
This time, we’ll ride the most uncomfortable ride in Japan and revisit our childhood. Please enjoy this strangely nostalgic world, even though it’s our first time here. Our journey begins at Sanyo Suma Station in Hyogo Prefecture. We’re heading to experience a very peculiar ride in Suma.

Just one stop away by train from Sanyo Suma Station. We’ve arrived at Suma-ura-Koen Station. Our destination this time is Suma-ura-yama Amusement Park. It’s an amusement park nestled in the mountains. While you can hike up to Suma-ura-yama Amusement Park, this time we’ll rely entirely on rides.

We’ve purchased the A-ticket which allows us to enjoy all the rides in the amusement park. First, we’ll take the ropeway to near the mountaintop. The ride takes about 3 minutes. The place we were just at quickly becomes distant.

By the way, although this ropeway is currently automated, it used to be operated manually until 2020. You can see the city of Kobe from here! After getting off the ropeway, it’s time to finally ride the car escalator. What on earth is this ride!?

The car escalator is a mountain transportation system that uses a belt conveyor to transport people on the slope. Currently, it’s only operating here in Japan. It opened 58 years ago in 1966. It seems like it’s designed for two people. It feels like the chairs are moving, quite cute.

It’s said to have the worst ride comfort in Japan. Indeed. It’s shaking quite a bit. Since it’s my first time on this ride, I’m a little nervous. The term “car escalator” is a combination of “car” and “escalator.” It was adopted to comfortably transport people on steep slopes without getting wet in the rain.

So, let’s hop on right away. Since the car escalator doesn’t stop when you embark, timing is crucial. I managed to board safely. Once aboard, you immediately feel the discomfort of the ride. It’s really shaky.

We’ll progress along the 91-meter-long track with a steep slope of 25 degrees, taking about 2 minutes and 20 seconds for one way. It shakes a lot, but the seating is comfortable and enjoyable. The speed of the ride is also slow. The shaking issue has been occurring since it opened.

It seems unavoidable due to maintaining a consistent speed on steep slopes. It’s about time to get off. Surprisingly, it’s over in a flash. Relieved from the shaking. It seems the shaking gets more intense when descending than ascending. Looking forward to the return trip.

Once we get off the car escalator, there’s an observatory right in front of us. Let’s take a short break here. This is a revolving observatory. It’s quite an impressive four-story building. The second floor of the observatory is a game corner. There are many nostalgic arcade machines that we used to play with.

Nostalgic rides like Sailor Moon and Hello Kitty. It’s amazing they’re still operational. They all have this analog feel which brings a sense of comfort. Since we’re here, let’s try playing a game called “Crab Panic”. Oh! They all came out at once! Huh… All of the crabs are completely broken. Very difficult to hit.

If you hit them too hard, they seem like they’ll break. Some of the crabs don’t even react when hit. I’m not sure if it’s due to aging or if they’re just too fragile from being hit too much, but I’ll keep hitting them with mixed feelings. The results aren’t very good.

Please be gentle when hitting them. Next, we’ll head to the rotating café on the 3rd floor. Rotating restaurants have become quite rare in Japan. Here, you can enjoy your meal while admiring the view. The floor rotates once every 55 minutes. Maintenance seems quite challenging, so it’s miraculous that it’s operational.

The restaurant’s menu consists of dishes reminiscent of retro cafes. This time, I ordered melon cream soda and pilaf. When it comes to cafés, melon soda is a must. Pilaf was one of my favorite dishes when I was in junior high school, served in the school lunches. My taste hasn’t changed since then.

The egg salad is delicious too. The paper coasters are cute. I’ve always loved melon soda since I was a child. You can enjoy a delicious meal while taking in the moving scenery. There was a jukebox on the first floor! It’s the first time I’ve ever seen one in person.

When you insert coins, you can listen to nostalgic songs. There are quite a few songs to choose from. Let’s go with “Gandhara” by Godiego. When you press the numbers, the record moves and plays the song. Wow!! Amazing!! The scenery is mesmerizing.

On the opposite side of the jukebox are many record jackets displayed as photos. It seems you can listen to both Japanese and Western music. It’s a lineup that my parents’ generation would be delighted with. The second song is by John Lennon.

You can really immerse yourself in the feeling of being transported back in time. On the rooftop, there’s an observatory overlooking the city and sea of Hyogo. It’s surprising to find such a high observatory. The view is very beautiful! Lastly, we’ll ride the sightseeing monorail. The sightseeing monorail connects Mt. Hatsuhiko and Mt. Hachimanyama.

It’s curious why they decided to build such a large amusement park on top of a mountain. But it’s a great place where you can enjoy various rides and feel the nature. This lift is for one person only. Since there are no seat belts, it’s a bit nerve-wracking. It moves quite slowly.

