Hey guys, Thiago speaking, starting another video for the channel, directly here from São Roque de Minas. I’m in Serra da Canastra and today’s goal is to walk a very nice path here in the park. Not in the park, it’s outside the park, which is called Caminho

Do Céu. I want to go too… I’m going to go before Caminho do Céu to a place called Morro do coal or Mirante da Natureza, which was the place where I camped and I made a video, and this video of mine was the first on my channel to hit 100 thousand views,

It’s a sensational place, I’m going to go there, and practically do a 360 here in the park, today I finish this tour here in Serra da Canastra. I’m here in a hotel right in front of the main,

In this little church here, Hotel Canastra, here in São Roque de Minas, now I’m going to have breakfast , pack my things here on the bike and take some more off-road stretches for us have fun. Guys, t-shirt I got here from Serra da Canastra, I stayed here at the Canastra hotel

In São Roque de Minas, in front of the main square. Goodbye. Thanks bye. And let’s go there for another day that begins, 10:50 am, temperature of 18 degrees, fueled motorcycle, we continue. Soon the off-road starts. Another day starting, I couldn’t stop thanking God for the opportunity to make these trips and ask for

His protection too so that nothing wrong happens today, that I can safely take you on the back. Also remembering guys, all videos on my channel are free, I release one video per week. If you want to help the channel by becoming a member, as a reward

I make all videos available in advance for channel members, videos of this trip for example, and any new trips that I have made, are now available for channel members. And 11 km later, I arrived here at the intersection of the city of Vargem Bonita, now it’s just

A few meters of asphalt and I’m already going to take the dirt again towards São José do Barreiro. São Francisco River, we are crossing it again, right here at the gateway to the city of Vargem Bonita, and now we are going to follow this river here for a good part.

One more small town on the path that I’m taking, which is São José do Barreiro, the center is over there, but I’m going to continue here for our route. What a beautiful wall, a beautiful thing from God. Casca D’Anta, for those who don’t know, is the first

Fall of the São Francisco River, it falls from a wall like this, right here in front. In the previous video I showed, I went to the high part, but then I did a flight with the drone from the

High part and I kept moving the drone away until the drop appeared on this wall. Here is also a very nice place, I camped here with Marião, who is old in the channel will remember Marião. I don’t know if there’s a campground here yet, but look

On Google Maps and see if there’s a number, but the campsite is over there on the side of that wall, let’s see the name here: Empório Quintal da Canastra, that one, there’s a campground here. Camping, natural pools, 20 reais. You enter here and go there on the side of this wall,

Cross the São Francisco River here, you camp on the side of the São Francisco River. In this camp it was cool, because I filled this motorcycle here with firewood, we made a fire… what a cool place.

There’s not much structure down there, at least there wasn’t at the time I did it. There’s video here on the channel too. But it’s the most beautiful thing you can do camping in front of this wall, next to Velho Chico. Look at this image here of Casca D’Anta, what a beautiful thing.

Here from the middle of the road. What a beauty huh! I almost pass straight by, this angle here I had never seen. I’ve been here several times. This volume of water is small. I’ve been here since it was a huge white strip of water, due to the volume that was

Flowing there. Here the entrance, to the right is to go to the lower part of the waterfall, I ‘ll go straight and start going up this hill. We’re going to be practically at the same

Height as that other hill, only on the other side. Now it begins to climb from the steep, on the camera you can’t see the slope very well. Every time I’m on a mountain like this I remember the blessed song: Fly, fly, go up, go up…

I already mentioned in the other video that I found this song in a video from Esquadrilha da Fumaça, I didn’t even know it was from the guy Biafra. I’m getting here at the top, Capela São Sebastião, here is also known as

Morro do coal and this is the Mirante da Natureza inn. It was right here that I camped, where they built this altar… I put the tent here, facing this valley, what a beautiful thing! There you can see the tip of Casca D’Anta…

At the time I camped here, this Pousada back here gave support, they charged a fee, I could use the bathroom, with dinner and breakfast included. Puppy… Edmar’s Cheese… It’s just that everything is closed, I wanted to ask him if a lot of people came after watching my video. Inn.

