視界觀1100 龍灣湧碧道旁參觀釣魚場 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, take advantage of the cool weather today and go out for a ride. In fact, I like this kind of cloudy day the best. You all know that if you talk about the sun, you will get too hot and your skin will peel off very quickly. On

Cloudy days like this, the temperature is over 20 degrees Celsius . You can wear a short shirt and shorts and it will feel very relaxed while riding and not easy to sweat. Today I still plan to ride outside the village again along the Shiqiao Waterway at Pingshan Chung

To visit a village I haven’t been to for a long time. It should be called Longwan Village. I just looked at the map and it’s about 15.0 kilometers one way . Even if I take a detour, it shouldn’t be more than 20 kilometers one way . If I hang around there and

Ride back, it should be 40 to 50 kilometers away. I think in this kind of weather it should be It is a very suitable stretch of road for cycling. Now I am still riding in the village. I plan to ride from the side entrance of Tianhuju along the mountain road of Lotus Avenue,

From the Landscape Avenue to the Landscape Bridge , then get off the bridge and take the Shiqiao Waterway to ride to Pingshan Chung . This is the idea that you can go to Longwan Village. So now I am planning to ride out of the village . This road that is often ridden

Can be shortened as much as possible. Making a video is also a way to save valuable viewing time for everyone. I am passing on the right side now. It’s the Palm Garden. I think this is the most beautiful place on 19th Street

On the east and west streets of Prayer New Village. Yesterday, I washed my bicycle at a self-service car wash . After washing my bicycle, I rode in the village. After walking around for a while, I also shared some small things with you. After cleaning, I found that the bike didn’t seem to

Make as many squeaking sounds as before , or that the sound was greatly reduced. I thought it was a simple matter. For cleaning, I used a high-pressure water gun to clean some chain pedals and other places, and I felt that there was still some effect. This was also an unexpected discovery

, and it only cost 4 yuan. In the future, I can often do some cleaning in this area. I think I have found a Let me share with you the method of car washing. If you have friends who ride bicycles, you might as well take advantage of this self-service car washing place. It

Was originally used to wash cars , but we can also wash bicycles. Today I still use the 360 ​​bracket with an extension rod added to it. The first few times I connected my 360 camera because it might not be tightened, sometimes it would rotate and affect the shooting effect. Today we will see

If it will become loose again. Soon we came to Tianhuju and now we are riding. Entering Tianhuju, here is the small lake of Tianhuju. Although it is an artificial pool , it is surrounded by high-rise buildings and there is still a cool area. Passing through this small lake area,

You will immediately arrive at the gate of Tianhuju . It’s a side entrance. Now I want to ride out from here. Now I’m riding on Lotus Avenue. It’s actually a mountain road. I just omitted the road from Tianhouju that doesn’t look very scenic. Now I’m on Lotus Avenue. Cycling here

, I want to stop for a moment. You see, this is the Prayer New Village that I passed a few days ago. There is a facility built in it . It may be related to transportation. There is a lake on the side. The lake is next to it

. Now I am riding. Lotus Avenue , so if a gate is opened on this road, I think it will be very convenient for people going to Panyu Shawan. But now the deep lake on the right seems to be still in the process of being renovated. Open to everyone.

Ever since this road opened, I have enjoyed riding this mountain road very much because it has an uphill slope that can be used for exercise. After the downhill slope, there is a field , some village houses in the countryside , and a lot of planting. There are crops, trees and many fish ponds.

It will be more pleasant to ride here . Moreover, this is also a shortcut to Shawan. Today we will walk towards Shawan to have a look over there and then find the Shiqiao Waterway and ride along the waterway. You see, there are two fish ponds on both sides of the road.