Wow!! A little scary! But it’s fun. Since it’s about 2 meters high, it’s not so scary once you get used to it. The benches are colorful and cute. Songs that I used to hear a lot in elementary school are playing. I never thought I’d hear them in the modern world.

It’s so nostalgic that I feel like crying. I never imagined I’d become a YouTuber. It’s already time to get off. Once we get off the sightseeing monorail, we’ll enter the mountain amusement park. There are many families here. There are free play equipment and open spaces here. Flowers like cherry blossoms are blooming!

This area seems to be a plum grove, so maybe they’re plum blossoms? It’s very beautiful. Finally, we’ll ride the paid cycle monorail. You pedal to move the bicycle. It’s quite difficult when you’re alone, but it’s good exercise. Since I’m wearing a seatbelt, I don’t seem to have to worry about falling.

You can see the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in the distance. Despite being inexpensive, it’s very enjoyable. It was a great way to spend the holiday. We’ll return the way we came for the journey back. It was a place where there were fewer people and you could enjoy it slowly. It was a hidden gem.

Here we are again. The escalator. What will the shaking be like on the way back? I’m not scared anymore. I’m excited. So far, it’s not much different from the ride here. It’s almost time to get off, but it’s starting to shake little by little. It’s clearly shaking differently from the way here. Aaahhhhh!!!

Ahhh!!! Despite the calm background music, I’m being shaken all over. I’m feeling a kind of shaking that you don’t often experience on airplanes or trains. It’s so fun, I might get addicted. I wish it could stay like this forever. Where should I go next? Thank you for watching until the end.




00:00 オープニング
01:32 須磨浦公園ロープウェイ乗り場
02:21 カーレーターに乗車!
06:25 回転展望閣を探検
07:13 日本で最もかわいそうなカニカニパニックゲーム
08:06 回転レストランで食事
10:03 とっても珍しいジュークボックス
12:46 懐かしい観光リストに乗車
15:25 サイクルモノレールに乗車

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Inside Japan’s SLEEPER Train | $160 FIRST CLASS Room

abroad in japan

In this channel, I am traveling alone in Japan!
I will introduce interesting things that have developed uniquely in Japan such as ferries, trains, bullet trains, capsule hotels, etc.



  1. The worst ride in Japan? Oh, no, you would not get me on that. Unless it’s the only way to go. That reminds me of some of our supermarkets that are on one level and you have to get your shopping to the parking level. You put your shopping cart on this thing and it takes the shopping cart up or down, whichever way you have to go. The people take the escalator along sided it. Those things look like oversize plastic shopping cart with seats.😂 this looks like something that you would go on a nice day and just take your time and enjoy. My son and I were just talking about visiting Japan.

  2. It's my dream to one day move to Japan. Slowly learning the language best I can like toire = toilet and few other stuff but the symbols are gonna be difficult. Shame I can't read the rotating restaurant menu but at least pictures help. It will be a challenge but only with Japan am I willing to deal with some language difficult if it means better life

  3. I'm glad your back, this amusement park looks like fun and scary atthe same time, melon juice is good. can we watch you cook uka yua? 君の背中がよかった、この遊園地は楽しそうで怖そうだ、メロンジュースはおいしいよ。ウカ・ユアが料理するのを見てもいいですか
    Kimi no senaka ga yokatta, kono yūenchi wa tanoshi-sōde kowa-sōda, meronjūsu wa oishī yo. Uka yua ga ryōri suru no o mite mo īdesu ka

  4. Coming from a North American perspective, this seems so familiar yet so different, the culture shock of everything being accessible on foot, yet the revolving restaurant concept being something I've visited quite often seeing as Toronto Ontario Canada has a quite famous one.

    It all feels so "typically Japanese", even if some of those arcade games were definitely showing their age and in need of a little love. Definitely something I'll be wanting to see whenever I get around to visiting Japan.

  5. This is serene and very unique to look at in my viewpoint.

  6. You're riding a shopping cart, of course it's uncomfortable.

    Seriously this feels like Grocery Shopping With Mom: the ride, complete with bad store music playing overhead because the store got a discount on a christmas cd one year and it got stuck in the player and nobody's cared enough to try and get it out. All that's missing is Mom's friend appearing and the ride stopping for three hours while they talk.

  7. こち亀で両津が回転スカイラウンジの回転速度の設定を極端に変えて、超高速回転してしまったのがあったな。

  8. 11:20
    They even have the Top Gun opening theme Danger Zone by Kenny Logans which also features the song Footloose by Kenny Logans which was the official opening theme of a romantic drama movie of the same name! My dad also owns the original English version of that exact Kenny Logans record which he possibly purchased around the time it was first released or purchased it more recently second hand at a vintage items store! 🙂

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