Un parc d’attractions réservé aux terreurs de l’ouest

In the east of France, in the heart of the Vosges forest, breathes a little air of the Wild West. For more than 50 years in Fraispertuis, the fir trees have given way to cacti. And the saloon replaced the bistro. At the head of this amusement park entirely dedicated to the great American West,

Siblings, a brother and his 3 sisters who inherited the created domain by their parents in 1966. Patrice, 52 years old, park director, Annick, 58 years old, catering manager. Nadia, 49 years old, the youngest, is in charge of the stores

And finally the eldest of the family, Sophie, 61 years old, responsible for staff recruitment. – Good morning. Welcome ! We are 3 days away from the park opening. She welcomes new recruits, around fifty young people mainly from the region. – This year, there are quite a few applications.

There were 500 of them to submit their request on the site. And then, I saw almost 300 of them. It must be said that in peak season, the park has more than 480 employees. The small town of the Wild West has become over the years, the first tourist destination in the Vosges.

The park covers 5 hectares and has 36 attractions. Including some thrill rides which attract more and more visitors. 280,000 last year. Today is a bit of a dress rehearsal, before opening. Employees are encouraged to try everything. – I find it pleasant and it makes professional experience and that’s cool.

– There is a good atmosphere, we all have pretty much Same age and we get along well. While the training day continues in good humor. At the other end of the park, Nadia, the youngest, gets busy. Like his brother and sisters when their father died, 22 years ago.

She did not hesitate to take over. – For the net, are we good? – Yeah yeah. Just include it on the right. Nadia takes care of store management and the creation of decorations and attractions. This morning, she finishes a new ride.

This little train with shaped wagons of postal packages is intended for children. It is set in a post office. Western style. – It’s going to be quite nice, because in the turns, it’s picking up a bit of speed. It has to be alive. It has to tell a story.

A few boxes are still missing to reproduce the pile of postal parcels. His mother always taught him about the sets, to make recovery. And that’s good, in its shops, Nadia has a mess of boxes. – I’m going to get those back. They’re nice, with the writing and all that.

No, there is the supplier which is marked in large. So for sure, we’re not going to get them back for attraction. In a few minutes, she has already found around thirty boxes of all sizes which will do the trick. Recycling and a little elbow grease. The attraction is set up at low cost.

– Stickers, stamps? An economical solution that is popular to Patrice, his brother, who manages the finances. – So, how do you like the decor? – It’s pretty. – Then it’s recovery. – For now, this one, indeed, it is not very expensive. So it’s good. – Nadia always has lots of ideas.

– Yes, decoration is her domain. – In decoration, it is the finishes that… That’s it, he’ll have to come back and see this evening. Like his sisters, impossible for Patrice, upon the death of his father, to abandon the family treasure. No question of selling it to a group.

Siblings have always evolved in the middle their parents’ rides. They spent all their weekends there, celebrate their birthdays and working since they were very young. It’s in memory of their father that they fight to continue the family business which, originally was not an amusement park but a trout farm.

– There were 3 trout ponds. Because for the record, my father, when he started out he became a fish farmer, so he was breeding trout. It was in 1966 that Michel and Simone Florent settle in the Vosges with an amazing concept. They open an inn with a simple idea.

Customers, especially tourists, come to fish. Then, Michel and Simone their kitchen, trout caught on site. Success is immediate. – Catering brought in money and the money, my father spent it in attractions. So, we always say that at the beginning, it was my mother who brought the money,

Since she was the one cooking trout with almonds and that it was my father who extended the park. Passionate about the comic book character Lucky Luke, Patrice’s father decides to create a park around of the western theme. Today, the company has grown significantly. It generates more than 6 million euros of annual turnover.

But the 4 brothers and sisters knew how to remain faithful to the philosophy of their parents. – We are under the eye of the boss. – The chef’s eye. This is one of the only photos that all 6 of us have with the parents and the 4 of us.

Against all odds, they work all 4 of us together, hand in hand. This is their strength. Nadia finished decorating her post office the new attraction. She wants her younger sister’s approval, Annick. – Oh, so beautiful! You worked well! I wonder if we should not give a little bit of sandpaper,

Because you see, I have the impression it’s not super smooth there. Annick is the catering manager, but she doesn’t hesitate to give her opinion on the decor and with his brothers and sisters, it is without filter. That’s also what working with family is all about.

– Well, there’s just one thing that shocks me! – Go ahead tell me! – No, but I have the impression… because he who sticks his label as good as that, it’s really well put. – Whoever sticks these labels, he sticks them still in almost the same place.

– Yeah no but it’s good. – It has to look very natural. – Your brothers and sisters, therefore, They give their opinion from time to time? – Yes, well yes, I ask them if they like it. And then they often like it.

– But that’s what’s good between brothers and sisters, it’s that when there is something which is wrong, we tell ourselves. And then at least we don’t get offended since we are between brothers and sisters, so it’s natural. As children, the two sisters’ playground was their parents’ amusement park. And today, 50 years later.

