LE REPAIRE DES TÉNÈBRES – Thriller – Epouvante – Film complet en français

She’s a witch, She’s not a witch. There’s nothing else in this house but a crazy old woman who gives lots of presents to the children. Everyone says she doesn’t want to be seen because of her illness which makes her look terrible. If you go there, I’ll tell Dad about it.

He doesn’t want us to have a bicycle. If you’re just a sissy, just stay there. There is someone ? Mrs. Craven. It’s Austin Carter. I live next door. You left me a letter. I’m here for the bicycle. Are you alone? Does anyone know you’re here? It’s a secret. Between us, I’m all alone.

Nobody knows. You have no reason to be afraid. A market is a market. First in there and then you will have a brand new bike. Don’t worry my little one, it’s only the wind where you are. I can not see you. Enter the living room. You don’t need to see me, little one.

Where is the bike? I came just for the bike. First of all, I want my in a market, it’s a market but I haven’t seen it yet. There on the table there is a string. Tie it around your tooth, we’ll make it fall out. Until I see the bike, I won’t do anything.

My little one, I’m not lying. The bike is right there. Wow! A joint. He is magnificent. First, I want to have now. I have done this so many times. It’s always easier with the last tooth. That’s it, are you ready? Now close your eyes and you will have everything you want.

Oh ! Oh ! Ha! Ha! Ha! But. A. Almost on time. Yes, sorry for the delay Peter. He had more hydrangeas at Jardin Fleuri, so I had to go to Twin Oaks. There is so much to do before July 1. Well yes, without you I wouldn’t get through it.

Everyone who came before you had only one idea in mind to take it easy. I appreciate all your efforts. I went to see this old grinder in the barn. She is old. I wonder if I’m going to get rid of this useless machine. I can fix it. I know about motors,

I put a new battery in it and it must also lack grease. And maybe after dinner she can walk. It could be used to crush the branches we cut instead of taking them in the van. Hmm. Why not ? I’ll let you do it. What can they do?

And Poppy looks at this map and tries to find River Road. That would do me a favor. But here we are in East Oz and there’s really nothing like this plan at all. Can I ask you a question ? I never banned you.

I think we’re going to come back to Pamela. Not put. I find that a little too childish. I thought you hated Pamela. I know you love the nickname like dad, but not me. But now I’m ten and a half years old. I’m too big for that little name. But I also love Pamela.

We chose it with your father. In this case, it’s settled. So Pamela, have you figured out where we are? Because I have no idea. Pull into this garage, I think we need some gas. GOOD. There is someone ? I have a small favor to ask. Oh ! We are looking for our way.

We are looking for our way. We are lost. Get the hell out of this garage, leave her alone, she can’t stand strangers. But I’m looking for Reaper. You won’t find that there. What are you going to do ? Chuck? The farm ! Henry.

This map is as useful as a pair of tits to a semi-trailer. Now get out! Leave us alone! I won’t repeat it. I am looking for a new bed and breakfast that is ready to set up. It’s just off River Road. That’s what Peter told me.

She’s a bitch who runs away from the farm. Henry. This Peter in question would hopefully not be Mr. Knothead. Campbell I didn’t quite understand what? You’re going to tell me. What relationship do you have with this beautiful shit? A few little rules of good living.

You hang out with shit, you smell like shit. Excuse me, but I don’t like this kind of vocabulary. Oh ! Promise! Come on, let’s go. So what do we do ? Chuck? Among. Family is Pamela. Mom, have you forgotten? Hurry up, darling! Hurry! Hey. You didn’t pay for your gas. Yeah, that’s true.

She is the daughter of Peter Campbell. Could this big, good-for-nothing bastard be your father? Eh ? My father is dead. Get in the car, honey. No, let me pass. Peter He was at the Chamber of Commerce and he wanted to steal our property. He thinks it’s settled, but he’s wrong.

It’s not ready to be finished. Trouble is going to fall on him. Let me go ! Leave my mom. Calm. What do we do, Jack? You’re going to take him and her. Take off your pants. You will leave her. It depends on how nice she is. Let me go ! No, not Charlie.

