
Just listening to this CD will bring you good luck. Please listen to it at least 7 times. I’ll explain why you should listen to it more than 7 times. It’s no good if you listen to it less than 7 times. Recently,

I want to go around the country and see everyone’s faces. I asked if it was true, and I said yes. I was always scheduled to go to the park, and it was a daily routine. Even if I caught a cold, I wouldn’t take time off. I thought I was saying something big, but

I only went to junior high school. I don’t know, I know.Actually , I almost never went to that junior high school, so just because I went to junior high school, I think it’s a sign of my academic background.I’m not worried about that, but I haven’t said anything

About that school council. I’m not talking about the current trend of going to school.In my case, I love school.I just woke up and went to school.As soon as I woke up, I went to school.That seems to be a characteristic of that good girl.When I

Wake up, I go to school. Apparently, when I go there, everyone gathers around and it gets really lively, so when I’m excited, I go home.That’s how I usually lived a bright student life.So , I guess I’m happy being alone. I’m happy, do I

Have worries? I don’t worry. As long as that person is alive, there will definitely be worries, but it’s a lie. There’s no one who doesn’t have that, so if you’re worried, you’ve always been worried. That’s me. I don’t have any

, but I only had one time in my life.I had one of the biggest worries in my life, and it was really terrible, and compared to that trouble, it doesn’t fit in with everyone’s worries and worries.Everyone ‘s own worries are the best. So, what kind of worries do you have? At what point

In your life do you think you’re going from kindergarten to elementary school? I guess it’s early on, right around the time when you go from kindergarten to elementary school . That’s when I had the biggest worries of my life.

So, what kind of worries do you have? What happens to humans when they die? Humans I wonder what will happen if I die, and I keep thinking about it.I wonder if I won’t be able to see my parents, I won’t be able to

See my friends, I wonder if I won’t be able to care for them.I don’t know, I wonder if it will become completely dark. At first I felt like I was going to get lost in the darkness, but I wonder if that’s not

The case.I was strangely scared of what it would be like to disappear into nothing , so this incident made me think of that again. The cat that I had previously won just died, but I loved it, so it was a huge shock.The

Story is going to be hard to believe from now on, but my story is unbelievable. If you don’t believe me , please think of yourself as normal.There’s a book out there saying that I’m normal, so

It might be more fun to go a little further than normal.Yeah, it’s normal. That’s because it’s normal. Normal Japanese people usually love it, but normal is in the middle. That’s 50 points out of 100. I’m sure my mother would be angry if I got 50 points. If I

Were that kid, I’m fine with being normal. It’s okay to be average, but I think it’s better to be a little above average, so what I’m talking about right now is that I’m talking about something that’s a little higher than average.So, don’t say you’re right when you think you’re right

. Remember that when you say you are absolutely right, if you say I’m right, you’ll always end up in a fight.When that happens, you’ll always be a little different, so yeah, I’m a little weird, so I have some thoughts like this . If you don’t say, “Don’t worry about it,”

All the people who said various things before you will turn against you.So, the theory of psychology is not to fight.The theory of psychology is not to make enemies. That’s why it’s strange that people are fighting over spiritual theories.Religious people are always fighting with each other, saying things

Like ” hit the right side and bring out the left” . Hey, if you listen to all kinds of things here, you ‘ll become smarter than the average person. If you become smarter, you should

N’t pretend to be smart. I’m a bit weird, so I have to say it. That’s no good. Now that’s the problem with psychology. That ‘s ridiculous, so don’t get into trouble.So one day

, when I was worried, a ball of light came out, and when that ball of light came out, it told me what would happen if I died, so I thought, oh, this is what happens when you die. This is what happens when you die. It

‘s not a big deal. I realized that there’s nothing to worry about. Those balls of light started coming out more often, and they taught me a lot of things, so I’ll talk about a lot of them today. I don’t have time, so I’ll only talk about four things, but it’s

Not a big story.The story that God tells me isn’t a big story.The things I haven’t said before aren’t worth saying.But I’m right. Since it’s alive , the effects are huge, so as an adult, I sat

There thinking about all kinds of things from this ball of light.I wondered if it was coming out to everyone.Even my parents didn’t see it, and even my friends didn’t. It doesn’t appear. That ball of light only appears to me, so I’ll tell you four of them. Hey, listen and write. I

‘m trying my best to take notes right now, but I don’t have anything worth writing down. Well, I just have to write it down, because there are people with that habit, and that’s why most people don’t look at it when they get home.Well, I guess it’s

Easier to understand if I just write it down , so it’s okay to write it down . I asked my friend how to be happy, because if I weren’t afraid of dying, I’d want to be happy . But this story isn’t as simple as everyone thinks. It’s really deep. It’s 50 cm deep

. It’s important. It’s the most important thing. Write it down. It’s 50 cm deep. It’s deep, isn’t it? Until yesterday, it was 30 cm deep . 20 cm My ki has increased, and it’s getting deeper and deeper.You know, if you want to be happy, you shouldn’t wish for anything, and then you

Shouldn’t try to change it.You shouldn’t wish for anything.For example, if this finger were a little thinner. You shouldn’t wish for anything , like if your legs were a little longer, or if your shot was a little less

Ugly.I think it’s a wish, but from a vibrational point of view, it’s a complaint. As I grumble and complain as I move forward from today to the day after tomorrow, the same unpleasant things will happen to me as the vibrations I’m emitting, and I

‘ll end up attracting unpleasant things.Even if it’s not that I’m happy to be born Japanese, or that I’m happy to be able to eat, etc. There are a lot of people who didn’t wake up today because they’re happy to wake up today, and people

Like that are being considered for a movie right now, so it seems like it’s going to be difficult to turn it into a great movie because there’s no dialogue. Hey, if you live your life like this

, saying things like, “I’m happy,” or “I’m grateful.” From today to tomorrow, from tomorrow to tomorrow, one year will pass, two years will pass, and good things will gradually grow bigger and bigger, like a snowball.

Ordinary people can’t be happy because they’re growing up. I heard it from one person today, so I’ll say I ‘m happy. Tomorrow, I’ll be complaining and whining, and I can’t go again. That’s another good thing. I say things like, “Plus, minus, plus, minus,”

Because I do it every day, so it’s always on, so there’s always something in it.It’s not a minus.It’s like 1 million points.Ever since I was little, I’ve only whined and complained, right ? Saito Teacher, I’m so unhappy.When I was little, my parents abandoned me and left me

Alone.I’ve been bullied ever since I became an adult, and I’ve always said to myself, “I’ve never thought you were weird.’ ‘Why are you so unhappy? I feel like I’m the victim because so many bad things happen to me, but

If I wasn’t the one who brought them on, it wouldn’t be so bad.It’s true , that’s the characteristic of those kinds of people.These kinds of people are at fault. I’ve always said that

There were good people in my life. There were also people in my life who were good to me. I forget about those people. I never say anything about them. I only talk about the bad things . That’s right, because there are a lot of good people around me. There

Are a lot of people who didn’t bully me. There are also people who were kind to me. So when it comes to people like that, they’re not smart at all, and they’re only saying bad things about them. That’s a characteristic, a characteristic, check this out,

And now you see, successful people have characteristics that make them successful.That’s the law of this world.If you jump off the top of a building, everyone will fall and die. Well, I’m not the only one who says that I’m the one who fell above the company. It’s a clear fact.

