鬼岳 登山 五島福江島のシンボル!こんなに気軽に登れて青い海と空どこ見ても絶景!

[Music] Hello, today is the continuation of our trip to the Goto Islands. Today I’m planning to climb Mt. Onidake, but I’ve come to the Minodake Observatory to see the sunrise. I was planning to

See it at the Abuse Lava Coast, but it’s hard to see because of the rocks. Because of the sudden change , I couldn’t take a photo of the moment when I emerged from the parking lot to find the observatory.But it was beautiful.The parking lot is on the side of the road.The

Stairs to the observatory are not easy to find. Maybe if I could find the stairs to the observatory from inside the park, I might have been able to get there in time.It’s really hard to see, so I’ll take pictures after it gets bright.If you

‘re going to see the sunrise, you’ll probably be heading towards Goto. I think there are a lot of people staying in the city, so if you want to see the sunrise from that area, you’ll have to go to Onidake or Abuse, but it’s a bit difficult to see from Abuse.If you want to go to

A place where it’s easy to see, it’s dangerous to walk in the dark there. In that sense, I recommend this place.You can go there safely even in the dark, except for the stairs that go up to the observatory are difficult to understand.I

Climbed up in a hurry, so I arrived at the observatory in a hurry, so I decided to climb it.It looks like this.It’s nice. [Applause] I should have put it here from the beginning. It feels like it’s almost gone now. The surroundings look like this. I made a mistake. I really should have put it here from the beginning. I was staying at the Tsubaki Hotel. It takes about 15 minutes to get there, and it’s about the same time

Here.I thought I’d be able to see the sunrise in Abuse, so I didn’t think about it, but if you’re in Goto and want to see the sunrise, I recommend this place.Let’s

See the sunrise in Fukue. When I looked it up, I found that there is also the Jodake Observation Deck, which I went to yesterday, but

It’s a bit far from Goto City, and I think Onidake is also good, but there are quite a few people who come to see it on group buses at sunset. It may not be the best, but there is no one here, and this is a sunrise spot recommended by the locals.I

Came here to see the sunrise this time, and it is recommended for light hiking.Minodake is 144mm above sea level and has 188 steps.It is roughly one way. 10 minutes In spring, it’s a great place to see cherry blossoms.You

Can also enjoy the azaleas, and you can let your kids play as much as they want on the grassy area inside the park.As you can see from the top of the mountain, you can see a wonderful view of Ondake Hino, Akashima, and Kijima. As the fire was completely consumed,

I would like to introduce you to the area from the parking lot I mentioned earlier to the park observation entrance. From the parking lot, exit the plaza and in front of you are the observation deck stairs. There are no streetlights, so it’s only at sunrise. It gets completely dark.The

Road is asphalt or a grassy road like this one, so it’s safe.This is the starting point for the climb.If you like, please try it.Yes, I’m going up Mt. Oni.I’m going there.The

Sunset from Mt.Oni was last time. This area is the same as when I sent you, so I won’t introduce the restrooms etc. I ‘ve seen the observation deck before, so I’m heading towards Mt. Oni. As I introduced earlier

, Mt. Oni is 315m above sea level, and the entire area is covered with grass. It’s a gentle, round-shaped mountain. I haven’t climbed it yet, but it’s already a spectacular view. It’s golden yellow these days, but in the summer it turns green and has become a symbol of Fukue. It takes about

40 minutes to get to the top from the parking lot. I’ll come back with a piston, but I can go around the bee all the way around.In that case, it will take less than 2 hours to go around.I could have gone around,

But my condition was a little weird.When I saw the sunrise, I went back to the hotel. It’s really tiring to have breakfast.I saw the sunset around here before.It was very beautiful.I’m

Feeling a little unwell, so Goto will be heading home on the evening flight today, but the trip is still going on, so I’ll just take the piston. I’m thinking of having a leisurely lunch.I can now

See the inside of Ohachi.If I go around it, I’ll be walking along the ridgeline that I can see now.It looks comfortable.I can see the sea all the way, and the road will always look like this. It’s a mountain so if there’s a slight slope, it’s easy to misunderstand that it’s the

Top of the mountain.I wonder if it’s the top of the mountain.No, it’s still a long way off.I keep repeating that.As I walk, I can see the calm scenery all the time.I’m

Tired from work. It’s the perfect spot to shorten your course time and relax by looking at the ocean and mountains together.This is a mountain I want to have on the mountain behind my house.An airplane is taking off.I’m starting to see something.It’s almost time for the top of the mountain . Yes,

We have arrived at the mountaintop.We have arrived at the mountaintop.We will walk around the mountaintop.Enjoy it for a while.We will make a U-turn here.The same path will continue from here on.The

Outdoor activities club makes it easy to travel to the mountain and travel. I make interesting videos.If you like mountain climbing and traveling, please subscribe to the channel.The view from the opposite side of the sea.Now , let’s go down the mountain.It’s nice to be able to easily climb

Mt.Minodake, which we climbed in the morning. There are surprisingly many mountains in the Goto Islands, including the Osezaki Lighthouse and Mt. Shirodake, but there are many low mountains that can be easily climbed in about 2 hours because they are used as observation decks.Goto is by

The sea, so before I came I thought it would be difficult to get there unless it was summer. It’s definitely interesting for mountain travelers.This time we visited almost all the famous sightseeing spots, churches, so next time it might be fun to go on a mountain trip.I think you can

Climb two or three times a day.The cycle spots and roads are not well maintained. But it looks like it would be fun to bike.There are mountains, so you can enjoy some hill climbing.Look, it looks like the top of a mountain, right?It’s just a hill.We

Climbed and descended gently like this until we reached the top of the mountain.As usual. Introducing a convenience store.You don’t need to buy food every time you eat here, but there are about 3 convenience stores in Goto City.The

Only one is Fukue Lawson.There are also several supermarkets.There is a large supermarket called Elena right near Fukue Port. Yes, that was probably the biggest store

, but there weren’t as many souvenir-like items as I expected.It’s a little far from the port, but the Daikyo Big Value Fukue store has a lot of souvenir-like items and a good selection of side dishes

. I took a short break with the rusk I bought at the supermarket and my favorite Aso milk.The Astronomical Museum came into view.I saw it at sunset, too, and the sea spread out beyond the observatory.[Music] How was it?The mountain looks calm and comfortable. Don’t you think so?

It was a mountain that really made me feel happy. I don’t usually climb mountains, but if I try a little harder, I can climb it.

After this, I’ll go to the Abuse Lava Coast. Next time, I’ll introduce you to the scenery, a stylish cake shop, and a recommended lunch. The parking lot looks like this . If you look up at On from the parking lot, it will look like this. It’s

Very beautiful. I’ll end it here for today. Bye bye. Next time will be on Tuesday at 8:00 PM. This is the last time on Goto. Thank you for watching. Thank you very much. Please look forward to the next video. It’s here. It’s here. Click here. Did you make it?

Here it is. Thank you for watching. I’m looking forward to seeing you again.

鬼岳 登山 誰でも登れる気軽さ!なのにこんないい景色見られていいの⁉️

鬼岳 登山してきましたー!
鬼岳 登山 してみてください!




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#五島 鬼岳
#鬼岳 登山
#五島列島 朝日スポット
#五島列島 鬼岳
#五島列島 登山
#福江島 観光
#福江島 観光#五島列島旅行
#福江島 朝日

00:00 オープニング
00:11 箕岳展望台朝日
03:48 鬼岳登山
09:24 次回予告エンディング

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