Conversaciones en español – A1 – 2

The first day of class Ana Redondo Cortés? Yes. Luis Rodrigo Salazar? It’s me. Eva Tomás Alonso? Eva, Eva Tomás Alonso. I, I… It’s me. José Antonio Valle Pérez? Valles. As? Va-llés, with that one at the end. Va-llés. OK. Raúl Olano? Yes. Mari Paz Rodríguez Prado. Mari Paz Rodríguez Prado? No this. Francisco Leguineche?

Yes. Sorry, the second last name? Zubizarreta. As? Zu-bi-za-rre-ta: ceta, u, be, i, ceta, a, erre, e, te, a. Oh, okay, thanks. You are welcome. Cecilia Castro Omedes? I am me. Alberto Vizcaíno Morcillo? Yes. Silvia Jiménez Luque? Yes. Okay… Let’s see… Nieves Herrero García? Snow…? No this. Paz Guillén Cobos? Paz Guillén? Yes.

It’s me, it’s me… Gerardo Bermejo Bermejo. Yes. David Blanco Herrero. It’s me. What’s your name? Guillermo Zamora. As? Guillermo Zamora. Do you have a phone? Yes, it is 942-13-45-10. Thank you. You are welcome. Two canaries: What is your name? Guillermo Zamora. As? Guillermo Zamora. Do you have a phone? Yes, it is 942-13-45-10.

Thank you. You are welcome. Two versions, a Spanish and a Basque: What is your name? Guillermo Zamora. As? Guillermo Zamora. Do you have a phone? Yes, it is 942-13-45-10. Thank you. You are welcome. Who are they talking about? How nice he is! Yes, he is a very nice person.

And very hard working. Yes it’s correct. And it’s not selfish at all… No, what’s going on… On the contrary. She is a very intelligent woman. Yes, but she is pedantic, unfriendly… Yes, that’s true. And a little selfish. Very selfish! The people on Picasso Street are not Spanish, are they?

Who? The one with the saxophone? No! Is foreign. German, I think. Ah, German… He’s very kind… Yes. But, girl, what a noise… Noise? Yes, the music… Yes, that’s right… The other one, the Spaniard, plays the drums! Yes, but they are good kids. Of course, since you live in house 10…

They have a little child, right? Yes, very cute. He is four or five years old. And he speaks with an accent… He’s Argentine. Ah…! They are very nice, aren’t they? Yes, very nice. No, no… She doesn’t work. Well… he works at home, I mean. And study at the University!

Oh yeah? Yes… She is a very hard-working girl. You have two children, right? If two. A boy and a girl. You live alone, right? No, with his sister… They are twins! Come on… There are two! Yes, twins. Is married?

Not, divorced. But he’s dating a girl… A very nice girl, who has a motorcycle… No, I don’t know her… And he lives with his daughter, right? Yes, a very pretty girl… She dances flamenco, the girl… Oh, yes? Yes Yes Yes. Dances very well.

Tecla has a boyfriend…! You think? If he is very old… Yes, yes, surely, a man with a beard, about 60 years old. He’s a painter, or something like that… Ah…! Look at it, look at it, there it comes, that’s it. Paula’s family tree And my family, well, my family is

Made up of my mom and my dad, and… my three brothers and me. And what are your parents’ names? My dad’s name is Omar Raúl. My mom’s name is Helena. And your brothers? My brothers’ names are… the eldest, Gustavo, then I come, my name is

Paula, then my sister, whose name is Victoria, and the youngest, my brother, whose name is Gastón. And your grandparents? My grandparents’ names are… My grandfather, Cristóbal, and my grandmother, Helena. And who were they? Whose parents? The parents of my mother. And my grandfather Otto and my grandmother Ana María, my father’s parents.

And I have only one aunt. Just one? Yes. And what is its name? Cuqui. And what is? Whose sister? She is my dad’s sister. And I have a nephew. Yeah? Yes. What’s his name? Luciano. And he is whose son? He is the son of my sister, Victoria.