My company has changed a lot. I think I’m probably the only president of the company who says something like this . It’s called Ginza Marukan, but its official name is Ginza Japan Secretariat Research Institute, so what’s changed? No one’s doing research because there’s no research funding, so I’m

Not doing research either. Well, when I go to sleep, I wish for something like this in my head because it’s good for my knees, it’s good for my lower back, and one month, two months, or three months later , it comes out, and it usually comes out about a month later. When that

Happens, you can write the calligraphy and make it with this, so that’s why you can’t do it.But you have to have fun in the meantime.It’s no good if you worry or suffer even a little.If you do that, you’ll worry. If you do that

, you’ll definitely have to suffer in many ways to sell, which is why inventions are poor, but you have to make those inventions fun, so you can’t suffer, so balance your diet. If

You want something like this kind of green juice, you can easily make something like our green juice, so this is how you make it , and that’s all there is to it . What do you do about things that don’t come to you?

Actually, there are things that don’t come to you. If you do that, they’ll come out

In the places where they’re most likely to come out, all over Japan. If you go out to that person, for example, you’ll stay young forever. If you don’t do that, you’ll wish you had this kind of make-up spirit.If you don’t do it yourself, some scholar will do

It , and if you do, that person will bring it to you and ask someone to turn it into a product. You thought you thought it yourself, but you didn’t. I said it to that person because I said it. [Applause] It’s true. I said it to that person. I said it to him. It’s true. I said it to him, and I said it to him. [Applause] [Music] It’s true . There’s no way you’re going to bring it there. That kind of coincidence can’t happen. This

Is the law of traction, so you can pull it with your thoughts and bring it there. Also, while I’m talking, I keep saying the word God, which I like. Don’t worry about it, I’m the one who thinks that ball of light is God , so for those who don’t know

, I’m not saying you’re a religious group or anything like that, I’m not a religious group. The reason is that religious organizations don’t need taxes.I pay the most taxes in Japan.I’m not just saying that religions aren’t good.That’s why they continue to exist,

Because they have meaning.Everyone. If you’re a religious person, it’s best to always do what you believe in. It’s best to do what you believe in. What the first person said is true. It’s good to listen to people who have changed once in a while. That’s about it. That’s enough,

So I’ll tell you more strange stories.Humans decide on their own lives before they know it.They’ve roughly decided on this and that kind of life.Everyone has already decided that they’re going to live this kind of life. I know most of my life, so even if it becomes suitable,

If the training is difficult, it will come out when the time comes. No matter how much I try to escape, it will come out. When the problem comes out, it will come out. The soul

Is meant to grow by bumping things here and there, so if you realize it, you won’t have no worries. Even if you become enlightened, you won’t have any worries. When you realize it, problems will appear, and while you’re worried, your soul will grow

. Because I understand that, I’m not so afraid of it.Do you understand?When the time comes, I mostly decide on my own life, so for the most part, most people do what they decide, plus or minus 0 points. It seems that you can only live the way you have decided,

So if you change it into a positive thing, you will have a good life, but if you change it into a negative one, you will fall down, but most people are just as they have decided

. You know my life.When I was in junior high school, my teacher said to me, Saito-kun, that I needed to do international classes or be good at at least English.So I was staring at my English book like this.I know I don’t need this, so I can do equations too. Saito

-kun, you have to be able to at least know the equations. So, look at the equations like this. Oh, teacher , I don’t need this. The teacher thinks Saito-kun can’t do it. I don’t need this. Then the teacher says

, “Memorize it!” Yeah, I memorized it on the last minute. So, when we were around, the first line of English in that book was, “I am a boy.” That was the first line, so I only memorized the first line. And then. You know, it didn’t even make

Sense before I used it even once, so I didn’t need a single line.I’m actually right after all, right?I’m not saying that we don’t need English.There are people who need English. It sounds pleasant when you look at it. It

Sounds attractive. People who use that equation want to see wisdom when they see it, and it looks fun, so people who don’t use it can’t see it. Even though they don’t use it in the middle of the day, they don’t get excited,

But they memorize it. I’ve used it about once since I graduated, but I haven’t used it. I’m getting excited. Yeah, that story is a little redundant, but it’s okay

. I want to be a celebrity, and I want to learn about a theater company. There are people out there who say it’s difficult to get in. Just looking at the flag, it’s not impossible, it’s like it’s

Definitely not going to sell, right? But when you really want to do it, you go to those places and make friends and get to know each other. That’s why the path to what you really want to do is unclear, so you do

N’t know if you’ll be able to become a comedian, but you’ll learn a lot of things there, so if you ‘re excited, do it. Isn’t it something that other people should say is bad or okay? Yes, that person is sad, but hey, he’s speaking from his own experience,

So the school teacher said things like, “There will definitely be a legal ceremony,” and there will be English. So why are you saying that? Because I’m the one who is acting like a school teacher. No, before I became a school teacher, I used to work as a delivery person, telling people

That you used to work at a yakiniku restaurant. There’s no such thing as that, so I can tell you from my own experience that if you can’t do it, you’ll be in trouble.If you can’t do it, you’ll

Be in trouble.But that Hoten-style job is one that doesn’t require English skills.Really, God doesn’t bother anyone. I don’t have it , so the people above me are making nonsense about it, saying it’s for this child.This is what’s bothering the child.When I’m late, the teacher pulls out that

Desk next to me. Wait, I was studying like this , so I got used to not being seen by everyone, so God must have known that I would do something like this in the future, and that’s why the teacher and that cute student were by his side. It seems like they

Want to put it in Ahoide, well, it’s an eco-friendly guy.For example, you can’t just smile and act all the time.The teacher says that people who are always smiling are the best. Nobu-chan, you say you can’t look gloomy, but yeah,

You have the talent of being able to look gloomy all the time, and that sender is really good, so rather than fixing it, you have to make the most of it. You know, adults

Get so surprised when something comes up that they don’t have that they don’t have, and they get nervous, so if you do TV work all day like this,

You can sit in front of the TV all day wondering if it’s okay. It’s a talent that people are good at, like being a programmer or doing a job like that.They didn’t have it when they were young, because parents are usually 20 years behind their children

. Because you only speak based on previous knowledge, yeah, even though you do all the emailing and doing things here and there, you’ll always get work, so that’s how you make a living because you’re talented. If I tell you to think about your work

Like you’re sitting in front of it, it’ll work out. There’s a reward for lying. Everyone , remember this. You have kids, right? You’re a student. Now’s the best time for you. That’s a lie. It’s true. Planet time isn’t good at all.

