Brunei, le pays le plus strict du monde

For the first time, here is filmed from the sky, the home of the Sultan of Brunei. Nurul Iman, the largest palace in the world. More than three times the size of the Palace of Versailles. Striking images that day, hidden under her red veil, Princess Azemah is getting ready to marry in pure tradition,

His first cousin. Never, for almost half a century, a western camera was not authorized, to turn to the heart of the Sultanate of Brunei. You are really very lucky to be present at this ceremony. You have the best seats to attend the event. All thanks to our services.

In the front row, the master places and father of the bride, the extremely wealthy Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. At age 77, since death of Queen Elizabeth II, he is the head of state who reigns for the longest time in the world. He has been on the throne since 1967.

Under her crown of solid gold, at 38, Azemah saw the first highlight of his marriage, the powder ceremony. A ritual that dates back to the 14th century, time when the family of the Sultan came to power. The dynasty has reigned since undivided on Brunei. This blessing with holy oils,

Is just the beginning of the festivities. The wedding will last ten days. The unique opportunity to discover, one of the most secretive countries in the world. In the heart of Southeast Asia, on the island of Borneo. Landlocked in Malaysia and close neighboring Indonesia, Brunei is a tiny territory,

No bigger than a small French department, a confetti where no one lives than 450,000 inhabitants. These are the subjects of the sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, one of the most rich people of the planet. Thanks to the immense deposits offshore of his little kingdom, which is full of oil and gas,

His personal fortune is estimated, to more than $18 billion. Holder of all powers, the sultan is an absolute monarch, in a country deprived of any opposition, almost a living god. Revered by a people who doesn’t really have a choice, the sultan imposes on the thread years an Islam, more and more rigorous.

An austere life led to the rhythm of prayers, from the youngest age. The whole body must be covered, except the face and hands. It’s really the whole hand, from wrist to fingertips. – Aïcha is only 5 years old and she already wears the hijab?

– Yes, it’s true, but if we already want to educate him, she needs to get used to it to this sort of thing. Alcohol is banned throughout the country and smoking is prohibited in public. In 2019, a milestone is reached, the sultan establishes sharia, the strictest Islamic law. As a small nation,

We always give priority to our prayers for Allah. From now on, homosexuality and adultery, are punishable by the death penalty. Public outcry, pretty much everywhere in the world, like here in London, demonstrations take place in front luxury hotels owned by the sultanate. Shame on you ! In Paris, he also owns 2 palaces,

The Plaza Athénée and the Meurice. 50 years ago, Brunei had good press. Queen Elizabeth II parades alongside the sultan, aboard a tank by around fifty men. The country is then a British colony. The sultanate does not gain independence, than in 1984. It breaks away from the United Kingdom but retains quite a heritage.

Like playing polo, the sport of kings, that all practice the royal family of Brunei. 25 years ago, Prince Charles, now king, played a game with the sultan. Today, one of the most talented at this game, is none other than the young bride, Princess Azemah.

– She has a lot of energy. – Are you able to control it well? – Yes, she reacts well. In a bordered country by the China Sea and covered 80% by an ultra-preserved jungle, between a rigorous Islam and a royal family, who cultivates secrecy, unprecedented investigation in the Sultanate of Brunei,

The strictest, the richest and the most mysterious of kingdoms. Return to the Sultan’s Palace where continue, royal wedding ceremonies. In the country, it’s the event of the year. Princess Azemah’s wedding with his first cousin, are placed under guard. Throughout our authorized presence after long months of negotiations, we are constantly accompanied by members,

Government services. From the outset, we are struck by the surrounding luxury. – There is a lot of gold here. – Indeed, almost everything here is covered with gold. Pure gold. – Is it really gold? – Yes, pure gold. – Really ? – Yes, real gold, I confirm that everything here is gold.

-And we can’t touch? – Yes, you can pass your hand on it, you will realize gold texture. – Wait, I’ll look. It’s still amazing. It’s gold ! A golden mosaic, a setting of unparalleled splendor. Tonight the throne room will welcome the 2 newlyweds, in the presence of all the Royal family.

– Who will sit here? – These are the seats of the two royal families. On one side the bride’s family and on the other, that of the groom. – Tell me about these two armchairs. – These 2 armchairs are exclusively reserved for the sultan and the queen. This is a very sacred place.

