for the advice, elder Um Although Jiezi can trigger several times his own strength, But it takes a chance In the future, you need to continue to understand and understand Disciples will definitely ask for leave to understand

Are you now willing to join Zhuofeng sincerely? No matter why you came You are already a disciple of Zhuo Feng Now I have a secretary It can be seen that you are destined to Zhuo Feng Zhuofeng may be able to flourish in your hands

Disciples are willing to listen to the great truth here It’s just that this disciple still has some very important things to do. But it has something to do with the Yumen you are looking for I have a friend Now missing Poor condition I need to find him

We made an appointment to go home together That’s all My knife may not be suitable for you you can leave at any time Just remember that the secret technique must not be passed on to others So as not to cause trouble Including that girl Disciple please remember Very well informed Came so quickly

Chu Feng hasn’t been this lively for a long time. You and I are both members of the Zhuofeng sect Let’s go Come and see with me If you can join Zhuo Feng You must practice hard Don’t let your hard work as a teacher go down. Junior Brother Li Senior Brother Xu

I don’t know why Senior Brother Xu came to Zhuofeng this time. Junior Brother Li Ru Regaining the inheritance now The rise of Zhuofeng is a foregone conclusion But there is still no disciple in Zhuofeng Senior Brother Xu was surprised by this statement I, Zhuo Feng, still have disciples

Disciple Ye Fan met Elder Xu After all, there are too few names. These are all potential disciples of each title I also hope that Junior Brother Li will be included under him Don’t hesitate to teach this Everyone has their own way Zhuo Feng’s way may not be suitable for them

They are all voluntary Li Shidi can assess them If it gets into eyes Just stay You are all willing to join me Zhuo Feng willing It was clear beforehand that I didn’t want to come. This seal is the scripture You wait and realize it under the wind

If you realize something within half a month You can join Zhuofeng Ah, that’s too exaggerated. It’s the rule of Mount Everest You should obey it yes Elder Li Elder Li I am a great disciple of all parties let me elder li Do I still need to take the assessment?

You have already passed the examination This is my disciple who catches the wind Elder Li Then you are willing to teach me the secret method? Elder Lu said that I am a disciple of the Ji family Can’t send secretary to me You really didn’t learn how to be a secretary

When catching the wind inheritance starts You are on this mountain No matter what, there will be some opportunities Is there no gain at all? have I learned some ways of nature You can exchange it for Void Ancient Spirit Yes But this is the only one I found

If you lose it, you won’t have anything to eat. Well, after many inquiries in Xinfeng, That senior sister of yours Many senior brothers like him Especially that Chen Feng oh Oh, you want to renew our relationship There are so many opponents Not as good as You call me secret skill

I’ll help you get the beauty back ah Why Think about it carefully And don’t even think about learning The secretary just ran away Otherwise I will tell others all your secrets Why are the Demonic Emperor’s Sacred Heart, all weapons, and the mysterious power in the same frame? Hey, stop it Xiaoman

Ye Fan, please leave Taixuanmen bar You injured Xinfeng disciple Many people are trying to reason with you If they bother you about your origins There is no guarantee that your identity will not be exposed Thank you for informing But I still have some things to do Can’t leave yet My words have arrived

It’s up to you whether you want to go or not Hey, senior sister, don’t leave in a hurry. ah ah Tender and boneless Can be broken by blowing bombs Sure enough, beautiful beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep




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