[Review Phim] Quay Về Báo Thủ Cho Ba Mẹ Sau 20 Năm Ở Nước Ngoài | Review Phim Hàn Hot

Because of his father’s death, this young man has been practicing for many years. He wants to find out the truth so that his father in the yellow stream can work with peace of mind . He has come up with many plans. He wants these things. The person who harmed his father must pay

The same price. He also wants to find his lost sister that year to reunite with her and give her a more prosperous life. That man’s name is Choi Cang ta. He is A skilled skydiver, his skydiving style is no different from that of skydiving kings. Due to a busy life,

His parents were harmed when he was only six years old, an age still young. The child was stupid and didn’t know anything due to difficult circumstances, so he was adopted by an American family here, My Dinh, not My Tho or My Loc, since he moved to America. Dinh Anh officially changed

His name to Mai Co Kinh, just hearing the name made me feel appalled, guys . So from then on, the name Choi Cang Ta no longer appeared on the Google Map , even though it grew up and grew up. living in My Dinh, but he never forgot the faces

Of those who harmed his family because in order to find those who harmed his parents in the past as well as the leader, he created his own gang. His group of debt collectors who hire henchmen are all the famous characters of his

Army. He named the Cat scratching squad the King Club. Today he has a special mission, which is to rescue her. little Red Quang Khan, one man and one horse, he galloped into their lair like a rat into a snake’s den. The opponents are

Currently surrounding him like the Nguyen army but he is the main character. So you all know that already. With a few basic attacks, he was able to defeat all his opponents. When the opponent finally lay down, this was also the end of his training session

. Damn it. I thought I was going to save the real beauty Vivian Casso. Slowly walked over and immediately typed that sentence. It turned out that the doctor was researching and analyzing the pulse in the body when fighting with a pulse like

This. He alone could weigh an entire small battalion at this moment. Danis has a new report about Kang, he landed at Hawaii airport. Michael King was sitting in a 911 daka poster by accident and was surprised when he discovered a girl taking pictures. Mr. Cang secretly

Asked Vivian Casso curiously about that girl’s identity. Vivian Casso quickly Chi Bao tennis went to investigate the group that was about to take Cang. As soon as he left, tennis deliberately and quickly took her away. her wallet and gave it back to

Casel, her name is Jin bobe, a reporter from Korea. After learning the reporter’s information, he immediately told Casel to return her wallet. Poor reporters , where will they get the money? Hey guys, on this beautiful and dreamy island, Chairman Cang was welcomed like a king of the Symphony Hall. Vivian Casso introduced

To Chairman Cang that he was the head representative here. Vivian Casso brought the Chairman Visiting the scenery everywhere , she even conveniently booked him the most VIP Slip room here. He was also the first person who dared to spend money to choose

This resort of hers. He was truly the most generous station president. But surprisingly , all of the chairman’s activities were monitored by Michael with a camera, all of his activities, every move was reported to him at the same time he was also observing the oil conference . Internationally, he discovered that Chairman

Cang did not come here to participate in this international conference. In fact, he came here to transact his money laundering business. Michael accidentally discovered that he was from the CIA intelligence department. is the person in charge of black transactions in the middle east

According to the chairman’s judgment Cang came here just to meet the chem to transact black missions. When the shadow of the exorcism began to fall, he took a walk on the beloved mountain range that contained so many memories . For a moment, he remembered his younger sister

And her father. was harmed, perhaps that meeting was also the last time he would see the two of them. Michael swallowed his tears in an unforgettable resentment. At the same time, the children and mishi’s relatives also arrived. He happily took the kids for a walk here. President Cang is enjoying

His life on the island with the long-legged girls . Our reporter also joined in the fun, constantly taking secret photos. President Cang’s photos suddenly She saw Michael with an eight-pack body surfing in the ocean after he came ashore. She was surprised by his body and the thick scars. She intended to

Secretly take a few photos of him, but where did it come from? Someone came and snatched her camera and ran. She chased after him on all fours, but she could n’t keep up. He jumped in a boat and climbed out to

Sea. At that moment, she was very confused and didn’t know what to do. It was so random and so unexpected. Unexpectedly, Michael’s eight-pack body was preparing to go surfing. Jin bobbe immediately ran after him and begged him to help her prepare for the Marshal style. He immediately placed the board

On the water. Jin bobbe saw that and immediately climbed up, so he quickly pushed her away. the sea at supersonic speed due to psychological panic, she screamed around me. I really don’t know how to swim, please don’t do that to me. Surprisingly, he didn’t

Lead her to chase her, but pushed her straight into a rocky beach. nearby after he left. She could only helplessly complain to the heavens and earth at night while sleeping. Cang numb coughed and was suddenly startled to see that Herion had returned. He told Chairman Cang that if the news did not appear

In the newspaper tomorrow About how 25 years ago you and your accomplices harmed my family, what were the consequences ? You probably already know that your family and your family members will also have the same fate as mine. Listen, Chairman Cang. Extremely

Panicked, he quickly opened the door and discovered that it was already morning on the bed. Suddenly, an anonymous letter appeared inside the letter, which only contained one word a day from that moment in the hotel, where a bodyguard stood guard. with strict Michael observed.

He didn’t make any movement so he decided to go on his way. He drove a Porer 9111. Dak stopped his junior to ask about his health, but he made him faint right where he got out of the car. Then Dem walked towards him at gunpoint. Michael

Didn’t say anything and immediately held up his phone . There was a picture of Dem’s wife being captured. J’s heart worried and asked what do you want from me? I came to the hotel where there was a party. outdoors, Jin Bobbe was also present to secretly take pictures of President

Cang. At this time, J made an appointment with President Cang to go to Prince Amon’s yacht at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. Meanwhile, the Bodyguard discovered that Jin Bobe was secretly taking pictures, so she went to meet the Chairman. He asked why you deliberately wanted to interview me because I suspected you weren’t

Coming to Hawaii about the oil issue but to smuggle weapons. If so, I’ll tell you a secret information I came for. I’m here to meet Prince Amon to sign an important contract. If you don’t believe me, I’ll give you the privilege of an interview after I

Sign the contract. The next day, the convoy carrying President Cang will arrive as scheduled. Jin Bobe is also allowed. Get on the boat with the surfing canoe and carry the two people out to sea to the

Waiting yacht, but when they arrive at the yacht, Jin Bobe is not allowed to go in with them but wait outside. Inside, Chairman Cang has signed a contract. After that, he asked the prince to take a photo. Souvenir photo with him, but the prince thought that this was just the beginning, so he

Immediately took off his disguise Can te ho Please look at my face clearly, everyone, police play 25 years ago, do you remember ? I’m the one. is his son Cang Ta With my own eyes, I saw you kill my father and burn down my house. Chairman

Cang immediately pulled out his sword and told me, with more than a decade of fighting experience , how can you be fed up with this old man? His swords were all tense, I saw through and dodged very skillfully, knowing I was not old enough, the president

Immediately knelt down and begged for relief. Hoa Anh asked me to tell him his accomplice took advantage of the loophole and ran away. The canoe left. Michael didn’t chase him but just looked and smirked. Jin Bobe didn’t know what was going on. He just stood there and watched. He was surprised when

The canoe just ran a short distance and exploded into pieces, causing Jin Bobbe to fall into the sea. so he jumped down to save her. Jin bobbe looked at him dreamily and then fainted. At this moment vivien caso and she told her to go with Cang te ho. Why did you

Save her? This is me and Cang numb. Ho’s problem so I don’t want anyone else. Another person was injured, please bring this girl back after the departure of President Cang in Korea opened an investigation. They have identified witnesses who were present at the scene

At that time. Meanwhile, Jin bobe has returned to Korea after Michael’s unstable trip to repay his hatred. In the past, he also returned to his homeland by private plane. He stood on the conveyor belt and remembered the time when his adoptive parents brought him back to America.

His eyes were full of hatred. 25 I’m still here , my father has returned. Meanwhile, Jin Bobe was taken away by the chez intelligence department staff in the car. He asked Jein Bobe who she saw on the yacht . But she confirmed that she didn’t see anyone

. On this side, Michael drove a large pile of dung. Running all over the streets of Seun, he finally stood at the highest place so he could see the whole city where he used to live. Then he returned to the villa. He went in and looked. Everyone felt very satisfied,

Then the whole group ate and drank together. Danis informed the boss about the anti- terrorism group of the Central Intelligence Agency. The person in charge was Trez, Chairman Han’s only son, and Trez took Jin Bobe to her house. Look at him and think in his heart

, why are you so cold? The next day Jin bobe stood outside taking pictures of President Cang’s funeral. She accidentally saw Vivian Castle. bobbe thought. She’s a representative for a hotel in Hawaii, but she didn’t come. Do I have to go to Korea to attend the funeral?

At this time, President Trang also came to pay his respects. Michael also dressed up as a police officer to let Herion in. When he saw the police, he immediately called his accomplices to arrest him, but Michael hooked a rope and floated above his ceiling. I could only look up at Vivian Caso

And run out to get a bolt to lock the door. They were inside the church. Michael lured him into the penitentiary room. He hadn’t seen the Chairman of the site for a long time. He sounded extremely frightened and screamed, asking what are you? At this moment, his bodyguard came in and didn’t understand

What he was saying. After a while, Michon went to the church door, stood and looked at Jin Bobbe, then left. Jin Bobbe looked after him, thinking she had met that person in Hawaii, so she deliberately drove after him.

Michael drove his motorbike all over the street, letting her chase after him and chased her for a while. Lost Concealed. Jin bobe got out of the car, not knowing where he was

. Suddenly, he was on the bridge smoking a flute, calling her , then laughing and running away. Jin bobe She quickly got in the car and followed, but unexpectedly she climbed onto the sidewalk. He ran to look at her and smiled. He drove away. Jin

Bobe got out of the car. Unable to bear it. Suddenly, she saw a building with the same name as in Hawaii. So she went in, observed her, and asked. The secretary returned to represent Vivian Castle, but surprisingly, Vivian Castle also just came out. Jin bobe introduced herself as a reporter

For the daily newspaper. She asked Vivien Caso to reveal to her the relationship with President Cang during Vivian’s lifetime. caso said he wouldn’t give interviews during this time and then left. The secretary also followed her inside, but Jin bobe

Saw the invitation from this corporation so secretly took the mark and Michael was practicing archery when the number shifter came in and said the female reporter had arrived at our company. Should we deal with her? We still have a lot of work to do, so leave her tennis alone for now

. Michael knew information about the president’s multinational corporation and asked Danis to find information about his family, while the president angrily ordered his son to arrest him even if he turned over the whole church. that guy Denis told michel that president Trang’s son is Trang Ho, he is a red society

In Korea. The special thing about him is that he likes women and this is Chang Ni’s daughter, 26 years old, studying dance as her forte. was to spend money from Vivian’s father, Caso offered to settle the whole family, but Michael did not agree because there were still people

To find. Then one day, when Chang was leaving , he met his ex-lover. He was about to kiss her but she stopped him. Because of his anger, he was about to hit Chang L, but Michael showed

Up just in time to stop him. So Chang L went to hug and kiss Michael in front of him. After that, the two of them drank together and he introduced himself as Michael King. The day after the episode’s

Party. The group was organized by Jin Bobbe to give her the invitation, but she couldn’t enter because she didn’t dress according to the party ‘s regulations. Jin Bobe had to wander outside when she saw Michael with Vivian Cle. She thought she didn’t know who they were

. What’s the relationship? Then Che J came and asked why I didn’t come in. They said my clothes weren’t suitable so I couldn’t come in. Suddenly Che Z had a phone call so I left first

. Michael asked the doctor to prepare things for Jin Bobe in the morning. At that time, the president of the page and his two children also came in. They met Vivian Cle and Michael here. Chz also came at this time. Channy told Michael that Chz was the heir to Hanmin Group and a

CIA official. The party started. Vivian Caso stood. Speaking up, she introduced Cle Group’s largest shareholder, Michel King. I hope there will be many beautiful memories in Korea after Jein Bobe changes into her evening gown and also goes to the Z office.

I really appreciate her. dipping sauce ah come the dance Michael invited jein bobe to dance with him Trang ho also came to invite Vivian Cle to dance seeing that che also invited chang to dance

Jin bobe asked Michael why did he push me out to sea when we were in Hawaii I sent a rescue boat What’s left? He also helped her get her camera back and finished the song. Everyone went inside to cover

And just raised his hand to invite her to dance. Michael turned around and extended his hand to dance with her . Jin bobbe saw Vivian Casso go out, so she asked permission. Let’s rest for a

While Jin bobbe just left and saw che z coming over he was curious about the man dancing with her today I came there because of that woman she came to ask Vivian casso about things in Hawaii but Vivian casso said She left upset and saw Michael coming out. She asked

Him to deal with Jein Bobe. Unexpectedly, Jein Bobe came to Michael’s arm and asked him to take her home. Vivian was upset and told Michon to come in. But he didn’t say anything, but he still

Took Jein Bobbe home. When I got to the door, I met Chez who wanted to take Jein Bobbe home but she refused because she had already asked Michael. Today I was always one step late. Michael even deliberately

Hugged Jein Bobe to work. Chez felt unhappy in the car. Jin Bobbe was curious about it. Michon’s position at Cle Group but he just smiled and suddenly he discovered that a car was following him so he deliberately accelerated to cut off the tail. At this time, tennis waited for Dennis.

Running behind him, he jumped up. Dennis used an arrow to shoot at the wheel. They lost control of the car and crashed straight into a tree. Bobe didn’t know anything and blamed him for driving recklessly. Jin Bobe even begged Michael to help him

Interview Vivian Castle . The girl who came to arrest Jin bobe had no choice but to scream here. She came and picked up her dropped shoe and beat them all away. He gently came and put her shoes on and took her home for a walk.

Chez’s family stood in the corner uncomfortably watching the two of them. The order to arrest Jein Bob failed. Trang coughed extremely angry. He ordered Trinh Trong to invite her this time. Meanwhile, Michael’s doctor knew that President Trang’s people were trying to Arrest

Jein Bob because she is the only witness in Chairman Cang’s case. The next day, Jin Bobe went to Cle Group to return some surprises. She met Chez and Vivian. Cle came out and saw Miss Vivian Castle upset and went back inside. Jin bobe was about to follow, but

Chez kept going to the shop. Bob invited chez to go horseback riding with him tomorrow, while the doctor introduced Michael to a new product that could easily open the iron railing in the prison. Then he even gave him a CD bomb. It could

Easily blow up a car or two. The next day, Bob Be was walking when he met his secretary, inviting her to get in the car. Jin Bobbe asked if they were some thugs from Mr. Cu, so he waved. He chased

Them away and saw that. They had to leave on the bike. Bobe said that because he saw you and the president boarding the yacht , he wanted to get the news from your mouth. The two

Of them went to the horse school and accidentally met Michael’s group who was also here. channy took Michael’s arm and went in to choose a horse. At this time, he asked Jein Bobe if he had taken advantage of him to come

Here. Yes. By accident, I knew they would come here today. Then everyone rode their horses and went out. Channy looked at Jin Bobe and Chez riding. horse She said she’s not just his junior chez but President Han won’t like it. Jin bobbe

Rode a horse to meet Vivian casso but couldn’t get anything out of her and even got her horse whipped by viven ca. let it panic and run away. Jin bobe panicked and shouted to heaven and earth. Michon saw this and quickly rode his horse to chase here. Chez also ran

But Michael overtook him and jumped on his horse. Jein bobe helped her stop . Cheon came to thank Michael for After that, both of them had a horse riding competition to see who won in the end. The person who finished first was Michael. Even though he wasn’t happy

, he still went down. He went down to shake Michael’s hand and then quietly went in to handle his horse, everyone. While drinking tea, he suddenly heard an explosion so he ran to the stable

To see if Z said the horse’s leg was broken because he didn’t want to see it suffer so he had to do the same. The smoke bomb made the staff run out in panic while he snuck into the Trang chairman’s room

To install the tennis explosive bomb and opened the secret room with an insurance bond to detonate it. At this time, the Trang chairman answered Michael’s phone call. He informed him that the next person to leave was that he had just hung up the phone. Michael had a text message saying

That the room would explode after 3 seconds, so he went out and picked up the phone to activate the bomb, and the Chairman of the site just with secretary Oh, suddenly the room exploded. Secretary Oh quickly lay down to protect him. Meanwhile, chez

Stood watching everyone riding horses. Jin bobe came to ask if he was okay. At that time, Michael also came. went in. Suddenly chez received a phone call about the explosion. Michael came and said I would give him another precious horse, but chez didn’t agree

And left. He didn’t forget to come back and call Jin bobe to come with him. Michael was the only one left. Sitting down, Vivian called the number. Don’t cause any more trouble. It’s almost like someone is in danger. I want to deal with that reporter girl. Michael asked angrily.