Only the royal family can come here. You are very lucky to be so close to these armchairs, because as people of the people, it’s unusual to be so close to this place. – I have the impression that here, everyone adores the sultan. – Because he is the sultan of the people,

Because it is very close of his subjects. Come on, I think that it’s time to go. The first guests arrive. There are 2,000 of them in all, selected with great care. There is the entire family of the Sultan there. The crown prince. The brother of the bride, Prince Mateen,

And Prince Jefri, father of the groom and brother of the Sultan. In the assembly, many ambassadors, represent the whole world for the occasion. After eight days of ceremony, the sultan’s daughter will become the wife of his first cousin, Prince Bahar, he is 41 years old. With this symbolic gesture on the princess’s forehead,

The Union is now official. The ceremonies are coming to an end. This evening the banquet is given closing of the marriage. In one of the three rooms ceremonial of the palace, always in the greatest luxury, hundreds of small hands are active. The service must be impeccable.

A question of prestige for a thousand-year-old dynasty. The Sultan will be seated in the center. He will have at his side the members closest to the royal family. It’s a very proud moment to be part of such an event, because these festivities are quite rare. But when you have the chance to participate,

You feel accomplished something unique and you are happy to be part of it and that makes you very proud. – It’s a moment that will stay in history? – Yes, it’s a historic moment. Among the guests, the fashion star, in Southeast Asia. Can you take a photo of us?

Coming from Malaysia, Bernard Chandran, is the appointed designer of the royal family for 27 years. Wait, I’ll get another one! It was he who designed the dress worn that evening by the young wife and her new husband’s costume, Prince Bahar. – 9 seamstresses worked for four months, 9 hours a day.

– On this dress or on several dresses? – Not only this dress. The princess wanted something traditional, but at the same time, it also had to be contemporary and very current. I am delighted and most importantly is that she is happy with the result. I am blessed and very happy!

The arrival of the royal family is imminent. To move in his immense palace, she borrows golf carts as a carriage. The young couple arrive first. Closely followed by the Sultan. On her arm, Queen Saleha, his wife of almost 60 years. For newlyweds, it is the last day of the festivities.

Before the gala dinner, the grand mufti, the highest dignitary Muslim of the country, leads a final prayer in person. At the head table, Princess Azemah wears a heart-shaped tiara and an incredible diamond necklace, offered for the occasion by his father. With this wedding, the 29th Sultan of Brunei, tightens even more family ties

And establishes its power a little more. A few days after the wedding, rather than going on a honeymoon, Princess Azemah will find his favorite place in Brunei, the Polo field. A haven of peace for around thirty minutes from the capital. In these stables, 200 horses.

They all come from Argentina, the great polo nation. Nothing is too beautiful for these purebreds. To acclimatize them to the heat tropical of Brunei, they are entitled to air-conditioned boxes. In a country club atmosphere very British, the VIP match will start soon. Star of the day, the young bride, Princess Azemah.

It’s the horse that Prince Bahar likes to ride. How do you feel ? – She has a lot of energy. – Are you able to control it well? – Yes, she reacts well. Royal privilege, hair in the wind, Azemah is the only woman in the sultanate to play polo.

On the opposing team, she is going to face Prince Jefri, his uncle who also became his father-in-law. Influenced by customs of the British aristocracy, it was he who imported polo in Brunei and created the club in the late 1970s. At almost 70 years old, he remains a very good player.

On an area as large as three football fields, two teams of four players compete against each other. All are excellent riders. Under the eyes of Emmanuel, his personal trainer, arrived from Argentina five years ago, Princess Azemah is today particularly inspired. I only work for Princess Azemah. I am always there to support her.

I only care about her and his horses, and that for many years. We are a team and what binds us, it’s the love of horses and sport, polo. And I believe that this connection is visible. Facing the young bride, Prince Jefri also holds his rank.

