Alone on an ACTIVE VOLCANO! Bromo, Java, Indonesia 🇮🇩

Welcome to Bromo! On a normal day, Bromo is very active, but  just as we arrived on Java a warning was   released saying that it was now very active,  and tourists would advise not to visit! YOLO! You only live once! We were feeling good until we got to the top! Holy [___]

Holy [___]! This is crazy! Oh, this is super scary!  Get me out of here I’m scared! I don’t feel safe at all! Good morning and Selamat Pagi beautiful people! We are Silke and Kieran and we are  on our 10 Year Honeymoon World Trip! And today we have woken up in Bromo… Around Bromo.

Yesterday we went to Goa Tetes  again to get the Drone shots that   we actually wanted to get the day  before until we crashed our drone. If you want to see that footage,  check out the last vlog.  But then we thought it would be a pretty easy  

Drive just to Probolingo where  we could climb Bromo, chill…  That didn’t happen… It turned out to be a crazy adventure. We climbed up into the clouds. It was mist, it was super cold…  And it was rainy… Yes, we found, luckily, a little place where  

We had a coffee and just like warmed ourselves up. Just after that we met a local guy though,   who told us that our automatic  scooter would not go up. Bromo this way? So they’ve said that the automatic won’t  go up the hill… um and it won’t go up! 

And also they’re saying that  this isn’t the right way.  The maps telling us that this is the way to go. Both maps, Maps.Me and Google Maps, but uh we   have no idea cuz if we go back it’s going to  be a long detour and we don’t have so long…

And I mean the roads were awful. The roads were really Rocky.  I think maybe it didn’t really have so  much to do with about going up, up, up…  But more about the roads themselves,  they were just very awful!  Silke, what roads? There were no roads…

Hey guys! What the duck are you doing here? Despite him telling us all of that, we decided to   push on because we wanted to make it  there, and we believed we could do it. After all the crazy clouds and super cold  weather and rain, we arrived in a little village  

And the clouds were actually below us. It was super beautiful and we decided,   okay we should fly the Drone! And holy freak! s So, I flew over the clouds thinking, “This  is amazing!” and when I turned around to   come back to us, what did we see? We saw our first Sunset over Bromo! 

Ah it was insane! It was beautiful! After climbing all the way up,  what goes up must come down!  And on the way back down Jack discovered that  he had a a slight problem with his brakes.  His front brake didn’t work and  then his back break didn’t work… 

Luckily we were saved by some  locals in a tiny village.  Yeah it was actually like the whole village just  came walking down to the bike, to put water over   it, to make it cool down because they said, “Ah panas, panas!”  So they cool down the bike. The  brakes worked a little bit better,  

We sat around the fire just dancing… We sat around the fire…?  We danced around the fire! And it was just like a really nice atmosphere.  And then we left, we made our  last little leg of the journey.  And we managed to arrive in this place  which is a super beautiful place but  

Unfortunately they only had availability  for one night so we’re pushing on to…  The next town closer to Bromo. Filling up at a little fuel station,  and a guy came to us he asked like,  “Oh do you have a room?” And we’re like,  “You know what, no, we actually  don’t have a room yet.” 

So he’s like, “I have a place,   a house with two rooms and  it’s 350,000, hot shower…” So, yeah we’re going to check it out now. It’s perfect because we were like,  “Okay, where are we going to stay? Everything  here is around 400,000 or 500,000 which  

Is way out of our budget…” But you see that there are so   many fancy places, this is the first “touristy”  place we’ve been to on this road trip, I think,   and everything is a little bit more expensive. This would be perfect if we can stay there. Selamat, Apa kabar? Cantik.  103? Yes! 

Wow! What?  Her grandmother is 103, that is amazing, wow! Strong!  Yes, strong. Jalan, jalan! Lots of walking!  Walking Bromo! Amazing! Two bedrooms, one here, okay ah I see, one here. Ah okay.  Good, I think it’s good! Yeah. Matur nuwun. Okay we’re going to stay here. It’s 350,000 for the whole house,  

Two rooms, so yeah, that’s good. The only problem is that the doors don’t lock so,   we cannot really leave our stuff here which is  a problem and we have laptops and everything… What do you think? I don’t know… He fixed the lock and we’re now  on our way to the Sea of Sand.  Only a 10 minute drive, super easy. It’s so beautiful driving through these roads.  It reminds me of like Nuwara Eliya,  even of Scotland, it’s just so green   and so picturesque as well. Everything’s super beautiful.

So we just got our tickets there,  it’s 30,000 to enter the area.  It’s only available for one day so I guess when  we come back at midnight for sunrise it’s fine.  No jeep, thank you. Motorcycle?  Motorcycle, yeah. And now they’re all trying to sell us Jeeps. 

