⚖️| TRUE OPINIONS About Vietnam 🇻🇳 What Is Da Nang REALLY Like in 2024.

What are the biggest pluses of Da Nang? I’m  a little bit disappointed in the street food.   Do you think it’s safe and clean over here in  2020? I was here for 5 months. The big problem  

For me is the money. What is it like to be in  Da Nang 2024 in Vietnam? We’re going to find   out because we’re going to approach some  random people, a good mixture of people,   to ask them what the positive things are if they  have some positive experiences here in Da Nang,  

But also the negatives, so we know what we  have to be careful of on our next trip to   Vietnam. This is my fourth trip. I’ve been here  now for a week. In 2020, I was here for 5 months,  

Loved it. It was COVID time. Oh, did you get stuck  here, kind of thing, or…? Not stuck, but they   had shut the borders so that folks couldn’t fly  in, but if you were here, you could stay. Yeah.  

So it was fantastic and met all kinds of friends.  Yeah, we had a ball. I loved it. I stayed as long   as I could. And then you went back to the States,  maybe, or…? I did, yep. I needed to for personal  

Reasons. And then I’ve been coming here whenever I  can. I love it. Why specifically Da Nang? Da Nang,   t. e beach activities, the expats that are  here, if you want to do breathwork, yoga,   nights out, live music, the city, Lady Buddha,  the sights, everybody’s kind, it feels safe. I  

Love it. The weather’s great. Very positive, and  I really like it here. I also see these things   also safety is a big reason for me why I like  it here so much. I’m sitting at with my laptop,  

Quite expensive outside in a cafe and not worrying  that someone is running by and… Yeah. But are   there any downsides of Da Nang that you have? Not  found so far. I think that people are kind, their   healthy food, the things are accessible, lots of  restaurants, any range, I love it. Yeah, I talked  

To an Aussie lady just off-camera, actually, and  she was having trouble with people understanding   her. Maybe it’s her accent, I’m not too sure, but  do you find people speaking good English here? I   not only find them speaking good English, I find  that they’re very eager to try and to try to help,  

And that they will look at Google Translate.  And they’ll use Google Translate themselves,   and if they don’t read, they’ll hit this, the  sound, and they’ll listen. I’m really pleasantly   impressed with how much they try to bridge the  gap of the language. A message to the world,  

I would say, get out and travel, and you realize  how lovely and safe and different countries are,   and that they probably are different than what  you’ve been led to believe. You like it so far?   What are your first impressions of Da Nang? So we  came from Hoi An. It’s completely different. Yeah,  

It’s quite busy compared to, let’s say, that’s  more like a city here, isn’t it? It is. Yeah.   But do you like it, though? I have to find out  where I can go, where I can stay.To explore it.  

Because right now, we don’t find the place for  us. How long you going to stay here now? Four,   five nights. Five nights. In Da Nang? Yes. Oh,  so you will get a good impression of it. I’m   sure you’ll like it, and the weather will be  a lot better than today, hopefully. It’s okay,  

It’s not so hot. What do you like about Vietnam?  Is it nice to travel in Vietnam? It’s interesting.   It’s the first time we came from the north. It was  quite cold there, yeah, and we’re happy that it’s  

Now warm. Yeah, it’s interesting. And how long you  going to stay in Vietnam in total? Three weeks.   The last station is Ho Chi Minh City, and then  we go back to Germany. Why did you pick Vietnam?  

We have traveled to Thailand, we have traveled  to Laos, and now we want to see the difference   between these countries, yeah. And how do you like  this compared to Laos and Thailand? My favorite is   Thailand, people was several times there, fair  enough, But for change is nice, isn’t it? Yeah,  

It is very, but it’s also very nice here, and  the people are also very friendly, and yeah,   it’s nice. I also can recommend Vietnam. It’s  interesting, it’s good food, it’s cheap also,   and yeah, nice people. This is the first time I’ve  been here. I’ve been here about three weeks. All  

Right, in Da Nang, yes. How come you spent  three weeks in the, well, I’m traveling for   about six months. I’ve been in Thailand, Laos. I’m going to Japan in a couple of days, from   there to Turkey, from there I’m not sure yet, from  there probably Portugal. That’s so cool. Oh, then  

You leave Asia behind for a little while? Yeah.  So what’s the best thing that happened to you in   South East Asia so far? Just the environment,  people are friendly, it’s highly affordable,   it’s fairly easy to get around. They could do with  a little better public transportation, but…. And  

