【Full Movie】紈絝總裁不願意上班,不料女孩一招搞定,連董事長都讚不絕口!

How are you? Who is this? How are you? This is Song Nuan. I am an intern from JM. May I ask if Zhang Sheng’s here? Young Master Zhang does not live here. Then, is CEO Jin Yeng Rue home? I am sorry, but she has not returned yet. When will she return?

I am unsure about that either. – Thank you.- You are welcome. May I ask who you are looking for? How are you? I am here to see CEO Jin. Who are you? Why are you looking for her? I am an intern of JM, Song Nuan.

I am here to get Zhang Sheng to return to the office. I am his mother. Did he miss work today? Auntie, how are you? Zhang Sheng did not go to the office. I also tried his apartment as well. He was not there. So I thought I would come just in case.

Come. Come with me. Catch this. Cool. You can’t handle it. Why are the two of you together? What are you doing? You brought my mother here? No. The company sent me. Ms. Song, sit here. Xiao Zhai. Auntie Jin. Are you here just to play games with him? No. We are talking about business.

That…I am chatting with Zhang Sheng about how to start up a business. Zhang Sheng is great and has an ambitious vision. – We were thinking about… You don’t need to think, return home and tell your father to hurry and return the money he owes me. Auntie, then you continue talking. I’ll leave first.

Mom, can’t you give me some facesin front of my friend. Give you some faces? When you did those things, did you consider your mother’s face as well? What have I done? You didn’t go to work,you even lied to me.

Song Nuan come from company to find you,but you hide in the house and don’t see her. I say, Zhang Sheng, you. You’re now a typical type of three groups: No virtue, No ability, lawless. Can’t you not talk about this in front of outsiders? You’re really capable.

Defying your superiors, using a fire extinguisher to spray your colleagues. Leaving work without a reason. What else can you do ?What is there that you don’t dare to do? Song Nuan, I say don’t you have to do anything the whole day?

Except for watching me, watching me, watching me, what else can you do? Why are you engaging yourself in our family matters? What are you being fierce for? I’m still here, you’re behaving like this. Then how reckless you behave in JM? You shut me in JM company. Isn’t this to monitor me permanently?

You shut yourself in home, – isn’t this to play with this?- That’s because you shut me in the company. You, I. Auntie, you don’t be angry. Don’t be angry. Don’t pick up. This talk with my mom is our family’s business, you- It’s not your turn to order people. Song Nuan.

Tell auntie, everyday at the company, what kind of work you do? – I’m… I’m just buying noodles for our team leader. – What? Your leader is really something! She should give you some decent work to do. Today’s youngsters are so rebellious. In management, beside being strict, I think one should be creative.

That’s right. I heard someone said your company needs you to remember some regulations. And even yell with gestures? Yes. Is it possible that every company is like this? Didn’t you learn well? Teach it to my mom. Mom, I’m not bluffing.

You look, you just look, and then you will knowwhy I don’t want go to work. Alright, I’ll teach. Auntie, I’ll first demonstrate for you the company’s version. The company’s version is: Respect leaders. Follow company’s regulations. Shouldn’t have relations. Shouldn’t be late. Shouldn’t leave soon. Can’t pretend to be formal.

I will work hard, I will fight. I want to succeed, succeed, succeed, succeed. Auntie, now I’ll demonstrate Zhang Sheng’s version. Let me see. Respect leaders. Follow company’s regulations Must not arrive late. Must not leave soon. Must not be in a relation.

I will work hard, I will fight.I will try, I will work hard, work hard, work hard, Succeed. Succeed. Succeed. One, one, one. One heart only for family. Two, two, two. Two words not needed to work hard. Three, three, three. Three times the speedto go work hard. Work hard.

First bow to parents for their love, parent’s love is more profound than ocean. Second bow to visiting clients. Depending on you to support my family. Third bow to JM Group. Opening for me the door of fortune. Door of fortune. Did you see that? Did you see that? Psycho! Extremely stupid.

Any cultured person, educated person. Any intellectual person, sane person after seeing this kind of behaviour Who can believe in their business education?Mom, can you believe in them? I can. Why can’t I? I can. Song Nuan, teach auntie. Just watch, and see whether I’m capable or not. Auntie, I’ll teach you company’s version.

That’s right. Company’s version is enough! Alright, come. – That, respect elders.- Respect elders. – Follow company’s regulations.- Follow company’s regulations. – Should not be in relation.- Should not be in relation. – Should not be late.- Should not be late. – Should not leave soon.- Should not leave soon.

– Should not pretend to be formal.- Should not pretend to be formal – I want to work hard.- I want to work hard. – I want to fight.- I want to fight. – I want to succeed.- I want to succeed. – Succeed, Succeed, Succeed.- Succeed, Succeed, Succeed. Auntie, your moves are really excellent.

Are they? Even if the moves are a little silly, the overall effect is not bad. First, it raises your spirit, boosts your morale, and also exercises your body. I say, Zhang Sheng, Song Nuan can do it. The interns can do it, your mom can do it. Why can’t you do it?

