【ハンターカブ2023北海道ツーリング振り返り02】まさか〇〇kgもの軽量化達成!! 身軽に北海道ツーリング満喫 #カブじいさん #ハンターカブ #北海道ツーリング#60代

Old Man Turnip Hello, Old Man Turnip. In the previous video, I talked about the so-called ULization of transportation in order to reduce the effort and time required to enter Hokkaido for Hokkaido touring. As Mr. Turnip, it was quite an aggressive challenge. Hokkaido Although the time and effort of traveling was greatly reduced, it

Ended up being quite heavy on the wallet.This is a challenge for me.I realized that moving to the UK meant that my wallet would also be lighter.I still haven’t watched the video yet. If you haven’t done so yet, please

Take a look at the link in the overview section.I’m often asked what UL is, so I’ll give you a brief explanation.It’s called UL, short for ultralight.Simply put, it’s about making your belongings smaller and lighter . It seems to be used in the sense of being able to travel far and easily,

And in the case of Turnip Old Man, by working on Yuka for this Hokkaido touring, even Turnip Old Man who is over 65 years old can easily do it. That’s why we decided to take on the challenge of enjoying Hokkaido touring

In the first place . There are two reasons why Kabujisan decided to work on UL. The first is the experience of going to Hokkaido during the previous Hokkaido touring in 2022. It took a lot of time and effort, which was very difficult for an old body, and

I wanted to somehow turn that into a small amount of time and effort.I also wrote about how hard it was to move to Hokkaido in the summary section of the video. I have posted a

Link , so please take a look.The other thing is that I wanted to reduce the physical effort.On my last Hokkaido tour, when I camped at a campsite on the first day of Hatsuyamabetsu, a motorbike drove into the tent site. The bike parking lot and the tent site were far apart, so

I had to take my luggage off the bike and carry it on foot to the tent site.At this time, it was high season and the campsite was packed with many riders. The site was mostly occupied by riders from the front near the middle parking lot

, so the place where Takapon and I could pitch our tent was the farthest place from the motorcycle parking lot.We carried our luggage on foot. My camping touring luggage was spread out into 5 pieces, so I couldn’t carry everything by myself at once, so I had to go back and

Forth between the bike and the tent site twice . Well, I had to carry a lot of luggage, and it was very heavy.I really thought how much easier it would be if the luggage I carried was lighter, smaller, and fewer in number.The

Next morning, I spent some time unpacking, and ended up leaving the campsite. However, the valuable experience I had at this time made me think that it is very important to have camping equipment, and

Next time I will try to make my equipment lighter and more compact so that I can move around more easily. This was a really good experience, so this time I decided to take on the challenge of making UL tools for Hokkaido touring in 2023.Some

People have asked me, “Why is Mr. Turnip making UL tools so much?” I received a comment saying that I was particular about it, so I’ll leave it here for a bit. It’s been a long time, but I’ve explained it. The introduction has become long. Now, here’s the main topic. I’ll

Explain the specific items regarding the ULization of the tools I worked on during the 2023 Hokkaido Tour. I’m going to introduce to you the old man turnip. I’ll talk about the tools I brought on my Hokkaido touring,

And I’ll break it down into food, clothing, shelter, and other items. First, I’ll talk about clothing. Regarding clothing, it’s a short 1-night, 2-day trip. If you’re going on a camping tour,

It’s not a big piece of luggage and it’s not a bulky item, but if it’s a long-term camping tour of 11 days, it becomes a pretty big factor.In my case, this is my actual experience of what I brought with me on my Hokkaido tour in 2022.

Through this process, we focused on things that were unnecessary and tried to make them UL by decluttering and reducing weight.We also invested a little money to improve comfort.The orange parts in this table have changed from the previous year. We will look at the parts

That have been revised and changed in order from the top.First of all, it will be a middle layer.It is the kind of layer that is worn in the middle between the jacket and underwear.This time, we will significantly change this part. I’m reconsidering it.First of all, I

Was able to buy a relatively thin fleece instead of the thick fleece, which is warm but heavy and bulky.When it’s cold, I wear the Ultra Light Dan that I brought separately, so I decided that it wouldn’t be a problem to make the fleece as thin as possible

. Well, this time it was a big hit. Underneath it, I stopped bringing the flannel shirt I brought last year, and then I also brought the top and bottom of sweatshirts for relaxing at the campsite. I stopped sleeping in a tent

Because I ended up sleeping in just my top and bottom underwear without any problems.Instead, I started wearing Heattech underwear last year because I was conscious of its cold protection and side tube odor-proofing properties. As for the underwear underneath , I stopped using cotton t-shirts, which are sticky and don’t allow

Sweat to dry, and bought a synthetic mesh t-shirt. We have improved dryness and breathability, and although it is a minor issue, we have added a neck protector to increase cold protection around the neck.By the way, during the 2022 Hokkaido touring in early September, the mornings and evenings will be cold.

