for the next few weeks I’m going to attempt to  cycle across the entire country of Thailand how   about that guys I am not a cyclist and I  am not super fit so this should be quite   the challenge but since I love Thailand  and I love to have Adventures I thought  

Why the hell not Life’s Too Short not  to try new things eh enjoy the series   of everyone subscribe to the channel  so you never miss an episode and let’s [Music] begin here we are at the beginning of  quite an adventure certainly next level for  

Sure I I’m going to be cycling attempting to  cycle from the very northernmost point of of   Thailand here in mayai in the province of Shang  Rai All the Way South to the southernmost point   in bayong in the province of yala and this is  my little bicycle I’ll show you her and explain  

Everything about this trip in a minute but here  it’s a busy morning at the border the burmes and   the ties are crossing in their numbers there’s  a nice little market here going to get breakfast  

Going to fuel up for day one of this ride day  one of this adventure I invite you to join me   to cheer me on as we attempt this physical mental  and hopefully fun challenge mayai is your typical  

Border Town so there’s not a lot to do there  was however a delicious Burmese restaurant that   I joined my friends who had driven me up here in  their van if you’d seen the previous episode I’m   having tea leaf salad right on the burmes border  M very traditional Burmese food oh my God that  

Is lovely that is delicious you probably got a  lot of questions so let me answer a few of the   main ones first first question why I love this  country I absolutely fell in love with it that   this country is just amazing incredible people  and I want to see the country from a different  

Perspective and share it with you so that’s the  main reason I also want to lose a bit of weight   I also want to get fit I also want to do a  physical challenge last year I hiked across  

The Swiss Alps and that was physically demanding  I don’t know how long this is going to take some   people are telling me it’s going to take 4 weeks  some people are telling me it’s going to take 3  

Months today’s ride day one is it easy day we’ve  got this incredible weather you might think Patty   it’s gray and miserable love it absolutely love  it I wouldn’t mind if it was like this every day  

You might also want to know the route where are  we going how are we going to get there I’m going   to be going the most direct route possible this  series is about documenting what it’s like when  

You try to cycle as a complete newbie solo from  one side of the country to the other after weeks   of getting the bike and the gear all ready and  after 3 days of driving up here from Bangkok I   felt relieved to finally beginning the pedal  and finally moving in the direction that I  

Wanted a new adventure A new challenge and New  Horizons lay before me and for that I was truly   grateful cycling past this area of Shang Rai  there was only one place I could stop as you  

Can see behind me this is the turning to this  mountain at the base of this mountain is a cave   and not long ago a group of young boys fresh from  training and playing football went into the cave  

They parked their bicycles up and they went to  explore and well the rest of the story everybody knows so I think it’s only right  since we’re passing by we go say   hello and we leave a little no  we leave a little reminder to

Them just to say thank you for inspiring  the world and to persevere 11 days they got   trapped in here so let’s uh let’s go see what’s  changed as we pass through this gorgeous little village these gray clouds and cool temperatures  don’t make for the best footage of this area but  

It is absolutely gorgeous and since this trip was  all about leg power and endurance I wasn’t that   mad about the weird British weather that I was  experiencing here on day one of the cycle across   Thailand and soon enough we started to cycle  towards the cave and we made it to the [Music]  

Entrance I found a very quick Pro immediate Pro  about the bicycle I just got waved in so I didn’t   have to park my motorcycle up wait at the gate  wait for the shuttle and pay a tip or entrance fee  

They just waved me in so I’ve been able to cycle  right here to the entrance of Tam langang the cave the cave entrance has pictures taken during  the rescue and they have this outdoor Museum that   showcases some of the relics left over from the  rescue itself they have the kids bikes still on  

Show and some of the equipment including the  stretchers that they actually put the kids in   whilst they were sedated and covered in diving  masks so that they could still breathe whilst   they were dragged underwater through the  cave and towards safety seeing all of the  

Equipment and the bikes was a little bit eerie  and also a little bit emotional to think that   this cave played host to one of Humanity’s most  incredible Rescue Stories in our history so when  

We came here last nearly 2 years ago this is  as far as you could go you could come in you   could see the floor space where they worked  and where they thought and had meetings and   Tred to figure out the problem of getting the  kids out and where the divers would change  

