냉동실에서 잠든 닭쏘🐓 꺼내게 만드는 8가지 다이어트식단 요리브이로그 | 닭가슴살 소세지 어디까지 먹어봤니..? | 컵누들 부대찌개/누들핏 육개장/밥도그/소떡소떡/닭쏘김밥

🙋🏻‍♀️ Hello Harus. today!. This is a special feature on ‘Chicken Breast Sausage’. The sausage I ordered hasn’t arrived yet, so I bought it in a hurry from a convenience store. [Dongwon] Golden Chicken Frankfurt Skewers Original Flavor.

It doesn’t matter what kind of sausage you use, so just use what you have at home 🙂 I said the sausage I ordered would arrive in the afternoon, so I’ll make that for dinner! Add sesame oil, pepper, and a little salt to 100g of konjac rice and season to taste.

This rice will serve as the bread dough for the hot dog. Wrap the sausage with rice like this~. Finish by wrapping the rice with rice paper to secure it. Wrap both ends so they don’t burst. The rice paper will be dipped in egg water and baked. olive oil.

If you bake it with rice paper, it will be crispy. If you dip it in egg water like this, you can bake it moistly. But coating it with egg wash gives it a pretty color and adds protein!

It’s a diet for me, so make it more delicious and cool. It’s a little annoying because you don’t pour the egg water all at once, but bake it one layer at a time. The more sincerity you add, the more delicious it is :-). [Vivid Kitchen] Low-calorie ketchup + mustard.

Even the parsley whose color has faded. I will drink it with refreshing kombucha. [Teazen] Shine Muscat Kombucha. Everyone, this is really delicious. The rice + rice paper combo wraps the sausage, and the chewy texture goes well with it.

The process of covering it with a thin layer of egg water and baking it repeatedly is a bit tedious, but if you put in the effort, it will definitely taste better. Even if you make it thick like egg rolls, it will be delicious, but you can’t give up the style!

+Of course it’s delicious😉 It’s easy to make and looks pretty, so you’ll be satisfied! Be sure to make it :). Editing the Taipei video while drinking the remaining kombucha. The material is so cute that it bothers me.

Did you enjoy all three episodes of our trip to Taiwan? It was put together with great care, so please take a look😉. Take a look at my aunt’s video! It’s so incredibly cute that you don’t even care if you don’t put it on your lap. I’m going to have dinner now.

When the [I’m Chicken] chicken breast sausage I ordered arrived, I’m going to make budae stew with it. You can freely prepare Budae Jjigae ingredients such as kimchi, bean sprouts, tofu, beans, green onions, onions, etc.

I didn’t prepare a lot of ingredients! I bought tofu for stew to use the leftover bean sprouts at home and my favorite tofu. To top it all off, I’ll make it with a slice of cheese on top.

I brought the sausage with garlic flavor because I was going to add it to Budae Jjigae. Cut lengthwise and diagonally. Half-length tofu is just right. The tofu for stew is softer and more delicious! Place the bean sprouts on the bottom and place the prepared ingredients on top of them one by one.

Kimchi is an essential part of budae stew. Add 2 tablespoons of kimchi broth to add flavor. I will add the cup noodle soup and noodles all at once and boil them. Adding minced garlic makes the dish taste much more delicious. 1 spoon of minced garlic + 1/2 spoon of red pepper powder.

Because it contains kimchi + red pepper powder + minced garlic! Cup noodles originally require 200ml of water, but here we will boil them with 250ml of water. (Click on the thumbnail). Let it boil like this. Once the noodles are all soft, add a slice of cheese and melt it with the residual heat.

I will eat well~. Would you believe me if I told you that tofu tastes better than sausage?. Soft, moist tofu. [I’m Chicken] The garlic flavor of the chicken breast had a strong artificial garlic flavor and taste.

This is my first time buying the garlic flavor, but I don’t think I’ll buy it again as it’s not my favorite flavor. Bean sprouts are a must! The texture is really good when eaten together with noodles.

Cup Noodle Toowoomba Pasta/Cup Noodle Fishcake Soup/Cup Noodle Egg Pancake, etc. I have introduced many cup noodle recipes over the years, but I am really confident in this recipe as well. If it’s like this, give it to me.. Ottogi.. Honorary employee..👩🏻‍🍳. Be sure to follow along! Please give us a lot of reviews🙋🏻‍♀️.

Today, it’s raining outside and I don’t feel like going to the gym, so I ride my cycle at home. Time flies when you ride a cycle while watching ‘Pyramid Game’. My knees are all stretched out. My real sweatpants. Finished 60 minutes of exercise. I’m going to prepare brunch today.

