[Review Phim] Xuyên Không Về Quá Khứ Dạy Bố Cách Tán Gái Và Cái Kết | Review Phim Hàn Hot

One rainy and stormy night, this lucky guy accidentally picked up a super huge time machine and inside there was also an extremely detailed instruction manual. He decided to go on a time trip. Gian said that somewhere in the year 2037 he saw an extremely horrifying tragedy.

After seeing that terrifying scene, he decided not to stand by and watch. He is a journalist who represents public integrity. with integrity His job is to find the truth to help people because in order to get the people

In the village to agree to let him stay, he pretended to be a very rich fortune teller and somehow people didn’t seem to believe him. The young man waved his arms and legs and said that in about 30 seconds, three beautiful young girls would run here screaming

Loudly because they were high on papaya leaves. All those present who heard this were bewildered and surprised . but they all thought that the guy in front of them was talking about Xa Lo, who would have thought that 30 seconds later what happened before their eyes would be exactly the same as

What the guy just said he Jun is the guy’s name Hey, Jun is a person who doesn’t know how to keep a secret. Not only did he not hide this wonderful experience, but he also excitedly told it to the children on the side of the road. Children these days

Are very smart, they are not joking . There’s T the story of heun’s babbles. It ‘s not like he’s a martial artist, but he’s not stupid. The kids still think that this uncle must be mentally ill . He immediately went to the meeting point to meet him before the truth was exposed.

He still wanted to ask him a question this time. If it weren’t for Jun using the truth as bait, he would probably have died in prison. Jun said what he saw when he traveled to the year 2037 exactly one year before he planned to

Return. At that time, he was just curious to know where his life would go in the future , but what he was waiting for was a disaster If nothing changes , just one year later he will die. Garlic and the person who sent him back to the nine springs

Is the real culprit of the massacre of guong village in the past. Not only that, the person who is considered the murderer The murderer died before being released on bail, so he dared to affirm that the man in front of him was completely innocent. Then he

Trembled and took out a box of matches. This was all the murderer left at the scene of the crime because Don’t want to go to heaven too early, he Jun decided to

Travel back to the past to find the truth. He Jun believed that the man in front of him also wanted to exonerate his wife, so he decided to shake hands with this person. The author doesn’t know whether accidentally or intentionally a similar box of matches also appeared in front of Jun

Dung. Jun Dung is an editor, a small assistant to a famous writer named Gom mi tiec mi touch . But on the inside, he’s extremely overbearing. So you’re also an arrogant person with a man’s mouth and a belly like a dagger.

On top of that, your writing skills aren’t up to anything. Every time you spit out the manuscript, it trembles. Everything had to be edited like hell to be able to publish it all day long. Jun Dung had to follow you because she was so busy with work

That Jun Dung didn’t have time to be with her mother . One day, Dung and you came over. Shopping mall Run Dung struggles to carry big bags and small bags to help the boss. Occasionally the stalls will have some promotions, then the mall

Will be as vibrant as the vegetable stalls selling vegetables at the market. Mom Run Dung also is one of the ladies who come here to hunt for discounted goods. Because of fighting over the goods, she was

Pushed by someone else and fell down, shaking. Dung was about to run back to help her mother, but she was touched by someone standing next to her and smirking. She might be poor but she can’t. Losing face like that, people with such lives really have nothing more pitiful. Right now, Mom

Trembling when she saw her daughter, before she could call her, Worm Dung had already run away and disappeared. Mother Worm Dung was disappointed. With each tired step she walked home after finishing work, Worm Dung saw her mother walking on the street. But Even if the

Dung worm called out hoarsely, Dung’s mother would not answer the Dung worm, regardless of the busy traffic passing by like flying across the street. Seeing her daughter risking her life like that, her mother trembled.

Dung was very worried. Then she took out a pair . new shoes given to me tremble a pair of good shoes will take me to good places because it’s too embarrassing to have to change shoes in the middle of the road

Like a child tremble and scream loudly tremble feeling that from now on mom doesn’t need to care even when it comes to little things like that, trem Dung wants her mother to pay more attention to herself. On her mother trem dung’s body is a scarf that has been worn for more than

A decade, looking extremely homely. Mom’s smile immediately disappears after putting it away. She immediately turned around and left before leaving, she only left a sentence from now on, she will not bother Run Dung anymore because of this sentence, for the first time, Run

Dung felt a little guilty towards Run Dung’s mother. Feeling upset for the first time, I refused the call from you. That night Dung Dung received bad news. The police discovered Dung Dung’s mother had died in the river. On the bank, only her old shoes and a suicide note

Remained. R Run Dung deeply regretted the actions she had taken, but it was too late. Looking at her mother’s cold body in the house, she trembled. Dung could not help but burst into tears while feeling extremely sad. Then Dung received the news.

Message announcing dismissal from mi contact It’s true that life is already sad and even more sad. Dung didn’t hesitate. He immediately deleted that message, and at that moment, someone called to report that Dun Dung’s alcoholic father was dead again. causing chaos, it seemed that she was

Used to such things. Jun Dung asked the other person to send her the account number and she would send the compensation money. That night, Jun Dung sat by the river where her mother passed away, reading the suicide note. Dung suddenly trembled. She saw a box of matches. She opened it curiously

And discovered that inside there was a piece of paper that had been soaked in water. She tried very hard to see the words in the book. She couldn’t translate the remaining words. At that moment, her father was devastated. Worm’s wine Dung appeared Worm Dung saw her father

Immediately Angry before leaving forever Mother trembled and called her husband several times but every time he didn’t answer the phone The poor woman worked hard all her life At the end of her life, both her husband and daughter did not care about how

Helpless she was, so she thought like that. She trembled and blamed herself. If she could go back to the past, she would definitely stop her mother. Not marrying her father, after finishing speaking, Dung cried and turned around to leave. She lost her footing and walked step by step on

The mountain road around her neck. Wearing the scarf her mother always wore, she trembled without hesitation as she walked through the tunnel, this tunnel. This is the path of the time machine here. He Jun wanted to go back to 1987. He stepped on the accelerator and drove at extremely high speed

. He suddenly saw the silhouette of a woman in front of him, but the car could not stop. The way he trembled had to turn the steering wheel and the moment he hit it, the time machine shook like that, dragging her back to the past. After waking up from her coma,

Jun Dung continued to move forward. At this moment, she suddenly discovered the scene. Something was wrong around her. Jun Dung stood there blankly, looking at a sign with the time clearly written as 1987. She trembled and didn’t understand what was

Going on. She immediately took out her phone to see if the signal was shaking. believing in absurd things like traveling through time and space, while wandering around with a cell phone in her hand, she suddenly saw her mother when she was young and stood still

For about 5 seconds. He quickly ran after his mother, but someone pulled him back. He trembled and took Jun Dung to a small alley. Although he was a little worried, he still carefully explained the story to Jun Dung. They had really

Returned through time. 1987 But because of an accident while going through the tunnel, the time machine was broken. Simply put, they cannot return to the original era. They trembled in surprise, covered their mouths, and were speechless. He trembled

And thought Jun Dung was crying when he lowered his hand, only to realize that she was laughing so happily that she shed tears. He trembled and looked but didn’t understand why her pussy trembled and ran after her mother to a club . She still wore a short skirt and shyly

Walked in. Without hesitation, she immediately followed inside. Regardless of the era , the atmosphere in the nightclubs was still hotter than ever when her mother’s friends just walked in. I was excited to go to the dance floor and only my mother was trembling. Dung went

To the bathroom to calm down and trembled. She went to the bathroom to find her mother. She trembled. Dung couldn’t believe that her mother was still breathing. She was still standing in front of her. She trembled. Dung reached out and gently pinched her.

The soft feeling on the other person’s cheek reached her fingertips, causing her to tremble in surprise and cry out, tears immediately falling like rain. She rushed forward and hugged her mother, saying that she was wrong and promised to never be stubborn. I will never

Argue with my mother again. I don’t even dare to criticize my mother’s rustic appearance, which makes me lose face. Dung cried so hoarsely that she thought she was meeting a pervert. Sunun, be careful. Staring and trembling with traces. The wound on her forehead

Along with the expression of Crying and Laughing at the same time, her mouth kept calling her mother. Sun E thought that the girl in front of her was on drugs. Thinking of this, Sun E was also frightened by her speculation. Sun e hurriedly ran out of the bathroom.

Coincidentally, the police suddenly rushed in to check the police’s progress and arrested all the underage young people. At that moment, Sun e yawned and walked out to her friends. had been caught by the police. B Dong chained himself up and stared

At Run Dung He Run appeared like a god to rescue all the female students, including Jun Rung. B Dong Chain of course did not agree with him boldly coming in front of him. Heun confronts Heun that he knows this policeman many years later. Heun has visited Dong

Chai since the case that caused many people in the village to go to the nine streams with countless people missing. Dong Chai has resigned and lives incognito. For 30 years, the two of them looked at each other with four eyes and no one would give in until the principal

Came to Dong Chai to show his face and let those girls go. Jun e was also dragged by his father to go home. Dung for now could only follow heun. Heun scolded Dung Dung for not knowing the danger and daring to run around in a strange place. If he hadn’t

Appeared in time, I’m afraid Dung Dung would have to spend the rest of his life in prison because he didn’t have an ID card to prove his identity . Because in this era, people without ID cards are considered spies. She trembled and wanted to explain that she was

So excited because she had seen her mother, but the words reached her throat and she swallowed her chest. She trembled and questioned heun. Who is it? Why did he stab her, causing her to be pulled back into the past

? Heun thought for a moment then decided to take Run Dung directly to the scene where the time machine was broken. Run Dung seemed to have opened her eyes in surprise No. That’s it, but he kept thinking about it and couldn’t understand. When a time machine passes

Through a normal tunnel, it will become transparent and invisible, basically unable to hit anything else, could it be that there is something on the trembling body that could helping her to travel through time, Dung Dung looked at herself from head to toe, the shoes were

Clearly just bought today, Dung Dung immediately protested that maybe it was because he Jun had done something that accidentally caused the incident. This wish, for example, that he Jun listened to music or answered the phone again when going through the speech tunnel made him immediately

Speechless. He Jun felt a bit guilty because when the accident happened he had indeed Doing these two things while the two were talking, a tractor in the distance slowly approached. The villagers saw that their beloved teacher was in trouble

And immediately enthusiastically helped tow the vehicle to the village where he lived. Jun’s apartment is quite large, although the decoration is a bit simple , the style is not bad at all. Jun Dung was very surprised . Dear village , Mr. Jun can completely

Live well without having to return to the 21st century. Mr. Jun did not answer, but only promised that he would quickly repair the car. During this time, Jun Dung must obediently stay at his house. Jun Dung is not allowed to change things arbitrarily. If the past changes even a small thing, it will

Greatly affect the future. Jun Dung Although he obediently nodded, his heart still remained. He kept thinking about how to find his mother after arranging a place to sleep for Jun. Jun went to the garage to prepare to repair the car, but the strange structure of

The car made him give up . Mr. Jun looked helplessly at the time marked on the calendar. There are only a few days left before the first crime will happen in Guong Heun village. You must bring Jun Zung back before the crime

Happens early the next morning. Mr. Ly sunun e ‘s father is also Jun Dung’s grandfather. Later, he suddenly knocked on Heun’s door. He excitedly pulled him. Jun went to participate in

His village’s sports festival. Jun was pulled away. Jun Dung dared to stick his head out of the gate, but just as After walking two steps, the neighbor opposite his house Jun also came out. This person turned out to be Sunun. Eun Dung was both happy and surprised. Jun was carrying a

Small backpack on her back. Dung just kept following her on the street. On the way sunun I kept turning my head to look at Jun Dung with an uneasy expression. Finally, when I reached the river, Sunun

I opened my mouth to talk to Jun Dung Sunun I wanted to know why that day when standing in the bathroom, Dung Dung stopped talking. Crying so pitifully, Dun Dung didn’t know how to respond appropriately. The river not far away was where

Dung Dung’s mother had planted her. I saw Jun Dung still not saying it. Sunun e took the initiative to say my name. Sunun e hopes you two can be friends but Dung Dung Please don’t call Sunun E mom anymore because that sounds very scary of course Run Dung happily

Agreed Just like that Run Dung kept calling Sunun e Sunun e Run Dung followed Sunun e to the family’s small store. Today, her parents went to participate in the sports festival. Sunun e was the only one at home taking care of the store. Trembling ran to a corner

And took out her cell phone to secretly take a photo. A photo of my mother attentively reading a book by the window. Mom once said that when she was young, she dreamed of becoming a writer. She trembled. At

That time, she listened with some disdain . She quietly left the store and sat on the side of the road endlessly. Thinking about what made her travel back and forth to come here, what

Was it? She trembled and suddenly remembered that after her mother passed away, she once told her father that if she could go back to the past, she would not let her mother continue to marry. Marrying him

Doesn’t mean there’s any need to give birth to a child like her because the two of them only make mom sad. Thinking of this, Jun Dung stood up. Mom got married in 1988. Maybe God is giving Jun Dung a life. opportunity to prevent her parents from being together. While

Jun Dung was rearranging her thoughts, a young man passed by sunun E’s family’s small shop. When Jun Dung returned, he saw his mother helping her. That young man even looked at his mother and smiled stupidly Seeing what this young man had in mind, she immediately trembled and turned on alert mode. She turned

The boy’s head towards her and seriously asked his name. Sure enough, the person in front of her was her alcoholic father when he was young. Shaking and dragging the young man to a corner, trembling and warning him not to come close to his mother, the young man

Looked blank and didn’t understand what was going on. Did he do something wrong? The young man of course didn’t mind him. He also eloquently declared that he would definitely perform well so that he could change the other side’s mind. He won

Excellent rankings in the sports festival and successfully brought home the famous gold cup at that time. When he got home, he couldn’t see anyone trembling while he was making the bed. He suddenly saw a box of matches he had dropped.

He was extremely surprised. He immediately opened the photo album on his phone despite the piece of paper in Jun’s box. The content was blurred , but the text in the photo clearly said that reading books for women is very dangerous when Jun Dung returned to the store where her mother had been

Dragged away by the sisters a long time ago when there was no one trembling immediately. Peeking at the Diary But as soon as she opened it, the smile on her lips immediately disappeared because what she wrote in the diary was exactly the same as the first novel she published when she was 19.

