Hello everyone. Today we are flying to Germany with you. I’m at the airport right now. We’re going to Hamburg in about an hour. After waiting there for an hour, I will be in Cologne. I found affordable flight tickets.

I had the right to 2 more days of extra holiday within the scope of Erasmus. It takes 4 days in total. So I decided to fly to Germany. The flight ticket was pretty affordable. Dude, I don’t know. A person starts a cafe. puts something.

As far as I can see, there is only a bar for seating. And that’s it. There was also a market at the back, that’s all. For example, if we want to enter here or something, we cannot. Because I don’t have a login thing. They have a different system.

Look guys, I can’t log in. For example, there is a cafe over there that you cannot enter. For example, there is a plane over there, you have to take control from the other side in order to pass the plane.

Blah blah blah This is how the Hamburg Airport system works As far as I understand. I hope it doesn’t rain. I’m going towards the bus stop. From there I will go towards home. I just came to the bus stop. Here it says BusStation, ticket prices start from 2 euros, if I’m not mistaken.

So we’ll buy a normal one, see how much it costs. We’ll pay. My bus is coming too. That incoming number 423 is my number. Let’s ask now. I just talked to him and he said it was 3 euros. We will enter soon. I will pay. Then our journey will begin.

Friends, these are the prices, we’ll see. He said 3 euros and I think he will give me one of these. I’m not sure exactly. As far as I understand, the first transfer between buses is 1 Euro. Normally, internal transfer is 2 Euros.

The next 4 goes like this and 5. The place I showed before showed it wrong. It’s for cycling. I think those 1B and 2B written at the top are bus change and transfer things. If you come here, buy not just one ticket, but definitely buy 2-3 tickets for your visit.

And it started to rain. Great thing, everything is going so well, I swear it’s amazing. It’s a tremendous 18 degrees and I’m freezing and it’s raining and I’m going to walk almost 3-4 minutes from the stop where I get off. [Music] Friends, how will I get home? I’m a summer house guy, what am I doing here?

What’s this weather like? Wow, what luck! Really, what luck! It’s just rainy today. Sunny all day remaining. Superb all week. Friends, I am at home now. I arranged a friend on Couchsurfing and I’m at his house. I’m drinking tea right now. We talked to some pretty good people.

Good morning everyone, I shot a video last night, I was very tired for the last video. If you ask what I did, we watched TV series with my friends. After that we slept. Now I’m up and going alone, they have exams.

Also, someone was going to work, so they said they couldn’t accompany me. Now I’m on the road, we’re heading towards the center of Cologne. Right now we are waiting for the tram. The tram will arrive in 5 minutes and we will go.

There is one tram there. It takes you directly to the centre. It’s probably about 20 minutes. We’ll probably be at the center in 20 minutes. Germany, in general, is a very green country, if I were to comment at the moment. As far as I can see, there are always detached houses.

Maybe there are apartments in the center, and there are always detached houses at the exits and they are comfortable. Yes, we are in Cologne now, I am in the center. I’m heading towards Cologne Cathedral. There must be a festival here or something like that. I don’t understand, it’s beautiful here. Friends, the street I just entered was LGBT Street. I’m heading towards the cathedral now.

If I remember correctly, it was built in 1248 towards the Cologne Cathedral. This is pretty flashy stuff, we’re heading there now. This is the museum. I think I will probably go to the chocolate museum today. Because I think it should be the most beautiful one.

We will visit the Cologne Cathedral, then there are a few more places after that. Depending on the situation, we can go to the chocolate factory. More precisely, to the museum. We’ll wander around there. For example, this is the Art Museum, that’s how I remember it. They built it right next to the cathedral.

This museum is beautiful, but very expensive. Since the museums are very expensive, I can only enter one of them. That’s why I want to see the chocolate museum. The construction of this Cathedral you see started in 1248. and was completed in 632 years.

And it is quite beautiful, so it is the second tallest building in the city. It’s really high by the way. This is it, this is the Square. They were just drawing a flag there. Of course, they do not draw our country’s flag on the ground.

And they put it on the thing. They put it here. Friends It’s amazing inside. look here. I’ve never seen anything like this. I can not find anything to say. Of course, it is a place of worship for people, but it is similar to our Kazan cathedral in Russia. It is so wide and big inside. I really can’t find anything to say.