Chaplin. Oh shit ! A. We’ll see each other again. GOOD. Finally. And they are my beauties. Could you get me this suitcase? Wow ! I think I’ve packed enough stuff. Excuse me, but we’re not open yet. Doug Freeman from the bank

Said July 1 But I checked out my room in the city and I said to myself What’s six days in a lifetime? So here I am. I introduce myself to Robert. Excuse me, I thought it was Stephanie. Yes, Stephanie, Stephanie Thorne, Amanda Roberts. Star, it’s a star. Yes. It’s pretty.

Mr. Freeman told me that you were going to the veterinary school which is in Twinks and that you would only come on weekends. He also told me that you were his niece. Yes, that’s the strict truth, except about the niece. I used to dance at the banquet

In town and Mr. Freeman was a regular. But I put enough money aside and I’m quitting showbiz. I’m going to veterinary college to conquer a new world. I see. I hope arriving a week early won’t cause you too much inconvenience. We have a contract, so everything will be fine. If you’re hot.

No problem. I will love it. And look how cute they are! I believe these are Hummingbird bows. You know that hummingbirds need to eat four times their body weight per day to have enough energy to fly. So, for one semester, I will study the world of birds. I will make progress reading this.

Oh. I love it ! It’s Campbell who stays. Where do we put it? Bobby Boulet, This is Stéphanie, Robert and oh, sorry, he helped me do the work. Call me Star. Bobby. Now you can shut your mouth and maybe you could help Star carry her bags. Yes I’m coming.

Your room is right there, to the left. All right. THANKS. Mr. Campbell. She is not bad. You’ve won the jackpot. Take care of your ass. Yeah. Oh ! Oh ! I missed you. Okay, so what do you say? Oh yes, it’s big. It’s huge.

It was falling apart a bit, but I’m holding on. You don’t want to go see if it’s great. Hello Hello. I was starting to worry. You told me 10 a.m. and it’s almost 1 a.m. We got lost. Well, if you told me about your work. Well, it’s not worse than I imagined.

And frankly, it’s even better than I thought. Your fuel cap is loose. Because what happened. I’m still shaking. I stopped at a station fifteen miles from here. Two brutes who looked like rescue extras were the owners. The very moment I told them I was coming here, they attacked me.

They would have even raped me. I had trouble spinning. What ? It’s my fault. I should have warned you not to stop there. How are you ? It will be better once I file a complaint. What’s their problem? It’s a long story. First, we’d better get you settled in, okay? Ha! Mark!

They just took depositions in the Morrison trials. It going. The file was given priority. If there were more vacant clearing places , I would have changed a long time ago. Yes I see. I’m glad you’re here. You should have seen the house before the work.

The windows were painted black and inside the mirrors were covered. But hey, for the opening, in a week, the house will have changed completely. Hey, that should reconcile you with life. Yeah. THANKS. It was nothing. A. So what do you honestly think of the house?

Once arranged properly, I think it will be fine. When I was in pediatrics, that’s what we used to say about very ugly babies. Stop Peter, I’ll take time, I’ll bring it, I promise. I keep my promise. You talk about it like you have to take medicine. Did you get the prescription?

Are you the doctor? Well, you were. Oh, stop! We’ve talked about it thousands of times. I was a bad doctor because I wasn’t cut out for it. And this long story? So who are these two idiots who wrecked my car? These two idiots were the Hammond brothers.

They squatted on the property with their sister Maude. When I bought the house, I had to go to court to get them kicked out. Needless to say, they didn’t like it. Good listening. What if we talked about ourselves instead? Mark, what do you want? No no. Brian already has his papers.

I gave them to him before I left. Oh, and please, there’s someone. Wow! It’s a sign from 1946. Who are you? How did you get in? I live on the little road, but you don’t know. I should be doing housework. Do you live on a farm? Yes, a good kilometer away.

There are horses. I ride with an English saddle. In the past, we had horses, but they died. I love horses. This bicycle is fashionable. The tool bag, the dynamo and the button, all original. I wonder if we can inflate the tires. The pump is right there on the workbench.

You often enter people’s homes like that without knocking. It’s not a house, it’s a barn. I just wanted to know who had moved in, that’s all. Peter When he and my mom got engaged. Before, he was a doctor. He stopped. Now he writes short stories. You’re going to live here.