Now we’re going to follow the path towards Serra Branca, which is another famous place and from here it’s a new path for me, I’ve never traveled this side of here. And then Caminho do Céu, after Serra Branca. Guys, whoever comes here, has to keep an eye on

These donkey killers, because many of them, that central gap is a hole… There are some that are covered, and there are others that have this hole, so whenever you get close to such a ditch, take it easy so as not to suffer an accident. cyclist There are plenty here too. Good morning!

Sprouted cyclist… Hi. Yay. Chapadão there and Casca D’Anta there. Look how wonderful people there… I believe I should already be getting close to Serra Branca… I’m seeing a Zig Zag starting here on the GPS. I forgot to brush my teeth at the inn, so something seems to be missing…

I stopped here before going down Serrinha Branca to brush my teeth… And I actually confirmed it here on the map, this is practically the beginning of Serra Branca. Let’s see what the so-called Serrinha Branca is like. Serra Branca.

Well, I believe the name is Serra Branca because of this rocky terrain, which, in contrast to the sun, really turns the color of the ground white. Above the clouds, look. Cool! There’s a car going uphill… look at the terrain, it’s really rough… Good morning! here’s what I’m talking about…

It counts your ability and the size of your leg, ideally having both. In my case, I don’t have that much skill, but I have leg size, so my leg… I can put both feet on the ground. So I can ignore the skill a little bit, here’s a big detour, I can

Hold it well here with both legs. The other option is to have skill and not be big, that’s fine too. Now, if you don’t have skills and don’t have big legs, the chance of you falling is great…

Here, at first, it seems to me that only vehicles pass four by four. It seems to me, I don’t know, because there are always some crazy people who drive their car low anywhere… For the time being, it’s pretty quiet here… but I’ve seen people terrorizing this Serra here.

Did you hear the noise of the stone hitting the sump projector? Let’s get into the cloud now. Here I’m in first gear using the engine brake… I’ll be honest, I don’t know what’s better here, going up or down. So far, going down here is pretty easy…

It’s rock here, hold on well… so far it’s not sliding. If there was a lot of dust, you know the kind where if you hold the front brake the wheel slides, it would be worse, but there’s a lot of grip here. Okay, I think the worst

Part is over… it wasn’t even that bad… Down here, I think we’re going to pass by a very well-known place here in Canastra, which is Vanda’s restaurant, I even wanted to have lunch here, but it’s 10 am, in fact it’s still 9:50 am. We practically went down all there was to go down.

I think I passed by… Vanda’s restaurant and didn’t even notice. Now we’re heading towards Caminho do Céu, I’m going to see if I can find the access to the place… it looks like it’s through here… It’s flat here, dammit… look. It looks like it’s wet in here… humid. Automatic concierge. praying House.

Guys, an important tip, come with the route mapped out, there at a fork I took the main road that I thought was the way and went off the route. It may even be that here it leads to Caminho do Céu, but I won’t trust it because it’s getting farther away

From the route I traced, so I’ll go back there at the fork, and take the path I traced on Google Maps. Look at the pylon I climbed up here… Here I was supposed to go straight in and I went straight up.

On Google Maps, this route I’m taking to get from Serra Branca to Caminho do Céu, it’s saying it’s forbidden… What a quarry that’s here… I don’t think there’s much to go … people get stuck, right? One more gate. Automatic concierge. A stream to cross here… The fan even turned on…

There are four more kilometers to go to the Caminho do Céu road through this crazy shortcut here. And look at the quarry you have to go up… with that smooth clay. Our rascal. One more stream. This access here, without a doubt, was the worst I’ve had on this whole trip I’m taking.

Now I have to go here… It was better to have gone on top. I’ll pass here… It’ll have to be at once… upstairs. At least the sun came out to grace us… look at the hole here.

I’m not one to give up, but this path won’t be able to follow. I don’t even know how I’m going to get back to tell you the truth. Look how the road is here, I must be about 3 km from the sky, I’m going to turn the camera here for you to see.