Run Dung seemed to have understood something . Immediately ran to find Sunun E. When she got there, she saw her mother being pushed straight down by the sisters while they stood on the shore, excitedly watching the show. She immediately jumped into the water to save Sunun E and then went towards

The first female student. So Tre Dung tried to call your name but the person who answered was the female student standing behind you, so you even pretended to care. Suun Dung felt extremely disgusted, she forcefully shook your hand away and took her mother home. Worm Dung advised Mom

Not to be bullied by those girls anymore , but Sun e was very resentful since childhood. Sun e was always isolated by her classmates. Only those girls agreed to play with her. If even these friends Even if I die, Sunun, I will definitely not be able to live

Well. Hearing these words, I trembled and realized that my mother’s loneliness and depression were not caused by her and my father. It turned out that my mother had had symptoms since she was a child. Before leaving, Sunun e begged Dung Dung to treat this day

As if it had never happened. The things that were happening made Jun Dung extremely shocked . Jun Dung told him that he could not leave her yet. I want to stay with my mother until she doesn’t feel lonely anymore. Heun kept quiet and didn’t say

Anything, just quietly put the matchbox in his hand into his pocket and took it home. Anyway, the time machine isn’t there yet. After the repair was finished, they couldn’t return in a short time. That night, her heart trembled with confidence, she didn’t expect that Mi Xuc and her mother were classmates

, and Mi Xuc’s first novel definitely had something to do with it. Her mother trembled, recalling the scene of her mother being bullied by bad friends, trembling with anger, she couldn’t just sit still anymore, she had to change everything, she

Had to take back what her mother had been robbed of if she wanted to get better. easily approach those people. The best way is to become classmates with them. Thinking of this, Dung Dung immediately

Ran to find He ran, Dung Dung said that he also wanted to go to school. Jun was so shocked that he dropped the boiling water. His boots fell to the ground while cooking noodles. Jun’s mind kept thinking about the conversation with the previous murderer. In Guong village, that year,

There was a case that left two people dead and one person missing, all of them female. High school student Heun was thinking about how to blend in with the girls and investigate them when he suddenly trembled and asked to go to school

With the right person at the right time, not while they were talking. Suddenly the doorbell rang outside. It turned out to be Policeman Bich Dong Xich came to check just now. While Dong Xich was on patrol , the waiter at the nightclub reported that

The girl living at Mr. Jun’s house was behaving extremely strangely. The waiter felt that Jun Dung was very Looks like a spy just two days ago, the police department was searching for Gao Duc Diep. As soon as the door opened, policeman Dong Chich immediately rushed inside

And walked straight to the front of Trem Dung because he didn’t have an ID card to prove his identity. Dung was chained by Dong and pulled his hand out, wanting to take him back to the police station. Seeing this, he

Run felt a bit rushed. He could only close his eyes and lie that Jun Dung was a female high school student at Hu Dung High School. Hearing what heun said, Dung immediately Showing an innocent face with countless sins, worm Dung finally succeeded. Infiltrating

The school. The next day, he took Jun Dung to school. When he was about to enter the gate, Jun Dung was worried that she couldn’t remember the number of his fake ID card. Jun Dung helplessly pulled Jun Dung to a corner and repeatedly emphasized how bad the outcome of intervening to

Change the past would be. Jun Dung told him Jun to rest assured that she herself would not go. Causing trouble even if she didn’t. knew what Jun Dung’s purpose was when he returned to 1987, but Jun Dung firmly believed that both of their original intentions were for a

Better future. He Jun thought for a while and then compromised. Jun Dung just needed to focus. He played the role of a student very well. After school, he had to immediately go home. After speaking, he trembled and took Jun Dung to the principal’s office to handle the admission. Coincidentally,

Police officer Dong Xiang also brought his nephew here, police officer Dong’s grandson. Chain is B Hop, who will later be Jun Dung’s father. When Heun and Dong Chain were going through the admission procedures, Jun Dung and Dong Hop went out into the hallway to talk

. Dung Dung directly said that he had a father or not. And living with relatives, he then gave Hop a sharp look and Hop kept saying that her father was a scumbag. From childhood until adulthood, he never appeared at all

The events that required participation. Dad’s family spent the whole day just hanging around in the bar and fighting with other people. After hearing this, his eyes widened and he couldn’t help but exclaim. Why is there such a bad father in the world ? He trembled and chuckled. The two of them

Talked about peace. Not long after, Binh trembled with her hot like cream and started moving her arms and legs, her ears were shaking , then she gritted her teeth. Loi warned him that he was absolutely not allowed to come close to sunun e. At this time, the school was divided

Into two There were separate areas for men and women, so the two of them were also separated. As soon as they entered the classroom, what Jun Dung immediately saw was Sunun E’s pure white face in a noisy and bustling environment. Only Sunun E remained silent. Quietly

Holding the novel sunun e in her hand, quietly sitting there reading as if completely separate from the outside world. Currently there is only one empty seat next to sunun e. That ‘s when she trembled. Suddenly she became a tablemate with mother run e. very happy because of the appearance

Of the worm Dung the atmosphere was very fast Was interrupted by a sour voice The female leader who pushed Xuan e into the river that day along with two girls came in front of her trembling Dung looked immediately Knowing that these people are not good people,

He trembled in his heart and secretly made up his mind to persuade this group of girls who don’t know Heaven and Earth to stop them from coming to bother her and her in the future. Dung didn’t say much and stood up.

She was a little scared and stared at the girl in charge. Actually, this was the move he taught Jun Dung before the two were assigned to classes. Hos suddenly dragged her to the rooftop to teach her the move. In this type of attack, a child without a father to protect him

Must have some ability to protect himself. When facing the enemy, he must turn his gaze downwards. The opponent bowed his head and quickly launched a trembling attack, applying this method. Successfully hit the female student leader with a nosebleed.

She angrily shouted and was about to rush into combat, but her eyebrows coldly spoke up , asking to stop. The loud noise of the adults affected your studies. The trio could only angrily return to their seats at this moment. The bell rang to start class. The teacher walked

Into the classroom with a handsome human form. Jun is handsome, gentle , generous and upright. He seems to be the dream prince of all the female students. Jun e is no exception. She is so in love with the

Teacher that she trembles as she listens to sunun E counting down the numbers for the last five seconds. Uncle He Run started chanting and explaining continuously, waiting until the teacher finished speaking before Jun e tilted his head to whisper to the teacher. It’s

Boring to listen to, but even so, He Run is still a super handsome guy in the hearts of the female students. After school, Jun Dung didn’t know where his mother had gone so he walked around looking for results in an abandoned classroom. Run Dung witnessed the scene with

My own eyes. Thanks to sunun e to edit the manuscript of Jun Dung’s novel, I was extremely surprised. It turned out that whether it was the past or the future, my novels were always edited by others. There was no way. She personally wrote it all herself, trembling angrily, snatching

The manuscript Sunun E gave it to me. Inside were full of red pen marks that almost corrected all the old enemies combined with her new wife, trembling as she held Sunun E’s hand. I wanted to tell

The teacher about this. He trembled. Who would have thought that right at this moment, my eyes would suddenly hold my head and scream, showing an extremely miserable look. Sunun e looked like she was drunk, so she immediately

Threw away Jun Dung’s hand and ran to comfort him. I contacted Sunun and I even claimed that I had the courage to volunteer to help you edit the manuscript. That ‘s it, Sunun also told me to not worry about

How much money Run Dung was so shocked that I couldn’t say a word. I don’t understand why Sunun e obediently obeyed. You’re so emotional. Having been a powerful assistant behind you for many years, you’ve been trembling knowing that you’ll never treat someone who is considered

A tool to help you sincerely, so something must have happened to sunun E. Covering my eyes, I was so obedient and obedient. I trembled and swore that I had to investigate the truth to save my mother from the tiger’s claws. Finally, school was over

Because he said he would come to class to pick me up and take him home. So she just sat there waiting for Jun, afraid to talk to Jun. Dung just held her bag, timidly bowed her head, and left

The layer of contact before leaving, also warning her tremblingly to be careful if she was a normal girl . Seeing such words, I will definitely be scared, but trembling Dung is beautiful , not stupid. She is no longer a child. Trembling Dung understands very well your

Dirty tricks. Dung Dung chases after you. Dung directly declares. Dad said that he was not afraid of anything, not only that, but Dung Dung also exposed the fake face of this green tea girl. He trembled and warned you not to touch a single

Strand of Sunun’s hair. You laughed coldly . then blurted out the sentence Turns out it was you right at that moment your older brother Minsu came to pick up his sister after school you didn’t pay any attention to your older brother took a taxi home first Minsu clearly understood

His sister ‘s tricks It’s not that simple. At this time, it suddenly started to rain heavily. Minsu enthusiastically gave Jun Dung a convenient ride. She continued talking about her sister. Minu said that what she said just now was not

Provocative . Encourage you to do so because you want to probe and find your weakness. Just grasp your opponent’s weakness and everything will become easy, then everything will be under your control . awakened You’re playing a psychological strategy , but what’s the purpose of Minsu telling your sister’s secret like

That? Tremble. As soon as Dung finished asking, she felt a great force transmit to Minsu, who used force to smash Jun Dung’s head onto the side of the car. causing her to faint on the kumquat branch and wait until she woke up. Jun Dung was already in Minsu’s house. At this moment,

Minsu showed his true face. He clearly showed his bad intentions towards Jun Dung. Luckily, at the critical moment, he was able to break it in time. The door rushed in to teach this bastard a lesson. It turned out that Minsu was the wrongly arrested murderer, even though he was not

The real murderer. But the evil nature cannot be denied. He Jun couldn’t find Jun just now. Dung was in the classroom he Jun immediately thought of the blue mulberry demon who was captured that year so heun was able to run to the rescue in time trembling he trembling Little

Hold back after punching minsu t tau to a pulp he trembled immediately Heun called the police and returned home. He also helped Jun Dung treat the wound on his forehead. Jun Dung was also very curious. How

Could Heun know and come to save me? Jun calm down. Take the matchbox from his pocket and give it to Dung Dung. He wants to know. Why did she have this thing? Worm Dung answered honestly about an hour before he was hit by his car next to the river

Where her mother threw herself. She picked it up. Hearing that he Jun didn’t ask any more to prepare. He stood up and went back to his room. Unexpectedly, Jun Dung kept asking about this matchbox. What was it that made him so interested ? He Jun had to say that this item

Was very important to him. It was the purpose of making him travel through time. Returning to the past, there were only three days left before the first case in Guong village would happen, but because of Jun Dung’s appearance, the future would definitely change that year

After the case happened, the police arrested him. three suspects These three people are respectively bh seop junjung bom rung friend of hof and minsu hof Go to the police station to give statements later He went in front of minsu and told him to stay there and don’t

Do anything Only then can Minsu’s life be preserved. Early the next morning, when Heun had to go out, he left a note on the table asking Jun Dung to help him return the things he borrowed after waking up. What happened to the neighbor’s work

Made Jun Dung extremely excited because the neighbor’s house was her mother’s house. After taking a bath, she trembled and excitedly carried her things to the neighbor’s house, and as a result, she saw the entire city. Family members from grandfather to grandmother to uncle trembled and smiled shyly, having a close, happy family gathered

Together was truly a wonderful feeling. Grandma approached and touched her face. Dung didn’t understand. Why does she like this little girl so much? She puts the lunch box she made herself into Jun Dung’s hand and tells her to take care of her daughter a little more in the future

. If there’s nothing else, just come to their house to play. Jun Dung is very happy. It seemed that he Jun had gone out early in the morning to look for the vibrator. It turned out that Becky seop had

Asked the vibrator to send a love letter to Sun e. After a while of observing the vibrator, he came to trem Dung to ask her for help. It’s just that Before the two could say a few words, the vibrating bomb was

Chased away by Heun. Heun also noticed that the vibrating bomb had written a love letter into a matchbox . This matchbox was exactly the same as the matchbox that the killer had used in recent days. Heun also noticed. I followed the bomb and discovered that he hid an envelope in

The bathroom wall. Jun secretly opened it but it was empty and there was nothing . Jun Dung and Sunun e went to school together until halfway sunun e She shyly stuffed a letter into Jun Dung’s hand. Sunun I wanted to apologize to Jun Dung for what happened

Yesterday. Jun Dung opened the letter to see that her mother was still the same as before, every time they argued. Her mother did not dare to stand in front of her and explain clearly , but instead used letters to exchange trembling consent Forgive my mother, the two of them are as close

As before. On the way, Sunun e constantly talked about her favorite novel at home. Sun, I don’t have much time to read books. My parents have siblings and a large family. So it’s always noisy , so Sun e’s dream

Is simply that one day she can freely read books and listen to music without being bothered by others. Dung is both embarrassed and touched . She wants to make up for it. For her mother, she wanted to give everything she had given up back to her. Today was a school picnic day for

Boys and girls in all classes. Finally, we could meet each other. Everyone was very excited on the road. Go to B XO enthusiastically started talking to Sunun, I trembled when I saw that. I quickly ran over, but Dung Dung was less active so my physical strength was poor. She ran out of breath

And could barely keep up with the footsteps of these two people. Hoping to find an excuse. If I was late, I would lose my mind. She was punished and held Sunun’s hand. She went first, trembling helplessly, and could only lie on the ground panting

. She trembled when she discovered that she had poor physical strength. But she still tried to argue that she only stopped to look at the sky after finishing her activities. When all the students gathered, it was time for entertainment because they heard that Sun e really liked boys who sang well,

So our family took the opportunity to enthusiastically play the piano. Performing a song he wanted to use. His natural ability to flirt with girls, his performance was applauded by all the female students, including Sunun. I was surprised that my future alcoholic father would also have such an excellent side when everyone was talking.

Vu Cho Ho’s enthusiasm, but Heun’s attention was elsewhere. The Principal , along with a woman, slowly walked towards this woman. This woman was Liu Dung, who was about to go to the school for internship. She was also the first victim of the incident. upcoming massacre Jun Dung

Staring at teacher Ly, do you have the feeling that you have seen this person somewhere? It’s time to eat. Jun Dung and Sunun e were happily eating bento together when a male student

Suddenly came and gave it to them. Each person has a box of matches. Sun E skillfully opened the match box and took out a small piece of paper. Jun Dung turned around and saw that all the female students

Had a match box in their hands. The match box in their hand looked exactly like the worm Dung picked up. by the river. Many years later, inside the matchbox, there was also a piece of paper. Dung couldn’t

Help but think of Heun. Heun had said that this box of matches was very important to him. This proved that He Run knew something. At this moment, Heun walked over. The two looked at each other for a long time until they were interrupted by the sudden scream from far away,

Only to see teacher Ly running to gently comfort her. After lunch break, she trembled directly to see teacher Ly Hoi. Teacher Ly said that she had relatives in Guong village, so she chose to come here to practice, but he knew that Teacher Ly was lying. She didn’t have any relatives left in

Her life. What is Ly’s purpose in lying like that? The field trip ended and the students took turns going down the Sunun mountain. I accidentally forgot my water bottle so I went back to get it. While waiting, Dung Dung bumped into you and touched you first. Questioned whether it was

Minsu who caused her brother to go to the police station. Jun Dung coldly replied that it was Minsu’s despicable work. Run Dung himself was the one who was harmed , so Tong Minsu’s imprisonment was reasonable. Of course, after finishing speaking, Worm Dung asked me in return.