And what is your sister’s husband’s name? Juan José. But they call him Chivo. Where can your partner sit? Hey, is Mrs. Toledo traveling alone? Toledo? Yes, Marina Toledo, the music teacher. Ah, now… No, no, she’s not alone. She goes with a friend… With Celia Ojeda, I think her name is. Ah!…

And this Swiss man? Mr. Müller? Yes, that… No, he travels with his girlfriend, with Miss Tomba, the Italian girl… How nice Mr. López Marín is! Yes it’s very funny. And his wife too. Yes it’s true. They are lovely.

Mr. Ponce is a bit annoying, isn’t he? Yes a lot. And besides, he talks and talks and talks… And only about football! David, Edu and Manuel’s vacation Hello David. Hello how are you? Good, I’m good. And how are you? Well, very good. I’m about to go on vacation. Yeah? Yes.

And where are you going? Well, I’m going to the beach. To the beach… To what beach? I’m going to Malaga. To Malaga… Nice. And who are you going with? Well, I’m going with my wife and my two-year-old son. Very good, very good. So what… How are you going to go? By car.

By car. Well, that gives you a little more peace of mind, right? Sure… But do you usually travel by car? Normally. Whenever I go on vacation, I go in my car. And do you always go to the beach? What area are you going to, to the beach? Well, now I travel through Spain,

But previously I went to other places. Aha, very good… And the season of the year, does it make no difference to you or does it always coincide with summer…? No, always in summer, in the month of August. Mmmm… Hello Edu, how are you? Very good. Look, here

I am… organizing my travel photographs. About your trips… And where do you usually go on a trip? Well, the truth is that I always go as far as possible. I love going to exotic places. But within Spain?

Or do you like to go out to other countries? Well, the truth is that my last trips have been very, very far away. I have been lately to Brazil, Australia and Cambodia. Oh! Yes… And how do you usually go? Well… Well, logically I always travel by plane to those places.

But within the countries I try to get around on… public transport, take trains, buses… Eh…, travel like the people of the country travel. Already. And how do you travel: with people, alone…? Well always alone. At least

I have made these last three trips, I have made them alone. Normally, I take advantage of low seasons, when tickets are cheaper, especially in autumn and winter; November and January, the tickets are very cheap and… and well that’s what I almost always do, well,

What I’ve done in recent years has been that. And what do you usually do on your trips? Well, above all I try to meet people; It’s what interests me the most. But it also depends on the country. For example, in, in Brazil, one of

The most interesting things has been… visiting fantastic places like waterfalls or going to the jungle or, or… getting to know the beaches of the Northeast, which are amazing. I mean, it depends on the country. Sometimes I do things that are more… natural, so to speak,

But other times it’s…, well, meeting people, going out a lot at night…; depends on the country. How about Manuel? I see that you are preparing your vacation. Yes, I am with the backpack, it is the most important element, you know, because I… I really like mountaineering and I spend all my vacations,

Whenever I can, especially in spring when it is best to walk and this , No? I always go to the mountains. To the mountain? Yes, I have a group of friends who always go out and we always organize ourselves. And then we spent in the mountains… well, that’s between fifteen

And twenty days, so it’s fantastic. And the backpack is essential, of course. Sure, sure, and where do you usually travel? Well, look normally… The truth is that we have never left Europe. The furthest we have gone has been to the Swiss Alps, because it is a mountain that, with that,

We are already satisfied, you know, because the level of difficulty is quite great and the equipment we have is not there either. very prepared, you know. You need a lot of money, travel expenses complicate the situation a lot, you know.

And since we have little time, well… Now. And what do you usually do, hiking…? Yes Yes. We do… Look, sometimes we go by bicycle and then we do some routes that are already marked. Other times, sometimes, we even fuck with horses;

We have done some routes through the Pyrenees, fantastic, you know, because everything is already marked. How beautiful! Yes. So we go there with a guide, who takes us… And… Then other times we do what is going from one area to another on rural roads, you know, doing what we call the “bivouac”,

Which is sleeping at night in the countryside, you know, without booths, I mean, without tents, without anything; Simply put, where we arrived we stopped, had dinner and slept, and in the morning we continued walking. Daniel’s purchases. How much is this one worth? One hundred and ninety euros. It’s beautiful… It’s… too expensive…

And a perfume? Yes, but which one? This is the new one by Nina Pucci, “Passion”… Oh, no, how strong… It’s a little big, isn’t it? Yes a bit. But in black I only have this size. And this other? This one is also very good, but I only have it in blue.

