
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen We are a couple traveling around Japan with our DIY Hiace Sui-chan, camping and sleeping in the car. Currently in Kyoto Prefecture Today, I would like to leave Sui-chan behind and go to the city of Kyoto Prefecture. It’s Sui-chan who I left behind today. But why···

Of course I’ve been to Kyoto before. After choosing a few places we could go by train, Sui-chan would be home today. At a cheap parking lot called “akippa” We would like to park there all day and take a walk on our own today. So, Sui-chan, I would like to start today

By saying I’m sorry. I think it would be great if I could just casually go around Kyoto in one day. I would be happy if you could watch it until the end. Thank you again this time. Okay, Sui-chan, let’s go. I’m coming… I feel sorry for you

It was still a beautiful place today So, shall we go to a ramen shop? I skipped breakfast today, so It’s already around 11 o’clock, but I’m going to go to La in the morning. Over there is Kyoto Station. Oh, isn’t that Kyoto Tower? Eh, I don’t know, I think it’s W.

It’s about a 15 minute walk from the parking lot. That train is so long Oh, there are so many lines! Ah, that’s true This shop seemed to be famous too. The store next door isn’t open today, but I’ll decide when I’m standing in line. Foreign language menu also available

The fried rice looked surprisingly delicious. Can I order Chinese noodles and yakimeshi? The aromatic aroma of super soy sauce Medium-thick noodles, not as thick as they look It’s so light and lighter than it looks, you can drink as much soup as you want. Fragrant and delicious It should go on and on

I went to Shinpuku Saikan It was delicious The noodles were quite thick and very filling. It’s very exciting, I like it… It’s not ramen, it’s yakimeshi, but the smell of soy sauce was really strong from the moment I entered the store.

The shock when I actually ate it was that it was so light. The char siu is very light and tastes like grilled pork, so the ramen is very light. It was too simple I’m under Kyoto Tower, but Kyoto Station is across the street.

I would like to purchase a one-day ticket and move around. subway I bought this one I’ll take this train and use the subway and bus to get there, but since I’ve never been to Ginkaku-ji myself, I’d like to head to Ginkaku-ji, which is the classic route.

I was told that this green line is a subway line. East and west are orange (subway) The rest of the colorful lines are all bus routes, and we’re currently at Kyoto Prefecture Station… From here, take the subway and go here, then change to the bus and go to Ginkaku-ji Temple.

I feel uneasy about this. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to ride properly. I’ve never transferred between trains and buses so I’m a little confused. 203 This is it~ Look, it’s a nostalgic streetscape of Gion. Next is Gion Hey, you’re here! What, did you come? Do you want to walk? You

Two came together. I came here, I came here But you also went to Fushimi Inari Shrine, right? what is this? When you came in a kimono? Isn’t it when you came in Gion? I came with two people… What is it? Don’t you remember walking there? Ah, memories with another person?

Yes, I think so. This guy is the worst. He’s cheating on me. It’s the worst. It’s on the left It took an hour to get down here, but it should have taken less than 10 minutes. I was told, “This will get you there faster,” but I took the subway,

But then I went back to Kyoto Station and took a detour, so it took me this long. Because I said, “Let’s use the train instead of using Sui-chan.” Was he cursed by Sui-chan or did he take a detour? I did it completely Today I’m thinking of walking along

The Philosopher’s Path to Heian Shrine, but it’s quite a distance. Photography is prohibited at Ginkaku-ji Temple. I would like to have fun (without taking pictures) I went to Ginkakuji Temple What if you could get a charm if you got this too? Impressions of Ginkaku-ji It was exactly as it appeared in the textbook,

But the two of us talked about it… I’m told it’s smaller than I imagined. And you can see it up close It was a shame that the sky was cloudy today, but the garden was really beautiful. The garden here is so beautiful that it’s amazing. I’m glad I came to see it once.

Also, I received a stamp I’m glad that I have different memories from when I was a student. I got it for 500 yen. Well then, let’s go south We will be walking along this “Path of Philosophy”, and this is where a philosopher named Kitaro Nishida…

It’s transparent so you can see what you’re drawing and it’s cute cute Loosely It’s beautiful. It’s true that the transparency may be high (since it’s only a duck), but the other side didn’t think so, but it’s beautiful, isn’t it? Because Kitaro was walking It came to be called the “philosophical path.”