There was a scene where I wore down tops and bottoms , but despite the timing of this 2023 Hokkaido Tour from late September to early October, about a month after the previous year, I ended up wearing a down jacket even once. In other words, it was warm.I

Think this is due to the warm weather from summer to autumn in Hokkaido in 2023.It was a really surprising result that I was able to get away without wearing down. When you add up the weight increase and decrease of these clothes , the weight has been reduced by 1300g.In addition, I

Think that the dimensions have also become quite compact.This had a huge effect.I also reviewed the middle layer of the clothes. I think you can now live a very comfortable life because we were able to measure the improvement in your functions. Old Man Turnip Next, let’s talk about

Food, clothing, and shelter.As for food, it’s time to eat, so we’re picking up the tools we’ll use in 2023. The key to reviewing food-related tools is to get rid of fire sources.If you look at this table from top to bottom, you’ll notice that I stopped

Bringing the full set of square cookers that I had been carrying with me for some reason and started using round cookers instead. I decided to bring

Only a small pot and a collapsible Sierra cup, which are just a few of the parts in the set.Next, I stopped using a cast iron skillet to heat up food and replaced it with an ultra-light titanium frying pan.This is a huge weight saving.

As for the trivet, I used to use an Esbit pocket stove, which I really like , but I changed to a mesh trivet made by a brand called Munique, which is much smaller and lighter.My style of camping food is in the video. I’m sure you’re looking at it

, but it’s really simple things like warming it up, pouring hot water on it, or boiling it in hot water, so I realized that a small solid fuel would be enough to use it, so I’ll carry it with me until then. I decided to get rid of all the alcohol stoves, gas

Burners, and their fuels because I didn’t need them at all.Being able to get rid of the cassette cylinders and the alcohol fuel was quite a UL.Next, I got rid of stainless steel. The burner bud was large in size, so

I replaced it with Belmont’s stainless steel cloth, which can be folded into a compact size.I originally used a light DIY piece for the windshield and heat reflector for the bonfire,

But it had the disadvantage that it couldn’t be made compact, so I replaced it with a Belmont stainless steel cloth that can be folded compactly. I DIYed an oil-splattered aluminum sheet sold at a yen shop

And changed it so that it can be folded into a compact size.Of course, I also achieved weight reduction.A 100 yen turbo lighter for lighting a fire costs a bit, so in addition to this, I made a SOTO. I tried using a microtorch.This time, I

Found out that I don’t have any problems with just this microtorch, so I’m thinking of using only this microtorch next year.Until now, I thought it would be a substitute for a kitchen knife. As for the Opinel No. 9 knife that I had in my bag,

I decided to get rid of it because I don’t do any serious cooking, so I decided to get rid of it as well.Since I always have a Tokes titanium windscreen with me, I don’t use this 100 yen knife. I had a windscreen like insurance, but I thought I’d bring it with me too.

I stopped using Montbell’s thermos, which allows you to store hot water as it is.I weighed the benefits of storing hot water, the size and weight of the thermos, and decided to get rid of it this time.The fact that I don’t have a thermos is a big problem.

The weight reduction of these food-related tools totaled 1930G.We were able to reduce the weight quite a bit, Mr. Turnip.Continuing with the 3rd home of 10 meals per meal, we also made a major review of the home. In 2022,

I brought Bandoc’s Solo Tipi 1, which is relatively large for a one-person tent.This tent is a one-pole type and is easy to set up, but in an emergency, it is a non- freestanding type that cannot be erected without pegs.

