
I don’t care what I eat in the world today.Yes, I’m in a European town, and the only people I pass by are white tourists.What attracts Europeans is the electric scenery that spreads out in front of them, and the pleasant

Climate.In such a idyllic popular tourist destination, I unexpectedly rode a motorcycle. So let’s start an adventure blog with all our might. [Music] [Applause] 916 This is probably what I asked the bus driver in Pa, and he told me to go with this anyway, so I

Haven’t told the driver yet, but this is it. I think there are already a lot of passengers waiting in the west.I said that Pa is popular with European people, but it’s really popular.I made a reservation online.I have this, but Spa Cube Match Pa has 3 flights at 12:30. However,

It was definitely better to order this amount online.It seems like you can buy it on the spot, but I recommend ordering online.I heard that the departure was shaky, but he was already waving from the gas station.That person seems

To be taking a restroom break here. They didn’t say for a few minutes, but I’ll just go to the bathroom and hurry back. It’ll be over if they leave me behind. I was wondering what time they were leaving, but they pretended to

Call me Paipa. I guess they were leaving because they called me. That person who wasn’t me was caught and I made a mistake. I left after a 15 minute break. It’s going to be crazy from here so be careful. I’m driving so

I have to be careful not to get drunk. Yes, I arrived at the pass station and put my luggage in. I didn’t think I could use a bolt or a taxi because I don’t want to take a bus, but it looks like Pai can use a gear taxi too.

I thought I’d get arrested, but it’s boring after all. How do I get to the hotel? I guess we ‘ll just have to negotiate. People are going now. It seems like the accommodation is quite far from here, so if you take a taxi once, you won’t be able to come back,

So I think it would be better to rent a bike before going.want 150 150 Iwant to No My partner from today is This guy changed it for 200 baht a day. It was good. He told me 250 baht at first, but I managed to get him to give me 200 baht. Even though it was 5 minutes from the bus stop to Ya, I was told 250 baht. It

Was too expensive, so I decided to give it a try. I rode a motorcycle and took all my luggage to the hotel, and then I went back.Today’s hotel was quite expensive.I arrived at the Woman Killy Resort Hotel . I finally did it. It crashed.

It hurts. I stopped at this amazing view. It’s amazing today. It’s a very beautiful villa type. I’m going to stay here today . Today’s accommodation is incredible. The sunset is definitely visible. Good morning. Yesterday Since I was injured, I didn’t eat dinner and

Slept at home, but when I looked around, there was a beautiful view. Today is a good day for pie, so I would like to relax at the cafe. Actually, I want to go for a walk in the morning, but I’m still a little sore, so I

‘ll have to drive safely.In Pai, the morning and night temperatures were 12 or 13 degrees, and in Chiangma, it was about 20 degrees, so the temperature is completely different. I’m going to have breakfast here at Home Garden Cafe.The atmosphere is pretty good.The wi-fi

Is pretty fast.I didn’t eat dinner last night, so I’m looking forward to breakfast.I think I’ll start with the stuffiness.The omelette is delicious. Wow, this breakfast is delicious. It’s got a lot of fruit in it, mango, sweet and so on. I was told it was taomele, and it was quite ordinary, but simply delicious. It wasn’t spicy, and the saltiness was just right. It was quite filling and delicious. [Music]

This cafe is a mess. Good, I guess it’s popular with Westerners. I think there are a lot of Westerners walking around the city, but it’s true that Japanese people probably wouldn’t come here because there are so many white people here at Tai, but this kind of pie is very Western.

I can tell you that it’s very popular among people , but I can say that in general.The view in front of my house is really beautiful.It was a really nice view, so I went back to the hotel.Today, I took

My time to check it out and eat some food. I think I’ll just leave it here.The view from the villa is really amazing.When I look at it like this, I think it’s a very rural landscape, and then there ‘s a cow over there.