Song Nuan, sit. I chatted with Song Nuan on the way here. Coming from a modest family. She knows how to work hard. And doesn’t give up easily when there’s a challenge. I say, it’s not because you grew up in our family environment that caused you to lose these values, right?

You can at least be an individual. If you’re really going to be like this. Then I’ve definitely failed as a mom. Hello? Isn’t the video conference with the States supposed to be for tomorrow? Fine, I’ll come back to the office right now. Alright, bye. I have to go and take care of something.

Song Nuan, don’t leave. Stay here and keep an eye on him. Write a letter of guarantee. Stating you’re going to work tomorrow, and you won’t skip out again. I guarantee I’ll take care of it! Guo Hua Ying. Hello? Hua Ying! It’s Yan Ru.

My child caused some inconvenience for you after he went to JM Company Thank you for giving him this opportunity Why are you being so formal with me? The son of Feng Hua company being an intern here is my pleasure. I heard he got JM into trouble.

On behalf on him, I want to apologize. Don’t worry about it, he’s a kid, what can he do? I just want to ask of you for one thing over the phone. No matter how much trouble he causes for you, don’t fire him. Make him stay at JM.

Got it, how can I fire your child? Don’t worry. Okay, then I won’t bother you anymore.Goodbye. Are you happy now? Just stay at JM. I’m leaving, Song Nuan. Oh right, Song Nuan. This is Auntie’s card. If he does anything, you let me know right away. Okay.

Are you crazy, actually taking this for real? This is real. I just want to finish my duty.I’ll leave after you write this. So you saw all my messages? You didn’t follow even one of the three I just don’t want to go to work, what are you going to do to me?

I can’t do anything But this is your mom’s request. So you have to write it. Fine, you don’t have to write it. But you have to come back to the company. Or else I’ll follow you everywhere you go. If you go to washroom, I’ll wait outside.

If you go home, I’ll set up camp in front of your door. Until you return to JM. Believe in me, I’ll do anything. To keep my job. – What are you doing?- Are you going to write it? – What are you doing?- What do you think I’m doing?

– Are you crazy?- You’re the crazy one! – Go away!- Are you writing it? Go away! I understand, Chairman, I’ll do it right away. I’m at the Sales Department right now. The Chairman said that? Do you want to confirm with him? He’s like a fly, you can’t swat away.

Zhang Sheng, stop being so arrogant. Don’t think you- JM isn’t a place for you to do whatever you want! I’m telling you, someone will punish you! Zhang Sheng, you did all this to get me to fire you, right? Yep. Don’t think like this anymore, it’s not possible.

From now on, no matter what he does or what he’s like, just leave him along. Regardless, JM will never fire him. – But– No buts.- Wait a second. If you want me to stay at JM, I can. But I want to switch departments. Where do you want to go?

I want to go to Administration. I’m basically their babysitter. Why doesn’t Zhang Sheng just stay at his own company? Why’s he being a nuisance at our company? If you’re annoyed here, the Sales department must loathe to let him go. What can they do? Prince Zhang personally requested to come to our department.

Great, now both these interns spell trouble, You didn’t go to work today, and you lied to me. Song Nuan came from the company to find you and you hide in the house. Defying your superior, spraying your co-workerswith a fire extinguisher.

Skipping work with no reason, what else are you going to do? What can’t you do? I just want to ask you of one thing over the phone. No matter how much trouble he causes you,don’t fire him. Just make him stay at JM. But you have to come back to the company.

Or else I’ll follow you everywhere you go. If you go to the washroom, I’ll wait outside. If you come home, I’ll set up camp in front of the door. Until you return to JM. Song Nuan May I interrupt everyone from your current work? Let me give you an introduction.

This Zhang Sheng. The second interns in our office of the CEO. Ah, wow. We have been hoping for new help. He is finally here. And he is a handsome guy like those in KDrama. You are Zhang Sheng, right?If you have any question, just ask me here. I will personally take care of you.

Thank you to all you beautiful teachers. This floor has the most beauties in JM since I joined the company. In the future, I appreciate all your guidance and assistance. Very good. Good. Come. So handsome. This meat is my meal. Zhang Sheng, this is your work space. You will be working here. Ok.

Are you not done yet? Hurry up. Wang, is the computer ready? If you can’t do it, then call the IT department. Still missing some office stationery items, right? – Let me get you a set.- Thank you. Rong Rong, don’t bother with that. Come with me. Yes, Song Nuan. Zhang Sheng just got here.

Please help him familiarize the environment and work assignments. Ok. Thanks. Rong Rong. Come over here. Thanks. I came here. In the next three months, we will be together day and night. Song Nuan, are you ok? I am fine. Fine. Hurt anywhere from the fall? No, no, no.

If you are fine, come over here. I have to trouble you to get an order of the Yellow Fish Noodle today. The number is a bit high. 14 orders in total. I have a table for you. I don’t know if this is accurate. You can confirm the quantity with everyone. Oh.