Also, since I didn’t need this size, I replaced it with a dome-style tent that was one size smaller than the Solo Dome 1 from Bandoc.This tent is small, lightweight, and independent, and the eaves at the entrance can be flipped up to form a small turbulence. This

Is an excellent tent that can be used for overnight camping touring without any inconvenience.The comedian Hiroshi also used this tent.Mr. Takapon used this tent during his first camping trip last year. I was using this tent.It’s a really excellent tent

, but when it comes to long-term touring for 11 days, the amount of luggage is increasing, so this time I found out that I couldn’t store all of my luggage inside this tent. I realized this on the first day of my camping touring trip [Music] This was a big pitfall because I could

N’t fit all my camping touring gear into the tent, so I ended up leaving some of my stuff outside and exposing it to the night dew. In order to prevent that from happening, we need to cover it with a vinyl sheet or something.This was

A real miscalculation.I have some time to think about what to do next year.Next is the 3m square tarp that I brought last time. Even though I had this tarp last time, the sun wasn’t too strong, I wasn’t exposed to rain, and setting up a tarp was surprisingly time-consuming, so I ended up

Not using it because of various reasons. I realized this, so I stopped bringing a tarp with me on this tour.Next, regarding the ground sheet to put under the tent, last time I brought a Yutaka green sheet, but this time it was quite heavy. I replaced the aluminum survival sheet

That was used inside the tent with a lighter and thinner aluminum survival sheet, which also contributed to a considerable weight reduction. I think, and next, this is also a big change regarding the sleeping area.As for the sleeping area at the camp in 2022, we

Will use a so-called camping bed as a test site to see what type of sleeping area the old man will settle down on. I took the opportunity to try out all three types, an air

Mat and a closed cell mat.As a result, I know that cots are very comfortable to sleep on, but the disassembly and reassembly process is extremely tedious. During the 11 days, I only used the cot twice.On the other days, I

Layered a closed cell mat on top of the air mattress.The closed cell mat alone was uncomfortable and I had a hard time sleeping on it . So for this touring, I decided to keep the cot clean and invest in Thermarest’s Neo Air Old Man Cub

Believes that bedding is where most people spend their money.The storage space of a cot without a cot is also greatly reduced.There is a risk

That an air mat will become unusable if it gets punctured due to holes, so we recommend using a closed cell mat. Mr. Kabu G thinks that a combination is essential, so he decided to bring these two.The reliability of

Closed cell mats, which can be expanded quickly and there is no need to worry about them becoming unusable due to openings, is extremely reliable, Mr. Kabu . Next, I will review my sleeping bag. Last year, I

Used a completely over-spec Montbell down sleeping bag that was rated for minor 8°C. It was very bulky, so I ended up spending a lot of money. I jumped off the stage in Shimizu and went to Nanga’s 0°C. I bought a compatible down sleeping bag.Since

This down sleeping bag has water-repellent and carbohydrate properties , I was able to get rid of the sleeping bag cover that I had brought with me last year, so the total cost of the sleeping bag is The weight has been reduced by 800g.My wallet has also become much lighter.My wife

Has also been feeling very nervous.From now on, I have been thinking about which sleeping bag to use for the outside temperature so that I can sleep more or less comfortably. I’ve started experimenting, and

I’ll put a link in the video summary section, so please take a look.Next is the pillow.Until last year, this was a pillow that was integrated into the air mattress , but to be honest, it wasn’t very comfortable to sleep on. This year,

I bought a pillow with Thermarest sponge on Mercari for a cheap price.The comfort of my sleep has improved to a certain degree, but next time I want to find a pillow that is even more comfortable.Just changing the pillow will make sleeping easier. Comfort is a big difference.Next is insect protection.Until last year, I

Used to bring this forest incense and mosquito coil with me, but when I used it inside the tent, the inside of the tent was so full of smoke that I couldn’t breathe. So this time, I added this tool

Called the Tiny Repeller of the LED lantern flex tail that can be used with the Babe Mat.It can be used as an LED lantern without smoky smoke, and it can also be used as a mobile battery. This is an excellent product of Ding. Even if you use it inside a tent,

You won’t get choked with smoke, and your clothes and bedding won’t get smelly. It’s very comfortable. Next is the lighting. Last time, I added this separately from the headlight. I was using a small Biolight Powerlight Mini.When this light was introduced

To the world as a camping tool that could be charged via USB, it became a groundbreaking product that sparked a cat explosion.It’s compact and can be used as a power bank. It’s a super compact and lightweight light, but after I started shooting YouTube videos, I

Started to get a little dissatisfied with the brightness, so I decided to use a more powerful and brighter LED light . This is a heavyweight LED light.This light has an intense brightness of up to 1200 lumes and 13400mAh, which makes it a powerful power bank, but I

Wish it wasn’t this powerful, so I’ll try it next year. I might replace it with something a little lighter.Next is a logos candle lantern with a romantic frame that emphasizes atmosphere and is not very practical as a lighting.Last time I

