【ソロキャンプ】POMOLYのテントと薪ストーブで最高の時間を過ごして来ました。機能性も快適性も抜群です。【Dome X4 Pro】【Dweller Max3】

Thank you for your hard work. We’re camping again today. Today, I came to Aomori Prefecture. I went to Gogawa Arashi no Ashino Park Auto Campsite. It’s only been open for a while, but I came right away and tried it. It’s really good. Hey, it’s a weekday here today,

So there are 2 other groups besides me at the moment. They may come in the future, but today we’re going to have fun here. The temperature is lower than I expected today. So, today is okay. Today’s tent is a Pomory Dom It was very easy to stand up the second time.Once

You get the hang of it the first time, it’s really easy.Let’s go inside for a moment.It’s okay.Yeah , it’s very breathable.It ‘s like this.Okay. I’m going to put the maki stove and set up the inside.The maki stove set is complete.I wonder if this direction was good.Yes, it looks like this.This time, I

Would like to do it at the same height without raising it on the spring stand.Yes, the back is. It’s nice, the view is good, I’m going to put the rest of my stuff in. We’ve finally completed setting up. This is what it looks like.

This is the bonfire space. I haven’t prepared it yet , but I’ll prepare it when the wind subsides a little bit. Yes, it’s Nakako. What do you think? It’s really nice. At first I put it in a room like this, but I ended up choosing a tatami room. I

Guess this is the most comfortable place. So when I go to bed, I want to take out my sleeping bag and sleep here. There’s a silver mat underneath . I think it’s warm.Then it’s the same as usual.I’m going to drink one.Oh, it’s cold, it’s really

Nice.What do you think?The view from inside Tet must be the best.The dog came.This is what it looks like from where I’m sitting, right in front of me. But this is great.It ‘s quite cold outside, so I think I’ll put on a sleeping stove.I’ll close the food in a little while, and the

Back is fully open right now , so there’s good ventilation.It’s a bit cold, so I’ll close it soon and put on the sleeping stove. I’m going to have to do it today.I want to try sleeping on the bark of a white birch tree.I wonder if it ‘ll turn on

? Masu, before that, I’ll have one more. Oh, it’s delicious. Today I’m going to stir-fry the giblets and eat them. Soft giblets here, kimchi. You can add any kimchi to it, it’s delicious, so I’m going to have a good time, so here’s the garlic, right? Garlic and the usual

Kamiya. I’m going to put in about this. It’s delicious, so now I’ve finished it. I don’t know which one to go with. I ‘m not sure. I’m confused, and it’s discounted. It’s definitely delicious. I’d like to have this. Should I continue with this? I’ll have it once again. I’ll have this

New one. Harashizo is quite chewy. After all, I ‘m eating shrimp. I can’t make a sound today, or even though I don’t say it all the time. I’m thinking of putting this on top of the wood stove and grilling it. Now that it ‘s grilled, let’s go! Let’s eat this with some salt.It’s

Too hot to eat.I need to let it cool down a bit.I’ll let it cool down a bit.It ‘s over there.Ah , yes . Oh, it’s so delicious , it’s so delicious . I’ll drink it. I’ll just have some water. Yeah, it’s delicious. But what time

Is it? Wait a minute. It’s already 5:30. It’s bright. Should I turn on the lantern ? Let’s get there . Stand by. And then I said, oh , how good is this? How about a beautiful woman ? It ‘s the best. Ah, it’s delicious. It

‘s an amazing sunset. It’s the first time I’ve seen something like this. It’s bright red . It’s amazing. It’s so beautiful. Good morning. The current time is 7:40. Weather. It’s really sunny. Yes, I overslept. I overslept. Yes, now you

Can see where my tent is. My tent is in the front, Murakami Sports is in the back, and the black outdoor TV is in the back. We happened to meet at the campsite and a mysterious big incident ensued. I came here to play with the Tatata Outdoor Play Channel and the standby bush

. It’s a little up, but why is this video? Video? Ah, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving,

Moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving. I might have become a camper. I’m sorry. That’s okay . It’s time to eat breakfast. I’m going to take it easy today, so I’d like to try a new genre in the morning. Huge new ball. Huge new ball

. I want to eat it by stirring it up and making it gooey.It ‘s a new genre.It’s okay to have a knife that doesn’t cut, but it ‘s like this one that can’t cut it at all.It’s a waste.If you don’t like it too much, I think this is fine.This is what

Marumoto is praising . It ‘s not big, so I thought about adding this too, but I wonder if it ‘s impossible.I think about it for a moment.Let’s put it in after all.Let ‘s soak up the deliciousness of the bacon.I can’t do this.It’s like this.Is this too big ?Is this too big?I guess this

Won’t get water in. It’s full , so I’m going to rest here, so I’m going to put one in. So let’s add some water. Yes, I’ll use this to clean my temples in the morning. Yes, the weather is nice today, and it feels great. Everyone’s having a good time.