This is so painful.I looked at my hand and saw that I had an accident yesterday.Is this ramen or ramen?What do you call it?It’s not yaki-yakisoba, it’s something like that.It’s like abura soba or something without soup.This

Is delicious. Nowadays, I’m so happy that it comes with soy sauce.Even if you eat it with soy sauce, it’s exactly the same as real Japanese gyoza, and it’s actually Yukiko from Seven.It’s delicious.It’s just like eating it in Japan.I had it once in Pattaya. It’s already the second time since then

, but I’m addicted to gyoza, and I ate it.The convenience store food was delicious.It’s a delicious meal. [Music]I’m sorry.I was injured, so I wasted a lot of money, but I can’t help it.I’m completely sick. I’m sorry but I don’t want to go to a fancy cafe, and today

Is a relaxing day, so I’ll do my best to edit it.I want to drink Loxonin quickly, so I want to drink Soni, so I’ll fill my stomach with cheesecake.It’s a delicious cafe.It’s a long day too. Thank you for letting me do this, so I headed out for dinner, but

The temperature in Pai at this time of day was just perfect.It wasn’t too hot or too cold.[Music]It’s not too hot or too cold.It ‘s nice to have dinner here tonight . It’s my first time taking off my shoes.The inside of the restaurant looks like a very lively Chinese restaurant.First

Of all, the Chinese noodles and mapo tofu arrive . I thought I had eaten something delicious before, but now it’s Champon.This is just like the noodles and soup of Champon.It’s similar to what we call Nagasaki Champon in Japan.And

I have my favorite Mabo tofu.The delicious Mabo tofu is a rare type of chopped up tofu. And this is cilantro.I’ve been liking cilantro lately, so I’m going to eat it, but it’s a lie.It’s true.It’s delicious.The spiciness is modest.It’s delicious.The last dish also arrived.Maybe I ordered too much stir-fried vegetables.I was wrong.This stir

-fried Chinese cabbage with vegetables was also a hit. The sauce on the Chinese bowl was so delicious.I did n’t know about it when I ate it, but I thought it was vegan food at this restaurant.It didn’t contain any meat.You wouldn’t know unless they told you.Maybe this is the

Meat. It’s probably mushrooms and tofu. People mistake this combination for meat. It’s an insanely delicious feast. [Music] Look, this is ours. We’re back safely today. Thank you for your hard work. This is what the night is like right now. It feels like there’s almost no light, but that’s nice. I’m going to have a quiet night here, but I can hear some background music, so I’m looking forward to seeing you today. Thank you for giving me this, please subscribe to my channel

通貨:1B ≒ 4.1JPY
▼Pai Bus Station (パーイのバス停)
▼Holiday Scooter (バイクを借りた店)
▼ウィマーンキーリー リゾート (本日の宿)
▼オーム ガーデン カフェ (朝食)
▼DEE Pharmacy
▼Little Cottage Cafe (カフェ)
▼Ci Xin Jai (夜ご飯)

▼ 【メイン決済カード:Wise】 ▷ 7万5,000円分お得にカード作成

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⚪︎ OLFHYL3367 ▷ https://www.airalo.com/ja
▼ 【trifa】 ▷ 視聴者様向けの5%割引クーポン
⚪︎ IBXMTP ▷ https://www.trifa.co/ja

▼ Instagram ▷ 日常をお届け

#世界一周 #パーイ #バンコク #海外旅行 #タイ #pai


  1. 旅行保険には入ってますか?領収書貰って取っといてください。帰国してから日本の健康保険で

  2. 動画のご視聴ありがとうございます!

  3. 今はケガ、治癒しましたか?😰 レンタバイクで良いなーと思っていましたが😢 知人もタイで骨折し大変でした。 バックパッカーが多いのですか? タイ、行きたくなりました😁 今はカオスの国にいらっしゃるのですね✨👀

  4. ついでに書いとくと、まだ先だと思いますが、南米は気を付けてください。友人の弟さん、世界2周目のメキシコで身るぐみ剥がされました😅

  5. こんにちは。若いからもう傷は治ったかな?気をつけて下さいよ。私の歳であんな怪我をしたら後残りまくりですわ〜お大事に!チェンマイ凄い良い所ですね。行って見たくなりました。その前に、プーケットですけど(笑)今はインドのどの辺かな?体調に気をつけて旅を続けてください!!

  6. チャリ旅いいですねえ、自分もやりたかった。個人的にチャリ旅の人にであって話はたくさん聞きましたね、事故ったり盗難にあった事も聞きました。

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