The bike is down there, this is a steep climb too steep… No conditions… how am I going to get through this here with a loaded bike? I’m going to try to turn this bike around here, may God help me, because the path here is ugly…

Okay, I turned. The second challenge is to go all the way back. Studying the path I have to take here… I think I’ll take it right there. I won’t be able to put my foot down. I’m going to pass it at once…

Well guys, here’s the thing, I looked again here on the map, I think this fork that I entered wrong the first time is the new access to the path to heaven, but it ‘s not mapped still on Google Maps, so I’m going to go back to that initial path

What I had done, and I’m going to see how the path is, if not I’ll come back here and follow the path I don’t know where… it’s not mapped but there in the path of heaven there is an information sheet written like this:

New access. There’s only the entrance but they haven’t mapped it on the GPS yet, so I’m going to go in here, let’s see how it goes… the first time I went straight up, I thought I was wrong, I went back and went into this other quarry…

How are you doing? new access written I believe it won’t have those erosions that I went through there. Close to the one I entered, this is wonderful… and there are more tire marks here, so it must be right around here. Look at this my people! How crazy.

This Serra da Canastra… I think I’m on the right path, but it’s sweating here too, I already took a fork that I think is the wrong one, I came here, there’s a fence here, I didn’t want to pass , then I went back there, I took another

Fork and the road gets worse, now I’m going back to that fence again. Let’s open here, I think it’s on the way there. So, a tip for those of you who want to come here, be very careful with this old path, and preferably get

The new path from Wikiloc from someone who has already taken it, because this new path is not mapped on Google Maps. I think the way to heaven is the top of this mountain. The path for now is quiet, if there’s no way to pass, I’ll be back.

Guys, I think the top is over there, huh. Good morning mimosas. Oh my God in heaven, I almost died. All is well? … bifurcation, then I took this old access and I went, I went and there were some ditches where

The motorcycle could fit, a hassle to go back, then I came back and came by this new path, but you go down, the fork is like this right, you’re going to come from here, so

There’s no way you can make a mistake, you’re not going to do that, you’re going to keep going down… He said. And here we are guys… Bike trail. I don’t want to go to the motorcycle trail. So guys, leaving here on this access, I’m going to the right, I

‘m not going to follow this motorcycle trail, I’m going to enter the clouds here… I’m going towards Delfinópolis again. Now everything has cooled down here… I’m even going to zip up my blouse. Will we get open time somewhere? I want to make my drone image. How crazy my people, how beautiful, isn’t it?

That’s why the name Path of Heaven, We’re in the clouds. I stopped here to pick up the drone, in a matter of a minute it completely closed the weather here. The drone went really crazy in the fog. Let’s move on, maybe we’ll find a better place to do this drone flight.

The cloud came with force here, look, there are some ditches here that I didn’t expect. I went down the mountain a little further, it stayed up there and down here the visibility is better. There are parts of sand here. I rode 104 km today, 13:00. From here on a known path, I left

Camping Claro in the previous videos here, I arrived at this fork and entered here, towards the white house, and here behind me is the Caminho do Céu. And I’m closing another circuit here in the Serra da Canastra park, I’m passing by the first camp

I stayed here, at Claro Casa de Pedra camping, in a little while I’m going to leave here on the main street, on the main road and I’m going to pick up to the left, towards São João Batista do Glória, which is the last town I need to go through during these,

These days that I’m spending here in Serra da Canastra. I arrived here on the main road, now turn left and follow 57 km. The road here is gravel, but with a lot of beef ribs. I arrived here in São João Batista do Glória, it is now 2:24 pm, 170 km traveled.

I’m going to go to a place now that I saw in a YouTube video of a place that makes corned beef , it’s called Barão’s restaurant, it’s 6 km from the center of São João Batista do Glória, I’m going to go there, see if there’s lunch now… this is the restaurant…

Now we have to look for an inn and rest for tomorrow to arrive in São Paulo… That’s it guys, another day starting with a light drizzle here, bike is ready, now it’s time to hit the road and head to São Paulo. Yesterday I rode 180 km in total, I forgot

To comment, and now hit the road …

Neste episódio percorri com minha moto [sozinho] uma das piores estradas da Serra da Canastra.
✅ CONTRIBUA COM O CANAL FAZENDO UM PIX: thinoronha@hotmail.com


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Viagem iniciada dia 08 de JUNHO de 2023.
10 dias de viagem – 2.133 km

