【4K HDR】台湾太好玩!单人骑行攻略:400km 桃园/新竹/台中/嘉义/台南

I’ve always been curious about what Taiwan is like. It’s too far to drive and too slow to walk , so I chose to travel around Taiwan by bicycle. I planned the cycling equipment for a single bicycle and packed and checked it in with the clothes and camera needed along the way.

Unpack and assemble at the destination and store the car box. Depart from the airport via Daxi to Hsinchu , then pass through Houli to Taichung , then pass through Nantou Douliu to Chiayi , and then arrive at the destination in one go. It is too difficult. The whole journey

Is 400 kilometers in total . I rode a bicycle for 6 days and enjoyed myself in the hard work. I know that Taiwan is definitely more than the 101 Building and the girl in Alishan, Sun Moon Lake, nor is Jay Chou walking from Guling Street to Zhongxiao East Road 9 times.

What is he like? Welcome to watch the lottery Feng Photography Life Magazine Welcome to Caifeng Photography Life Magazine I am a Malaysian cat Ben I am a Malaysian cat Ben I am a Malaysian cat Ben I am a Malaysian cat Ben The time for this trip is very tight

, but I try my best to cover as much as possible, but it is not just about watching. I want to see the flowers. What kind of car is parked at Atubo’s house in the village? Where did Lin Chiling distribute the wedding candies? When passing by the temple,

Listen to how the pilgrims pray and how much incense money they offer. See how the ingredients are processed and cleaned at Shuixiangong vegetable market. At the largest oak tree With a radius of one kilometer, let’s take a look at its growing environment.

What do the junior high school students in Taichung No. 1 Middle School eat and play after school? Do students studying Chinese in college also sleep in class ? What is the environment of the nearest tidal flat between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait?

How about the crispy chicken at Huayuan Night Market? To attract customers , hey, those in front of you, don’t leave, come in quickly , hurry up, I just told you 100 yuan. The rice fields in Tainan grow a few days earlier than in Taipei.

What is the source of the huge roaring noise overhead every day ? In short, you can touch it, not just look at it and taste it. The most beautiful scenery of a bicycle trip is definitely not at the starting point and the end point . There is also

The warm hospitality of old friends in Taiwan. Thank you . Thank you. Plus the help of strangers on the road. Passionate fan Ma Mao Fan, hey , I watched your Antarctic, it was great, it really made me realize a more complete and meaningful Taiwan. Why should I say that

Tainan is a place suitable for people to dream, work, fall in love, get married, and live leisurely ? What impressed me most about Taiwan was the bowl of beef noodles on the streets that morning. The warm beef had just come out of the slaughterhouse. The

Hot soup was added to the chewy handmade pasta. It was fragrant and sweet in my mouth. It was warm and filling when I swallowed it. It’s really an unforgettable experience. I just walked, ate, rode and watched this film along the way. I will

Take you to relive my cycling trip to Taiwan in chronological order . This is a travel record for myself and for people who think the same. A little bit of experience summary from foreigners and Taiwanese locals who are traveling in Taiwan by bicycle. If you find it useful and like it,

Please like it, save it and forward it to your friends. Let’s start the whole article. Taiwan is really suitable for cycling. I like this. It’s the right place . It just so happens that it’s March when the peach blossoms are blooming. In the community, you can see that

The peach blossoms have all bloomed. That’s why I like to travel by bike and car. You can hear, um, the people on the roadside talking. You can smell the street. You can feel the change in the weather from the smell wafting from the small restaurant next to it.

Is the temperature cold or hot ? We are now in the Daxi District of Daxi. This place is their living area. The locals buy vegetables and fruits here. Yes, hey . I have to eat some fruits on time . The guy who delivers gas, this is Li Zongsheng ’s first breakfast in Taiwan

In the future . It’s just right. I don’t need to look at the sign. It’s just as sweet as when I rode by here. The smell of braised pork rice is so irritating to my nostrils that I flew all night yesterday and now I can’t smell this smell anymore.