There aren’t many kids around to play with me. We could be friends. My mom and me. We’re only here for the weekend. I was sad there weren’t any other kids, so I’m glad you were here. I’m Emma Inge. Pamela Wagner. We can dress up. Why don’t we try to repair the bike?

First, we clean up and go exploring. Pamela. It has to stop. For what ? It’s the witch’s river. She is haunted. How old are you ? I’m going to be eleven in mid-February. Me too. Mom says that people have vivid imaginations, but we’re both too old to believe in witches.

Do you still have baby teeth by any chance? If I have it, what does it do? Okay, I have one left, but that doesn’t count. Better that it falls when you get home. The witch collects them. Ah good ? How does she do it? It’s bad luck to talk about her.

Like Voldemort in. Harry Potter. Who is Harry Potter? Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? JK Rowling. My parents died when I was six and I didn’t leave the farm very often. That’s why I don’t know everything. But still, Harry Potter. It doesn’t matter. All right.

Tell me more about that crazy old witch. She has always lived in the house where you have lived for a very long time. When she was alive, she had a terrible illness. A tumor invaded his mouth and face. The other children made fun of her at school.

After her parents died, she covered all the mirrors in the house. She painted all the windows black. Afterwards, she remained locked up. The older she got, the meaner she became. She began to attract children to her house. She took their baby teeth and killed them. She locked their teeth in a music box.

She cast a spell on them. Their soul was a prisoner. She wandered the earth for eternity. In my country it is called the Lair of Darkness. And you’re telling me you’ve never read Harry Potter? I have to go home before dark. You should do the same.

Be careful Pamela, Don’t let her take your last baby tooth. When we lose her, she knows. Once she gets it. She won’t hesitate to kill you. Oh no ! BAM! She is. Oh no, no! Promised. I’m going to look in the barn. I’m coming from there. She’s not there.

What’s the matter ? My daughter is missing. I can help you ? Starr and I take the pick-up and we can go take a look. We’ll check first. If I know all the roads. Stephanie. I introduce myself. Darcy. Good morning. Nice to meet you. How was she dressed?

Blue fleece jeans with a hood. It’s true that it’s a little cool at the moment. It’s not her. Peter, She’s here. Oh, are you there? What’s in your mouth? I fell and lost my last baby tooth. It could be more serious. Well, the class photo is for next week.

You will have a big smile with a gap. Ha Mom, are you at school? I prefer math. Oh yes ! Yes, yes, I love it! And I’m good. Well yes, but what if I already had fun with this question about cars? What fascinates me the most

Is big engines, like cylinders. Do you see what they are? Maybe, but you still haven’t told me what you think of the house. It’s true, he keeps everything to himself. And what are you doing there? Oh, that’s a long story. It was terrible. It was very hot. It’s not true. That’s great.

This is when I go for coffee. THANKS. And you ? The garden is really very very. Well done that. Once she gets it, she won’t hesitate to kill you. I met a girl today. Her name is Emma Inge. She lives on a farm a mile from here.

I would love for her to come here tomorrow. You know, I asked Bobby if he knew her. He lives in town, but he’s never heard of a family. Inge. It’s weird, isn’t it? I’ve never seen you play with a girl. She’s pretty, yes, but she has funny clothes.

We’re in the countryside, darling, and the shops are very far from here. Do you believe in witches, mom? Life is nothing like a Harry Potter book. But in the old days, they didn’t burn witches in Salem, Massachusetts, in Salem, he didn’t understand anything about diseases, or why so many babies died during childbirth.

They didn’t understand anything, they were looking for people to blame. And because some people were strange, they were called witches and burned at the stake in the hope that the problems would end. Why these questions ? Emma told me that a witch used to live in this house, right where we are.

You know, she hasn’t been here for a long time. All right. It’s time for you to go to sleep. She has sweet dreams. Leave the hallway light on. All right. A. Why? Beautiful evening. For several reasons. I couldn’t concentrate on my book. This is what I just read.

Pigeons were initially introduced into the country as pets, but they escaped and became wild. Today, this animal is the most harmful in the United States. I did not know that. And you. Yes. I mean no. Well no, no, I’m not sure. I have always loved animals.

I remember when I was little, I always had injured birds and sick lizards and I would heal them. Yes. I was the spotty kind of girl, you see. And I became an adult. This is what I have become. Yes. Yes I see.