You take your life in your hands crossing the  street, places like Hanoi or Bangkok for sure.   Yeah, but the food, the culture, the museums,  there’s some very good museums in Hanoi. So,   you know, I get out and mix it all up. May I ask,  three weeks in the… that’s quite a long time  

Compared to, you know, other people just passing  here for a few days. And I think within a week,   you can see a lot already. Well, it’s a beach  town. Reminds me a bit of when I lived in   Huntington Beach, California in high school. So,  it’s an easy environment, but also, you know,  

If you’re out on the road for 6 months,  you start getting a little tired of being   a tourist. In fact, I tend to consider myself more  a traveler than a tourist. I got you. I’ll kind of  

Hold my nose and endure the density of the tourist  attractions to take them in. They’re worth seeing,   it’s a marvelous place despite the crowds. But  rather than a trip around, originally I was  

Going to go from Hanoi, take the train, kind of  a slow boat down here, go up to Hue for a while,   go to Hoi An for a while. Started getting a  little tired, I thought I’m just going to get an  

Apartment for, you know, 3 weeks. I probably would  have stayed a month, as we’ve got a 30-day unless   you want to go through some hoops, and it’s like,  I want to be in Japan for the cherry blossoms and,  

Oh yeah, I’m going to be in Osaka and Kyoto for  about close to 6 weeks. How come you decided to   start traveling for such a long time? I finally  retired a couple of years ago. Congratulations.   And for 5 months last winter, around this  time, my wife and I were in primarily Portugal  

But also Spain, Italy, Albania, and Morocco,  and really enjoyed it. Rented out the house,   rented it out fully furnished. Wow. So  it’s like we’re not maintaining, you know,   multiple households. So it makes everything quite  affordable when all your expenses back home are  

Basically taken care of. You know, after slaving  away for 30 years in Las Vegas. What were you   doing there, if I may ask? Different things.  I was at the University for about 13 years,   and then following that, I went into business  and appraised residential, primarily real estate,  

Valued it for lenders and private parties. Three  weeks of being here, that you’ve got quite a good   idea what Da Nang is like, and we are looking for  the positives but also maybe the negatives or I  

Don’t want to say negative but also things that we  should know beforehand. Can you teach us something   about Da Nang? Well, it depends on the climate and  whatnot you’re used to, humidity and all that. The  

Weather can be up and down. It gets oppressively  hot even when it’s in the mid-80s to me. Yeah.   You know, the other thing is the traffic and the  way people drive. If you’re a walker like I am,  

And I do get around, I walk probably on average  6.5 miles a day, so I go down the alleys,   I go into the neighborhoods, I find it fascinating  how you can get on a street, it’s all furniture,   yeah, and then the next street over are mechanics  and whatnot working on the motor scooters,  

And technology areas, all that stuff was a lot of  fun. It gets a little bit oppressive crossing the   streets and whatnot, again, when you do a lot of  walking, you really have to have your head on a  

Swivel. Yeah, yeah. Although, you know, I haven’t  seen any major accidents or anything, so there is   a rhythm and a genius. There’s not necessarily  any rules, it seems to work, you know, and you   just have to accept that. People can come from  all directions, crosswalks are just a suggestion  

Along with traffic lights. And probably the golden  rule is whoever is bigger makes the rules. I’m a   little bit disappointed in the street food because  of the hygiene factor, and I found in Thailand,   especially in recent years, I had been there  for about 20 years is; they have a lot of ice  

Production plants and whatnot, and if you really  scope out the street food, you can see, “Ah, these   guys have bottles of water being delivered, they  have a lot of ice there, stuff that’s supposed to  

Be cold is kept cold, the stuff that’s supposed  to be hot is kept hot.” Around here, a lot of   these bunmee’s kind of put me off because you  can see that their ingredients, you know, a lot  

Of pork products and whatnot are sitting out for  a potentially a long time. So, I keep seeing this   danger, danger. Same thing in the markets, you  know, I’ll do a lot of my own cooking, and you’ll  

See that, you know, delicious looking seafood, but  it’s sitting in, you know, tubs of water and at   tropical temperatures. So it’s like, yes, clear,  I think I’ll hit the seafood heavy when I get to   Japan. Everybody that’s traveled gotten pretty  doggone sick, and it’s an event not to be repeated  