I will cut half of the apple into small pieces and eat it, and grind the other half and drink it. 1 leaf of kale for juice. I’m going to add 200ml of water and a little bit of allulose and mix it together. This is [I’m Chicken] chicken breast sausage corn flavor.

Chicken breast sausage can be easily heated in the microwave, but I will cut it and grill it. Scrambled eggs will be made by mixing eggs and a little bit of Almond Breeze. It tastes good with a little salt!

Now, be patient and cook the eggs gently over low heat while stirring for a long time. I cooked it on a higher heat than usual and it didn’t come together very well..! Now grill the cut sausage. When you bake it until golden brown, the sheath opens up and the visual is really crazy.

[Artos Bakery] Whole wheat bread. This is a very heavy and chewy whole wheat bread, so if you like that texture, try it! I like this kind of real “bread” so I often buy this product. Lastly, grind the apple kale juice to finish. 1 teaspoon of peanut butter to calm blood sugar spikes. parsley.

Blender Information: Kitchen Flower Retro Juicer Blender Every time I show a blender in a video, I get a lot of requests for information. When I gave you the information, I told you that I honestly do not recommend it.

I don’t use the blender often, but I’m satisfied with the cost-effectiveness and just eat it. It’s a ‘cost-effective’ blender, so if you make juice like this, it doesn’t blend well and separates(?). I’m Chicken Chicken. It tastes like corn rather than the spicy taste of garlic!.

This bread is delicious even if you freeze it and toast it in a toaster, but it tastes better when you eat it when it’s slightly moist like this. It’s slightly moist and has a thick + heavy feel..? Weekend brunch with the food you want to eat, beautifully presented on a plate.

After brunch, get ready for a walk with the dog. The weather today is so good that it would be a big mistake not to go out. It’s crazy. I opened the window at home and the weather was so nice that I hurried out.

It’s a clear and warm spring day, so I naturally smile. ☀️ A happy weekend afternoon with a moderately cool breeze. At the same time, I feel happy because a moderately cool breeze blows. 📌 Otio Coffee. Oat milk latte. I brought the one remaining egg tart as a weekend reward.

I ordered an egg tart, but I think they gave me a chocolate tart by mistake. Just eat it! Was I destined to eat chocolate tarts? What about oat milk latte? Of all the oatlattes I’ve had so far, it’s the most delicious… The coffee is really strong… and savory…

The chocolate tart with a pudding texture was very sweet. ‘On Attitude’ by author Lim Kyung-seon, which I read during my trip to Taiwan. It’s the only book I’ve read twice recently, so I brought it because I wanted to read it again because it had a lot of good writing. (Napping next to me).

I finished my life’s coffee and am going home now! I’m returning home with a dog that took a nap and refuses to go for a walk. I go home with dumbbells that are over 6kg in weight. Today I’m going to take out all the vegetables from the refrigerator and grill them.

Vegetables in the refrigerator. +Pumpkin. +Chicken breast sausage Cheongyang pepper flavor. There are no set ingredients, and you can use any vegetables you have at home. Cut off the stem of the green onion and cut it into medium-sized pieces. The king oyster mushrooms are also big.

Potatoes take a long time to cook, so cut them small and thin. Cut Cheongyang pepper-flavored chicken breast into similar sizes as other vegetables. Beating the pumpkin. I don’t have an oven bowl, so I’ll try using a cake mold. Add all the vegetables, sprinkle with olive oil, salt, and pepper and mix well.

Bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes + flip over and bake for another 15 minutes. Finish by sprinkling parsley. My favorite potato first. I think it’s even more delicious because it’s Cheongyang pepper-flavored sausage. Soft warm tomatoes.

If you eat grilled vegetables that taste even better and salty and spicy chicken breast together, it’s more filling than you think. The weekend ends with a chocolate tart as a reward and healthy grilled vegetables🤍. Today I’m going to make a triangle sandwich.

For the chicken breast sausage, just skewer it and make a slit. Triangular sandwiches are made by fixing bread into triangles. Insert the sausage like this and secure the bread with a toothpick to maintain its shape. Air fryer at 170 degrees for 10 minutes. Next, add the boiled egg topping. Mash boiled eggs.

Low-calorie mustard + It’s Better Mayo + Low-calorie ketchup. Mix the sauce and mashed eggs well to prepare the ingredients. Spread the scrambled eggs on top of the sausage. Remove toothpicks. Since we added all the sauces earlier, just sprinkle some parsley to finish it off. Cherry tomato. Now, let’s go with protein.

If you crush an egg and add the sauce, you can eat it like a savory and soft sauce. It’s also delicious with chicken! If you want a more sour taste, you can add a little vinegar!