Same as yesterday. No scallion. – No scallion.- Good. Yellow Fish Noodle? No scallion, ginger and garlic. Spicy. – How spicy?- Spicy. Just like before. No scallion, ginger and garlic. Extra vinegar. Egg noodle, with extra scallion and spice. – And don’t forget that.- Just like yesterday. No scallion but want everything else.

No scallion but everything else. I like you the most as my customer. Buy so many orders and does not take up tables. Come, come, come. Auntie give you a bibas a gift. So your dress can stay clean. Thank you. Auntie Owner. – Bye.- Bye. CEO Wang, how are you?

This is the lunch I bought for Director Hao and others. Song Nuan, you came here to intern, Not to make delivery. That is, they are all busy. So I am free, so I bought the lunch for them. Then CEO Wang, How do I handle something like this in the future?

You should not ask me for something like this. You think about it. CEO Wang. Do you want an order? Elder Wang’s Yellow Fish Noodle. You folks are lucky. Maybe next time. CEO Wang, take it easy. Song Nuan, hurry up.We are all waiting for you. Director Hao, here is your order. Thank you, Director.

I am so fortunate to eat the Yellow Fish Noodleevery day. Thank you, Director Hao. It’s nothing. Just a bowl of noodles. Come get it, everyone. You all have one. Eat it while it’s still warm. Director Hao. Here are the receipts for the noodles from these past few days.

Ok. I understand. Put them over there. How is it? Not bad? You tell me. Am I wrong for not being ableto hold alcohol? Why does everyone in the Sales department have to be able to drink like a wine barrel before others will like you? I just can’t get this part. Don’t you agree?

Song Nuan? I am talking to you. Did you hear me? What can I do to get out of the business of buying Yellow Fish Noodle? That you buy Yellow Fish Noodle is better than my having to drink every day. And you can see the big boss.

Every time I saw the big boss, I looked like a delivery person. I would rather not see him. Don’t complain when you have the good end of the deal. Try being like me, getting scolded by my boss every day. Every day is like a year, I’d rather be dead.

Did you know when I was looking for a job I told myself, “Song Nuan, you have to persist, this is the most difficult time. Just get through it.” In the end, the reality proves. That every day now is worse than before. If my mom was with me, she would definitely say

“Song Nuan, what kind of trouble did you attract?” If you ask me. This is partly your fault. Right now, you should revolt. Revolt? Only if I don’t want this job anymore Well then there’s nothing you can do Taxi, taxi!

You only started the internship for a few days and now are late to work already? Why? Sorry. Teacher Hao. I…I overslept. Don’t call me teacher. I am not your teacher. Teacher can forgive your mistake, but not here. You have already started your career. No one will take care of your mistakes, understand?

I understand. You cannot do this again. Go back to your seat. You must maintain your business attitude during the working period. Web surfing, snacking, personal phone calls Are all activities that should be reserved for home. In addition, the Office of CEO is an important department.

Why is that everyone else is busy except for you? You should reflect on what you have done. As a rookie who recently enters the society, I wish that you will methodically plan out your career. Don’t take on the habit of lethargy and languor. Focus on watching, listening and doing but not talking.

If you are brave and if you have what it takes, CEO Wang. Song, you are here as an intern. Not here to deliver takeout orders. Focus on watching, listening and doing but not talking. Miss. This is Men’s Room. What? Trying to leave? Wait a minute. Come on. Take a picture for your memory.

What is this? – Don’t take it. Don’t.- Make sure to include the urinal. Good, good, good. Say that I tell the entire company that there is a sex maniac who Sneaks into the Men’s Room as a peeping Tom. Would this invalidate all your past hard work?

– You must delete it. Delete it.- Delete. Delete. Ok. I can do that, but the prerequisite is For you to do what I tell you from now on. Otherwise everyone’s mobile phone in this company will receive this picture. You’d better delete the photo immediately.

– Delete it. – Don’t follow me. I am going to take a piss. Don’t look. Come on. A smile. Over here. Don’t move. Don’t move. Smile. Another one. Based on this, Wang Si Yuan is not a bad guy.

He is such a busy person, yet he makes time to wrote emails to you interns. You, must focus on working hard. Don’t be late in the future. I know. I was just thinking about the whole incident regarding the Yellow Fish Noodle. I was frustrated and therefore did not get a good night sleep.

Then I was tardy. You see. No one was there to compliment me when I arrive early. As soon as I was late, the whole company knows about it and criticizes me. Daughter, remember this. Work is based on discipline. And also you are not a young kid any more.

Don’t throw a temper tantrum at will. In this society, an emotionally unstable person Cannot stand on her own. Enough. I am not going to teach you any more. You can’t digest all these. Remember this one – Your CEO Wang said it right. You have to be a person with ambition. Ok. Bye-bye.

Nuan, Nuan, Nuan. Mommy has an idea. Shanghai is a big city. Commuting takes up a lot of time. And the expense of transportation is costly. Do you like the idea of Us sending you some money? You can just invest in the purchase of an electrical bike. What electrical bike? Too dangerous.

Just ride it slowly and be careful, right? Mom, mom, mom. This is a great idea. Then the money to buy the electrical bike will be A loan to me. I will pay you back when I get my pay. What loan? You’re talking as if you are not part of this family.