Used it in oil, but there was a problem with the oil leaking during transportation. It was a hassle to have to drain the oil from the tank each time, so this time I decided to use a candle.Candles are solid unless you light them, so you

Don’t have to worry about oil leaking, so you don’t have to worry about oil leaking. Yes, it’s a small change in terms of weight reduction, but it’s very important to make it easier to use.Next, I’m going to use a chair for camping.I’m using Moonlens’ so-called Helinox Homage assembly-type

Low chair. However, it was troublesome and bulky to assemble, so this time I bought a small type that is relatively easy to assemble.It fits quite compactly.Also, the camping bag I used last time in Jibeta style is also fully equipped. Next, when I went camping,

I used a small bag to store all my personal belongings, but it was complicated because if I put a lot of small items in one bag, I couldn’t take them out right away. So this time, I prepared for the weight increase and introduced a container called Montbell’s travel pouch.It

Is very convenient because it can easily store small items used around the tent.Other small items include an analog thermometer and a digital thermometer. This is a thermometer that is very easy to read for Mr. G, whose eyesight has become noticeably weaker.Next,

This is the Aedes barrier spray that I had last time.This time I took the plunge and got rid of it.It also takes up a lot of space and weight. I think it contributed to a considerable weight reduction because I had a regular folding umbrella with a Montbell Ultralight Trekking Umbrella.

I didn’t use the umbrella at all last time, but this time it rained quite a bit, so it was very useful.The weight reduction of these heavy-duty tools totaled 53,919g, about 5.4kg, and it was quite a lot. It’s also becoming more compact, isn’t it? Mr. Turnip.Finally, let’s talk

About changes in other tools other than food, clothing, and shelter.First of all, we introduced a 100-yen bike cover.This is used to prevent bike troubles caused by night dew and to protect wet bikes . I introduced it to save the trouble of wiping the chair seats and for crime prevention purposes.It

‘s a really trivial thing, but it’s cheap, small, and very effective.Next is a spare fuel can.Last time I brought it, but this time I took the plunge . I decluttered the can, which has a big effect in terms of weight and space, but to be honest, I

Should have brought this with me. Without this can, I would run out of gas! I’m faced with a similar situation.Next time, I’ll bring my own.Next, I’ll use UL for bags to load tools onto the bike.Last time, I used

The center of one back rear carrier between my legs. There were 4 bags in total, 3 on each side, and the load was distributed in 5 locations.This time, due to the use of UL for tools, the number of bags was reduced

To 2 bags, 1 on the center carrier and 1 on the rear carrier. I was able to consolidate all of my belongings.With this, I was able to carry out all my belongings in one go by myself.I was able to achieve my

Original purpose.Next, I would like to talk about the photography equipment at once.I replaced the GoPro that I had been using with DJI. We have also introduced a new Instagram 360×3.The number of clamps to mount it and dedicated selfie sticks has increased.By reviewing these other tools, we have reduced the

Weight by a total of 3358g. Up to this point, I have introduced the use of UL for food, clothing, shelter, and other tools.As a result, I was able to reduce the weight by 19,187g (approximately 12kg), and by distributing 5 pieces. I think we were able to consolidate the loading into two

Centralized loading locations, which means we were able to achieve compactness.I feel that we were able to achieve a good UL.On the other hand, there were some inconveniences due to UL, so next time . For long-distance long-distance touring, I’m going to reconsider that aspect once more.My

Style of UL is a bit sharp, such as not being too particular about food and just needing a tent to sleep in. So I don’t think this applies to everyone. It would be very helpful if you could comment on how to reduce the weight of your camping touring gear.

In the next video, I’ll show you how I went a little too far with the UL version this time. I’m going to give you a close-up of the parts where I seem to have failed.If you haven’t subscribed to the channel yet, please do so and wait for the next video.See you next time.It

Was Old Man Turnip.What do you think of this video? Thank you very much for your channel registration, high rating, and comments. We are currently uploading the video on Saturday of the weekend. Thank you for your support.




