アクセスのよい山 伊豆ヶ岳 はなんでこんなに人気なのか検証!【奥武蔵人気ナンバー1】

Hello, today I came to climb Mt. Izugatake.First, I will introduce the restroom.The parking lot is Shomaru Station, so it is a station toilet.As you would expect from a station toilet, it was clean.The

Parking lot is at a station, so it is easily accessible even during public transportation periods. It’s going to be in the mountains.The train is 7 stations from Hanno Station on the Seibu Chichibu Line.The station looks like this, and it’s an unmanned station.About 2 trains per hour.The route map is like this.Let’s

Go.There’s a shop in front of it. The trailhead is in front of Shomaru Station. First, go down the strange stairs that are slightly slanted. There are lots of signs, so you won’t get lost. A little bit of snow and frost . We’re walking along the stream like this.

It’s cherry blossoms. It’s winter, but the cherry blossoms are blooming. That’s the trailhead. Yes, we’ve arrived at the trailhead. There’s a shrine at the entrance. Please climb safely. Let’s go. From the parking lot, it was an asphalt road for a while, but from here on it’s a proper mountain trail.

Today, we will go from Shomaru Station, pass Mt. Gorin, pass through Gakotakayama Shomaru Pass, and return to the station via Komaru Yamakyu Kotoge. Izugatake is a mountain in Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture.The Oku-Musashi area, where Hanno City is located, has many mountains where you can easily trek

. The most popular mountain among them is Mt. Izugatake.The reason why I came today was that I heard that many people went to climb Mt.Izugatake, so I thought it was really that good, so I came here.The

Path was a little steep at first, but it was calm. The course time this time is 4 hours.It takes 1.5 hours to reach the summit of Mt. Izugatake.Since we passed through Twin Rocks earlier, we are about 1/3 of the way to the summit of Mt.Izugatake.I’ll do my best to get

There.Kameiwa comes into view. It’s a big rock. I see rocks like this sometimes, but I wonder how they got there. There

Are so many fallen leaves that it’s slippery. I wonder if that’s the top of the mountain. It looks like this at this time of year, but in the fall, the leaves turn red and it’s beautiful. They

Come up to this area. It’s starting to open up a bit, and I’m almost at Mt. Okura.I’m not a fan of stairs.I wondered how long it would last, but

The road ended quickly.It was a little steep for the first 15 minutes, but after that it continued to climb gently.That’s how high the mountain was. It’s not that high.

Yes, we’ve arrived at Mt. Okura. It’s 720 meters above sea level. Izugatake is 851 meters above sea level. We just have to climb another 100 meters. The road splits into two. I’m sure it’s divided into Otoko-zaka and Onna-zaka, where you can enjoy the chains

. I’m going to Otokozaka (Otokozaka). It was originally a staircase, but it seems like it’s gradually collapsed. It’s rough, but isn’t it that bad? It was over.

When I looked at the map, I noticed that the Otokomori from earlier was not there. It was just that the log stairs were broken and hadn’t been repaired. Otokozaka was only reached after going beyond Mt. Gorin. Yes, I arrived at Mt. Gorin. I’ve arrived. I made a mistake earlier, but this is Otokozaka.

A rope has been put up and it is prohibited to pass. It may be a rope that means you are at your own risk, but I have no choice but to go from Onnazaka. Even though it is Onnazaka, a rope has appeared. Let’s go, let’s do it,

Yes, we’ll climb it.I like rocky mountains, so I often go to places like that, so it’s not that much, but it’s a bit of a thrill experience and I can enjoy it.This is

How it’s written: Mt. Okura Go up Mt. Gorin and then go down, and then finally you’ll start to gain a lot of altitude.There’s a plaza in the back.This is the famous relief of the aunt who was at the summit of Mt. Izugatake more than 50 years ago.

This is the mountaintop in the back. Yes, we have arrived. Let’s take a look at the scenery from the back. This is what it looks like after one lap.