It’s a shallow cup. I can’t do it at all.I guess it’s a small pot.The top part is really hard.Let’s take a look.Yes, the top part is sticking out, so it won’t get soft at all.I wonder if it will turn out like this.Maybe I should turn it over slowly.

It smells really good, but it feels really nice to sit on.It feels like this.It’s great.Can this be used in the summer?I wonder what this tent is like.Anyway, it’s comfortable.Isn’t it nice? Let’s try this out.Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa It’s so slimy and smells so good. What do you think? I’m going to add some

Butter and butter here and make it colorful. How about this? This will make you look stylish in the morning. Let’s try this . First, let’s start with the bacon. It’s delicious, soft and hot. This is what I ‘m going to do . It’s so good, it’s so good , it

‘s so good, it’s so hot , I want to drink some delicious soup. This is so good, it ‘s so delicious , it ‘s so good, it’s so hot, it’s hot , it’s hot, it’s definitely hot, it ‘s definitely a spoon. Yes, it’s about time to clean up

. The weather is nice, so I want to relax a little more, but the wind has picked up, so I’ll clean it up before it blows away. I’ve finally finished cleaning up. It’s going to take some time. Clean the stove thoroughly.

I have to put it away, so this is going to take some time, yes, but it’s going to take some time, but it’s fun , so I can’t stop. So I’ll try a little harder. The evacuation is complete. It

Was done beautifully. Anyway, the weather is amazing, blue skies, and no wind. It’s the best. I’d like to go back again on the camping day.That’s it.It was a really fun camping trip this time.Well, I happened to meet up with a camper I know , and we had a good time drinking together.I’ll

Come back to camp again. I don’t want to, the wind has come out and I haven’t made any plans for the next camp yet.However, I would like to make time to go camping.It would be great if the weather is nice.So I said

Yes, and I’ll see you at the next camp. Let’s do it then goodbye




キャンピングムーン(CAMPING MOON) キャンプ ポケットタンク cb型
キャンピングムーン(CAMPING MOON) キャンプ ポケットタンク OD型
薪ストーブPOMOLY Dweller Max 3
一酸化炭素チェッカー CO濃度/湿度/温度機能付き
Prism(プリズム)充電式モバイルワイヤレスサーキュレーターCLAYMORE(クレイモア)fan(ファン) V600+(プラス) CLFN-V610WG 【日本正規品】

コールマン(Coleman) テント ツーリングドーム LX 2~3人用
DOD(ディーオーディー) ライダーズワンポールテント
DOD(ディーオーディー) ライダーズバイクインテント
BUNDOK(バンドック) ソロ ドーム
BUNDOK(バンドック) ソロ ティピー BDK-75TC
BUNDOK(バンドック) ソロ ベース BDK-79EX

キャプテンスタッグ(CAPTAIN STAG) キャンプ テント タープ ヘキサタープ
BUNDOK(バンドック) スクエア タープ TC BDK-20/BDK-133KA
DD Tarp タープ 3.5×3.5 マルチカム

コールマン(Coleman) 焚火台 ファイアーディスク
ユニフレーム(UNIFLAME) 薪グリル
BUNDOK(バンドック) 焚き火 台 LOTUS (ロータス)
フェニックスライズ(Phoenixrise) 焚き火台 フェニックスグリル (2枚火床Ver.)

アルパカストーブ TS-77 NC (Black)
モーラナイフ コンパニオン ヘビーデューティ (カーボン) MG ミリタリーグリーン
Hultafors(ハルタホース) アウトドア 斧 アックス オールラウンド
焚き火シート 98*65cm チクチクしない シリコン ブラック 黒 スパッタシート
一酸化炭素チェッカー CO濃度/湿度/温度機能付き
BUNDOK(バンドック) ロースタイル チェア BAMBOO
コールマン(Coleman) コンパクトフォールディングチェア オリーブ





  1. こんばんはー!


  2. お疲れ様でーす。

  3. naobooさん、お疲れさまです!

  4. お疲れ様です。



  5. お疲れ様です。この薪ストーブはsideにもガラス窓があるんですね。うちの薪ストーブはテンマクなんですけど、やかんから吹きこぼれたお湯がガラスにかかって割れてしまいました。ポモリーはその辺大丈夫そうですか?テントも火の粉で穴が開いたりしないですか?私もちょっとこのテント気になっています。

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