2022年北海道ツーリング 初日移動の苦行試練⇓


2023年北海道ツーリング 初日~


モンベルトレールアクション ジャケット
モンベルスーパーメリノウール M.W. ラウンドネックシャツ Men’s 
モンベルスーパーメリノウール L.W. タイツ Men’s
Boundless Voyage チタン フライパン スキレット ノンスティック 直火 超軽量 錆びない キャンプ クッカー 調理器具 ノンスティック フライパン 折りたたみ アウトドア用 収納袋付き Ti2062C(フライパン 15cm) 
MUNIEQ(ミュニーク) X-MESH STOVE (large)
Belmont(ベルモント) BM-111 ステンレスクロス
ソト(SOTO) マイクロトーチ ACTIVE(アクティブ) ST-486
バンドックソロドーム https://amzn.to/3QdS9ze
Grabber(グラバー) オールウエザーブランケット OD(オリーブドラブ) 22144
BORN DIGGERS(ボーンディガーズ) アウトドア ブランケット アルミ エマージェンシーシート
THERMAREST(サーマレスト) ネオエアーXサーモ
NEMO (ニーモ) スイッチバック ボリエール レギュラー NM-SWB-R-BR
ナンガ(NANGA) UDD BAG 450DX BEG レギュラー
サーマレスト (Therm-a-Rest )コンプレッシブルピロー Sサイズ
FLEXTAILGEAER 蚊よけマット加熱器 アウトドア 4800mah
Superway LEDランタン
Exgox 折りたたみ椅子 アウトドアチェア
トラベルキットパック M
dretec(ドリテック) ポータブル温湿度計 防滴 IPX4 時計機能
モンベルトレッキングアンブレラ 55
[Naturehike] キャリーバッグ ボストンバッグ88L



・Cub Gsan/カブじいさん チャンネル


0:00 オープニング
0:30 UL化とは?
1:25 UL化をするワケ
4:35 衣類のUL化紹介
8:39 食のUL化紹介
12:29 住のUL化
24:05 その他のUL化
26:05 次回予告




  1. キャンプツーリングですと軽量コンパクトが一番悩ましいですね。

  2. お疲れ様です🤗

  3. UL化は難しいしお金もかかりますよねぇ😆

  4. 2023年、ハンターカブでの北海道ツーリングを振り返る動画の第二弾です!今回の北海道ツーリングでは、キャンプ道具のUL化にチャレンジしました!目的は身軽にキャンプ・ツーリングをするためです。


  5. いつも楽しく動画拝見してます。私は道民で最近キャンプから離れていたこともあり(熊出没等で)ライハや安宿オンリーでしたが今年はキャンプ再開しようと思います。やはりUL化は重要ですね。燃費にも影響しますし。今はハンターカブなんでそこそこ荷物は積めますがやはりUL化は重要だと思います。腰の具合はいかがですか?

  6. まだまだ私には遠い領域ですね

  7. こんばんは😊

  8. 北海道キャンプ🏕️ツー(2w間)今年4回目を計画しています。毎回7/1〜15、敦賀↔︎苫小牧、新日本海フェリー⛴️ですね。時期はA期間ギリギリ、船代が安いからですが寒い日はありますね!バイクは883改、両サイドドライバック取り付け&後席上に手作り荷台を取り付けドライバック(大)+エアーマットを縛り付けてます。荷物はこの3点の中に全て入ってます。2wの長丁場なのでどうしてもトラブル対応の工具類、電装交換部品、瞬間パンク修理kit、3m充電用コードを両サイドbag底へ入れてます。これらが結構な重量ですね!総装備重量≒30kgになるので食事用のキャンプ道具は積んで行きません。毎日外食+テントでは自販機、コンビニ品で済ませてますが十分ですね。テントは寝る💤だけ‼︎これが後片付けの負担が無く自分流です。途中2回程ランドリーが近いキャンプ場を選び洗濯をしてます。過去3回の費用ですが≒16万/1回.2w間(全て含む)くらいで済んでます。

  9. 設営と撤収を繰り返すとコンパクトにまとまるものがストレスなくていいですねー

  10. 丁寧な返信を頂きありがとうございます。天候不順で連日ホテルへ変更もありますね!当日雨では走れてもテントが張れなくバイクの天敵は“雨☔“ですね!幸いな事にこれ迄一度もバイクトラブルは有りません!矢張り備えあれば憂いなし、事前確認、準備が大事ですね!大型バイク883なので総重量も290kg程となり立ち寄り停車する場所、特に傾斜地には神経を使います。一度コケると一人では起こせないので‼︎と883は途中雨の走行時にはブレーキが1/2程に甘くなってしまう事を頭に入れて無いと事故ります。日本車では先ず考えられない事ですが‼︎“安全運転"がキャンプツーを楽しく過ごす第一条件ですね!

  11. とても参考になりました👏



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