Well, mom, if you go to school one more time, you’ll definitely hate it and won’t go. Tell me the truth . You’re the one who’s having the most trouble right now. What kind of homework is overtime? When you go out into the working world, you have to work overtime, right

? Even seniors in club activities don’t do it in a society where they tell you to wash your clothes and do things like that. I’ve never seen anything like that happen. Hey,

Right now you’re saying it’s the hardest, but in a little while you’ll be out in the workforce and you’ll be at that stage , so you say it’s fun for your moms, but that’s a lie because you’re having a hard time working to make ends meet.That

‘s a lie.I want to stay at home. No, do you know this ? It’s true. What your father earned belongs to everyone, but what you earned is yours. Well, to tell you the truth, children are… That’s right, it would be fun to go out into the working world,

But that doesn’t scare me too much, so don’t be afraid to go out into the working world.When you get to graduation, you say you want to go to a vocational school, but you don’t like it enough to specialize in it .

It’s a reward for threatening them.If you threaten them too much, the children will get scared.Also, there are a lot of girls these days who speak childish language even in their 20s.They speak childish language, so you can see why they dress like children.

I don’t want to grow up, so I just accept what I’m saying to my mom.Actually, it’s fun, but I don’t like it when I’m dating BTA and I don’t like it.Actually, when I said it, I was singing a song. There’s a reward for lying.I’ve

Only attended middle school, so middle school is the best.It’s high school and 3 years of college.It’s okay to run ahead.Even if you say you’re going to run a marathon 7 years ahead of you, you’ll almost always win. If you really

Go to college, you have to go to college these days.You can just say that college is the best.People who go to high school are the best in high school.Anyway, the middle is the best.Those who are biased are no good . That’s right, anything goes. Women

Are the best. Men who were born male are the best. Homosexual people are the best. So the other day, that same homosexual person told me that I like men,

But it’s okay. It’s okay if you’ve been worrying about it for a long time.Whether a man likes a man or a woman likes a woman, there is a heart to love.The most important thing is whether there is love or not.That’s

Why life is love. It’s okay because it’s true. Is it true? That’s right. But do n’t aim only at me. Write it down. This is the most important part. Write it down. [Applause] Hey, I’ll teach you the important points. I’ll take the exam. I’ll tell you

How to be happy. Just one more example . I’m unhappy. Isn’t there someone who can make me happy? I’m unhappy. Someone can make me happy. They’re all excited, wondering if there’s a woman who can make them happy. That’s okay. Let’s laugh. That

‘s it. When unhappy people get together and get married, everyone says, “It’s a good thing.” This will make you happy. The combination of lying and unhappiness + unhappiness is double. I’m unhappy. Why do people who are unhappy become happy when they get married

? You laughed, right? Besides, I’m happy now, so I’m happy even if I get married, and I’m happy even if I don’t . That’s why there are people like me. I’m sure I’m happy now, but I’m not. I’m happy. I’m

Only happy when happy people come together. Do you know what double happiness is? There’s only double happiness or double unhappiness. If the vibrations don’t change, they don’t stick together. Do you understand? There’s only one way to be happy. One side is happy and the other side isn’t wearing clothes.

Because it’s not like we’re fighting each other. We’re both unhappy . That’s the way to be happy. You ‘ll be happy soon, so just keep walking like this. If you do, you’ll send out a lot of strange things. It’s all about vibrations. How to succeed. How to

Succeed. Once you’re happy, you’ll have a happy life. It’s better to be successful . Okay, so how do you achieve success? When I asked you how you did it, success was the number of people you helped, so if

There were many people who were saved because of one person, then you would be successful . I’m working on a book called “This cancer can be cured, cancer can be cured.” By the way, I did

N’t write this, so even if this person doesn’t know, it’s a good book, so I’m working on it, so if this helps, for some reason they’ll thank me, so I’m grateful. For some reason, it

‘s more successful when there are a lot of people doing the same thing.If I wanted to double the sales of my company, I’d have to hold sales meetings, strategy meetings, and all kinds of other things.I don’t think there’s one person who wouldn’t do that. It would be nice if there were people

In this world who were saved by someone like me, so I don’t want those people to buy this book.They can go around selling books, so people who do Buddhism are trying their best to help people.Not this book. It’s okay to do anything, but

When people say that you helped them a lot, you want to buy from them.For some reason, people come from all over the place, and that’s the kind of wave that they have, so there are always people like that . When I do that, for

Some reason I want to see a club there, and everyone is having fun.Even in times of recession, these places are crowded.When it’s not, it’s all about strategies, and I’m thinking of strategies over there, and I’m thinking of strategies here. It’s just that you keep doing things

Like you’re doing something and being beaten. You should stop doing that. It’s better to help each other. Also, you should stop competing. It’s better to cooperate than to compete. Well, when I told you about this, the teacher at my school in Aomori decided to try it out for the exam and go

To the store, and everyone’s scores would go up so much that everyone would get 100 points, right? It’s strange because even if you say “Shinana”, you shouldn’t look at it during the exam, so it’s strange that you know that you should help each other during the exam.If

You know this, this, this problem, you can’t do that exam once a month. It’s okay if we just do it once. Then we all got along really well. If everyone got 100 points, the total score would be a ridiculous number. Do you

Understand? So if we help each other out at work or anything. Everyone at my company gets along well , so we never compete.It seems like competition will help you grow, but that’s a lie.Cooperation is definitely more harmful.Humans are cooperative animals, so we make them compete. I love it, but

I think it’s better to stop it.When it comes to total points, it ‘s going to drop considerably.That’s why individual play, like boxing, is fine.We’re not the same.We’re definitely better off if we help each other out. Even in energy therapy, those who sit down should just help others.When I

Came up from there earlier, everyone applauded and was happy that I was the only one.When I came from here, 1 People came and asked me to go home . Japanese people think that in order to be successful, it’s okay to hold people back. It’s okay to

Do a little bit of bad things, but if people don’t like you, you’re not successful. It ‘s strange to be a successful person because people hate you. People think you’re a successful person because you have that much money, but

People who hate you aren’t successful. Everyone wants to meet that person and have fun being with them . That’s why I’m a successful person for the first time, so the teachings that God tells me are difficult. Nothing is difficult.

