【抗戰電影】MULTISUB 功夫小子竟是改裝大師,機車載火炮,一炮擊毀日軍戰鬥機!MMA | Kung Fu

What happened? The fuel tank was hit. How long can we fly ? It’s about twenty minutes. We can only make an emergency landing. Use low-altitude flight to get rid of the enemy plane and report to the headquarters immediately. Mr. Lei is laughing. Mr. Lei, be careful and step back and step back.

There is a flying fox in front of you. Beyond the Feihu Ridge, there is an open field ready for an emergency landing. Who knew that this piece of shit would not live up to expectations? Feng’er, Feng’er, Mr. Lei, please don’t waste ammunition. I can’t hit you . Grandpa

, I, I, I will shoot . Let’s take a look at Mr. Lei. The shells just flew out. What kind of plane was shot down ? The plane just flew out and shot down another plane. Plane C. Where is the plane ? Over there in the mountainside,

Over there, over there. If you do n’t leave yet, take people with you . You are all stunned, walking, walking , walking. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go , Stone, slow down, be careful, don’t be so rash. This thing must be precious, Grandpa Stone, why

Are you running so fast, why are you always like this? Reckless grandpa, look, you stay here and don’t move . I’ll go to the front to see the ghost. Give the things back to my grandpa. Help, help. Get up, stone. What’s your ghost’s name? It’s not a good place for you to

Stay here for a long time . Get ready to shoot and kill . Report. I found the enemy plane , throw it away , attach the bayonet, and move forward . You damn Chinese are out of ammunition. They are still resisting. They are all annihilated. They report casualties

And there are more than ten ammunition left . The ammunition has been used up. The enemy is about to launch a charge. Everyone, come on. Pick up the bayonet, pick up the big knife, and fight with them . Give me the sword and charge it. Sir, sir , sir, the headquarters

Has urgently called the regimental commander to evacuate. Commander , you see the kid is trying to escape. The telescope is out of order. The kid is actually retreating. Something must have happened . Can’t he use it? You want to lure us over, you are stupid.

According to the current situation, there is no way to commit fraud. There must be some emergency. Then what should we do ? Clean the battlefield and see if they are going in the direction of Feihu Ridge. What will happen? Hurry up, captain. Look at the good stuff . Call the head of

The headquarters. How can I get connected to the headquarters? It should be possible to hurry up. Report the results to the headquarters. Hello. Call the headquarters. Call the headquarters. Listen carefully. Please be careful. We need to return all the bullets to the warehouse. Don’t even leave it for the little devils.

I heard that there is no regiment leader. Now we have made a fortune. With these equipments , we can rebuild our independent third regiment. Look, you will be happy to see your little potential. These things are far different. But with these things, we can have a good fight with the little devils.

Captain, did you call us to the headquarters ? Hey, headquarters? I am Liu Jiangong, telling you that we have won a big victory. This is called reporting your current location immediately. We are in Xiangyangpo. This area is so good. You should immediately stop everything you are doing

And rush to Feihuling with your troops. You must get there before tomorrow morning. Don’t ask about any tasks before tomorrow morning . There will be a special commissioner from the headquarters who will meet you at Qingshiji before evening to explain the tasks to you . But We have so many trophies,

Don’t worry about anything. We have to arrive in the evening. Is there any problem ? No problem. Guaranteed to complete the mission. Remember , we must ensure the safety of the special correspondent. Pay any price. Okay , okay , okay. Stop cleaning the battlefield. Each person brings a long gun. A short gun

With enough bullets and grenades rushed to Feihuling. There are still so many trophies. The order is to go at full speed . Let ‘s go. Let’s shoot down the Japanese plane with the first shot. Let’s see who dares to say that we don’t resist the Japanese. It’s just a joke. What?

Hurry up and see if there is anything you can move back to the village to use. Mr. Lei, what’s going on ? Looks like we’re going to build a gold mine. Come on , it should be in that direction. Look, the leader is right in front. Shangguan, you can tell me now

What you want. What are you looking for? Comrades, what we are looking for today are two things . One is a black box and the other is a small notebook. I don’t know what it is. I don’t know what it is . Did you hear it clearly? Everyone spread out and searched carefully.

It’s the leader of the Forward Group. What ‘s going on? I found out that a Japanese team of about 40 people was approaching us and was preparing to retreat. The black box was not found. We can’t withdraw and add more firewood. Captain, someone is here. It should be one of our own.