Whose orders are you following ? Vivian casso, I’m sorry. I promise. There wo n’t be a next time when Chan suddenly walks in even though he ‘s going sightseeing together and Jin bobe is in the car wondering why Chairman Cang is dead but still happening chez advises Jin

Bobe to give up on this because it’s very dangerous The two of them As soon as I arrived, I saw that the building had been sealed, but the Zone car was also being followed. The police came to

See the situation in the room where the explosion happened. Seo police didn’t understand that they blew up the chairman’s room. What is the purpose of the page? Maybe this is a warning. She also told chez that there is an

Insurance box but it cannot be unlocked or broken because this is a special ending. If you break or use illegal tricks, the things in that will be destroyed at this time Jin bobe accidentally saw the file she secretly tore off the first page and left, who expected

The reporter’s card to fall out and someone from Japan took it while Michael was in the car with channy Denis announcing the sale glass within 50 km the information systems will not work I will recover in 3 minutes channy is worried when the phone cannot be reached

It’s okay you should get in the car because it’s a bit cold outside Then he Open the trunk of the car to monitor the movements of the president of the page here.

Fake tennis. The police run after him, howling to signal to open the car door. As soon as the secretary pulls down the car door , he throws a disc in, so he opens it and listens. I doubt that the warning that

The car exploded two minutes later made the page chairman extremely worried. Although the secretary advised that it was okay, it was fake, but he did not believe it, shouted for the car to stop and then ran out of the car at

This time. Michael Quan But she still detonated the bomb and went back to Jein Bobe, who was thinking about whether Michael was a bad person or not. She remembered the time at the horse shop. Michael advised her to find another job and suddenly the horse neighed. Luckily,

She had him. She caught herself suddenly. She saw that she was covering for the towman to put the insurance on. The car drove away. Jin bobbe saw police officer Seo coming out so he ran after her, hoping to find something,

But unexpectedly police officer Seo was standing behind her. They were both sitting together. eat spicy rice cakes, the police will advise her not to report on the tycoons. So Jin bobe showed him the paper she took at the scene but she confiscated it while

The two old men were sitting watching the news. The chairman of the group’s coal page exploded and then came to my car. He said it was Choy Herion. He thought for a long time as if no one could

Guess who knew about the case in the past. Chairman Han said that chez was bringing it to an end. Insurance comes here If that connection is opened, our lives will be over. Meanwhile, tennis is watching chez’s transportation process. Michael

Is also driving chang home. At this time, he receives a text message saying that it has ended. He waited for Chang Ni to pass through the strict security guards and enter. However, according to the order not to let outsiders in, Miss Chang Ni did not agree. She was still

Very determined. Michael accompanied her to his room and advised him to go to his room. You should go inside and take a bath here. He went to the balcony to observe. He saw Tre Joh bring

The insurance policy to Trez and brought it in to ask if there was anything in here. Is it related to the recent explosion? But his father just told him . Then Chairman Trang’s car had just exploded. The person who did this was also the person who killed Chairman Cang. At that time, Michael

Was also outside the room, setting up an eavesdropping device. They said, then he went out and saw Trang coughing about him asking for a date with Michel. When he’s free, he sits down and drinks, then he quickly goes in, walks around the house, remembers his obsession when the house burned down, and anger

Rises up in his heart. Suddenly, Changi walks out at the same time as they all leave. Changi runs in. Hello. The page chairman’s uncles introduced to Michael that the chief’s friend Ly Yosi was next Chairman Hesu of Hanmin Group. After saying

Goodbye to them, they went to Chairman Han’s house and asked his son not to turn on the lights. told his son that the person who intentionally caused the explosion was herong who died 25 years ago. He told his son that 25 years ago in Zhoushan port, a Chinese ship appeared

On board with drugs worth billions of dollars at that time. We were in need of capital to start a new life and the person in charge of that case was Choy Herong. We faked a traffic accident to move the drugs but Choy Herong smelled it and we lured him

. not be last only how to make him shut up forever chez please help me protect dad I’m protecting you that makes che Z extremely awkward he was miserable walking home in the rain he went to Jin bobe’s house sat in the car quietly looking at her chez

As soon as he got out of the car, Jin Bobe’s mother came out. Then the two of them went home together. He sat down and drank, remembering his father’s words. It was extremely awkward, and Michon ordered Viven Caso

To come to the president’s house tomorrow and open the page. The next day in the office. The police department also has Jein Bobbe. They open a video to watch the scene before the explosion. Jin Bobbe realizes that he met tennis in Hawaii. Meanwhile, chez is researching the background of tennis with his teammates.

He also orders his subordinates to find him. police documents for herion from 25 years ago still at the secret base vivian casso told everyone that tennis had returned to america he regretted not completing the plan with us then everyone

Looked at the picture attentively In preparation for Chairman Trang, the doctor also gave him a watch that had a location installed and could also eavesdrop. After that, he made an appointment for Chairman Trang and his father to come and meet her. She gave him a watch, which made him very happy. Happily, Vivian

Caso also gave Trang Ho a watch, which he quickly put on his wrist without any suspicion. Meanwhile, when she came to see Chang, she gave her a lot of clothes and shoes. Chang happily changed the shirt designs given to him . Michon even gently kissed her, making

Chang extremely enamored. He felt it was about time. He asked to come to her house today and he gave her a sweet kiss that made her crazy, talking about the trapeze number . The president of the site quickly and Michael also drove the site to the house

In the car. Denis and the doctor monitored the situation inside the house via satellite. Vivian Casso broke into Chein’s office and told her there was a secret room inside. Vivian caso’s room quickly searched. Finally, she opened the secret room. She quickly tried to open

The door but failed. Danis worriedly called Vivien for her to come out because the secret room was about to close , but she kept hesitating and was locked in there. Michael was happily chatting with the family of Chairman Trang in the living room. Suddenly he heard that Vivien Casso had

Been locked in a secret room, so he immediately pretended to spill tea on his clothes, so Trang coughed and took him into the room to lend him something , but When he got inside, he was

Punched by Michon and passed out. As soon as he ran out, he was met by the secretary of the director’s office, who had fainted. So they ran in to see and took advantage of the maich cel to enter the room. Open the secret room for

Vivian Castle. Please help me. It lasted another 3 minutes but he said the action was canceled and he quickly returned to the dressing room to avoid being suspected of going to the base. Vivian Cao was sad because she didn’t complete the mission but he advised her not to

Blame herself. Let them open it themselves, then we can go get the things and at this time the police department also sent someone to break the trez safe. Remember when the porridge guy made the safe, but

He didn’t expect the safe to be opened. He also reported that everything inside was stolen. At this time, trez gently left, and at the shoe shine shop, Trang’s bodyguard coughed to ask Mr. Tebo to open the door

, but he did not agree. At this time, his niece had just come in, so he quickly pushed him back to Michael. At the archery base , he heard Trang Ho order to arrest Mr. Tebo’s niece to force him to steal money, while Jin Bobbe was at her mother’s store

Searching for the article he wrote about people. Opening ending 30 years just found Jin. Bobe immediately took her and followed the address to find Mr. Tebo and saw Mr. Jin’s niece. Bobbe was with Mr. Tebo’s niece. The henchman Trang Ho jumped in and took them away. They took

The two of them to the dumpster. Jein Bobe should have called Trang to tell Trang that they were here. Michael heard that Jin Bobe was being arrested, so he ordered Vi Vien to go to

Chairman Trang’s house and I went to rescue the hostages. Mr. Tbo was making shoes. Suddenly I got a phone call and found out about my niece. had been arrested, the doctor came in and saw that he was worried so he reassured him

Please rest assured that we will save your nephew and let us know that someone will pick you up. Open the insurance link. When the link is opened, everything must be handed over to us. Stay here while the guard is sleeping. Zin bobe opens the wire. ran away but were discovered by them

And captured her. The cell secretary ordered her to be put in the press here. Mr. tbo was being covered by them and brought him to the safe. He asked them to go out so he could practice. Trung Cao Vivian was also sneaking into the safe and waiting for him. As soon as

The safe opened, he immediately gave it to Vivian Castle, but before he could give it, Trang Ho entered Vivian Castle. He had to stand aside. Mr. tebo grabbed the file and ran away, but

Was caught. They took him away. On the street, they waited for him to leave. Then a police car came and signaled them to stop. The doctor pretended to be a police officer and asked them to get out of the car because there was a bomb

. They panicked and ran away. Vivian Casso got in the car and drove away. Then Michael drove alone to search our graves. He used arrows to handle everything quickly. He went down, took off his clothes, carried the girl out to the car, and worriedly went to look for Jein Bobe. At this time,

Jin Bobe was fainting in the car while The car was brought into the machine and she woke up, panicking and screaming. But tomorrow Michael saw it and rushed in to pull her out just in time for Jin Bobe to

Hug him, trembling in fear and sobbing. He told her that Mr. Tebo’s niece was safe . The guy who drove her back to Jin bobe blamed himself for the girl being arrested because I saw the group’s chief secretary there. Maybe he wanted to stop me from investigating

The arms smuggling case, forget everything. Let ‘s go because everything will probably result in a light sentence. After that, I was curious and asked him why I was always in danger. He knew I was coming to save him,

But Michael remained silent and didn’t say anything. Then he got into the car and saw Jin Bobe, who kept following and asked. Michael got in the car and drove to work. She ran after him and called for garlic. Finally, he stopped

The car and let her get in. Vivian Caso angrily asked Dennis where the boss was , but no one knew because the boss had proactively turned off work communications. Vivian Cle was very angry and Michael drove Jein Bobe to the villa. Meanwhile, the doctor arranged for the two

Of them to meet in the hotel. First, let them stay here to be safe. Let’s ask him about the reporter. The doctor said she’s with the boss so it’s very safe to hear that, ha du remember the man who saved her just now, could it be

The man who saved you? Yes, we usually call him boss and Vivian is the number one. angry So I went to practice GM but still couldn’t calm down my anger while Michael was taking care of Jein Bobe’s wound but she kept wondering

Why he went to that junkyard. I saw her being dragged by someone. get on the carriage But jein bobbe thinks that when I fell off my horse, also when I was almost kidnapped in front of my house, also like that you always appeared at the right time to save me you are not

My guardian angel nor day Come follow me michel I beg you don’t meddle in my business anymore don’t worry I will help you catch them but you are not a police officer why are you arresting criminals while here three old men are talking to each other divide Chairman Cang’s assets because

His wife and daughter knew nothing about the assets in the Swiss bank, even outside the page Ho Bao arrested Jein Bobe but was saved by a ghost . If you dare to touch a strand of her hair, I wo n’t forgive you. Then he left. He went to see

Jein Bobbe’s mother to ask for her, but she said Jin Bobbe called to say he would pick up a local topic today. He wouldn’t be back at this time. Michael sat and watched Jin bobbe sleep. He told her his name was choi Cang ta. In his sleep, Jin bobe had a nightmare

And was startled. She looked over to see Michael sitting and looking at her. He didn’t say anything. Stand up, Jin bobe. Please don’t go, wait for me to sleep. Please go . Then she lay down to sleep and saw that He went to sit by the fireplace The next morning

He went to the beach very early and saw two children sitting and playing in the sand together Michael gently walked up to the children playing and running. Around him at this time the parents of the two children called out. The whole family of four was so happy, but now everything is gone

On the beach and now there’s only him waiting for me. When my friend woke up and saw the phone number he left, she was very happy. And he returned to the base. The doctor advised him. so talk to vivien caso micha about the dressing room then Vivian C came last night

Where did you and that girl sleep so it’s not like you at all Vivian Castle we can’t get the papers Why do we have to protect the old man There Michael looked at her and said this was an order then left he went to the GM gym with channy she looked at

Michael’s muscular body and lusted after her oh why did you never say you loved me because when I heard that sentence Then I will completely disappear. Have you seen the investment project in zy? I see the representative listed on it is you. If you join this project, we will meet regularly. Changy met

His father and asked. Participated in the John Me project while Trang Ho was reading the newspaper when the number came and he asked if Michael went to open the gf jzu stadium yesterday. Yes, I

Didn’t go so it was only Michel who went. At this time, Bobe saw the newspaper and saw Michael attending. At the ceremony of cutting the diploma, she thought it was obvious that he was with her yesterday, but at this moment, he came over and

Asked curiously why you didn’t answer the phone yesterday. Jin bobe said that yesterday you were kidnapped. The person who kidnapped you was Head of Johnny’s secretary but che Z said it was impossible because yesterday he was at the site chairman’s house all day and he was

There too but after being kidnapped Who saved you? Jin bobe thought for a long time then said no I know because at that time I fainted and then chez searched for investigation documents about Michon

King. My subordinates gave me more documents about the case to Herion. He was a police officer at that time , but during the investigation, an internal problem occurred. So he was treated at his own house. At the scene, only two adult bodies were discovered, but the children’s bodies were not found,

So he thought that Choi Cang Ta was seven years old and Choi Cang Hi was four years old when he returned to visit Jein Bobo. When she met the two of them, she showed him a picture and asked him

If he knew this person, but he looked at the picture and said he didn’t know. He also asked Jein Bobbe to help him find a place to hide, so Jin Bobbe took them home and

Introduced them. With her mother looking at the two of them, she thought they were the ones renting the room. When Jein Bobe was very reluctant to return to the room, he held out his hand to introduce himself as Hong Te. Then he

Secretly returned to the thick store to get a card. As soon as he took it out, someone came. Hooded and arrested. May asked Michon to come and take them all out. Michon turned to leave and he called back and gave

Him the card he had taken in a close call back to the base. Denis decoded the secret in which Vivian C said that was the end of his life. They’re here. Take advantage of Trang Ho. Why are you using Trang Ho in this ? Maybe you want to avenge

That reporter, but Michael didn’t say anything, no matter what Vivien Caso thinks. At this moment, Trang Ho just gave it to you. When Dad went to the car, Director Ly ran to hug his leg and begged him. So

He dragged him inside and beat him to a pulp because he didn’t have money to pay. He was helpless and was about to climb to the balcony and jump down. Michael threw a rope and pulled Director Ly back to his room.

Let me know that at first he gave me 300 million, but then he made me pay 2 billion World back to the base. Doctor analyzed it seems that Trang ho needed money urgently so he lent to director Ly at an extremely high interest rate. If he didn’t pay, he would kidnap

His wife and children. Michael ordered someone to go to the director’s place to prepare to sue him. Then the police came and gave him a search warrant because someone was suing him for violent acts and threats, so the site president met him. Chief Ly gave him a savings book from the bank

Switzerland then asked him to contact the Procuracy to help disguise them. When the chief prosecutor left, Danis was also tracked on the system and then informed Cang that he had just answered the phone in the hospital with two bodyguards , then Danis and Mr. The guard pushed the patient’s cart

In, then the shift manager threw a cover over the two bodyguards, then gave him an anesthesia injection . So they quickly pushed Chief Ly into the ambulance and left the hospital when he woke up panicking. I was blinded. Michael stood outside and shouted

In because he didn’t want Chief Ly to see my face. I’m Choy Kangta, Choy Herion’s son. From now on, please do as I tell you. You should prosecute the crime of disguise according to the law. If Mr. Loi If he used his position of authority to let Trang get away with it,

His bad deeds would appear on the bulletin board at 9:00. Having said that, he immediately beat him into unconsciousness. Early in the morning, when he woke up, he was ashamed to find himself lying on the street. Everyone passing by looked at him and smiled. After a while, the bodyguard drove over and worriedly

Took a coat for him to get into the car. In the car, he saw all the evidence of bribery and got angry. Meanwhile, Jin Bobbe stayed at home and called Mich Co. But that didn’t work. Chief Ly ordered the bodyguard to call the secretary. Cancel all tomorrow’s schedules.

