
It is a famous haunted spot in Nagasaki Prefecture. Last time, strangely, no audio was recorded here. amazing. Many Hidden Christians were killed in this place. I heard a voice. There was something strange about my left hand, and it felt like it wasn’t my own. Please wait a little. It has disappeared.

I hear a voice. Something is falling on the ground. This wasn’t here when I arrived. Hello, my name is MAME. We are currently on the 6th day of the Kyushu edition of our trip around Japan to visit haunted spots. I’m currently in Yobuko, Saga Prefecture.

On this channel, he travels around Japan on his motorcycle and visits haunted spots all over the country. I got seasick. I was on a seven-pot cruise a while ago, and it was shaking more than I expected, and it was very fast. It was so fast it was very scary.

All the other passengers were lively and seemed to be having fun. I’m traveling alone, so I feel a little lonely because I don’t have anyone to vent my feelings to. Our next destination is Tsugane Otoshi Falls, a haunted spot in Nagasaki Prefecture. This is known as a famous haunted spot in Nagasaki Prefecture.

This is a place where there are many jumps. Many ghosts have been seen at this waterfall. Even in the small tunnel in front of the waterfall, there have been reports of a ghostly phenomenon in which white faces appear.

Nagasaki Prefecture is known for being a place where Christians lived in hiding at a time when Christianity was not yet recognized. Many Christians lived near the waterfall as well. It is said that many Christians were killed at the waterfall by Christian hunters. Therefore, the ghosts of Christians are frequently seen in this place.

Actually, I have visited this place before. At that time, no audio was recorded and the release of the video was stopped. I barely remember what the place was like. This time I would like to take a good photo and keep it as a record.

I’m currently heading to Nagasaki Prefecture, but I’d like to stop by Gunkanjima on the way. Gunkanjima is known as Japan’s largest abandoned building and has been a place I’ve always wanted to visit. It is also famous as a haunted spot.

Although no one lives in the building anymore, there have been reports of the presence of people and voices being heard inside the building. We also booked a ferry to Gunkanjima. First, let’s head to the ferry terminal. We are scheduled to arrive in Nagasaki in about 2 hours.

Gunkanjima. An artificial island created for coal mining. It used to be inhabited by many people, but now it is an uninhabited island. It is said to be the largest ruined building in Japan and is registered as a World Heritage Site. Arrived in Nagasaki. oh. Mountain.

Once you exit the tunnel, you are suddenly in the city. amazing. Nagasaki station. This is probably the most prosperous place in Nagasaki. It’s around here. Motorcycle parking lot. I wonder if it’s empty? there was. This is the last one. Dangerous. I’m going to the port. That’s it. cool.

This is the Black Diamond we’ll be riding on. It’s tough. Boarding begins. There are many people. Boarding. Second floor deck. We will depart from Nagasaki Port for Gunkanjima, 18 kilometers away. Nagasaki Port is designated as an important port in Japan and receives many ships from all over the world.

A large passenger ship was anchored there that day. In about 40 minutes, you will arrive at your first destination, Takashima, which flourished along with Gunkanjima as a coal mining town. Takashima is still inhabited today and was known as the smallest town in Japan before merging with Nagasaki City.

The Higashinai area of ​​Takashima is beautiful and home to many cats. What is on display is a model that recreates Gunkanjima at that time. Gunkanjima is deteriorating day by day, and there is no telling when it will become inaccessible. Visitors are being urged to record their photos and videos now.

Take as many photos as you can with your mobile camera. There is also a museum here that displays the coal mining tools used on Gunkanjima at the time. Coal mining clothes. A state of mining. If you proceed for another 15 minutes from Takashima, you will finally see Gunkanjima.

First, you can view Gunkanjima from the outside from the ship. Gunkanjima is an artificial island created for coal mining, and it came to be called Gunkanjima because of its warship-like appearance. The official name is Hashima. High-quality coal was mined on the island’s ocean floor. Development began in 1890.

It was originally a small reef with a width of 300 meters, but the area has been expanded three times by six times. It has a great atmosphere even from a distance.

More than 70 buildings were built on Gunkanjima, and there was also a shrine at the time, but now it has collapsed and only the shrine remains. After the tour, we finally landed.

There are days when you are allowed to land on the island, but depending on sea conditions, you may not be able to land on the island. landing. When we landed on the island, we were greeted with a spectacular sight. It doesn’t seem real.