Dung wanted to know if he was probing my weakness or not. Mi touched his face without any change in expression and calmly replied, there was no need to look far when Chinh Jun Dung has clearly shown that one of Jun Dung’s weaknesses is

Sunun E. You know that Jun Dung is guarding you. Whether you use sunun E to take revenge on Jun Dung or not depends on whether she is angry at her brother . Whether he will be sent to prison or not, Jun Dung will slowly guess when the evening comes

Back home, Jun still kept thinking that there was only one day left before the massacre would happen. Jun wondered if he should tell Jun Dung about this or not . At that moment, the principal’s phone rang, announcing that he could not contact him. got in touch

With teacher Ly heun quickly ran out to look for her but then she got the news that minsu had been released. Hey trembling like sitting on a fire while running on the street he accidentally bumped into worms dung worms Dung looked confused

And asked if teacher Ly had encountered anything dangerous. It turned out that Dung had remembered why she found Teacher Ly so familiar because Teacher Ly’s dressing style was identical to the teacher’s. What was written in the novel’s manuscript is a diary recording my character’s process of killing others

From the author’s perspective. Hearing Dung say that, he trembled and froze for 5 seconds. How did Jun Dung know that teacher Ly was about to die and slowly and tremblingly took out the manuscript in her hand? The unsolved case many years ago turned out to be

The prototype of a famous novel based on the remains of the book . His shaky memory brought him to the riverbank, where the two found Teacher Ly curled up in the corner, trembling as if Teacher Ly was

Very scared. Jun caught sight of a strange dark shadow lurking behind him. In the grass not far away , he immediately climbed up the hill and followed him. Just as he was about to catch him, Dong’s car accidentally blocked him. In the blink of an eye, the murderer’s silhouette

Disappeared into nothingness. bloody sticky rice grabbed Dong chain’s collar and questioned Dong chain’s release of Min xu before the deadline, so stop it now he’s still hindering him from catching the culprit regardless of whether it was intentional or not. heun directly expressed his dislike for

Dong chain He Jun appeared and coldly criticized Dong for being an irresponsible criminal police officer. The two of them had better never see each other again. He Jun didn’t want to get into trouble because Dong was going to chain again. Having said that, heun turned away. Returning to

The riverbank, teacher Ly had restored her normal state and faced Jun Dung’s questioning. Teacher Ly only said she was lost and was not persecuted by anyone . Even though he Jun and Jun Dung both knew clearly Teacher Ly was lying but she still

Refused to tell the truth. The two of them had no choice but to shake their whole bodies. Tuong Ke Tuu Ke ignored Ly du Dung. They left first and then the two of them silently left. She quietly watched. She only saw Ly Du Dung safely returning to her room.

Nothing unusual happened in the middle of the road . Heun suddenly turned his head and stared at Dung Dung. It was time for the two of them to honestly tell everything. Two went to a tea room which was the bong tea room written on the outside of the matchbox. They both

Chose a small, quiet corner and sat down, trembling as they spoke. He introduced himself as a journalist to investigate a murder case. A series of people in Guong village in 1987 just traveled back to this place. Two days later, it was the time when

The first case happened. Four days later, the second case happened. It was the case of a missing woman. Based on the note the victim left behind, the police speculated that she had run away from home, but in

Reality, the woman had also been stalking her. Jun Di Het Tu was surprised. One surprise after another because the things Dung Dung said were all news he had never heard before. Why did Jun Dung know these things? At this moment, Jun Dung took out

Your manuscript and said that it was all content. content of the novel Unexpectedly, these things are happening in the real world. Jun Dung suddenly remembered that there was a point that he needed to pay attention to. He trembled. He trembled. He turned to the page next to it.

My hand had written that it was cruel. Prime will never get arrested because that person is me he Jun suddenly remembers that after being arrested Minsu always denied the crime heun also believes that but just Based on the content of the novel cannot

Confirm that you are evil After all , novels are just fictional stories, but Dung Dung thinks otherwise if you really aren’t the murderer. Why does she know so much about the details of the case? Look at Dung Dung, excited, Hey run. Feeling a slight stream of anger, he trembled with

Steady eyes. Staring at him, according to what Jun Dung knew about you, Mi Xuc could definitely commit such sinful actions when he was planning. When asked more, Sun e’s clear voice suddenly came from the next table.

It turned out that he had already asked Sun e to go out and still kept saying that he wanted to propose to the worm. Dung didn’t say much and immediately turned on fighting mode and rushed to the frequency. gave Hos a hard beating.

At this time, Sunun e took out a flower from her backpack and gave it back to Hof. She frankly rejected his confession. Sunun e said that she already had someone she liked and that person was waiting. She was downstairs zun vibrated and jumped quickly looked down to look at

The other person but it was a vibrating bomb and the father and son were almost at the same time in surprise and covered their mouths with their hands. This action made him tremble and realize something after sunun When she left,

He trembled and immediately pulled Jun to a corner to ask him everything. Khun Dung could only shyly explain that Hof and Sun were her bad parents. The reason she was preventing the two of them from loving each other was because she couldn’t wanted them to get married because in the future, even

If they were husbands to their two daughters, it would bring endless loneliness to Sunun e. It was also because she was so lonely that her mother thought about it and tremblingly picked up that box of matches

Right away. Next to the place where his mother planted herself, in just one short evening, he received a lot of great news. After returning home, he immediately went into the room and started hugging, thinking carefully. He turned his head to look. portrait of three

Suspects eyes stopped on the photo of hop early the next morning he Jun took Jun Dung to the shore of a remote lake he Jun told Jun Dung the news that tomorrow the first crime would happen inside a matchbox It was discovered that next to the body was a piece of

Paper stuffed with the content that reading books for women is very dangerous. In the second case, there was also a matchbox and a similar piece of paper. He thought that it was the murderer’s personal mark, something strange. Why did this thing appear next to the place where my mother trembled and threw

Herself to end her life? He trembled and suspected that the day Sunun e died, she met the real killer there. Now the only person who can protect Mom is trembling. Today is the day the exam results are announced. Of course, the leader is still

Our sunun E. Both she and Jun Dung are extremely happy. At this time, the bully trio received the signal eyes of I felt as if I had received an order. They started to cause trouble with Sunun e, trembling and standing in front of Sunun e without fear. The leader girl

Aggressively went up and tore up the scoreboard, both sides preparing to fight. Luckily, the teacher The officer promptly appeared to stop the boys’ classroom. The test results were already out, but the list only showed one person’s results.

The last one was Bo Vinh Hof. He had a puzzled look on his face, staring at him. I don’t understand what you like about him, even though he reads books diligently every day, but his ranking is still first from the bottom up. At this moment, his eyes suddenly

Turned to the distance where teacher Ly walked out . Bon rung classroom Stared at the teacher’s back and then sheepishly scratched his head. Although Jun Dung really hated you, in the end he still convinced you that you may not be the

Real killer. The murderer could be The man hid at the riverbank that night heun was Based on the past to come to such a conclusion, before losing her life, the teacher went to the bong tea room and met a man wearing a green hat. On the way

Back to the boarding house, the teacher was murdered and the man heun Chasing that day, he was also wearing a blue hat. Jun decided that tomorrow he would follow closely Ly du Dung Heun wanted to personally witness the murderer’s crime process. However,

On the day of the crime, things changed. Changed that the flute maker who mixed everything up was the police officer’s archenemy. B Dong chai learned from his colleague’s mouth that Ly du Dung had three criminal records, so the next morning B Dong chai learned that Ly du Dung

Had three criminal records. The chain aggressively went to the school, wanting to catch people who saw this scene. Ly Du Dung immediately tried to run away. She ran all the way to the bus stop at the beginning

Of the village to buy a ticket to board the nearest bus. Jun Dung chased after her, wanting to persuade teacher Ly not to. left here, but she misunderstood that Jun Dung and HE Jun were the ones who accused her, so teacher Ly immediately threatened Jun Dung to be a hostage at

A dangerous moment. He Jun promptly appeared to rescue Jun Dung. At the same time, he successfully controlled Ly Du Dung and hid her in the ticket counter until evening. He then went to the Tha Liung tea room and waited for the man wearing a green hat to appear. After a while, a person

Wearing a green hat walked in. But this person was Hop the moment he saw Hop heun’s mood was extremely complicated if the man with the green hat was the real murderer of the serial murder case. That means that in the future it

Was Hop who sent his wife off to court. The King of Hell Not only that, Hop was also the one who sent him off to visit the King of Hell. Thinking of this, he forced himself to calm down. First, let everything go according to plan. According to

L du Dung’s story, it was dark. At that time, she only came here to drink tea and read books. She didn’t date anyone, but the man in the green hat kept sitting in front of her. The two of them exchanged a few words and then argued. The shop owner saw everything. The story

Was that while Heun was still analyzing, a figure suddenly ran past Bon Rung and sat in the position that should have belonged to Liung. As soon as he put Butt on the chair, Bo Rung began excitedly telling the story of how it turned out that Liung was a Communist. Du Dung opposed

The government at that time and was detained many times, but Hop didn’t care. He just calmly took out a wooden ring and placed it on the table. This was the thing that Lung always wore on his hand. Turns out, Hop also had it. Discovering the secret of

Vibrating bombs Vibrating bombs always hide in the bathroom but not to go to the toilet Hop curiously goes in to check and discovers a ring hidden behind a brick on the wall Hop seriously warns vibrating bombs not to If Jun e finds out about this

Nonsense again , she will definitely be hurt. The expression on her face quickly changed in a strange way. In the end, she used this tone of voice, Begging hop. Keep it a secret for me. Bomb vibrator promised to personally return the ring to teacher Ly. I’m sorry. She chose to trust Bo Vinh.

Once he gave the ring back to Bo Vinh, then turned around and went home with his brother Bo Vinh. Turning to another road, Heun also left the tea room and quietly followed Bo Rong. The strange thing was that the road he took was the same road to

Liung’s room. Bon Rung walked to the teacher’s room. Ly very skillfully walked in while heun was about to follow when suddenly a familiar voice came from the alley next to her and it turned out to be Minsu’s voice. Minsu was frantically beating his sister Jun . Knocked him down after finishing dealing

With the two brothers, heun quickly returned to the shop he had just captured When he encountered a bomb, he stepped out of the door and walked out. The three people just looked at each other, all three were surprised by the other person ‘s appearance. Heun’s mind became even more confused

. Who would have suspected that there were three suspects in the case plus A new character, mi contact, also appeared near the motel room. Of course, tonight he Jun did not get the desired results. After returning, he faced Jun’s questioning. Dung he ran just gently

Shook his head and said he didn’t. saw the man in the green hat trembling. Dung half-heartedly doubted. Nghi he ran out of the house for three hours. If there was nothing, why did it take him so long to ask more questions? Suddenly there was a knock outside. The door Jun opened the door

And saw Sunun E with an extremely worried expression Jun I heard my father tell me that today Jun Dung was threatened with a knife by teacher Ly Jun I was worried that Run Dung would be so scared that she would become possessed. He wanted to invite Jun Dung to come over to

His house to sleep together. Heun immediately agreed and then urged Jun Dung to quickly go to Sunun’s house. Jun wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make peace with his mother even though Dung Dung was a bit hesitant. But in Jun Dung happily went to sunun e’s room.

The room was filled with the breath of youthful youth. The walls were covered with posters of famous male gods. On the table, there was also a shelf full of books everywhere, reflecting the yellow light. It was warm and felt so comfortable. Sunun e hugged her and lay down together,

Trembling like Dung couldn’t sleep. It seemed like Sunun was having a hard time talking. Jun Dung enthusiastically asked Sun e. It turned out that Sun e agreed with her mouth. date with bomb vibrator But in my heart, I always think about Hop that day at the tea shop

When Hop expressed his feelings to Sun e Even though the two had not known each other for long, from the first time they saw Sun e Hop, they knew that this girl was the one. is the destiny of her life

When she is immersed in her own world and her whole body seems to radiate a source of charm. Sun E unintentionally exudes a deadly charm like a fairy descending to earth to listen to some rude words. Sun E ‘s young girl’s heart also began to beat.

Trembling quietly, listening to her, she once again remembered her first novel , which had the same beautiful words as what Hop had said at that time. Run Dung really liked this saying, she even specially wrote it down in her notebook. It was because of

These saucy sayings that Jun Dung became a loyal fan of her, who would have thought about the feelings of youth and romantic love. The romance in Jun Dung’s memories ended with endless arguments and even the family separating after Jun Dung left. Jun continued to think about the incident when he met

Hof and Vibrator at the door of the shop at the same time. cast Hey Run as a strict teacher and asked them why they were here. Bon Rung said he wanted to return the ring to the

Teacher. Ly Hop hesitated a bit then said he was going for a walk. Of course he didn’t believe it but he didn’t either. Thinking of a specific reason, early the next morning, heun and l Dung

Went back to the Inn to pack their luggage, then Sunun’s father would drive the bus quietly to take du Dung out of the village, just at this time the fire trucks were rushing by. went straight towards

The old house under the persimmon tree. It turned out that the house under the persimmon tree was on fire. Perhaps this was a complication after changing history in Mr. Jun’s impression. This house also burned, but No one died, but now

He and his companion have to try to rescue the children trapped in the house. Luckily, they are all okay. After experiencing this incident, Mr. Jun’s mood also changed greatly. You change history If you save people who should have gone to visit

The King of Hell, then someone else will have to. Network thinking about this, heun is a bit worried and scared. That absentmindedly returned home trembling as he read it over and over again. number She wanted to find some clues about the green hat. Although there

Was nothing about the green hat, Jun Dung discovered the appearance of a blue-haired man. Dun Dung thought they were the same person but He Jun didn’t react. Jun Dung suddenly realized that since last night after returning, Jun’s mental state had always been wrong. Maybe He Jun knew

Who the person in the green hat was but didn’t want to tell her. Faced with Jun Dung’s questioning, Jun, who was confused and suddenly lost control, directly confessed that he was the fifth victim of the massacre. Jun crossed over not only because he wanted to

Save himself, but Jun zung’s appearance was the biggest change. Her appearance messed up everything. I was a bit dissatisfied after hearing this. Why did her appearance ruin everything? Heun, keep quiet. Reply Jun Dung was angry and wanted to investigate for himself who the person wearing the green hat was. He came to

School. Jun Dung started researching the sentences in the novel and asked Sun’s mother for her opinion, saying that these sentences mean The meaning is a bit vague and only the person who wrote it can understand it because everyone will bring

Their own logic and habits to each sentence. I couldn’t help but tremble and try to ask questions about the words of a man standing in front of me. Sun and Moon for what seemed like forever How should I explain Mi thought for a moment and said Moon

And Sun aren’t the names of the record store in town, Jun Dung immediately ran to that record store, sure enough, here Jun Dung saw a man wearing a green hat, and this person was Hop’s brother Brof that night. Jun Dung told him about this discovery. Heun remembered what happened. The day they

Met at the tea room, they left with his brother. If this green hat belonged to b seop, everything could be explained. Jun suddenly realized that all this time he had been investigating in the wrong direction. Maybe B Rop is the biggest suspect in

Jun Dung’s memories of this uncle. He is another person with a memory disorder. Many times he has secretly entered her room and ripped out the pages of her novels. The contact made Run Dung extremely angry, but Dad was very biased towards Uncle.