As soon as he called Chairman Trang, the phone rang again. I told him not to contact Chairman Trang . Do you need me to send documents to the TV station? So you had to hang up. The president called and ordered

Trang Ho’s immediate arrest here. Trang Ho was leaving when the police came to give Trang Ho an arrest warrant. Go to the station. I asked if you had received orders from your superiors. If you were to

Move me, I would be like this. Then when I turned away, police officer Seo ordered me to handcuff him. At this time, Trang ni was drinking with her ghost. She was so fascinated with him that he said Whatever she did, the two of them gave an interview to the reporter, but when

They mentioned that her brother had been arrested and were being investigated, Trang Ni left and went to her company to complain to her father because her brother had killed her. From today on, Michael will run the hotel business on my behalf because he sees me as a goddess and is very obedient to

President Trang. Hearing that made my head hurt and Tre Joh was scolded because how could he know? Kinh entered the country to look for him, but chez said he went to Korea and then the explosion of Chairman Cang’s office and the CD bomb that blew up Chairman Trang’s car

Were very similar to Kinh’s method of planting bombs in Europe and then the intelligence department revealed it. J knew that Choy Herion’s son was Choy Cang. We had documents that he was adopted abroad 25 years ago. Che Du Nghi Kinh and the adopted child had some connection.

Then he went to Trang Ni and asked about Michel Kin. I don’t understand why the intelligence officer asked about Michael because it was related to his company and Jin bobe went to the hotel. Looking for Michael, she was stopped by viv C but michel came out and took her

Inside. Jin bobe gave her the phone with the card. newspaper asked him all day that he was going with me how could he get to jzu island but Michael just smiled lightly and asked why? Then he said he would wait for her to arrive somewhere in the car Jin bobe wondered about that

Michael said When the need arises, I’ll let you take over. So today, let your substitute do the work and then go out with me . You two go to the amusement park and sit on the ferris wheel. Jin Bobe secretly spins the magic machine while playing shooting games. then Jin

Bobe got a phone call from chez he asked to meet but Jin bobbe refused because he was busy then the two of them ate noodles together Jin bobbe called him choi Cang ta which made him extremely surprised

And ended the day out michael took Jin bobe When he got home, he also gave her a super giant bear. The two of them said goodbye to each other. Chez, sitting in the car, felt

Very uncomfortable and went back to her room . Jein Bobbe called the bear Cang Ta and Tre Z sadly sat drinking alone the next day. Vivian caso came to the police station to visit the dating site She promised to find him a good lawyer. Meanwhile, Chief Ly had just received a

Document when Michel called to ask. What do you think about the original tomorrow? The day after tomorrow, you have a lecture scheduled. Please read the document. This guy publicly announced the crime he committed 25 years ago. Then he trembled and met two allies. He told them

That a person named Choy Cang appeared. He was Choy Herion’s son. He gave the documents to Michael. Make him publicly show them Chairman Han Tran Tinh Chief Officer Ly don’t be afraid We will protect you Then che joh

Go see your father and let your son know Trung Quan Ly has fallen into the trap. Tomorrow he will have lecture Dad told him to come to the hospital. Tomorrow I will be in charge of the hospital. If he comes, I will arrest him. The next day, Chief Ly is

In the hospital room with strict security guards , but Vivian Cao disguises himself and does the job. The nurse came in to inject him with anesthetic and then the doctor came in and asked him to read the documents otherwise he would know what would happen. After that, Chief Ly was

Escorted to the lecture by many people when he called. When he went up to speak, he sat still with a scared face. Finally, he trembled and walked forward to speak. He resigned from his position as Minister of Legal Affairs, then hurriedly left. The reporters on the bamboo ran after

Him to interview him, but he Don’t answer any questions, get in the car and drive away. Chez asked if you knew what he looked like. At this time, your phone rang. Chez picked up the phone, but he asked to talk to Chief Ly. I will give him today.

He was a gift for disregarding my warning on the building. Michael was aiming at him, but he deliberately shot at a deflection to warn him. So the convoy, following Zone’s orders, had to turn around due to being attacked by the police. There is currently

A sniper on the building so Zone gets out of the car. Blocking the building’s exit , but here Michael uses his mask to swing down the rope and jump into the window of the building. He takes

A shortcut that leads to another building on the way. The soldier pretended to be a cleaner to support Michon. He slowly walked out to another building wearing a vest. Chu Trez was angry when he learned that the sniper had escaped , so he ordered the withdrawal. At this time, bobe ran

Up and asked chez if he was the chief. Ly was raided, it was just the windshield of the chief’s car that was broken by falling construction bricks , but do you know Mr. tebo’s whereabouts? After interviewing him last time, I never saw him again

While Then Vivian Casso asked Michael if he had dealt with the chief Ly. I just gave him a warning. We already gave him a warning , so why didn’t we end things here soon and go back ? Right now, Chief Ly can go back. Escorted

To the chairman’s house. Here, Chairman Han also called the Special Task Force to protect Chief Ly. In the house, three old men sat and discussed plans to deal with Ta Cang, but Chief Ly could not see the minister. His true face That’s why

He was worried and wanted to do as he asked while chez stood on the rooftop where the sniper was standing. He thought the shot was successful but why did he deliberately shoot at the small cross on the car? If the business is choi Cang ta, then he can guess

The next target and then che J ordered the police station to ask for a search warrant. Then he went back to meet his father and two of his friends and everyone didn’t understand why choy Cang ta got that secret document again, I think Mr. tebo secretly took it

From the safe and gave it to you Cang ta Now I’m looking for Mr. tebo’s whereabouts . Mr. tebo was at home when Jin bobe came back to ask Mr. Do you need help because I

Have a friend who works at the Central Intelligence Agency but he said he doesn’t need to. How about Bac J go to the police department to bring the documents back to Cang and ask the police if they know anything

About Kinh? It seems like he is a criminal international crime but has no connection with choy Cang ta because the main business is choy Cang ta. Police Seo took a picture of the family of four to see chez asked her from now on to protect Chief Ly from using

Him to arrest him. The outside of Chairman Trang’s house is strictly guarded. Michael sneaks inside, observes inside, then calls the chief officer to tell him that he has committed a crime and must receive punishment. Running away cannot avoid his crime.

We will See you soon the next day everyone gathered in Chief Ly’s room waiting for Micha to call. Finally, Michael also called Chief Ly, deliberately delaying the time for the police to find his location. At that time, Vivien Caso was watching the time to stop

The call . called and so the police failed, but CH joh thought that Michael would fall into a trap and came to find Chief Ly. Here, everyone advised him not to go because they knew it was a trap, but Michael still decided to go because it involved related to his past.

Then vivien caso came to President Trang and asked him why he kept Trang Ho in the detention room. If he couldn’t do it , I would help Trang Ho get out and leave. After Trang Ho was released, he went home. knelt down in front of his father while

Michael sneaked into the chief’s house. Ly was taken to the basement. Wherever Michael went, he let out smoke, causing the security soldiers to scatter. He went down to the basement and gently knocked out the guards. The police officer held a gun and walked towards Chief Ly.

Suddenly, police officer Seo stood behind him and asked him to put his life down, but Michel turned around and gently pushed the fallen police officer. Please stay there. I don’t want to kill you. He

Walked over and asked. The chief of police commented on the last relic that his father left behind. Suddenly, the police surrounded Ma Co chez and walked over and told him that he thought his father had left a relic behind.

Take out his picture and burn it. Michael looked at that small fire and said, Uat. Hating to greet him, he immediately took the picture, took Chief Ly as a hostage and a flash of light Michael disappeared in the antique car. Ask Are you okay? Michael thought I should have given

Them a gift. After that, Denis said. make a video where chief Ly answers Jin bobbe’s interview, telling the whole truth about how he and his accomplices killed someone 25 years ago. Danis offers to cover Jin bobe’s face, but viven

Cle doesn’t allow it. It’s a CD. was sent to the site chairman to see. He quickly ran to Chairman Han’s house and opened it up for him to see. There was also the page chairman’s chez. It was requested

That this journalist be dealt with first and what must be done so that the chief officer could not hold a meeting. Reported that at this time, Chief Ly was with police officer Seale. He had a phone call asking him

To go to the study room. The phone was turned off. Then there was another call saying Choi Cang Ta told him to go out, but it was actually Chez Mao. His name was when he went out with police officer Seo. As soon as she turned to answer the phone, she no longer

Saw him. Chief Ly got in a taxi and left behind Danis’ car, who was also following him to the destination according to the call . but the person who came out was the chairman of the page. He questioned why he betrayed me. Then he went to deal with

Chief Officer Ly. Chief Officer Ly at this time grabbed the log and counterattacked against Chairman Tra at the same time. Trang. Ho also came and he quickly sent him off the rest of the way. Michel and the doctor sat in the car and heard all the movements. Suddenly,

The eavesdropping machine had a problem and there was no signal anymore after finishing dealing with the chief of police. Chez went in and told the two of them to go home first and I would stay here to handle the rest. Then he called to tell his superiors

That Chief Ly had been murdered. Checking the crime scene, the police accidentally found the watch that Trang had dropped outside . Zone scolded the police. Why did that happen? She could only bow her head and apologize for not protecting the chief of staff well. After dealing with the chief of

Staff, Chairman Trang met with Chairman Han. He seemed worried because the reporter was his girlfriend. trez has a girlfriend and I don’t know why but it’s okay, please handle it. Michael sat and heard that they wanted to deal with jein bobe. He immediately asked why

They put jein bobe’s face in. Vivian cle, sorry boss, I said he did it Vivian C I told you not to touch people who have nothing to do with us michel I just want to fight quickly and return to America that girl is more important

Than this why do you consider her more important What’s our relationship ? Meanwhile, Jin Bobe came to the scene to meet Trez. He asked her to absolutely not report on the interview with Chief Ly. Jin Bobbe didn’t understand what chez

Was talking about so he left. Then chez went back to meet. Dad, Michael Called chez and found out that the interview video was cut and dubbed and I thank you very much for taking care of Chief Ly for me but I didn’t need to do anything, then chez called

The intelligence department. Knowing that the tape was fake, they transplanted her face and changed her voice. At this time, Vivian Casso was driving when the doctor called her and told her to go back because

The boss’s zin bobe matter had been resolved, but Vivien Casso immediately turned off the phone, so everyone just wait. Let’s see how we can protect that girl. Bobe was driving on the road and there was a car following him at Bamboo’s house. Zone was worried when Trang coughed back and he made him

Call to stop. Vivien Casso then faked his voice. chief secretary Ly Called Jin bobe D she arrived at the warehouse when Jin bobe drove up and received a phone call Vivian cle D she went into the refrigerated car and locked the trunk then she left

Jin bobe was scared Call Michael said he was locked in a refrigerated truck. Chez also called Jin Bobe and knew she was in danger. He was angry. Called Trang and coughed but he insisted he wasn’t working here. Denis located her. the car was running for Michael to chase che Zone was also

Running after the car carrying Jin bobbe in the car Jin bobbe was so cold he passed out Vivian C Opened the car door to check and then coldly closed it Michael ran to unlock the car to carry Jin

Bobe When he went outside, he covered her with a blanket and cooled her body down to warm up. When she woke up, he didn’t know where he was. He held her in his arms . In front of Chez, Chez later came to ask if you

Were okay. She said it was okay, then followed Chez home. The mother’s family was worried and yelled at her to bring up the topic again, but Trez didn’t say anything, bowed to her and left in the car , wondering why Michael was able to find that place so quickly and go to the

Subordinate’s room to report. Let chez know that he found the remedial class of Mr. Tebo’s niece. I ordered Mr. Tebo’s arrest and then called to meet Michael. Thank you for saving Jin Bobe for me. I also told you that Jin Bobbe is my woman. since

The first time we met ten years ago until now, why didn’t you tell jein bobe instead of telling me the past cannot be changed but the future will change according to my will right now there is someone in black sneaking in Opening Michael’s car door, he went out and discovered that

They attacked him, but they were not Michael’s opponents, so they immediately ran away. The next day, Seo police brought out a watch with a GPS device installed and a listening device that was picked up. at the scene, but she couldn’t identify the fingerprints on it

At this time. Trang ho called Chez to ask about the watch she dropped, so Chez sneaked into the morgue to take the fingerprints of the chief of police , then he sneaked into the room. The inspector put Chief Ly’s fingerprints on the watch. As soon as he left, police officer

Seo saw Che Joh. The next day, he held a press conference and said that it was the person who killed the chief. Officer Ly Michael was also watching TV, the doctor and Vivian Casso came in and reported that the curfew outside was being enforced. We don’t need to be afraid of people.

We need to be afraid that they will eventually expose the truth to clear our name here. che Z came to see Trang ho and asked where did you get that watch ? That watch was given to me by Vivian caso. Trez heard that and immediately went to see Vivian caso and asked about

The watch she gave to Trang. Why is that? install GPS and eavesdropping device But viven caso said that the watch was given to me by someone else and forced me to give it to them while the police came to the house and took Mr. table trez into the room

And angrily asked him who gave it to him. Who were the documents he stole from the safe but he said he didn’t give anything to anyone? So chez mentioned his niece to intentionally threaten him . So

You said you asked to report the situation and then forced a statement like that. At this time, Michael and chang are working with a company in Japan to find investment sources. They have a condition that if Michael comes forward, they will invest. 30 billion yen heard So Chang

Ni was like an open flag in her stomach Trang Ho also met Vivian cle she pretended to cry because she was forced to give him the watch while Jin bobbe went to the Police room

To ask about Mr. tebo then Chez come in and invite her out. She’ll tell me that Mr. Tebo is at my house. Why did you say before that you didn’t know where they were? I’m sorry but I’ve arrested

The wrong person. So Bob begged in and asked Mr. Tebo if he had ever met Mr. Tebo before. But he insisted that he had never met him. When he came home, she asked me if I had met Mr. tebo. I just went

To see him, mom. He was arrested for the scandal of the johnmy group. She heard about the jy group, so she was shocked and immediately let go of the basket. President Trang is a rich man but his eldest son is a gangster. Meanwhile, Mr. Tebo

Was sleeping when Tre Zo poured water on his head. I asked him why he was protecting the Kinh . said that I didn’t know how to do it. Chez got extremely angry and pressed his neck. Seeing this, his subordinates

Ran in to help him out, then handed him the prayer letter and sent a picture inside on an appointment with the condition of releasing Mr. tebo, so the Seo police mobilized. All the police were waiting here in ambush. Chez was also prepared to load his gun. Michael was also

Prepared to wear an empty bullet vest and a voice-changing chip to say that he was going to the rendezvous point . The police were strictly arranged in the car of Dr. and Denis. was also watching the situation outside. Denis pretended to be a delivery person and asked chz if he had to order

Beef ribs, but chez said no. Denis was on the phone, so he gave it to chez. Denis then got in the car and left. Michael told trez. The phone would explode. So he immediately threw the phone far away inside the car. The doctor pressed the bomb button

Repeatedly, causing smoke to fly. Michael rode his motorbike and rushed in front of the chez. Inside, this disc was everything. what you did Including destroying the evidence, let’s conduct a negotiation. So chez had to call and

Order the release of Mr. tebo immediately. As soon as he picked up the CD, he immediately aimed the gun and shot at Michael but Michael was able to avoid Trez and used handcuffs to try to catch

Him, but it was too bad for him because Michael had handcuffed him to the Fence and then got in the car. He drove off and Trez watched and angrily yelled at him. At this time, the two old men sat at

Home. waiting for news, they heard the news that they had failed. The two of them found out the news and consoled each other that they should be more careful because the scriptures were still somewhere. Michael sat and listened to

President Han say that I always welcome that kid. He smiled and said that he said he would welcome me. Here, Mr. Tebu went home and the two of them hugged each other and cried. Jin bobbe thought that chez was kind. Please let him go, so I came to see you and thank you.