Well not selling us, but letting us go with jeeps. I wish. Bye-bye! We heard that there’s an entrance  by a hotel Cemara Indah, and they   say that you can just go here to see  the crater from a distance and maybe   get entrance to the Sea of Sand. I think we’re found the place. 

The view that we have now is unbelievable! It’s a sea of sand literally, and then the   volcano in the background and  you see some smoke coming out!  Wow this is a magical place, we cannot  wait to be down there and just run around!

Got our little durian, you know, and  our other Durian is in the backpack.  You know the… buzzzzzz. That kind of durian.  For those of you who don’t know,  we named that drone Durian.  Durian the Drone! I think it suits him. Welcome to Bromo! Woooooo! The sand underneath our feet is super hot. And also, I have a little hole in my shoe,   so I can feel it burning through it. But this place is crazy!  Wow! Absolutely incredible!  And Bromo is right in front of us, which is crazy! Yeah you can see the smoke coming out. 

A little bit scary as it could explode any moment! At the moment they say Bromo is a little bit   active so we have to have a 1 km distance. I’m not sure how how much of a distance   we have here… How much do you think?  Is this 1 km? No! 

Maybe, maybe 1km… 500m 500m maybe…  But there are bikes, there are  Jeeps, so they’re doing it.  So, if they’re allowed to do  it I guess we can be here too.  We’re without guide though… But, oh well. My sister and Jack just like left and  we were waiting here because we’re like, 

“I don’t know, like we cannot go on  the crater, so we’ll just be here,   play in the sand…” And now they say like,  “Oh guys we’re up the crater.” I’m like,  “You could have told us  that so we can also join…” 

But, I think we have half an hour  walk or 1 hour walk up there. We are kind of risking our life as it is active,  they recommend not to go, and we are doing it.  We shouldn’t be doing this. But I think it will be worth it. 

Just for the Drone shots guys,  just for the Drone shots!  Just for experience, they  say it’s magical up there! Maybe we shouldn’t be here… And the climb up begins. I’m already out of breath. It is starting to feel a little bit crazy,   especially because we know that we  shouldn’t be climbing Mount Bromo now.  But it’s once in a lifetime. We’re here now so…  YOLO You only live once! 

Maybe for a short time…. Maybe for a short time… not! After maybe… We are getting closer. So out of breath now. Look at this.  We started walking over there on the other side… Oh my God, this is crazy! Last part guys, if anything happens  there’s nothing to do about it! Ahh I smell the farts! You can see from close by. Holy [ __ ] Holy [ __ ] Holy freaking freak! Silke did you fart? This is crazy! Oh this is super scary!  It’s like really looking into the Earth!  Eli is laughing with me, little [ __ ] It’s like literally looking into  

The middle of the earth. And it sounds like it as well. Volcano just erupted. We just saw it!  Really? Yes, it was just like a little cloudy *poof*  And we were like asking the local like, “Oh, what’s over there? It’s a volcano?  And he was like, “Yeah, yeah eruption, eruption!” 

So it’s one of the volcanoes in this  line that has, um yeah, eruptions! Get me out of here! I’m scared!  Oh my God, honestly I’m scared.  Let’s make the Drone shots… Lover! We make the Drone   shots and we’re out of here! I don’t want to risk my life, not yet!

Oh my God! We’re going to die!  We’re not going to die! At least I die together in my sister.  Yes, exactly. It’s so beautiful,   it’s worth risking our death… our life… No, no, not our deaths, but our life.  Our life! I think the sulphur has gone for my throat. 

I don’t know what it is. It’s crazy though. We’ve created some sunning drone shots  but to be honest I’m pooping my pants.  Like, all I want to do is like to get out of here   because the sound sometimes  goes more, sometimes less.  And knowing that there’s eruptions  over there, I don’t feel safe at all.

We’re making our way down again, super  happy hearts and a bit relieved that,   yeah we’re not up there anymore. Even though it was magical huh?  So magical! 100% recommend it.  Maybe when there’s tours going on  guys, just to so you’re super safe,  

But it’s definitely something I would recommend. It has been a highlight of Indonesia so far.  And our first volcano, our first  volcano ever, and together so…  Maybe it comes just under Jatilan… Beautiful. On the way down he was like,  “By the way, you’re going up  for the camera… Little [___]”

Two important things, let’s go! Wow, cantik! Okay, never seen a horse with pink hair! We just discovered something. These guys told us,   they threw a rock and accidentally  discovered this whole thing is hollow.  Listen to this. Sounds like a, like a, freaking thing… 

I don’t want to stand there. I want to know what’s inside.  No, no, no, no…. Oh my god! Holy freak! Souvenir from Mount Bromo! I’m exhausted.  But with happy hearts, no? Mhm, feeling so happy!  Going to find some food  now, maybe some nasi pecel. 