Entrance here is free. Because it is a place of worship. Friends, there is a ground floor below here. I’m heading there now. I guess there are graves of the people who built it or the teachers on the lower floor? I don’t fully understand, but those who know, please write.

Apart from that, there is another place we will enter. According to the cathedral’s thing, there is something about the cathedral, there is a model of it here. Let me show you. Enormous. Friends, I think it has a museum or goes up the hill or something.

Going to the top costs 9 Euros, as far as I understand. For your information, the prices are the same. You can go from here, this side. Actually, you can’t enter, we just left here. This was the Inside of the house of worship.

If you want to go up the hill or something, you can enter from here. Where is this place? We already entered from here. It stays on this side. There is a train station in the building opposite. As you can see, there is already a train there.

In general, the square is so beautiful, come and see it. By the way, I noticed something that Alcatzar is already the name of the region I am in. This is the general name of the general region of this city.

That’s why I don’t have anywhere to go from here, I mean, I don’t know where such a city like Eskişehir is. Because I just looked and didn’t see it. Now I’m heading towards… well, there’s something else ahead. There is another Bazaar march, I am going towards the bazaar on that side.

Let’s go and see, then we will cross from there towards the bridge. We came to the street where we said yes. This place is like a touristic Istiklal Street. We have a building shaped like ice cream at the entrance. There is a Metro here too.

Definitely come and see, we are going inwards now. In general, it is the place where many brands are located. People shop here. looks beautiful. There is another street on this street. That’s the street where such clothing stores and brands are located.

We are heading there now. From there we will probably go to the town hall. This is another great side street, friends. It’s a long side street with brands. From now on, we are heading towards the City Hall. The prices are like this. Just the price of this potato.

As far as I understand, their potatoes are probably famous here. There is a Candy Shop here. Guys, the town hall is in the back. We just came here. The place when we got off the tram. Let’s say there is a Festival or LGBT meeting here right now. They were just closed and they started working. The same building is here. Now we are slowly moving towards the foam from here.

This building you see behind me used to be. It was a storage place. Friends, this bridge was also built in the 1900s. Both motor vehicles and trams pass by. In the heart of Cologne. Yes, that’s all Cologne is left. Only our mosque remains. We will go there in a moment.

See you at the mosque. And the thing about this bridge is that these people put locks on it. This is how they immortalize their love. Now, first I will go to the bridge and show you the locks there. Friends, look at these, aren’t they great? Enormous. It’s great, they hung it everywhere.

It starts from there, comes like this and goes like this. It continues all the way. [Music] Friends, we came to the mosque. The mosque built by Turkey. This is gasoline prices. This place was built by Turkey. The mosque he built for Turkish citizens living in Germany at the time. Assalamu aleykum Aleykumselam

Friends, this Mosque was opened in 2005. It is a magnificent masterpiece, as it can be seen, made by Türkiye. It was built in analogy with Ottoman works. You’ve already seen the outside, so is the inside. Our mosque is actively working. We have a teacher, we have everything, generally Muslims come here.

Not only Turks, but all Muslim countries come to visit this mosque. And as you can see, it is a magnificent mosque.

Yeni bir vlogla birlikteyiz ve bu hafta uzun bir aradan sonra çılgın bir gezi planı yaptım.
Tarihi bir şehir olan, Almanya’nın Köln şehirini gezmeye çalışacağım.
Bir önceki videoda Sevilla’yı gezdik.
Şimdi ise sizlere Köln’ü tanıtacağım,iyi seyirler !!!


00:00 Uçak ile Hamburg’a Varış
02:50 Köln Havalimanı ve Eve Geliş
06:29 Köln Şehir Merkezine Gidiş
07:55 Köln Şehir Merkezi
09:36 Köln Katedrali ve Çevresi
15:37 Köln Gezi Planım
17:02 Schildergasse Caddesine Gidiş
17:52 Schildergasse Caddesi ve Çevresi
19:23 Hohe Caddesi ve Çevresi
20:22 Köln Belediye Binası ve Çevresi
21:46 Hohenzollern Köprüsü ve Parkı (Aşk Köprüsü)
24:18 Köln Merkez Cami
26:25 Çıkış


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