Cheon held Jin Bobe’s hand. He suggested that we start over again, but Jin Bobe withdrew his hand and refused. Because we ended a long time ago. For me, it has never ended because of you. He only came back the next morning, Mr. Tebo told Jein Bobbe that he wanted to meet

The person who saved him and his niece, so she called Michael and said he had something to talk about. Later, he was at Ms. Jin Bobe’s house and told him to come with her. Because someone was waiting,

The policeman also secretly took pictures of them. She took Michael into the house to meet him. He asked if he had killed Chief Ly, but Michael told him it wasn’t him. We had a date so I asked him to ride with me

Over here. J Looked at the photo of Michael and Bobe walking together and got angry. The next day at the inauguration ceremony of Bche Zone Island, Michael was also present, holding his arm, showing the same affection for each

Other. And take the number. Together with page Michon, he stood up to speak about the pride of caso group being able to design it. Cherong feels that Bi island is very beautiful. Hopefully caso group can succeed. After that, Michael returns to the doctor’s base in Bao Nha. hantao

Didn’t have any loopholes at all. Vivian Casso walked in. Michael said he would go arrest Hantas tomorrow. Vivian Casso went to the police station and said Kinh gave him a bouquet of flowers . Chez said there was a listening device and a bomb inside. By the time he knew

I was familiar with him, he forced me to do so and said he would break into the president’s house tonight , so he told police Seo to protect Vivian Castle from now on and go home and tell his father. In that case, he ordered all his security team to be brought

To the site president’s house. This time, he was determined not to let him escape. Denis was in the car following htas’ house and saw his security team get in the car and leave, only one girl remained.

At this time, Michael also prepared her clothes to go to Hantas’ house, while at the site president’s house, the police and security surrounded him tightly , waiting for her arrival. Vivian Caso was also brought here to sit with the site president , while Michael appeared again. At

Hantas’s house, he confronted his bodyguard. Inside, Hantas saw the bodyguard being defeated. He immediately readied a knife. He pressed the button on the wheelchair and called his son Michael to jump down in front of him. You are the one. Choy Herion’s son

Over here chez I heard what Dad said so I told him to extend the time and I’ll go right back to Hantao 25 ​​years ago what did you and your friends do So what are you doing here today I want you to Publicize your past bad deeds to clear

Choy Herion’s name and I hope you donate all your assets to society. If you don’t do that, I will make public your son’s secret. Che J in the car sounds terrible. angry Denis was outside also monitoring the situation and told his boss

To hurry out because time was running out. Michael gave him 24 hours to make everything public. As soon as he turned away , he deliberately ran over. attacked him but with just one light push he pushed him down from the wheelchair. He also pretended to promise that tomorrow

There would be a press conference to make everything public but once again he turned away and immediately stood up and stabbed him in the shoulder. Angrily , he was about to send him back to meet his grandparents

, but he asked if he didn’t want to know about his sister. Why did Danis call the boss outside? Because they were at the door, but Michael hesitated because he wanted to know about his sister when the police As soon as he entered, Michael immediately ran away and just like that, he

Escaped his henchmen and returned to Vivian’s room, stitching up Michael’s wound. Saying that he wasn’t half paralyzed, there must have been a reason. We just did that while Danis also looked back at the newspaper from 15 years ago talking about

Hantas because he saved a soldier who stepped on a mine and was paralyzed on half of his body. hantao was still healthy. So the doctor told his boss that after that incident, Division Commander Hantao was awarded the Medal of Honor and became a hero. But at that time he was being

Investigated for misusing public funds and being awarded hero status by the department. His account covered up the abuse of public funds but he said my sister was still alive. He remembered the fire that year. The next day, Ch J went to see caso to ask for her

Help in arresting her. She offered her conditions. It’s the intelligence department , you have to stop investigating our bookkeeping company. Outside, the Seo police were using a detection device to search. Suddenly, Michael came in to greet her. She staggered and fell down. Luckily,

He was able to catch her. Thank you I’m a police officer Miu I’m on duty here next time you should be careful but your left shoulder is injured and I injured myself while playing tennis Then you go in to see trez and cle He asked

Me Why did Kinh take advantage of her? Who knows what his purpose is? Let’s go out to the police. Seo wondered to che Zone. Why did Michael’s left shoulder get injured ? He said it was from playing tennis but He’s right-handed, how could he have

Injured his left shoulder? And Jein Bobe was at the coffee shop when Michael arrived. Why didn’t you give up investigating the johnmy group? Because I want to reveal the truth to everyone. Well, it’s all about money and power that’s manipulating everything.

Meanwhile, Trang Ho comes to Jein Bobe’s house and smashes it. Mr. Tebo angrily runs out and bites Trang Ho’s ear to force them out. Ma Co Go eat dirty skewers with Bobe and stay. The house called

, so she quickly ran home. Mom, I’m sorry. I didn’t think they would come to my house. Advise her daughter not to get involved with the John Me group anymore. CH Z was angry. Call Trang . Cough and warn him not to touch her. Jein Bobbe’s family later he met Jein

Bobe and she wondered why the Kinh guy harmed Chairman Cang and the Chief of Staff, but the results will be quick when he confesses, I will let you know. Suddenly Michael walked in with Chang’s arm around the four of them. when we met, chan asked why she wrote a fabricated article about

Johnny’s group. she blamed tre joh. Why didn’t she pay attention to her people ? Putting his hand on Michael’s left shoulder, he deliberately pressed hard to see his reaction. Even though it was painful, he still tried to endure it. Then he hid himself in the bathroom and ordered his juniors, when

Michael came out, to attack his left shoulder. ta Michael As soon as he got out of the car , someone came to attack him. Although he was injured , how could he be Michon’s opponent? With just a few gentle moves, he had to run away. Michon returned to the base

To ask. He had prepared the news. Not yet tomorrow Yes, sir. Tomorrow the press will publish the news provided by us. The next day, the site chairman was angry because all three major newspapers reported on the money laundering of zy group. Suddenly the secretary ran in to tell everyone.

The person who was selling off Channy’s company’s shares was also surrounded by reporters taking pictures. At this time, Vivian Caso also told Trang that John Me Group’s cooperation with Caso would be canceled. He was worried and asked about the amount of money we paid. I invested 200

Billion, can I get it back ? Didn’t you read the contract? Let’s start a new life. Meanwhile, at Jin Bobe’s mother’s house, watching the news about Zn Group, she was worried and thought it was because Jin bobe caused it so she had to stop it before she went to see

The Chairman and asked him not to attack jein bobe because she was his daughter. Vivian C, who was at the base alone, also heard this story and he was angry. Bao Chinh, your daughter harmed my company and was about to go bankrupt, maybe

You and your mother wanted to take revenge on me. Then Chairman Trang came to see Chairman Han and talked about Hua 27 years ago. She said she was pregnant, so I Give her the money and leave, who would have thought that now

She’s coming back and saying that that reporter girl is my daughter and telling me not to lay a hand on her over here Vivian casso Changing Michael’s bandage, she asked him if he loved me because I want to be your girlfriend now what I need is not a woman

But revenge so in addition to Trang Ho and Chairman Chang, Trang also has another girl , Jin Bobbe, who came back to the base. Michael remembers what Jin Bobe’s mother told President Trang that he could only stand still. The doctor asked the boss if he needed to include

Jein Bobe in the group of people who needed to be dealt with , but Michael could only stay silent and couldn’t say anything. Then he said not to attack. jein bobe And this is an order. Vivian caso sat in the car, remembering the time she spent in Korea.

His heart already had the image of jein bobe. So she decided to go in the rain to trez’s house. She betrayed Michael. Michael said. give trez all the secrets of the base Vivian casso drove away thinking it was all your fault Michael it was you who caused

This, not me che joh thought it was tomorrow You just stay there and wait for me Come and capture me alive. Vivian Caso returned to the base and said tomorrow it would be over, but my mind felt restless. The next morning, Z came to the station and asked to gather forces

To prepare for battle. He sent people to the Z group to check. Take out all the cameras and eavesdropping devices, then cover Z to let everyone know that Michael is a creep and a tease, so deal with him yourself. Don’t let it become a danger

. Michael is relaxing with his feet. She wondered why the press had found out the company’s confidential documents, so he let the staff out , then MT stepped out for her. Channy came to hug him and felt so happy after

That. When she left, Channy called her to come home quickly and come to her father’s house to let her know that Michael was her older brother. He confiscated the phone and dragged her back to

This room. Michael went to meet jein bobe and asked the COC from outside to play. He told her about it. At the age of 7, he was adopted by American parents, but he never thought about returning to Korea, and I didn’t know what my father looked like. I

Just knew he had passed away and he didn’t say anything. Holding Jein Bob’s hand, she smiled and invited him home to eat a family meal. However, at this time che Z went to meet Vivian Castle. Tomorrow, you should wear this for maon while he is happily

Eating with everyone at home. Jein Bobbe left and Maon kissed her. Bored with Jein Bobe and got in the car to go, suddenly Che J called out and said she rejected me because of him, why isn’t that person like what I saw? But Jein Bobe apologized and left at my house.

Remembering the last meal, he smiled. Called Jin bobe just to hear her voice. Boob B said I’ll see you tomorrow. Michael was getting dressed when he walked in. I gave you this, you must definitely have it. Wear it because this is what I

Prepared for you. In the future, I can’t give you anything like this anymore. Thank you. You solved the problem very well and left for now, Dr. See picture of friend in America Danis asked him if he thought he would see his family again in America. Michael

And Vivian Casso came out unexpectedly. He heard Trang ho say he was going to capture the reporter and throw her into the river. But he didn’t know that this was a trap, chez. ready to trick him. Michael immediately ran to find Jein Bobbe. Denis also ran after him.

Vivian Caso, at home, sadly drinking, tied a rope and made her hand bleed. Without realizing it, she called CH to report that Michael had left him. Immediately pressed the button, Denis in the car had interference that hurt his ears. The boss’s tracking satellite also disappeared and

Danis could not be contacted to report to the doctor’s base. The boss’s satellite outside was also lost. Seo police and force The amount of people breaking into the secret base Dr. Found out so he pressed the button to destroy the entire system. Danis couldn’t contact

The Doctor. He was extremely worried here. The doctor took one last look at this place and then pressed the release button. The police fired many shots at him, causing him to collapse on the spot. Michon was also in danger. They found a person pretending to be

Jein Bobe and hung them on the bridge to lure him when he wore a mask and walked down to get close to the Moon. After hitting him, he immediately ran away. He went to take off his mask and discovered that it wasn’t

Jein Bobe. Suddenly, the other side called Cang Ta. He turned around and she cut his mask off. Then, many gunshots rang out. he was hit by a bullet though but when Michael saw viven caso there with them he understood

What had happened to the base and she had betrayed him. Finally he decided to Escape by jumping into the Han River Jin bobe While working, I felt worried and didn’t understand why he didn’t answer the phone. The police were dispatched to look for him.

The reporter was also present to report on the incident . Chez ordered that even if the water in the lake had to be turned off, he would have to be found. Don’t think he ‘s cheating because he’s horrible. At this time, Vivian Casso Call chez and ask him to keep his

Promise, this time everything is not related to Cle Group. Michon has something to do here so she has to return to America urgently. She remembers the day Michael rescued her from kidnappers. The first time she met him, she said his name was Kinh. Tears

Started to flow. Hello, she said sorry. Michael Trez also held a press conference to talk about the situation. Jin bobe stood right next to Z announcing the news, she thought to herself, could it be that he did n’t survive this time, why did the two

Old men meet each other, shake hands, and celebrate the defeat? Having received the threat for a long time, he just stayed in the room drinking alcohol. Listening to the news felt heartbroken. Meanwhile, hearing the news

Was just like playing with him. Police Dad Seo Remembers the day he jumped into the sea of ​​fire and trembled. See photo. The daughter still has viven ca return to the secret base, check how many of his subordinates are there why is there only one person at the scene

Because Michael is gone so you don’t need to find his people that will be decided by me I gave Michael to you not because I was afraid of you but because I wanted to take advantage of you. Tre Joh got angry and pointed the gun at you. Aren’t you afraid of the consequences

If I don’t contact you within 24 hours? The Casa group will have a document released that includes all of his actions and those involved chez had to let go. Then she came to see the doctor one last time Don’t

Forgive me and Jin bobe came to see chez asked when he made his business public chez Let her know that the business is play Cang ta and there is another name Michael Jin Bob be feeling extremely shocked Ms. Lang Chan left with a heavy heart she remembered the

Day he saved me at sea She couldn’t accept the truth like that chez Seeing that, he ran to help her go home and here Mr. tebo was at home when he heard a strange noise he went to the door and saw Michael coming in covered in wounds he helped him. He went into

His room and was very worried. He said he should go to the hospital, but Michael painfully said there was no need. He begged him not to tell Jin Bob about this . Outside, Z also took Jin Bobe back to her room to lie down. In bed, he was sad and at this time

His nephew came home, so he asked him to go buy some antiseptic medicine. Trez immediately asked what to buy the antiseptic medicine for. When Jin Bobe’s mother came home, she went into the house to meet Jin Bobe. Trez was about to go home

When she heard Jein Bobbe crying. So he went back inside and told her mother that the sutra was a ghost. She didn’t know what to say but hugged her daughter to comfort her outside. Mr. Tebo saw chez just stay here. So I took the opportunity to take Michel outside. Trez

Heard a noise inside so he went out to check. He also went into Mr. Tebo’s room to check and saw a piece of blood-stained paper. Chez was suspicious and went out to search, but luckily Michael and Mr. Tebo got in a taxi to go. Then che J went to Chairman Trang’s house,

His father was here, everyone was talking about mael being taken care of, Trang Ni came out and made a noise, she was miserable and told everyone to give Michael back to me because I love him so much. Meanwhile, Michael took out the bullet that was hit in his shoulder. Mr. Tebo wondered why

He was injured but could still survive jumping into the river. At this time, he remembered that the doctor had dressed him in a bulletproof vest and an oxygen tank you can stay in for 15 minutes without needing oxygen. That’s how I can survive. I still

Have a lot of work to do so I can’t die. My real name is choi Cang ta. The next morning, sir. tebo brought him food. He asked if he could tell Jin bobbe but he didn’t let him tell because he was afraid Jin bobbe would be

In danger. I saw her crying all the time. Maybe she loves you very much. I can’t love . who can because the person I love will be in danger right now s misiu went home and she sat and

Looked at her photo. The father was curious and asked his daughter about her business. He heard her say that before, his father was also a police officer and Mr. tebo looked at J Bob and kept going. He couldn’t bear to sit and cry like that

, so he told her to come with him and take the zin bobe to meet Michael. She stood still and looked at him for a long time, then ran to hug him. He immediately pushed her away and said I’m not

Michael. I’m afraid Michael is dead. then please go home quickly I don’t want you to appear in front of me jein bobe ran away heartbroken and sat on the side of the road crying sobbing the next day Jin bobe was talking to Mr. tebo then Che Ro came he took her to

Jin porridge restaurant boob be sadly asked if he had found the channel yet. Not yet but I don’t understand why you shed tears over someone like him. Jin bobe didn’t say anything, scooped porridge to eat, then she wandered around alone, remembering. The first day I met

Him in Hawaii. Every time she was in trouble, he always came in time to save her life. Jin Bobe ran to meet him, but when she ran to open the door, he covered her mouth and pushed her out alone. on Jin bobe hurriedly jogged up in

Her head. She imagined the two of them fighting each other. Fortunately, when she arrived, she saw only her. Z she angrily asked why are you following me because you want to protect her ? You should never use the name of protection to spy on me. She got angry

And immediately left. Michael was practicing climbing the wall and couldn’t help but think of Vivian Castle che joh came back to the station and ordered to monitor jein bobe 24/24 at Hey Jin bobe and Mr. tebo get in the car Michael came home from practice and stood outside the construction site

Observing the police following him so he left bobe also ran here to look but couldn’t find anyone suddenly she got a call Michael said don’t look for him again because if she looks for him, he will be in danger, he will return to the old place, the scene from 25 years ago appears

, a heart-breaking cry in a sea of ​​fire that he can’t forget and his younger sister who doesn’t know how to live or die, Vivian. While this number was working, the secretary called to say that a corporation in the US was calling, but when she picked up the phone, no one answered, so