There are some banana orchards on the side of a mountain. They should be some random bananas planted on some unused land. It is not a banana field. You see, they are all used next to the road. Banana trees planted in limited open space. Now I ride to the

Top of the slope. The next step should be to go down the slope. The construction of fish ponds is still going on here. On such a hillside, so many fish ponds can be made. These farmers We are still very good at finding ways to pass by this leisurely fishing ground again. It

Is a very large fishing ground at the foot of Dafu Mountain. There are many people fishing here. Such scenery is the reason why I like riding on this road. Now I have On the Landscape Avenue, I have just passed Fanshan West Road. On my right is Hengjiang Village.

In front of me is the Landscape Bridge, a bridge that passes through the Shiqiao Waterway in Xiangshawan. I want to ride on the bridge. Now I start climbing on the bridge . Now I have arrived. Above and below the bridge is a beautiful mountain range across the waterway from the city bridge.

There is a girl in front making a video on the bridge. I won’t bother anyone else. Now that self-media has developed, people like us who are completely confused are also posting videos. Everyone can make a video like this. When we get here, I will push the car down the stairs on the right.

Before we get off the bridge, let’s take a look at the city bridge waterway. It is very misty and hazy today, and it feels a bit like spring in the south of the Yangtze River. The scenery is pretty good. I just rode over there. My heart beat a little faster

When I got on the bridge, but I still felt very good. The bridge now has some ramps so that you can push the car down . I am very tired. There are people fishing under this bridge. There is also a girl who is also fishing.

I think this is the first time I have seen it. Now I am pushing the cart under the bridge. In the past, I basically rode along the trail along the river. You can ride over slowly. Although the level of the brick paving on this road is too poor,

It may be that the roots of the banyan trees are too developed, so I will ride over slowly. The water area on the right seems to be a relatively wide area of ​​​​the waterway . It’s a pretty place with a nice view . I suddenly realized that

I haven’t been here for a long time. A road has been built here to get out . This road used to be a small ditch , but it seems to be pretty good now. Let’s go to the front and turn a corner. This small river is flowing. We are constantly making some repairs

And turning it into a passable road. Or if it is a walking road , then I will take a short detour and ride on the edge of the reconstructed river. Then I pass by Guangzhou Wanxiang School, then take a detour and return to the path by the river. I’d better go back to

The walking path by the river. It’s very quiet and shaded by trees. On the right side is the Shiqiao Waterway. There was a festival a few days ago that should be a farmer’s festival called Dragon Head Up. I believe it’s inside this river. The dragon boats will be taken out of the water,

Cleaned and held for a ceremony . But unfortunately I didn’t come here to see the lively scene of these dragon boats rowing . Now I am facing the ancient Nanshan temple opposite. I was here last time. After passing by , there is actually a pier at the door. You can see

A piece of red confetti on the steps of this ancient temple . They should be setting off firecrackers for some celebration. There are still some small platforms here . Since there is such a platform, I will go there too. Let’s take a look at this Shiqiao waterway. It’s very beautiful

. Over there is Shiqiao. Over here, all the way across is the Nanshan Ancient Temple. If we go forward, it’s not called Shiqiao waterway. It’s called Pingshanyong . We just have to go to a village on the edge of Pingshan Chung in front of us . Let’s continue riding.

Now I’m back on the road and riding. From here, it’s called Longwan Wetland. So what I’m going to is Longwan Village . I believe it’s not too far . Wen When I arrived at Osmanthus Fragrance, I saw some small osmanthus trees blooming on the roadside . This side is called Sunset River Valley.

I saw on the sign that the Shiqiao Waterway becomes the Gulong River section . So this section should be called the Gulong River . I think riding on the fragrant road is the most wonderful experience. It seems that there are still some restoration projects on the right side.

Above the road is the high-speed railway viaduct. On the left side are large fish ponds. Many fish ponds have these. Fishing friends are fishing over there. Turn to the fish pond on the left to take a look. You can see many people are fishing here. The scenery in the distance is quite good.

You can see there are 5 fish ponds in the Dapanlua base . Look at what the fishing friends have caught. The fish are so big. I ’ll start fishing first and then I’ll do the fishing . It’s my first time riding here. Look at the posture. Many fishing friends must be veterans. They

’re calm over there waiting for the fish to take the bait. This is their canteen. Wow, this place feels like a place. It’s quite good. In front of me is a group of fishing friends fishing by the pond. Silk lines are hanging in the fish pond.