The island was once home to coal miners, related parties, and their families, and at its peak in 1960, 5,259 people lived on the island. At that time, it had the highest population density in the world, nine times the population density of Tokyo.

Half of the island was a coal mine. However, all the facilities necessary for daily life such as hospitals, schools, and department stores were available. There were also entertainment facilities such as movie theaters and pachinko parlors, and the islanders lived a rich life.

However, just 14 years later, on January 15, 1974, the Hashima Coal Mine closed as the main energy source shifted from coal to oil. On April 20th of that year, all residents left the island, making Gunkanjima a completely uninhabited island, ending its 80-year history.

It’s amazing how much it has deteriorated after just 50 years of neglect. This brick building was the mine’s general office, and there was a communal bath for the workers inside. There used to be many buildings around this area, but most of them have now collapsed and cannot be seen.

Coal mining is extremely dangerous work, and more than 200 people lost their lives due to gas explosions and cave-in accidents.

As a result of this, Gunkanjima is also known as a haunted spot, and it is said that ghostly photographs can be taken, and haunted phenomena occur, such as seeing people and hearing voices in buildings that are supposed to be empty.

It also became a hot topic when a hand was visible on the Street View of Gunkanjima. This is Apartment No. 30, built in 1916. This building is said to be Japan’s first reinforced concrete structure house, and is said to be an extremely valuable building.

It’s a bit moving to think that reinforced concrete housing, which we now take for granted, began on Gunkanjima. Because of the dangerous nature of the work, the wages were also very high, and before the mine was closed, his monthly income was about 200,000 yen.

This would be approximately 78,000 yen when converted to modern values. The average monthly income in Japan at that time was approximately 50,000 yen, so you can see that the salary was quite high.

Furthermore, all of the residences were treated as company housing, so living expenses such as rent and utilities were virtually non-existent, and almost every household on the island had a television, which was rare at the time, which shows the high standard of living.

This is the remains of a conveyor belt that was built to transport coal at that time. The entire main body has collapsed, and now only the pillars remain. And what you can see in the background is Hashima Elementary and Junior High School.

The school building is a seven-story building with an elementary school on the first to fourth floors and a junior high school above, and at its peak, more than 1,000 children attended. The tour time on the island was 50 minutes, and the time passed in the blink of an eye.

Christianity and Nagasaki. In 1549, Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier landed in Kagoshima by sea and carried out Christian missionary work, but was unsuccessful. However, he did not give up and continued his missionary work in Nagasaki, and as a result, he received a great response and was successful in his missionary work. Eventually, Nagasaki became a key point for trade with Europe.

I am back. It was an amazing space. After leaving the island, returning to the modern space feels strange. I’m now heading to the hotel. arrived. APA hotel. close. It was right next to where I parked my bike. It’s a corner room. It was different. Arrived. wide. It’s a twin room.

The price is 6200 yen. It’s been a while since I last stayed at an APA hotel, but it’s very clean. As expected. Two bottles of water are also free. I’m the president. Long time no see. The bike was also parked where I could see it. It’s already 5 o’clock and I’m tired.

I haven’t eaten anything yet, so I’m hungry. Now, let’s go eat some food. Now let’s go to the station. Nagasaki station. Nagasaki Station Street. It’s very urban. A tram runs in the middle of the road. In front of the station. I arrived in front of Nagasaki Station. It’s a beautiful place.

But the station cannot be found. Probably around here. Amu Plaza Nagasaki. Department store in front of the station. There really is no station. Bull’s Kitchen. Amu Plaza Nagasaki store. Sasebo lemon steak. Thinly sliced ​​steak topped with lemon, originating from Nagasaki Prefecture.

Steak was introduced from America and has been adapted to suit Japanese tastes.

Prohibition order. Laws prohibiting Christianity. Initially, the Edo shogunate did not take any policies that could be called repression against Christianity. However, fearing a rebellion by the ever-increasing number of Christians, in 1612 the shogunate issued a ban on Christianity, ordering the destruction of churches and the prohibition of missionary work.

Now that it’s night, I want to head to a haunted spot. Is beautiful. amazing. The port is lit up. The atmosphere is similar to Yokohama. Even though I just took the ferry, I was tired. The haunted spot is quite far away and seems to take about an hour to get there.

There was a hotel that looked good near the haunted spot, but I was tempted to stay at a nearby APA hotel and decided to stay at Nagasaki Station. It’s really a mistake. Tedious. I wonder what time you’ll be back? I’ll be there soon. This road is scary.