All you have to do is do what you can. I don’t want to talk about this, but I really want to and I can’t help it. I go to lectures, but I’ve never given a single yen. I’m an inn. I put

It out myself. I’m asking one person to come to the concerts every now and then. I’m so big. It would be different if I really ate at the park party, but I paid for everything from the inn to the wealthy families, but for some reason

My work is going well when a lot of people come out and say that it was good or that they got something out of it by meeting one person. I’m going, so I’m not doing any harm, right? So whatever you’re trying to say, I

‘ll do something that will make people hate me and come back.In this world, there’s a law of relationships.In the universe, there’s a law of relationships.The earth is also round. Well, the round earth draws edges, everything draws edges, so when I say something, everyone can

Hear it, it spreads out, spreads out, and comes back. hating or whining If you say good things, good things will always come back to you.The law of borrowing is that only the seeds that you have rolled will wither.Because you keep rolling up all the things that are no good.

I’m forced to borrow things I don’t have. When I do something that makes people happy , I come home happy. You know what ? The successful story is over. [Music] Moe [Applause] [Music] What a great lecture. What should I say? It’s okay to say that

, but these things are always hidden from the public. I think everyone listening to this story today will benefit. This recession will last at least 6 years. Please remember that. Why is it going to last for 6 years? I’ll continue to explain , so that’s all.

Now, the book is coming out. Oh, it’s already out. And Bran will be coming out, too. Auntie, I’m trying my best. It’s no good. Aso-san, I’m trying my best. It’s no good. I’m sorry, but I can’t. The sea is covered. It ‘s the same as putting water in a swimming pool and

Throwing it into the sea . Compared to this, it’s like a bucket of water. It’s not like it’s going to come up at that level, so it will come when the time comes.

The tide has laid it out. It’s laid out, so you can fish it out or catch it even if it’s young. That’s right, we’re putting in

All that money, so all the money we put in will come back to us later. It’ll be multiplied by how many times it’s taken back, so the interest rate will be on it. Yeah, but there’s nothing we can do about it now. People couldn’t even predict that it would come, so

The measures they put in place are useless. They don’t know what’s coming, so there’s no way they can figure out how the general will do it. It’s been going on for six years, so I’ve lived for six years. At the beginning of last year, my company

Told a lot of people that there was going to be a huge recession, but they didn’t believe it either . Even if it gets popular, there’s nothing on TV or anything like that, or something like Nostradamus’s summary of the 2021st century, or something like a

Meteorite hitting the earth in 1999 or something like that. Because I believe , even my disciples asked me, “Is that okay?” I haven’t heard anything about it, so next time, even though it’s not there, this time, what year will I ascend ? What’s wrong with this? I’m not lying about anything. There’s

Really no such thing as Saito’s one-man prophecy , and it ends in one page. But next time I won’t believe it, so if you don’t come, I’ll believe it, so next time I’ll tell you, I’ll definitely believe it.Even

So, I’m still watching TV and I haven’t said anything on TV, so when that Tsuchiya thing goes down, the land will definitely go away. When I was talking about cancer, I was looking for something that had gone up.It was a

Long time ago when I was saying that the battleship mountain wouldn’t sink.It was an iron ship that would sink, so it was natural for it to sink.Yes, it was a long time ago. When Russia collapsed, there was no food in Russia, and it

Spread all over the world, and it became a big deal.At that time, I was watching all the time and I heard that these people had a huge amount of food hidden in their basements. Also, after about a month, more and more food came out of the warehouse, and how did you know that?

Because all of the people who came out were fat people, so it’s a given that fat people eat too much food. And yet, since it’s being said on the news, it doesn’t matter what they say on the world news or what they say on the world news, fat people eat too much.It seems

Strange that people would believe the news more than their own eyes. Hanae- chan is a genius. People in the world think that geniuses can do all kinds of things and do everything legally required. You don’t want something you don’t need, you don’t do it. People who keep studying things they don’t need

Aren’t geniuses. They’re idiots. They’re just human beings. You should just focus on what you can do. That’s true. If you go all the way, you ‘ll be in trouble. Your life will be ruined. You only live once. In the meantime,

If you do what you do and where you are right now, you’ll be fine. Health wise : How to cure your illness. There’s only one person in this room who can believe this story,

And I’m the only one.But today, when I look at it, there are a lot of weird people gathered, so I don’t know if there’s anyone who can believe it.No, I don’t know if there’s anyone who can believe it. These diseases can be divided into three types: natural diseases,

Those that cannot be cured, chronic diseases, and those that cannot be cured within six months; some of these are incurable diseases, so I will teach you how to cure these intractable diseases, because they are all the same. Hey, it’s all easier. Remember, there are people with incurable diseases here too. It’s dark.

There’s nothing you can do about it. Even intractable diseases get dark. And I’m a victim. I’m a victim. I get it, because everyone is having fun.What kind of disease does it have to be?That’s what it means, right?That’s why you want to see the victim.What is an incurable disease?

Once you understand what an incurable disease is. It’s surprisingly easy to cure. Dr. Saito: What disease do you have? Yeah, someone told me about it, and it’s usually a doctor. It’s not like the old man next door or the super president

. Yeah, depending on how they told me, it’s probably something like this. What disease do you have? So what kind of illness do you have? Well, it’s a little hard to understand, so let me explain it a little more clearly . It’s not an incurable disease, it can’t be fixed,

Right? You can’t fix it, it’s bad. I’ve been to many hospitals, I’ve been to many places, and there’s a lot of academic societies in Japan. If one person can fix something, if they discover it, they’ll all be cured. If you have an incurable disease,

You won’t be able to get it anywhere.I go to many different doctors.I don’t think it’s strange.So let’s talk about how to fix it.There ‘s a gasoline car here. Yes, if you go through this, you’ll be destroyed in one hit.But humans were created by God, so they can’t be destroyed in one hit.There’s never

Been a time like now when people are so crazy about eating sweet things and stupid things. I’ve seen people eat meat but not eat vegetables.When I go to foreign countries , people tend to eat meat because they eat lemon or sour food to neutralize the body

, like Chinese food. If you go to Korea, they eat a lot of kimchi, right? They make it sour to balance it out.However, Japanese people hate sour foods and eat vegetables, so they go to gasoline-powered cars. It’s weird to put air in a place where air needs to be injected all the time,

Isn’t it?If you’re a human, your feelings are like trees.The characteristic of people who get sick is that they can’t even use a blower. I’m so careful that I get angry that I can’t even use it as an ingredient, so I stop doing that, and

I don’t mind putting 30% of it in my rice, so I put it in the rice and cook it, and then I eat something proper.I’m a doctor . I’m not saying I don’t need it. There are doctors out there. They’re doing their best.