I just saw someone actually catching a fish . How much does it cost? Let me ask . Can I ask? Can you please tell me how you charge for fishing here ? It’s 150 yuan for 8 hours. 150 yuan for 8 hours. And can you take the fish you caught back?

You can take it away or you can return the fish . I understand. You have to prepare everything for these fishing gear yourself , right? It’s best to prepare it yourself . Anyway, 150 yuan is enough to fish for 8 hours. This is quite fun. You should do something for others to experience.

For example, we don’t have fishing gear and want to experience it. Well, if you want to experience it, you can rent it, right? Thank you, I will give it a try next time. I asked about it. For 150 yuan, you can fish for 8 hours and you can

Return the fish. What I mean is that he can sell the fish back and convert it into money. Well , you can also take it back to see your ability . It seems that there are many fishing enthusiasts. Wow, these are all fishing rods . They should be rechargeable. This

One has a motor. This one is quite new, so it can catch fish. At that time, he used this kind of motor to reel in the line. This is also my first time to come to the fishing ground at close range. I learned a little bit about fishing and their operation mode

. They seem to hold some fishing competitions. I think these are quite good. It’s interesting. Sometimes I think that this kind of riding allows you to freely go to places that you can’t reach by car and can’t reach by foot . You can go to country roads for several kilometers or ten kilometers

, but it also has some shortcomings. There are a lot of parks with gated areas that you can’t enter because you don’t know how to park your bicycle. In fact, I have also thought about buying a lock so that I can lock it in tourist attractions like this , but I

Don’t know if this is feasible. Look at the many large fish ponds being built on the left side . It seems that they are being built all the way here. Is it close to spring when there may be more rain ? Because when it rains, as long as there is enough water, the

Fish ponds will be built quickly. I don’t know if they have accumulated fish ponds or they have found a good business. Now when passing under the Dongxin Expressway, you can see that there are more ponds on the left side. Let’s go to the side to take a look. Let’s take

A look at it. It’s actually on the edge of the Dongxin Expressway. It’s difficult to reuse the land in this place , and it has been surrounded by a large fish pond. In addition to aquaculture , it can also be used for tourism and agriculture. It has become like that just now .

I think this is a good model for planting fishing bases and the like. Farmers can’t just rely on farming . Then go back to Longwan Village and ride on the green road . You see, these small trees on the roadside are actually sweet-scented osmanthus. This sweet-scented osmanthus tree

Is small and inconspicuous even though it grows, but it has this little sweet-scented osmanthus . It has this kind of fragrance, which is my favorite. It has a refreshing fragrance and a sweet taste. There is also a piece of kapok on the side of the road on the left. The kapok trees

In the forest are blooming very brightly in this season. Now I know that the kapok trees are already past their blooming period. Today’s ride along the river doesn’t take much effort , and of course it’s certainly not a workout. Function , but this kind of brisk riding makes me feel happy.

I think this is also another level of meaning , because the body and mind are two aspects. If you can do both, that would be the best , but at least one of them is also very good. I saw a big bridge and I was going to walk on it later

. This side is basically the end of the green road. I planned to end my first ride today on this platform. The next step is to ride to Longwan Village. Please continue to follow my camera around the village. We will see you later.

#市橋水道 #龍灣湧碧道 #釣魚場

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

Hi guys! I am Dr.Chin, a retired dentist. If you are watching my videos as the first time, you are very welcome to follow my channel and turn on the little bell, so that you will not miss every video I continue to update. Thanks for watching!

觀與說 DentistView&Talk:
1. 視界觀 DrChinWorldView-分享退休生活方式。Share retired lifeway, spread health and inspire life.
2. 牙醫說 ChinDentalTalk-讓你不得牙病,少得牙病的牙醫才是好牙醫。Your health, My pleasure!

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