This seems to be about 1.8km long. I would like to walk along the river while passing through here. I thought I should become a philosopher lol I thought you were sneaking around earlier, but I guess you’re wearing glasses. What about the philosopher’s feet… It doesn’t even reach your fingertips

Your eyes are really nice Ah, just the eyes are good lol There are quite a few shops lined up. They’re lined up. They’re also found in places like this. Good atmosphere It’s cloudy and lonely, but it also feels a little atmospheric. If you do cherry blossoms, it will be really beautiful.

The Philosopher’s Path actually came from walking along the cherry blossoms and thinking, “They’re beautiful,” right? That person was walking lost in thought. You mean while looking at the cherry blossoms? There are also fashionable shops here and there. It’s nice to be able to walk along this road while looking along the river.

It went by so fast, it was over surprisingly quickly. 1.8km is a short distance I think you should definitely walk this way. That was good I’ve never been here in spring so I don’t know, but I think it’s really beautiful. I have only come here in autumn and this season.

I couldn’t even see the autumn leaves. Kyoto in spring might be nice Arrived at Heian Shrine I will worship here I feel like going there… Inside this (admission fee) 600 yen The garden is huge and looks amazing. There will probably be no flowers this time of year. The flowers probably aren’t blooming either.

Also this is simple It would be nice if you could write directly to me. Maybe more than a note I want to get off the train and head to the coffee shop now. It’s already 4pm so tea time has passed. 16 o’clock? Before 17:00? 16:40 Well, it’s still a long time from now.

After one coffee time, the rest… Since when did you become a night owl? W There are many stylish shops There are so many seriously stylish places arrived Coffee time here It’s a somewhat retro-style shop. I’ll enjoy having this This is “Pearl of Arabia” and I am “Colombia” Is there one

That has a deep sour taste? I used to drink a lot of light coffee, so it feels fresh. Eat elegantly with a fork and knife be careful It will collapse Apple pie is The Mont Blanc, lemon cake, nuts and tarts that Ryo wants to eat are all sold out. delicious

I can’t believe there’s no one around. This is the coffee you want to drink when you want to feel relieved. It goes well with cake too~ Delicious Even though it was deep, I didn’t really feel the acidity, so until now I only drank coffee at coffee shops.

This one has a pretty strong bitterness, but then comes the sourness. Oh it’s true, it’s totally different I passed by by the way. “Nishiki Shopping Street (Market)” is full of interesting and delicious items. I’m about to give in to temptation Yuba, tempura, skewers, etc. Looks delicious,

Looks delicious, looks delicious, looks delicious, looks delicious. Everything looks delicious and amazing I saw a lot of cheap ones in Osaka, so I think that’s the standard, but is it just right? Isn’t that about it? It’s basically 600 yen. It’s dark around the salt I’ve moved a lot since then,

And here I am by train and subway. Takayasu Ramen It’s amazing that they’re open until 2am. It seems that fried chicken is famous for finishing off today’s meal. Apparently it is famous for its huge fried chicken. There’s no line up so you can get in right away Ah… I like it

This is also easy Thin noodles and light tonkotsu type Char siew cake It said curry powder. Any more? take it? Maybe the noodles are a little harder This is also delicious Ah, it’s spicy Very satisfied Thank you for the delicious meal The Chinese noodles I had in the morning were also delicious,

But this one was also very delicious. According to our taste, these thin noodles and Also, it’s not as light, but it’s the same as when I ate it in the morning. This was a super light soup based on pork bones and chicken bones, and it was very delicious. The service was pretty good

And there was a lot of chashu. I think if you go out of time, you can take your time. I thought maybe I could get in if I did it at night. It’s open until 2pm. Ichijoji Temple seems to be a hot spot for ramen,

But this restaurant seems to have a very high reputation, and we would recommend it even after eating there. Now then, let’s take the bus and subway again and go back to Sui-chan. I’m home Sui-chan I’m tired of waiting I’m back in the car I bought raw Yatsuhashi and Yatsuhashi, so

I would like to finish this by eating this with Sui-chan. What kind of opening? I just ate W, but in the end, I seriously ate it from beginning to end. All I did was eat… In the video, there are only scenes where he eats,

But he was walking properly, and he was walking quite a bit. I walked a lot, and the time I spent moving was I’ve been traveling a lot, so where do I want to go? I think I’ll leave the raw Yatsuhashi for later. I’ll get it from raw Yatsuhashi. Looks like “Yatsuhashi” delicious

This is Yatsuhashi Just the right thickness and easy to eat Today, we spent the day touring Kyoto and learned something together. The shops in Kyoto are all stylish with glass walls. Today I realized that there are many elegant shops. I feel like it’s very clean, and I don’t know what Kyoto is like,

But I think there are a lot of shops that even foreigners would want to go to. The appearance makes me think “Wow” Nishiki Market had the highest concentration of foreigners. It’s hard for us to find a parking spot. In the end, parking fees are charged everywhere, so your activities will be severely restricted.