It’s funny how as we grow up, we end up looking like who we are. But despite all that, I remained the star of Spotty Robert. It took me a long time to get out of it. But today, I am on the right track and I really want to start my vet school.

I go to football. This year I won the championship. Really ? Yes. I have a scholarship to Fresno State. Well, I’m going to do two workouts a day. What are you going to study? Maybe. Electricity. My parents would opt more for agricultural studies

, but I don’t know if I want to do this job all my life. Just because you live on a farm and look like a farmer doesn’t mean you have to become one. Listen to the advice of a woman who took a three-year detour. Your dreams will take you forward.

But first, you have to learn to fly alone. We are good here. I adore. For. Mom. Mom, where are you? Who are you ? Who ? Oh ! Shut up! But you shut up, you’ll wake up a dead person. And don’t touch the little one. Who are you ?

Mrs. McDonald, The neighbor next door. But what are you snooping on in others? It’s almost midnight. What is happening ? What were those screams? You must all listen to me, young and old. You are all in great danger. This house is subject to a terrible curse. Horrible things have happened here.

Unexplainable things about children. They were in my room. This is nonsense. I saw you. You were leaning over my bed. You wanted to take my dose. It was not me. It was her. What do you mean by her? May I know who you are talking about? The evil spirit is awakened.

All this work has disturbed her sleep and now she will take revenge on each of you. Remember this. Anyone who remains will die. I don’t want you to hear that. Come on, come on. Listen to me, Ms. McDonald. I want you to leave my property.

And I don’t care if you’re my next door neighbor. Stop snooping around in people’s homes and stop scaring that little girl who’s scared to death. Yes, but I saw this witch and I know a lot of things. Everyone go away as quickly as possible before it’s too late.

We know who not to go to when we need sugar. Who is here ? Mrs. McDonald? Peter doesn’t want to see you around here anymore. Mom, I’m here. Didn’t you hear that noise? Yes, it came from the barn. I’ll take a look at it. That works. Good.

I want you to stay here with Star and PAM. All right ? I come back soon. All right. Bobby. Oh no, what a horror! We are at the usual places. Sorry to disturb you. I’m going to go to town to find the examining magistrate to put all this together.

This machine turned this boy into tomato sauce. You said he fixed it? Yes, the engine was seriously seized and Bobby thought it would run again. By mistake, he must have gotten his head stuck. What a damn machine! He wanted to release the training part. It turned on by mistake. And There you go.

He was a very good footballer. What misery ! He wanted to study technology. Why don’t you come home warm? I’ll let you know when we leave. THANKS. Calling all vehicles. To proceed to. Do you want to talk about it again? Just thinking about it makes me sick. Okay, we’ll talk about that later.

In my opinion, this should not be kept. We need to talk about these events again. I don’t want you to have nightmares. I’m too afraid to climb back into bed or even go to sleep. I understand you, but you have to try. She was in my room at the time.

Mrs. McDonald will never come back. Peter kicked her out of here. She’s the witch who killed Bobby. Witches don’t exist. But if she’s not a witch, how does she know my tooth fell out? She told me she knows everything. Once she gets my tooth. She will kill me.

Don’t let your imagination run wild, darling. And Mrs. Macdonald is just a crazy old woman. We’re going to barricade ourselves. She won’t come in here again, I promise. We go up. Are you doing well ? A. How can such a thing happen And pami? Not terrible. After everything that just happened.

I don’t know if my feelings are the same for this house. After all, moving to become a writer wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe it was a terrible mistake. No, you have to follow your desires. Look, I don’t want to put pressure on you,

But Pamela and I would like you to come back. You can’t write anywhere. Should you be in the countryside and have a B&B? Well, I have to admit, it’s true, this house isn’t exactly peaceful, but. You can believe me. I swear to you that no one will hurt you or PAM. Peter Yes.

Where is my car? When the police left, she was there. Who could be crazy enough to steal a Korean car? It’s the kind of car you buy because no one dares to take them. I have the impression that this kind of lame move could only be signed by the Hamon brothers.

