For the next few weeks I’m going  to attempt to cycle across the entire   country of Thailand I am definitely not a  cyclist and I’m not even that fit so this   should be quite a challenge but I love  Thailand and I love to have Adventures  

Here so I just thought why the hell not  in the previous episode I set off from   Mesi the most Northerly point of the country  with Bay Tong in the very south as my target   enjoy this series subscribe to the channel  if you’re new so you don’t miss the next  

Episode and let’s begin play he look like  too slow sometimes Caso he’s better with Alongside Bono day two we are leaving Chang Rai  had a lovely night’s sleep my legs are stiff as   old boots so just going to fight fire with  fire and get back on the road and hope that   the lactic acid from yesterday dissolves in  my legs according to Google it’s going to be  

About 94 95 km maybe a little bit more with  some stops along the way I’m just feeling so   happy that I’m getting to experience Thailand  in this active fantastic way and it feels new   and it feels exciting fting just trying  not to think about my situation with my  

Knees oh my God I can’t even lift them up  above my waist okay this is going to be bad okay let’s go oh all the sun’s just come up  over the clouds I think today is going to be a  

Sunny one so I’ve put Sun cream on the one thing  I will mention that I noticed looking back at the   footage yesterday was I think the the insta  360 please don’t run me over the insta 360 X3  

Which is the camera that I’m filming on right now  which gives this really cool angle right it’s not   very good in low light so this morning or sorry  yesterday morning at 7:00 in the morning when I   was filming leaving the northernmost point the  footage looked awful so I apologize for that so  

I think I’m only going to film on this camera  further into the ride most days or when it’s sunny as you’ll see in this episode The Emotions  that you go through when you cycle a full day are   quite varied this early in the morning and  this early into the ride the emotions are  

High optimism is strong and it overweighed my  negative feelings and the physical pain that   my body was feeling couple that optimism  with the fact that your blood is pumping   oxygen is flowing and the exercise releases  those amazing endorphins that flow straight  

Through you it really is an amazing feeling but  these feelings won’t last the whole day trust   me so I really look back at these moments as the  most enjoyable for sure s Americo again [Music] there’s a couple more reasons that I forgot to  mention when I first set off about why I’m doing  

This and two of the reasons why I’m doing it  is because Thailand if you were going to design   a country to cycle across and tour across on a  bicycle like I’m doing Thailand’s one of the most  

Perfect places because all across the country on  every road not just the main roads like we’re on a   country road right now out here in the rice fields  towards the mountains away from the main road they  

Have these amazing petrol stations or gas stations  right and this one this one I only give this one   three out of 10 because some of them are just  incredible but you can guarantee at least three   or four things this one’s a perfect example Cafe  Amazon a really good budget friendly coffee shop  

Ice Americano no sugar no calories caffeine boost  nice and cold you can put the ice once you finish   the coffee in your bottle of water to keep your  water cool 60 BS okay then you’ve got 7-Eleven   full of electrolites and snacks and Toasties and  anything that you might need chocolate bars okay  

And then this one’s got clean toilets they always  have clean toilets they’re always Immaculate and   this is just your standard three out of 10 gas  station the second reason why is because Chang  

Raai is a perfect example and it was so nice to  see Chang Rai completely L to how I saw it when   I was with dreamy when I was with dreamy you know  Northern Thailand we were just coming out of Co  

I think the sandbox was going on and there was a  few tourists coming in per week you know very very   seldom and it was just dead M Thailand I had it to  myself for the most part which was an incredible  

Experience and something I’ll never forget and  maybe one day write a book about but honestly   being back in these places and seeing tourist and  seeing foreigners and seeing the businesses Thrive   and the restaurants full and the bars business  busy and people enjoying Thailand Northern  

Thailand and getting recognized in the restaurants  and in the streets from people who’ve watched the   videos and are now going out and exploring the  places that we went to on dreamy so it’s just   been an amazing experience to see Thailand in  a different way not just by going slowly on a  

Bicycle but by seeing it fully back to its prime  so with caffeine and hydration sorted it was time   to hit the road once more this time with with a  delicious snack in hand the cool morning however   quickly disappeared and it was soon replaced  by a boiling midday Sun I’m not really used to  

Being exposed this much and for this amount of  time and even though I was completely covered   up for the most part the sun was still cooking me  my head and my neck look what I’ve just seen for  

Sale on the side of this street I think I have  to buy one of these purely for the fashion you   know just because it’s practical what do you  reckon purple with flowers hi s oh Lawn Lawn Mac Oh the red one looks nice but they  don’t have a Newcastle United one oh they  

Have an army one I think the red will  contrast nicely with my uh outfit let   me try it on one of the challenges I have  is can I still wear my helmet or does this   thing does this thing uh oh I can’t there  buttons this is pretty cool how about that guys

That I look like little little B peep because  this this thing here is this is a God save how   much is it Gip Tang poip HW siip what do you  think guys do you think I look pretty do you  

Think I look so Ma I’ll tell you what I think I  think I look ridiculous but the sun is no hitting   my neck anymore and I think I look I’m starting  to settle in I’m starting to blend in with the