Do they have batteries? No, sorry… Men’s or women’s? Of man. Well, you have to go to the second floor… Do you accept cards? Yes, Visa. And American Express, or Master? No. Visa only. What do we give him? Good that? I don’t know, I don’t know… What…? Well we have two hours, eh?

What do you think of a book? A book, well… No… Because the other day we already bought him a book… It just seems easy to me… Come on, in the end… But… We always buy him a “compact ” or a disk.

We could think of something a little more original… I just don’t know, really, no, no, I don’t know what to give him. Well, a poster, I don’t know… A poster! A poster… It’s true. What do you like? Or a Woody Allen movie. Ah… Oysters… Yes, yes, yes…

What happens is that he… Maybe he has them… I know he’s eighteen… Now, I don’t know which ones… Well, man, he does have eighteen, then now, what?… No, no, well then, no. And a poster of what? Wait, wait, I… I like this movie… Or I do… Oh, I don’t know, I don’t know…

Because… Oh, I don’t know… A Woody Allen poster! Surely he has too, if he has eighteen films… Well, what? I don’t know, an album by some group that… Do you want us to go see the posters? Okay, yes, let’s see the posters. The posters? Yes Yes Yes.

That? I have no idea, eh, honestly… Man, but, let’s see… A handkerchief… A handkerchief? The thing is… Do you usually dress with scarves? No, now that you mention it, no. Wait, wait… And a stuffed animal?

A stuffed animal? No, not a stuffed animal, no, man, no… And where does he put the stuffed animal? In the room… Sure. Not music, because we don’t know what music… And a book? A book… But… It’s the usual resource, I know but… But her, a book?

Wow, read too. Man, of course he reads but… But I don’t know… Shoes. Shoes? Shoes. I don’t know what… It’s very risky, eh, shoes. Yes you’re right. A bag, which always goes with bags. Ah, a big bag! Yeah! He always carries a lot of things, and also for traveling and that…

Yes, exactly, exactly. Oh perfect. Big bag…? Let’s look at it. Exact. Do Spaniards play sports? Do you, madam, do sports? Yes Yes. I go swimming. Half an hour every day. Every day? Yes, yes, and some days twice: morning and afternoon. And you too, gentleman?

Me too. But only on weekends. Every weekend I go out on my bike with friends. We average 35 or 40 kilometers. And during the week? Anything else? No, the truth is that I don’t have time. Hey, please, do you do sports? No… no… I play tennis from time to time

But I don’t have much time. And you? Let’s see, you. I do. I go to the gym three times a week. And I also. Let’s go together. Oh, very good, thank you. Let’s see, who is the one who does the most sports?

Oh, I don’t… I only in summer. Well I do. I play football. On Saturdays, game. Tuesday and Thursday, we train. And you? Do you also play soccer? Yes Yes. And tennis. Bad habits for a healthy life Excuse me, sir, can you allow me a moment? Yeah? We are from Radio Ondas.

Do you think you lead a healthy life? I? Not much. No, huh? Because? Tell us why. Man…, I sleep few hours…, I smoke… Ya, ya. And do you do any sports? Yes, that is. I play golf. AHA. Weekly? No! From time to time. Thank you.