The special commissioner has arrived to see if it is the Independent Three. Are you a comrade in the regiment ? Shangguan Jiangong , we have reached the boundary of Feihu Ridge. The road in front is impassable. Camp here . Go to the nearby villages

To capture a few people who are familiar with the mountains and let them lead the way. March to Feihu Ridge tomorrow morning. Hurry up and divide into three groups to enter the mountains. Search and pay attention to the situation. Fire a warning shot to set off . It is

Shangguan. We are outnumbered now and our terrain is unfavorable. Let ‘s retreat first and then talk about it. The little book has found the black box. It should not be far away . I can’t give up. Shangguan, what is the black box? Is it better than comrades? Our lives are still important.

I can’t tell you what it is now, but what I can guarantee is that it is indeed more important than yours and mine. We must complete the mission and seize favorable terrain to prepare for battle. Give me the gun to hide and prepare for counterattack. The gunshots coming from somewhere

Should be that Chief Yae was attacked. He was approaching Chief Yae at full speed and beating him. Listening to the gunfire, there were not many people in the Eighth Route Army preparing to bombard Jin Rui . Jin Rui Jin Rui was at the scene of a plane crash .

Listening to the configuration of this weapon, it should be that the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese were fighting. The fight started. Did you find it? It seems that someone came first and took the lead. Mr. Lei, you see the Eighth Route Army is almost wiped out. It’s a

Pity that Liu Jiangong has done it. He is a man . The enemy is about to rush forward. We have to withdraw quickly . They are about to withdraw. Go ahead and catch up with me, Shangguan. The enemy has already caught up with me . Get away

Quickly. Shangguan, it seems that we will have a hard time breaking out. I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. Everyone is doing it for the mission. I don’t blame you for your meritorious service. If I sacrifice , no matter what the price is. You have to help me hand this book to my superiors

. Don’t worry , even if all the brothers in the regiment are dead, I will protect your safety. The black box we are looking for is the latest cipher machine of the Japanese army. Cooperate with my hand. This key can decipher all the communication codes of the Japanese army.

Before, the organization sent me to Germany to study cryptography , so I know how important this is. You must send this out. Write down all the codes above. What do you know? You have a photographic memory. We don’t have time. Hurry up and write it all down for cover. Don’t

Be distracted. Do your best to remember . Have you remembered it? Shangguan, you said it is more important than all of our lives. Hurry up and send it to the superiors. Did you hear me? Shangguan , please pass on the fire of our independent regiment to you. Come

On, I’ll lure the enemy away and do some good work. You can’t go. Go quickly . No hurry. No walk . Quick code book. Chase. Stop. Come on. Quickly follow and catch the alive ones. Liu Jiangong, give me the key book. You can’t even think about rejuvenating the country

. Give it to me and dream. You are blessed with blessings and blessed with the eighth level. Don’t you just want the key book? Okay, now I will give you the merit. Give me the pursuit of Jiang Gong. There is a female eighth number over there. I’m chasing Ah Fu, don’t shoot and

Capture him alive. Prepare to rescue him separately . It should be the main force of the Eighth Route Army. Let’s go quickly to pick up Lei Ye . Colonel Sakai was killed by this dart . The person who killed him seems to be the same as the team that annihilated Yoshino.

Where are the people? Bring it here and report. I searched the area carefully and found no cipher machine. Could it be that the person who used this dart took it away ? Do you recognize this dart? Do you know who this dart belongs to? Take it,

Don’t shoot, don’t shoot. I said, I said this. It is an Orion named Shi from Xiakou Village. He is attacking Xiakou Village . No distinction is made between men, women, old and young. No one can be spared. If there is any resistance , shoot to death. It doesn’t matter who the devil

Is over there . Uncle Shi is not allowed to move . Go, go, go, go. Come on, spare your life, come on, spare your life. Ah, flower girl, go away , bastard , bastard, bastard, Qian Shi, what are you doing? Walk, what are you doing ? It’s so fun.

Whose is this? You can clearly see whose it is . You don’t know if it’s okay . Kill the man first and then the woman . Don’t kill me. Don’t kill me. Don’t kill me. The people I killed had nothing to do with them. Well , our Yamato nation

Likes brave men like you the most. Tell me where the cipher machine is. Give it to me and I will let them go. Isn’t that all ? Did you let you rob them all ? It’s not a chicken . It’s such a big black square box. It’s the person you killed.