Locals next thing you know I’ll be on  the rice fields grafting away I feel   great got this to protect Sun Happy  Days going full Thailand rural Vibes today even covered up like this cycling in the  boiling Thai summer heat it just felt like I  

Was cycling through an oven and I was really  only able to carry on for another 45 minutes   before I just had to pull over find some  shelter and get out of this brutal [Music] Sun okie dokie 46.4 km later and numerous Hills  lots of mountain climbs lots of uphills and a  

Few downhills but mainly it’s been uphill  guys guys um I’m knackered I’m absolutely   cream crackered I’m hoping that this is going  to be a nice little spot to rest here at this   beautiful Temple there’s the depiction of  Buddhist hell behind me I won’t go into  

Too much detail because it is quite graphic but  there’s individuals being tortured ripped apart   chased by dogs up spiky trees and then there’s  a big bowl of people being cooked cooked alive   and uh that’s kind of how I feel being cooked  alive today in this sun and up these Hills I’m  

Just going to rest drink some water have about  15 minutes break and apply some more sunscreen   and just keep going don’t know if you’ve ever  seen the movie Ace Ventura 2 when Nature Calls   it’s easily one of my favorite movies of all  time and there’s a scene where he’s disguised  

Inside a robotic rhinoceros meeting secretly with  Sinister types much I’m not too much um much too much and then he has a mechanical  error he starts to get very hot that’s exactly the feeling I have right now  33° Celsius right now no wind a slight incline  

Up this perfectly tarmac Road I must say but  yeah as these buffalos run alongside me I am Warm [Music] taking a little bit of a rest  bite it’s the hottest part of the day it’s   1:00 sun is out it’s blistering and there’s  this nice little shaded market and there’s a   breeze coming through here it is dreamy  loads of things to eat there’s loads of  

Things to buy here for food we’ve got all  this Delicious Fruit say bye m [Music] ch ch let’s get a cold drink and  let’s have a little bit of a rest   have a little drink of water with electrolytes in and we keep

[Applause] [Music] going I love  it when people just smile at you   and it’s just so nice be kind be kind to  people smile at people if everybody was   like that the world would be a better  place here we go 43 kilm to [Music] P let’s

Go [Music] okay guys we’re 1 km  from the hotel where my friend   Kevin is staying and he’s driven from  changai to kindly give me a new phone holder I said yeah I’ll be in pay today no  problem 100 km downhill pretty pretty much  

Should be good man I was wrong I was wrong I  don’t even know why I thought it was downhill   it’s not downhill it’s been uphill it’s been  uphill look at this this is nothing but this   is just like constant all day look here’s the  thing the emotions that you experience cycling  

And touring in my experience of two days first  30 km in the morning it’s cool you’re on the   bike it’s it’s amazing it’s Elation it’s Euphoria  then it gets hot and then you’re like okay it’s  

Hot and 100 km plus which is going to I mean  we’re on 102 km right now it’s too far to go   on a on one day for me and my fitness my left  knee is in agony I’ve drank lots of water I’ve  

Kept myself out of the sun body feels fine other  than my knee which is good my thighs don’t feel   like they were this morning but guys it’s just  it’s just miserable I can’t do 100 km I’ve got  

To cut it down I’ve got to try and cap it at  70 you know 50 60 75 at a push cuz I want enjoy   this trip I don’t know if it’s been the constant  Hills I don’t know if it’s being my knee I don’t  

Know but I think it’s just the distance once  you get to 75 km once you get to 80 km I mean   I’m looking at the Google Maps every 30 seconds  please tell me that it’s gone down in kilometers  

And it’s just it just feels like just feels like  at one point it felt like it took 2 hours to go 10 km I mean as you can see the Sun is going down  it’s 10 5 in the afternoon I’ve been on the bike  

For 9 and 1 half hours and this thing just  counts down this app only counts down when   you’re moving so when I’ve had little breaks  here and there you know it’s been a 12-hour day which I think would be fine in in in two  weeks time when I’ve really build up endurance and  

Fitness but to go from practically no experience  to 9 and 1/2 hours cycling in one day I mean that   is mental oh I’m in the wrong gear okay 360  come back to me you don’t like it when you’re  

Too long and it’s bumpy all day I’m looking for p  Bliss Hotel I’m looking for a I’m looking for a a miracle if you’ve ever done touring I’m  I bet you’ve I bet you know about this   feeling this this is just you’re just  over it aren’t you absolutely over it  

Lesson learned don’t attempt 100 km  again until it’s flat and you’ve got   Fitness and your knee’s not going to hurt  wow all right we’re nearly there now 200 M it had been a very long hot difficult  day but at least I had made it and I had  

This lovely little room to relax in plus my  body was in town dropping off a new part for   the bike I’ll show you all of that in the  next episode because all I wanted to do was   head down to the beautiful Lake Here In Paya  Province crack open a beer share dinner with  

My friend and soak up one of my favorite  spots for a sunset in the entire [Music] country in the next episode things go from  bad to worse and so I really encourage you   to click right here so you can watch  the next installment right [Music] now

In this series I document my attempt to cycle across Thailand, this is part 2.
🧳 Need an itinerary for your trip to Thailand?
the THAI TRAILBLAZER Itinerary –
the SOUTHERN SUNTAN Itinerary –
the NORTHERN MONKEY Itinerary –
🧳 These itineraries are perfect for a 2 – 4 week trip!