I stopped to eat and had to eat it again and again . When I come back, it’s all meat, dried tofu and braised eggs . The carbohydrates I need and then the protein I need are so delicious. How about sugar-coated eggs, um, the heat is better

, and then I have that taste in my heart . Wow , this road is so comfortable to ride on. It’s a pity that it’s cloudy today . I feel that if it is sunny, it will already be a pleasant route. I was reminded all the way to slow down and

I have to slow down to show you. The dam above is so high. Wow, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. That road is really a boulevard , and even the tree trunks are covered with leaves. Drivers here in Taiwan are also very friendly to cyclists. It’s not so scary

As everyone said before. I think basically everyone will keep a very safe distance from the cars passing by me and then slow down to pass us. Or it’s quite a distance away, including SO far . So far , my entire riding experience has been very comfortable.

I feel like I’m back to the way I was when I was a young man. The more I ride, the more exciting I get. Hahaha, but This butt is starting to hurt. Just say, look , the beggar is riding in this position. That means the day is almost over. Hahaha

, it’s already a new owner. It ’s a little faster than the progress , but now there is a small problem. I haven’t decided on a house yet. I ran into an incident when the new owner was looking for a place to stay . I saw

A hotel online with good decoration and price , but the location became more and more remote and I felt something was wrong. When the receptionist came out, I thought Hi, hello. When I checked into the hotel, I saw the names of the rooms on the row of water. It

Looked like a romantic city. It was so colorful and the emperor was supreme. I told you that it would only be available after 6 o’clock. Yes, if you want to stay in advance, you will be charged an additional fee. The fee in advance is OK, the minimum is 300 per hour. Is

This a love hotel or a motel ? The minimum is 2280. The minimum is 2280. OK OK OK OK OK . I’ll take a look. Thank you very much . Guess what ? Hahaha, I’m looking for a room. Hahaha, I’ve never counted on this one.

Hey, I went back and quickly took a hot bath and got ready to eat something and go to bed. I was exhausted this day . Mainly because I didn’t get much sleep last night. I finally got over it. Today I took a good nap

Because I watched it. The weather forecast says it will rain this morning. I’m afraid of the rain and the wind when I’m riding. So I might as well just take a nap and ride along the seaside , the most beautiful coastline. There’s a huge area with barbed wire here. I ‘m

Thinking it’s the airport. There’s a plane landing over there. I see the plane is coming down . Wow, the big triangular wings are moving steadily. The Mirage 2000 forest trail is called a bicycle lane. Other vehicles are prohibited from entering and are prohibited by law. Cycling here is prohibited. It must be

So cool and comfortable . Haha , wow, the windmill area , and after riding to the foot of this huge windmill, wow, I felt a little scared. You know, standing at the foot of a windmill with that Don Quixote, it felt very much like you. Don’t go here. Look, this trail is

Very beautiful. Go in and take a look. Otherwise, there is a high probability that a wild dog will come out and look at you. It’s not a wild dog . This is a matter of two people who are afraid. You feel like a damn dog or a wild dog. After biting someone

, the wild dog said, “Oh shit, it’s coming. Hahaha . I’m scared to put on my glasses. Just don’t make eye contact. It ‘s basically fine . It’s a little cold on this road today. There’s a slight wind blowing , but it’s on this road.”

You don’t have to suffer the ravages of the sea breeze. Even if it’s windy, you are riding in a sheltered place. It must be the kind where the summer is not hot and the winter is not cold. Isn’t this the most classic Gravel environment? Hahaha, the north wind is so refreshing.

The north wind of more than 10 knots and 20 knots allowed me to hitch a ride here. I just checked the stopwatch and the speed is about 35. This is cruising speed. If this is the case, we can reach the next point in two hours . It’s so cool. After leaving Hsinchu,

We went to Zhunan and then all the way to Xinpu. Then we basically walked along the shore . Then you can hear the sound of the waves all the way because there are large shoals here . On the shoal, you can also see this huge windmill facing the wind.

It is used as a local power generator. Cycling is really cool because it is very flat and very soothing . There are toilets and supply stations. I just looked at the map from It’s probably about 30 kilometers away from here. Well, we’re in the middle of Taichung.

I didn’t have much expectations for Taichung. But then I found out that there ‘s a TV series that’s been very popular recently. It’s about removing three evils every week. The scenes were shot in Taichung. I’ll look back and see if I can. After searching and fighting, who wants to come with me

? I think this journey is full of surprises . Now I take the provincial highway. The provincial highway is fast , but there are many cars. There is a special bicycle lane , but it is slow. I still like to take the provincial highway. How practical is this? We

’ll be home in about 10 minutes. Taiwan’s No. 1 Middle School ranks second in the whole of Taiwan, which is equivalent to the level of No. 2 Middle School and No. 8 Middle School . Look at what our place is called. The street across the street is called Yizhong Street.