It’s okay, you’re well settled. – We’re fine. – Great, thank you ! They keep the same enthusiasm. – Go hands-free! – No hands. A nice little friendly attraction who will please, I’m sure. End of recess. Annick must return to her stove. The greediest of the family chose to manage the park’s 4 restaurants.

And to succeed in this season which promises to be difficult in this health context, she focuses a lot on the product the most profitable pizza. – You can bring me a wooden tray, please. Annick wants to improve the dough recipe. – Great, thank you !

It still has to please his brothers and sisters, because here, all decisions are made as a family. – Anyway, if they don’t like it, They will tell me. My god, it swelled! Nadia! Sophie! – Yes. -Nathan! – Yes. – Come on, let’s do the new tasting of my pizza there!

I know you’re in a big hurry but I would still like you to taste my new dough. All right ? – All right. – You savor the taste of the dough. OK. – I think she’s better. The tasting is a little frustrating.

I had never eaten dough by myself, so it’s difficult to make a comparison. – The dough is good now. Now, since we don’t serve dough all alone, afterwards, it’s dough… It’s all the ingredients that come on the dough which makes the whole. Without garnish, Patrice has difficulty judging.

Fortunately, Annick, who knows it by heart, planned the move. She made another pizza, this time with bacon and cheese, his favorite. You’re going to finish this one for me. Taste! – It’s on the same dough this time. And there, immediately, it works better.

– It’s a good one there ? – Yes, very good. But we feel good. So you feel better the taste of the dough. – Shall we validate? – We validate 100%. – Alsatian dough. I valid. Really. Top, top. Like all brothers and sisters, they have already argued,

But they are also capable of great complicity. This has been their recipe for success for 34 years. – It would go less well, if we weren’t brother and sister. – It’s true ? – Ah well, that’s for sure, automatically.

– It was initially something from our parents and we want to continue working together because it was our parents’ choice. So if you want, sure than working with family, it’s not always obvious, but it’s just happiness. I mean, despite that, it’s still great.

The opening is approaching, But there is still a lot more to do. All 4 hope that despite the health crisis, visitors will be there. In the Vosges, at the Fraispertuis park. It’s finally the big opening day for the small town in the Wild West.

At the helm of the estate, we find the siblings. Patrice, the director. And her 3 sisters, Sophie, who takes care of the personnel figures. Nadia in charge of shops and decor and Annick who manages the catering. – You’re nice, you keep the house. With the health crisis. The park opened 2 months late.

A colossal shortfall. They will have to stick together to do continue the business created by their parents. – A little stressed though. – For what ? – The start-up. In addition with covid, training, little young people arriving, new kids and everything, this is not obvious. The journey is short.

Like his brother and sisters, Annick lives a few hundred meters from the park. – It’s really close, actually. – Oh yes, not far. I even get scolded by my man. I could come on foot or by bike, that would do me good. At the head of 4 restaurants. Annick manages 80 employees.

– Hello Hello. Hi ! Hi. Most are very young and find here their first summer job. So Annick, always full of energy, sometimes has to shake them up a bit. – Wait, what wipes do you have? In fact, I wash them every time. Yes, but what do you do after washing them?

So okay, it’s the COVID wipe, you take back your little green wipe for COVID. Charlene ? She forgot to be trained, little one. – How does she sweep this one? It’s one who sweeps her room immediately under the trash. It’s true that there are always things to say and to rehash, to rehash.

Because things that girls, they know. They know very well and everything, but some oversights, especially opening today. There are things they haven’t memorized, that we no longer remember. Who lit me on fire? Person ? Okay, I’ll turn it on. Maryse If Annick is also invested, that’s what she wants at all costs

Preserve the quality and spirit of the park. A requirement inherited from his parents. – We wouldn’t be here without them! And so it’s true that they left us a great company, so we must continue to make it bloom every day. We have to be up to the task.

I think we’re there because everything is going well. We are a beautiful family. A few hours before opening, final preparations. Annick takes the opportunity to check in with Patrice, his big brother. The only boy among his sisters, he has always fulfilled a protective role.

– We don’t have a dad anymore, so, he replaces our dad. But we still have mom. So it’s true that… – Are you surrounded by women? – Yes. My dad always said, I’m the boss, when my wife is not there. I say the same when the others aren’t there.

Whether it’s a new recipe or the choice of a new ride, the 4 brothers and sisters always arrive to agree. They fulfilled their father’s dream, died 22 years ago. 8 days before leaving, he said: I leave you a great company and I hope it goes well, that you will always get along well.

There you go, that’s the case, but I mean, it’s true that we’re always a little emotional when we think of dad, because he was proud of his park. And then when he died in the village, it was said to be the biggest oak in the village who leaves because dad, it was something.

Like their father, they do not count their hours in the park. Everyone chose their field according to their abilities and his personality. Nadia, the youngest, in addition to the decorations, supervises the 6 souvenir shops and confectionery. And she likes everything to be perfectly decorated.