After an hour of driving through the mountains, we arrived in the middle of nowhere. The location is too scary. I think I may have passed by here last time. That’s the only way. I don’t remember at all. It’s so cold that I can’t feel my hands anymore. cold. Tsuotoshi Falls.

This scene looks familiar. I feel like I’m confused between right and left here. Which one? Well, I guess that’s not true. It’s no different. This one. Arrived. This is ahead. I just remembered a little bit. I will prepare it. We have arrived. This is the entrance to Tsugane Otoshi Falls.

What is that sound? Now let’s go inside. Excuse me, Yes, there is a tunnel across this bridge. this. The bottom looks like this. It seems to be a dam. My hands are cold. cold. What about the opposite? It has become a lake. Is beautiful.

I remember the last time I was there, there were people coming. I can’t remember. What is that sound? please wait. this place. I’m scared. Was it this scary? It’s a water gate. mother. Water is being released. I heard a sound from inside.

This is the tunnel where there are many reports of ghost sightings. Excuse me, The light is on. Good evening. There is a kamadouma. The parts without lights are scary. How long has it been going on? This tunnel is surprisingly long. It’s crazy. The future is scary. hang on. It’s pitch black.

I bother you. How about that. There was nothing particularly unpleasant about it. Let’s take a photo. take a photo. Please take a picture if you like. thank you very much. I thought the waterfall was close by, but it turns out I have to walk. The road is still on. Rest area.

A loud mysterious sound has been coming from a while ago. It looks like a lake next to it. It’s the sound of a waterfall. The sound of the waterfall gradually became louder. Area where entry is prohibited. what? I feel like I hear people’s voices.

That’s it. Last time I was here, I thought there would be people, but in reality there were no people. Excuse me, The street lights are on. terrible. I’m feeling really cold. Why did I suddenly feel cold? This is ahead.

This seems to be read as Tsugane Otoshi Falls. “It was named after watching a crab fall from a waterfall.” It’s a waterfall. It’s an amazing space. I just remembered a little bit. The space is very large. It’s about the size of a soccer field. “It’s about the same as a futsal court.”

Excuse me, Excuse me. amazing. The walls are high. I wonder what. I heard a normal voice. Now that I think about it, I remember hearing a voice last time. Look. hang on. Is it the sound of a waterfall? It feels like someone is talking directly to my brain. I heard a voice clearly.

It’s amazing. It’s like this cave. It’s gouged. amazing. It looks like you can go right in front of the waterfall. Good evening. Tsuganetoshi Falls. It is also known as a famous jumping spot, but where do you jump from? Is it higher? Let’s cross to the other side. Water may be flowing from above.

I don’t think it’s a waterfall you can jump off of. This is the top. It is like this. It’s very beautiful here. It doesn’t feel like a haunted spot, but there is a strong presence of something. I can also hear voices. Yeah. fun. I heard it. Let’s go inside. Ahead is a river.

There are beautiful landscapes on this side as well. Are there any fish? enter? Is this the sound of water? I hear something like a voice. Go deeper. but. There is no place to jump off. I don’t think it’s possible from above. surprised. There was a wild raccoon dog. sorry. Look.

Isn’t someone coming from over there? Good evening. steep rocky area. Please don’t fall. The child’s voice was clearly recorded. Please don’t fall. once again. Please don’t fall. It’s easier to understand if you listen to it continuously. Please don’t fall. This place was where many hidden Christians were hunted by Christians.

It is said that he was subjected to severe torture before that. This is an act that ignores human rights. what. It’s very beautiful here. There are a lot of fish. There seem to be a lot of fish like medaka. Look. It’s a really beautiful place.

If you follow the stones, you can go anywhere. However, I don’t seem to feel anything special on this side. There’s no sign of it. So we decided to head back towards the waterfall. This place is amazing. This space has a really special atmosphere. It’s like a sanctuary. My left hand feels strange. why?

It feels like it’s not my hand. What’s the sound now? What is that sound? It sounded like someone was hitting a wall. Good evening. Is anyone there? Please hit the wall again. I am very aware of my surroundings.

I’m going to try using a spirit box. “A machine that allows you to talk to ghosts.” It should have broken yesterday, but for some reason it’s still working today. I wonder what that was. Good evening. Sorry for being late at night. Can we talk if you like? But there was no reaction.