Always nasi pecel. And then more adventures coming very soon. We found some kittens! Oh my God, such a little flufsky.  Awww… Flufsky minufsky… upside down, let’s go!  Oh my God, you’re beautiful, look at that face! Hey baby, this is a dead cat, but you an alive   cat, so be grateful. Aww sweetie.

And for the second time today nasi pecel. But we might have found our regular.  This place is amazing, it’s 15,000 for nasi pecel. It looks insane and the people are super,   super sweet. And they have   our favourite coffee. Oh they do, yeah!  Saunte to that Love! Wow! Jesus. 

Yeah this is a good one. The one this morning was awful… Okay, I think that was my last coffee  in Bromo… I was not a big fan. Sorry, we’re not big fans of Bromo coffee.

Guys, we are going to go back quickly to the place  we are staying to charge the drone because we   don’t have long before Sunset. Let’s go! We got one drone battery charged and we  are now racing off to find the best spot   for Sunset. Let’s go! Okay, we arrived at Seruni, parked our bike  and there’s a few people there already.  There’s also a view Tower which is nice. And it looks super beautiful but,   there’s a lot of confusion around  where is best for sunrise and sunset.  When we ask people they just say the same point. 

You do Seruni for sunrise and sunset and then  I can’t remember the name of this place…  Penanjakan. It’s a 1 hour walk   from here so we will probably miss Sunset  but they say that for sunrise and sunset.

We’re just going to walk a little bit  more up the hill to check if there’s a   nice point there away from the people. And also the the shots that you see   online… I think they’re probably taken  with a drone, but I’m a little bit scared  

Just throwing the drone into the air and not  seeing where it’s going behind the mountain.  After what happened a few days  ago we have to be careful.  I’m still a little bit traumatised. Let’s go and see.  I think we can do it quite quickly. Big hill though…

So beautiful, look behind you Love. Wow, stunning. Nice and warm! Okay, jumpa lagi! I think we’re almost there…  it’s a walk up though…  It didn’t take an hour though… It didn’t take an hour…  They told us it would take an hour but I think  we’ve been walking now for maybe 15 minutes.

We’ve just arrived and uh,  there’s some people here.  Not sure what they’re saying  but they’re from China.  Kieran speaks a little bit of Chinese  so he’s been communicating with them.  I think they like the shots  that Kieran is creating… We just saw smoke coming out  of the volcano which is crazy! 

Everybody started to become crazy, I was like,  “Oh my god! Do we have to run? Is the volcano  going to explode? Do we have to like literally…” They’re taking pictures… YouTube!  Wow, everybody these guys as well! Nice to meet you.  Nice to meet you too. Wow, hello! So what’s your channel? 

Silky Ron The Road Silky on the road…  Ron the road. Ron the road.  Selkie is the creature in the ocean right? Also….  But your name is also Silke? Yeah, I can write it down. I follow you. They’re watching our YouTube  video and they’re like,  “Wow!” I think we have some fans. 

This place is just stunning! Wow!  I have no words, this is just magical! The sun is setting. 1, 2, 3, okay! Hello everyone!  Hello! Hello! You lost your drone? Yes, this afternoon just there… just down   there… but it’s in the middle of the hill so… Yeah it it run out of battery so… When you were flying? Yeah, when I was flying.   I was trying to get the get the view  of the volcano but when it comes back  

It has no more power so… Wow, I’m so sorry. I bought this one two days ago… Talking to a guy here and he just told us that  he crashed his drone, just now during sunset.   The battery just like ran out and he lost  it somewhere on the side of the mountain. 

My God, this is more common than I thought. It’s so scary oh, especially because it’s so   much money and it’s just in the air  somewhere and if something happens   then… it’s so easy to lose it. But yeah, the shots are worth it. I’m flying someone else’s drone  and she has an amazing controller. 

She bought this extra controller… Are you guys coming up here tomorrow morning? I think so yeah.  Because tomorrow morning I think the view is  better because the sun is coming from the East   side right, so the whole Mountain  will be like… looks like golden.

What it’s happening? She wants to give me the strap!  Really? Yeah…  From the thing…  Oh my god. Wow, thank you!  Ah xie xie ni! She said that she can buy anytime. Can we, can we pay you for it? 

No, I don’t think she will accept, no worries. No, no, no, no, no, oh no, no, no!  That’s so sweet! Bù yào, Bù yào, Bù yào, Oh my god. Wow, thank you so much! Xie xie! Oh my God, you’re so sweet!

Wow, I think our little controller maybe doesn’t  need it so much but, that’s so nice, wow!  Xie xie ni! Thank you so much! We are coming back tomorrow  morning for a beautiful sunrise.  If you want to see that vlog, make sure to like,  subscribe, turn on the notification bell… 

All that good stuff and we will see your  beautiful faces on the next adventure.  Don’t miss it guys! Bye! Guys we’re running down… We think we left the keys in the bike.  Let’s go! I hope no one stole it…

Mount Bromo! Our first time exploring an active volcano and this was an epic one! East Java, Indonesia is continuing to amazing us! But just as we arrived on the Island of Java the government issued a warning saying that Mount Bromo was more active than usual and that visitors should stay over 1km distance from it… did that stop us… The locals said that it would be fine!