The Sultan’s Brother Plays Polo for over 40 years and never tires of the game. – Why do you like polo so much? – I love polo. It gives me a lot of pleasure. I’ve been playing for 40 years, it keeps me in shape. – You are always in very great physical fitness

And very competitive. – I try to keep the rhythm. I play in a magnificent setting, but soon, I will retire. – It went well ? – It went very well. At first, the horse was very excited. – Thanks Princess. – THANKS. For the record, the part will end with victory 7 to 3,

In favor of the princess’s team. At the other end royal stables, there is one of the places the most amazing in Brunei, an Argentinian restaurant, to stay in the “Polo” atmosphere. First there is this parking lot with electric charging stations. An exception in Brunei, in a country where at €0.37 per liter,

Gasoline is twice cheaper than water. And here, only luxury models. This one belongs to Farid, one of Princess Azemah’s brothers. – How many cars are there electrics in Brunei? Currently, there are 20 electric cars. Only Porsches. I love cars. And I have a small collection at home. I have a few V8 engines.

Members of the royal family, Farid is also the owner of the restaurant. In a country not quite like the others, the prince gives of his person until the dive. – Is that why she eats these dishes? – Farid, that’s the shot! – Yes, indeed, we are preparing lots of orders this evening,

Because we have a lot of customers. I am very involved, I do the dishes, I can take care of the grill and I keep busy room service too. I do all. There is no choice! – Why did you open this business? You could have done nothing and enjoy life.

– No, but you know, I learn every day and my family instilled in me that if you want something, you have to work to get it. This is how our mother chose to raise us together. Farid wanted to create a little piece from Argentina in the middle of Brunei.

On the tables, only pieces of beef. And all prepared South American style. On the outside, the steaks are grilled “asado” style. The cooking method favorite of Argentines. Mate by hand, Emmanuel, the coach of Princess Azemah, inevitably feels at home here. – We, in Argentina, we have a tradition.

A polo match ends always by an asado, an Argentinian barbecue. Brunei is a very warm country, very open to many cultures. If we can bring a little of Argentinian culture, so that makes us happy! 16,000 kilometers from Buenos Aires, Emmanuel leads an expatriate life, far from everyday life subjects of the sultan.

Bandar, the capital of Brunei. Here, we are far from the frenzy Asian megacities. Very little traffic and not much activity. Barely 200,000 inhabitants live there, almost half of the population of the sultanate. A little away from the city center, we were going in a residential area, where the country’s middle class lives,

Like Iskandar’s family. -Have you learned this lesson yet? – Yes I did it ! At 45, Iskandar works, for the ministry of Religious Affairs. Its mission, to advise families, to best combine religion and daily life, especially at work. – Let’s go, we’ll see mom. His wife is a teacher. They have five children,

Four boys and a girl. It’s 7 a.m., time to go to school. – Aïcha, take your things. The father, Iskandar, is responsible for taking his 14-year-old son, Ayoub. Barely ten minutes of travel and on the way to school, like every morning, a prayer, the Fatiha, the first surah of the Quran.

This is our morning routine. As soon as we are in the car, we recite a few verses from the Koran, because we ask for blessing and the protection of Allah, for us all day long. So, we list passages from the Koran. From morning to evening, Islam guides all aspects of daily life,

Of this traditional family. In Brunei, three quarters of the inhabitants are Muslims. Young Ayoub goes to school in a Koranic school, reserved for boys. This immense brand new complex, is fully funded by the royal family. And with all simplicity, the establishment bears the name of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah.

In Brunei, no one pays taxes and like health, education is free. 1,300 boys are educated here from 13 to 17 years old. Every day begins again with a prayer. Ayoub is taught in Malay, in English. And for religion classes in Arabic. For hours, Ayoub and his comrades,

Immerse themselves in the study of the Quran. – We have to memorize this passage and this passage. Then you will have to recite them in front of the teacher. – What is special about this school compared to others? – Compared to other schools, teaching is done in Arabic so than in other establishments,

This is done in Malay. – And who decided that you would be student in a school, where do you learn Arabic? – It’s me. I want to go work elsewhere do not stay in Brunei, because the economy here is very little developed. Abroad, there are more developed economies.

So I want to go to work In other countries. I think that’s the goal of many students here. You can get a scholarship to study in Mecca, or in other Arab countries. And by studying here, it’s more easy to get a scholarship, to go abroad. For Ayoub, the study of the Koran,

That’s 8 hours per week. – They are really all very obedient. Ayoub will stay for three more years in this school, before hoping to go to study abroad. Back home, like every Thursday evening, weekend eve in Brunei, Iskandar receives at his home his whole family. With local brands respect due to elders,

Like here with his father. What I just did is his shake hands as a mark of respect. And I fuck him too the back of the hand. This is also the case with my daughter or with a baby. We do the same thing. For example when others family members come.