Thank you very much. excuse me. I also take photos. Please take a picture if you like. However, no photographs were recorded. Hey. I can really hear your voice. I’ll try making it dark. I’ll try using an infrared camera. kill. Turn off the lights. This is amazing.

I can only vaguely see the rocky field, but it feels like I’m being enveloped by something. It seems to be more bearable than usual. Good evening. Please talk to me if you like. what? Good evening. please wait. It has disappeared. I hear a voice. The infrared camera disappeared. I hear a woman’s voice.

Good evening. are you female? hang on. That’s the limit. The infrared camera has disappeared. The cause is unknown. thank you very much. excuse me. When you see a waterfall, you get the image of people flowing down. I bother you. what? Did you say something? Please be careful. I bother you.

At the end, the voice was clearly recorded. I wonder if he saw me off. Please be careful. Please be careful. that? Is something flying? It feels like white light is flying. I bother you. thank you very much. When you get to this point, it’s completely different.

It was a place with a great atmosphere. This time, make sure that the audio is recorded properly. Last time I was there for about an hour, but I couldn’t record any audio. It seems that I have remembered.

I saw a light in the distance and thought someone was coming, but in the end there was no one there. I bother you. thank you very much. My back is weird. But it feels different than usual. Something is falling. It’s sparkling. What is that? It’s a cracker. Did something like this exist?

At the time, I thought I had just overlooked it. However, when I looked back at the footage, nothing had fallen. Did he come all the way to throw away crackers deep in the mountains in the middle of the night? His strange behavior was a little scary. So, it was Tsugane Otoshi Falls.

I’m scared of the road. I didn’t feel any particular fear. However, I could hear what sounded like voices and felt like someone was nearby. Didn’t anyone speak? Yes, I heard it. Did you speak? Say that again, please. It wasn’t strange or scary, but rather a place like a power spot.

The return trip will take another hour. It’s really troublesome. I really made a mistake. Yeah. The journey around Japan to visit haunted spots continues. Please subscribe to the channel. Thank you for watching until the end. I want to get out of this path as soon as possible, it’s scary.

Thank you for your viewing. If you like it, please subscribe to the channel and give it a high rating.











0:00 ダイジェスト
0:37 オープニング
2:50 軍艦島へ
9:30 ホテルへ
11:47 心霊スポットへ
13:24 つがね落としの滝
31:21 エンディング



  1. 去年軍艦島クルーズ行きましたが、次の便が風で欠航になるほどのギリギリの風で、揺れるどころではなく、船酔いで軍艦島どころではありませんでした。しばらく、船は乗りたくないです。軍艦島、上陸したかったなぁ。

  2. まめさん

  3. ラジオが無い時代には、大量の水が流れる場所(滝など)でそういう声を聞いていたものです。だから滝では色んな声が聞こえるし、引っ張られるのですよ。これからも気を付けてくださいね。

  4. 軍艦島は生きてる間にきっと行けないだろうなぁ…💦と思っているので、綺麗な画像と分かりやすい説明に感謝😊です

  5. いつも以上に声がはっきり聞こえましたね。子供はいつもですが、最後の低い声の女性は同じ人かな😅?

  6. いつも楽しみに観ています!熊本編は田原坂あたりでしょうか?楽しみにしています!

  7. まめちゃんの動画は、心霊はもちろん、バイクドライブや観光やキャンプ、ホテルなど心霊じゃないシーンもすごく好きです!昼間のシーンの言葉では表せないなんだか懐かしさがある音楽編集雰囲気がなんとも言えなくみてて楽しいです!旅動画としてのサブチャンネルも作ってくださるとすごく嬉しいです!!😢

  8. まめさん、お元気ですか?

  9. 楽しみにしてました!



  10. 軍艦島が見れてありがたい🙏

  11. 今晩わ😊

  12. 拝見する前まで「キリシタンが恨んで化けて出たらダメだろ」とか思ってしまっていましたが…

  13. お疲れ様でした😊


  14. 軍艦島はデジタルミュージアムで見ただけだったので、実際の映像を見れてとても興味深かったです!

  15. 19:15 まめさんの「うーん」にかぶせて「うわああああ」って声がハッキリ入ってますが、これも滝の音でしょうか😱

  16. 軍艦島行きたいスポット!お天気良くてよかったですね!でも50分しかいられないんだ・・・・いつも楽しませてもらってます!やっぱりバイクサイコー!また配信楽しみにしています😊

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