After all, they were all family and couldn’t find any useful clues. Heun had to go directly to Hop to confirm under the constant questioning. Heun Hop ‘s finally admitted that the hat belonged to his brother the night he

Ran to the tea room. Thy Du Dung was also Du Seop who told Hop to wear this colored hat to the inn. Du Seop wanted to know if the light on the second floor was still on. morning or not, now

All the clues point to Du seop Dung also thinks that the perpetrator of the serial murder is his uncle. Jun advises her not to speculate wildly that the murderer will attack tomorrow. The second victim waited until then everything would be clear. The second victim was none other than kung e Sun

E he Jun’s sister rented a house opposite their house also because she wanted to wait for the perpetrator to be away from the net 9 :00 Tonight kung e will appear in the bong tea room and be murdered by the murderer to

Prevent an incident from happening early in the morning. Both of them started paying attention to kung e, both of them secretly watched and witnessed everything. The quarrel between the two sisters kung e

Hoa g just now at the dinner table kung e wanted to ask her mother kung e wanted to collect 500,000 won to pay to the broker She wanted to fulfill her dream of becoming Miss Korea Quoc’s

Mother heard this and shouted loudly that she had no money, at which point Sun E opened her mouth to interject. Sun E needed a little more money plus the money she had saved up to invite a tutor

To tutor, of course Sun’s request. I was also rejected by my mother, but as soon as Sun e left the door, my mother secretly stuffed some extra pocket money for her son Quy Tu

Kung e. I felt like just now at the dinner table, Sun e was deliberately mocking me, could it be that my father Mom should only invest in someone who studies well like Sun e, not someone who is a

Promiscuous person like kung e. The funniest thing is that Sun e didn’t know that her dad didn’t want her to go to university and instead he wanted to marry her off. The sooner the girl leaves, the better. He

Puts all his hope in his little son. Sun e does not want to follow the path his father has outlined. Even though he has no money to hire a teacher, Sun e is still determined to pass

The university entrance exam. It was her own strength that in order to prove her abilities, Sun e used all her money to invite a tutor for kung E so that she could realize her dream of becoming Miss Korea. A series of actions of sunun e made her heart sink. kung e felt a

Little guilty and trembled and HE ran overheard their conversation and saw sunun E sitting alone sadly by the river bank trembling felt extremely sad but for the goal of catching the perpetrator Jun Dung could not go to comfort sunun e.

Jun Dung and heun continued to follow kung e. At this time, kung e was on the phone with the boss. After a while, a car stopped in front of kung e, a man

Dressed Like a scoundrel stepping down from the car, kung e took out the 500,000 won that she had been saving for a long time and gave it to him. He happily promised that he would definitely help Kyung e become Miss

Korea. At that moment, Kyung e suddenly thought of something her sister could use. This money is for college. Kung e’s inherent honesty arose. She immediately changed her mind and wanted to get the money back, but how could this guy let the fat sheep in his hands slip

Away from him in the next second, kung e? He jumped up and rushed like crazy into the car, determined to fight with them to save his aunt and trembling, ignoring his objections. He quickly ran to give the other guy a fatal kick. Both sides continued to fight each other br seop suddenly.

Suddenly appeared and neatly dealt with the bastard who was about to attack heun. Finally, with the help of the surrounding people, the scammers were caught. Looking at the young man in front, he wondered why Du seop appeared here, but heun. Before he had time to think,

Dong Chai brought the police to take all the scammers back to the station to settle everything, only to discover that both Du Xof and Kyung e had disappeared. At this point, they both panicked. Heun decided to act according to the plan discussed

In advance last night. Heun had predicted that kung e would suddenly disappear in the middle of the road. Jun Dung would go to a place where b ru seop could appear and he Jun would go to a dangerous place. The most dangerous was also the scene of the tragedy. He did

This because he had been to the scene where he died. In the future, he thought to himself that he had accidentally met a scumbag and was harmed in a difficult way. understand. At that time, his trembling body was thrown into the cold river, how could he not feel pity

And think of a victim somewhere who had the same experience as him? He suddenly felt sympathy. He Jun Wanted to save the lives of innocent people. That’s why the two split up to take action. The two of them searched every corner. The culprit could

Appear until nightfall, but still without any results. But this also proves that the massacre has not happened yet. Suddenly, she trembled and suddenly remembered that they had focused too much on places where the killer could appear but had overlooked the

Most important place, which was the bong tea room. So they both rushed to the tea room to find them. Seeing kung e happily singing here, what was more surprising was that minsu was also present in the group of people. minsu had been sentenced to more than 30 years in prison

As the real perpetrator but had always denied all accusations based on speculation. Heun’s guess is that one of the two must be lying while waiting. Jun Dung accidentally saw the vibrating bomb and Sun e walking hand in hand on the street. Jun

Dung suddenly remembered that the vibrating bomb was one of the suspects of the tragedy. She was worried that Sun e would be in danger, so she immediately stood up and chased the two of them. Bon rung took Sun e to a shop. Here, sunun e said goodbye. Bon rung very happily

Agreed, but before that he had to have a meeting. She got what she wanted right at that moment. Jun Dung flew in like a god. She gave him a painful blow to the head. The bomb shook the dog’s blood to

The brain. The bomb rushed forward, intending to treat them both well. Mai tha h seop promptly appeared and pressed the bomb. The relationship between brothers and sisters officially ended here and at the same time, kung e’s group of singing friends also disbanded and everyone went home. Minsu suddenly followed kung

E. Minsu followed kung e to a bridge and then went crazy. love Invite her to another place to drink with monk Kung e stopped shouting and refused minsu’s corrupt Tam reputation in this village , who doesn’t know that kung e doesn’t want to associate with scum like minsu minsu got

Angry and immediately lost control Go ahead and hold tightly kung e kung e protested and kicked his leg hard, who would have thought that Minsu could not stand firmly, slipped and fell down the bridge heun went down to check to confirm that minsu only suffered minor injuries and was not in danger

Of his life he Jun Let Minsu take Kyung e safely back home first, he gently comforts Kyung e. Even though she can’t become Miss Korea, her singing and dancing skills are also very good . Dressed very nicely, hearing the compliments coming out of Heun’s mouth, Kung e immediately lifted

His spirits and regained his original confidence. Heun took out the money stolen from the scammers and returned it to Kyung. Kyung then returned it. I have returned this money to Sun. The two sisters hugged each other and cried. Tonight it rained like a little water. Jun and Jun Dung still did not

Forget their mission of observing the two kung sisters from the window of the house opposite Kung. I happily dried my sister’s hair myself. It was the first time I saw the two of them getting along so well. I trembled and thanked him for doing everything for my family. Unfortunately, tonight they

Still haven’t caught the murderer. The phone in the house suddenly rang. Ha trembled and went up to answer the phone. The trembling voice of the vibrating bomb came from the other end of the line. She

Was gone. On this side, L Dung had stopped breathing and was lying on the rocks along the river, her hands were tightly clenched . with a red string heun and Jun Dung hurriedly ran to the scene and two worms stood to one side. Staring at Ly’s body, worm Dung immediately

Checked the relics around teacher Ly. She discovered that there was a bag in her bag. Inside the ceiling of the bong bong tea room, there was a piece of paper with the content that it was very dangerous for women to read books

And tremble. Gradually regained composure. He grabbed the collar of the vibrating bomb. It was obvious that heun had considered the vibrating bomb to be the culprit. The vibrating bomb was in a hurry . Denying it, he said that he had just taken out

Ly’s ring, claiming that this ring was given to him by teacher Ly on her own initiative yesterday afternoon. At that time, the two of them only talked briefly a few words, who would have thought that today Teacher Ly was murdered. He suddenly realized that Du Dung had never

Left town. The reason why the bombs were so scary was because Ly Du Dung was a Communist who opposed the government and the government hunted them down. They met twice, but they didn’t report it. They were afraid that they would be implicated

After the police learned that tonight was destined to be a sleepless night when two murders occurred at the same time. The second victim is Kyung e. Kyung e’s fork is identical to the fork of tourist Kyung E, whose

Hands were cut off by the killer with a red string. In Kyung e’s bag, there was also a matchbox from the bong tea room. after confirmation He trembled at the scene and immediately pulled him home and locked the door. At this moment, his trembling heart was constantly beating. He

Jun was in pain as if he had received a fatal blow to his chest. Jun thought that both of them should go back. The real world no matter how hard they tried, the outcome still remained the same h Jun decided to speed up the repair of the time vehicle he locked

Himself in his room to torment himself and rethink everything Jun Dung Depressed , she sat down on the steps. At that moment, Sunun e came knocking on the door. Sunun e was very heartbroken and needed Jun Dung’s comfort. The two girls hugged each other and burst into tears. The passing of

Kung E made the family atmosphere seem like a family. It’s a suffocating shadow. Sunun e’s mother does housework non-stop. Her mouth always mumbles something while not being careful, causing a piece of porcelain to touch her wrist. She trembled unbearably.

When she saw TH marrying her family, she couldn’t stand it. So miserable and worried about her grandmother’s situation, Jun Dung knocked on the door and asked him, Jun Do you remember when your grandmother passed away? All Jun Dung knew was that her grandmother passed away before she was born

. What happened? Is it related to kung e’s sudden death or not, trembling and standing outside the door crying miserably. She doesn’t want things to stay like that. In the end, kung e is gone and trembling. At least she must save the woman’s grandmother.

She lost her child and sat in the living room , watching the news about her daughter’s massacre on T, then she changed the channel to the Miss Korea pageant. The happy kung e moments with her family are still alive . In my memory. Even though kung e

Doesn’t want to study and only wants to become a beauty queen, she is still a filial child. Kung e always talks nonsense in her mother’s ear, saying that when she earns money, she will buy her a mink coat. she always dreamed of the woman regretted

Not hugging her daughter more she stood up in despair and left the house sunun E from the room When she came out she didn’t see her mother anywhere the whole family was worried she didn’t think she could hurry up went out to look for Run Dung heard Sunun e calling and

Didn’t have time to wait for Run Dung to react. Hey Run rushed out of the room and ran straight to somewhere. The woman was standing on the cliff. Stone Prepared to jump down. May But Mr. Jun promptly appeared to convince her to be strong and face the truth

. Even though she now wanted to leave in pain, think about her two remaining children. Would she want to leave them alone for the rest of their lives ? Do you have to live in the fear of losing your mother? Thinking about her young children, the woman finally gave up the idea

Of ​​finding her. The whole family hugged each other and burst into tears. Jun also breathed a sigh of relief . Jun Dung. I’m very grateful for your actions. Jun didn’t know how to thank you. I understand Jun Dung’s thoughts. So I suggest you two hug

Each other. Lately, there have been too many unpleasant things that you two have done. That’s also to comfort each other. He trembled before he finished speaking. Jun Dung rushed to hug him. He trembled and patted Jun’s back to comfort him. After a moment of careful thought, he Jun. Determined

Not to let the murderer continue. attack the third victim he Jun doesn’t want to end the cooperative relationship with Jun Dung he doesn’t want the two of them to become strangers while Jun Dung is muttering or Jun skillfully holds the light Rubik’s Cube Gently spinning around a few times, they solved the puzzle.

They trembled and widened their eyes in surprise. They both began to rearrange all the clues they had collected. They also thought about the current situation. T minsu is currently injured . so it’s impossible to blind people who can eliminate minsu from the list of suspects

The next person is vibrating bomb the reason vibrating bombs are scared is anxiety Scene The police will prosecute you for not reporting that you are a communist. That means two suspects have been eliminated. The remaining one is bey seop Jun Dung’s father.

At this time, Jun suddenly mentioned you. Actually, you are also very good. It’s just suspicious. You look so happy to hear that your brother was sent to prison. So how did you know so much about the details of the murders and write it into a novel

? He looked at the clock and had half an hour left. B hop will be arrested by the police as the first suspect. They both go to hop’s house. Looking for clues, hop suddenly stands in front of a cabinet. Heun immediately discovers something unusual after

Checking. In the closet, he found a piece of cloth stained with blood. Hop panicked and snatched it back. Hof remembered the meeting with Mi Mi two hours ago. Mi Xu wanted to make a deal with Hof. Mi Mi

Took out a blue hat from her bag. It was a few days ago. Hop was the one who threw it into the bin. When she happened to see this scene, she frankly exposed that Hof wanted to protect someone while she wanted to escape from someone. The two of

Them could cooperate and help. Each other talked about du seop hop, scared and obedient, coming closer to listen. His plan ended. Reminiscence hop admitted that this thing was his. Everything was his fault. Dung couldn’t help but stand in surprise. The picture took a few seconds, could it be that she traveled

Back to the past just to hear her father confess his crime? I really don’t understand why everything turned out like this and suddenly it happened. Hop hallucinates and hears a woman’s voice ringing in his ears. Seeing that the situation is not good, Jun rushes up to calm Hop’s mood

. Heun convinces Hop to think carefully because this matter is related to the future. What is the future of your family if you just lie to cover someone? The consequences will be unpredictable. Unexpectedly, Hop still kept his answer since Hop confirmed that he was the one who caused everything. Jun Dung felt

Extremely desperate. Dung wanted to let him suffer the appropriate punishment from the law . Dung was just about to leave. Dong Chai suddenly stood in front of the door. Of course, Dong Chai also heard the entire conversation. What recently happened to some relatives

Was that one of Hop’s uncles was a police officer who could only carry out his duty of escorting Hop to the police station. On the way back home, he trembled helplessly and sat on the side of the road, sobbing. Stop saying sorry, it’s like confessing to the

Unfortunate victims, everything is your father’s fault. He Jun. He couldn’t help but directly interrupt him. Jun is sure that Hop is not the murderer. That’s his guess. Jun never ordered Hop to hastily confess without knowing anything. Only when Uncle Dong told Hop did he know that the bloody shirt was related to the

Massacre. After hearing that, Hop was so surprised that his eyes widened for the first time. Fairy B Dong Xich saw the piece of paper in the matchbox and also suspected that Hop was the murderer because Dong Chien had seen Hop’s room filled with boxes of straws from the

Bong tea room. After listening, Hop seemed to wake up and immediately denied it. I didn’t slaughter like that , but I still can’t explain clearly about the blood-stained shirt. That’s why Hof was temporarily taken to the interrogation station. Heun was standing

Outside the door talking to Jun when he saw his grandfather . Her body seemed to lose control and rushed out. He kept screaming and wanted to take the murderer’s life. At this moment, Sun E appeared to testify for Hop. Last night, Hop was with Sun

E when Sun E was bombed. Vibration Pressed into the hotel, Hop was the one who rescued her. Because he was worried, Hop came to visit her house in the middle of the night. Sun e again. At that time kung e

Was preparing to go out. They stood outside the gate and talked a few words, then they both went to the rooftop of the hof. They wanted to wait for kung e to return before leaving, but they

Still waited all night. I didn’t see Kung e coming back with just this simple sentence Sun I was able to prove that Hop was definitely not the murderer. Sunun E’s father put on a serious face and warned his daughter not to tell anyone about this later. When kung

Eem passed away, everywhere in the village was full of bad rumors about her. The whole village said that kung e Do drank too much and ran to an abandoned house to have a date with a strange bottle before leaving. sunun e told heun Shocking news on the night of the incident

Kung e had an appointment with a person kung e said that that person was the benefactor who saved his life in the morning. After hearing it, Jun Dung and Heun rushed to find b ruop from the neighbor’s mouth . The two just learned that Brof is studying at the National University of

Korean Literature, but Li is an alumnus of Seoul University. She also studied at the Korean Literature Department. They both studied in the same department at Seun University. same university heun remembered the lock necklace found at the crime scene it was identical to hop B’s necklace Dong xi also recognized that it was

Jop hop’s necklace but denied it and firmly affirmed This is my thing. I trembled when I saw the image of the necklace and immediately confirmed that this was my second uncle’s thing. Until then, he still did not allow anyone to touch it. Jun suddenly remembered

The incident that year when the shirt was stuck. The blood was brought to the police forensic department because a collision occurred while driving and drinking coffee. That’s why the cup of coffee was spilled all over the shirt. At that time, science and technology had not yet developed the only egg

. was broken down, but the police were unable to extract any useful clues. This time, before leaving, Mr. Jun decided to knock on the door of the police car, took his cup of coffee, poured it all out, and then Mr. Jun gave it to him.

