오토바이 타고 고속도로 휴게소에 가보았습니다

[Priview] I rode my first tiger in 2024 and came out in the afternoon when the snow stopped Do you want to go to the highway rest area today? No way Stop lying Hey, if you can go to highway rest areas with a bike I’ll buy you walnut snacks and everything damn it

It feels weird to ride a bike to the rest area, not a car It’s been a while since I met the cafe owner Hello, everyone Hello I’m Daram, And Daram’s papa We’re on our first ride in 2024 Happy New Year everyone Happy New Year

I thought the weather was going to warm up today, but it snowed yesterday, so it’s still cold So we came out to enjoy riding for about an hour near Wonju (I’m also going to meet the cafe owner I met around the country) I rode my first tiger in 2024 and came out

In the afternoon when the snow stopped I was thinking of riding a bike for about two months, but I didn’t have the courage because it was cold, but it’s nice to be out today Aren’t you a beginner again? maybe It’s a lot of fun Be careful not to fall today, beginner

Yes, I got it If the highway is allowed, we can go all the way to Pohang even if we leave now damn it If the government allows the use of beltways or highway, the riding time will be greatly reduced to the destination That’s right. How well is the highway in Korea

Yes (Korea cannot drive on the highway by bike) I’m trying to drive only on the national road, so the road is bad and there are a lot of difficulties The highway is fun to eat delicious food at the rest area Right, there’s Sotteok Sotteok

Do you want to go to the highway rest area today? Don’t be ridiculous We can’t even get on the highway. How can I get there Is there a way? You’re going to pay a fine. I’m not going Stop lying Hey, if you can go to highway rest areas with a bike

I’ll buy you walnut snacks and everything damn Really? I got it. Just wait First, go to the IC Passed the IC. What’s going on First, go straight Are you kidding me? Oh, I failed to lie (When we went on a trip to Jeju,) you said you had to take off your shoes on the plane and tricked me that there was no toilet I’ll take the lead. Follow me

All right. I’ll follow you I tried to trick you, but I messed up while talking It’s going to be a ride to see off the winter while looking at the white snow in front of the mountain The birds are resting here Yellow reeds are beautiful in their own way Didn’t you pass by?

How did you find out? Oh, my.. Damn it Damn it lol I wanted to surprise you, but you seem to know the location of the rest area Are there still back roads on the highway these days? In the past, there were restaurants next to the rest area,

So I parked my car on the side of the street to eat, but is there still such a place? Oh, Really? It used to be like that There was a long line of restaurants next to the street But now, the road corporation has blocked everything This is the rest area

It’s under my nose People are going back and forth [Suddenly dancing kids] Why did you say hi? Arrival The highway up there There’s a rest area next to the rice paddies It’s Munmak rest area to Incheon It’s so weird to ride a bike to the rest area

There were a lot of cars because it was the weekend I remember doing a short-term part-time job with my friends here when I was a student Chicken skewers, potato, tteokbokki, fish cake, total 16,000 won It’s a new experience Why didn’t I think of this? I used to go this way a lot

After enjoying small happiness, I’m going to meet the cafe owner It’s been so long since you rode it Oh, I’m doomed How was the trip to the rest area? It was a surprise event It’s a new experience I think it was especially delicious I just want to travel at home, but when I don’t have time,

I think it would be nice to come here and play I feel like I’m driving on the highway and stopping by and eating It’s different from riding a bicycle to a rest area and driving by We’re experiencing two things today This is fun Now, There’s a place called Buron in Wonju,

And I’m going to give a book to the cafe owner and drink coffee Ok, let’s have a nice cup of coffee Since there are cars on the highway next to us, it feels like we’re eating at a rest area and driving together That’s really weird Right? It’s like we’re on the highway together

Let’s go to Pohang! (Pohang is really far away) Oh, it’s fun It’s so much fun riding a bike after a long time The tiger looks happy today, too I almost forgot about this happy feeling Anyway, as I said before, we need to sit on the bike first

Whether it’s cold or hot, something interesting happens when we sit on a bike There’s a tree in the middle This is really cool Age is 190 years old Younger than I thought There’s a tree here, too. This is big, too This tree is 200 years old

Shall we stop by Heungwonchang on our way back? What’s that There’s a big river in front Do you see Rock Mountain right in front of you? Yes That’s Heungwonchang Oh, over there? Dad, you haven’t been there I don ‘t know go? Yes This is Heungwonchang That’s awesome

A long time ago Grains grown in small cities were transported to Seoul through this river Buron is a town that still remains its old self The medicine shop has an vintage style I could see the now-defunct Daewoo Electronics sign It’s been a long time since I saw cafe owner

It’s been a long time since I saw cafe owner [In the previous round-the-country video] I accidentally got warm encouragement from the owner at a cafe where I stopped by to reorganize because the camera was broken Thanks to owner, I was able to recharge my tired mind again

– Dad’s story is also in the book, – My travel stories are here, – And there’s a story about the you She told me she son’s friend is our subscriber – He said there’s a channel I subscribe to, – and your mother was on it – Really? – I was so thankful