Excuse me, ma’am, can you answer some questions for Radio Ondas? Yes, yes, ask, ask… Do you think you lead a healthy life? I? Very much so, I think so. Look: I eat a lot of vegetables, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink coffee… And sports? Do you play any sport? Mmmmm… No, sport, no…

Well, yes… I swim… Ah… But, how much? Once a week? Two? No no! Sometimes… Well, in summer every day. On the beach. Yes, on the beach. We go every year with my husband and some friends. Thank you. Thank you so much. Sorry sir. We are from Radio Ondas

And we are doing a survey on the healthy habits of Spaniards. Ah, it is a very important topic. Look, I believe that there are many people who do not lead a healthy life. There are people who eat very badly.

And no… Yes, yes, ask, ask… Yes, excuse me. We are interested in knowing what things you do. I? Many. For example: I walk a lot. Every day I take a one-hour walk. Because I have a problem. I work in an office

And I sit for too many hours. Yes, yes. And apart from that, do you play any sports? Well, sometimes we go play tennis with some friends and we also go cycling. And as for food? Of course, of course. It is also a very important topic. I always have cereals with fiber for breakfast.

Meat and fish, always grilled. A lot of fruit, I like fruit a lot. Good. Thank you. Thank you so much. Alicia is looking for a job I see that you speak many languages… Yes, I really like studying languages. I love it. I have studied English at school and then…, I have studied French,

Arabic and… also a little bit of Russian. Well, and I have also lived for a while in Holland and I speak a little Dutch… I also spent a few months in Italy… Have you lived in Holland and in Italy…? Yes, in Italy too.

And the last few years you have been traveling through several countries, right? Yes, I have traveled a lot, throughout Europe… And through North Africa. But for work? Yes, I have been working for a Spanish pharmaceutical company… A pharmaceutical laboratory? Yes, it is a laboratory that produces medicines, from algae and

Marine products… It is called Thalos. Mmm, interesting, yes. Yes a lot. But exactly what was your job? Well, actually, there have been several. I started working as a management secretary and, later, I started working as an interpreter. I have accompanied the technicians on their trips because I have studied

Biology, specifically, oceanography. And well, I have a scientific background… But, I mean, as a biologist, exactly, haven’t you ever worked? No, no, as a biologist, never… I have finished university and I have started working in the company… And since I liked the work…

I have met a lot of people, I have traveled, I have learned very interesting things about the world… Blasco Supermarket Blasco Supermarket, tell me. I want to make a request. I’m Carmen Millán. How are you, Mrs. Millán? Well well. Take note. Tell me. Two kilos of oranges. For juice or to eat?

To eat. Two oranges to eat… Half a dozen eggs. Eggs…, medium… Big? Yes, big. Two hundred grams of Manchego cheese. Manchego cheese… Two hundred. Yes, two hundred grams, in one piece. Milk, two cartons. Whole or skimmed? Whole. Is Asturivaca doing well? Yes.

Two Asturivaca whole milk… Anything else? Yes, a bottle of Castillo Manchón… Castillo Manchón wine, a bottle… Red? Yes, red. Six cans of Coca-Cola. Six of Coca-Colas. “Light” or normal? Normal, normal… A packet of sugar. Anything else? No, nothing more. It’s Princess Street, right? That, Calle Princesa, 10, first B.

Okay. Princess, 10, first B… We took it to her at noon, around one. OK. Mexican cuisine Hello, what do you want to eat? Well, I don’t know, I’m very lost… If you can… Well, look, the menu of the day, we have quesadillas for today, first, quesadillas and ox tail broth

, what do you want more? And the quesadillas? What is it? Look, quesadillas are corn pancakes, corn flour, and they are filled…, they can be filled with mushrooms, with cheese, or with meat or… or whatever you want… Well, come on, yes , quesadillas. Do you want some quesadillas?

Yes Yes Yes. And they’re fried, right? That is, they are fried and then they put spicy sauce on them. Ah, ah, yes, yes, very good. Do you want some quesadillas? Yes, yes, quesadillas. And… Let’s see, and for the

Second course, what do you recommend? And, for the second course, look, we have for today, chiles en nogada and mole pueblano. Mole… what is it? Mole is a red sauce made from peanuts, chocolate, sesame seeds and avocado leaves. So, a sweet and sour red sauce. And it goes with chicken, with cooked chicken.