I tried using the train (subway), bus, and one-day pass. I can’t get used to this after all I thought it might be tiring because it was something we weren’t used to, and I think it was also true that it was easy to move around.

The trains come quickly, and the buses are always on the road, so I’m thankful that I can go wherever I want to go. It’s better than a car that I think would be easier for people who are used to using it. It’s surprisingly stressful to find a parking spot.

If you try to say “cheap places, cheap places”, the subway will be too big. It takes a while if you take the bus, but with the subway you can get there quickly. It was such a waste to lose so much time at the beginning, but you told me to arrive early.

Although everything didn’t go as planned, I’m glad I was able to go to most of the places I wanted to go. I was able to fully enjoy the cityscape of Kyoto. I guess this is the first time I’ve heard about ramen. It was a very satisfying day

Knowing that the ramen was so delicious. I’m also going to talk about my feelings about Kyoto on the radio, so please listen to that. So, this time I would like to do so far. If you think our video is even a little bit good

Please subscribe to the channel and give us a high rating. Thank you for watching until the end this time. It was Teradafufu Goodbye good night



・美山 かやぶきの里・北村

・道の駅 スプリングスひよし

お食事処 きたむら


0:00 オープニング
1:07 出発
3:30 休憩
5:30 美山かやぶきの里
9:45 昼食
13:00 再出発
16:00 車中泊スポット
16:23 夕食準備
18:33 豚丼
22:01 エンディング






▼ チャンネル登録








#車中泊 #日本一周 #京都 #ハイエース #旅行 #観光 #バンライフ#Japan #Kyoto #travel #vanlife


  1. おらおらおらおら〜顔ハメしに行こうかな🤣

  2. こんばんわー😄北海道感じて頂けて嬉しい💕💕💕豚丼又食べに来てね😆ビニールでサラダなんて防災に役立ちますね👍

  3. お二人様いつも癒されております😊茅葺き屋根最高ですよね✨自分も一度見てみたいと思ってました😊ただ自分のイメージは
    岐阜の白川郷でした😊雪が無いのが 残念ですよね お蕎麦も美味しそう 豚丼もとても美味しそうで お腹がすきました😊お体に気お付けて楽しい旅を😊

  4. 茅葺き屋根の集落良いですね😊

  5. 京都良いですね~~
    次回も楽しみにしています( `ー´)ノ

  6. 顔ハメ、ピッタリサイズだとウケますね🤣京都にも茅葺き集落あるんですね〜白川郷しか知らなかったです😅行ってみたい所です!

  7. お早うございます。今2回目を見ました。美山町、なんか時間が止まった感じの所でしたね。行ってみたいです。茅葺き屋根、維持していくのが大変でしょうけど、何時までも残して頂きたいです😊。それから、豚丼、お買い物上手に食材ゲットして作ったから、より美味しく出来ましたね。食材を安く手に入れた時、よっしゃとなります😅。主婦だから😅😊今日は、朝から雪が降ってます。何か、解らない天気なので、気をつけて下さいね😊有り難うございました😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  8. おはようございます😃


  9. お疲れ様です。

  10. 伊根も天の橋立も舞鶴も行ったことがないので次の動画が楽しみです😊

  11. お二人さん、こんにちは
    京都は何度も行ってるけど🚗じゃないから北の方は行けてなかった😢美山の集落良い所👍私の脳内で日本昔話の曲🎶が 旅をしてると集落の屋根の形や信号機の形🚥🚦で積雪量がわかったり面白いですね。豚丼のタレ物産展があったら買ってみよう😊


  12. トン(グ)だけに🐽ꉂ🤣𐤔ꉂ🤣𐤔ꉂ🤣𐤔ꉂ🤣𐤔食べたくなりました✨

  13. 同じ京都府ですが、私は最も南の方。隣は奈良市。美山や舞鶴は北の端。京都であってもとっても遠い場所です。縦長ですよね。伊根の舟屋とか天橋立など丹後もいいところがたくさん。ゆっくり楽しめたかな?😊

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