Sheriff Pepper, please. What will happen back? Ok thank you. He will be back around 12 p.m. We’ll wait for PAM to wake up and we’ll take a walk around town. THANKS. To add a little sweetness to this day. Thanks Peter. My pleasure.

Why don’t you take a closer look at these cool sunglasses while your mom and I go talk to the sheriff? Alright Alright. Right away. Join me in the fitting room. You’ll never guess what happened last night. Baby boom. The death. That’s all we talk about in town.

And the witch, she was in my room. She tried to steal my tooth. As long as your tooth hasn’t fallen out, it can’t do anything against you. As long as it’s in your mouth, you’re saved. While cycling. Yesterday she fell and last night only one person at a time in the fitting room.

I’m sorry, I’m all alone. It’s just my radio. I cut her, I’m very scared, she almost caught me And now she wants this tooth back. Now that the witch wants her teeth back, she won’t let you go for a single moment. You’ll only be safe if you stop him.

What do we do to stop it? If we give her your teeth, she will lead us to the magic music box, where she keeps the teeth. As soon as we have this box, the spell will be broken. Once she gets my tooth, she’ll kill me for sure.

Above all, she hates seeing his face. GOOD. But how do I stay alive? I have the solution. We are going to have to be very, very intelligent. Oh ! He looks as concerned as a juror sleeping during a trial. You know, they don’t know what to do

With the media and Bobby’s death, that’s all. At the moment, the car is not far from Bolivia. Not so sure. Oh, I’ll see if they took anything. How does this thing come off? It doesn’t come off. That’s it, we’ve just found a real B&B manager. What are you going to do ? Chuck?

I want my car. You entered private property and committed theft. This is against the law. Good. In your back seat, I got my hands on this, ma’am. They say you are an employee in a firm. It means assistant to a lawyer.

So I doubt that you understand the principle of the right of retention. Me and my brother had to put this thing in your car because you left without paying for your gas. Poor thing. Go. You shut up and you shut up too. Otherwise I’ll beat you up with one of my own pumps.

43 Little girl She didn’t pay for the gas so we pay ourselves from the register. Well, we should call it a handleless walking trash can, but damn, we take what the hell gives. If she owes you money for gas, I’ll pay you. Your ears are useless to you.

Mr. Pete, I just said shut up, we’re not in court spouting off fucking stupid bullshit or honest people who haven’t paid their rent are being thrown out on the street like dogs. You were illegally occupying my property. You’re going to untie this car, you big oaf. Untie the car, you big oaf.

It looks like the student is reciting a nice lesson. It’s not worth fighting for. We’re going to see the sheriff. Do you mean cousin Claude? It might not turn out the way you think. Go ahead, try to take back your Korean trash can equipped with mirrors. But I warn you,

If you screw up, I’ll crush you like common dog shit. And damn! Stop! You are arrested. You’re quite the tenacious type, huh? Bastard! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha! Come on, let’s go. A little moment. You come back to our house and I’ll eat your balls.

Cherries, Yes, Cherries. You come ? Here they are. Good bad. This guy is not like the guy. You know, the one who took amphetamines. No, no, you’ll love Peter. His chakra is blue like a mountain lake. He’s my best friend since high school and from this family. Cool. How are you ?

Do you want us to call Emergency Police? Did you have any trouble? Um no, just a slight misunderstanding in town. Well, I can know what you’re doing there, right? And it was you who asked me to come, don’t you remember? Yes, but I thought you had a concert.

Yes, but tomorrow, Cerise, I’ll introduce you to my great friend. This is Cerise. The water, I hired it. In fact, she helps me on the tour, she sets up little things, she takes them down and she sells the CDs and T-shirts at the entrance, sometimes in the street.

I also know how to read chakras and adjust auras. No, I think last night we really needed an aura adjustment. I thought your show was in Portland. I didn’t want to miss the premiere. It’s for July 1st. The first where. My beautiful one comes to give me a kiss and great! She’s cute.

I’ll take care of you in a moment, but I’m going to go to the kitchen and I’m going to put some ice on it. I hope you sent the other one to the hospital. Oh, actually, let’s say with these guys, I have. Let’s say I adjusted their aura. So.

Your personal landscape is a great manuscript that is written with your actions. When you fight, you always lose more than you win. THANKS. I would have liked to see you there. You come among. A transcendent evil spirit has been awakened in this house. And he begins to impose his wishes.

