99gでDJI Mavicシリーズと同性能!?ドローン撮影の限界を検証。「HOVER Air X1 Smart」 第297話

You’re coming along pretty fast. Good morning, this is Machi. Thank you for watching today. Today, as in the previous video. This way, japan! AI drone, let’s go to the video of this. This is called the HoverAir X1 Smart. AI flight, there’s an AI in this guy. AI flight, autopilot and autofilming.

It’s a little state-of-the-art drone. In fact, this drone is outside, shooting outdoors. I’m trying to verify how useful it is. I would like to do it today. I’d like you to watch my last video. I’d love to hear about your detailed shooting methods. We are working with various apps and so on.

I would encourage you to watch that video for more details. It is pasted in the overview section. Well then, let’s get started today. Take this thing and go outside. I would like to ride my bike and take pictures. I’m really curious to see if it actually works.

Well, I wish you all the best for today. Yes, and that’s why I came to the riverside in my neighborhood for a bit. Even though it’s a neighborhood, I’ve already pedaled my bike for about 30 minutes. It is much hotter. I am going to shoot here for a moment.

Let’s get ready for a minute. Well, it’s so easy to prepare. The main unit and battery are in this bag. Just pop in a battery. Isn’t it great that we can come here? Very easy. I don’t have a controller. I also brought three batteries fully charged. I probably wouldn’t use this much.

Okay, it’s connected. Perfect even outside the batch. It connects in an instant. Okay, so now we just need to go a little bit further with some modes of this application. Take pictures at various angles of view. I’ll try to make it like a short movie by connecting them together. well Yeah, that’s good.

Okay, well, here we go. Let’s take a few solid shots. I’m going to ride my bike for a bit. Yeah, that’s good. Okay, well, let’s try to shoot a little more solid with this. Will you follow me? We are going to do it. Let’s go! Come. How about. Whoo!

Are you getting along pretty fast? Whoo! Can you pass through this bridge? I wonder if we’ll bump into each other. It looks like we’re going to run into each other. I can’t see the way out. Whoo! hmm good How do you get this back if you’re a front-follower? Oh, I’m back.

When we stop, come back. You’re so smart. He said he’s a front-follower. If you try to go get them, they’ll run away, won’t they? But I stopped myself. When you feel like it’s time to end it. They’ll come back on their own. This guy knows exactly how I feel. Oh, good.

This height is the best I like this height. alright Nice. I’ve taken pictures in various modes. Now, on your way home. with this I’m still thinking Somehow, some way, I’m beginning to understand. After about 3 seconds of not moving. Understand that stuck It comes right back to you. This is really useful! Great.

Three seconds, maybe five. If you stand still like this for about 5 seconds I’ll judge that properly and come back to my place. interesting I’m going to make light of the part that was so great. I’m going to go back and talk a little bit about the summary. Right here, right now.

As I speak First of all, one good point It’s all in the app’s control. I was switching between different modes. The accuracy of that is so much higher. I can press it on the app and it responds right away and switches over. What can I say? This kind of application control is…

It’s a little late for a paragraph, isn’t it? It may not connect well, or vice versa. I don’t have anything like that at all. I can really switch between things without stress. That’s so good. That’s what I’m talking about. after The best part

This (indicating an item near the speaker, the action of the speaker, or the current topic) Very quiet I felt like I was flying in the house. Well, it sounded like a drone. I tried to fly it outside. There’s a certain amount of shrieking, but… Compared to those regular IDJ drones and such.

It’s quieter by far. Well, you see, this is a place where hardly anyone passes by. Well, there are people walking across this river or something. No one turns around. That’s how quiet it is. Across the river. That sound at all probably can’t be heard. Orbit, for example.

I was shooting about 6 meters away. It’s so quiet when you’re 6 meters away. Really, even by myself. The level of real sound doesn’t bother me. So it already feels quite silent. That’s the best way to go. I knew a drone would fly like this. It’s pretty public, isn’t it?

Because I don’t have that feeling at all. Truly non-stress sound And the response speed of the app. Non-stress really So how much are we talking about now? It’s 5:00, so you’ve been playing for about an hour. I just used two batteries. Play for an hour. Other than for youtube

I took a lot of pictures for instagram. Still, I have one more battery left. That’s a lot of leeway. Good. So we’re going to spend another 30 minutes from here. I’m going home. I’ll be back home in a bit for a quick recap and then we’re done. Video of the Day

No, it’s interesting, so I’m going home. Yes, so thank you for watching to the end! No, I’m back. You know, I’m filming this right now. I was just checking on my computer or my phone or something. Structure The video footage taken outside is That’s still not the impression I had.