We greet each other like this. Because it is a mark of respect. In his house, Iskandar, dedicated an entire room to prayer. A moment of sharing for the family, all generations combined, up to the youngest, little Aïcha. She is only five years old, but for the occasion, it is covered by two veils.

– When your daughter prays, she has to wear this outfit? But why ? – The entire body must be covered, except the face and hands. It’s really the whole hand, from wrist to fingertips. – When a young girl reaches the age of puberty,

It is obligatory to cover him all parts of the body, which are exposed. – Aïcha is only five years old and she already wears the hijab? – Yes, it’s true. But we already want to educate him. She has to get used to it. After the prayers which lasted More than an hour,

Women of all ages meet each other. – In Brunei, we have large families. This is our education. We are all very close of our parents. Surprisingly, in a country as closed as Brunei, women do not have that their family life, they also benefit many rights. – We all work.

– I am a teacher. We can do whatever we want, Really. We can drive, we can find our friends. I work 1 hour from my house. There is no problem. – As a wife or woman, you can behave, as you wish and you have a lot of freedom.

But there is still limits not to be exceeded. It’s time to sit down at the table, with a meal ordered from a caterer. The menu this evening, it’s chicken curry, fish with mango and eggplants. – The food is very important to you in Brunei? – Yes, because we love to eat.

Eating together brings us together. This is why food is very important. THANKS. Bye. Return safe. Did you take your food? I am very happy because we all end up together. We pray together, we laugh together. It’s a very good feeling. They came to my house, I taken care of them. We ate together.

It makes me happy. These are things that really make me happy. But now I’m exhausted! And I have to clean everything after they left. A little away from the center from the capital, Regal Blue production studios. This is where the filming takes place the rare programs, of Brunei National Television.

And as we will see, we cannot talk about everything in the country, far from there. At 32, Akil has been playing several years, in very popular sitcoms in the sultanate. – Hello everybody ! Where are you ? Are you ready ? This evening, with six other actors,

Akil will shoot a new episode of the series, Eid celebrations are back. – I think I have the same shirt than this one. In real life, Akil works in digital, because in Brunei, the sector entertainment is very limited. Everyone here is an amateur. Somehow, a little artistic scene emerges,

For several years in Brunei. The key is to avoid Subjects that anger. – In the previous generation, there wasn’t really creators or artists. But now young people are doing theater, music, they are looking to do more things. Obviously there are certain rules that we must respect. – Which are ?

– We can’t talk s***, politics, nor religion, nor the royal family. Other than that, we can talk about anything. – Could you go out? – The girls want to change. – The girls want to change. Sorry. Interrupted, Akil will not go any further on the question of prohibitions, visibly annoying.

– Okay, everyone. Are you ready ? We will do the rehearsals from sketch 1 scene 2. Before leaving the stage, we try to approach with Akil, the situation of homosexuals in the country, subject to the Sharia regime. – It is a very religious country and conservative,

So there’s not much room for this community, if you know what I mean. – Are you talking about the LGBT community? – This community cannot really be visible, by demonstrating, for example. This is explained by the type of monarchy that we have. There is a code and rules very strict in Muslim countries.

In this very closed society, social networks are one rare windows of expression, and again, to a certain extent. – Concerning social networks and our creativity for us locals, there is no restriction of freedom, unless it is for a broadcast on national TV.

But as long as it stays on TikTok, we say what we want. But if you represent your country and that your Tiktok account, has an international audience, so, we must respect certain rules, don’t show anything sensitive or speak badly about our country. For Akil, it’s time to enter the stage.

His role: He plays a man who travels in time and which celebrates in 4 different eras the celebrations at the end of Ramadan. – It’s an Eid Mubarak card! But, she smells like curry! You ate ? Are you not doing Ramadan? But yes, I fast. The smell comes from the neighbor’s house!

Thoughtful skits. National television is a relay of official discourse. Only one model is highlighted, that of the traditional family, who lives according to the precepts of Islam. At the exit of Bandar, a bridge has just been inaugurated, to span the arm of the sea which separates the two parts of Brunei.