And that’s it… the sauce… And the chiles? And chiles en nogada are chiles…, um… large chiles and they are stuffed with meat, with pineapple, pomegranate, raisins and pine nuts. Not anymore. The mole, better. The mole? Yes Yes. OK. And for dessert? And for desserts, look, today we only have capirotada. Ah…

And well, the capirotada is a very typical dessert… And it is bread, fried, with onion and… bathed with a sweet syrup and with cheese and peanuts and raisins. Wow. It’s a little strong. MMM. Well come on, go ahead. You want it? Yes Yes Yes. OK.

The Spanish tortilla And then, it also has its little tricks. First the pan has to be very hot, the pan without the oil… Without the oil… Without the oil, yes, it has to be very hot, almost smoking. Then you add the oil,

A little, to heat it up. It heats up right away, instantaneous. And then you put the potatoes, and the potatoes have to have a lot of oil. Since the oil is very hot, the potatoes do not absorb too much oil and it turns out well.

And how do you cut the potato? Fine? The potato, finite. That’s how it’s done before, too. AHA! And then, you leave it there and let it simmer. And it is being done, it is being done quietly; You take out the potatoes,

You take out a little oil, because if not, there would be a lot of oil; You beat the eggs, previously… Then you add the egg and the potato, all together, and the trick: the potato, if you have fried it with a little

Onion, an incredible omelette comes out. So, well, you do it, then you turn up the heat, you do it and you turn the tables. It turns out great, huh? With a little wine and a little bread. And well…! A Spanish course in Granada Let’s see, Spain… 3-4… 9-5-8… 2-2-3-4-4-3.

Rimasa, tell me. Al-Andalus Spanish Center? How do you say? Is it the Spanish Center? I’m sorry. You are wrong. Here is a car workshop. Excuse me. Ah! It’s 9-5-8-2-2-3-4-4-5! Spanish center, tell me. Hello good morning. Look, I’m enrolled in next month’s course and… What’s your name?

Flávio Guimarães. Can you spell my last name please? Guimarães: ge, u, i, eme, a, ere, a, e, esa. Yes, yes, here I have your registration… Ah… And I would like to know what time I have to be there. The course starts on day 2, at half past nine in the morning.

March 2nd… Ok, very good, thank you. You are welcome. Sorry, one more thing: I don’t have the family’s address. Have you not received our letter with all the information? No, no… How strange! Let’s see, take note: Plaza Mariana Pineda, 6. Is it in the center? Yes, it is very central.

Right next to the tourist office. But there is a small problem… A problem? Yes. The room is free from day 3. Ah! From 3? Do you have a fax? Yes. If you want, I’ll send you a list of hotels… Yes, great. Well, I’ll send you the list and the map by fax,

With the address of the school and the family… Perfect, very kind, I’ll give you my number… Infoiberia… I would like to know what flights there are to Madrid-Granada. What day do you want to travel? Day 1. Day 1, Friday… Let’s see… Yes, take note.

There is one at 12:35 and another, in the afternoon, at 5:15 p.m. Oh, okay, 12:35 and 5:17 p.m. Hotel Generalife, tell me. Hello, good afternoon, I would like to reserve a room for the nights of March 1 and 2. Day 1 and 2, March? Yes, March 1 and 2… His name…

Flavio Guimarães. Flavio… Gui-ma-rã-es… Excuse me, how much does the room cost? Single or double? Individual, with bathroom. Yes, all rooms have a bathroom. Let’s see, the individual… 50 euros. OK. Can you make the reservation for me?, then. Perfect… A room… double, no sorry, single,

On the nights of March 1 and 2…, in the name of Flavio Guimarães. Exact. Thank you so much. Very good, good afternoon, goodbye. This is Carlos and Alicia’s answering machine. Leave a message after the signal, please. Hello handsome! I’m Flavio. I’m calling to say that

I will be in Spain for a month to take a Spanish course, between March 1 and April 3. And I will be in Granada and… I would really like to see you, but, I don’t know, we’ll talk to each other. I call you. A kiss.