She asked the secretary who had called. She was told that it was director Michael of the corporation . ty called then chez came and said he hadn’t found the body yet he didn’t know why if Michael was still alive he would definitely come and take my life because he wouldn’t forgive

Such actions. As soon as Bobe left that evening, Vivian casso called to meet me and Michael, who have been working together for 15 years, the global economic group Club came to Korea not only to do business but to revenge. When I knew he was a traitor, I

Secretly informed CH Z of the love department. tell me Just do it for his own good. If Michael contacts you , tell him again the next day. Jin Bobbe sat down and remembered what Vivian Cle said. Suddenly, an aunt came to give her a

Greeting card. birthday Jin Bobbe opened it and saw that it was from Michael. Suddenly chez came to see him. She was confused and dropped the card. Trez picked it up and returned it, then

Told her to come with him. Michael also stood outside and saw them get in the car and go home. His family invited her to a very sumptuous meal and along with a birthday gift she opened it was a beautiful necklace but Jin bobe refused to accept it I know you

Like Michael very much but he is a murderer if If he’s still alive, I ‘ll definitely catch and deal with him because that would be good for you, but Jin Bobbe didn’t say anything, just sat there crying. The next day, she got in the car and heard Michael calling, but he told her

Not to look back, just run. Arriving at the car wash on the left, the police also followed her behind. Jein Bobbe ran into the car wash . Michael jumped in and drove. He immediately drove away. When the police looked in, he could n’t see her car anymore. He went out and

Gave it to her. Miss a pen for my birthday I’m really confused about you I don’t know what kind of person you are Michael hold my hand If you ask me I will never appear in front of you again Michael I believe you is a person who cannot

Harm others without a reason. He didn’t say anything and hugged her. Trez was in the room when a subordinate came in to say he had lost track of Jein Bobbe. He called her but couldn’t reach her chez. Angry, he punched his subordinate. He

Called her at night, but she still couldn’t reach her. Che was extremely angry. The next day, at the police station, they were told that this bulletproof vest was found in the Han River. Chez remembers her face. When Michael was hit by a bullet, he immediately summoned the team because Kinh

Was still alive. Meanwhile, police officer Seo was at home with her father when she received a phone call saying Kinh was still alive. She rushed back to work to see her father. extremely worried about her. The two old men heard the news and were worried. It was all because

His subordinates did not handle the situation well at this time, Chairman Han. Remembering the day the four of them together burned down the remaining house. There’s another person that guy was killed. His car caught fire, but no body was found. Maybe he’s still

Alive. We have to find him and bring him back to the police station. Seo Just keep looking at the family pictures over and over again. I was still drunk when some strangers tried to pick me up.

Michael came and beat them to a pulp and carried her to the car. At this moment, her bodyguard also came running. Michael Called chez to make an appointment, but love. I had to go

Alone otherwise my dad would get angry so he went home to see his dad and asked what the secret was. I don’t know why he stood up and took out a gun and a loaded bullet. Take this as long as it hits. 30 seconds after one pill, the medicine will be absorbed into

The whole body and there will be no cure. After you deal with it, he will tell you . B The Secret of My Feet Tre joh drove to Han after Michael ‘s instructions . Then he got on the canoe to meet Michael. Trez pointed the gun at Michael, but

He asked Chez to put it down. If not, I will press the button under your feet and it will explode. So the two of them dropped down . Chez asked what do you want to see me for, then suddenly The two men fought hand to hand but chez

Couldn’t fight against the maon he loved. Then Lien immediately grabbed a gun and was kicked by maon. The gun flew away. Trez was beaten to a pulp by Michel. You ‘re so dizzy that you can’t stand up. You’re opening the meeting too early. Now, can you go back and tell everyone

Who was beaten and injured by someone about the new base? Danis is watching Macau. He’s an international criminal. come to the meeting Hoang’s heart was in Hong Kong, Mr. Tebo came to meet

Them and gave Trez’s picture from the intelligence department. He would come to negotiate with Mai Thuy. At this time, Maon disguised himself as Trez and pointed a gun at Denis , making him shocked. This was the last gift from the doctor. Leave it to me to arrange it like this, even chz himself

Can’t find it. Then the two of them went to the transaction location and Mr. Tebo was waiting for Mr. Tebo to open the suitcase of money for them and promised to carry out the transaction two days later and then get in

The car . Go, they’ll watch and suspect this is a trap. If so, we’ll prepare another trap and wait for him in the car. You take off your mask and laugh at home. Bamboo Z’s dad keeps calling you

But no response. The president of the site and his son also ran over and worried about what to do. On the day of the transaction, Denis and Mr. Tebo came to deliver the suitcase of money. They also gave a suitcase to Mai Thuy. Suddenly, they sent people to surround Denis and Mr.

T. However, everything was prepared. ready to throw smoke bullets into the blind Michael pretended to be a chez from the intelligence department and swung goats to attack them. The Last Name gave him a punch and

Knocked him out on the spot. Danis and Mr. Tebo brought Mai Thuy’s suitcase into the Zone cover room. They opened the safe for them. The suitcase inside is still here. Vivian caso called the US bank to give her the

Password to open Michael King’s account. But later she was told that the account had been withdrawn yesterday and there was no remaining balance. Vivian caso thought there was 1 billion dollars in her account. Michael was all taken out. Could it be that Denis took it or was it Michael? Then

She went to the car and saw there were flowers and a card. Trang coughed and called to tell her that she was still alive and angry. Vivian Casso threw the bouquet of flowers away. She was worried. Scared, he took out a gun to look for someone to follow

But couldn’t find anyone. Denis took a car, turned Macau’s name, and threw it in front of the police station. He told Seo police that it was Hanche Z Intelligence Department employee who set the trap to take the money and goods away. Then later, the intelligence officer also came and showed

Trez’s photo. He confirmed that it was this person who had tricked me. Seo police ordered the anti-poison team to search Trez’s house and finally discovered that there was a safe in the safe. Mai Thuy’s suitcase here on Che Zone island woke up and police officer Seo came to give him an arrest warrant.

Michael watched everything on the screen. I wanted to see how he got away with it. If he got away with it, then he wouldn’t. I want to see General Han’s suffering. He considers his family’s honor more important than his life. I want him to fall to

The lowest level of hell. At this time, police Seo interrogates him. asked chez, she brought a witness for him to confront, but chez said she didn’t know who he was, it was all the king’s fault, please release me quickly, there’s no time left, the next day the

Intelligence team brought a witness, Professor Han came and said that while he was taking pictures, he saw chez lying in an empty lot on the dugout. As soon as he left the station, the professor immediately called me. I did what you told me . Please release my daughter. The next day,

The scene happened. Police officer Seo received the call to release Chez because there were witnesses proving his innocence. She was angry, threw the phone away and ordered him released, reinstated his status as head of the intelligence department, and let him go home. Cheon was released. meeting his father, he told his son

To find Se Hun. He used to be my Tam Phuc. If choy herion’s son is still alive, it must be because he saved him. Jin bobe is reading the newspaper report about the police giving herion 25 Last year , chez called to make an appointment to meet me and met him.

He wanted to kill me because I wanted to catch him. He’s not that kind of person. She brought out a newspaper recording the arson that killed the entire police family for herong. I did the investigation. After investigating everything, the person who was supposed to die at B’s age is still alive. Now,

What do you want to say? I just want to know the truth about why that person did what he did. Then she left and the two old men met and talked about finding her husband. If his sister was still alive,

I would use it to force her brother to come out. So I asked him why he did that. Then he got upset and left. Che also let him go. who went to find S Hun’s whereabouts and Michael told

Dennis that he would help a person who was Li Minsu, 40 years old, working in a restaurant but formerly an important employee of the Z m hotel. The second person was Ly Kim T ho for three years. also worked at zm hotel before, another person named Han Cho had a company

That used to be a branch of zm group. He hated Trang Ho very much and always tried to deal with him while Jin bobbe went to meet the person who wrote the newspaper. The newspaper asked her to record

The evidence. He said that according to reality , only two adult bodies were discovered at that time. But the documents sent by the police showed that the whole family had left forever together . She went out to the street and stood in hope that Michael would appear. Suddenly,

Someone ran up and hugged her aside. He saw her screaming and asked who he was. He didn’t say anything, knocked her out, then carried her back to this side. Mr. Seo Hun was sleeping over. Seeing

The scene 25 years ago, he was startled and immediately woke up. He saw his daughter coming to press his neck and said he didn’t expect that the person who harmed my parents would be my father. I couldn’t forgive him. He was startled. Woke up and realized it

Was just a dream. The next day, che joh called his dad to say he had found Seo Hun. I ‘m going there now chez As soon as I left, Seo Hun also went to the station to find his daughter. He was sitting at

The table waiting for me. The girl saw the documents for Herion and Choy. Cang I suddenly walked in. He asked why I was still investigating that case. But she said, okay, I’m very busy. I’ll take my dad out to eat right now. Chez to his house. Then when he saw the police picture

Xo he thought maybe Misu is Se Hun’s daughter at the police station he also said goodbye to his daughter and left when Denis drove up and told him to get in the car and Denis will take him to meet Michael

Do you still remember me? He looked at Michael in fear and fell down. He reached out and pulled him up. He remembered when he saved the two children from the Sea of ​​Fire. Was it 25 years ago that he saved me and brought me to the orphanage? Remember

When you took the baby and placed it in front of the orphanage, you burned down my house, right? Tell me quickly, you trembled and knelt down to ask for forgiveness. Where is my sister? But you

Lied and said your sister had passed away. I was angry. Angry, he took out a gun and pointed it at him because of him, my mother and my sister were no longer there, but Michael shed tears and couldn’t shoot the enemy

In front of him and left. At this time, boob be went to see the Seo police and talked about Kinh Co, asking the Seo police for help. I met the police officer who oversaw the case 25 years ago, but she

Got angry and told Jein Bobe to get out. She ordered her subordinates to find the police officer in charge of the case that year and bring all related documents back here now. Chez said that

Even though you drank beer, you are an agent of the European CIA. He has done a lot of things , but I guarantee that I will catch him. Your health has been very good since childhood. Yes,

My father said that since I was a child, I Having never been to the hospital, he thought he was doing bad things to make money for his daughter’s heart disease treatment, so when she came out, he brought the cup she drank to request a test with ma co blood. That

Was a test with Se Hun’s hair sample that he deliberately picked up at Mr. Seo Hun’s house. Seo Hun here sadly held a picture of his daughter and wondered what to do because she had become

A police officer and her brother was a criminal. Mr. Pham cried in pain and fainted and apologized to his daughter. Suddenly there was a noise outside . He opened the door and saw General Han. He used a rope to harm Se Hun. He asked Choy Herong’s son where

He was now. At that time, I left him. I’m back at the orphanage so I don’t know where Cang’s sister is because I really need her, she’s gone. If so, then you should go see that girl too. Suddenly Michael appeared to save you. Why did you save me when I owe you

So much? I have already forgiven you because 25 years ago you saved my life when Michael Turning away, Mr. Dinh told him about his sister but was afraid that she would be in danger,

So the next day the two old men sat down to discuss the matter. He said that her sister had gone to see the elders. So the plan was to capture that girl and bring her out. The hostage failed. At

This time, Jon came home and said tomorrow he would know the result of his sister being alive. Chan went to the house to find Jin Bobe to ask Michael , but Jin Bobbe said he didn’t know. Chang Ni got angry and

Rushed to beat Jin Bobbe for giving him permission. that Ms. Dare to snatch her man Jin bobbe’s mother had to run back to the room and say for a while she was about to rush in and fight again but

The bodyguard caught her. Patched her back and told about Michon he secretly met with the president to ask about the plan for it City. As the boss said, our It City will become an international city. This project is very difficult, so I will try my best to bring all the documents

And submit them to the president for processing. I will try my best. Don’t be a boss. Disappointed You’ve been in Korea for a while. Why haven’t you contacted me? It makes me very worried. My goal is not to let others find out about the relationship between you and me.

Please take charge of the City plan . I’ll take care of the other things here. Denis and Mr. tebo gathered three people who had a relationship with Johnny’s group with the main task of destroying them. Once completed, each person will have a

Wish and we will do it now antony will introduce and will be the one to change the three people’s appearance so the change starts with the Mage hairdo Shopping for clothes and jewelry of all kinds Michael sits and watches them on the

Screen Denis asked Vivian Casso if she knew about the investment in It City. I don’t know either. I heard that Vivian Casso might come back but I don’t want to forgive her. Meanwhile, I just received Cang’s sister’s test certificate. I

Found it, you brought the test results back to his father to see that Se Hun’s daughter is Cang’s sister. Then he came to see Se h and said he was from the intelligence department. I confirmed that Misu was his sister. of her made him extremely scared and pretended

To propose to Vivian C but she promised to think about it. Suddenly she got a phone call saying that Michael’s sister was still alive. Che also came to see Jin . Bobe told her that Michael’s sister was still

Alive. Jin bobe quickly ran back to tell Mr. Tebo about this, Mr. Tebo immediately informed his boss of what chez said. Denis advised his boss not to believe what chez said. It could be a trap set by him. I have a hunch that my sister is still alive. I immediately called

Se Hun. He asked me to meet him at 2:00 tomorrow at the park. At this time, he prepared a trap for tomorrow’s meeting. The next day, according to the appointment, Michael came to meet Seo Hun

From afar. He saw him sitting with him. a girl Michael slowly walked over. He put his hand on the girl’s shoulder. Suddenly, the person who turned around was Vivian Castle. Michael looked around and knew they

Had caught him with a net. At this time , he covered it . Trang coughed and also ran over with her accomplices. Vivian sang pitchforks. gun on Michael I never thought we were enemies I also never thought you would betray me twice I hit you once

And you fell down Channy’s bodyguard jumped in to fight you here Hai The old man was happy because he knew that Michon had been trapped. At this time, the secretary brought in a gift saying it was sent by his son. When he opened the gift, he discovered that it was a bomb.

He opened the card and inside it was a pin. If he was terrified, he would die. Then the bomb will explode so he called Trez to tell him not to be scared to death because in front of us is now a bomb Trez

Heard that and immediately let him down alive, but here the two of them are still dueling with no final winner. he was defeated got the heaviest guy just at this moment Danis

Shot a rope so his boss could get out of the car and run away. They also chased and shot at the car continuously . Michael was glaring at the company’s secretary . John and both sides rehearsed chasing each other for

A while, then Denis They stopped the car so he could get out and take his place. They looked up and saw the person wearing a mask and dressed like a mermaid. He immediately opened fire repeatedly, causing the other guy to collapse

Right on the spot. He went to take the mask off and discovered that it was the secretary of the office. Danis asked his boss how he was going to deal with Vivian C. She betrayed him twice.