It allows you to reach the jungle, one of the last forests primaries of the planet. Thanks to its petrodollars, the sultanate banned any exploitation. The vegetation is intact, unlike its neighbors Malays and Indonesians, who ravaged their forests. In the Temburong Nature Park, an accessible ecolodge only by boat.

For several years, Brunei opens timidly, responsible tourism, which attracts visitors of the whole world, like this American family. – You can only come here by boat. It’s really great to discover a virgin forest like this, which is absolutely not concreted. – Ladies and gentlemen, get together for a short briefing.

And take your life jackets. Today you will discover the jungle, of Brunei National Park. 45 minutes of canoe, on a sinking river in the jungle. And on arrival, 1 hour of ascent, to reach the Canopy. We arrived ! But from here, there are 747 steps left to climb.

– We’re not going to arrive any time soon! It’s really hot! It’s 36 degrees, with maximum humidity. – You need a lot of motivation! Romain, 41 years old, comes from Paris. Twelve days pass holiday in Brunei. – Sit there, we’re going to take a break.

– It’s quite a challenge to come discover the virgin forest. – For me, the biggest challenge is not being able to smoke in this country. – Not to smoke? – It is impossible to buy cigarettes. You’re right, it is illegal to smoke in our home, it’s enshrined in law. Welcome to the canopy!

– We are really above of the whole forest, above the canopy, It’s awesome ! It is very beautiful ! An immaculate forest, which represents 80% of the area of ​​the sultanate. Return to Bandar, in the heart of the capital. We are in Gadong, the largest center trade of the country.

Like every weekend, shopping session, for Iskandar’s family, his wife Yana wants buy a new outfit, but as always, her husband will have his say. – Come on kids, let’s go! I like this outfit. On store shelves, his choice is limited. Yana must respect fairly strict codes. Still the weight of religion.

– Do you only have size M? You don’t have it in large size? – When you buy clothes, does it have to be size L? It is the rule ? Why ? – Because he doesn’t allow it. – You always do shopping with your husband? – Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Sometimes with my sisters. – She knows my preferences on the way she should dress. – And in what way should she dress? She must wear clothes wide, never too tight. Yes that’s it. Never close to the body. I prefer it to be loose, like that, we never see the shape of his body.

Because its shapes, it’s only for my eyes. I never forced her, but it is his duty as a Muslim woman. She shouldn’t wear anything too tight and it must always remain modest. Brunei paradox, women work and seem free, but they remain under the influence of their husbands. When checking out.

Yana could be autonomous. She is a teacher. But every month she pays all her salary to her husband. In return, Iskandar gives him pocket money. – Is this your money? You spend it As you want it ? – My husband gives me money pocket every month, so I could buy me clothes.

Within the limit of €70. And if I exceed, I use my own money. To shop, is one of the few distractions offered by Brunei. The rest of the time is spent to the practice of religion. Like every Friday, holy days of Islam, Iskandar goes to the mosque with his four sons.

In Brunei, it’s an obligation, for all Muslim men punishable by fine. – Hassan, Did you take your prayer rug? The country has been living since 2019, under the strict regime of Sharia law. Iskandar finds nothing wrong with it, quite the contrary. – We received a lot of criticism from some Western countries,

During the establishment of Sharia law in Brunei. But for us, here, this law poses no problem for us. All this controversy was created outside Brunei. Fortunately, since His Majesty imposed the application of sharia, Brunei has seen its situation improve compared to the past. – That’s to say ?

– Brunei has become much more peaceful and the crime rate has declined considerably. With almost non-existent crime, Brunei is one of the countries the safest in the world. Since the application of Sharia law, no one was executed. In the opinion of the country’s specialists,

Its implementation would be above all a political gesture from the sultan, towards his subjects the most conservative. At any rate, the weight of Islam, is becoming more and more felt. Fridays, between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m., the country is at a standstill and the mosques of the kingdom are filling up.

This forced Islamization, has repercussions up to borders of the small country. From the capital, it takes 3 hours of 4×4, to reach the IBANs, In the middle of the forest, they are today 30,000 members of this tribe, to live in Brunei in what looks like, to huge hangars.

This is what we call here a long house collective accommodation more than 100 meters long. The village chief welcomes us. – You are welcome. Welcome to our house. Since 2015, around twenty families live here. – This house has been fully financed, by His Highness, the Sultan. It’s his personal money.