Don’t talk about it. Go easy on your horror stuff. Shit. The worst part was that he was going to start school next week. He was going to discover lots of things. Wow! The thing that really pisses you off. The awful thing. I thought I would be able to stop thinking about it.

It drained me. Yes, it’s normal, I understand. What do you do for music? It’s alternative country rap. It’s a style that I invented. Yes, I always wanted to play music. God didn’t give me what. I don’t have a musical ear. You may not have an ear for music,

But you’re sure to do well in other areas. You just have to look at yourself. You’re really hot. God, he hasn’t forgotten you. Forget the music. Are you a model or something? I already tried. Modeling is for losers. I’m going to become a veterinarian. I’m starting studies. That’s great class.

You think ? Yes. A lot of guys advised me against it. They would have preferred that I not change. Not me. It is not my type. There are a lot of girls. They only think about crappy things. Like, do I have good hair? But boobs aren’t too small? I’m not stuck in this.

It’s really tiring. Everything always revolves around her. I think to be beautiful you have to give. The best part of yourself to others. We never see true beauty. It is transcendent. This is a great truth. And if. Poetic. As a songwriter, poetry is part of my daily life. Anyone want some wine?

Not for me. THANKS. I have two chapters that I would like to read tonight. Good night. Good night. There are some things that will never change, right? THANKS. I would like to sincerely thank you. Thank you for coming so quickly. Plus what happened to Bobby the other night.

I don’t know how I’ll be able to open on July 1st. Look, unfortunately Peter, it took me a lot longer than I thought to get here and I have to change the clutch in the van and we’ve burned out our last cartridges. We were stuck in Bakersfield for two days.

See you tomorrow, I’ll have to take off at dawn. But I thought our new CD was n’t any better, old man, you have to listen to it. We sell them at the end of the concerts for $7 per album A real misfortune on childhood 75 per performance. Congratulations ! Cool, that’s great!

There’s just a grain of sand that jams the cogs of the machine. We had 200 albums burned and with that the clutch failure of the van and the printing of posters for the thing in Oregon. You might need a little money. Yes, it’s that old. I don’t want you to think that I

Stopped just for that, because if the clutch hadn’t slammed in my hands, we would have been moving furniture and burning weeds for at least two days. And how much do you need? 700 would do the trick. 800 would be great. $800. And don’t you have unlimited financial resources?

The rooms don’t bring in anything yet. I didn’t come for the money. THANKS. I had a terrible desire to see you again and talk about the good old days. I don’t think we should leave this house to bad energies. Oh Cerise, the ink hasn’t yet dried

On this piece of paper and you already want to leave. No way. A vengeful spirit. Seek the souls of all who live here. These are the same comments as made by Ms. Macdonald. And hello! And your head? Uh. Which ? You were extremely brave this morning, too.

Together, we have always made a good team, but frankly, I never imagined that it would be to keep two bumpkins away. I would like to talk about some things that concern Pami. His imagination is surprising, but sometimes it worries me.

She comes out with extravagant things and she seems to believe in them wholeheartedly. She is at an important moment in her life. I often think about it. And what are you thinking? No. Maybe right now, it’s not good for her that I’m spending all this time at the office.

You should come live here. I’m not sure. I’m not going to give up now on everything I’ve put in place. I have to admit, now that you’re gone, the apartment is strangely empty. Life is not as good as before. If this continues, I will end up thanking the Hamon brothers. Good for.

You don’t go any further now, that’s enough. He can go to the house to get their attention, that way it will be quieter. Chuck You know she didn’t always go straight. What will she do to get their attention? And why does she still have that old kitchen knife? You shut up.

Come on, I’ll take care of it. Come on, come back to me! Come back here ! Shh! What are you doing ? Do you connect directly? They cut off the fuel supply and then started it. Shit ! I wonder what else she’ll come up with. The road is not easy to follow.

Death is only a veil that obscures life. Wind in the middle of the sand and above the altar of blood. The time has come for the purifying song. Terrible witch. Now go away. What pagan signs are you? You are the autumnal equinox. Or the spirit of Bal Trad. Stop. I you.