Keeping your job is the most important priority. Mom will send you the money tomorrow. Thank you mom! Thank you dad! Little baby. You must be good. Wait until I return. The repair is completed so quickly? Zhao Xia Chuan’s referral is very reliable. Heh that Song something Nuan there, come over here. Over here, over here, here. Come, come. Everything is ok? If so, go to the Computer City to bring back my laptop.

May I ask if this is company asset? The company did not issue a laptop to the interns. I say there is, then there is. Don’t forget. I have to do what I tell you to. I have here the evidence for you. Don’t you have a car? Why don’t you go get it yourself?

Ok, ok. I will do it myself. Should I send this to the microblog, or my contact list? Give my the address. This is how it should be. Go, go, go. Be nice. I left it here. Where is my bike? My bike? Who stole my bike? Who stoke my bike? Who saw my bike?

I left it here. Who saw my bike? Hello. Hi, Ge Ge. I lost my bike. The electric bike I just bought. I really hate that Zhang Sheng. I really don’t want to work here. I don’t have the money for living expenses. Also lost the bike I just bought.

I spend my time buying the Yellow Fish Noodle every day. But no one gives me a penny. As an intern, I come up short on money every day at this pace. I wouldn’t even dare telling my parents. The bike is important but the money to buy the Yellow Fish Noodles…

You should ask them for it. How do I ask? If I ask, they will think of me as calculating. If you don’t calculate, how are you going to make your living? Why don’t they steal someone else’s bike? Why did they have to steal my bike? My bike is not even worth that much.

It’s all because of this dumb laptop. This dumb- Calm down. Calm down girl. If-if you break this laptop, you’ll have to pay for it. What am I going to do? It’s going to be alright. Do you think I could ask the company to help me pay for a bike?

I mean I lost it while I was doing work. Because he’s busy with work, Manager Chen of our Sales Department had a divorce with his wife. Do you think the company will buy him a wife? You were out for so long that I thought you got into an accident.

– Pay me for my electric bike!- Calm down, calm down, calm down. It’s like this, Zhang Sheng. Her mom just bought her an electric bike yesterday. Didn’t you ask her to go to the computer store to help you get your laptop? The bike got stolen. Then that just means she’s stupid.

– You!- Did I say something wrong? The street is filled with so many bikes. How come yours got stolen instead of someone else’s? Don’t you know how small of a chance that is? That means that you were wrong, not the thief.

If I didn’t help you get your laptop, I wouldn’t have lost my bike! That’s absurd. Losing your bike and getting the laptop have nothing to do with each other. Even if you didn’t get the laptop today, as long as you’re the one who rode it outside,

It would have been stolen anyway. You know why? Because it’s written in the calendar that you would lose your bike today! – You!- Calm down, calm down. Calm down. But if you beg me, maybe I will be really benevolent, end your sufferings, and help you pay for a new bike.

For me, buying a bike is as easy as buying a meatball anyway. You-you’re crazy! I didn’t do anything wrong! Why should I beg you? That has nothing to do with me. Bye bye. – Zhang Sheng!- Song Nuan. Why can’t you admit defeat? Am I crazy? Why would I admit defeat?

Song Nuan, come back. Director Hao. Were you thinking that I was taking advantage of you? No, no, no. I remember the amount that you had to pay for the noodles. I remember it more clearly than you do.

I wanted to give it to you all at once rather than a bit at a time. That would be more troublesome, right? Come look. Look. Check if it’s right. Oh. You remember the amount pretty clearly. All the money is here. Count it. Take it quickly.

It’s my fault for being careless. You haven’t even received your wage, yet I made you pay. How would you have money? How about this? Next time when I ask you to buy something, I’ll give you the money first. Alright? – Okay?- Okay. Then today is the same order. No spice, more toppings.

– Okay.- Go quickly. More spice, more vegetables. Zhang Sheng, I’m keeping record of it in this book. You owe me for two bowls of noodles. The total is $48. Give me money. Here. There’s probably about $2,000. It includes the amount for your electric bike. No need for change. Don’t go. This money- you.

He already gave you money. Might as well keep it. Is there a problem? Director Hao. Besides buying the Yellow Fish Noodle, can you assign other duties to me? Song Nuan, you know that the work in the Administration is very important, don’t you?

No matter how good or bad you interns are, I have to approve. If I had the time, I would do it all myself. So, why can’t you be like Zhang Sheng? Just steadily get past these three months. Once we get past it, everyone is okay. Do you understand? Everybody will be okay.

Hao Min. – CEO Wang.- CEO Wang. Come with me to go to the Chairman for a meeting this afternoon. Okay. I understand. The Administration is a very important department. How come everyone is very busy, while you just feel like there’s nothing to do? As a newcomer into this society, I hope you gradually

Plan out your professional career. Who is that? Why does he look so familiar? What are you doing? Why are you intruding in someone’s privacy? What does your private life have to do with me? Let me tell you. I’m not interested at all. Quickly leave. Annoying. President Zhou, appreciate your tolerance.