Vivian C. As soon as she got in the car, she saw maon telling her to leave until I told her to stop. Vivian C was driving but was caught. Got out of the car with gun in hand. CN asked what you know

About my sister. I can’t say anything about your sister, so let me see you off for a bit. As soon as Vivien Casso passed by, Vivien Casso took out his gun, but he took a picture of it

. The two of them fought hand to hand and when she couldn’t bear to let her down, Michael was able to hold her. I’m the guilty one . Please let go of my hand. In the end, I couldn’t let her fall. He used all his strength to pull her. From now on,

Please disappear forever before my eyes. I warn you this time. Next time, you won’t be able to forgive me. Over here, chez just drank a glass of beer and couldn’t stand up. Michael slowly walked in and told him. You have to be careful with alcohol. You sit and drink alcohol and wait for

Che zo to wake up. You drank a poison called chlorite. You are not my opponent and cannot harm me. I can deal with you at any time . But the person I want to deal with is not you. If you cooperate with me

, this antidote will be yours. The next day, the director will go to the intelligence department to find Trez , but the police won’t know where he is. Please give me the documents. Prove that Chez colluded with Kinh. Currently, 5 million dollars has been transferred to Chz’s account. She

Must carefully investigate the relationship between Kinh and Chez. In addition, the origin of that money cannot be ignored, then police Seo There was a phone call saying that che Zone had been found. So she sent someone to handcuff the policeman. They searched in the closet and

Found Kinh’s mask. Then the chief personally interrogated Trez. He showed him a photo to prove that the two had been together. sitting and drinking together trez couldn’t say anything respecting his father’s love and his previous achievements I won’t sue then

Chez go home to see his father he made me lose everything I have to catch him to pay This matchmaker still has Jin bobe waiting for tebo to come back and ask Michael if he has met his sister yet. Being

Deceived by the chez guy and not being able to meet his sister yet, it almost happened that Bob was worried and called him but couldn’t be with Seo Hun. was secretly photographed by Trez’s house secretary and

Was taken away. General Han glared at him in the basement and beat him to a pulp. It was you who saved the life of choy herong’s child. If you don’t listen to me now, your daughter won’t be able to rest in peace in the meantime. Seo police called her father but couldn’t. Suddenly

Someone called and told her to come see her because her father was there. She went to Che Zone’s house to meet her father and asked him why he came here. He had known this day for a long time. For the time being, please

Leave him here with me. Seo has no doubts so please leave. I beg you to forgive her because she is innocent. She is our sister. How can she be innocent? Hey, Antony is teaching three new employees how to play golf. Antony

Complains to Mr. Tebo that I can’t teach this group of people. Then he teaches them how to enjoy Western wine, but they drink until they’re drunk. Antony looks at them and just complains . Meanwhile, the two old men were talking about the City project when the president

Came in and said tomorrow was the opening ceremony of it City, remember that. The next day Michael stood from above looking down at the entire opening ceremony. City is coming As it happened, he went to see the children writing wishes and hanging them on the wishing tree

, so he also had a wish to hang on it. At this time, two old men also came to compliment the grandeur of the opening ceremony. Vivian, she also wore The page guy came to visit the page and invited her to go to the wishing tree to make a wish Vivian. She

Wrote down her wish and remembered when Michael saved her. So she wrote in there that she hoped Michael would forgive me later. Two old men came to meet the director of it City and they talked very warmly. At this time, Trang called and Vivian Caso

Said he would be home alone. Suddenly he saw Michael passing by so he immediately ran after him to the bathroom. Trang Ho met me here. Even though Michael said I didn’t come here to fight, he weakly rushed in and was controlled by me.

I asked where you guys were hiding Se Hun. Trang Ho trembled and said inside. Chairman Han’s house has two old men standing on high looking down, whether they are threatening or seducing, as long as we can take It City from him, we will be able to claim

The largest Hai Duong campus in the world . we have it we will grasp the economy of the Republic of Korea and the police Seo was at work then chez called to say your father’s health was not good then he came in to see Seo Hun now

Let’s go out You have to coordinate with us well otherwise your daughter will encounter something like that outside. Michael broke into the Zone shelter. Inside, he taped Seo Hun’s mouth so he couldn’t speak. Michael went in and asked if

My sister was still there. Trez came out and said he couldn’t talk. I had sealed his mouth. Let me tell you , your sister is sisu, that policewoman you met. Compared to dying at my hands. then your death at

The hands of your sister will be more meaningful in a moment She will be here right now s Misu outside rang the bell chez immediately fired a shot to send Se Hun on his way then pushed the gun towards the tomorrow morning She quickly ran in and saw her father lying

Motionless on the floor. It was Kinh who had harmed him. She sadly pointed the gun at Micha and asked why he did that, but he could only stand and look at his sister . Che J angrily stood next to her, urging her to shoot quickly. Sam Misu’s tears

Flowed but still couldn’t squeeze the grass. He angrily rushed to kick Cover Z. But when he looked up and saw that the police had arrived, he hurried V and left. In the car, he said that if shmu was my sister, there would be information within the intelligence department. Okay, I’ll

Check chez’s computer to see what’s going on. Vivian caso called the secretary to book a plane ticket for her next week to Hawaii and won’t come back again Trang ho ran in heartbroken and asked why you went to Hawaii and what about my proposal Vivian Cel said nothing just

Looked at him This morning on the news channels They reported that the Kinh had harmed Se Bob B’s mother turned around and told her that if menstruation occurs, she must report to the police immediately. She

Could only bow her head and say nothing. Mr. Tebo said that it was news. Saying that was not necessarily true. Michael at the base remembered the times. Meeting Sel Misu at this time, Danis came in and

Brought the documents he found showing that Sel Misu was her younger sister, so the image of her innocent little sister who was no longer in this world appeared again . S Misiu looked at her father’s picture in pain. She cried softly, but when she was leaving, someone wearing a mask like Kinh

Attacked her. May appeared to save her just in time on the bus. Trez said that although I had given up my military uniform, I still wanted to capture Kinh. Looking for my sister, we just need to take advantage of this point. Trang coughed to Vivian caso

That Michael’s sister was a police officer. Seo returned to Jin Bobo. Go to the police station and meet se Misu. At this time, police officer Seo said. I’m Choi Cang Hi Choi Cang ta’s sister please help me meet my brother again go home jein bobe tell Mr.

Tebo that Michael’s sister wants to meet him over here Michael was working out when Jin bobe came to you Tell police officer Seo to know that you are her biological brother. Go see your sister and tell her everything clearly to clear up any misunderstandings. After

That, police officer Seo received a bunch of flowers with a meeting card inside. at 3 o’clock at the park so she called chez to inform her of the appointment at 3:00, it was almost time for trez’s appointment.

Arranged forces to arrest mich cel danis and he sat in the car with him and observed the surroundings when his sister appeared and he looked. From far away, let Danis drive, he will meet with investors to present about it City. We will turn this place into the

Largest resort paradise in the world. Investors all appreciate Michael’s ability to go out to the community. The chief told Hanm Group and John Me Group that they wanted to swallow it City and they would regret it later. I just asked him not to give important work

To them. Xmu was upset and returned to the office . She was extremely angry. She said that person had harmed my father, so I wanted to do it myself. Please go away. Chez gave me the GPS box and told her to take it with her. If he appeared,

Turn on the GPS and I would know where he was. The two old men were extremely worried and suddenly the stock dropped quite sharply. This made the Japanese president very angry. If I don’t return to the original state, I won’t invest anymore. Then he

Suggested to them. Let’s go find someone who can help them restore the guy that Michael trained who hacked into the system of John and hmy group to destroy them. At this time, his phone rang and someone called him to the group president’s office. HM, after

Agreeing on the price, performed keyboard operations on the stock chart of the two corporations. Channy went to the elevator and was surprised to see Michael again. He gave her a bouquet of flowers for the day they met again. he kissed channy’s hand and

Told me to return to my happy life like before. So will we see each other again Michael Of course don’t leave me Michael because I love you very much The two old men were discussing About the plan to take over IT City, the cover came at

The same time Changi also happily returned home. Everyone who looked at her was surprised because today she was unusually happy. Maybe I met Michael. Didn’t you say Michael was dead? Do How can I meet a dead person instead of going back to the police station ? her

And her birth certificate. Then she drove over and Michael got in and told him to go somewhere quiet. At the same time, she pressed the GPS button to let Trez know that when Michael got out of the car, she took out her gun. Checking the bullets She walked down and asked

Why he harmed his father. To Maon just looked at his sister without saying any explanation. She had tears streaming down her face and pointed the gun at him. He was also miserable. Looking at his sister

Who had been lost for 25 years. He gently grabbed Cang Hi’s hand and called Cang Hi, but in the end she opened fire. He angrily slapped her and knocked her down, then disappeared. She angrily shouted for her

, but he just hid in a corner and observed her . Who would have thought that he would be blinded and point a gun at him. If you resist, your sister will be thrown into the river. That’s it. I have to accept

That we will let them beat us to a pulp here. Samu Returns to the station and orders an investigation of everyone in the hospital. I love you all. I have to tell you that Michael has been captured by them at Chairman Trang Che Joh’s house and is madly

Beating Michael until Sisu comes to find Jein Bobe and asks Choi Cang where I am. Her mother heard it and ran out. asked why I was still in contact with that murderer, perhaps there were no more men in this world, but Jin bobe said

He didn’t know where he was and returned to Michael. The two old men were both happy to have caught him. Later, Chairman Han told everyone to go out. He stood up and asked, “You want to make everything public about us? Do you think our achievements will collapse? Why don’t you

Kill us?” In the past, we didn’t intend to kill your father, but because he was so stubborn and always disciplined, there was no other way. We had to deal with him, the four of us each for him. Now

I will also give you a taste of what your father went through in the past. He tortured you and forced you to reveal where his secret documents were kept, but you were still determined not to tell him. At this time, Danis was extremely worried because he had lost

Contact with his boss. Mr. Tebo came back to tell Jein Bobe why Michon had to do that because in the past, the four people were Chairman Cang, Captain Ly, Chairman Trang , and General Han. murdered his parents. Cang Ta Trang Ho happily went to tell Vivian

Casso that Michon had been arrested, but when she asked where he was locked up, he didn’t say so, so she used a beauty trick to make him say it . He said Michael was now. was being locked

In the basement of his house. She didn’t say anything and put the tip of the ring to lightly touch her cheek. Trang Ho was already fast asleep. Danis was here, worried about where his boss was, when he received news that he was

Locked in the basement of Trang’s president’s house. We have to save him right now. Xisu also received a video showing that chez had arrested the ghost. She ordered everyone to go to the chairman’s house to search Danis and Mr. Teo also pretended to be an Electricity employee

And came to the house. The chairman of the security page asked to check the toolbox, then the two of them were allowed to enter the house. At this time, the police car also arrived. Misu went in to

Meet chz and page H. She showed him a picture and asked where this person was, but Trang Ho pretended not to know so she ordered everyone to search the whole place. The police went into the house and searched everywhere but couldn’t find them so she sent everyone out to search everywhere on

This side. Danis and Mr. Tebo also came down. basement Mr. Tebo opened the door and saw his boss hanging there. Seo police also received the news. Quickly go to the basement. When she went down, she didn’t see anyone. Jin bobbe over here took

His phone call. She quickly took the phone. ran to see Michael, seeing him seriously injured like that, she was very heartbroken. She held his hand and said, please let me stay by your side to protect him.

Michael looked at her, smiled lightly and shook his head. Being next to him is very dangerous. Then she asked. Mr. tebo why are you so seriously injured ? It’s all because of that guy.

He’s really a cruel man. Police Seo sat back and looked at the pictures taken when her father was shot. Suddenly, she saw the record sheet of her father’s blood. O That’s it. She told Van Bo to bring her the documents to

See. According to the documents, she called the obstetrics department to ask about Misu’s documents. Previously, the hospital confirmed that the patient, at three years old, had died during a team transplant surgery. Seo police wandered the streets wondering if he was dead,

Dad, whose son am I? The next day she went to see Chairman Han and asked about the case from 25 years ago. Police choy herion was shocked that his father had killed her. 25 years ago,

You and police Troi worked together to investigate the poison case, but at that time the one who accused police Choi was you, and you weren’t wrong because I couldn’t accept this corrupt police officer. So she bowed her head and left in silence, but when

She got to the car, someone wearing a mask came and covered her mouth, stabbed her and knocked her unconscious. He lifted her onto his shoulder, then Michael appeared. I warned you not to touch your sister. me

He was angry and fought him hand to hand, making him unconscious. He worriedly picked up his sister and ran to the hospital. At that moment, the image of two children carrying each other appeared. Finally, police officer Seo woke up in the hospital. She heard the nurse. Saying you dare to defend

Her is my older brother’s game. Policeman Seo immediately ran out to call him. Don’t think that by saving me , you can acquit all my brother’s crimes. I promised my Dad’s grave that I would catch the person who killed him, but Michael didn’t say anything and turned around and left.

Danis didn’t understand why the boss didn’t say he was her brother and explained the misunderstanding that he didn’t kill her father. I’ve never regretted what I did. But standing in front of a police officer, I lost my confidence. The next day, Michael stood

Up and spoke about it City, including the people he had trained to install it City. It was an extremely grand project that would Taking the tourism industry to influence the whole world, this is a vacation destination that you are looking forward to. I believe that the upper classes in the world will like

This place. This city can satisfy everyone’s hopes were gone. At the end of the speech, everyone applauded loudly. Chairman Trang was sitting and talking to department manager Kim. Then Trang coughed and ran in to tell him that Chairman Co was gathering

Chinese investors to give a speech. about it City So the two old men sat down to discuss with the president of the Japanese company and our company’s people. The Japanese guy introduced to the two old men that the investor was a young man from Japan. Manager Kim

Expressed I have known this businessman for a long time. My relatives introduced him as an international lawyer. My asset manager said she wanted to invest in a piece of land worth about 8,800 billion. The two old men heard about it and were immediately delighted. The police station had someone send

The test results to the police xo with a message to meet Trez’s person. When I opened it, I immediately reported it to him at the base. Danis told the boss to stop by the villa because I had sent the copy. Tested your sister, police Seo was waiting at

The villa, then the mike outside the Zone also appeared. You thought I was your sister, was it just a battle plan to lure you into taking the bait? Remember the time Au Tho spent with her parents and the time she spent with him playing by the beach

, but she still didn’t believe that she was his sister. She gave him the test report she had received and wanted to change this, which was very difficult. It’s simple, isn’t it? Outside , chez followed what dad told him to do to get his sister to kill him because if

Michael is dealt with in our hands, his henchmen will announce our crime to the public. Michael told For my sister, on a day when it snowed heavily, we built a snowman together and waited for dad to come home. That very day, they murdered

Our dad. I saw it clearly with my own eyes, but after hearing it, she still didn’t believe it. He even pulled out his gun and affirmed that I was a sisu, not a playboy. Cang hi Dad

Once said that if dad is no more, he has to protect me and mom. Because he wanted to fulfill that promise, he returned to the chez outside and couldn’t wait for her to hurry up. Shoot, seeing her hesitate. So he rushed in and opened fire, shooting maon with his superior skill

. Maon avoided his crazy bullets , so he took police officer Seo’s heart and forced him to step out . In the end, I had to step out in front of him, policeman Seo. There’s nothing left but to deal with him. He’s the one

Who harmed your father. It’s not me who harmed your father. It’s him. Don’t believe what he says. Police officer Seo was confused and didn’t know what was the truth. She picked up the gun and pointed it at Zone, then turned around and pointed it at Michael. The three people continued like

That until the police came and handcuffed Michael and led him away. Then she held the gun and pointed it. Go into the chez and ask him. Please explain what happened just now and why you knew this was an unexpected thing. Your GPS was on so I

Knew this place. So she had to go to the car to take Michael to the station above. Michael secretly opened the handcuff number eight with the key that the doctor had given him before. Behind the chez, he chased and opened fire

On the police car. He deliberately wanted to kill him. The car immediately lost control and crashed. Check out the checkered ramp and get out of the car. Take the gun and come this time. I’ll definitely handle it. You’re quick. Who would have thought he heard police sirens from afar

So he had to retreat. Michael came and carried his sister out. Danis and Mr. Tebo asked the boss if he was okay. What’s wrong? He told everyone to save them and go outside to hide and call his father to let him

Know that he had failed again. He was angry and couldn’t accept this. He intended to use a gun to end his life, but in the end, he had no basis. The next day, Jin Bobe went to meet Chairman Han to ask about Choy Herong’s case 25 years

Ago. But she received heartbreaking news that her father was the president of this side of the police. Seo was drinking when he saw her. Jin bobbe went to the police Seo told Jin bobbe that I can’t accept choi Cang ta as my brother in this world I

Only have one father police Seo from now on please wake up from the case 25 years ago four people They have hidden a very big secret. I will continue to investigate because michel this is the path I have chosen. The police will warn me. Because revenge gradually

Loses me, I cannot use unjust actions to fight back. Unrighteous events at the base Denis said that today at the investment presentation meeting in the area, Chairman Trang will have a very special speech about IT City. Here, Chairman Trang was practicing when he spoke. Michon’s people

Shouted fire. So everyone ran away to get out. Denis also ran to say the wheelchair couldn’t get off, so I came in charge of leading Chairman Han away. Denis had just taken Chairman Han away when Michael appeared to block the security. Danis, the officer, pushed him

A bit to the fire escape and then left. Outside, reporters were reporting the fire. Everyone was shouting for Chairman Han, who was still inside, to quickly save people. It was so random and unexpected that he didn’t need it. He was in a wheelchair and ran out on both feet.