Located on the island of Java, Indonesia, Mount Bromo is a dynamic volcano nestled within the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park. It’s picturesque setting within the expansive 10 km wide Tengger caldera, with Mount Semeru looming in the background, emitting smoky clouds approximately every 20 minutes, is renowned as one of the most breathtaking volcano vistas globally.

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Gear 📷
Camera – Sony A7IV & A7C
Mic – Rode VideoMicro II
Drone – DJI Mini 4 Pro
Action Cam – GoPro Hero 11 Black

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0:00 – Intro
0:42 – Yesterday’s Crazy Adventure
3:16 – Journey to Bromo
5:30 – Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park
6:54 – Bromo & Sea of Sand
10:12 – The Crater
16:04 – Exploring The Village
18:52 – Looking for Sunset Point
20:26 – Seruni Point Sunset


#mountbromo #activevolcano #eastjava #indonesia

Mount Bromo, standing at approximately 2,329 meters (7,641 feet) above sea level, is part of the Tengger Massif, which is a collection of several volcanic peaks. It is surrounded by the vast Tengger Caldera, which stretches over an area of about 10 kilometers (6 miles) in diameter. Within this caldera, Mount Bromo emerges as an active cone-shaped volcano, often releasing smoke and ash.

The area surrounding Mount Bromo is inhabited by the Tenggerese people, who have a unique culture and tradition closely tied to the volcano. The Tenggerese are known for their annual Kasada ceremony, where offerings are thrown into the crater of Mount Bromo as a gesture of gratitude and appeasement to the mountain gods.

Tourism is a significant aspect of Mount Bromo, attracting visitors from around the world who come to witness its stunning beauty and experience its rugged landscape. Many visitors opt to hike to the summit of Mount Bromo or take a jeep tour to explore the surrounding area, including viewpoints that offer panoramic vistas of the volcano and its surroundings.

Despite its beauty, Mount Bromo is an active volcano, and eruptions and seismic activity are closely monitored by local authorities. Safety precautions and guidelines are in place to ensure the well-being of visitors and residents in the vicinity of the volcano.


  1. Saya belum pernah kesana. Terima kasih sudah berbagi informasi tentang spot-spot terbaik di Indonesia.
    semoga perjalanan kalian menyenangkan.
    Saya akan terus memantau dan melihat perjalanan kalian berikutnya.

    pokoknya, the best for you.
    I love Indonesia.

    Salam hangat dari Puncak-Bogor, West Java.

    Alus pisan, Lur.
    Ajib euy.

  2. We like tourist, i bring a lot of tourist to bromo, we like youtuber it can meke more people coming to bromo. But, we don't like tourist that traspass forbidden area like bromo when it was erupted. We don't know what will happend.
    And that's why going with local people will be a bettef option, because you still misunderstanding some thing, like mountain at first sunset is not bromo, 15 minutes is not pananjakan but seruni (that you mention) and you event don't know how to ride motorbike on the downhill that make your brake fail. Imagine if it happend at dangerous downhill. Belive me, i saw accident with tourist on motorbike at downhill.
    Solo travelling is good but travel with good local guide will be better

  3. @bimawicaksana7279

    0 seconds ago

    i ciritised your channel. because i support to your channel. my chritised is why you dont even to try speak Bahasa Indonesia??!. i respect to your channel to discoveer our country and both of you is very kind person. cause i think you (you kinda a person didnt like to think about capitalism, youre like to being freedom people, humanistic above from anything, youre like to explore anything, you kinda some "indie/skena/ left person" its some to call/labeling person just both of you.. its nice for me personal). i know your channel is new, and you travel to the world,… but as i know, (YOU WILL HAVE MONEY FOR YOUR CONTENT YOUTUBE from adsense).. and so far you take for a lot video in INDONESIA. soo… I ciritised .. respect to our country for speak in BAHASA INDONESIA AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!. Bahasa Indonesia.. is easy dont to much rule.. . Ill will monitoring your channel. cause i care and love your channel. (and i dont really not respect / like how you speak in english with villagers people from Yogya).. he cannot speak english.. you make they confused..

  4. I am very proud to be a human being who was born in Indonesia with a very diverse culture, beautiful nature and a country that really loves peace. Let's explore this country together

  5. Video mu sangat keren kawan.. Aku masih belum bisa membuat sebagus videomu.. Sukses selalu.. Indonesia kaya akan kekayaan dan keindahan alam nya… Indonesia Mercusuar Dunia.

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