This is what it looks like in the back, and there is a summit sign. There are a few trees in the way, but you can see the mountains of Oku-Musashi. Now, let’s go back to Mt. Okura and take a look at the mountains. I’m heading for Mt. Shomaru through Maru Pass.I wonder

If Otokozaka was usable after all.Looking at other people’s records, I didn’t see any ropes set up.I wonder if something happened recently.It’s a pity . I’m making interesting videos that show how easy it is to get there.If you like mountain climbing and traveling, please subscribe to the channel.This

Road is part of the Kanto Fureai Road, so it’s a very easy road to walk on.Yes , we’ve arrived at Mt. Odakayama. It’s Mt. Odaka. There are trees in the way, so it’s hard to see the view, but there’s a bench like this. I’m

Doing a peak hunt with Mt. Okura and Mt. Odaka, and it’s almost flat and easy. I don’t get tired, but my body doesn’t generate heat, so it’s cold. The building came out.

If you look closely, you’ll see a menu posted. This is what it looks like when you’re ready to eat. Let’s go to the front of the restaurant. This is Shomaru Pass. The menu looks like this. Shomaru-don is a specialty of curry and udon.

Apparently you can see the first sunrise from here.It’s not the first day, but it might be the best view of the day, so let’s head to Mt. Shomaru.You can also come here by car. Okay, let’s go.

I’m tired. All those stairs made me tired all at once. I got cold from descending from the flat road, but it’s getting hot again. There are

Many resting spots like this on the way. At this altitude in the summer. It’s too hot, but if spring or fall is a good time, it’s a good idea to bring a packed lunch and have a picnic.The

Road is getting steeper and steeper.I couldn’t climb Otokozaka earlier, so this might be the rockiest stretch of the day . Mt. Shomaru has an altitude of 780 mm. Shomaru Pass is famous for bikers, but Mt. Shomaru is not so well known. However, it

Was the battle stage in the anime Initial D, and is a sacred place for fans. The course time from Shomaru Pass to Mt. Shomaru is 30 minutes.It’s a steep climb for most of those 30 minutes.I feel it’s harder than Mt. Izugatake, but it’s still 30 minutes.It’s a push.Arrival at the

Summit.The same goes here. Surrounded by trees, you can’t see much of the view.This is the mountaintop sign.You can see the mountain.Now, let’s go down.There’s Mt. Kawagoe ahead of us.Yes, we’ll follow it soon.There’s no particular view either, so we’ll keep going. How

Was climbing Mt. Izugatake? The best part about it is the easy access.It’s right at the Yamaguchi exit from the station.Also, there are many different ways to take the course, so it’s fun for both beginners and experienced climbers. It’s nice to be able to

Go around the Izugatake piston this time, but if you come by car or bus to Shomaru Pass, you can also take the piston from Izuga to the long course of Ko no Gongen, but you can enjoy walking on both lines. It’s good.Also,

Even if you get tired on the way, it’s a relatively easy escape route.The reason why it’s so popular is that it gives you a bit of a thrill and it’s fun.The roads are well-maintained and easy to walk, so it’s easy to see why it’s so popular. The road comes

Into view.This is the entrance to the Kyu-Shomaru trail.I thought it was an asphalt road from here to the station, but then I entered the mountain trail again.Good thing, this is also a very easy road to walk

On.Finally, I would like to introduce the final convenience store.At the station As I mentioned earlier, the shops are empty and you can only use the vending machines.From the Tsurugashima Interchange, walk along National Route 299 to the Family Mart Hanna Higashi-Ano store.It looks like you’re

Almost at the end of your climb.Izugatake is for beginners. I think it’s perfect for people who like to walk on long courses.There isn’t much snow in the snowy mountains this season, so I think it would be a good idea to do some peak hunting like this nearby.I

Can see the station today. I’d like to end this here. Bye-bye. Next time will be on the panorama stand on Tuesday at 8pm. Thank you for watching. Please look forward to the next video. Here it is. Here it is. Here it is. Please click here. Did you make it?

Here it is. Here it is. Please watch it. Thank you very much for your help, I look forward to seeing you again.

アクセスのよい山 伊豆ヶ岳 一度は行ってみるべき低山です!初心者から中級者でも楽しめます。

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アクセスのよい山 伊豆ヶ岳 というからには電車で行きやすいです。
アクセスのよい山 伊豆ヶ岳 登山 参考にしてみてください!





#人気 低山
#伊豆ヶ岳 登山
#伊豆ヶ岳 男坂
#埼玉 人気山
#埼玉 低山
#低山 人気
#アクセスのよい山 伊豆ヶ岳

00:00 正丸駅トイレ紹介
00:14 正丸駅駐車場紹介駅紹介登山口行き方
00:47 伊豆ヶ岳まで
05:29 正丸峠まで
11:32 次回予告エンディング

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