Japanese doctors are really trying their best. They’re making me sick because of that . It’s the same with the nurses. Everyone is doing their best. They don’t try to fix what’s wrong with them at all. So I look like I’m the victim. If you’re a victim, there’s a perpetrator,

Right? Who is the perpetrator? That’s the lady behind the scenes , or the guy next door who’s the super president. He ‘s definitely at fault. Illness comes from within. He’s the one who came in and ate it. He thinks for himself

. It’s not an umbrella when your life is at risk. It’s a human being. Every person is beaten at least once. This state of being beaten is a disease. God, you’re just taking things too seriously. Don’t change your thoughts. Don’t change your thoughts. No matter how hard I hit you,

I don’t even realize you’re hitting me on the head. Someday, I’ll see you at Noneho.Won’t it be like a new drug that will cure you in one shot?

What kind of change will it take to change your lifestyle?What kind of medicine will change the way you think?How many good times have God created it ? Precision, I’ll tell you right now.I’ve got a cold.I’m a sick person.Here’s how sick people teach you

To heal yourself.Heal yourself first.When the wind blows, my legs get tired . Don’t go out. If you go out, it won’t heal well or you’ll have to pass it on to someone else. First, your legs will get stiff.

After that, you’ll get a runny nose. When you get a runny nose , wash the inside of your nose thoroughly. It’s getting cold. When it gets hot, its immune system increases and it

Kills everything from the wind. When it’s done killing it, a yellow carcass comes out of its nose. The recent cover comes out. It ‘s yellow. It usually heals once the flowers appear. Is that okay? Also, 300 or even thousands of moth cells are formed a day. Those thousands of cells

Were all killed in the past. I’ve recently learned that if you can do it once, you can never kill it.I’ve been killing it properly, so if it accumulates next time, I’ll catch a cold.Recently, I’ve

Started killing it when I catch a cold and get a fever. Everything heats up quickly, and if you drink something or your fever rises, you lower it.Do you understand?The first person is trying his best to talk like this, but he’s catching a cold.I feel sorry for the first person.Keep up the good work!

I cut my hand.When I cut my hand, blood came out.When I did that , I washed away the germs.When I did that, a turnip formed and blocked the outside air. I’ll cut off the outside air and fix it inside. Once it’s healed, the turnip will come off. I’ll do this

On my own. I have a car. My car is the best. It’s the best car in the world. If I scratch it with a nail, it will bleed . When I got there, I made an umbrella and took it off, and it was fine.

There’s no such thing. Even if you have the best car in the world, if it gets crooked, that’s the end of it. If your car breaks down, it’s only natural that you take it to Syria. I’ll leave it to you. It

‘s obvious, but the human body is fine if you just do what it’s supposed to do and leave it to you, but if you don’t do anything and act like a city councilor, you’re making a big mistake. That’s right when it comes to the cosmic energy system of the universe

. Please, please, before I ask you to do what you do, there will be 20,000 people working for you for free. What are you doing? Please don’t stop doing what you’re doing. Please, if you think that if you just hang out, the situation will be over, you’re making a big mistake. It’s

Not because the ambulance is slow, it’s the patient. What are you doing? The hospitals are full, but the number of doctors is increasing. There are too many patients. It’s a lie that 70% of Japan’s food is imported,

And if we can no longer import it, 70% of people will starve to death. That’s right, you can’t harvest as much rice as you want.Brown rice is a full-time job.Everyone eats brown rice, even sardines.It’s okay.Everyone is like that.We don’t eat sweets, we just become healthier

. It’s true, isn’t it? I always say threatening things. Most of the time, I’m just trying to tell you to feel safe. When you feel safe, you quickly forget what I said. No matter how passionate I am, listen to

What I have to say. I always remember that when I’m threatened, I like not to be threatened.You can tell by looking at this person, but if you’re threatened, there are a lot of people who would buy a pot or anything.End of healthy story [Music] Third, it’s about hell.I’ve

Only ever talked about hell to my disciples.My disciples have heard it, but I don’t talk about it outside.I don’t like to threaten people, so if you’re going to do it in Kyoto. When I was praying at a certain shrine,

The god there said to me, Mr. Saito, please balance the story between Yin and Yo. That’s when I started talking, so there’s no reason why I won’t talk if I don’t just talk. People here. Almost everyone will go to hell together. Mr. Eda

Will explain what kind of hell he is going to. I don’t want to go to a place that I don’t understand. Hey , I went to a barber shop the other day, and the wife there was… He

‘s a really good customer, and there are people with special abilities.Any kind of person can do Reiko, so I thought my father had died, so I trained him.He appeared in a dimly lit room. When I told my dad,

He yelled at me and said, “Oh, my dad wasn’t there. He told me he was tired of walking. When I went somewhere else, he said it was too cold to walk, so he just crouched still . My dad was in a strange place.” Yes, that’s hell

. Hell is cold, dark, and smelly, so there’s no hell. There’s no need to believe or not. I understand death. I look at the light. That’s why I’m talking like this.I have one good news.I know a way to avoid going to hell.That’s why I won’t be able to see you again.I’m

Very happy to be able to share this news with you today. Hey, I’ll tell you how to avoid going to hell. Why are we going to hell even though we haven’t done anything wrong? Why do we have to go? Even if

It doesn’t become a sin in this world, it becomes a sin in the next world. It’s the sin of indifference. But Christ does this too. Getting to heaven

Is harder than going through the eye of a needle. So does Mother Teresa. The opposite of love is indifference. It’s not anger or anything like that. It’s not fear. It’s indifference. What’s so special about it? Now,

There are people who are against the construction of a facility for people with disabilities near my place.It doesn’t make any difference to me.It’s not a crime to oppose it.The only reason why I’m against it is because

I and this child have a disability. If you object to something like that because you don’t have it, you become indifferent to other people.I understand that this cancer can be cured.Cancer can be cured.I read this directly and said that I was very grateful that even one person was saved.Thank you very much

. I’ll shake your hand and say thank you, and that’s it. You can’t pass it on to other people. If you’re happy with what you’ve read, you can pass it on to your friends , or the people around you

. Right now, 1 in 2 people will die. 1212 This is how it’s going, you want it to happen, don’t you? 12 It’s fine if you’re moved by it, but you can’t pass on good things to others. This is the domino that one person has knocked down, and these dominoes of happiness

Are going on and on and on and on and on and on. So, when the domino falls all the way to me, I hold it back and stop it. What am I supposed to do by holding on ? If I don’t do that, I’ll go straight to hell.