If at all possible. It was a pleasure to talk to  you, sir. Can I ask you for one more favor? Do   you have a message to the world or some wisdom to  pass on? I would say by all means, visit Vietnam,  

Visit South East Asia, but Vietnam in particular,  as my first visit, you’ll be delighted with the   people, with the atmosphere, and all around it’s  definitely worth seeing. This is my first city,  

And I’m here for three weeks, and I love it. Why  did you move here, may I ask, or why did you come   here? I visit here as like a digital nomad. Ah,  I work online and travel the world. So, wow,  

That’s fantastic. So why did you pick Da Nang out  of all places in Vietnam? I just saw some reviews,   and, I like the city. I saw that lots of Russians  prefer Nha Trang. Oh, yeah, because it’s hotter  

There. What is so good about Da Nang? I love food  here, and I also like the seaside. Do you think   it’s safe and clean over here? Uh, I think  that it feels safe, and. about cleanliness,  

I guess that maybe there are some streets where  it’s not very clean, but I think, in general, it’s   good. Yes. And I think it’s changing also over  time. I think it’s getting cleaner and cleaner  

Each year. I can’t say because it’s my first time  here. Yeah, yeah, but I really like it here. I was   in Hanoi and Hoi An like that. So, yeah, right.  So you’re traveling in Vietnam or…? Sometimes,   but I’m based in Thailand now. You’re just  checking out Vietnam, just a change of scenery,  

Just a little bit holiday and relaxing. Yeah.  It’s even cheaper in Vietnam than Thailand. Do   you reckon it’s nicer over here than compared  to Thailand? Well, a little bit the same. It   depends on what you were looking for. What is  your first impression of Da Nang? Nice. A lot  

Of hotels, restaurants, beach. It’s nice. Compared  to the rest of Vietnam that you have seen…? It’s   different. If you go to Halong Bay or you go to Ho  Chi Minh, it’s different. Yeah. So I still need to  

Discover all these beaches and all these places,  but I saw that there is a lot to visit in Da Nang   and around Da Nang. So, the next days I’m going to  rent the motorbike, discover all the places around  

Da Nang. Is there something that you maybe did  not like so far? The big problem for me is money.   Twenty-seven thousand Dong is one Euro. So I have  millions in my pocket, so that means… That’s,   for me, a little bit the most difficult thing  here. I’m also based in Thailand, actually. What’s  

Your favorite place in Thailand? In Thailand, the  south. I am a dive instructor also, so I like to   go to the south because diving is amazing there.  Have you been diving here in Vietnam? Not yet,  

Not yet. Oh, are you doing… But it’s not really  interesting. The corals are not so nice… So you   just choose to see different things, maybe on land  this time. Yep. Hotels are cheap, food is cheap,   transport is cheap. And the people are nice?  And the people are nice. Yeah. Okay. Not so  

Nice as in Thailand, and they are smiling always,  you know it because you live also in Thailand,   but here… But it’s the first day that I am  here, maybe when I go more in the cities and  

Like this and in the small villages, maybe, yeah,  they are very nice. To be really honest with you,   I think the smile is sometimes not there, but the  friendliness is still underneath the grumpy face,   maybe even. Thai people do smile a lot, but…  Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s different than Thailand and  

It’s different than the Philippines, for example. Do you have a message to the world or some wisdom   to pass on? Just come and visit Asia, not only  Vietnam, but Vietnam is also one of the countries   that you need to visit, along with Cambodia.  It’s also very nice, Thailand, Philippines,  

Yeah, so many nice countries. I was last time also  in Laos, it’s a very, very nice country. Europe,   it’s very nice, but I like Asian food the most.  I’ve been here since January this year. I’ve  

Been here five years ago the first time. I was  traveling around all Vietnam and I kind of like   it here, so I came back. So why do you stay so  long in Da Nang then, particularly? I’m here for  

A project. I’m a filmmaker and we create a course  like how to edit and how to start your career. So,   no way?! Yeah, that’s actually what we’re doing  here. Do you have also a YouTube channel then or   how does that work? I do it on Instagram.  My name is Davee.Visuals, Nice. So you’re  

Basically welcoming people from all over  the world who are interested to edit? Yeah,   exactly. Which program do you use? I use After  Effects a lot. Okay, yeah, but I just started   like recently doing all this visual stuff. So I’m  still growing up my personal brand or something  

Like that. Got you. Nice one. And yeah, why Da  Nang? I love it, man. Yeah, me too. But what’s,   I mean, for someone that hasn’t been here or for  someone who is interested. Why should people come  

Over here? Good question. Like, I was living in  Thailand before for quite a long time, and I think   like the weather in Vietnam is not super hot, so I  really like the, like, cold breeze in the evening.  