Hotel Picos de Europa Hotel Picos de Europa, tell me. Yes, look, I’m Tomás Marquina and I have a room reserved starting on the 11th. Marquina. Friday the 11th. Yes. And I wanted to tell you that we are going to arrive on the 12th. Saturday. Yes, on Saturday the 12th.

In other words, you want to cancel the reservation for Friday. That is. Very well, I take note, no problem, sir. Thank you and see you Saturday. Bye bye. Picos de Europa, good morning. Good morning. Look, I wanted to book two rooms for this weekend. Yes, for what nights? Saturday night and Sunday night.

Saturday, the 12th and Sunday, the 13th. Two double rooms? Yes, two doubles. Sanchez. Excuse me, what name? Sanchez, Sanchez. Juan Sanchez. Very well, can you give me the number…? Hotel Picos de Europa. Good afternoon. I’m calling on behalf of Mrs. Benito.

I had a reservation for two nights… Let’s see… Yes, here it is. He’s not going to be able to go. You have had a family problem and… Shall we cancel the reservation? Yes please. Very good. Thank you so much. Hotel Picos de Europa. Do you have a room for the 13th?

The night of the 13th… Yes, there are still some. Well, I wanted to book a double, with a bed for a child, a couple and a small child. What name? Cebrián. Cebrián. A double room, with an extra bed for Sunday night. Very good. Well… Until Sunday. Ah… We’re going to arrive a

Little late, at eight or nine. Very good. No problem. Take note. The Hotel Universidad hotel, tell me. I would like to book a room for the 14th. The night of the 14th… Mmm, sorry, the hotel is full. Ah, well… I’m really sorry, huh? Bye bye. Bye bye.

Hotel Trap. I would like to know the prices of the rooms. 95 euros plus VAT, double room. OK. And the single room? The individual, 72 euros. Oh, and another question: where is the hotel? In the middle? No, no, in the center, no. It is close to the Barcelona highway,

Not far from the airport. Ah okay. Hotel San Plácido, good afternoon. I would like to know the price of the rooms. The single room, 85 euros from Monday to Friday, with breakfast included and VAT included. The individual…? Yes, and the double… No, the single… Ah… And the weekend, 59.

And where exactly is the hotel? In Plaza San Pácido, near Plaza de España. That is, in the center. Yes, yes, very central, but on a quiet street. Villarreal What problems does Villarreal have? The strike… of course, the strike. Unemployment is the number one problem. There is no doubt about that…

Of course, if people can’t work… Yes, it’s true, unemployment, unemployment is the most serious thing. Well, for me, the worst thing is the housing thing. That young people cannot afford a flat. The apartments are very expensive, very expensive… I think that Villarreal needs a University.

The nearest university is 200 kilometers away and many kids want to go to study but… well, they can’t… Crime, citizen insecurity… That’s the worst thing there is… You can’t go quietly to nowhere. And the police, who do nothing. No, sir, the worst thing is that there is no march,

That this city is dead, man. There is no life. Look: there are only three clubs… Problems? Many… For me, unemployment, housing… and transportation. The transportation is terrible. Look what a mess, what a traffic jam. Like this every day, here in the center… And the outskirts are very poorly connected.

Look, for example, the Los Rosales neighborhood doesn’t even have a bus. And then, of course, people come downtown by car, and they don’t know where to park… A movie: visiting friends’ house Hello, how are you? Hello, very good and you? Hello, how are you? How are you? Come in, come in.

Here? Yes, yes, go ahead. Here, put this in the refrigerator. If it wasn’t necessary… This is Celia, a niece. He is spending a few days with us. Hi nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Sit down, sit down. Have you found the address correctly?

Yes, yes, no problem. You have explained it to us very well. You live in a very nice neighborhood. Yes, it’s pretty quiet. What a beautiful room! Do you like it? Come, I’ll show you the house. Hello good evening. Hello Dad. Come look, meet Hanna and Paul. My father, who lives with us.