I can go! Someone gave me that crystal, and I use it like a talisman . It’s not a talisman. You gave it to me because I wanted to help others, but even so, I cherish it like a talisman. I can go straight to hell. Yes, it’s true.A man

Asked me a question the other day, and I work quickly.So, when I finish my work , I have to help my co-workers.I have to work twice as much for the same salary. I think that’s right, but when you ask me if I’m wrong,

I say no, I’m not wrong, but you have a bad personality. I guess I should help you. It’s over, right? When it’s over, I can help you and do that. Well, you know, talent is given by God.People who are good at it

Will be able to help others depending on their talent.It is often said that genius is better or hard work is better, but that is because you received both.Both are talents. Yes, being a hard worker is a talent.People

Who work hard and become hard workers are people who are hard workers to begin with, so they work hard.They didn’t become hard workers by trying hard.The talent of being a hard worker. That’s why hard-working people work hard

To achieve something and say that they are useful to others, and when that comes to us, they think it’s theirs and give in. Don’t be stingy. Don’t delay in life because you’re saying too many things and being too generous. Don’t delay in life. I understand. You should

Help your friends if they’re doing it. Being interested means you can’t be indifferent. Be interested in everything. Don’t say that you think this book is good. For example, I’m giving out a tape of mine. You can

Listen to this tape and listen to whatever you think is good. Do something that you think will help you . So it’s always like that. Enlightenment is always dismissed. I’m here right now, right here, right now, and the person in front of me is important. I

Teach that person what I know with a smile on my face . That’s why I go to any park party. Well, here you go, you’ve got a big head, and you’ve got something to eat, and if you eat

It, you’ll take it out.If you keep it in there, there are people who have constipated heads, and eventually their heads will rot.I’ll tell you what I know.Constipated heads. I ‘ll tell you what I know.This planet is about learning, teaching, learning, teaching.Everywhere you

Go , there are people who can teach you.Even if you become homeless for a month, a new homeless person will eat and go over there, and it’s warm. You can definitely help people, like there’s food there and there.There are people right here in front of me

Who don’t even say hello to their neighbors.There’s a lot of love for the person in front of me. If you ask only those people, it’s true that they’re worried about refugees in any part of Africa, and there will be people right in front of them.Let’s build an elementary school somewhere.

That’s what I’m thinking.Before that, I told my neighbor to say hi and then stop making that face.Leakes is a psychotherapist.I can tell that his father looks like Leakes.That’s the kind of face he makes when he’s the kind of guy who’s going to hook up with someone. What kind of heaven is Saito-san

Talking about ? There are no people like you. If you ask me, a lot of my ancestors have gone to hell, right? They’ve been there. What should I do? There’s nothing I can do about it. I went to study. I went to study. That’s okay. But what if I want to

Suffer ? No, it’s really okay for Buddhist altars to do it.But if a child is sentenced to 3 years in prison, it’s 3 years.I understand that cancer is 3 years.If they come out in 2 years, it’s because they have cancer. No, it’s because the child in the school was serious. Is it

Okay? Isn’t it okay to worship her? That’s not the case. Instead of being ignored even though she went to prison, why don’t you visit her sometimes and write a letter to her mother? If you come out , you’ll be trying to avoid doing bad things, so that’s a good

Thing. But the biggest pain is not going to hell . Ah, I finally learned that I won’t go to hell. Hey, we ‘ve been connected all our lives, so you’ve finally come out. I understand that this is the greatest pain. I understand that you want to earn food and buy a pot.

If I could buy a pot and go to heaven, I would buy it. I’ll walk in. I ‘ll say goodbye and go on my own. Yeah, but that’s not a good idea. I can tell by looking at the waves of people here, but be careful

. The waves of being deceived are too strong. You know , 6. When you go to a Kasakai to tell Nene fortune-telling, the first thing you’ll be told is that you come from a really great family, and that in your previous life you were a diaper-sama . The man always tells me

That you were an Indian Mahaji , and asks if he has the same necklace that you wore when you were a princess . It doesn’t matter how good a person you were in your previous life.We’ll all be reset and emerge.It doesn’t matter what your ancestors did or what they did.You’re a

Fine person who lived a good life in this life. If you’re not human or in this life 6, you’ll go to hell, so it’s okay to be Ishikawa Goemon in your previous life.Even if you’re Ishikawa Goemon, it

‘s fine as long as you help people in this life.When you wake up in the morning, you wake up feeling like you’re going to be kind to people all day today. Hey, it’s just an analogy. If an elderly person has luggage, I’ll carry it for them. That’s what I thought,

But I’ve never seen an elderly person think that it’s really heavy. But when you feel like that, you feel kindness. When I go out, I’m trying to be kind to people, and people who are ugly are

Different. About 10 years ago, when I went to my house, there was a Komatsu River, and there was a long bridge, and it was a big problem because it was so lame. I was on a hill, and there, Mr. Tsuki, a salesman,

Was pulling on me for a long time, so when I swerved, I got down and pushed him from behind, even though it was the first time in 10 years that I missed him. I won’t go there , but if I don’t try to be kind on a daily basis,

I’ll end up going because my eyes don’t go that way. It’s funny when people treat you like this, but it’s true.The vibrations you put out will come back to you, so fear will always come back to those who are afraid, so be careful.When something good happens, something bad happens, and

It’s a good thing. If something happens, bad things will happen.In reality, there can only be good things after good things.That’s what I thought, that there are good things and bad things, so I listened to the story.I wonder if it’s okay for me to be this happy.Someday, something bad will happen.

I keep saying things like, “Isn’t that what’s going to happen?” That’s why it always brings out bad things, but when you say that even if bad things happen, only good things can come out of this,

It’s that way of thinking that ends up being a good thing. If you live your life thinking that you’re no good because you only went to middle school, bad things will always happen. I’ve never been made fun of because of my educational background

. I’ve never made fun of anyone. It’s hard to make fun of me. I’ve only said it in junior high school, but I’ve never made fun of it

, and I’ve never made fun of it. But if you’re worried about being made fun of, there will always be people who make fun of you. It ‘s true. There are people who make fun of me even in high school. I didn’t even make fun of them in middle school. I didn’t make

Fun of them in college even though I went to a better university. That’s all . Don’t stop. There’s a way to avoid being made fun of. If you make fun of me, I’ll punch you. I understand. You shouldn’t pick on people who are weak. If you’re going to say something like that, then

You’re the one who’s good at it and you’re trying to make fun of people. Then I’ll do what I’m good at and make you a better person.I’m not a mentalist, I’m an emotionalist, so it’s interesting , isn’t it?Interesting.[Applause] Yes, life is fun.I’ll tell you how to be happy in the next life.