These, you see, are nice. You can block it like that, there. We can hang them. So. A few minutes from the opening, everything seems to be on track. But suddenly. – Yes ? A device has broken down in the confectionery.

– I have a small problem with the machines ice cream and that’s super delicate. Nadia must react quickly before arrival client. – In my opinion, it’s a belt problem. In case of technical problem. – I’m coming. – OK thanks. The 3 sisters can count on their brother.

At a young age, he learned the trade looking at his father. Entire days spent dismantling attractions. He always finds a solution to restart the machines. At 9 years old, at 10 years old, I worked with my father and it’s the same. We were always, always, always, both together in the park.

So it’s not a breakdown on a simple ice machine that will worry him. – Is it blowing the engine? Go ahead. It’s child’s play for him. You would need a sheet of paper. And the engine of the machine starts again immediately. – Everything has to work anyway.

Because if the first day, There is an ice machine that does not work, That would look bad. – 1 min. It’s 9:59 a.m. The park will finally open its doors. And like every year, it’s Sophie’s, the eldest sister, that this privilege belongs. Last year, the park hosted 280,000 visitors.

Despite the health crisis, Sophie hopes do as well this year. – Have a nice day. And it’s not looking bad. – It was quite stressful to know how today was going to go. There, really, the first 10 minutes, I think this is good. Visitors are there.

Some regulars have known both generations which followed one another. The 4 brothers and sisters, but also the parents before them. – We used to go there, when we were little. We’re coming back now because we’re big. – We bought tickets for the birthday parties. We couldn’t come before.

We come now as soon as it opens. The attractions are quickly taken by storm, especially thrill rides. Like the Golden Driller, the star attraction, one of the tallest falling towers in France. 66 m for a descent at nearly 90 km/h. Feet in the void. But Fraispertuis is especially famous for its warm atmosphere.

In the past, it has been voted best park family from France. Thanks to its attractions which appeal to little ones. Because when it comes to entertainment, they are often the ones calling the shots. – Eva, that’s enough now! As Eva, who is 4 years old, already knows perfectly well what she wants.

Go to the Gold Mine. It’s not the most spectacular attraction, but the kids love it. With her sister and her parents, the little girl will go in search of precious nuggets. – We almost won! – We’re going to have more than them. You dream.

Very concentrated, the 2 little girls almost forget the rides. – Wait, wait. There, look, he’s coming. But it must be said that with all this gold. They will also have the right to a surprise. – Look at. Wow! – You have a medal. – It’s mine. – Hold on.

Did that win you a gold medal? You are lucky. Well done! Afterwards, the family will offer a little refreshment. Head to Pirates Cove. Parents and children have a great time by spraying themselves with water cannons. – You go there and dad, he turns. We are pirates. Scuttling.

It’s this good-natured atmosphere, which made this amusement park so successful. But to get through the health crisis, the 4 brothers and sisters bet a lot on communication. And in this area too, it’s a family affair. This afternoon, Sophie, the older sister, receives the two stars who will promote the park.

– Hello ! Are you ready ? – To come and test the new attractions? Solène, 4 years old and Baptiste, 6 years old. Annick’s grandchildren, the kitchen manager. Hey, it’s them, the new faces of the park. – Look a little bit. – Who is on the poster? – You’re handsome.

– Do you recognize yourself? Where are you ? – Look there, is it me? – Oh yeah ? You are the stars of the park this year! – It’s great to see them like this. It’s Pierre, Annick’s son, had also taken part in the game promoting the park when he was young.

Whole days spent at attractions which leave him with a certain nostalgia. – Actually, I was here often in the summer too. Mom worked, so it was my daycare, Fraispertuis, that would make many people dream. – It’s a great daycare. Today the children will be photographed to advertise on social networks.

– There’s the star. It’s the first time they come back at the park since confinement. – Do you like taking photos? – Yes Yes Yes. In any case, each time, I was waiting for the park to open. – Yes, we waited for the opening.

— Every time I passed by, I said when do you open. – We had some good ones. It’s 6 p.m., the park closes its doors. – Good evening, goodbye. Good news for the siblings. Despite the health crisis on this first day, they made 1400 entries, more than they expected. – Good evening.

Bye. Good evening. – Good evening ! As tradition dictates, at the end of the day, the whole family is reunited to celebrate the recovery. 3 generations gathered around a glass of champagne Who will take over then? – Mom said one from each family, They will have to take back the park.

– Oh yes ? – For the moment, there are… Mom, she saw it like that. A wish that the 3rd generation seems completely ready to make. – When he needs relief, I think we will all be there.

It is certain that if the torch is passed to us, we will gladly take it back. But it’s true that they apparently prefer all wait until we are retired, that way they won’t have us on their backs. The history of the little inn trout fisherman,

Become the pride of the entire region is not ready to stop. – Are you thinking of your parents this evening? – Do we think about our parents? We toast for our parents. – Health, health! Come on, we celebrate the new year. It’s going to be short, but it’s going to be good.

Cette fratrie importe le Far West dans les Vosges

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