These dumb kids. Look at the big mess they made for me. We can’t let them get away with them. Let that- that Zhou Ge Ge quickly apologize to them. This- this Zhou Ge Ge. Her alcohol tolerance isn’t up to par yet. Letting her apologize will cause even greater trouble.

Isn’t that science guy, Zhao Xiao Chuan, a good drinker? Let him teach Ge Ge. I understand. From now on, I’ll stop all their other work. I will make them focus on practising drinking. If- if you want to stay in the Sales Department, then just… drink this. I don’t understand. I really don’t understand.

Why do I have to drink in order to do sales? What generation is this? What an old-fashioned way of thinking! Who’s having such a hot temper? Manager Chen. I was just passing by. Just checking on you guys. I accidentally heard some ranting. Manager Chen, she- she wasn’t talking about you.

It’s okay. You can talk about me. I really like your frankness. Let me tell you a secret. Among the interns in the Sales Department, I think the most highly of you two. But you guys aren’t perfect yet. You still have flaws. Zhao Xiao Chuan, your alcohol tolerance is very good.

Your social skills aren’t good enough. Zhou Ge Ge, you’re sharp and social, but your alcohol tolerance isn’t good enough. If only you two merged into one person. Manager Chen, why do we have to drink alcohol when doing sales for the Sales Department?

Do you think I want to drink? If I don’t drink, I won’t get business done. If you want to succeed. One, you can’t do things soley based on your rationale and reasoning. Two, sometimes you have to challenge yourself in order to make a breakthrough. Okay, I understand. I’ll practice.

I can’t. I’ve- I’ve already reached my limit. Don’t, don’t, don’t. Ge Ge. Ge Ge. It’s alright. It’s alright. It’s alright. I really, really can’t anymore. Ge Ge. Let me tell you, Zhao Xiao Chuan! There’s nothing that I, Zhou Ge Ge, can’t do! I said that I can drink, so that means I can.

You came just in time. Aren’t you nicknamed the professional gamer? Help me take a look at this. I created it. You test it out. Let’s become a strong team. What do you think? Help me think. The prize money for this is 10,000 yuan.

Let’s talk about it later. First, do me a favor. Take a look at this. Fighting! Song Nuan wants- What is this? You want to make a Flash animation? Exactly. This was drawn by Song Nuan. She wants to make this a Flash animation. She didn’t know how to approach you,

So she asked me to help find you. Oh, okay. Oh yeah. There’s another thing. – Sit.- What’s up? I’m anxious. If people had superpowers, let’s say someone who doesn’t get drunk. How do I transfer this power to another person who needs it more? People

Who don’t challenge themselves won’t know how skilled they are. The saying makes sense, but you can’t push someone to their breaking point. – And I think drinking is…- Have you finished taking out the trash?[“Taking out the trash” means talking trash.] I took it out.

If you took it out then get to work already! I’m waiting. – Quickly, quickly, quickly.- Why are you in such a rush? What is this? This- fighting, Song Nuan wants… What does she want? Don’t worry about this. Just take a guess.

Then teach me how to add text, so later I can teach her. Okay. I’ll take a chance and ask: what are you doing? It’s time to do my lymphatic massage. I’m massaging myself. Brother, the way you’re going now you’ll live to be 120. Aren’t you tired of it already? Hurry up, I’m waiting!

What’s your hurry? I still haven’t finished my Tmall contest yet.[Tmall a.k.a. Tian Mao = popular online retail site] Also, our video game partnership is decided. Don’t worry, I haven’t finished the work Manager Chen gave me yet. After that, I’ll do this for you in no time.

Leave first! – No, you… – Go, go, go. Just leave first, trust me! Hurry up and do it! – Got it. Send it to me, OK? – Bye bye. Send it to me, OK? – Bye bye. Fighting! Song Nuan wants to win your heart ~ You are my Prince Charming!!

What are you looking for? None of your business. What are you doing? Don’t come over here! – Let me see. Let me take a look! Don’t look! Just let me see. Director Hao, Director Hao. Prince Charming? What’s this? Why does he look so much like CEO Wang?

Go away. – You’re not secretly in love with him, right? Who’s secretly in love with him? I don’t understand what you’re saying. What did I say? I just stated what I saw. What I sensed. You, you saw… you sensed? Zhang Shen… You did this, right?

I can’t let such a nice drawing go to waste. What waste? Get rid of it immediately. Or else I’ll getting mad. Get mad then. – Get rid of it right now. – Get mad then. I like seeing you mad. Come on. You- Come on. What are you doing? Shutting it off?

You think no one will know if you shut it off? How are the partnership negotiations going with JM Group? Pretty successful. Following your orders, we didn’t leak any news about the company’s dire circumstances. Only discussing a normal partnership now. In the States, I discussed our core skills with Farkes. They showed strong interest.

However, it won’t be easy to get them to invest right now. But you can’t contain fire with paper- Hello? This is the Daily Financial Newspaper. We received information saying due to a lack of partners, Feng Hua is having revenue flow issues. Is this the situation right now?

