Explore the wonder of Japanese Sake on a cycling tour at Meiwa town

■Activity details■
Every year, “Shinto no Inori Saio”, a brand of sake receives high marks at sake competitions overseas. This program offers participants the chance to cycle through Meiwa on a tour that showcases its abundant water resources including water veins, spots connected to Saio, a princess of long ago which the sake takes its name from, and the brewery where Shinto no Inori Saio is crafted. Cycling through the town allows participants to experience the climate that results in such tasty produce and sake. Partway through the tour, they’ll have the chance to stop for a lunch of the beloved local chicken grilled in miso served with sake rice and some sweets made of sake to recharge for some more riding. This exhilarating trip on a power-assisted bicycle is the perfect way to experience the wide open sky and countryside scenery of Meiwa.

毎年、海外の日本酒品評会で高い評価を得ている日本酒「神都の祈り 斎王」。本プログラムでは、明和町の豊富な「水」をテーマに、明和町の水脈や、お酒の名前の由来となった大昔のお姫様「斎王」ゆかりのスポット、そして「神都の祈り 斎王」の蔵元である酒蔵をサイクリングで巡ります。自転車で町の風土を感じながら、どのようにしてこの地で美味しい作物や日本酒ができるのかを体感します。道中、地元で愛されるとりみそ焼き&酒米ごはんのランチや、疲れた体を癒す日本酒スイーツも味わえます。電動アシスト自転車に乗って明和町の広い空と田園風景の中を走る旅をお楽しみください。

■特設サイト”Exclusive Activities Information for Travel Agencies” 

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