– You’re welcome. I appreciate it too a heartwarming atmosphere If you come to Buron, stop by The River Cafe I had a great time I came out late today, but I had fun without knowing the time Yes, Right I feel like I’m getting off the highway now

I felt like I was driving on a highway earlier Yeah We’ve arrived in Pohang(Imagine) Shouldn’t we stop by the rest area one more time? In the opposite direction? Then we have to go to the east coast It snowed a lot there It’s so funny I’m really looking forward to spring

To be honest, I didn’t get to ride a bike a lot last year So I didn’t upload a lot of videos and I didn’t get to ride a bike with you So I have plans for this year If I tell you now, it’s not fun, so I’ll make fun videos one by one

You have plans for this year Yes, I had to plan it Tigers will appear often this year The bag goes well with your bike It’s cool to remove the top box and mount the bag Yes What do you think about it from the back? Cool Good? Yes

I should ride like this from now on If I compare it to a car because I remove the top box it feels like an empty car is rolling It’s like an empty car It’s really light I made that bag, but I’m using it really well That’s right Yes

It’s not known to people yet, but it’s a good bag I uploded gloves and special set on Wadiz I hope people will respond well If you’re interested, I’ll leave a link, so you can go in and watch it if you need it That’s right. Check it out

Did you have a good day today? I had a lot of fun I thought I’d be bored today, but I’m so happy to be out riding a tiger Let’s cheer up in 2024, and let’s travel hard! Cheer up! Let’s go! I hope we all have a great year and stay healthy

I love you Subscribers said they want you to be on the video more often Oh, really? The ransom keeps going up haha

안녕하세요 다람입니다!
아빠랑 2024년 첫 라이딩을 다녀왔습니다!
고속도로 휴게소에서 즐거운 시간도 보내고 전국일주 때 힘을 주신 부론 카페 사장님을 만나 책도 선물로 드리고 즐거운 시간이었어요!
여러분들도 2024년 새해 복 많이 받으시고 늘 안라하세요 🙂

YOLOJOLO SHOP [감성 바이크 아이템 욜로졸로샵]


#바이크 #라이딩 #오토바이 #두카티 #스트리트파이터v2 #바이크카페 #서울라이딩


  1. 영상 뒷부분에 소개한 링크 첨부합니다! 관심있으신 분들은 아래 링크 참고해주세요.

    제가 직접 제작한 여행과 라이딩, 캠핑을 위한 멀티드라이백

    100%방수, 넓은 수납공간, 가벼우며 방수 포켓이 장점인 '욜로졸로 멀티드라이백'

    을 와디즈에서 만나보세요! (와디즈 특별구성 제공)





  2. 바이크도 제발 고속도로ㆍ전용도로 풀어줬으면좋겠습니다..

    보험에서 대배기량기준인 250초과 바이크만 들어갈수있게 번호판 색 바꿔주기만해도 될텐데요.

  3. 일본 톨게이트비 2.5이고 한번탈때요
    그리고 125cc이상만 고속도로 탈수있습니다 텐덤으로 안되는 구간도있고요 우리나라가 문화후진국이여서 이륜차 개무시하는건 맞습니다

  4. 인스타360 뒤쪽에 메달고 다니다가 어디로 날아갔는지 모르게 잃어버렸어요~ 봉이 부러져 버려서요~
    시즌 온 되면 오다가다 한번쯤 보게 되까요?ㅎㅎ
    뒤에 개태우고 다니는 사람보면 손한번 흔들어 주시고요~^^
    아버님과 늘 행복하세요~

  5. 조심운전하시고 즐겁게 타는 부녀모습보니. 좋네요. 혹시 점퍼 어디서 살수 있는지. 가르쳐주실수 있나요? 너무이뻐요.😂

  6. 두 분 입담이 장난 아니네요. 람빠님은 거의. 개그맨 하셔도 인기짱일거 같아요. 뭐 외모는 영화배우급이고요

  7. 저는 오토바이 고속도로 진입 반대 입니다. 안그래도 대부분 오토바이 개판으로 타는데 분비는 고속도로 에 오토바이 까지는 아니죠 단 자통차 전용도로 는 오토바이 타게 해줘야하는데 말 입니다.

  8. 바이크 타고 고속도로 휴게소에 들러 먹는 간식맛은 어떨지 넘 궁금합니다.^^
    이제 봄이 왔으니 다람님 바이크 영상 자주 볼 수 있겠네요.
    전국일주 잘 하시고요.^^

  9. 항상 영상 잘 보고 있습니다.
    추천 도움받고자 합니다.
    이번주 원주를 가는데
    갈 때 : 양만장-원주.
    복귀 때 : 원주-여주-용인
    또는 원주-충주노은쪽-용인
    원주~여주 구간 또는
    원주~노은 구간에서
    좋은 카페나 이색적인 경치등등
    추천한 장소 있으시면 부탁합니다.
    너무 큰 짐을 드리는것 같습니다.

  10. 저런딸두기 어려운데 아버님행복하시겠어요 제아들도 추후같이라이딩하자고 하는데 제가안된다고 했는데 조금기대 되네여

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