I am an initiate in the practices of. Starting. Go back where you came from. To officers. And can I know what’s going on in there? Cherry opens. The door. Mom ? No. Mess. Why are you doing all this? In. Camille is gone. Cole watches out front. Cool, are you coming? Yeah. No ?

But who is this one? She’s the woman from the gas pump. The sister bangs a crazy woman. She was the one who scared Pami. I don’t share your opinion, is it something else? We’ll find her, Peter. Where could she have gone? I do not know. She may have gone by bike.

I bet she went to see Emma. She believes that Emma is an expert in witchcraft. Alright Alright. Where does she live ? I don’t know. Well, go see the neighbors and ask them all. Cole calls the cops and explains the situation to them.

And above all, you must not touch the body or enter the room. We’ll come back quickly. Come on, come on! Yes let’s go. Hold on ! You called ? It’s horrible. There’s. To a dead woman at the door. And another one upstairs. A young woman. I saw his spirit leave.

We have to get the music box back tonight. We wasted too much time. She intends to kill everyone, but she has a costly and one. Ax in addition. She runs faster than anyone. We have no chance of catching him. Do you want to save the children? I want to save Mom and Peter.

In that case, you have to come with me. Follow me. We have to hurry. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha! Do you want to go for a little run with us? Well, yes. What a little pest! I told you there was an evil spirit in this house.

How many deaths will it take before you believe me? Ancient Druids wrote of children dying just as they lost their last baby tooth. Legend has it that they are condemned to wander the earth until they find their teeth. This is how the legend of the Lair of Darkness was born.

We have to find my daughter. You can help us ? About the witch who lives here, know that she has trapped the minds of many children just by stealing a single tooth from them, for nothing in return. In ancient times, witch hunting had meaning. The flames purified the evil spirit.

That’s why they were burned at the stake. In Celtic belief, it is said that the soul is a double spiral or a double ball of light. We have to get out of here, find Pami. You must burn this witch in flames and you must do it twice.

The first time will serve to destroy it without damage. The second time will burn away his evil spirit. Please, I have to. And the second time, I promise you she will leave. THANKS. But, Mrs Macdonald, we really have to go. Come on, come on! Fuck this bastard!

I can’t stand this rich kid anymore! What are you going to do ? Chuck? Well first I’m going to take a good piss and then I’m going over there and putting his cock in his mouth. Can’t we just go see cousin Claude? Did you hear what I said?

What are we going to do ? Chuck? Oh yeah. When is he going to shut up? Crazy people have no brains! God put a bomb on them. Okay, you let me go, find yourself a tree and let me pee alone. Oh oh ! Oh ! Oh ! But what are you doing Chuck?

Oh ! Why is your tail dragging on the ground? Thing. Oh ! Oh ! Good. What are we going to do ? Each. Who knows ? Ghosts. These are some of the children who were killed by the terrible witch. You’re a ghost too. They chose me to come to you.

It was written that a noble spirit would set us free. Yesterday, when you came here, we perceived your soul. We are prisoners between heaven and hell. You are our only hope of being freed. Everything is fine now. We were worried to death. Where were you ?

You were on the other side of the forest. In the cemetery there are ghosts of children who are prisoners. Please. Not my. Dear. Listen to what she wants to tell us. Maybe his explanations are almost as simple as with those two big oafs and their crazy old sister.

Mom, will you come with me? It’s just. Next to. Maybe they could show you themselves. To fart. What’s the matter ? PAM I found your friend Emma. Inge Emma, ​​I need you. This is insane. Emma tells me she can move small things. Most other kids can

Do it too, but they can’t transform the art material. We have two bodies at home, so we better keep the police waiting. And if we could give them some explanations, that wouldn’t be bad. Not forgetting the stars who are there and who must be scared to death. Okay, let’s go. So. Emma.

Emma explains and shows them. They can’t see or hear me. I can not do anything about it. It’s this way and only this way. Who are you not talking to? It’s her, mom. She is there, right in front of us. She was even the one who brought it down.

In my opinion, it’s more the wind. No, mom, her. Is there, right in front of us. BAM! Please, let’s go. Emma You need to move that candle again. Show them you’re there. It’s too heavy. I can not. Just to get her to fall from there, I put all my strength into it.