I have no comment for an unfounded statement. I can only tell you, our company’s transactions are all normal. Basically, the same as we have always been. Goodbye. You see? Good news never leaves the house, bad news travels a thousand miles. We need to finalized a partner immediately. Understood. Song Nuan! Auntie Jin!

Where are you going? I’m going to the printing house. Auntie has some things to talk to you about. Why don’t we do this? Get in my car, I’ll give you a ride over there. We’ll chat on the way. Come on. No need to be hesitant when hitching a ride. Come, get on.

Sorry, let me take a call first. Hello, Mom? Where are you? I’m in a meeting now, I’ll talk with you later. Bye. Song Nuan, is work busy lately? It’s alright. Zhao Xiao Chuan! Don’t you think this woman has too many schemes? Stop eating! I saw her nature to kiss up from the beginning.

I saw her get into my mom’s car with my own eyes. And when I call my mom, even she won’t admit it. Don’t you think there’s a problem? How’s Zhang Sheng doing? -He… From now on, you do whatever I tell you to do. The next three months

We’ll be together from morning to night. Auntie, why don’t you just drop me off here. Is my question so hard for you? You don’t have to be apprehensive, just tell me. I know my son better than anyone. Do you think you’re right, treating a girl like this? Splitting hairs, being petty and narrow-minded.

Hey! Are you my friend or not? If you’re my friend, you should be unconditionally on my side. Right now she’s tattling on me. Zhang Sheng… He has his own talents and personality. If he’s within his own domain, he’ll do really well. But in Administration…

There’s not a lot of room for growth for him. You’re such a kind girl. This is the nicest feedback anyone’s ever given to him. – Where did you say he was? Administration?- Yes. Wasn’t he in the sales department? Zhao Xiao Chuan, if you’re going to talk to me like this,

Then you’ll never receive secrets on getting girls from me. Let’s cancel what I said before and start over. Since I was little, I hated girls like her who tell on you behind your back. We should always look down on these kind of people! That’s right! So what about those secrets? Right here. Where?

What are you digging for? I’m saying me! I’m the secret. Look at me. What do you see? I… You don’t see it? I don’t need you to be as handsome as me, But you have to be cool. As in C-O-O-L, cool. This I know. “Cool”, noun, meaning refreshingly cold.

Refreshingly cold air. Adjective, meaning outstanding, refreshing, calm. There are adverbs too, something like calming down and being collected. Which one should I choose? – Adjective, outstanding and calm. Outstanding and calm. Look at you, wearing this old coat. Wearing glasses, hair like this. You’re the farthest from cool. Starting tomorrow, put your hair up.

Take off the glasses, wear contacts. This is cool. You get it? Regardless, you have to change. Be cocky. – Cocky. Speak less, okay? Figure it out yourself. – Cocky. Cool. Sorry. I got the wrong place. Ge Ge. Zhao Xiao Chuan? You. What are you doing?

Wearing sunglasses at night. Are you trying to be Wong Kar-wai? What’s up with your collar? Standing up? So out-of-date! This hair. You are really interesting. Senior student, did you get off the wrong floor? Do we have an earthquake? No. Then you have a broken hip? No. Zhao Xiao Chuan, be serious.

Why are you acting so crazy at night? Ge Ge, don’t you feel that my image today is different? Cool and handsome? Self-respect is very important to a man. I’m trying to not hurt you. Let’s practice drinking, okay? I didn’t- I didn’t wear glasses.

I mean, I’m the one practicing here. Why are you nervous? That, that, Ge Ge… I have something I want to, I want to say to you. Say it. I’m saying it then! Just say it! Ge Ge, actually, I want to tell you… Don’t be nervous, okay?

I’m not nervous, I’m very irritable right now! Let’s start over! Starting over. Ge Ge, I have something on my mind. I hid it in my heart for a long time now. I decided to say it to you today. I want to have my… I.. I want… My God. I… I… I… I…

I feel like you can definitely learn to drink!I have a lot of confidence in you. What’s wrong with you? Someone mugged you? Ge Ge, Ge Ge, you don’t remember anything at all? What? You don’t remember anything after you got drunk? Oh right, I drank too much last night. How was it?

People over here! Watch my 72 transformations! [T/N: Lyrics from the song “Magic” by Jolin Tsai] Ya, ya! Ya, ya! Zhao Xiao Chuan! Why aren’t you clapping? Why aren’t you clapping? – Ge Ge. – Why aren’t you clapping? Why aren’t you clapping? Why aren’t you clapping?! Very lady-like. Really? – Lady-like. Really lady-like.

That’s great! Then let’s do it again today, keep practicing. Cementing our successful result, yes! Ge Ge, I don’t think you need to practice anymore. You passed already. You’re great, really. Really? Mission completed! Ge- I, this… The targets set by JM last year were all met this year.

The goal for this year is change among stability. On the basis of maintaining our foundation, on the basis on maintaining our standing stability. To complement today’s sales planning meeting, we updated our website homepage. Let’s take a look. What’s this? What’s going on? This is our website. Song Nuan! This is the company website!