Hi how are things. Nice to meet you. Well, it’s getting late. Yes, we have to go… Do you want to go now? If it’s only eleven… It’s just that I have to get up early tomorrow… Well, you already know where your house is.

Let’s see when you come. Okay, we called each other and we met. Apartment for rent Tell me. Good morning. I was calling about the apartment ad. AHA!. And tell me, what did you want to know? Well look, I needed to know how many rooms

It has, if it has an elevator, and the issue of light. Well, look, it has four rooms, all four are exterior, two face the garden, the community garden, because it also has a community garden and two face the street. In addition, it has a bathroom and a toilet, and…

A very, very large and very bright living-dining room. There is also a terrace, which is very good, and which also overlooks the community garden. Excuse me, what floor is it? Sixth. And does it have an elevator? Yes Yes of course. Could we meet to see it?

Yes Yes of course. Look, if you want to write down the address of the apartment. And I don’t know, maybe… are you doing well this afternoon…? This afternoon…? Yes, tell me Okay, well look, the address is… Apartment for rent Good afternoon, hello. Hello, good afternoon. I came to see the apartment.

Ah yes yes. Have we talked this morning? Okay, come in, come in. Well… look, come over here, as you see this is the dining room I was telling you about. And well, as you can see, it has two rooms, one for eating and…, come in, come in, and this one for

Resting and watching television. If you notice, the floor is… all wood. If you want to follow me here… Well, this is one of the rooms I was telling you about, it’s one of the ones that overlooks the garden, the community garden. And, well, as you see, it has

Two beds and a closet, a built-in closet. If you want to accompany me to the other room, which also overlooks the garden. Yes, over here. Careful. Yes, look, this is the room. As you can see, it is quite, quite large, it also has like two rooms. Here you can study… Anyway.

Yes, I wanted to ask you a question… Yes, tell me. I would have a couple of beds left over. Would there be somewhere I could store them? Yes, there are storage rooms on the ground floor. And the terrace, can we go to the terrace?

Yes Yes of course. Over here, yes. Ah, very good, he has very good eyesight… You can tell he’s a sixth, huh. Yes… Shall we go inside? And so I show him the bathroom, the kitchen…; anyway. Come on, this way, this way. Let’s see, let me close… This way, come on.

This is the bathroom. As you can see, it has a fairly large bathtub. And… if you want to come this way… And this is the toilet. If you come with me, shall we go to the kitchen? Look, well, come in, come in.

As you can see, it is completely renovated, it is all new. Two years ago, the renovations. Well, it has a ceramic hob, it has a dishwasher. And well, as you see, the washing machine, the refrigerator… We would leave all this. Very pretty, very pretty.

Yes, I like it, very good… Well now the only thing we would need would be the price… Well, look, I rent the apartment for 1000 euros, per month. Thousand? Think you are in a residential area… Yes, yes… Addresses You have my address, right? No, not your address.

I only have the phone. Note: Cervantes Street… Cervantes Street. Cervantes 13. 13. 3rd, A. 3rd, A. That. Where do you live? On Isaac Peral Avenue, 97. Now. Very close to my house, then. Yes, it’s not far, about ten minutes walk. Give me your address? My adress?

Yes, I want to send you something. Ah… Paseo de las Acacias, 29, penthouse. Excuse me, Paseo de las Acacias, what number? 29, left attic. Thank you, Montse. Your address please. Plaza del Rey Juan Carlos, 83, staircase A, 1st mezzanine. Eighty and…? 83. Staircase A, 1st mezzanine. Mezzanine, 1st. Very well thank you.

You can sign here? Is Alejandro there? Yeah? Is Maruja there? Yes, but right now he’s taking a shower. Ah, now… Well… well, tell him I called. I’m Luisa, a colleague from the office. OK. I tell you. Say. Elisabeth… No, it’s not me… It’s just that… Well, it’s just that he’s sleeping.

Ah, well, well… Well, I’ll call her later. No problem. Okay, yes… In a while, I don’t know…, at 4 or so… I’m Miguel, a classmate from school. Okay, I’ll tell him you called. Thank you. Ciao. Bye bye. Say? I wanted to talk to Gustavo. I’m your brother, David.