After all, it’s brighter outside. It’s a pretty beautiful image. Last time I was in the house, I was flying by the seat of my pants. It’s dark in its own way. I knew I’d get better camera performance outside. Of course, I felt like I was getting the most out of it.

And quite a bit of color. Vivid. It’s a little bit like a darker color. I think I do some light tweaking in my editing. Action Cam. It’s like an action cam kind of color. I guess it depends on your taste in that area. You know, like editing.

It’s so easy to tweak it now on your phone. I thought I could tweak that area to use as I like. Also, when I look at the video like this… I’m looking at my footage. You were riding your bicycle today, weren’t you? So I did some rowing and looked around.

It’s pretty much like this when you’re flying with Going right and left and right and left. This is what I was filming. Like during this front follow-up. So what about this video? I was actually wondering if it was a little suspicious. In fact, when you look at it. It’s something totally natural.

The subject is properly like clockwork Even if it was shaky, the drone itself Put the subject in the middle like this. You’ve captured it well. Because it’s in that state of right and left. I don’t know, it’s just that… I didn’t mind the blurriness of the images. And today…

I was filming outside like this. There was almost no wind. You know, this drone. I was just looking at quite a few details. In fact, they say it can withstand winds of about 8 meters. That’s pretty good, isn’t it? 8 meters. Even if the wind is blowing in its own way.

It’s this small. 99g. No, I think it’s great. About that DJI Mavic Mini. It’s about the same performance as the 8m. And you know what else? I was taking my own separate photos for instagram as well. I think this is supposed to be a vertical video.

This is another feature of this Hobare X1 Smart. There’s a mode called “vertical shooting” in the settings like this. if it is done in that way Well, this 16:9 side view. Cut the horizontal image vertically. I think it’s like they’re cutting it out.

This is still a good way to get a good look at the subject. You caught me right in the middle. If you’re on a bicycle and shooting vertically, you’re running. I was wondering if this would be out of the angle of view. You’ve got it down perfectly. That’s great.

I feel like this thing has a very high subject recognition function. That’s why I was able to take this many pictures on my bike today. Well, if you’re walking or something, you can afford it, really. It was pretty grueling. I tried to get them taken today under these circumstances.

I’ve been following this one for a while now, and I’m still totally comfortable with it. No more, this is a pretty safe shot. I thought we could do a lot of things. So today we’re going to take a look at this Hover Air X1 Smart.

I verified a little bit more about the outside shooting performance. I don’t know what to call this one. I’m already having fun, anyway. I’m having too much fun. Well, I’ll try to shoot a lot of things myself on a daily basis. I’ll put a page in the overview section with some details.

Please take a look from there! I’m going to try to do that curious verification and all that stuff again. I’m thinking of doing a drone video. Please subscribe to our channel and Please keep checking back! Oh, and the installer. I’ll put up today’s video and stuff.

I’ll definitely put that in the summary section as well. Please check and follow me! That’s all for now. See you in the next video! Thank you very much. See you next time. bye-bye

最新ドローン「HOVER Air X1 Smart」の野外撮影性能を検証しました!

「初めてのドローンはこれ一択!「HOVER Air X1 Smart」のAI性能がすごい! 第296話」

【HOVERAir X1 Smart公式ページ】


00:00 オープニング
01:06 検証開始
01:56 ドローンvs自転車
04:07 ドローンのいいところ
06:17 帰宅、映像チェック
08:20 縦撮影について
09:10 まとめ




○【最先端】AIで飛ぶカメラ!これが99gで登録不要という衝撃「HOVERAir X1 Smart」

○【ドローン撮影】1人で自転車ドローン撮影ができる時代に!複雑な規制や手続きがほとんど無く、簡単に飛ばせる100g未満のトイドローンを飛ばしてみた!【HOVERAir X1Smart】

○完璧なセルフィー飛行カメラ登場!誰でも簡単に使えるHOVER Air X1 Smartが楽しすぎ!

○超軽量で登録免許不要!HOVERAir日本限定モデルのAI飛行カメラが日本初登場!『HOVERAir X1 Smart』


  1. 風を受けやすいかご型のガードが付いているので風のある屋外は厳しいかと思ったら、全くの平気ですね!
    個人的な興味では 3枚羽根や 5枚羽根といった素数羽根のプロペラも試したくなります。

  2. うーん、飛行速度も、撮影した映像の安定もバッチリですね

    Makuakeのページで「HoverAir 10年の集大成」ってヤツに、翼(?)


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