He gave it to the community. To obtain this financing, a single condition imposed, convert to Islam. In his speech, the leader of the Iban regrets nothing. – Until then, we, the IBANs, we didn’t really have a religion. But now, we are 85% Islamized. Islam is the best religions.

Among the Iban, Islamization is recent and less rigorous practice than in town. In this kitchen that 3 families share, few women are veiled and no little girl. But the next morning, when leaving for school, financed, also, by the sultan, Islamic law takes over.

The veil is required for girls from a very young age. 300 meters from the long house, in the middle of the jungle, 2 buildings recently renovated schools. Here every day begins by the national anthem, to the glory of the sultan. – Hygiene control will be done by Cayrol.

Then we will have lessons, as per usual. – What are you doing ? I check their nails. Show yours. Teaching conditions great luxury, with almost one teacher per student. – There are four children and you are three teachers? – Because there are students of different ages and levels.

It’s a very good opportunity for them. We can practice special education, face to face. Come greet me. As a mark of respect towards teachers, students always perform the same traditional greeting. – Okay, it’s time. We all go up to class. And in the middle of the jungle, the school explodes.

It’s the only place in the village to be connected to the Internet. The teacher Cayrol, does not belong to the Iban ethnic group. He is of Malay origin, like the majority of Bruneians. He doesn’t come here only four days a week.

The rest of the time, he lives in the capital with his wife and children. For these courses, he benefits of the latest technologies. To make the course easier, we use technology at our disposal. All this is possible thanks to with the help of His Majesty. – Because he pays for all this?

The topic of the day, This is the exemplary story. What is the lesson to be learned? Not trusting easily to someone we don’t know. Understood ? Objective, integration young people of the tribe, to the culture of Brunei. Even if their language maternal is Iban. I teach in Malay in this course.

Basically, I teach them Malay, morality and MIB. – What is MIB? – This is the history of the monarchy from Brunei in Malay, we teach Malay culture, our language, lessons about Brunei and on religion. By becoming Islamized, the Iban benefit, of the largesse of the sultanate.

Which is not the case for all the tribes of the region. Across the river, a completely different atmosphere. The Tuai, the Iban village chief, makes us meet Azeri, the leader of a small ethnic group who has always lived here, the Punan. – It rained a lot this morning.

Azeri belongs to an ethnic group who has always mostly refused, conversion to Islam. Today, she seems to be paying the price. Ancient nomads who lived of gathering and hunting, the Punan have been for a long time years left to their own devices. 80 people live here in the greatest destitution.

– This house is no longer in good condition. We ask that there be work, but they have not yet taken place. Look here, there are holes. And when it rains, everything gets wet. Here, it’s going to collapse. Everything falls. It’s no longer in good condition. It’s dangerous, when it’s windy, it moves.

We’ve been asking for 5 years repairs and still no response. – You have no help of the government ? – No, no help. In the tribe, only a quarter of the Punan, has for the moment converted to Islam. The others resist, but it is not without consequences. – How many people converted here?

– Counting the children, we are around twenty people for converting to Islam. We can’t force people. A speech which is visibly disturbing. No, it’s better not… Cut the camera, it’s better. Cut. Upset by these criticisms, our guide, the chief of the Iban, asks us to stop filming.

In one of the countries the richest in the world, we leave the Punan in their extreme poverty. In Brunei, when the sultan’s subjects want to escape austerity and the prohibitions of the country, there is a loophole known to all. Just hit the road and go to neighboring Malaysia.

Every weekend, at the customs post, it’s a traffic jam. To cross the border and change the atmosphere, it is necessary to first declare his exit from the territory. 160 kilometers from Brunei, the town of Miri, by the China Sea. This seaside resort of 300,000 inhabitants, offers everything that not the sultanate.

Here, in a country yet also with a Muslim majority, the way of life is completely different. A little air of freedom floats over the city. We also come to Miri for shopping. The exchange rate is very in favor of the Brunei dollar. All major brands internationals absent from the sultanate,

Are widely represented here. And the night, room for forbidden pleasures. In the bars, alcohol flows freely. – Have you ever been to Brunei? – I work in Brunei. – You work in what sector there? – I’m working in the oil industry. – How long has it been? that you work in Brunei?