I’m just now. I know that the street is taken from this famous school. Look at the students in Taiwan who also take the retake exams for famous teachers in physics and chemistry . They are all the same. Every time after riding a bicycle, I want a lot of sugar and water.

There is nothing more reliable than this milk tea. The milk tea is quite real. It’s 40 yuan a cup, which is equivalent to two dollars. Do you know how much it costs in Australia? It ‘s almost 10 yuan in Australia. Thank you . The taste of happiness . The taste of happiness.

Okay. I’ll dry it and finish it. What’s the name of this serious one from Taiwan ? Milk tea, it’s 5 o’clock in the morning, why is there no one on the road? I remember there was a 24-hour convenience store in front of me. There must be food in the convenience store

. There are quite a lot of food to choose from , including this noodle soup , etc. This is a breakfast that can be directly heated and taken away. We made it at Seven Eleven. But this store is called Seven Eleven and it is

A convenience store that can be seen everywhere in Taiwan. I ordered preserved egg porridge this morning and it was very comfortable this morning. I woke up in the morning and decided to wear a short-sleeved shirt because the weather might be sunny today, so I sprayed some sunscreen on

My face. Look, my face has been as tan as a tan in the past two days. When I get back, my wife will have to scold me again. Hey, don’t look at me. Look, this is the sweet-scented osmanthus. I smelled this fragrance all the way here. Then when I walked here,

There was a particularly strong smell. Oh, this sweet-scented osmanthus is on the side of the road. It has that kind of light fragrance. Did you know that the sweet-scented osmanthus is mixed with honey? Then I use it to steam the steamed buns. It’s so delicious and refreshing . This is Google.

Google pointed out a way for me. I’ll just listen to him. What’s the perfect gravel area? If I don’t leave now, it should be like this all the way again. I think it’s quite interesting . It ‘s more comfortable than walking on flat ground,

And it’s probably a little more interesting than walking on flat ground. But the road conditions may not be that good, and it’s a bit bumpy. But isn’t that the point of riding a melon? You really don’t dare to change to another car. The white road flew away

. It was quite comfortable to walk on the small road. There are several modes of transportation when traveling. Different modes of transportation have different feelings. When you look at it, when you drive, what you see is the city. What you see when riding a bike is the buildings. There are trees,

And when you walk, you see flowers and plants. Before I came to Taiwan to ride a bicycle, I thought it would be very enjoyable to ride in Taiwan. But after I arrived here, I didn’t expect it would be so enjoyable. When I arrived in Chiayi, I think the Chiayi side

Is better than other places. Several cities seem to be newer. This is the hotel where I am staying. I went in and asked. The day finally arrived. It was served with tofu and tofu skin , and then this pork belly . Then I ordered a plate of this celery and green vegetables.

I know it belongs to that kind , but the taste is not the same. It’s very strong and still maintains the original taste of the ingredients. I ate the dog and the meat first and tasted the soup. It was a little sweet . I especially like to eat something sweet that suits me.

It definitely suits my taste. I was full after the first meal. I gave this meal a 9 out of 10 points for taste . Why is it missing one point out of 9 out of 10 ? There are no carbohydrates in it. Well , I have a question for you.

Every time I drink milk tea, I either have leftover pearls or leftover milk tea. Do you have any good ways to drink the pearl milk tea at the same time? Do you have any tips? Can anyone tell me to drink the pearls and milk tea at the same time

? We arrived in Tainan and then we didn’t have time to go around the island. The vacation was too short. I only had 6 days. Haha , I came down from Taoyuan. Today is the fourth day, right ? Let’s ride slowly and have fun. You see, all I brought was a camera.

I was riding a few days ago. Along the way, I was told countless times that the best food and the most beautiful things are in Tainan , so I only had one purpose in mind to get to Tainan as soon as possible. Well, it’s okay to arrive at Tainan Railway Station

, the final destination of today’s journey. Arrived QQ100 Luosan Temple Sanbodhi Bodhi Temple . In Luoping Road, the God of Wealth in Taiwan was the location of the former capital. So there are many temples here. The temples still maintain a very traditional flavor , especially when I came out in the morning.

