
Hello, this is roorip. This time, I would like to introduce eight particularly good cherry blossom spots that I visited last year. There are places I have visited many times, and there are places I want to visit again before I die.

Please also refer to the day I visited last year (the day it was in full bloom). I was captivated by the beauty of the Sakura Daibutsu. The presence of the Great Buddha surrounded by cherry blossoms. The entire precincts are covered with cherry blossoms. Because of the cultural exchange with India, it has an atmosphere that is not found in Japanese temples. It’s very worth seeing so I highly recommend it! A surprisingly little-known spot. You can come and go freely even if you are not a religious person.

The “Red and White Giant Weeping Cherry Blossom” is a masterpiece. The tree is over 100 years old and is lit up at night. A strange rock towering at an altitude of 940m. The 200m vertical rock wall gives off a strange presence. A green park where you can hear the gentle chirping of birds. Due to the high altitude, you can also enjoy the view of the mountains.

Wild cherry trees that are over 100 years old are in full bloom. There are about 300 of them. When you look up, you’ll see Byobu Rock towering high above you, making you feel like you’re in another world. The blooming period is later than that of other common cherry blossoms such as Somei Yoshino. The scenery of Omihachiman, where historical buildings are lined up. It was once a prosperous castle town, and was an important distribution route until the early Showa era. Even now, white-walled storehouses and old houses line the moat. You can also take a tour of Hachimanbori in a traditional way, using rowboats and other rides.

You can also take a walk along the moat. Although it is not an outstanding cherry blossom, its beauty is outstanding. The sight of boats passing by is soothing. A famous spot for cherry blossoms in the northwest of Lake Biwa. Approximately 800 cherry trees form a 4km long row of cherry blossom trees. You can see it even from the lake shore, which is a little far away. You can also rent bicycles from JR Makino Station. This is the start of the approximately 4km cherry blossom cycling trip. Some people enjoy canoeing. Recommended for those who want to enjoy a slightly more active cherry blossom viewing experience. Night cherry blossoms at Miidera, a famous cherry blossom viewing spot. A 5-minute private viewing held on the “Kugetsu Stage.” (Reservation required)

The stage becomes like a mirror, creating a beautiful view of the cherry blossoms at night. Although it is a staged space, it is truly a masterpiece. It’s too beautiful. You can enjoy the cherry blossoms illuminated at night even without a reservation. Along with the second spot, this is a spectacular spring view that you definitely want to visit. A canal that carries water from Lake Biwa to Kyoto. The cherry blossoms here at night are the most beautiful. Tunnel leading to Kyoto and illuminated cherry blossoms. For some reason, it feels very romantic. It is located on the way from Miidera Station to Miidera.

There are few cherry blossoms at night that are as magical as this one. Another point is that you can enjoy it for free. (Photo taken on April 3, 2023, in full bloom) This is a very rare place where only “weeping cherry blossoms” are planted.

It is an artificial flower paradise with 1000 beautiful weeping cherry trees. Each piece is very beautiful. It’s too beautiful. It is truly a paradise in the sky, created with the passion of the owner. The surrounding mountains become a borrowed scenery and look very vivid. Self-driving carts are also available.

You can have a very rare experience.


00:00 オープニング
00:19 8位
01:12 7位
01:51 6位
03:28 5位
05:06 4位
06:57 3位
08:24 2位
09:55 1位

・壷坂寺 MAP https://maps.app.goo.gl/v1gvBd7hxH8cyLeW6
・天理教教会本部 MAP https://maps.app.goo.gl/HJq88EFKuUo2WbGi8
・屏風岩公苑 MAP https://maps.app.goo.gl/VawjWRfbwZs6Wrh6A
・八幡堀 MAP https://maps.app.goo.gl/juLpUt9KtZKaU34b7
・海津大崎 https://takashima-kanko.jp/sakura/
 MAP https://maps.app.goo.gl/w842S2eU7xQXzHHg9
・三井寺 https://miidera1200.jp/2024lightup-spring/
 MAP https://maps.app.goo.gl/JbLPmdk5vwVFrZk77
・琵琶湖疏水 MAP https://maps.app.goo.gl/zmuaD3DYQ3EjZWpC9
・高見の郷 https://shidare-sakura.jp/
 MAP https://maps.app.goo.gl/56Lmc6bBpF8vC5657

【まるでパッチワークのような秘境】「高見の郷」の絶景 / 未来に残したい「奈良」の春
【美しすぎる琵琶湖一周桜巡り 】三井寺「観月舞台」夜間貸切拝観・レンタサイクルで海津大崎の桜並木・八幡堀・ライトアップの琵琶湖疏水




#関西 #大阪 #桜 #sakura #cherryblossom #japan #spring


  1. 寒いですね 夕方、奈良も雪が降ってました  昨日、屏風岩に行きました 桜どころか霜柱で地面バリバリ

  2. 外国人が溢れてる京都以外に関西にはこんなに素晴らしい桜🌸の景観があるんですね、私は、ソメイヨシノ以外の桜🌸が美しいと思うので、特に山桜枝垂れ桜のところに、行ってみたいです。東北在住なのでなかなか機会ないですが

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