Everyone was surprised because his legs were not injured. Reporters rushed to surround him and took pictures, and so the news spread loudly about President Han’s story 15 years ago. was also dug up. At that time , he was under investigation for misappropriation of

Public funds, but because he saved a soldier , he stepped on them and injured his legs . Thanks to that, he was made a hero of the story. The investigation was also because So he stopped but who would have thought that Story Today we learned that General Han had deceived

The people. Chairman Trang also expressed dissatisfaction with Chairman Han. I didn’t expect him to do such a thing. Suddenly, the bodyguard ran in to tell Tieu Thu. Trang Ni went missing while Michael was waiting for her to go for a walk in the hospital. Chairman Han rolled his eyes

. Seeing the news about him, he angrily threw away the tvd chez remote and went in to ask if this was true? Dad was suspected of misappropriating public funds, so he pulled off this drama. At that time, he had no choice but if he was reported to the

Military Court, he would be seriously harmed by the brat who took him to the exit stairs. The danger is Kinh’s henchmen. He knows that dad values ​​honor, so he smeared acrid chaff on his face. You have to find every way to deal with Kinh.

Chairman Trang was talking about stock prices with director Ly. Trang coughed at him, worried because because of Chairman Han’s scandal, investors withdrew all their capital and suddenly said, Call Bao Trang, cough, come see Vivian cle At this time, che joh was with Vivian

Castle, Trang Ho came into chez, told Trang Ho that Vivian Castle was Kinh’s powerful arm, then left Trang Ho sadly asked Vivian Cle, it wasn’t like that, right? Michael stepped forward to solve the problem. Quickly, the three guys were outside in the yard,

Then Trang coughed out and was also controlled by him. The president of the Trang family. Looking for his son, he also punched him and passed out. He hung the father and son in the basement where he was

Locked up. Michael used a whip to whip them. The threat made the father and daughter tremble. Michon asked him if he knew that Jin bobe was his daughter. He pretended to cough in surprise and asked how could that reporter girl

Be his daughter? I don’t know that girl. I don’t care. In short, if I die It will also die. What a heartless person who dares to risk his daughter’s life. People like you don’t deserve to get your hands dirty. After I finished speaking, he immediately

Left in the car. He called Denis Bao. He confirmed that Bobe was there. What’s going on? Is it convenient to confirm vivan ca ? Denis wondered why we had to confirm vivan ca if we were at jein bobe’s house Mr. tebo told the boss to order me to protect you

From now on. Now you have to be a little careful Michael When I got back to the base, Denis informed me that Jin Bobe was very safe, but Vivian Caso had been captured. It was Basco who captured her

Here. Vivien Caso was blinded. She asked Basco in Las Vegas. You must know the magic, right? No, I don’t know him. So how much money does that side pay you? I can satisfy it. The contract was signed by that side first, so I don’t want to betray because of money.

At this time, Danis is also trying to find Vivian Castle’s location, talking about the Seo police . Focusing on investigating the relationships of the people involved, she reviewed the photos taken when her father was shot. Van Bo walked in and said it was difficult to determine whether he was a murderer

Because he had many wounds and fried glue on his body. police officer Seo remembered when she met her father at Chairman Han’s house and when she saw him being harmed, she thought that

If Kinh didn’t do anything, it must have been because of cover Zone. So when chez got into the car, she appeared and immediately pointed a gun at her brother. Confiscate the gun he’s carrying. If it turns out that your father killed my biological father and you killed my adoptive father, then immediately

Open the gun and shoot. If you can’t confirm, get out of the car and go for sure next time. I will get an arrest warrant to carry out your wish. Michael was also sitting in the car observing this incident. As soon as he drove away, he walked out. I don’t

Remember anything about what happened 25 years ago. If they are guilty, I will rely on the law to catch them. This also applies to you. If you are guilty, I will also arrest you. On this side, the father and son of the page chairman are still blinded in the basement. They tried

Their best to call for help in the security basement. Outside , she heard it so she quickly ran in and took off the lights so they could come back to Trang Ni. When she woke up, she couldn’t see the microphone. She was worried,

Thinking he’d left her alone, then he suddenly came in from outside, so she rushed over. hugged him all night. I’m still by your side, right? I saw him nodding. She was very happy. Even though he went out to breakfast together, Michael refused because

There was a meeting this morning. He kissed chang’s hand and followed it with a gift. That made her feel so happy that she hugged him at the hospital. Chairman ha received a call to convene the board of directors. At this time, chez came in. He told his son to come with him

To the company. Come to the company. Mr. Ask who wants to cut us off this time because of the president’s matter? Our company’s image has deteriorated a lot. Only you took this opportunity temporarily from a while ago, and maybe we can salvage a little. He was angry.

Angrily asked who built this corporation, so now I have been revived. 15 years ago, I had to rely on a wheelchair to get around. Now I can stand up firmly, Mr. Introducing the next successor will be Hanche Z’s only son.

Although everyone was dissatisfied, no one dared to object, so they applauded and cheered. Chez sat in the chairman’s chair and promised to make the group strong while staying at home. President Trang was on the phone saying that yesterday she was locked in the basement. When Channy got home

, she immediately heard this and told her that Ma Co was at the hotel with her children all day yesterday , but maybe Michael wasn’t that horrible. It’s her father. She said maybe it was because she was

Sick, so the bodyguards took her to lock her up in Danis’s room at the base with Mr. Tebo who was sitting there watching them. Mr. Tebo was curious why he arranged to date the daughter of the site president. Because she was

Also As part of the TC war plan this time, Michel came in and asked about Vivian Castle’s situation . Danis said that he had not yet determined Vivian Castle’s location and that Basco had not heard about Vivian Casto being locked up here, so Trang coughed.

Walking in to ask about Michel’s whereabouts, she teased him that he was a puppy and then smirked. The two old men were discussing plans to deal with President Han’s capital. Suggesting to the site president to take advantage of his daughter, Jein Bobe, to lured him in the meantime chez

While working, police officer Van Bo arrived at the police station. Seo showed her a photo of her father when he was shot and asked chez again she had to give in to him trez also told her that

25 years ago the reporter The person who burned down her house was the father who raised her. Seo police felt extremely confused. She remembered what Chez said and called to meet Jin Bobbe here. Jin Bobe advised her to go see her brother to ask for clarification. In the

Meantime, the president and his father brought gifts to Jin Bobbe’s house. Her mother ran out to see them and was shocked. Seeing this, Mr. Tebo called to let Jin Bobbe know while

Waiting for Jin Bobbe to return. The two of them sat down to open the fruit and eat it. After that, she lay down and slept on the same spot. Angry, her mother brought water and threw it on them. Michael was taking

Trang for a walk in IT City. Then he went to meet Jein Bobe. She planned to tell him that her father was Chairman, but Michael Bao I already know. No matter what, he is my father. I can’t accept a father like that, so I still decided

To investigate until the end, but I still want to apologize to you. Michael. Look. She didn’t say anything but hugged her. At this moment, CH went to see Vivian. C asked where Kinh was . He was madly hitting her over here. Chairman Trang was asking Mr. Kim

To push up the stock price. Mr. Kim suggested that the father and son should sold all his shares but he was worried. If he sold them all, what if something went wrong, Trang Ho advised his father to rest assured because he still had

3 shares of Trang L’s shares so it was okay , so he decided to believe in Mr. Kim and sell all his shares. Danis and his son informed Mai that Trang and his father’s shares had been sold and received an order from boss Denis to start buying all those shares

. Cheon brought in a torture machine to torture Vivian Cle to reveal the truth. Shocked, he stabbed her in pain. She could only scream. In the end, she couldn’t stand his torture. Vivien Cle revealed the ID code with which he could reach Michael. At this time, he received

A text message. If today at the square If his luck doesn’t come, he won’t have the chance to meet Vivian Cle anymore. He thought for a long time. Michael decided to go save Vivian Cle. Even though Denis tried to dissuade him, he still decided to go. He asked his boss,

Dr., who died because of him. At the square , Vivian Caso stood waiting for Michael to save her. She remembered the first time he rescued him from kidnappers, then they both practiced swordplay together. They also shared a sweet kiss, but in the end, she betrayed

Him. It was painful but he did n’t kill her, but saved her again. Vivian was so embarrassed that she didn’t dare to remember anymore because she felt so sorry for him. They were impatient because they didn’t see Michael appear. So chez pointed the gun at Vivien Koo’s head

And called Michael to appear. If he didn’t show up , he would deal with her. The two of them were exchanging martial arts skills. Vivien Koo saw Trang Ho aiming the gun, preparing to shoot him. She didn’t think anything of it. immediately ran to Maon’s side, took two bullets for him

Before leaving, she asked him to forgive and did not forget to say I love you. Michael hugged her in pain and shouted for viven casso to wake up, he took two bullets. Then wake up. What the hell? You guys are angry. He put Viven Cel down

And went to point the gun at Trang. At this time, Tre Joh also pointed the gun at him. Michael forced Trang to cough and pick up Vivian . Next time, I will definitely not forgive him.

Denis drove the car and threw the page. He coughed into the street in the car. Michael hugged Vivian Cle in pain. He remembered the moments together with her and the loving words she gave him. Even though he was always rejected. Trez went home to meet his father. He said we shouldn’t

Confront Kinh anymore because I don’t want to lose you. Trez doesn’t accept this. By all means, you must deal with him at the base. Michael comes out and says the game is just starting now. Blood Debt Must Pay with Blood After that, Mr. Tebo went back to tell Jin

Bobe about Vivien C’s story. The president and his father came to him and asked Zin Bobe to forgive him because he wanted to find his lost child and suddenly her mother returned. Tell them to get out of your house quickly. He ran after her. She went into the room and knelt

Down and asked her to forgive her. She was angry. She asked. If you need anything, just say it. Hurry up. He said that the person trying to kill me is horrible, but he again familiar with jein bobbe outside jein bobbe angrily asked you tell me to beg Michael to spare your life

No need to beg, sister just need him to promise not to kill us then father and son get in the car and go home Chairman Trang’s car said that girl really accidentally returned to Michael while at the base when Jein Bobe came to meet him and waited for her to go

Out to talk. The two of them went for a walk together. She said that she wanted to be with me, Jin Bobbe . I haven’t done anything for you and I can’t be by your side. I believe that one day we will be together . Michael looked at her and smiled. They both

Kissed each other. Then they returned to the villa . He was sleeping in her lap. The next day at the police station, vanb ran in to give the documents and said that a few days ago, all

The computers in the data room were hacked into by hackers. The camera at that time could not be recorded. Suddenly, the police Seo remembered that on that day, she saw chez coming out, so she immediately went to meet President Han and his father to ask about her adoptive father’s story 25 years ago.

He told her that it was Se Hun who burned down the whole house for herong and took her in to raise her, but She didn’t believe it and declared that she would investigate everything and then left. President Han angrily ordered his son to start dealing with this girl and went back to the

Site president. The whole family was sitting in the office when Jin bobe walked into Changi wondering why she was here. He told Trang to take her home. Bo be told if he did something wrong, honestly come to him and confess. I can only

Help you get here. Then he left Trang ho ran in and asked her what she said. His father told us to go to him and beg for forgiveness. So the father and son ran to Chairman Han and said let’s go and beg for forgiveness, but he said. President Han said

Kinh’s sister is already investigating our case and at this time if we plead guilty, we will go to jail and sit for a while now we only have one path to choose, police Seo While working , there was a call saying that Michael was injured

And asked her to help the police. Seo worriedly ran and followed their instructions. When she entered, she saw someone wearing a mask lying on the chair. She went to ask him. Are you seriously injured? But when police Seo approached, the masked man attacked

Her. When police Seo was kicked once by him , she immediately retreated and caught him. She took off the mask and it turned out that the masked person was a girl. I’m here to arrest

You, so if I arrest you, he will come. She raised her hand, pulled out the needle, let down her hair, and gave a kick, making police officer Seo dizzy. She was poisoned and her whole body was weak. There was no

Need to waste her energy. Again, police officer Seo was still weak and tried to rush forward to hit her. She was kicked and fell down on the chair. She approached to control police officer Seo. She was about

To stab police officer xo. Just in time, Michel came and pulled him out, so he slapped her. She fell down, she was scared and ran away while beating Michael. He was seriously injured by the poison needle. Seo worriedly bandaged him and told him he should go to the hospital to

Get checked. Michael said there was no need, he was Super. I met Chairman Han and told him he would re-investigate the case so he wanted to deal with me. Cang hi? Those people are very dangerous. Don’t get involved, let me handle them. I beg you

. Don’t take revenge anymore. Let the law punish them now. Denis Drive to help Michel in the car. Denis gave the antidote to Michon. He said that after he came to beg Jein Bobe, he turned around and attacked Cang Hi. Then I

Went to see chang l and she took out a box with two watches that I specially bought for him. She put the watch on my wrist and then held out my hand for him to wear. I ‘m sorry but she didn’t. Noticing Michael’s apology, he happily took the document

He had asked her to take out and brought it to the Zomi company. Thim went in and gave the profit documents to the president of the viewing page. He made an appointment with the two of them that afternoon. Tomorrow there will

Be results. Chairman Trang told us to leave this whole matter to Mr. Kim to handle. Now we have to go to an urgent meeting at the board of directors meeting of Z Group . The shareholders asked Chairman Trang to resign. official but he said that my shares

Are 48 shares and my daughter’s shares are 3 shares for a total of 51 shares. I am still the largest shareholder. At this time, Chairman Co said I had 17 shares in this company, making father and daughter

Bewildered. He was so angry that he went home and waited for Chang L to find out what happened. He asked me if I had sold all my shares, why did you stop being mean and say I didn’t sell but there were 3

PH? Dad, why are you shouting so loudly because of my 3 pH ? The company’s business rights belong to someone else. The chairman was angry and screamed. He was worried and told Michael that he wanted to reconcile with his father, so he gave him the shares. Chairman Trang

Could only cry. Feeling miserable, thinking it couldn’t be possible, why would he treat her like that? She took out her phone and called Mai but couldn’t reach her. Tears

Streamed down her face, wondering why he was taking advantage of me. Why did he take advantage of me at the base? Kim entered data. The stock price of John Ro Group was miserable. The two people happily high-fived while

At the company, Trang coughed. Kim was nowhere to be seen. He turned on the computer to check and saw that the stock price had dropped to the bottom, Chairman Trang. came to inform Chairman Han that the company’s situation was that Michael had tricked him into taking all the shares, and Kim

Had deceived us. Now the stock price has dropped dramatically, so Chairman Han brought out the documents to tell her. Tu is a visionary. She said the real estate around Y City will build our reputation. She advised us to buy real estate around there. Suddenly the secretary came in to give us a

Price analysis. The real estate property for Mr. Han, after looking at it, trembled and asked what this was. He took out his phone and called his brother , only to find out that they had returned to Japan.

So the two old men struggled because they had been hit with a trick. When the two of them thought about it, they realized everything was lying down In Kinh’s plan, Chairman Trang cried and hugged Chairman Han and asked, What should you and I do now?

