バリ島1 雨季のサヌールでスコールがマジヤバかった。

I’ve finally arrived in the country. Now, I’ve withdrawn 500,000 rupiah from E-Wise’s bank account. It looks like I’ll have to make the arrangements myself. Okay, let’s go. I want to head to the hotel. Now, I would like to talk about the things you need to enter Indonesia.The

First thing you need is a passport.This must have at least 6 months of validity left, so be sure to check the expiration date. Yes, and the second is Ibiza.You can apply online from 14 days before entering the country or

Apply on the same day of your flight.If you are applying online, if you search from a search site, you will be directed to a fraudulent site. We have also heard of people being scammed out of their money, so we need to be careful.The one thing we had trouble with when applying online

Was that we had to upload a passport photo, but it was difficult for them to recognize this. In the end, I was unable to use a smartphone photo, so I was able to upload the data read from a scanner and apply.If you are having trouble loading your passport photo,

I recommend you try using a scanner. The third step is the customs declaration form.Paper declaration forms will be discontinued, and you will need to apply online, create a QR code, and show it on the day of your arrival.You will not be able to apply until 3 days before arrival, so don’t forget.

Please, I was asked to show my return ticket at the immigration inspection , so I prepared this as well. I’m thinking of trying it out. I heard that I can check in from now on. Yes, there was a Starbucks. I’d like to continue here for a while

. Yes, it’s raining. It’s raining all of a sudden. [Music] It’s like a waterfall. It’s been raining. I hope it stops in an hour or so. I can’t go anywhere unless it stops raining, so it’s a bit painful. I hope it stops soon. [Music ] ] Hello This place is cute [Music] Looks delicious Yes, that’s the puddle Rin and this clothes she dropped Oh, the car is backing up Okay, let’s go to the room. Let’s go in. This is what the room looks like. What do you think? There are two large beds lined up. Let’s go out to the balcony. It’s spacious enough. It has two chairs. It’s a shame that there’s no table. It’s nice to be able

To see the pool in the courtyard.And this is the closet and the security box.The service around here is a bit disappointing.The inside of the refrigerator is empty.At least I want some water.And this is what I’m curious about. The water area does

N’t have a shower curtain, so it looks like water will splash around.Yes, and this is the shower-only room.The water pressure is normal.The hot water comes out steadily, so I think it’s comfortable.Yes, and lastly, the toilet. This is what it looks like

. I came here because I was told there was a welcome drink service at the fool side. I forget the name, but they offered me something like this non-alcoholic mojito, so I tried it. How about it? Yes, it’s very healthy.

Yes, it’s a refreshing drink with soda, ginger and mint, and it’s very delicious.I liked it.This time, I rented a bike for 4 days from Bali Rental Bike.I would like to use it for my legs during my stay

. The shop is run by Mr. Yuki, the wife of Mr. Yuki. The motorbikes are well-maintained, and above all, you can communicate in Japanese, so don’t worry. If you want to rent a motorbike in the motorbike, why not consult us once? Yes. Let’s take a walk around the city of Sanur.

We came to a natural cosmetics store called U Spice. As soon as we arrived at the beach in Sanur, it started raining. It’s a bit far from there . The call came again. Now it’s raining again. It’s raining so hard that I can’t go home. Yes, I’m taking shelter from the rain. I can’t come in. Yang [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Now forOpenUpMyEyes It was raining so much. There was about 30cm of water on the road, and it turned into a river. I wonder if I’ll see this when I go around temples . Okay, let’s go to the supermarket. If it’s hot, you can always walk. [Music] Come on ,

It’s Pagostin. If you don’t want to eat it in the street, don’t eat it with your knife. [Music] This, this, this too Yeah, let’s buy some beer. Yeah, buy this black one, and the white one, and the black one. If I had to do it all without one piece, I’d probably go with Baliha.Every single piece is the same, and when I put one back, it’s the same.They’re all different

. It’s a pot that makes you feel It’s amazing how amazing this is in the Osaka period. Where are you eating [Music] ? It’s such a fancy place to eat, but it’s a large supermarket. I don’t think I’ll get tired of it even if I stay there all day.

I went shopping and I can’t go out to eat.It doesn’t seem cheap, but most stores don’t have tags, so I think it’s safe to have a nahua tag I had fun at Masuhai, so I decided to go for a meal. I want to go there . [Music] Cheers. Even at night, I’m so hot and sweaty that I can drink beer like water. [Music] Today is my first day, so I’m going to eat some Indonesian food.

Ah, this is a stew-like dish similar to beef. I’ve got it. Let’s eat. First of all, let’s eat. [Music] Let’s eat. This happens every time. It’s pretty big. [Music] That’s good. It’s well-cooked. Let’s get it. [Music] Yoko. It’s a bit [Music] Well, it’s more like Neon-yaki, it’s more like a boyfriend. Ah, it’s really delicious. It seems like you can find it in Japan. [Music]

The taste is saltier than I expected. It’s a bit strong, but I’ll probably want to put some sauce on it. Maybe I’ll get some. The taste is really strong, so it was a delicious meal. I ‘m full. Thank you for watching . Tomorrow, I want to ride my bike to Udo.

インドネシア バリ島に行って来ました。

#Bali #バリ島 #バリ #indonesia #ubud #インドネシア #バリ島旅行 #旅行 #beach #vacation #travel #sunset #家族旅行 #南国 #パワースポット

インドネシア E-VISA申請サイト(14日前から7日前までに申請)

BALI RENTAL BIKE 日本語を話すプトゥさんと、日本人の奥さんユキさんの経営するお店。


Rib Warung Steak(夕食を食べたお店)

Arta Sedana Sanur(立ち寄ったスーパー)

0:00 イントロ
0:15 到着
0:50 バリ島入国に必要な書類に付いて
02:25 ホテル到着
02:41 スタバと街歩き
05:09 お部屋紹介
06:42 レンタルバイクでお出かけ
07:25 ビーチで雨宿り
09:02 スーパーでお買い物
12:05 初日の夕食はインドネシア料理


  1. スコールは前ぶれないのですか暗雲垂れ込めてから降るんですよね

  2. 入国で不備があり手間取り昔の手書きの方が逆に簡単だったとぼやいてました。2月18日現在スコールはちょろっと降る程度です。クタではトイプー何度が見ましたよ繋がれてましたがww

  3. パパさん、ママさん、のの君♥こんにちは😊バリ島に行くには事前の準備が大変そう(^^;)
    素敵な動画をありがとうございますm(_ _)m私も旅した気分にさせてもらいました😆これからもずっとずっと応援しています(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)

  4. スコールの中、びしょ濡れでバイクは大変でしたね。憧れのバリ😊楽しませてもらいます😆

  5. こんばんは😊



  6. こんにちは〜🌅
    オープニング ✨素敵な風景 ですね✨突然のスコールは予定が狂ってしまいますね🎵
    夕食のナシゴレン、以前 ドッグカフェで良く食べてたメニュー😊 美味しそう✨ 久しぶりに食べてみたくなりました😊海老せんも おいしいですね👍
    次回は、ウブドへバイク旅🏍️✨ 楽しみです☺️

  7. 飛行機の手配など、手続き大変そう~💦一生国内から出る予定はないのですが😅勉強になります😃



  8. はじめまして

  9. スコール止んで良かった〜❣️と思ったら、また雨〜😱💦

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