Tanks and change plans and it was really  nice to see that last time but now there’s   this extra staircase which wasn’t here last  time and it leads up further into the cave of   course we can’t go all the way into the cave  as deep as where the kids were rescued that’s  

Still not possible but this is cool now we  can actually go much further in which is nice wow they’ve actually left the piping  as well which they were using to try and   pump the water out and then they realized  you know they wouldn’t be able to just pump  

Out all the water in time I didn’t think  they realized they would be looking for   them for 11 days and can you imagine can you  imagine 11 days no food no water no sunlight jeez you know back in the day before the  kids got trapped here you could go all  

The way in here like they did exploring  having fun being children and then the   rains came and it monsooned and it poured  and the cave filled up all around them and   they got trapped in here and so before we  could only stay in the pink area where it  

Says entrance now we’re allowed to walk up  to here chamber one only 200 m in but wow incredible [Music] okay that was a lovely point of interest I’m  glad I got to share that again with you and  

I’m glad we got to see the new chamber I know  another burning question that you have is the   bike the setup what is it especially if you’re a  cyclist which I’m not I am not a cyclist guys this  

Is the first time I’ve ever cycled for more than  an hour I just thought this’s just jump straight   into the deep end and let’s get a touring bike  and get a little bit of equipment so I’ll give  

You a proper review of the bike where I bought  it how much I paid for it you know maybe in a   week let me have a week on the bike let me really  get to know it let me really feel it out and then  

I’ll share more details about the bike so far  so good but it could be it could be absolutely   rubbish and I don’t want to sort of embarrass  myself too much right now by saying oh this is  

The best bike in the world it’s not the best bike  in the world I’m hoping it will get me to where I   need to go in terms of uh other stuff I’ve got  my little speaker so I can listen to Tunes when  

Times get hard and I need a bit of motivation  otherwise I’m just going to really listen out   for the cars and the sound of Thailand passing  me by for GPS and for navigation I’m using two  

Apps I’m using Ride with GPS someone told me that  was quite good and it’s kind of recording my root   it’s telling me how many distance we’re going  and how fast we’re going elevation so that’s  

Quite useful so at the end of the day and as  I show you our progress on the map there’ll   be data on the screen so you can see how far  Far We’ve gone and how far we’ve yet to go Etc  

Just trying to figure out how to change gear okay  this is a 12-speed bicycle so it’s got 12 gears   and I have been told by a few of my followers  on Instagram who are touring cyclists who are  

Keen cyclists that no matter what at some point  when the when the mountains becomes too steep I   will be pushing this bike up a hill and they  said don’t get disheartened that’s normal and   it’ll suck especially if it’s boiling hot but uh  luckily that’s not happened quite yet I’ve got a  

Little front basket that’s where I keep the Drone  snacks Sun cream and any other little things that   I need right there in front of me I’ve got the  little bell I’ve got the 360 camera this is how  

I’m hoping to create a sense of immersion cuz  cuz I can actually put this right out like this oops can go even further than that but you can  see a bit more of the angle especially if I go  

Sideways on see now you can really see me you  can see the countryside behind me and using the   software I can turn the camera around and you  can see where we’re going so it should be quite  

Visually interesting although I do kind of at the  minute prefer this angle but we’ll we’ll see I’ve   got the Laval mic and I’m just recording that onto  the internal storage and I sink it in post so it’s   pretty straightforward I’ve got cycling shorts  with padded bottom so hopefully my ass won’t die  

Too much I’ve got my running shoes on I’ve got  my tune top on how we the tune and uh my side   Piers or side bags or whatever they’re called two  pairs of shorts four t-shirts three pairs of socks  

Six pairs of underwear toothpaste razor blade I  mean what else do I need we’ve done 10 or 15 km   already but an extra 60 we’ll get to Chang Rai and  we’ll just rest and then tomorrow I’ll push myself  

See if we can get 100 plus because otherwise this  will take 3 months and um I’ve got tickets to see   Taylor Swift in Singapore and I need to get need  to get done before that ideally anyway let’s go  