[Music]That’s right, I get it. If you’re a woman, you should memorize this word. I understand. When do you use it? A woman comes to me. My older sister is terrible. She spends my money. She’s done a lot of terrible things. She even shed tears. If you ‘re listening to me

, your siblings are close, so you’re my real sister, right? I can’t imagine my real sister doing something like that.I don’t know, but at the same time, your next life will be decided.Yes , I definitely understand. God, I don’t understand, but you always understand.If I’m going to say it anyway, I

Understand.Your sister is different from that person.My sister is a person, but you don’t usually lie, right?You don’t shed tears. Right, that person was trying so hard to tell me that I was crying. I believe you. You can’t tell if something’s a lie unless you’ve experienced it. Even if you haven’t experienced it, you

Can tell if it’s the truth or a lie by looking at someone’s face . He wakes me up and says I haven’t eaten in 5 days. I haven’t eaten in 5 days. Someone from that dressing room brought me food and told me to eat. I don’t know if that’s the case someday.

I haven’t eaten in 5 days. You can’t say unloving things.A certain wife comes to see me.My husband is at home doing a lot of work, and he’s even crying.The wife knows that and tells her that he’s not a good husband . At the same time, your future life will be decided.There

Is no doubt that you will marry someone who is good on the outside and bad on the outside.That’s all.I know everything.You shouldn’t have to express your opinion.You know, after saying that you understand, you can’t say what

You think. That’s right, I get it, but there are some people who are ugly and have a bad exterior.On the other hand, if you have a bad exterior, you can’t walk around in public, or whatever .

If you have the range to say it, people will be happy in the next life, and your soul will grow, so you will be happy in the next life.So if you can do that in this life, you will be happy.That’s what Japanese people are all about.

Most of the time, I don’t listen while the other person is talking. I don’t know what they’re doing, but I’m thinking about what I’m going to say next. I’m just waiting for them to finish talking. I get it, but I say my opinion without saying it, so

It’s terrible. When I get to a point, even if I interrupt in the middle of the conversation, I say what I mean, so I end up licking my lips while the other person is talking, and all I can think about is what to say,

Right? I get it. And then I stop talking. This alone makes me happy. So, when I told you this the other day , I had a really bad relationship with that father.There was a parent-child relationship.When the other person said something,

He would retaliate.That’s right.Since I said, “I understand,” I started saying things like that.The relationship between parent and child has gotten better. This is the growth of the soul. There are times when the fire is going down and there’s nothing you can do about it. When you’re in trouble, rise up. All you

Have to do is raise your soul. If you think about it a little divinely, this is it. What is it ? If you raise it up, the problem will be solved. When you’re doing things like a thump

, you’re trying to run away to the side. All you have to do is raise your soul. That’s all. It’s hard to understand, isn’t it ? That’s great. I’m grateful. I’ve been praised. Yeah, I’m done talking about Lyce. That’s it. [Music] I have one last thing to say. [Applause] [Music]

Let’s talk about the path . I have my own path. Yes, everyone has their own path. In life, there is a path. You can only walk your own path. No matter how much you envy others, it’s no good. And well , most people surprisingly have their own path.

It’s ordinary, but it’s hard to understand ordinary things, so I try to tease them out a bit , but there are people who walk around with their own path blocked out.Most people get upset, and if you get upset today, they’ll be in a better mood tomorrow. Yes

, but when there are many people who are left behind, it seems like the only person who will take a different path in life will always end up in a bad direction, so if you walk again, there will be another way to go. I’m walking on my own path,

But when I start to feel negative things, I start to take a turn for the worse.However, I start saying things like, “I’m happy,” or saying hello to people I meet, or saying, “Hey, I ‘m happy because I can eat.” So, when you walk again, you’re going in the right direction, so if you

Take it in the positive direction and the positive direction, your life will become as much better as I was when I was 20 years ago . Someone asked me to give it to you. It’s the best station building in Japan, so I showed it to you. You’ll never

Have money in your life, so I said, ‘I bet you think you can’t have this kind of thing.’ That’s why I look at my hands.People look at me too.I’ve thought about this.I’m always worried about people telling me that it’s because it’s a cat. It always

Goes to the bad side. When you do bad things to people, you’re always saying things like, “This is what I was told by someone who’s crazy about doing bad things to people.” Listen , this move is enough. This is God. It was given to me. There are people who are helpless.

What’s wrong with this? The name Saito Hitori is a very lonely name. It’s lonely, isn’t it ? It’s okay to take what God has given you. You shouldn’t give it to me. This name is fine. This name is fine. So, if you’re having fun and being happy, you

‘re just going to go to a better place. Do you understand? What’s that about “Mahjong” or “Poker”? No one ever wins by complaining about the first hand they’re dealt. You start from there. What’s the point of complaining from the beginning? People are better at

Thinking than others, and I’ve never missed a number of people.For some reason, people who are happy when they sleep have a happy face, and people who are gloomy have a gloomy face. Well,

If we continue with this gloomy mindset, we’ll know where we’re going.Even if it’s an outbound train, we’ll take over the outbound train, and we’ll know where it’s going.There ‘s no point in looking at it.We’ll look at the symptoms.The symptoms.A

Long time ago, it was the number one station building in Japan. The guy who became Obo- yaki Obo-yaki used to play the role of corpses, so I looked at the origin of the dead people. There are people who

Look like rich people but aren’t rich at all. They look happy. They’re definitely happy. There are some people who look like children and run away, leaving their faces behind. What’s different is the way they think. The way they think is better. The vibrations they emit are better .

I didn’t know if anything good happened from writing my name. The only good thing that happened was the one who got paid for writing my name. Well, that’s just the way it is . If only one person said they were a fan. This is fine.If the station building says

This, then this and that is fine.This personal identification is fine.This name is fine.With this, I will go cheerfully and happily, so that’s all I need.It’s up to me whether I can say this or not.With that, my fortune will change rapidly. Hey, that’s what I was told. Don’t go to sleep. I’m

Going to sleep . Let’s finish by talking about something fun. When you’re with someone, it’s okay. Is everything okay? No, don’t you say that being alone is more fun than Disneyland? My brother likes being with me, so that’s fine, but I’m really having fun, so why is it fun? People who are

Happy are thinking about fun things, so I ‘m boring because they think about fun things.People who get angry are the ones who are always angry. I was thinking about something that made me angry, so I came home and

Said, “Why did you leave a rag here? But you got angry before you could even use a rag. Really, I don’t care if it’s a rag or a cloth. Gobogan.” That’s what I’m saying. I’m most angry when I’m not satisfied with anything.