🇹🇭 My Southern Thailand Guide –
🇹🇭 My Northern Thailand Guide –
🇹🇭 The COMBO North+South Thailand Guide –

Get the COMPLETE 🇻🇳 Vietnam Motorbike Tour Guide here 👉 –

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  1. I love cycling, love to explore and love Thailand as well, I wish I will have the time and budget to pull of something like this in the future. Maybe one province as a start.

  2. Heat adaptation takes a few days. The more you ride in the sun, the longer you can endure it without problems. Just stay on top of hydration (at least one liter of fluid per hour) and if I may suggest use just the regular magnesium tablets from pharmacy instead of fancy electrolyte.

  3. The sun [UV] in Thailand is brutal! Ditch those short-sleeved football shirts and buy some long-sleeved cycling shirts. They usually have a large pocket sown in the back for small conveniences.

  4. รูปปั้นที่เห็นที่วัดทาสีแดงคือคนที่ทำผิดศีล ๕ ว่าตายแล้วต้องตกนรกได้รับการลงโทษอะไรบ้าง เช่น ตกกะทะทองแดง ปีนต้นงิ้วสำหรับคนผิดศีลข้อ ๓ ฯลฯ

  5. Great video. I see others have also commented on your seat height. It is terribly low … too low! You are definitely going to end up with sore knees and probably hips. Highly suggest having a proper bicycle fit done (not just seat height) before completely wrecking your poor body.

  6. During COVID you stayed at my wife's Homestay with Dreamy at Chiang Rai Bicycle Homestay! Sadly she had to sell it. Times were tough back then. But I'm now back in Thailand to support her, teaching and Youtubing! We both like to watch your videos. But please be careful. You are undertaking a very dangerous challenge. She says please fit some wing mirrors to your bike, so you can see cars approaching you from behind. All the best. Teacher T and Pat🙏

  7. Paddy, as a cyclist I was surprised and concerned about your plan to ride across Thailand, without much, if any, pre-training. So I'm not surprised by your struggles so far, and you've actually gone better than I expected. You definately need to do shorter legs, start earlier (5am, or dawn) and do as much as you can when the roads are quiet and its cool. Like others, I'd say your bike isn't set up properly, and your seat is too low. Good luck for the rest of the trip.

  8. Experiment with your seat height Paddy, bike fits not always best for you. Seems a little too low, maybe hurting your knees. Looking forward to your journey!

  9. Good on you paddy , you can do it mate . Suggest you build up kms slowly. To build up muscle strength and to allow your body to adjust to being on the bike 100km is a bloody long way with panniers, . Very early start might help too . Definitely need rest days .. Its ment to be fun .

  10. I think you’d be better off biking from 6am to 9am and from 4pm to 7pm. This would get you 6 hours per day. If you can average 15 miles per hour (25 kph) for those 3 hour stretches, I feel like you’d get more mileage and stay out of the rough sun.

  11. เพิ่งดูจบพอดีเลยค่ะสนุกเลยปั่นจักยานปลอดภัยตลอดทุกๆเส้นทางค่ะ

  12. I live in Japan. In summer it can get insanely hot. In order to exercise, I have to be up at 5 am and finish exercising by 8 am. Otherwise, it is just too hot and humid, not to mention the threat of getting a sunburn.

  13. Paddy mate…. we're all routing for you, but…just being real here, and as other cyclists have already insinuated, this adventure is almost doomed to fail before you began. Without a bike fit and any training under your belt, you're gonna get an injury(and especially since you aren't a springy 20yr old anymore). Doesn't matter how strong willed you are, bike injuries are serious business. Love your shotgun attitude on some travel things like not having a plan for a hotel and things like that, but wish you put a bit more planning in to this one and talked to some experienced cyclists first. Because I think you've got it wrong, when you have some training and the right bike setup, you have by far more good feelings throughout the days and weeks than bad ones, it's rarely that miserable. The continuous "runners high" if you will. Good on you for the challenge though!

  14. Paddy! Please pace yourself! What are you trying to prove? Take your time and enjoy your travels. Make it a leisurely ride. You also need to fuel your workout. With food! Didn’t see you eat anything but black coffee and a banana! If you keep that up you will damage your metabolism! You need to eat wayyyy more food. I know you want to drop a few pounds even though you really don’t need to…but if you don’t eat enough your body will want to store fat because it thinks food is scarce. I hope you listen to me even though it’s unsolicited advice. Oh and very important to replace electrolytes. Personally think water is the worst thing to drink unless it is spring water. Coconut water is much better, contains loads of potassium but you also need magnesium and sodium. If you get leg cramps you can come back to my comment.

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