60k to changai our first big [Music] city the  rest of the day’s ride towards shangai wasn’t   very eventful I only had one straight Road South  to choose from and with the cooler weather and the   cloudy day I just made good time and I made  it into Shang Rai City around about 3 hours

Later I come to Shang raai quite often I love  it up here and so I know a great Hotel bang in   the middle of the city at a great price and the  perfect place to rest recharge my gear wash the  

Bike wash my clothes and just kind of recap day  one’s ride because today was only really a kind   of testing the feeling out the bike feeling out  my legs feeling out my endurance learning a lot  

Learning a lot I’ve got the rest of the day  now just to recharge refuel eat get a massage   reset get everything recharged charged learned  from my mistakes today because I made quite a   lot of mistakes from the production side of  things and I realized I need a few bits and  

Bobs which I can go to you know easily find  just like a little few things like I need   a sponge so I can wipe down the bike cuz  it’s quite dirty I need a towel so I can  

Wipe down myself when I’m sweating and a few  other little bits and Bobs but that was day one [Music] w

In this series I document my attempt to cycle across Thailand, this is part 1.

I leave from Mae Sai in Chiang Rai and begin this epic adventure.

🧳 Need an itinerary for your trip to Thailand?
the THAI TRAILBLAZER Itinerary –
the SOUTHERN SUNTAN Itinerary –
the NORTHERN MONKEY Itinerary –
🧳 These itineraries are perfect for a 2 – 4 week trip!

🇹🇭 My Southern Thailand Guide –
🇹🇭 My Northern Thailand Guide –
🇹🇭 The COMBO North+South Thailand Guide –

Get the COMPLETE 🇻🇳 Vietnam Motorbike Tour Guide here 👉 –

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#PaddyDoyle #thailand #travel #adventure


  1. Tune in everyday this week as we attempt to cycle across Thailand 🇹🇭
    SUBSCRIBE now and never miss an installment of the adventure! 🚲

  2. Nice video and interesting series, Paddy. How do you stay in Thailand at your age? Which visa are you on? I think a lot of young people would like to adventure in Thailand for awhile without having to repeatedly leave and come back.

  3. Cycling tips from lifelong ex top road racing cyclist
    Tires check daily set at 50 psi
    Gears do not push big gears
    Eat & drink often to prevent bonk
    Cadence very important
    What is an ideal cycling cadence?

    Generally, a good cadence in cycling is between 80-100 rpm. Beginner cyclists often pedal rather slowly, around 60-85 rpm. Racers and more experienced hobbyists usually average between 75-95 rpm, and pros can sustain over 100 rpm during attacks or more than 110 rpm during sprints.

    Good Luck and Keep Safe🙏

  4. Hi Paddy
    What do you think about putting a little rear vision mirror on the bike, I put one on my Ebike, being an old motorbike rider I like to keep an eye out on what’s behind me.
    The ride looks fun.
    Regards john

  5. So awesome, I need to do something like this and get back in to shape myself (well, maybe not across the entire country but you get the idea). Great and inspiring start mate, keep up the good work!

  6. Good to see you back . I have more than 20 yr relationship with that cave some great pics from deep inside. Nice flat great cycling area. And such a nice climate. Looking forward to the series. Cheers

  7. You don't look like an inexperienced cyclist. Your fitness for the moderate paced riding will quickly improve, strength and high end cardio for the steep hills not so much. Your 'sit bones' will also toughen up quite quickly. Good luck!

  8. Hey Paddy I've been a cyclist for ~13 years & following your content for 3+ years. It was fun watching you ride Dreamy across Thailand but wow is it a surprise to see you taking on a similar challenge by bicycle! Good luck on your adventure! Cheers!

  9. i dont kkow where you are NOW, bit if you pass by, i have a cold beer and a Guesthouse waiting vor you! Ban Hong, Lampuhn, on the Base of Doi Inthanon (close to Chom Tong)

  10. Petty Officer Beirut Pakbara, a Thai Navy Seal, contracted a blood infection during the rescue at Tham Luang cave. Beirut was under medical supervision but his condition worsened and he died on Friday🙏

  11. ขอให้คุณเดินทางปลอดภัย และประสบความสำเร็จ ในสิ่งที่ตั้งใจไว้

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