Then next time I bring up things from the past. I bring up things where I lived. I’m a human being. Thinking about things like “Let’s be happy and thinking about boring things” and saying “Let’s have fun together” but you can’t do it because you’re the one who’s thinking about it.My

Younger brother has training, and roughly speaking, it’s my teachings. It’s simple. Just be patient with most things. If you’re patient, your relationships will go well. But if you’re patient, you’ll break yourself down. If you’re not patient, your relationships will fall apart. You have to balance that

, and there are a lot of things you don’t like about it.Japan is a different country than the United States.You know, in the United States, you can get rich and not get sick.Boxing. But if you become the champion of everything, it

Doesn’t matter what you say. Even if you say something rude, everyone will applaud you. Japan is different. In Japan, the higher you get, the more you become successful. This is a country where we have to be humble. God here will not allow such a thing. That’s

Why there are people who started companies and got promoted . They thought their promotion would be destroyed. However, I find myself bowing down more and more often because things don’t go the way I want them to, so there are people who are angry at the rich people and the people who got promoted.This

Is the place in this country where people think they can’t help themselves. I won’t forgive you.When you get rich and rise in rank, you have to be humble.Emiko, the president of the company, used to be the first teacher at a top-class hotel in Tokyo before she started working for me.She was

About 20 years old. One day, I was driving a Century and I told my friend that he was driving a Century.Then someone who was asleep suddenly woke up and said thank you, and it turned out to be the president of Toyota.

President of Toyota If you become the president of Japan’s number one company, you won’t be found out.You have to bow down to the customers here and there.Being great means bowing down more and more. Japan is a country , and we

Have some unpleasant things to do, so we’re playing a game where we turn it into something funny. If we can’t do that, we won’t all be able to live happily ever after.I went to Aizu the other day and didn’t meet Fukushima Prefecture, so when I went to the park there, it was

Really late and I couldn’t get out . That’s when I said, “I’m going to analyze it from noon today .” That made me laugh, and “It’s bad to eat soba.” That soba tastes so bad. I couldn’t help but say, “This soba is amazing.” I ‘m making soup from soba noodles.I

Went to Takayama and went to a coffee shop.The person there was on the phone.They didn’t even have water even though we were inside, so they kept calling me. I said that what we travelers are looking for is impact, so I only remember Shida Takayama and that place.I’ll

Definitely go again next time.I haven’t decided yet.The 33 places in Tsugaru are in Aomori.Tapi Misaki. When I went there, I stayed at a ryokan, so I asked the people at the temple where I was going to stay that night.I managed to get to the ryokan, but

They kept silent.I thought it was dangerous, so I turned away.The futon was thin and heavy. Today, I’m having the same amount of fun as 10 futons.It’s so heavy that I’m wearing 10 futons.That futon was so interesting.Can I cook that meal anytime?Can I cook that meal anytime? It’s been a long time since

I was able to do it anytime. Well , it’s about that inn. We ‘ve been playing that game for about 10 years now. It’s not about what humans are like, it ‘s about how we can make things more interesting. If you don’t play with cats,

You won’t be able to live happily.If I tell this person, and he or she says that he or she is looking for some bad soba somewhere, then I have to say this . I think about crazy things, but only when I’m in the park.Everyone

Seems to be saying weird things, but only when I’m at a performance.When I’m talking straight, I’m thinking about really stupid things, and it’s ridiculous. No , I was smiling the other day , and I asked one person what he was thinking right now.There was a story that I told him.What if it’s hell?

A certain person died, and I thought that this certain person was me. Hey , if you were to go to hell, that person would be in a good place if you did go to hell. Look around like this. It’s a nice place. The nose

Is blooming and the birds are flying. There’s no place like this. That’s it. The scenery is nice, but the people are kind.Everyone I meet is kind.That’s the best thing about it.When I was sitting on the grass and the wind was blowing, I felt happy and sleepy.When I tried to go to bed,

What if? What if? When I wake up, he won’t let me go to sleep, so I try to go to sleep, but it’s already the 5th day, and I’m already sleepy. I wonder if I can’t sleep somehow, and that person has his eyes on his eyelids. He

Scratches his eyes. When I pretend to be awake and try to sleep , I get woken up, which everyone does.It becomes clear by the 5th day, and by the 10th day, it’s human nerves. I’ve reached my limit, so if you do

Something to me, I’ll make a fuss , so I’ll ask you to leave me alone.I’ll start to get violent, but when I find out more about the house, I’ll get angry, and then you’ll understand.Please be as violent as you like. When I try to go to sleep because I’m so

Exhausted , I wake up again after about 5 days.Next time, let’s go cycling today.It feels good.Even if it’s windy, I’m definitely not going to sleep. I don’t want to go cycling , don’t say that, let’s go! I don’t want to go cycling,

But I’m not in love. Let’s go, look, on the lawn. Let’s eat a sandwich. It’s delicious. So, I’ll sleep while eating a sandwich. But tomorrow you wake up and say, “Let’s climb that high mountain.” “ Hello, I can see all of hell. It’s the best.” “Let’s climb up there.” No,

If I don’t sleep and climb that mountain, I’ll be there. I’m going to die, so I’m not going to die here, so I thought to myself, Rick, and he said to me, “Please take out the sleeping bag that I’m in. I can’t sleep, so I’ll take you

Dizzy all the way to the top of the mountain. Look, it ‘s a beautiful view.” When that person says that there is no such thing as a painful hell, there is only one good thing here. Tomorrow, there

Will be only one day in a year where you will be able to sleep. Is it true? Is it okay to sleep all day? That’s right . I can sleep all day long. I’ve been waiting so long

That the next day comes and I think, “Oh, I can sleep tonight,” and I try to sleep, but what if? Hello, you woke me up. Didn’t you say you could sleep all day today ? What are you talking about? Today is April 1st. Isn’t it Écrire Fool? Let’s laugh together.

I can’t laugh. I can’t feel like laughing . How many more years will there be in Hell? The earliest is 100 years. It’s been 150 years for you. 150 years? Are there that many? By the way, why are

There so many people in Hell? Is that a bear? In the beginning, everyone I get dark circles under my eyes , so I end up with dark circles.Even if you say, “Life isn’t all that bad,” and work isn’t that bad, it’s

Hard for me.Yes, it’s painful. What am I comparing this to? Compared to Hell, I ‘m having a bad day. When I get home today, there’s something terrible going on. There are people who are going to work.

At times like that, compared to Hell, I’m happy just to be able to sleep. If you suddenly laugh when it happens, people are no longer succumbing to that hardship.Apply it when you’re on an island.If someone loves soccer, you love soccer.I’ve prepared a soccer field for you tomorrow.No, go to sleep.

You were drinking tea even though I didn’t want to drink tea. Thinking about happy things makes you happy. And when you think about happy things , you attract happy things. We had a lot of fun talking today here. Let’s go to heaven together and have a party there. Thank you very much.


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