It tasted like Cheongyang pepper, so it was slightly spicy, so it went well with it, and it was easy to eat because it had a skewer :-). Today is the day I go to exercise on an empty stomach for the first time in a long time.

Since I’m on my period, I won’t do any strenuous exercise and will just do light exercise. It’s uncomfortable to exercise while standing, so sit down and do a 20-minute cycle warm-up.

I prefer low-weight, high-repetition exercises, so I tend to do full-body exercises at least three times a week. Normally, I do full-body exercises, but I exercise for 30 minutes using equipment that focuses on the upper body. It’s raining outside… It’s pouring…

I’m hungry as soon as I get home, so I’ll turn off the heat first. Favorite combination = Almond Breeze + [Protea One] Grain-flavored shake. First, I’m going to have a drink of this, wash up, and then come out and eat. It’s not enough to fill your stomach with just one shake.

Let’s take a shower and start eating. I’m going to make two menus now. 1. Chicken breast kimbap without rice. 2. Sausage fried rice. I’m going to pack kimbap and eat it at my sister’s house for dinner. I’m going to eat fried rice now. Eggs to replace rice.

Using 2 eggs per row of kimbap was just right. Keto kimbap does not contain rice, so it is important to add texture. The crunchy texture makes you chew the food for a long time, which can increase the feeling of fullness.

Moreover, kimchi is an ingredient that can be easily found at home! You can add a crunchy texture and refreshing taste by washing and adding aged kimchi. I’ll pour in the egg mixture and make a thin crust. Allow the egg crust to cool sufficiently and then slice it.

Since kimchi is washed in water and not squeezed, you can prepare more than this. Place a voluptuous egg on top of the seaweed. The real star is chicken breast sausage, topped with Cheongyang pepper flavor and kimchi. Add 1 slice of cheese and roll it up.

However, this seaweed is thin and breaks easily, so I added one more sheet of seaweed. Since kimbap without rice tends to explode, cut it into large pieces. Lastly, sprinkle with sesame seeds to finish. Now I’m going to make fried rice to eat right now.

Cut cabbage into small pieces, soak in vinegar, and then wash. The real fun of fried rice is processing leftover vegetables. Since it’s a carrot, I’m going to finely chop the remaining green onion and add it. This is the real protagonist. Prepare the garlic-flavored chicken breast by cutting it into small pieces.

When making food, you need to cut the ingredients into similar sizes to make the food look cohesive and pretty. Add 1/2 spoon of minced garlic and all the prepared vegetables to a pan with olive oil and fry. There wasn’t enough garlic, so I’ll make up for it with garlic-flavored chicken breast.

You can add the cabbage in the order you want it depending on the texture you want, but I like it crunchy, so I added it last. Add olive oil and add 1 egg. Looks bland? Now, add 100g of konjac rice and 1 spoon of soy sauce.

Since I was going to eat it with a side dish later, I seasoned it a little bland. Finally, turn off the heat and finish by sprinkling sesame oil and pepper. Visuals that make anyone look healthy. Finish by sprinkling with sesame seeds.

My mom bought some salted squid at the market, and I lightly seasoned the fried rice to eat with it. Wow, it’s been a while since I had salted squid. It’s really delicious, right? Sodium makes me shiver. You are a flirting master, squid.

Same with salted squid… 🥹 This is not chicken stew, but you can use chicken breast or other meat, so make it when you need something cold! After eating, I even packed my camping bags.

I’ll edit the camping vlog as soon as possible 🙂 I’m going in two cars, so I filled mine with my luggage and my dog’s luggage! It was harder than the real gym.. haha. I packed up my bags and went to my sister’s house, and she ordered me an oatmeal latte.

Sister. I drink well.. ㅇㅇ one shot. A happy boarder today too. I’m drinking coffee with my sisters and planning camping tomorrow. There’s a puppy lying flat on top of my sister’s body and flashing her eyes?! A tail fluttering behind the poker face. Video editing is complete! Cute.

Now it’s time to eat the lunch box. [Noodle Fit] Yukgaejang flavor, a new product I brought to eat with kimbap. Yukgaejang cup ramen flakes, round fish cakes, are also included. Flakes are the same as Yukgaejang! oh! Yukgaejang is delicious!.

I think this is a cup ramen that you can eat lightly, with a bit of a cup noodle feel. It’s delicious, so I think I’ll eat it often too! As I was eating it, I remembered a dish I wanted to make with this, and I’ll show you it again in the next video!

What are the downsides of this cup ramen? I usually don’t eat soup, but this is so delicious that I keep sipping it. The combination of kimbap and ramen that uses up your body is a winning combination. The last recipe using chicken breast and sausage!

