【スーさんぽ】2023年 さくら満開の横浜の海軍道路を自転車で走ってみたよ Cycling Through the Cherry Blossom-Lined Navy Road in Yokohama




This video shows the view of Navy Road in Yokohama, Japan, in full bloom with cherry blossoms in 2023.

Navy Road is a section of Route 4 that runs through the former U.S. Navy Kamiseya Communication Facility in Seya Ward, Yokohama.
The vast site of the base remains a vacant lot after its return to Japan.

Cherry trees are planted on both sides of Navy Road, creating a cherry blossom tunnel. In spring, the area becomes a popular cherry blossom spot and attracts many visitors.

This video was taken early in the morning when there were few people around. The only sound is the chirping of birds, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

The city of Yokohama is planning to develop the former base site into a large-scale park and the main venue for the International Horticultural Exposition to be held in 2027.

Please enjoy this video of the beautiful cherry blossom tunnel in Navy Road before it disappears.

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