Meanwhile, Michael sat with the old chairman and the Japanese chairman, the old chairman Bao of Hanm Group and the group. The John Me group was beaten by us, the market is no longer theirs, and then Michael and Mr. tebo invited the three of them to

Drink to thank us. Without you , this plan would have been very difficult to succeed. The next day, Michael introduced it City to the investors. Chairman Han and Trang hung out at an observation corner, then returned home and the two old men discussed plans to destroy it City

, and so the press reported that the chairman and Michael at this time called the chief of police. He wanted to prove that he had no collusion with the business at the police station. Vanb ran in to tell the Seo police that the intelligence department was investigating Michael and

Wanted us to immediately arrest him while Chez was already at it City. He stood there looking at Michael talking to the investors. The police Seo was also on his way to it City following orders to arrest you here. Trang coughed to tell you guys that he had

Tricked you. Michael King was the one. That’s shocking. Hearing that, the investors didn’t know what was going on so they left. Michael was left alone. Then they sent bodyguards to attack him. Michael fought hand to hand with them . In the end, they beat him up

. At the same time, police officer Seo had just arrived. She looked up and saw him being beaten miserably. She remembered the love he had for his sister . Police officer Seo’s noble sacrifice without regard for danger ran over and shouted. to stop them

But they couldn’t. They got scared and ran away. She ran to her brother and Trez came. I wanted to see how she could catch her brother. She pointed the gun at Trez and was angry but couldn’t shoot him . He left the police. Seo worriedly went to

Her brother’s side, crying and calling for an ambulance. In the ambulance, the ghost’s hand was handcuffed. She told him to stop, don’t take revenge anymore. I already told him. Please leave everything to me . I will use the law to deal with them. I cannot use

The law. I will take all of the enemy’s property and their lives . If revenge is successful, my parents will also be dead and come back to life. Okay, right now, trez is also following the ambulance to monitor Michael Bao Cang. Hi, you still have

Unfinished business, you can’t be arrested. Don’t expect me to let you go. You absolutely can’t call her at this time. trez’s car is always following us after thinking for a long time Cang hi Bao Please take me as a hostage to escape Because

If I arrest you now all the blame will be yours alone to bear If you are guilty I will Arrested but now was not the time for her to show her a gun, her brother shot himself in

The arm outside. Hearing the sound of gunfire , the police stopped the car. Chez also went down to look at Michael and took the police hostage. Denis drove up. Throwing bullets, the smoke flew away. He thanked his sister and jumped in. The car drove away. She watched her brother’s car

Disappear and said to herself, Don’t let yourself be caught. Play tight. On this side, the two old men are worried because there are still a few days left. Finished investing in IT City, Chairman Han said not

To worry because that guy is on his way to prison Who would have thought that Chairman Trang had a phone call saying the ghost had escaped again, Cang Hi over here was bandaged by a nurse. injured, she picked up her phone and remembered the time he told her to use this phone

To contact him at any time. The nurse had just left. When did the nurse come in? From now on, she would sacrifice her sister. So he stepped forward and pressed on Officer Seo and said stop being a police officer. Officer Seo pushed his hand away and said I

Know that you are the one who killed my father, I will definitely find him. If you have evidence, how can you arrest me because I’m about to be served and leave at the president’s base ? You came to tell the Investors that if the Boss

Doesn’t explain clearly, they won’t invest anymore mihon told me I couldn’t explain and then left the next day at the police station. Van Bo went in and told police Seo that she was about to be investigated internally because che joh sent a file to the general department to

Report the incident. This time it was Because she intentionally let her goosebumps at home, President Trang and her father were regretting not listening to Jin Bobe. Luckily, she was my daughter, so she spared her life. Suddenly Chang walked over and heard her father, asking what Jin Bobbe was. My daughter,

Why did you hear wrong? I’m the only one channy heard that. Annoyed, she left and went to Bob and asked where Michael was. Why did you ask me? Don’t think you and I are from the same father and different mother. then John Group will be yours. Now I just want to

Know where Michael is, what do you know for that because your father 25 years ago was the one who harmed his father. Jin bobe got angry and left in a daze. I thought it was because of revenge that he approached me. Then she ran back and asked if

He had harmed Michel’s father. Because of that, he did that to me, Dad. It’s not too late. Please beg. Michael forgave her, so Trang Ho signaled the bodyguard to take her back to her room. Meanwhile, Mr. Tebo was sitting and drinking when Jin bobe

Came back and asked why he was sitting here. Because I was worried about the boss. His business had been sabotaged by them. Then Michael sat at the base sadly remembering what his sister said. Cang Hi and I are brothers. Can we be happy like we were 25 years ago

? Meanwhile, President Han informed President Trang that has found an investor. It’s a billionaire in the US named David. He ‘s currently in pain and crying because of what his father has done to Michael. At this time, the president of the page called the president and

Asked him to return it. 17 minutes of shares bought jin bobbe and said for Michael it’s not about Thuc newspaper but about restoring his father’s honor if the Chairman wants to tell the truth I will convey it to Michael and beg him So forgiving

, he agreed to tell the story of 25 years ago. At this time, Jin bobe also secretly turned on the recording, then she went to find Michael and gave him the phone over here

. The police officer Seo had just stepped out of the car when someone knocked her out. Then he carried her away, he waited for her to go to the site chairman’s house and locked her in the basement. A few days ago, her brother was hung

Here. Today, it’s his sister’s turn . Chez you’re really out of medicine. He got angry and whipped Dinh. beat her, the bodyguard brought in two police phones. So he immediately called and Michel picked up. He told me he was hanging out

With Cang Hi in the basement. I advise you not to touch my sister. He asked to be told. talking to his sister so he gave the phone to the Seo police and told him not to come alone but to call the police. He took the phone back and told me

To give him two hours to get here and then angrily turned off the sal police at Hey, at Chairman Trang Chang’s house , she had just come back from out. She looked around and saw a lot

Of bodyguards. She immediately asked what was going on. The bodyguard hesitated. Then she saw her brother and chez coming out, looking very suspicious. She went back to her room to think . If you’re not at peace, you’re startled when

You hear the sound of fighting outside. Michael rushes in to fight with two bodyguards. Suddenly, Chang L runs in and tells his brother to save his brother. He left a pomegranate on his sister’s body and unbuttoned a button on her jacket. Come out for everyone to see Michael stand up and press

The collar l bring my sister over here we will exchange anger chez order to release the police Seo he looked at chang ni and thanked her he picked up his sister and said first When I leave here, if anyone makes a move, they’ll die, changy

He sat down on his knees and sobbed until the bodyguard came in and unbuttoned his shirt, only to realize that the girl had coughed angrily and asked why he did that. Michael sat and looked at his sister lying there, heartbroken. Jin Bobe could only stand by. next to him but couldn’t say

Anything. He really wanted them to experience pain , but he promised his sister that he would n’t hurt anyone else, but he couldn’t help but take their lives. He got angry and walked out. Jin Bobe sat next to Cang Hi and said I was the same,

Seo police can’t forgive them . Meanwhile, at the Seo police department, their bodyguards were searching for the files when the police came in and discovered them. They quickly knocked him out. The next day, the two old men happily talked about how they

Failed Michael in the It City case. Channy stood outside and heard everything. She decided to secretly open the safe to get important files about it City. Michael I will do my best to prevent this. Jin bobe focuses on writing a newspaper to clarify the truth.

The story of 25 years ago. The next morning, the president of Trang was elated because today was the day that decided the victory or defeat of it City. Suddenly Trang coughed. The newspaper came in and showed me the

Little girl Jein Bobe, she put the story that Dad had made on the front page of the newspaper 25 years ago, he saw it and felt dizzy , he must have been out of her hands to be here, President. When he was angry when reading the newspaper, he covered Zone and reported

That there were many journalists outside waiting to interview him. He said that before the incident was revealed, we should take advantage of this side to go to the IT ctd. The page president just drove out and also Being surrounded by journalists asking about the story 25 years ago, Chang sadly poured

Out a handful of pills and put each pill into his mouth with tears in his eyes. Hello, I remember the image of Michael, the person I loved so deeply . Jin bobbe over here. receiving the document Trang Ni sent to her, she said she must give this to Michael because this was

Trang Nghi’s last gift. Meanwhile, at it City, Chairman Han advised Chairman Trang not to worry about the incident not being revealed yet. then the investors will be on our side. When we enter the speech, Mr. tebo comes and gives the chairman a file that

He has opened to see, then he goes up and gives it to the leader, then he stands up and speaks about the success. It City that his company will implement next, Chairman Han stood up to speak. Then suddenly they heard their voices talking about the plot that the two old men

Had discussed together. They thought that they only needed to win the It City bidding. To get money is fine. The Republic of Korea has no benefit to us. Investors are angry. It’s truly a despicable act. Michel at the base is also watching all the developments

There. Investors are extremely angry when hearing him say that he will destroy the entire career that Michael has built for so long, the boss is now just waiting for the Final Judgment. After finishing, the investor announced that the it City franchise will be

Assumed by Michael. Everyone applauded for this. Chairman Han asked the chairman of this story page. What happened in the end? I’m not sure if someone stole the contract. So the two old men exchanged blame and then told each other their crimes. The reporters

Jostled around each other, taking pictures to congratulate her. The goal was finally achieved. Michael sat quietly without saying anything. Are you worried about Changy? I’m afraid she will live in torment because she betrayed her. My dad then got back in

The car and the president of the page wondered why they had my contract, maybe it was because Changi took it and gave it to mich, the page immediately called home while he was in the bathroom. The guard came in and discovered that she was in a coma. She ran to the

Emergency room. Trang ho called and heard that the father and daughter immediately rushed into the hospital to where the bodyguard gave the letter found in Trang Ni’s room to the father and daughter. the letter she requested I’m sorry, Dad. Because I caused harm to you before you left, I’m truly sorry,

Dad. I also love you very much. After reading your daughter’s letter, I was extremely heartbroken. Meanwhile, I came to congratulate Michael on his success. In IT City, two of their corporations went bankrupt because of this, now the story of Michon’s revenge should also end

, then suddenly Denis came in to tell Chang Ni that he had taken sleeping pills so he wouldn’t be embarrassed to face him anymore. Now she’s in a coma. Chairman Han looked at the news and lost his arms and legs. He took a stick and destroyed everything. The company

Really went bankrupt. At this time, the shareholder came in and threw down his military uniform. Stepping on it, he suddenly covered R and chased them out. He looked at everything shattered on the floor, then

Picked up his hat. Dad, let me take you back to your room to rest. Right now, I got a call telling you to go hide from the police. discovered his fingerprints and

Told his father that the Seo police were on their way here to arrest his son. He asked if it was a case of murdering Seo Hun. If so, should you quickly flee abroad ? Promise dad that you will kill him, I will definitely do it and then leave when police officer

Seo comes in with an arrest warrant, Chairman Han is sitting there in military uniform. She said the case from 25 years ago has been exposed, Mr. is the one who harmed my father like that, so what happened? Because the time of execution has ended. If so, then you should look at this.

Chief Ly’s case was masterminded by your son who disguised himself as an accomplice this time. Even if you hire many good lawyers, you won’t be able to do anything. Please prepare yourself to visit your child. Then she left. Seo police went to the hospital to give

An arrest warrant. His family lamented in pain. It’s all because of his name. Damn it, my family was devastated like this. In the car carrying the jewelry to the station, the chez’s intelligence officer secretly gave

Him the key to unlock the handcuffs. When the car stopped at a red light, he beat Van Bo once and ran to the police. Seo and Van Bo chased after him, but in the end they lost

Him and hid him. Meanwhile, the chairman. Thank you boss for helping me in the it City case. From today on, I won’t get involved in anything anymore. At this time, chairman Han called. Tell me, son, I’m in IT City, he’s talking to your President.

Let’s make a plan. So chez opened the trunk and inside was a bomb. Michael was walking when an assassin came to attack . His brother used a sword to try to take Michael’s life. With 15 years of experience in the profession, he sent him to visit the

King of Hell. In one blow, the assassin had just collapsed when Chairman Han appeared and shot at him with a flexible body. Michael was able to avoid his bullets when the gun just ran out of bullets . Ma Co walked out and told him to give up. He should

Kneel down and ask my father for forgiveness. So he walked over and knelt down and cried and apologized profusely . He took advantage of the opportunity to try not to sneak in. Pulled out another gun from behind his back and shot him. With his eyes on life, he quickly grabbed the gun.

I won’t kill you. I’ll let you live and feel the pain. The pain was worse than death. The two of them tried to hold the gun, then a shot rang out. He shot himself and logged out. Chez was also here. He heard the gunshot. He shouted loudly to find

Dad when he saw him lying there. I trembled and hugged Mr. Trang Ho while he was eating and saw a wanted notice in the newspaper. Suddenly, the TV broadcast the news that Chairman Han

Had gone to see the chickens. He was worried and took out his phone to call his father, but the phone was dead. Pin this side President Trang was watching the news when Trang ho called him and advised his son that the only way was to follow Trez so Trang Ho secretly found Trez

Brother. She asked Trez to join her on the train to escape to China but chez didn’t. I agree that you have to be here to handle it properly The next day, Kinh name Jein Bobe was leaving when

Che Zone appeared. He sent someone to arrest her and then took a video and sent it to Michael. He asked him to come in the car. Jein Bobe asked why he became like this. Che

R shouted it was because of me. I want him at the Van Bo police station to report the case. The chief of police saw Chairman Trang and his son walking at this time at the hospital. The bodyguard came in and reported that there were

Many police officers outside, so he advised him to hide, so he was pretending. worked as a cleaner to hide out while he was at the hotel but was discovered so

He had to hide again. He went to the house to see Jin bobe’s mother and asked her to give him something to eat. She advised him to turn himself in. How long will you be able to run away like that? Listen

To your grandmother, take your phone and call the police. Tell me to quickly turn myself in. That guy has gone crazy, why did I tell you to follow him in the first place? Now I can’t keep up . Sorry, I’m so tired, I’ll sleep for a while while I sleep. Please call

The police to go to the station. He told the Seo police that chez had arrested Bobe to find a way to deal with the business in It City. Hearing that, she called and asked. The order asked for a helicopter

To take action. Meanwhile, Michael was riding his motorbike to It City. He drove the car and crashed into the two assassins who were standing. At this time, the police helicopter was also being dispatched to Seo police from above. down saw them fighting below

The helicopter landed the police immediately ran down this side the police car also arrived to surround the whole place so che joh Z jein bobe left Michael immediately ran on his motorbike to chase the running

Spear and kill Then the police car stopped in the middle of the road and he had to brake suddenly. The police Seo stood and pointed a gun at him, but Che Z frantically got out of the car and

Pointed the gun at the two ghost brothers. At the same time, he forced Jein Bobe to come down and make a heart to play. Cang ta, you choose. Go, the women you love are all here, I’ll release one of them, then

He took the gun and shot it into the hotel. Even though she was hit, she gave him a shot in the arm, causing the gun to drop. Michael rushed forward and hugged the call girl Cang Hi. Then trez went to pick up

The gun to shoot but ran out of bullets. Michael picked up the gun and she begged him not to shoot . But he got angry and approached trez, intending to give him a shot. Cang hi begged

Him not to shoot because that would mean he would commit a crime. He was angry. threw the gun into the sea then ran to hug his sister chez immediately took his motorbike and ran away but here I hope

You will live a happy life in the future I love you so much but now I have to go Michael looked at him in pain His sister passed away in his arms, he was so angry that Cang Hi was so loud, suddenly the motorcyclist came back so Michael put his sister down

And drove, he came and suddenly he stopped the car and held the button to start the car Jin bobbe I looked up when I saw the car on fire, pretending to go back to the company to drink. Watching the news talk about the explosion, but no body was found. The police are currently

Looking for him, but he sat and listened to the news. Then she laughed, then took a gun and ended her life. Later, when Chang woke up, she decided to go to study abroad. Meanwhile, Mr. Tebo went to the store to buy two love shirts,

One of which he brought back to give to Jein. bobe as a gift. He also told me to wear this outfit today. Yes. Today I will wear that. She wore the shirt he gave her and was riding her bike to the park

When she saw the silhouette of someone who looked like a ghost. Jin bobbe immediately ran in to find her. When she didn’t see anyone, she thought she must be crazy. Michael secretly stood at a corner and followed her.

Then he and Dennis went to the airport to return to America. Here, Jin bobe was writing in his diary. She thought it was because she loved Michael so much that she gave birth. hallucination Suddenly a boy came to give her a rose and a card. Jin Bobe accepted it and smiled. Thanking the

Boy, she opened the card to see what was written inside. I ‘m waiting for you. Michael Bob was happy when he saw her. Knowing that Michael was still alive, she looked up at the sky and there was a plane flying, she knew

That he was up there. Okay, this is the end of the movie. Please take three seconds to subscribe to the Channel to support us . Thank you. You have watched our channel. See you again in the next movie. Ok, that’s the end of today’s movie review . Goodbye and see you again in

The next episodes.

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  1. Phim hay,nhưng kết luận không hài lòng.hai anh em 20 năm biết bao gian nan vất vả cuối cùng họ phải vui mừng được gặp nhau mơi đúng,đạo diễn để cô em chết,xem thấy không vui.

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