They hacked our page. It’s outrageous! This looks like CEO Wang, right? Isn’t Song Nuan an intern? This is ridiculous. This was obviously done by those interns. Get them over here for questioning! What can those awful kids do besides ruin the company? If not one admits to this, fire them all! Yes, sir!

Let’s see if I can’t control them. Who did it? This is a screenshot of the company website from this morning. Our website engineer is working to restore it. I want to know whose work this is. Say something! Why is no one talking now? Unbelievable, unbelievable. You haven’t contributed anything to the company yet.

Now you dare to hack the company website? You dare to make our CEO- Our CEO look bad? Talk! Who did it? Who did it? Song Nuan, you speak. You can’t hide your connection to this. I don’t know. It’s already determined this isn’t a prank. It’s a malicious attempt to ruin the company image.

Company management has already decided: if no one owns up to this today, all 20 interns will be fired. Who is it? Say something, don’t drag everyone down. That’s right, I don’t want to be a scapegoat for anyone. Maybe the person in question wanted to confess. Why are you saying nonsense?

Whoever framed Song Nuan, come out. Own up to what you did. Who is it? Come out. Who knows who it is? – You can do it but can’t own up to it? That’s right! Stop, stop! What are you doing? Do you guys know how nasty this is? Too nasty! This kind of incident,

Has never happened in the history of JM. Never! Did you hear what Manager Chen said earlier? Fired! Of course we’re going to fire! One minute. I’m going to give you all only one minute. If no one steps up and takes responsibility within one minute, you’re all fired!

Song Nuan, this is probably Zhang Sheng’s doing, right? Don’t rat him out. The law never blames the crowd, there’s no way they’ll fire us all. I did this. Do you even dare to do such a cool thing? I did it, fire me. I drew the animation. -That’s because I forced him.

And I found some expert from outside to hack the company’s website. Did you hear it? Did you hear it Manager Chen? By plan, deliberately. Zhang Sheng, you even dare to hire some third-party hacker? Leaders, I strongly suggest the immediate dismissal of Zhang Sheng! You nod your head?

I tell you, Zhao Xiao Chuan can’t escape this either. He’s your accomplice. He will be dismissed immediately. This whole matter is aroused because of me. If you want to dismiss someone, just dismiss me alone. What are you doing Song Nuan? This is surprising.What are you up to?

What? Don’t think this situation isn’t messy enough? Are you protesting against your superiors? Perfect! Of course we’ll fire you. Is there anyone else? Come out right now. Don’t waste our time later. Come out. I announce that everyone related to this animation will all be fired immediately. I’m in the animation to.

Are you going to fire me too? CEO Wang, that wasn’t what I meant. You three are really brave. But I want to know why you did this. Because I hate Song Nuan. But the draft for the animation was drawn by her. Because she like you. Zhang Sheng, you’re talking nonsense.

CEO Wang, I can testify that Zhang Sheng is spitting nonsense. I saw the draft. Song Nuan only drew CEO Wang. Everything else is his doing. He, He wanted me to add- – Are you sick, Zhao Xiao Chuan. What are you doing?

I just can’t stand you to bully a girl like this. This behavior. CEO Wang, fire him. Just outrageous. These 90’s generation think the company’s a playground. I’ve really have had enough of this. I suggest not to keep even a single one of them. Fire them all.

We didn’t plan on recruiting them this year anyways. Exactly. At the moment, this matter hasn’t caused any serious damage for the company. We don’t necessarily have to be so harsh toward these youngsters. Dismissial is the simplest, easiest but also a false solution. The actual intent by Manager Chen and Huang Xiao Feng

Is to sound the alarm for you from a different perspective. Internship is in fact the transition period of your life from the school to the society. Sometimes you may feel wrongly aggrieved. Thinking the world of the grown-ups is too demanding of you.

But in practice, you must be able to sever your psychological dependency on your past. You cannot continue to behave as a child. Only if you do this, will your experience here be worth your while. And not waste the precious learning period of your internship.

I remember when I made a mistake as a kid, the most I wrote was 200 copies of letter of apology . Your influence here is greater. Then 300 copies. Must be hand-written. Right, Zhao Xiao Chuan? You are the accomplice. Logically you should write 150 copies.

But I feel that your gift is not in writing. Let’s do this instead. You come up with a new design for the interface of the company’s official web site. Let’s treat it as compensation for the past fault. This is what I find curious. No matter which way you look at this incident,

You are the victim here. Why did you step up? I have more than 5 million followers on my Weibo.[ China’s social platform similar to Twitter ] If you are interested in additional exchanges with me, I wouldn’t mind 20 more. And I promise, I will respond to you. Really? Let’s add him now.

Slowly, slowly. Don’t push. – Can we add you on Weixin?- Do you have Weixin?[ popular chat platform ] – You have to respond to us.- Add me. Add me. – One at a time. Easy. – Add me. Regardless of the situation, Wang Si Yuan can turn it into an occasion to show off.