And like Da Nang has everything you want. Like,  you have the city, you have the beach, 10 minutes   drive, you’re in the mountains or in the forest,  wherever. What are the biggest pluses of Da Nang?   Probably cost of living and like, the people are  so friendly and warm here. And food, it depends  

If you’re into Vietnamese food. Really like it. So  yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. And you can get all this   Western stuff here as well. And good quality also.  Yeah, exactly, exactly. Yeah, nice one, man. Hey,  

Do you have a message to the world or some wisdom  to pass on? Believe in your dreams. Do everything   with passion and just do whatever makes you happy.  Do whatever makes you happy, man. Exactly. Thanks,  

Brother. No worries. What is it like to be in  Da Nang, Vietnam in 2024? I hope you enjoyed   this episode. I think we learned a little bit.  Please be part of the conversation in the comment  

Section. If you did enjoy this video, please  give us a thumbs up. The lights are on now. The   evening has started here in Da Nang. This channel  is based in Thailand. We’re showing you the beauty  

Of Southeast Asia. And now we are in Da Nang for  a small Da Nang series. Thank you all for watching   till the very end. I’d like to say from Da Nang in  the center of Vietnam, bye for now and stay champ.

We talked about the positives and the negatives in Da Nang, Vietnam. What do people really think of Da Nang? What do they like and what can be improved?

This is filmed at the main beach of Da Nang: Bãi tắm Phạm Văn Đồng; https://maps.app.goo.gl/jNwbJKFB7pEDspiq7

Check out our new friend David, He is doing pretty cool editing and he can guide you to get mad editing skills; https://www.instagram.com/davee.visuals

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  1. Chai, you had really good guests expressing themselves well and sharing nice information. Nice job, like always. And nice move to break things up by filming in different locations so not the same background. Looking forward to the next one . . .

  2. I spent a couple of weeks in Da Nang and really loved it.
    Ba Na hills is absolutely amazing and an absolute highlight of my trip.
    Hoi Ann is also amazing especially at night with all the lanterns.

  3. If you're in Da Nang make sure you go to the Linh Ung temple (you can see the Lady Buddha on the clifftop from the Da Nang beach). You won't be disappointed.

  4. Thank you my friend for the new episode from Da Nang sharing visitors' opinions about the city. Another wonderful destination with its Dragon Bridge (you have to see it in action) very close to Hoi An, a beautiful, very European coastal town.😉

  5. Your Belgian guest missed a great opportunity to respond to you when you said: 'maybe the smile is not always there but the friendliness is underneath' he should have responded: 'just like the Dutch!'

  6. Thank you for this video. I am heading to Da Nang in july from New Zealand & it will be my first international trip minus Australia. I cannot wait!

  7. Almost everyone mentions Thailand. Actually, we are turning to Vietnam in order to escape from the crowds and the low quality mass tourism that you can experience in Phuket, Koh Samui, and Krabi area. After an amzing time in Phu Quoc we are coming to Da Nang in April🤩

  8. Thank you so much for speaking with these visitors, you can learn a lot from hearing about their experience. I was in Ho Chi Minh for a week and was going to go to Da Nang but it's too hot at the end of March, I'll be back and visit there next time.

  9. I got stung by hundreds of small jellyfish in Danang, but met a lovely lady who was happy to pee on the stings and sooth the pain 😂 we dated for 6 months after that bonding experience

  10. Im american, just got back from da nang and absolutely love it. I love the fact that 10 mins get you away from tourism and cheaper accommodations. The food is amazing and the people are friendlier and dont try to hustle you as hard. Im definitely going back but i want to try and learn the language more. Possibly setup something for work as i get bored easily and crime is minimal compared to big city.

  11. Nice to know current Vietnam is still very welcoming to all foreigners despite it being Communist-run from what I understand (unless that's no longer the case). Wonderful place from the video! Thank you Chai Travel! Keep vlogging!

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