– It’s been 15 years. – And you saw the country become, more and more strict in 15 years? – Before the country, it’s true, he was rather open, but now they are becoming more and stricter in everything they do. Music, alcohol, dancing and light outfits for young girls, an unthinkable cocktail in Brunei.

– Where do you live in Brunei? – I was Bruneian because my father, worked for the government of Brunei. But now I am Malaysian. – So you left Brunei. And do you prefer here? Why do you prefer to live in Miri? – To party, I prefer here in Malaysia.

– You are going to Brunei sometimes or never? – I have my aunt there. – So you visit him. What do you think of Brunei? – I don’t like Brunei. – But why ? Why you don’t like Brunei, tell me? – As soon as I cross the border to see my aunt,

I only have one desire, return to Miri! Brunei is so boring! You can’t do anything about it. No fun, no friends! Miri, a space of freedom for a weekend, for dozens thousands of Bruneians. For those remaining in Brunei, leisure is much more limited, but sometimes surprising.

In a district in the north of Bandar, an original community meets around a passion, which surprises the sultanate, the big cars. A group of bikers gather together here every weekend, men and women combined. The president of this club, it’s Redwan, a former soldier. He leads the oldest group of bikers from Brunei.

Pemoda, created almost 30 years ago. – What is this place? Is this your lair? – Yes, you’re right, This is my cave! At home, a whole dedicated universe to American motorcycles. His machine, a powerful Harley-Davidson, at more than €30,000. That day, Redwan organized an outing, which will bring together 80 bikers.

For everyone, one way to escape onto the asphalt. A walk of an hour before to gather at the seaside. In the group, everyone takes care of their look. Leather, bandana, bad boy looks for a very close-knit group. We ride together, as a team. It’s a very strong bond.

For us bikers, we’re like brothers, a fraternity! – And like sisters too. – Yes, like sisters too. – It really allows to release the pressure. Every weekend, when we meet together, between bikers, you feel lighter! Far from problems. As my brother says, we feel free. – Brotherhood!

Far from the shackles of Sharia law, time for a trip, bikers offer themselves a breath of oxygen, in a society more and more austere.

Pour la première fois depuis 50 ans, une caméra occidentale a pu percer les mystères de ce petit royaume d’Asie du Sud-Est. Aux commandes d’un sultanat multimilliardaire, ce minuscule pays de 450 000 habitants se qualifie comme un des plus riches, plus petit et plus strict des royaumes.
Un film de Jérôme Dion.


  1. Le journaliste montre clairement la bassesse de son raisonnement et sa trisomie 😅😅, la femme travaille oui mais ne montre pas ses formes ça lui paraît anormal alors qu'elle même est contente et vit en paix avec son mari

  2. Là où il ya pas de pervers il ya pas de criminalité, c'est la leçon que ce journaliste doit retenir pour ne plus jamais parler de pervers sexuels dans une société musulmane au sens propre.

  3. l'Occident même est le représentant du 😈 sur pour eux tout le monde doit être comme eux
    pourquoi ??? marché nue dans les rues et couché entre même corps c'est ça la bonne marche à suivre ???

  4. C'est pour moi un pays exemplaire.. la preuve concrète que l'islam est non seulement une religion mais un un vrai mode de vie ..le plus sain….le meilleur ❤

  5. Lakjae n'est pas à l'origine du succès du football marocain.
    Les marocains sont socialement des idolâtres. Ton idole à toi est ton lakjae. Ta vision est devenue si courte à Si Fayçal.

  6. La voix off est pathétique. Remplie de préjugés. Il déteste l'islam et voudrais que tous le monde mécroi comme eux ont mécrue. Ils ont horreur de voir les pays musulmans réussir tout en gardant leur religiosité.

  7. The Dorchester, Le Palaza Athénée et Le Meurice vendent de l'alcool et accueillent des couples non mariée? Et il touche cette argent? Faites ce que je dis mais pas ce que je fais. Haaa l'argent et le pouvoir, ça rend c*n et ça prend les gens pour des c*ns.

  8. Je crois que comme en Marketing on parle des non-consommateurs absolus, il faut accepter des pays comme celui-ci qui refuse les "valeurs "occidentales d'immoralité. BRUNEI est original et sera toujours grâce à ça, attractif !

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