After seeing with his own eyes the shirt was put in a safe bag, Jun could breathe a sigh of relief. The news of Hof’s arrest quickly spread throughout the school . I heard everyone talking about it. stop muttering and scolding hof for

Being such an idiot he made everything more complicated at the same time Jun Dung and Sun e were both forced to stay home from school Sun E was locked in her room by her father to protect her The police station testified that Hop Sunun E banged on the door and screamed in

Despair. She risked her life to jump through the window to escape. Run Dung had already guarded the door to prevent Sunun E Run’s actions. Dung said that Hop took the initiative. The crime of covering up for a prisoner who did it himself must be borne by himself sunun e sat down

On the ground crying and begging shaking sunun e Remembering the night the two of them were on the rooftop when he confessed his love to her This makes Hop scared. From childhood to adulthood, Hop has lost the people he loves, from his parents to his older brother,

All of whom left him. Now, Hop is also very afraid of losing someone he cares about again. Listening to Sun e calmly and gently comforting Hop was so touching that he couldn’t help but give her a sweet kiss, hearing his mother’s confiding words trembling but not softening at all until his grandfather

Appeared. show and pull sunun edy trembled and remembered that time when her mother had to go to the hospital for emergency, her father was busy taking care of Uncle Hai and couldn’t see his face all day long.

In the hearts of her father and her mother, she and her son could never be compared to Mr. Hai trembled and sat at the bus stop, waiting for him to return. This time, he went to Seun to ask about Brof’s whereabouts, but the vast majority of Rop’s friends chose to keep quiet

As if they were afraid of something. That’s just it A few people volunteered to speak out. At the same time, the police station also received an analysis report. The blood stain on the shirt belonged to

Blood type A. Both victims of the case did not belong to this blood type. They were blood type O, so they were also charged. ruled out as suspects while the police were still ignoring Russia and not understanding what was going on , people from the Security Department suddenly came to

Them without saying much and immediately led hof away to people from the Security Department who wanted to meet them. revealed Bach’s whereabouts r seop. This scene was often seen by Mr. Jun and Jun Dung standing not far away. Mr. Jun told Jun Dung to stay here and wait for him. Then

He ran like crazy to chase Jun Dung’s car . She couldn’t stop worrying and immediately tried to think about her father and uncle. Suddenly, Jun remembered that there was a time when she brought her father’s luggage to her uncle’s house and they scolded him for only

Caring about her. brother and the mother and daughter didn’t even bother to glance at Jun Dung immediately guessed Jof’s hiding place. Sure enough, the injured B rof was hiding here. B rof was extremely worried when he learned that his younger brother took the responsibility for him. guilty Even though

That bloody shirt belonged to rof, he didn’t kill anyone b rof endured the pain Begged Jun dung to take him to meet his younger brother, unexpectedly as soon as they walked out the door they both ran into

Heun and the three went to the front door The motel room was afraid that he would be in danger. Jun and Du seop went upstairs to save people first, but they were still trembling down below. Waiting at this time inside the motel hof was being tortured to death but he still

Didn’t say a word. Seeing that Hop was so stubborn, the group of people immediately grabbed his head and pushed him into the water while in a daze, Hop seemed to fall into a space of memory. A few days ago,

Hop discovered that Duop was injured. Lying outside the door, Hop guessed that his brother must be went to mock the protest, saw Duop constantly apologizing, Hop trembled with anger, Hop directly pulled the TV key chain from around his neck and

Asked his brother if Duop had forgotten all the words his parents had told him all those years ago. Before, from the neighbor’s mouth, Hop’s parents found out that their eldest son had participated in a protest near school. He seemed to have been shot by a bullet, but for unknown reasons, his parents

Quickly locked the brothers Hof and Jof into the house first. As they left, the two of them carefully told their parents that if anything happened, they must take care of each other and try to live well. After saying that, their parents turned around and left. Unexpectedly, in the next second,

A voice suddenly rang out outside. Their parents were brutally murdered before they left. The mother still clutched the key to the children’s room and couldn’t bear to let her parents die so unjustly. The fire of hatred

Was always there . fluttering in his chest, so Jof disregarded his promise to his parents and continued to participate in the demonstration. H Seop woke up from his coma. His mother’s words telling him to take good care of each other kept echoing in his ears. H’s eyes kept

Falling like rain, trembling downstairs, waiting for a long time to see his father’s whole body covered in blood, step by step limping out of the boarding house, memories of him seemed to merge with reality, trembling and heartbroken. Crying, she finally understood

Her father’s unspeakable secret all this time, trembling and rushing to see her wound. Hop’s voice was so sweet. Hop didn’t know what mistake she had made that led to these tragic things. After saying this, she cried until her heart was paralyzed. In the darkest moment of her father’s life, a daughter like her

Appeared slowly for a long time. Not only that, she didn’t even know how to respond to the painful questions. How is this? Jun Dung carefully takes care of the injured Hof, both of them are in front of the inn, anxiously waiting for Jof and Heun to return because Du Seop shows up promptly.

So the people from the Security Department agreed to let h seop go before leaving. Jun gave Du seop his watch and told him to hold out for 15 minutes. 15 minutes followed the station’s interview bus. TV arrived in front of the inn,

A group of reporters rushed upstairs and the people from the Security Department received an emergency order to immediately retreat. They had no other choice. They had to let go of Jop who unexpectedly just walked out the door and the people from the Security Department Security was chased by reporters and stopped

Him. Heun took the opportunity to rush into the room and carry Jof. He left. Hof and Jof was safely taken to the hospital. Jun Dung wanted to invite him to dinner as a thank you, but because he didn’t have money, he Jun. Still the one who paid in advance, the two happily agreed

To go to the restaurant to dine tomorrow. When they got home, they met the car repair guy that he Jun mentioned last time. This person is also heun’s future father, Johnn. u arrogantly proposed the condition that he Jun must prepare food for John every night to fix the car. Except for

Dinner, he must not come and bother you at other times. Of course, he still has to solve the Rubik’s cube within 5 seconds. In front of John u he Jun turned around a few times and successfully solved the Rubik’s cube, then threw it back to John u he Jun opened

The hood and briefly explained about the car he Jun also did not forget to tell John u not to say anything. seen here to let others know that the time machine has officially entered the repair phase. The last victim in the

Serial murder case is the ringleader of the trio who arrested n in the school heung and what he kung is. One of the murdered people was also mentioned in Mi Xu’s novel. It turned out that He Kung really liked Mi Xu and Mi Xu also knew that feeling well. The trio

And Mi Xu gathered in the bubble tea room of a girl in the house. The group brought extremely hot pink bows. At first glance, Chen Heung thought she was rustic, but when she saw that she was wearing a cute pink bow, she quickly took the last bow and put it in

The backpack of the owner of Trung A bong tea room. As I passed by, I took the opportunity to ask for one for myself based on the novel’s content. Jun Rung speculated that perhaps He Kung knew some secret. This made me feel insecure and found He

Kung an eyesore. He Kung. threatening you to contact Seun with him otherwise the secret will be exposed. It’s very possible that you’re the real killer. He also thinks. That’s a high possibility. In fact, he knows very well why he ran away from home, teacher. The homeroom teacher really

Liked He Kung’s mother, so he often went to Mrs. Supporter’s restaurant. One time, the homeroom teacher witnessed the scene of He Kung’s mother being harassed by a drunk guy. He didn’t say much and rushed over to give him a lesson . Unfortunately, the person who was beaten was

The parent of another student. Because of this, he was able to witness with his own eyes the scene of his mother thoughtfully applying medicine to the teacher. She even prepared a dish of kimchi that was not available. on the menu for the teacher. But what heung didn’t know was that because of

Her daughter, her mother begged the teacher not to come and disturb the lives of mother and daughter anymore. She also quietly withdrew her budding feelings of love . But there are always a few people who like to gossip. Daughters. The parent who was beaten spoke

Ill of heung’s mother to her classmates, saying that his mother seduced men everywhere, even the homeroom teacher was beaten. fascinated He Kung walked into the classroom and overheard everything. Blood rushed to his brain He Kung raised his fist and rushed in. Luckily

, the homeroom teacher promptly ran to stop it. Otherwise, there would have been a murder. He Kung was in an excited mood. directly criticized the teacher right in the middle of the class. After listening, the homeroom teacher gave him a big slap when he ran to him. He kung had already

Packed his bag and was ready to leave. He kung returned. The store just discovered that her mother is not here , but in the pot on the stove is the homeroom teacher’s favorite Kim Chi dish because to protect him kung he Jun is determined to nip her Escape Plan in

The bud. He Jun told him that before leaving home, he should leave a message for his mother. Then he trembled and read it over and over again for her to hear the message he wrote himself. He couldn’t take it anymore. Tell him to stop. but heun blamed

He kung. If he kung left home, her mother would have to listen to hurtful words over and over again for the rest of her life, compared to he kung, her mother would be a hundred thousand times more miserable

Hearing this he Kung immediately fell into deep contemplation, thinking that he wanted to leave home and gradually disappeared. But anyway, he went out and his friend took this opportunity to bring him to the bucket to relax and relax. They both went in front of an old tree more than 300 meters old. Five

Years old, the old tree has stood firm for more than 300 years . Having gone through many droughts and floods, it is still standing. Standing tall here, the old tree is like a persistent mother. Searching for her missing daughter for 40 years . Five lines in the future Every time

He Jun comes home from work, he sees his mother giving out notices looking for people day after day, a year and four seasons that never stop. She continues to be diligent like that year after year. Hi kung also increased with the number of times he reported looking for someone until

One time. When he Jun passed by that place again , he saw her fall on the ground. He Jun hurriedly ran to help her, that’s why he Jun. Knowing how difficult her journey was to find her daughter over the years, she never

Stopped searching for her daughter. She always believed that her daughter was still alive, but it was only because she hated her that she didn’t appear. She persevered. After 40 years, until he passed away, he still couldn’t see his daughter again. Heun advised him not to rush

To leave home like that. Wait until he turns 20 and he will definitely be able to leave home to go to college . will be free to love tomorrow he kung will also go to work until when he returns, his mother will be old and tired of today’s disgust. When I

Look back, everything will only be sadness after being informed. I thought he kung felt a lot more relieved. He kung no longer hated his mother. At the same time, Jun Dung came to find Sunun, who was locked in the house. Jun Dung

Came to tell Sun, the good news . After innocent release, Jun Dung also took Sunun E to the hospital to visit Hof Sun e. I blame Hof for not telling the story that the two of them were together that night , then he would n’t have been taken away by the police.

Who would have thought that after hearing this, Hop would smile widely and not want the person he loves to be attacked by people’s gossip. When he heard this, Sun e suddenly hugged his face and cried sobbingly. He

Kung returned home safely. When he returned home, his mother had already cooked seaweed soup waiting for his daughter. He Kung asked his mother why she cooked kimchi soup in the morning. He Kung’s mother also did not hide

This. She explained that it was the last dish to eat . broke up with the homeroom teacher. From now on, the homeroom teacher will not come to disturb the lives of mother and child anymore. He kung was extremely moved. Finally, he kung also accepted

The warm image of his mother and teacher being together. The pressure between mother and son, Heun’s hanging heart was finally relieved. He Jun happily returned to have dinner with Jun Dung. Before, Jun Dung always didn’t understand why his mother always treated his hateful father very well. It wasn’t

Until today that she realized that during the darkest time of their lives, the two of them came together to comfort each other. Not long after , Dung Dung was almost drunk and even wanted to go to the river. Play with the water and beg him

Came down to play with me and saw her trembling still standing still, motionless, trembling, so she put on a petulant face. Come to me to beg, who would have thought that she would continue to tremble, and fell asleep,

His heart trembling all the way. He could only hug her home after It’s almost 10 o’clock to deal with the trembling wine bug he Jun Hurry to bring dinner to John u John u was engrossed in fixing the car when he was interrupted and looked at the clock and immediately froze and

Finished Tonight I’m done I had already scheduled my crash to go to the movies. Before I could put a piece of bread in my mouth, John U was in a hurry. Packed his things and left. Remember, he once discovered his mother and father’s secret collection of movie tickets. Thinking about

Today being the first day the two of them went to see a movie together, Mr. Jun’s heart was pounding as if it wanted to jump out of his chest. Since he was little, he had never met his mother, so he

Secretly followed John U and looked at her. The girl sitting next to John u was wearing the same pink bow as his eyelashes. Jun suddenly panicked and remembered what his grandfather had said after he was born. After he was born, his cruel mother immediately took off

Her clothes and left. She didn’t even bother to hug her son. Not only that, she also considered Jun as a stain in her life. At the end of the movie, Jun saw a beautiful girl walking out wearing a beautiful pink D bow dress. Is it the

Owner of the bong tea room? He was shaking in shock and speechless at this moment. Wearing a pink bow exactly like the one from the movie theater. Stepping out to greet him. He Jun.