The lay people inside are chanting sutras . The surrounding environment is not that noisy. I think it is quite comfortable . It belongs to a city. I just woke up and smelled the fragrance of this temple. I think it is a bit pretentious, which means

That my soul is suffering. I did a little washing and then parked the car at the door. It was very safe and it was not locked. You think, no one would do such a thing at the door of the temple . Then the next step was to eat Taiwanese snacks . Taiwanese snacks

Are actually similar to those in Taiwanese temples. It has a great relationship because there were a large number of immigrants who came here first. Then the immigrants wanted to find spiritual sustenance, so they changed the temple . The incense in the temple was very heavy.

But after worshiping the gods and visiting the temple, after they came out , local vendors found opportunities . Here, pilgrims provide such food to pilgrims, which is not expensive and uses local ingredients . It satisfies the spiritual and physical satisfaction of pilgrims. Therefore, Taiwan’s snacks come from the world

And are the snacks of various places at that time. It is very, very famous. People eat a bowl of noodles, Buddha, and a stick of incense . Tainan is the end point of my entire ride, but it is also the starting point for me to understand the whole of Taiwan.

It has the richest and longest history, and also brings together the most delicious snacks in Taiwan . My impression of Tainan is that there are temples everywhere in Tainan, and there are places to eat everywhere in Tainan. If I look at Tainan from the perspective of a tourist passing by,

I feel that Tainan’s ancestral temple beliefs are slightly similar to Tainan ’s snacks. The gods on the road each show their abilities. This side is the Baosheng Emperor and the Jade Emperor . Next door is the Guanyin and Mazu Temple. The saints, Buddhism and Taoism are one . There is

No glorious grand narrative to save all sentient beings . Everyone has their own beliefs . The scope of authority of the gods seems to be more detailed and clear to solve people’s problems. I think the snack operators in Taiwan are not greedy when it comes to specific demands such as good health,

Good weather , prosperity and peace for the country . They only serve a few dishes on the water tray, a front door and a few folding tables, and the taste remains unchanged for ten or even decades. The people have a simple appetite and need to eat enough to work.

Not far from the old site of Taiwan Fucheng is the local fresh food market Shuixiangong Market . After walking around the market, I realized that the delicious snacks in Taiwan benefit from the rich local food. Ingredients Taiwan’s unique geographical environment makes its ingredients very rich. Seafood and lake freshness. Needless to say,

Its vegetables are rich and fruits are delicious. There is really something about it. I have never tasted this before and don’t know about it. I think most people have never seen this thing. This is the first time in my life that I know about it . I

Accidentally bumped into Tainan’s National Cheng Kung University in order to see the famous old oak tree in Tainan . I was in a classroom. I went over there and there was an old professor giving a lecture. Then the voice of the old professor lecturing came out from that classroom.

All the students were listening carefully . Oh , it’s a pity that I wasn’t a good student at that time. Now I feel that campus life is really It’s very beautiful. Tainan is a place suitable for people to dream of falling in love, working , getting married

, and being leisurely and contented. On this campus, I really long to be young again, and I really long for the bright lights in the back. This is Zheng Chenggong’s temple. When I came here, I saw this. The place is hung with lanterns. It ’s definitely good

To take a look at night. It’s really good . Behind me, in the barbecue shop, the young man Ba ​​Ba started a fire and was making barbecue. When I asked about it, I came from New York and said that you chose this place well. You guard such a lively place

. When walking around in Tainan, what you smell in your nose are basically fragrances. One is the fragrance of sandalwood. This is the fragrance from the temple. The other is the fragrance from the street. Check out all kinds of delicious food . What’s delicious?

Hua’an Night Market is a place to try various snacks, but I think here you can just listen to the accent of everyone’s ordering. It’s like this crispy pork ribs. Three of them cost 100 yuan. Hey, the one in front Don’t go, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,

Help me get a piece of that Boba Brown Sugar Milk Sweetness Ice Cube, uh, sweetness, full sugar, then normal ice will be fine, that’s all. I think when eating in Tainan, this depends on the decoration. It’s completely useless to judge whether this restaurant is delicious or not. Several delicious places recommended by friends

Are all from the outside. You can’t tell that this is a reliable restaurant , but the taste is different after you go in. This eel section is quite big. The eel paste is not the same as the eel paste we made when it was cut into thin strips. It

