茨城LIFEで抱え切れないほどの古着を購入! | Vintage Thrifts in Ibaraki!【LIFE】

Check out the part1 too! Alright, I got the permission to film inside, so let’s check it out Look at this amount! I am so excited Ah this is Harley’s Fruit’s body and XL This is nice. I don’t usually wear red tho Love this raglan sleeves This is nice

Is this 90’s? Not sure but you may be able to tell what year from this tag It doesn’t seem like Harley’s I think I will try later Live this letters ‘Aged to Perfection’ Exactly matches your style haha Red might be the new color for me haha

It would be nice to wear it underneath your jacket and show its red I don’t have red color clothings at all This is cool haha That’s like Dad’s clothes Found something nice A blank sweatshirt. This is easy to wear for sure Love this fade. Isn’t this good?

I see some paintings on the sweatshirt, which makes it even better I’m not sure what brand this is since the tag is gone There is no backprint This is a real simple plain sweater Can you tell anything about this sweatshirt? I’m not sure exactly what this is but I think this is JERZEES

I see I like this I know right, this one got good fade Btw, everything you see in the shop that I bought from the states, I intentionally excluded super popular ones I tried to pick something that pros like us would be interested, so normal people would not find this shop interesting

Interesting, so the picks are for pros haha Exactly I think I like this and this Ah and I found this too But this is medium Looking good tho And this This is pretty similar to what I have already have Is this JD? This might be JD

It’s such a good choice to choose JD And here are the jackets So many jackets here What is this? It’s got really short length Why they placed the logo there haha I know right, but this is the part I kinda like it The size 52…how big is this It’s so short

Yeah but it looks good on you for sure Ok, I will try it And we have some ARMY training jackets here It says these are 60’s hunting jackets These ones too And this side’s got coveralls and aloha shirts Let’s check out the other side Lots of jewelries here So many amazing denims here

So many specials here! I can show you more Most of them don’t have any repairs There are no repairs or damages at all These are super specials i’m just so happy to see these haha XXs

Usually there are repairs on knee and crotch, but none of them has it and they even have leather patches on them I see BIG Es… I want to get 501XX at some point Here is the T-shirt area I do this every time but… 3D Emblem from 1989

I often see this J&P cycles A flathead is printed This is Harley too Lots of Harley Tees Kinda rare back print And it’s from 91′ Your taste is so biased lol I know right, I only take a look at Harleys Ah these are news paper bags! And these are real vintages right

Pretty expensive Us tokyo makes these replica I like this bright orange Yeah, it says this is a deadstock from 70’s ~ 80’s Look at these regular jeans. It’s so easy to take a look around I know right Damn, I found Mike Tyson Oh man this pile looks amazing

This Mike Tyson is such a killer I wonder how much it is The size looks perfect to me, let’s take a closer look later A bunch of more stuffs by the cashier Love this fade Found a Champion jacket! 70’s? Maybe I love this tag That one, the condition is crazily good

How old is this? It’s from 60’s That jacket was produced until 70’s but I think this one is from 60’s This triangle tag is old huh Look at this tag…such a beautiful tag I’m sure there are people who would are craving for this jacket

It usually is gone asap. But the size is super good Ah this is Large Do you want to try? Looking good man The sleeves are good. And I love this pockets too It’s from 60’s right? It definitely matches your Panhead This is an amazing piece

The condition is too good and this almost looks like replica haha Big Smith This is fire So cool I love the collar is made with cords Super big size, this must be your size Seiya Ok now let’s try on the ones we saw How does it look on me?

Turn around….It is actually not bad Yeah not bad! I don’t wear red but not too bad This somehow looks old…it feels like this is 70’s Nice Usually red clothings are not sold well in the shop But in this shop, I only buy red things that is ok for me to be left unsold

I have a very strong confidence in red clothings pickings This is such a beautiful piece The next up: a plain black sweatshirt This cannot go wrong I love its fade and atmosphere This is absolutely great This is definitely heavy use I’ll take this I don’t think I can buy this for 50000yen

The actual price was much more than I expected haha This is cool but it might be too long for me I love how soft this 3D Emblem tshirts are Found another cool stuff I love this tag This jacket was actually pretty expensive to buy because this is cool one

It’s so rare to see this short length jacket Oh this is actually nice I thought this is too small but it’s not actually It’s just coincidence but this jacket matches my pants because they are earth color haha Let me see your back Niceee This is so much better than I expected

Logo is also placed on a very good position I wonder what this logo is about Oh man I wasn’t expecting this to be this good Nice pick, Seiya haha I know right Ok I think I will buy this I wasn’t expecting to buy so much stuffs today haha

This one is 50’s Big Smith It’s Bob’s Maybe this was worn in the Chevy factory in 50’s And this jacket should be owned by Bob I wish this was my size I think this is 36 or something like that Hide, you might like this What’s that? A bandana

This is nice, usually it’s a paisley huh Maybe you can choose something you like and start your bandana style I wonder how I use this What’s the best way to use this? I usually wear this on my neck I do like… As you can see there, you can wear it on neck

You roll like this… And if you have a ring Ah I see. Interesting That’s cool When you ride a motorcycle, this is great to prevent wind. It makes so much difference That’s a breakthrough idea I ride motorcycle too, but I wear either a tie or bandana Trying it out

Your style is changing today haha There is no harm to have many bandanas Is there special ones like XX jeans in a bandana world? Yes, I don’t have it with me today but it does exist like a black hole haha It’s a so niche world. It’s so maniac

The black is also pretty rare right? You noticed! The black and white is super rare. There is a customer who told me he wants to buy this Ah this one? Is this kept for that customer? No no, first come first serve I mean…I heard it’s special you know

Open it up, the pattern is so beautiful That’s so beautiful. Its like designer’s brand’s Maybe black is not for this…? Ummm not bad tho Yeah it’t not bad again, it can be a good accent Looking good I think I will go for red Enjoy! Thanks! I will definitely come back again

I wasn’t meant to buy so many stuffs but I couldn’t help it Let me show what I got The first one is this red Harley sweatshirt. This is my first red clothings in my closet It says 89′ on copyright Look at this damage on print… I also love lettering on this one

This is felt material and looking very old This will be more faded if I wear more, so I am super excited The next up is this This plain faded sweatshirt…this is probably JERZEES…from 80’s This one is all about the fade… You cannot find something like this

I would love to replicate this and sell it The third one is this. I don’t have anything like this…so it will be a new style for me I don’t know what material is this but…it’s from 60’s did he say? And apparently this is from either France or Germany

I love it because this one got super short length I don’t know what this logo is but cool My hunch says this is one of the energy company Something like Petro Co? haha I don’t wear something like this and this color but thanks for the recommendation, Seiya

I wouldn’t have tried this if I was alone

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LIFE: https://www.instagram.com/antiquestore_life/

Ibaraki is only an hour away from central Tokyo, you should definitely check them out!


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  1. ブルーのジャケットはユーロワークジャケットにありがちなモールスキン素材ではないでしょうか?😲

  2. ジャケットのロゴはイタリアの州鉄道のロゴなんですよ! インターネットでFerrovie dello Stato Italianeを調べるとそのロゴが出ます。古着ジャケットにそんなロゴがあるとは思いませんでしたね、特に日本に!

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