Looking back and forth at the two girls in front of him . There was a bit of chaos when heun was still bewildered when a couple passing by bumped into popcorn and COC was scattered everywhere. Not only did the couple not apologize, they also showed a rude attitude. Mrs.

Trung saw that. immediately went up and saw the discontent and immediately helped out. After a while John U also ran to protect his girlfriend who was arguing with someone. At this time, he Jun found out that his biological mother was the owner of the room. Trung ah

Jun remembered what his grandfather once said, his mother coldly left. Right after giving birth to him, she didn’t even bother to hug him. Jun just kept staring at Trung’s mother, not knowing why he was I felt an indescribable pain rising in my heart

When I heard my girlfriend say that. John u also nodded in agreement the first time he met him. John u’s mood was a bit complicated as if there was a kind of affection between them. Somehow he couldn’t explain it, but he Jun didn’t feel

The joy of meeting his mother because he used to dislike that woman. Jun Dung had a bad impression of Trung A since the first time he set foot in the bubble tea room. In this conservative era, Trung’s boss was so enthusiastic when we first met

That she kept coming forward to feed him, making him extremely uncomfortable, perhaps because of her free-spirited personality . Later, Trung chose to abandon his son. He Jun felt frustrated. But the most important thing now is to find the real perpetrator of the serial murder case. He Jun temporarily suppressed

His emotions and went to meet him. be ruop to investigate both victims had close relationships with b ruop. It turned out that teacher ley and rop were a couple of Liu Zung who came to this village because of rop after organizing a day to comfort their parents. Together we left this place

, the house Liu Zung was hiding in was the abandoned house where kung e’s body was discovered the day he was lost. Kyung E actually secretly followed B jop kung e also. Discovering the relationship between teacher Ly and the kind Jop Kung E,

He wanted to do something to help them, so in the middle of the night, Kung E alone brought a book to the abandoned house. Who would have thought that Kung E would end up murdered? brutally harmed

Like that. At this moment, Mr. Jun suddenly remembered Inside the box of matches that the murderer left at the crime scene, there was a piece of paper that said it was dangerous for women to read books . Jun thought this was a warning at the right time. John u was in

A hurry to fix the car. The door wanted to borrow the bathroom and the two of them hurriedly tidied up the documents about the case information on the table to avoid John U seeing it, but the two of them

Carelessly left out a box of matches that night. Sun e sat and remembered her sister. Memories of her lost life kept rushing back into their minds. They both happily imagined that if Sun e could become a novelist , she would definitely write

Her sister’s name in the book of her lucky life. can live 100m years but books will last forever, in other words, kung e will be remembered by everyone Forever Kiep Kiep The moment of extremely happy play with his deceased sister came back, making Sun e

Unable to help but feel pain. It turns out that Sunun was urgently looking for the notebook to carry out her sister’s will, but the notebook disappeared and flew away. The next day, when Jun Dung went to class, she heard everyone heatedly discussing what she had become

. When the bright star released her novel at the age of 19, she was praised as a talent. Sun I read it and found out that the story was exactly the same as what I had written. Frankly speaking, this was blatant imitation . Sun, I was angry. I was shaking.

That’s why Sun e looked for you to ask for justice. Sun e criticized you for having the audacity to steal my manuscript and publish it under her name. Sun E definitely won’t let you go. She said everything but didn’t hesitate at all because she knew

Sun e had no proof. She even confidently threatened that if Sun e dared to say another word nonsense, the outcome would be like her ill-fated sister. Hearing the threats, so blatant, Sun was indeed scared. Now in

Sun’s hands, there was no evidence. The only sister who knew that she had written a book had also passed away, leaving a small hope of victory . Sun I don’t have any more. Once the incident comes to light, my parents will only hate Sunun me even

More. They won’t be proud to have a daughter who likes to write. Dun Dung finally understands why she Her mother refused to tell the truth. Dun Dung advised Sunun to be cheerful. In fact, in this world, there are still readers who consider her

Family who love her novels. They love and support her in pursuing her dream. Dung hopes Sunun e can become a real novelist , don’t let anything hinder her dream. Dung Dung even asked Hop to convince Sunun, e Hop sincerely told Sun e that when he did something then you have to be determined

To the end that the novel belongs to Sun e so you need to protect it at any cost don’t forget he will always be behind you to support you unconditionally after knowing about Sun e’s mother being angry. When he got angry, he hit her so hard, why would she think she

Wasn’t proud of her? She regretted not being able to support Kung E in realizing his dream, so she will always be there to motivate him. Sun e didn’t stop there, his father, who is always grumpy, even personally drove sunun e to

School. Sun e couldn’t believe his eyes. Finally, sunun e and Jun Dung walked hand in hand to meet the publisher and Mi and her mother contacted them. Let’s find out, you know that Sun E has no proof, so your face full of confidence bites back and you criticize Sun E

For causing trouble for no reason, but a notebook ca n’t write an entire novel, right? This booklet is just enough to contain all the lines crossed out to choose the most appropriate words. Sun e can completely answer any question because she is the real author. Bien quietly held the copy

After a while of research, he decided to take back all the books that had been published. When the work was completed, he would have it republished. Sun e successfully took back the novel that belonged to him. She also asked for help. The publisher added

A very special line for me on the book and also wrote a D for Kum e. Sunun e can finally fulfill the promise she made to her late sister. Dun Dung also knows a little secret. The letter sent to the secret person in

The beginning of the novel that Sunun e wrote is the abbreviation that she wants to give her daughter in the future, in other words, it is the name of Jun Dung Mi who was exposed to the wrath. from my mother who is extremely humiliated because of

This treacherous and worthless daughter she sees you as a Disgrace you feel like walking alone on the street to take revenge on your cruel mother She called Minsu who was driving out to talk. When she was 13 years old, her brother rushed into her room

And abused her. Her mother had witnessed it for many years. But she just didn’t know anything and left after that. This is getting more and more frequent, no matter how much you scream in pain, no one cares. Minu’s mother’s indifferent attitude is getting worse and worse. Now you can’t stand it anymore.

Go to the police station. The police found B Dong and reported the crime. She confirmed that the real murderer was Minu, her alcoholic brother , and she herself was a witness. At the same time, John U came to find him. Before that , John U was unintentional. Picked up a matchbox

When borrowing the bathroom, John u asked heun why the matchbox and piece of paper that appeared at the crime scene were at heun’s house. Could it be that he was the murderer? Heun didn’t directly answer the constant questions. of John u he Jun knew John

U believed he was not the murderer so he came here to look for answers instead of going to the police station to report he Jun swore that he was not the murderer as for his true identity Jun Dung’s situation , wait until after the car is repaired, everyone

Will automatically understand how difficult it will be to see John u leave. Jun Dung tiredly sat down on the steps. Jun Dung saw this and gently came to comfort him, thanks to that Jun Dung. I just

Found out about John U’s misunderstanding and suspected that Jun was the murderer. I knew Jun Dung was in a confused mood. Jun Dung proposed to go for a walk by the river, not letting Khue feel more naked than

Anyone else. Jun Dung understood the feeling of having to face someone. Even he Jun’s family does n’t know how difficult this will be. The reason why John u helped him hide the story about the matchbox may be because of the feeling that is both strange and familiar to him, a

Strange feeling. It’s strange that John u chooses to trust him Jun. This little hesitation feels like the principal, even though he doesn’t know that in the future heun will be his nephew, the principal still treats him so well that

He himself Heun also found it difficult to understand and confided that his grandfather was the only person living with him, but he didn’t care about him at all. From childhood until adulthood, he always treated him like a stranger. Dad was also worried since his mother passed away. After leaving home,

Jun’s father went to America alone to live for a year. He and his father only met briefly once or twice. So even if there was Xuyen Khong , that thing called closeness basically did not exist. Dung Dung suddenly felt pain Heun had to go through the

Most painful time with loneliness. The two hugged each other tightly and enjoyed a short sweet moment of happiness at the same time after receiving your information . The police went to the Minsu ancient wooden house and returned to the station after searching the police room and discovered

A thick string and empty matchboxes . Although the witnesses had all the evidence, the Dong Chai Executive Committee still had some doubts. Because there was no piece of paper in those matchboxes, and the handwriting on Minsu’s notebook was completely different from the words

Left at the scene. Dong Chai suspected that the real culprit was someone else , but his superiors wanted to quickly solved the case but turned a blind eye to his suspicions. The news of minsu’s arrest quickly reached him. time was

Tight. he had to speed up the investigation to solve this injustice. hun suddenly remembered in advance. When the incident happened, Minsu was not careful and fell and broke his arm. Since then, Minsu seemed to have disappeared from the world until he regained his health. New Surprise

Appeared after that and was secretly blamed by you. Jun thought it was just With you alone , you definitely can’t draw up such a detailed plan. It’s very possible that there is someone behind the scenes secretly helping him. Jun wants to ask for some news from he

Kung because he kung is the real person. the sight of the murderer on the night of the crime he Jun deliberately hovered in front of him kung looking for a chance to talk he kung

Didn’t. A little respect and turned away without saying a word Sun e and hop sweetly walked hand in hand and went home The two were laughing and joking in front of the door when Sun’s mother happened to see her quietly listening to the two people’s conversation

. Pulling everything out to clean up every time she feels she misses her daughter, Sunun e herself doesn’t know how to help her mother. After finishing, the two hugged each other and said goodbye after hearing Sunun e’s feelings, her mother was also extremely sad. touched that she personally cooked sunun e’s

Favorite dishes that night. He kung was in a frustrated mood and took the initiative to find him. He kung told him everything that happened that night. That night when he kung passed by the bridge, he saw minsu injured. Laying down comfortably , Lai asked him to call his sister

To come pick her up. He also quickly contacted her. Who would have thought that when they arrived, they would accidentally witness the scene of a murderer harming her? Teacher Ly He Kung couldn’t see his face clearly , but if you asked him, would you be able to tell

Him not to tell the police because she wanted to take this opportunity to blame all the blame on her brother ? You wanted to turn Minu into the real murderer . Having escaped his torture for so many years, after speaking, she immediately took off her shirt to let him see the wounds

On h kung’s body. She was shocked and speechless. She was very heartbroken to see the person she loved suffering like that. He kung decided to help Mi Xuc hide this matter, but He Kung was still worried. If the murderer was really caught, Mi Xuc

Would definitely be punished for providing false testimony. Mi Xuoc calmly replied that the murderer would not never been arrested after knowing the truth he Jun immediately went home and told Jun Dung The killer was a man and Mi was the only witness who saw

His face as soon as he finished speaking the phone on the table suddenly rang Bon The vibration on the other end of the line trembled and announced that Sun was in danger. Turns out this afternoon, when Sun went alone behind the mountain, he met Sun E who came to burn incense for him.

He saw the vibrating bomb. Sun was extremely scared. Yes. Maybe it was because of the bomb’s previous dirty intentions. He quickly left to avoid suspicion, but by the time the bomb returned, Sun e had disappeared on the ground, leaving only a box of matches and her hairpin. Sun e bomb

Vibrator panicked and called the police, but the police said the perpetrator had been arrested so they didn’t pay any attention to bomb vibrator, they just had to call Heun heun to tell bom vibrator to stay there. Jun Dung has a mission to find hop. Please report this to the police.

Dong chai heun will personally go look for Sun e. Right now in the abandoned house, Sun e’s hand is covered with a red thread next to a plastic bag with a hood that is Sun e’s novel. Be careful killer Tear off a piece of paper and stuff it into a matchbox,

After stuffing it into the pocket of Sun’s pants, the murderer was about to kill in the face of a thousand-pound situation hanging on his leg hair. The vibrating bomb had already wandered here. The vibrating bomb ran straight to

Hit the killer. He used a few sharp blows to hit Sun e and quickly shook Sun e awake, intending to take her away from this dangerous place, but as soon as she stepped out the door, the vibrating bomb was

Stopped by the perpetrator. Sun e was scared and used all her strength to run away from this place. Behind her, the sound of the perpetrator’s brutal beating continued to be heard. Tears kept falling, but Xuan Sun e could not stop. After disposing of the bomb, the perpetrator

Quickly chased after Sun e, no matter how hard he tried to run. No matter what, Sun e could not escape his sight. Luckily, Mr. Jun appeared in time. He immediately played cards and ran away. Seeing that the police had also arrived, Mr. Jun tried his best

To chase the murderer, but Mr. Jun No matter how much he ran until his butt was sweaty, he still lost the killer to the abandoned house he Jun curiously walked in and saw a vibrating bomb lying in a pool of blood heun He hurriedly ran to check but it was too late

The vibrating bomb had stopped breathing when heun was in a daze, B Dong ran to see he Jun’s bloody hands and a matchbox along with a familiar note at the scene, there was no reason for B Dong to not be suspicious. Heun Heun

Was immediately arrested for the crime of harming another person because it sounded false, so Heun could not explain any more. Heun remained silent and let Dong chain him in handcuffs and escort him to the station, to the surprise of Jun Dung B. determined that Mr. Jun was the murderer

, so no matter how Mr. Jun objected, B Dong Xich also thought that he was making excuses. Heun still calmly responded that on the paper in the matchbox there was the handwriting of the murderer left behind. You need to dare to judge by the handwriting to be able to know whether Mr. Jun

Is the murderer or not. This is the simplest and most direct way to prove it , but the Dong Xuyen Executive Committee still has doubts . Why does Mr. Jun have his own box for the bong tea room ? along with that note, he Jun just said that he found

The Executive Committee. Dong Chinh angrily hit the table. He felt like he was being played in the street. He trembled, clearly understanding that the current situation was unfavorable to him in every way. It’s like a mess but there are many ways to clear your suspicions. The police

Can compare the handwriting and can also wait for Sunun to wake up and take a statement to understand the story on this side. Sun E was injured and was taken to the hospital. In her pocket, they found a matchbox from a bong tea room. Inside

Was a piece of paper with a note that reading books is dangerous for women. She trembled and came to the hospital to visit Sun E. I overheard the Police reporting this news to the police station. Heun once said that he was not the murderer , but he was the only witness who

Knew what he looked like. Furthermore, the murderer was actually a man. Duun Dung immediately. Immediately came to find you to confront Duun. Dung didn’t say much and went straight to the point asking you who the murderer was. She also told you the seriousness

Of the victim’s problem. This time it was their classmate if not timely bomb When he appeared, the person who came to visit the King of Hell was Sun. She showed an innocent face and said she didn’t know anything. Seeing her indifferent expression as if nothing

Was happening, she trembled with anger . Revealing the truth that he was taken away by the police, there is a possibility that he will admit all the guilt. Hearing the news of his teacher’s arrest, Jun’s emotions finally wavered a bit , but under Jun Dung Mi’s

Constant pleading. Xue immediately restored her cold indifferent appearance, her eyes straightened her hand and pushed Dung Dung away. Trembling Dung sadly returned to the hospital, she sat by the bedside, holding Sunun’s hand tightly, praying for her. I hope my mother wakes up soon. The tears of sadness

Kept falling. She stayed all night outside the hospital room. Her face was also wet with tears. Sunun’s parents immediately noticed and they both realized that he was him. The boy spent the night with his daughter on the terrace that day.