’s such a big piece . It depends on whether the meat is delicious. It’s a little sweet and tender. The noodles and onions also have this hot pot flavor. I’m telling you, if you like southern taste. s things In fact, you have definitely found the right place in Hainan for

Its light and sweet taste. I ate all of this portion and sprinkled a little pepper in it . I ended this issue with my other favorite lard bibimbap. I asked for a half-cooked poached egg. I smashed the egg yolk into the lunch box and stirred it in. First of all,

Taiwan’s rice is very famous. The rice itself is not something I can do. When I went there, I saw that the rice was very smooth and oily. The old rice is very good and elastic , and then fresh lard is added to increase the taste of soy sauce. I will finish it later.

Finally , I made a seafood meal when I got on the plane. Okay, Taiwan cycling trip. This program must end. I packed the bicycle and put it on the high-speed rail. I transported it back to Taoyuan Airport , then took a plane back to China. Then I returned to the high-speed rail.

Then I looked out the window at the journey I had ridden step by step. I thought to myself, Taiwan. I will come again in the future





campy Levante轮组

Sony A7S3加20-70镜头
insta360 X3 全景相机
insta360 AcePro 运动相机
Rode wireless Pro无线麦克
Sony ECM-B10机顶麦克
大疆mini4 pro无人机

全网统一ID:@彩蜂摄影大马猫本 (B站/微博/小红书)
YouTube / instagram :Colorbee Photography



  1. 謝謝大馬貓本,以騎乘單車的方式&搭配鏡頭來拍攝台灣的美景,也謝謝你喜歡台灣這塊土地!!<不過飲料點全糖真的蠻猛的~>歡迎你下次再來玩

  2. 歡迎大馬老師來台灣旅行, 很喜歡這次影片特色! 沒太多配樂或環境聲, 關注看著影片每禎的細膩處, 感受影片中的色香味及大馬老師敘述一起體驗這次台灣旅途的經驗! 也發現老師很懂吃!
    哈哈…. 我也曾騎過小環台快900公里, 一路吃吃喝喝, 體重不減反增! 大馬老師沒感覺變胖!!!
    Google map 我過去恐怖體驗! 會帶到一些人煙稀少的小徑, 我有次騎到因為私人地而封路在深山灣路半夜沒路燈, 又必須往回騎大約20K上升2百公尺, 至此後我還真的不太信任Google Map, 也都騎大路要繞, 反而安心!
    小弟我住台北, 如果大馬老師將來有計畫騎北部從台北到淡水到基隆到新店到大溪或想體驗環騎台北河濱80多K, 需要陪騎或嚮導或提供路線, 雖我不是專業也只是個騎車的愛好者, 希望能盡點心讓大馬老師體驗我愛的台北家鄉, 歡迎!

  3. 大馬老師竟然來了~很有溫度的影片,好多年輕人連片頭的生活都不曾體驗過,果真經歷才是真人生啊!~

  4. 認識大馬老師也有四年了,這四年玩起了攝影,看了您的影片買了第一隻35,做起了到南極一探世界盡頭的美夢,說起來汗顏,我一個台灣人現在看完影片後方才興起了騎車環台的衝動。大馬老師下次來的時候不妨考慮去東台灣走走吧!

  5. 平常會看大馬老師的攝影教學,也會看一些外國人來台灣的 vlog,今天見到這封面著實嚇了一跳!😆西部路線就是樸實的人文/美食,東部及山線則是雄偉的自然美景,迫不及待看到續集啦!珍珠 & 奶茶 同時喝完的問題,只要吸管都有插到底,應該就能先把珍珠吸完啦。🙂

  6. 歡迎大馬老師來台灣玩😘

  7. 跟你說明一下 其實汽車旅館並非是你想的那樣
    當然情侶去的確實較多 因為現在很多汽車旅館
    都著重在於營造氣氛 還有使用舒適及多功能娛樂
    以及私密性 當然自然的也就會吸引情侶去居住
    在房價方面相對就會比較高些 有些有較嚴格管理的
    相對就會比較正常 要求較鬆散的可能就會有各種狀況都有

  8. 看了彩蜂攝影有一段時間了,很難想像大馬師來台灣。

  9. 台灣生活30年 從沒想過在台灣騎自行車可以有這麼舒服的體驗
    謝謝大馬老師 歡迎下次再來!!!

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