The recipe I showed you in 2021. I remembered the recipe I showed you before, so I’m going to include it in this video! I only heated the chicken breast sausage for about 1 minute (the sausage was originally heated for 2 minutes).

I didn’t defrost it properly and heated it in the microwave, but the skin came off. Yes, it was annoying, but let’s take it all off. Cut the chicken shoot into 3 pieces. I also prepare a piece of Costco cheese that my sister gave me by cutting it in half.

Rice paper that plays the role of rice cake in Sotteok Sotteok. Just wrap the sausage in rice paper. Wrap the cheese in the same way. Place each piece on a skewer. There are also sausages that are not wrapped in rice paper! 2 skewers completed. Now make the seasoning!

1/2 low-sugar red pepper paste + 1 ketchup + 1.5 allulose + 1 cooking liquor. Now, place each skewer on a pan with olive oil and grill. Unlike rice dogs, cow rice cakes need to be grilled to be crispy rather than moist, so they were not dipped in egg water.

Evenly coated with seasoning and grilled thoroughly on both sides. If you bake it while applying the seasoning, it becomes slightly more sticky(?) and tastes better! Sprinkle some sesame seeds on the beef rice cake skewers and fill the empty space with tomatoes. The lady looks uncomfortable. Air rice. First, sausage wrapped in rice paper.

Normally sausage and rice cake are eaten together. This is also wrapped in rice paper, so it feels like we are eating it together. Chewy~ Chewy~ Chewy~. Try making it. tmi) I’m going to Daejeon to watch baseball today!

I’m so glad I’m suffering from altitude sickness these days, but please let me stay like this until fall. The meal I ate that day was delicious and I was happy after winning the home opening game..⚾️🧡. whatever. Well, everyone, thank you for watching today’s video, and we’ll see you again in the next video🧡.

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✨only 식단 타임라인✨
00:00 밥도그
03:32 컵누들 부대찌개
07:00 브런치&사과케일주스
11:48 에프채소구이
14:10 세모 샌드위치
16:57 단백질 쉐이크
17:23 밥 없는 닭가슴살 김밥
20:04 닭쏘 볶음밥
23:43 도시락&누들핏 육개장
24:46 쌀종이 소떡소떡

안녕하세요 여러분🙆🏻‍♀️
오늘은 닭가슴살 소세지 특집 영상을 준비했어요⭐️
다이어트 다짐하면서 냉동실에 닭쏘 쟁여둔 사람
어서 나오세요 어서 보세요 어서 따라하십쇼
닭가슴살 소세지는 길쭉한 모양 덕분에 여기저기
활용할 수 있는 레시피가 많은 것 같아요! 특히 빵이랑 잘 어울림🍞
특별히 비싸고 구하기 어려운 재료없이도
누구나 뚝딱 다이어트 식단 만들어 먹을 수 있으니
오늘 영상 보시면서 레시피 꼭 따라해보세요!
내일 저녁 한끼는 닭쏘 레시피로 드셔보시는거 어뗘..😉
닭쏘 말고도 한가지 재료 여기저기 레시피에 활용하는 특집!
이번 영상 반응이 좋다면 또 준비해볼게요🫧
(여러분이 원하는 재료 있다면 댓글로 꼭 남겨주세요!)
그럼 여러분 오늘 영상도 편안하게 보시고
우리는 다음 영상에서 또 만나요💖

[영상 속 정보]
곤약현미밥(만드는법) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsXaQenay7k&t=1s
에어프라이어 | 조엘리
밥풀이 | 귀여움
식칼 | 해리터
나무도마 | 해리터, 모던하우스
원형 테이블 | 지엠퍼니처
라탄 의자 | 원스플레이스
삼각대 | 오프라인 정보없음

bgm | https://www.youtube.com/ @oneul274

#다이어트브이로그 #요리브이로그 #집밥브이로그
#일상브이로그 #집순이브이로그 #건강식레시피


  1. 오 핫도그 아이디어 너무 좋아보여요!
    꼬치 빼고 계란말이처럼 계란 위에 핫도그 굴려서 만들어도 편하고 예쁘겠네용
    오늘 영상 속 레시피 너무 좋아요

  2. 닭쏘레시피 너무좋아요!!! 혹시 치즈넣어두신 통?은 어디서 구매하셨나요💛 요즘 레시피 올려주시는 것들 하나씩 다 만들어먹고 있어요 ㅎㅎㅎ

  3. 조은님! 혹시 프로티원 곡물맛, 녹차맛은 프로틴 냄새 안나나요? 전에 조은님이 영상에서 초코맛, 흑임자맛은 프로틴향이 조금 난다고 하셨어서용 저도 프로타향에 매우 예민한지라.. 같은 후각 가진 조은님은 어떠신지 궁금해요🥺

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