Dia 1: São Paulo – Piraí do Sul = 450km (Posto Rota 090 camping R$00)
Dia 2: Piraí do Sul = 137km passeio offroad (Posto Rota 090 camping R$00)
Dia 3: Piraí do Sul (Posto Rota 090 camping R$00)
Dia 4: Piraí do Sul – Ribeirão Preto = 500km (Aurora Hotel R$97,00)
Dia 5: Ribeirão Preto – Delfinópolis = 185km (Camping Claro Casa de Pedra R$60,00)
Dia 6: Delfinópolis = 93km cachoeiras (Camping Claro Casa de Pedra R$60,00)
Dia 7: Delfinópolis – São João Batista da Canastra = 118km (Pousada Vila Canastra R$150,00)
Dia 8: São João Batista da Canastra – São Roque de Minas = 84km (Pousada Bia – Hotel Canastra R$130,00)
Dia 9: São Roque de Minas – São João Batista do Gloria = 180km (Pousada Formágio R$70,00)
Dia 10: São João Batista do Gloria – São Paulo = 386km

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➤Faço a revisão da minha moto na oficina PIUMOTORRAD
Rua Curitiba 744, Catanduva-SP (16) 99727 6804

➤Seguro viagem Vital Card – https://www.vitalcard.com.br (cobre viagem de moto)

➤Rastreador via satélite SPOT: https://www.findmespot.com/pt-br/products-services

➤ CAPA DE CHUVA: Conjunto Silver Reflex ST da iXS (loja Mercury Floripa)

➤ Jaqueta Galant e Calça Vento, ambos da LS2

➤ Capacete LS2 Valiant I

➤ Barraca: Naturehike 3-season 2 Person Motorcycle Camping Tent

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Gasto total da viagem: R$ 2.400 incluindo:

– gasolina
– pedágios
– alimentação
– hospedagem

#serradacanastra #viagemdemoto #motocamping


  1. ✅CONTRIBUA COM O CANAL FAZENDO UM PIX: thinoronha@hotmail.com


    Viagem iniciada dia 08 de JUNHO de 2023.
    10 dias de viagem – 2.133 km

    Dia 1: São Paulo – Piraí do Sul = 450km (Posto Rota 090 camping R$00)
    Dia 2: Piraí do Sul = 137km passeio offroad (Posto Rota 090 camping R$00)
    Dia 3: Piraí do Sul (Posto Rota 090 camping R$00)
    Dia 4: Piraí do Sul – Ribeirão Preto = 500km (Aurora Hotel R$97,00)
    Dia 5: Ribeirão Preto – Delfinópolis = 185km (Camping Claro Casa de Pedra R$60,00)
    Dia 6: Delfinópolis = 93km cachoeiras (Camping Claro Casa de Pedra R$60,00)
    Dia 7: Delfinópolis – São João Batista da Canastra = 118km (Pousada Vila Canastra R$150,00)
    Dia 8: São João Batista da Canastra – São Roque de Minas = 84km (Pousada Bia – Hotel Canastra R$130,00)
    Dia 9: São Roque de Minas – São João Batista do Gloria = 180km (Pousada Formágio R$70,00)
    Dia 10: São João Batista do Gloria – São Paulo = 386km

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    ➤Seguro viagem Vital Card – https://www.vitalcard.com.br (cobre viagem de moto)

    ➤Rastreador via satélite SPOT: https://www.findmespot.com/pt-br/products-services

    ➤ CAPA DE CHUVA: Conjunto Silver Reflex ST da iXS (loja Mercury Floripa)

    ➤ Jaqueta Galant e Calça Vento, ambos da LS2

    ➤ Capacete LS2 Valiant I

    ➤ Barraca: Naturehike 3-season 2 Person Motorcycle Camping Tent

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    Gasto total da viagem: R$ 2.400 incluindo:

    – gasolina
    – pedágios
    – alimentação
    – hospedagem

  2. Olá Thiago, realmente vc não é de desistir,confesso que fiquei apavorada com o estado precário daquelas estradas,mas como sempre,vc dando um show de habilidade,um grande abraço e se cuide!

  3. Thiago, muito top os seus vídeos.
    Você poderia registrar suas viagens em um aplicativo onde registra os caminhos que você passa, para poder disponibilizar para os outros aventureiros.
    Eu uso o Wikiloc, onde podemos subir ou fazer o Download de rotas GPX.

    Os caminhos of road são muito pouco conhecidos e mapeados.

    Grande abraço.

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