Seeing that Hop was tired but hadn’t eaten anything yet, the two of them immediately took him to a roadside restaurant , but whenever Hop was in the mood to eat, he always thought of her. The daughter I love is still lying in the hospital bed after going through terrible things

. I couldn’t help but curse at the murderer. I swore that I must catch him and make him pay the price. I heard it and was moved. Tears welled up in his eyes, so he should eat more, what kind of guy is skinny like you ?

Then he personally ordered him to eat a big piece of noodles. He quickly followed the example. Following his future father-in-law, he began to bow his head to eat the noodles. After investigating information about Heun Dong, it was discovered that whether his identity card , curriculum vitae, or teacher’s degree

Were all fake, not only that , Dong Chai’s Executive Committee searched for all the information that Heun left behind. Again, Dong saw that there was no evidence to prove that he belonged to this era. The Board of Directors of Dong Chien threatened him to confess honestly

To receive leniency. Otherwise, both he Jun and Jun Dung would be arrested for the crime. the last spy he Jun had to tell the truth that he had traveled to this place heun asked B Dong to call the principal to come to his house immediately

He personally would give them a reasonable explanation heun Taking them both to his office, it was filled with files about the serial murder case. The principal saw the 1988 newspaper while everyone was living in 1987. B Dong Xi also turned over the above documents. The table discovered a report written by himself

About what the hell was going on. He knew that if he didn’t let them see it with their own eyes, they would never believe it. He had just told Trinh Trong to tell the truth. From the future, he is the principal’s nephew

And Jun Dung is a relative of the Executive Board. Dong chained the principal suddenly noticed the watch Jun was wearing. It was exactly the same as the one Mr. Moi bought this morning . Today, to give to his future grandson, the principal carefully checked

After seeing the words engraved on the watch. He immediately believed that heun was his future grandson . He calmly explained to Mr. Dong Xi. This morning, he personally bought this watch to give to his future grandson , but Mr. Jun was chained and arrested last night. Based on the timeline,

Mr. Jun basically had no chance to steal the watch. Mr. watch Moreover, the bloodline of friendship is something that cannot be denied. Every time I see Mr. Trey, the principal has a strangely familiar feeling when the two are talking

Passionately and suddenly tremble from the outside. Jun Dung didn’t say a word and immediately ran to hug him tightly. Thank him for coming back safely. Trem Dung didn’t even pay attention to the principal and picked up Dong Chai who was standing downstairs

, staring at the two. Sunun e woke up and received police questioning, although sunun e did not see the real face of the perpetrator, he still successfully helped Mr. Jun clear the crime. Sunun e said that Master Jun was the one who came to save him.

Not the real killer, he Jun was officially released but Bich Dong chain still refused to believe what he said, so that’s all. But as soon as he went out, Dong chain immediately turned around and asked tremblingly. After all, you Who will his boyfriend

Marry in the future? Jun Dung also honestly answered that person It’s sunun E, her face was full of worms, as if she had woken up and smiled the whole time. The two of them stood to the side looking at her with a look full of disdain. From then on, Dong Xich started

Paying close attention to him for several days straight , heun. trying to prove the fact that he is a person from the future from saying that the article about the construction of the highway will appear on the front page to the results of the matches on

TV all without 1mm deviation B Dong Xich listened and gasped in surprise. Even though he was still speechless, in his heart he also believed that what He Tre said was true. Seeing that the other person started to believe him, He Tre immediately proposed to cooperate and cooperate. Now

The murderer is real. If you want him to be punished appropriately , the person who arrests him must be a police officer like Dong Chai because he Jun does not belong to this era, so even if you catch the culprit, you won’t be able to.

What to do? In the end, Uncle Dong nodded and agreed. He Jun brought all the documents he had collected about the massacre and gave them to Uncle Dong. You accused him of lying and slandering his brother. I’m the only one who saw the real face of the perpetrator,

So you’re the only one who can help the police solve this case. The Board of Directors of Dong Chai was about to go find your father and ask for some information. Who would have thought he’d just walked out the door

Right away? Meeting the principal this time, Mr. Especially came here to talk to heun since he found out that heun was his future grandson. The principal was extremely curious. He wanted to have a few drinks with his grandson in front of his warm grandfather. The enthusiastic pressure

In front of him made his heart tremble extremely complicated in his grandfather’s impression. He always only showed a cold face and was difficult to contact. The principal did not know in advance the changes that he would face in the present and future. He was still passionate about

Expressing his love for his nephew. The words “Love Forever ” he engraved on the watch were to express his eternal love for his soon-to-be grandson. The chief had drunk until he was completely drunk so he took him home after arranging a place to sleep for him and his grandfather also left.

On the way back, he passed by the bong tea room. He stopped for a moment , not understanding anyone. Inciting him to run, he just walked inside and waited until he reacted and was about to

Turn around and leave, but was called back by the landlady Trung A. Trung A wanted to invite him for a cup of tea. Since the time they met at the cinema, Trung A couldn’t. I forgot the way Jun looked at me. That day, Trung wanted to know why Jun used those eyes

To look at her and then ignored her. Jun remained silent and did not answer. Trung confided that she was leaving. Leaving this village, Trung didn’t want to talk about this with anyone, including her boyfriend, but for some reason, when she faced Jun, she

Suddenly said this as if fate wanted him to know about it . Jun really wanted to know why Trung A left the village, but Trung A just said one sentence full of meaning. If he wanted to know, he should try to get to know her sooner.

It’s too late. Jun was discouraged and left the room. tea came to find John u he Jun wanted to ask if anything was going on between John U and his girlfriend recently John U said that their relationship was normal He Du was momentarily a little confused but

Could only put aside the question for now. This topic aside, he then went to the hospital room, sunun e. By the way, he informed her that he had been cleared of suspicions that the three of them

Were having a fake conversation, when his eyes suddenly fell on the pile of berries next to the clip . In the middle of the gift basket is a matchbox with a note. I’m so happy that you’re awake . See you later. Maybe the killer went to the hospital to destroy the evidence

Left by me. In other words, he wanted to kill her. Tieu Sunun e The police had no choice but to let people escort Sunun e home before seeing that there were only two policemen. He Tre suddenly felt

A little dissatisfied Ha Tre guessed that the police didn’t want to make a big deal of it, so they disregarded the matter. the safety of the victim b Dong chain felt like he had a sore throat and wanted to

Argue but didn’t know how to argue B Dong chain The more he thought about it, the more he felt it wasn’t right, so he quickly opened the evidence box and discovered a piece of paper in the matchbox on

The night of su E Kidnapped, he had no wings to fly. At this time, Dong Xuyen’s ears suddenly heard the complaints of two colleagues. Heard that the superiors had recently put a lot of pressure on the captain and was at risk of losing his job, that’s why the new Captain

Urged everyone to quickly end the case. The captain wanted to convict Minsu as the real culprit. Seeing that the police were trying to cover up the case despite An Nguy of the victim , heun was extremely angry. He Jun went to find sunun’s parents. To negotiate heun wants

To contact reporters to make this public. He wants to use public pressure to force the police to open a large-scale investigation . Only then will the perpetrator not dare to act recklessly. So Sun e’s safety is guaranteed

, but if she wants to make the incident public, Sun e must come forward and report in detail what happened that day. Although her face will be blurred and her voice will be changed . changed, but the couple was still worried that the killer would recognize their daughter and take

Revenge more fiercely. While the parents were still hesitating, Sun e came out of the room. Sun e agreed to be interviewed and she didn’t want to. continued to hide in Ha’s situation, so the next day Sun e received an interview from TV station B.

Dong Chieu also sent a threatening note from the murderer to increase the credibility of Sun e’s words. Jun also knew that the note in the matchbox had disappeared. They suspected that the police were trying to cover up the case. Jun was even more

Determined to publicize the case. Not long after, a large number of reporters descended on the village. It was too small to report on this mass massacre. Under pressure from the people and accusations from public opinion, the police had to send people to the victim’s house

To protect them 24/7. Things became more and more complicated because they wanted to protect them 24/7. Close the case as soon as possible. The police will definitely bring Minsu to account for the crime. Jun and B. The taxi was running on the night of the incident.

He Jun successfully obtained the medical records, which was also a helpful alibi for Minsu. Heun personally gave the evidence to the reporter. He wanted the reporter to report important news. This was on the front page not long after Minsu was exonerated and just released not long ago Minsu immediately came to find

Her. He wanted to take his good sister home . He immediately came up and pretended to start a conversation as if he had an appointment with her. How could she not see that Jun Dung wanted to help her sister? But anyway, he was just

Released and was still in a very good mood. Minu decided to forgive you for touching her. For a moment , I was very grateful to Jun Dung for helping me. But no matter what, Minsu was released. All that was waiting for me in front of me was only rain

And storms. I couldn’t help but cry. hiccuping at the same time, he trembled as he passed by the bubble tea room and saw the owner Trung A cleaning up Trung A taking back the iron box that was about to be thrown away. Inside was a pile of children’s clothes.

Looking at her face, she looked a little confused. Trung couldn’t bear it. He ran a little confused. It seemed Trung loved her unborn child very much , so why did she coldly leave him at that time? Trung, finish packing your things. When I got out, I saw Mr. Jun standing

In front of the door because it was late. Trung A immediately asked Mr. Jun to take him to the bus station. They both walked all the way to the bus station. Mr. Jun wondered why Trung A kept holding the box. Trung A looks at the box and smiles, these are all the things

She prepared for her unborn child. Just thinking about her baby wearing the clothes she prepared makes Trung A feel very happy. After listening, he Jun became even more confused. Trung A was clearly looking forward to the birth of the child

. Why did she rush to close the tea room and leave the village like that ? Trung A whispered because she herself didn’t know. What do I have to say? Trung A immediately said goodbye to him and then got on the bus. He went to the

Principal’s house to borrow the car and take him to the beach to relax. The blue sea. White clouds and yellow sunshine really put people in the mood. Much better, He Run also took Dung Dung to eat rice cakes and then walked by the beach, but this opportunity He Tre confessed

To Dung Dung. From now on, he will do everything she likes with her . Heun’s abnormality, Run Dung immediately asked why Heun didn’t say much, just said that he was fine, trembling, no need to worry. Just wait for

Him to come back that night. TV started reporting on the massacre in Guong village. At the end of the program, Heun suddenly appeared as a witness of the case. He Jun said that that night he saw the true face of the murderer, the killer

Wearing a black hat and black coat with scratches on his back. After Jun Dung saw the news, he was extremely surprised. Why wasn’t Jun’s face blurred? Did Jun intentionally let the killer see his face? Why was Jun walking alone on

Lang Le street at this time? Waiting for the murderer to appear, the Dong Chii Executive Committee also hid not far away, ready for Mai Phuc, both of them were just waiting for the time to come and capture the murderer. Sure

Enough, not long after, on the quiet street, suddenly there was the sound of rushing footsteps. When the two were about to rush out, they discovered that the person coming was Trung A. It turned out that Trung A saw the news on TV so he hurried back. Trung A knew that what

Jun said was a lie. Trung A didn’t want him. Jun was in danger so he came back to convince him to leave quickly, wondering why Trung was so sure he couldn’t see the murderer’s face. Because if he saw his face, he wouldn’t

Know who he was. He Jun didn’t understand what Trung A meant when he said that. Could it be that Trung A knew who the real murderer was? He finished speaking. Trung A took out a child’s hat

That she had personally crocheted. Heun immediately recognized that the hat string was similar. Just like the rope the murderer used to blind the victim, she burst into tears in Chinese. She decided to leave this village because she was afraid she couldn’t be with that kind of person,

Even when thinking about the child in her womb. With his bloodline, Trung A also felt disgusted. That’s why Chu Nga no longer expected the baby to be born . Jun rushed into the garage to find that the car had lost its wings and was flying.

John U was next to him. Just as he was about to enter the house, he was startled by the sound of B Dong hiding to the side. John u didn’t say anything and immediately turned around to run. Jun heard the noise. He quickly ran a shortcut to block the tunnel door. Of

Course. He was also hit by the car and fell down John u Opened the door and got out of the car with a vicious look. Staring at Ha Jun after seeing the picture of him Jun provoking the perpetrator on the news Jun Dung knew he was in danger Jun Dung hurriedly

Ran home but couldn’t see any trace of him trembling anywhere and was worried when suddenly he came to the door and trembled urgently and asked him who was the killer’s plan. unjustly blaming his failed brother, you have no reason to hide anymore. You

Directly told Jun Dung that the culprit was John U, the principal’s son. Jun Dung was surprised, not daring to believe what he had just said. Hearing Jun shaking, he immediately ran to find He running in the middle of the road, not forgetting to drag police officer

B Dong along at the same time in the tunnel. He Jun risked his life to stand in front of the car. As a result, He Jun was hit and fell down. Turning to the ground, John U Mang Theo walked over with evil eyes. He kept punching and kicking Heun’s body until

He no longer had the strength to stand up. Johan U picked up the brick next to him, preparing to give Heun a fatal blow first. John U was arrested

On the spot after learning that his son was the murderer. The principal was so shocked that he couldn’t stand when he heard the news. He was still shaking . Still in shock. Waking up in the hospital, the principal was worried. He rushed

To check on his nephew’s health. Looking at his pale nephew lying on the hospital bed, the principal was heartbroken and trembling. Seeing this scene, he couldn’t hold back his tears. It’s heartbreaking for Heun to know that his father accidentally came back here

To find the murderer and the real culprit is his own father. Who can understand Heun’s pain when the victims are suffering unimaginable pain? The murderer in prison was extremely arrogant. Johan u kept asking to go to the hospital because his

Wound was too painful. Johan u even mocked Dong chai for not having evidence to prove that he was the murderer. Dong chai looked at the crazy man in front of him. I just wanted to jump

Up and chew his head off in the hospital, trembling when I finally woke up and heard the news that the real killer had been caught, I breathed a sigh of relief, but I didn’t dare to directly face Trembling’s eyes. Dung By It was his father who made her

Lose her family. That’s why Hai Tre felt extremely guilty. Her eyes were red . The one who caused all this was John U, not him. Jun Jun Tre didn’t want him to have to. living in pain with thoughts like that, right at

This moment B Dong came to the hospital room to visit Jun. By the way, he also talked about the case. Dong sighed and said the police had searched John u’s entire residence. but couldn’t find any evidence of such a smart guy. He must have