Oh, hello, David. Gustavo is not there. Has gone out. Do you know if he has gone to university? No, I do not think so. At this hour, he’s probably at the club, playing tennis. Should I tell you something? Well, yes, I have to talk to him. About mom’s birthday.

OK. I tell you. But call the club. Mr. Rueda, please. From who? From Maribel Botero, from CAMPOAMOR ABOGADOS. Well it’s not there. He is traveling, working in Bilbao. Do you want to leave a message? No, no, it’s not necessary. Are you going to be away for many days? Until Thursday.

Come back the same Thursday. Well, nothing, I’ll call you on Friday. OK. Bye bye. You or you? Maruja, come a moment. Look, I present to you Ignacio Valdés, from Oficsa… Hello, how are you, how are you? Well and you? Excuse me… Olivares Street? Let’s see… Continue down this same street.

You will see a square… Plaza Santa Águeda… Well, that’s where… Thank you very much, very kind. Sorry… The Valencia highway? Yes, go straight ahead… and at the traffic light, turn left. Thank you. Bye bye. Ana, Felipe… Meet my brother Alberto. Hi how are things? Very well and you? Nice to meet you.

We really wanted to meet you… I wanted to meet you too… Hey, is this bus going to Puerta del Sol? Yes. Ah… And there’s still a lot left? I’ll tell you… I also play in Sol. Memories on the radio And what do you remember especially from your youth?

I especially remember the day I first saw the plastic. The plastic? Yes, yes, the plastic. This was around the year… 54 or 55. Before plastic, life was very different. When plastic arrived, life changed a lot, especially at home. I remember that in schools, for example, they gave us powdered milk in the morning…

American aid. Yes, as a result of Franco’s agreements with Eisenhower, who visited Spain in 1955. The regime sought international recognition. Yes of course. United States, the Vatican… Argentina; Perón and his wife, Eva Perón, came from Argentina… Exactly. That was, if I remember correctly, in ’56.

Wasn’t it earlier? I think… Yes, I think so… In any case, he was talking to us about powdered milk… Yes, very bad powdered milk. I took it with cocoa, a lot of sugar and cocoa. Well, to what I was going… For the children, the issue was a problem,

Because every week we broke a glass glass. For children, and for families… Buy a glass every week. Buying a glass every week was more expensive than buying milk… The fact is that I perfectly remember the first plastic glass I had: you threw it on the floor and it didn’t break.

Amazing, right? Yes, amazing. All of Spain was an amazing country… And what other things do you remember? Well, I have memories of important events that impressed me a lot… When Che was killed. It was in 1967. I was 32 years old. For those of my generation, the news was like a bomb.

So it was not yet the poster myth. It was a living myth. It was a time of attacks against great myths. Yes… I remember a year later the death of Luther King, in ’68. And the Kennedy brothers;

First John, in ’63, and then Robert… But the one that impressed me the most was Che. And regarding the advances of science, what news do you remember as most impressive? The most spectacular thing was the moon landing. I remember perfectly. On July 21, 1969. We saw it on television.

At 7:45 he left. Sorry for the delay, guys… But what happened to you? We were worried… Nothing, nothing… Nothing important, wow. You got wet… A little, yes… I just left the house. I saw that it was raining… And you didn’t have an umbrella… No, I went back in to look for one…

To look for an umbrella. Yes… But I didn’t have the keys to the house… And you couldn’t get in. Clear. I called the neighbors’ house and they lent me one… And then… a traffic! Horrible… And there wasn’t even a free taxi.

Luckily I saw Elvira, a friend of mine, who was passing by and she took me to Plaza España. But the traffic was terrible… It took us almost half an hour. And you came on foot from Plaza España? Yes, of course, what a remedy. A quarter of an hour on foot…

And how it was raining! Well, come on, dry off a little and we’ll get started. Yes, let’s get to work, it’s very late. Oh yes. It’s already a quarter to ten.


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