I have to pay him some respect. Look at what he does. Behaving almost like an actor. The way those interns looked at him is almost as if looking at an idol. These days, those who actually do the work are not appreciated. Only those playing games can get attention.

It’s okay Boss. Let’s not stay mad over this. It’s almost time for lunch. Let’s get some food. No way I can sit at the same table with people like him. I am not eating my lunch. Don’t, don’t, don’t. Boss. This would be too apparent.

Zhang Sheng, looking for a place to write your letter of apology? – Yes. – You can do it here. How many copies have you written? 10 copies. That was pretty fast. Put them on my desk when you finish. CEO Wang, Manager Chen, sorry to keep you waiting. Not a problem.

CEO Wang, we ran out of baby broccoli and cabbage that you requested. I ordered broccoli and scrambled egg with gourd for you. That is fine. As long as it is vegetable. – Ok.- Manager Chen, here are your orders of Potato Beef and Spicy Diced Chicken. Ok. I am good with meat. Thank you.

What’s good today? Did my mom make it? No. Madame specifically ordered them for you at Big Northeast Restaurant. Definitely not. Can’t believe you really answered me. CEO Wang, we ran out of baby broccoli and cabbage that you requested. I ordered broccoli and scrambled egg with gourd for you.

That is fine. As long as it is vegetable. Manager Chen, here are your order of Spicy Diced Chicken. Ok. I am good with meat. Guo jie, let me ask you one thing. You say, if you give meat to someone who is vegetarian,

And give a person who eats meat, only vegetables, what will happen to them? It is not appropriate to give vegetarians meat to eat. Most of the vegetarians are Buddhist. This can get them really angry. – Angry?- Yes. Good. Song Nuan. Walk with me around your office?

Checking for missing supplies so that I can register them at Procurement. Ok. Let’s go. Go. And what else? There’s no more soap. Let’s not use the brand from last time. Heard there’s someone allergic to it. Change it to one that’s warm and nonirritating. I’ll let them know but I can’t guarantee that they’ll change it. Don’t be like that. At least try to convince them, can’t you?.

Alright, then I’ll try. What’s wrong? Nothing. Take the meat in the blue lunchbox and put it in the red lunchbox. Put more vegetables in the blue one. Take the meat in the blue lunchbox and put it in the red lunchbox. Of course, of course. Can you let me eat lunch? Chen Jian,

Can you send me your new sales plan before the weekend? Before the weekend? I’m flying to Tokyo on Monday, so I’ll read it on the plane. It’s difficult, I’ll try my best. You’re back on it? When did you start eating meat? I never changed.

There’s a lot of meat in this lunchbox. I’m just randomly eating it. Are you used to it? Eating it once from time to time is alright. I know you love eating meat. I recommend eating less; eating more isn’t good for you. Coincidentally, I don’t have meat today. You don’t?

Wei Wei An, are you sure? Can you- Okay okay okay. I believe you, thanks. Alright, I understand. Bye bye. Boss, Wei Wei An swears she didn’t mix up the lunchboxes. And that she never made a mistake before. Then that’s weird. How did my meat get to Wang Si Yuan’s lunchbox?

That’s right, I wonder why too. Why? Wang Si Yuan must have taken my meat out of my lunch box. No way Sir. He’s such a big CEO Why would he… why would he eat your meat? He’s eaten vegetables for many years

But today, without any change of expression, ate a big piece of meat. Isn’t this a clear hint to me? Hint? What kind of hint? I didn’t follow his rhythm, and didn’t submit the sales report in time. He’s not happy. Talk about office politics.

All leaders know the art of battle, even a piece of meat means something. Hey, what’s wrong with this car? Sir, stop stop stop Let me take a look. Oh no, oh no. This could be a burst pipe. A burst pipe. Boss, you can’t drive this car anymore.

That’s right, this car has hundreds of thousands of miles. Should have scrapped it a long time ago. So much for being the Sales Director. It’s good for nothing! Move all the meat from the blue lunch box to the red, put more vegetables in the red lunch box. Yes, I did it!

Director Chen, hi.

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#中劇星球 #中國電視劇 # 加油吧实习生

【劇名】:Best Get Going 加油吧实习生


  1. He should went work. Can't blame her now put pictures up. On company of meeting next switch food and have her dress out code they bust not punishment him tell his mom cause cross line never do disrespect or embarrassing good women cause he mad what mom said sign her make sure goes work they should fire him cause problems not funny at all hurt that young lady proud I wish gone too his mom told what pull teach him lesson don't ever keep doing wrong too good woman he wrote apologize he still not learned at all why let do worse so young lady told him off left job told her parent truth who behind her being fired

  2. One of my favorite scenes 💯💙 It was hilarious! Love the way his mom learn the routine and connected with the young lady. Too funny how she told his mom everything. Busted

  3. I do not like how those in higher positions than her use her to buy lunch without paying her. It is time to just say no and mean it. I'm sure she does not have money to buy them lunch every day like that. Girl find your fierceness and stand on it.

  4. That company the young intern is working for is lousy. From giving her a broken chair to sit on and forcing her to get everyone's lunch. She probably has to wait a while to be reimbursed.

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