Cleaned up everything soon. If you can get John u’s handwriting and compare it with the handwriting on the piece of paper at the scene , then the case The case will be solved. He shook his head

And tried to remember when he was a child. There was a time when his father sent a letter from America. As soon as he saw the handwriting on the letter, his grandfather’s face immediately changed. He was angry and took the letter from

His grandson’s hand. He suddenly realized that maybe Grandpa had already known that his son was the murderer. He ran immediately changed his clothes and went to find Grandpa. At the same time, the owner of

Trung A’s tea room held a box and went to meet Principal Trung A to get it. out a stack of letters saying that these are all letters that John U wrote to her when he was in America. The handwriting in

The letter and the handwriting of the murderer left at the scene are identical. John U once said he wanted to write a letter. The special handwriting is only for the person you love, so John U used his other hand to write. At first, Trung a thought it was very romantic

Until she saw the note left by the murderer in the matchbox. Trung a was very romantic. Wanting to tell the truth But thinking about the child in her belly, all she can do is run away. Now, Trung wants to give all this evidence to

The principal. Whatever he wants to do is his choice. the scene of the principal standing in front of the fire burning each painting Jun couldn’t believe that Grandpa was trying to cover up the truth. In fact, the principal also had his own suffering. He didn’t

Want his grandson to be known as the son of a murderer who was leprous. He hoped that his grandson would I can happily live a normal life. He Jun’s red eyes loudly scolded his grandfather. He Jun didn’t want the principal

To use his future as an excuse in the future because he wanted to cover up his crime . The teacher never lived peacefully even for a single day because of his psychological obsession, but he coldly distanced himself from his grandson until he left this world

. Jun could only see his grandfather’s back. Even if John U was not arrested, he Jun would still have to go through a painful and unhappy childhood. The principal knelt down in pain and cried loudly. He Jun coldly turned his back and left,

He handed over all the evidence to the police. Everything was finally cleared up John u was forced to spend the rest of his life having to worry about counting the days behind prison bars he Jun had originally planned to return tonight he wanted to see if the future

Had finally changed or not. But seeing the hesitation in Dung Dung’s trembling eyes, he decided to give her one more day to say goodbye to her parents. Tomorrow night, the two of them will return after listening. Jun Dung was extremely happy. The next day, Jun Dung came to

Find someone to meet. In the future, her father will tremble and use all his savings to buy Hop the guitar he has long wanted. Hop scolded Junun Dung. Why did he spend so much money to buy himself such a guitar? Just like that,

Hof grumbled and talked nonsense for half a day. Jun Dung was bored and didn’t even listen. He turned his face away and criticized him, but Hof loved that guitar to death ever since he bought it. He hugged it forever and

Couldn’t let go, trembling. Dung wanted to use the guitar to play. bribe hof and tell hof to treat sunun e well in the future no matter what difficulties or challenges they encounter. The two of them are not allowed to leave each other. It’s time for Jun Dung to leave for

A very long time. It won’t be long before the three of them can see each other again. Jun Dung said with tears in her eyes as if she wanted to cry. Hop suddenly felt a sadness that couldn’t be explained

By trembling words. Just like that, she said goodbye to her father, hoping that Hop could live happily and freely pursue your dreams he Jun also came to see his father for the last time now he Jun is no more Curious to know why the killer murdered him

Because that future will never happen Listening to herun mention the future, John u suddenly remembered something about Nga fixing the car like any normal day. John u accidentally discovered the room hidden behind the door. John U broke the glass door and snuck into

Heun’s secret room at the hotel. John U saw a lot of reports about the case from the Future. In the secret room, there was also the user manual of the time machine. At that time, John U guessed that heun was from the Future.

Because in the future, John u will send him off to visit the King of Hell, so he returned to report that he refused to answer this question. He only wondered why a smart person like John u would accidentally leave behind the letters he wrote. That hand is one of the

Most important pieces of evidence. Does John u really love Trung A? John u took off his glasses and seriously answered yes. John u really loved Trung A. Turns out he was still a child. John u is also alive. but without his mother’s love, John u

Never saw his mother’s back reading a book. John u felt the warmth of his mother’s love until John u was 7 years old. She left when she left. She was still holding a book in her hand. John didn’t expect her mother to choose the book over her

Son because he was abandoned by the person who should have loved him the most. John gradually became gloomy. Every time I remember John u, he silently endures the pain alone. John u swears that if he has a child in the future, he will not let his child live a life

Without love like that. Listen, Jun. It means I want to vomit blood, it was John U who destroyed everything with his own hands. Just a little more and John U’s dream would come true, but Jun was also very happy because his mother could escape

The sea of ​​suffering and stay away. After this scum man finished speaking, he Jun left a photo on the table and stood up to leave. Johan u looked at the photo of him and HE Jun together and was surprised. No, Johan u didn’t expect that he Jun was

His son. Yet, in the future, John will personally send his son off to visit the King of Hell, trembling to say goodbye to Sunun’s mother, heartbroken, sobbing and asking when the two of them can meet again in about 34 years in the same house. your house

Th You just say that in this life we ​​will never be able to see each other again run Dung calmly comfort xun e run Dung is very happy that she can stand here to meet her mother

In her youthful years The most beautiful girl, she was also very happy to be able to change everything. In the future, the two of them will definitely meet again. He finished shaking and hugged his mother tightly before leaving. The car started rolling to the front of the tunnel. He Jun chose the

Time. The year is 2021, but after going through the tunnel, the two were surprised to discover that they were still here. The surrounding scene had not changed. Perhaps they were stuck in this era and could not return to the past. The modern time travel

System is about to run out of battery. This is also the first time he Jun has encountered this situation. He Jun pretended to be calm to calm An Jun Dung. Just continue repairing the time machine and they will can go back, of course Jun Dung is not easily

Fooled. She started to ask about the origin of the time machine. The answer left her dumbfounded . It turned out that this magical machine was accidentally picked up on the side of the road

. The two returned to their familiar place to find a small roadside shop to drink to relieve their sadness. Jun Dung curiously asked Mr. Run about how he found the time machine on the road. Even if it was money, it was not easy to pick up, let alone everything. Such a huge car

Suddenly brought Jun’s memories back to that day when it was raining like a bit of water. The GPS on the car suddenly failed. The vision ahead was also a bit blurry. Jun just kept driving around without realizing it. Exactly where am I? I walked forever until I reached a

Tunnel and saw a time machine with bright lights on. In the car, there was also an instruction manual reminding me to drive through the old tunnel ahead. He trembled carefully. remember the strange thing, not only that. The day he hit the tremor

While driving, he suddenly received a phone call on the other end of the line saying something very strange, he was the only one who could solve it. Ha Jun was distracted about this so he bumped into her and pulled her back to the past. Now remembering

That phone call really makes people unable to understand. On the way back, the two of them talked and laughed happily while walking. Being stuck alone in this strange era is indeed a bit scary. Fortunately, lovers can fight together to overcome their fear. Both of them have also prepared themselves mentally for the worst

To happen. he Jun Started repairing the time machine. Although Jun shook her mouth and said it was okay to not go back, her eyes betrayed her. In fact, Jun Dung was very interested in the time machine. She always stood outside and watched. stealing

The process he ran to fix it he trembled angrily and chased Jun Dung away telling her not to bother him Jun Dung was bored and came to find sunun e to confide that sunun e’s first novel

Had been published in the series The three female students who used to bully Sun E also came to buy novels to support her. Now they have changed their ways. All three promised that from now on, they will never bully Sun E. So you all still hope Sun E will come soon. Returning

To school, Sun e gave Jun Dung his first published book, and it was still a treat. He also gave the author ‘s signature and message. Dung received the gift and was moved to hug Suun E. This is the best gift . In the life of the worm, Dung He

Tre went to the principal’s house to visit his grandfather. The village’s front door was full of curses and insults. The principal sat inside alone, drinking wine to relieve his sadness. Seeing Jun come to visit him, he was extremely surprised. surprised. He thought Jun

Would leave without saying goodbye. Because he was so disgusted with this family, Jun also planned to do the same, but the time machine broke down , so he was stuck here. He didn’t want to be here before. saying goodbye to his grandfather, Jun said that it was only because of

Him that he encountered such things. The principal gently comforted him. He did not hate him. He was even very grateful to him for giving him more. It was a chance to take a photo and see his grandfather being so official. He trembled and felt somewhat more secure,

Knowing that the time machine still had a long way to go before it could be fixed. He trembled extremely bored and trembled, thinking that the two of them should make the most of the time. This is to create beautiful memories with family members. The next day, Mr. J immediately went to

The house to invite his grandfather to go fishing. The two of them enjoyed a peaceful, happy time together. Ha Jun once had a dream. Dreaming of living a normal life, when he gets bored with work, he retires to have leisurely time to go fishing, but after going through

So many incidents, Jun wants to be able to be with his grandfather’s family to cheer him on the most. determined to pursue his dream, he will do everything he can to help his nephew make his dream come true . Dung and his parents went to the

Sunun bicycle racing park. He excitedly ran away before Hop was about to chase. Seeing Jun Dung just standing still without moving, it turned out that Jun Dung didn’t know how to ride a bike. He laughed out loud, put down the bike stand, trembled and angrily

Glared at him because his father had a disability in his leg so he couldn’t teach him. She rode a bicycle. So the young father of the first hop enthusiastically taught his future daughter how to ride a bicycle before riding the bicycle hop, he definitely would not let go. Jun Dung happily walked

For a while and turned around to see no one. Behind him, he was immediately scared and fell down. Sunun, when he found out, immediately scolded Hop for daring to bully Dung Dung and had to hit him a few times

To make him angry. He enthusiastically fed rice cakes to the worms. Dung instead of apologizing. Looking at his parents happily smiling. Joking in front of Dung’s face, she was moved and brought tears to her eyes. This is something Jun Dung has never experienced before. Jun Dung saw the happy appearance

Of herself with her parents as a child after saying goodbye to her parents. Jun Dung I immediately returned home and saw Mr. Jun standing in front of the door waiting for me. He Jun wanted to

Tell Jun Dung the good news that the car had been repaired earlier when Mr. Jun was still having a headache and didn’t know what to do, a young man appeared. suddenly appeared. He was the one who called Jun on that fateful night. Jun immediately

Turned on alert mode. Who would have thought that the other person would hug him and say he missed his dad so much? It turned out to be a time machine. The time is left by his son Jun. This time he came here

Because he wanted to fix it for me. The car has been repaired and it’s time for the two of them to go back before leaving. He Jun came to see his mother one last time. I understand

Why I was born that year. My mother left me to be raised by my grandfather. Heun also understands my grandmother’s pain. Jun hopes that her mother can live a good life in the future. No need to feel guilty. Because I will no longer blame my mother. It was she

Who brought me into this world. Just this one point is enough for me to be grateful for the rest of my life . Say goodbye to your loved ones. He also began to prepare to

Depart, trembling with worry that the time machine would break again in the middle of the journey. He trembled and swore to make sure that this time it was really fixed . The son told Heun

What happened in that massacre. Didn’t he? never went to visit the King of Hell. It was he who traveled back to the past to save his father. He was also the one who gave him a chance to fix the past. Luckily he didn’t disappoint him. Luckily he changed

Everything. Heun explained. The two of them arrived in front of the tunnel door, calmly took a deep breath, and adjusted the time to 2021, then stepped on the accelerator to start . Thuan Loi walked through the tunnel and both quickly looked around. At this time,

Their phones kept ringing. They picked up the phone to see. Both of them smiled contentedly at the same time. They had returned to their time. He trembled. received a call from Grandpa, then Dung Dung also received a phone call from

His mother. Dung Dung nervously picked up the phone and heard his mother’s voice coming from the other end of the line. Dung Dung was so happy that he burst into tears and returned trembling. My current house. The family of three no longer lives in that small, narrow house but has

Moved to a larger house. The house is still full of books . Mom still uses the trembling pen she gave her when she saw it. Seeing her mother return from the dead, seeing her father’s leg no longer disabled like before, Dung trembled and hugged her. Mother burst into tears. After a month of

Separation, Dung finally met her mother again. At the same time, she also returned to meet her grandfather in The house is full of pictures of my grandfather going fishing since he broke up with his grandson

In the past. Grandpa Dan has a habit of going fishing to relieve his sadness. He wants to go fishing everywhere to kill time waiting for his grandson to return. Becoming an editor for my mother, sometimes there will be disagreements between the two of us.

But my father will mediate and give us a happy life full of laughter. Hop also opened a shop. Run Dung’s private bar often comes to the bar to listen to his father play the piano and write a novel. Every night Jun Dung diligently watches

The news program hosted by He Run . Then Jun Dung comes to the gate of the television station to wait for him and him. going on dates, not only that, but every once in a while, the three of them would go out to eat, drink, and shop together.

One time, by chance, we met again. You touched . The two of us looked at each other for a while. Then, Mi touched. Jun turned around and left, still not telling Dung Dung that the person who helped them repair the car was their son. Later, the son stood

Looking at his mother from afar and couldn’t help but exclaim no matter what happened. People who belong to each other will definitely have the opportunity to meet no matter what time and space his parents will still meet and develop feelings for each other, but

This opportunity he trembled to ask his son, what does See Tre Dung like the most? Who would have thought that his son would frankly answer that his mother likes his father the most in the world , but sometimes she also likes it

When his father buys flowers for her and listens to his son’s suggestion. The next day, he immediately buys flowers to give her as a couple. The lovers held hands and walked on the beach, trembling with curiosity and asking Jun about the time machine. It can only be used to travel through time

Again, or tomorrow is May 16, which is also John’s first day. The two decided to make a trip back to 1987 for the last time. They wanted to try their best to save the victims who had died.

Even if they were trapped, the two of them were willing to volunteer. He Jun believed that his son could definitely find them. The meeting between he Jun and Jun Dung was not a coincidence but an arrangement of the Department of Fate. This is the end of the movie.

Thank you for following along with me throughout the movie. If you have any comments about the movie, please leave a comment below so that my heart can gradually improve. Ok, today’s movie review is here. That’s it. Goodbye and see you again in the next episodes

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Link Phim: https://youtu.be/_Y6N4QMc_4E

Bộ phim kể về câu chuyện của Joon Jung và He jun họ đã vô tình có được cỗ máy thời gian và quay về quá khứ, trong quá trình tìm ra sự thật về những cái chớt liền hoàn Joon Jung cũng gặp lại được bố mẹ mình khi thời còn thanh xuân, cô cũng đã giúp bố mình thay đổi suy nghĩ về cuộc sống, cô cũng vô tình có tình cảm với He Jun trong quá trình điều tra, chuyện gì sẽ sảy ra với họ liệu họ có tìm ra được hung thủ hay tình cảm của họ liệu có đơm hoa kết trái hay không……
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