Get help Emma from your friends. I need you friends. Move it again. You believe me. NOW ? How did you do that? I did not do anything. This is the spirit of all these children. Maybe we’d better do what PAM and Emma ask us. Oh no, Shit. That’s three.

Times. Impossible to contact the sheriff. The line must have been cut by the storm. Yes, I hope they found Jamie. This weather isn’t great. To write a song. Yeah, you know, when you’re experiencing things, really strong emotional things, you just have to put the words on a blank sheet of paper.

Suddenly you realize that some things aren’t that important. No. It’s hard to admit, but I’m more of a selfish type of guy. Well, I’m not really, it’s just that I abuse people a little. A guy like Peter is easy prey. I cling to him like a leech.

Hey, I was about to burn with the $800 he gave me. In those moments, I feel really miserable. People change. Cool. You didn’t try to take advantage of me? You speak. The first time I saw you, I wanted to jump on you. What stopped you?

I have to say that it’s not really okay with everything that’s happening around us. It makes me very happy that you confessed to me something that you are not very proud of. You show real courage. I think about something my mother told me.

People who are on the path to change recognize their faults. I see a lot of strength in you. This Rice said my aura was muddy and brown. It may have been, but not anymore. Follow me. All right. Oh yes ! All right. Who is here ? Peter, is that you? Fit. Yes.

Yes Yes Yes. So. There you go, you can come. I am waiting for you. Oh, you were quick! Oh I love ! Not so impatient! He takes my head and goes! A spanking! Are you spanking me? Yes if you want. Oh yes ? Approach. What are you doing ?

You go back and you get stranded. No. Peter is waiting and told me to burn the witch. I know, I’m going there. I have gas in the garage. You go inside and see if Kohl managed to contact the sheriff. Be careful. All right. CoolStar. We are back. We have things to tell you.

Peter said the electricity did what it wanted. I don’t think it’s electricity, Mom. Okay, she just dried PAM. Well, when you have to go. It’s okay, we’ll go upstairs and take off his soaked clothes. Whore ! Go look up there, Star! Star. Oh no ! How awful ! Star! Star.

Star. How are you ? Come with me. Come. Stop. Shh. Shh. It’s going to be okay, it’s going to be okay. Calm down. It’ll be OK. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Shh! Shh! I am here. I am here. I am here. I am here. It’ll be OK. Shh. Shh! Shh!

It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s going to be okay, it’s going to be okay. Why can’t it be me? Why does it have to be PAM? It’s because of my in the music box is magic. Emma told us that you absolutely have to find a solution. My tooth is the solution.

I’m scared to death. The idea of ​​going back, we have to do it, mom, we have no other choice. Bobby was murdered, but if she ever catches you, Emma gave me something to keep her away. A mirror. You and Peter stay together and be ready. All right ? Lets’ go. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! I. I want you to give me back, ma’am. Oh, not very big. Yesterday the witch. Bob takes the box. Help one. And. Quick mom, Quick! Step by step. Let everyone take back their tooth. Come on, take your tooth back. Oh that. Go ? Yes mom, this time I’m fine.

But have they all left? They returned to their world. I thank you for saving us. I thank you for saving me. I’ll be waiting for you when you join us. Dress well. Pami? Wait, I forgot something. Yes. Madam. Well, I think everything is there. That’s what I see.

I’m sorry for leaving early and then breaking the contract and everything else. It’s just that after what happened, it’s normal. Really. Anyone would do like you. Lots of weird things happened here. I decided to move with Dar and PAM and live in the city. I’m going to sell the house.

You’re a nice guy. Thank you. I want to tell you that I appreciate your attitude towards me. You were very kind. Usually I’m treated like an object and you didn’t and I thank you for that. For me it is very important. I understand. THANKS. Take care of yourself. All right ? GOOD. Phew.

So, are you ready? Yes. Pamela goes down well. To fart. I would love to try again. Yes. For.

Une légende raconte qu’il ya longtemps de cela, une sorcière maléfique 🇹u@it des enfants dans sa sombre demeure. De nos jours, ladite demeure est habitée par d’innocentes personnes. Le cauchemar commence…

De Chuck Bowman
Par Stephen J. Cannell, Corey Strode
Avec Lochlyn Munro, Chandra West, Steve Bacic


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