Did you see it on him ? I killed someone but I didn’t take anything. Wait, that box is here, girl . I don’t know what this is. It’s used as a toy for children . Get up , don’t go back, go to the bureau, go back, my child, don’t grab my child,

Don’t, girl, my child, girl, little darling, don’t cry, little guy, don’t cry. Do you like this toy ? My child, Miaomiao, Miaomiao , my child, my child, my child, the beasts are not allowed to touch . Everyone who has seen the cipher box must die. Don’t do it. The Japanese have taken action.

Come over quickly. I will lead the brigade to send the cipher machine back to the regiment. City , you lead the team and continue to search the village. If no one can be left, set fire to the village. Burn it to me. You all come here . Sister, sister,

Miaoer, Miaoer, grandpa, grandpa , grandpa , grandpa , grandpa. There is a small black box in Japan where the plane crashed. People are looking for them. They are killing people. Grandpa , bastard, come and pick me up . Let’s go to the village and see the fellows. Stop it.

We are the Eighth Route Army . Get out of the way. You are too much. How can you hurt the common people? Fellow fellows, he is injured and needs immediate treatment. What are you still doing standing there? Come and help the Afu man. If you beat

Him, follow the officer and take him back to the village. I’ll go find the monkey to see if there’s anyone alive in the village. Madman Lei, Madman Lei Shi dare to think that your injury hasn’t healed yet. Where are you going? Sister, don’t hold me back. I want to find him

. Shi Gandang. Why are you calling your grandpa? Madman Lei Shigandang. Think you are a kid. You took gunpowder. Shi Gandang. Shi Gandang . Stop. Are you still injured? Is your brain broken? Let me save I want to avenge my family. If you

Have the guts, don’t use a gun. If you want to fight me, go through my brothers first. Come on, sister, let me go. Lei Zifeng , so many of you actually bully a child . There are also injuries. He did it first, didn’t you see? What kind of a hero are you

? I’m here to play with you. Stop it . Tell me what kind of hatred we have . If it weren’t for you occupying Fox Tooth Peak and not letting us go up the mountain to hunt, me and Grandpa would not have gone to the back mountain. If he

Had not gone to the back mountain, he would not have picked up that black box. It was because of that black box that the Japanese slaughtered my whole village and killed my whole family. It is all your fault, kid. Don’t be able to poop in the pit. What a black box.

It’s just such a big black box with many small squares inside. It clicks when you press it. Where is this black box now? I don’t know . It may have been snatched away by the Japanese. What’s the matter with you? Miss Linglong and I are at the foot of the mountain. Collecting medicine

, we found that the Japs are marching towards Fox Ya Peak. How many people are there? There are about 200 people. What should Mr. Lei do ? Let’s play with them. Let’s go . Let’s all get off the car . Everyone should get off the car and walk forward. Everyone is leaving .

Come on, Mr. Lei, the little devil has entered our mine array. Please report to the officer. There are too many mines in front of us and we cannot eliminate them all . We need to retreat and go up another road. Report to the officer. He has explored this road and has not rushed

In . He said that the Japanese army has entered the Qinglong Formation . Leng Jian suffered heavy losses, and the reconnaissance team abandoned the path and was swept away from the back cliff. The report came in that the Japanese army had been hit by the trap in the White Tiger Formation.

It was estimated that half of the men and horses had been lost. The reconnaissance team was to advance to the west and find a U-shaped mountain col to set off . The artillery was ready to adjust the shooting distance . Above, right in front, coordinates 486, left, zero, six, seven.

Shoot all the shells for me. It’s Lei Zifeng. You’re dead . Come down to the tunnel. Come on, walk on the stone . Where are you going? Find my mother. Monkey her. Take away, sister-in-law, come on , come on, come on, come on, come on, come in ,

Mother , mother, Feng’er, mother, are you okay , are you okay, are you okay, come on, go away , I’m the one who’s shooting , can you hit me from such a distance ? Shut up, shoot, ah, the gun. Give me a gun . If there is an enemy, give me a gun.

Retreat quickly. Retreat quickly. Use my gun again. This is what will happen to you. Retreat quickly. Doctor, sir, you are awake. Sir, you are finally awake. What is going on? You are seriously injured . I had no choice but to cut it off. You actually cut it off. Who gave you the power?

You gave it back to me. I’m sorry, sir. I’m sorry. I can’t help it. Sir, please forgive me. Give it back to me . I’m sorry, sir. Go away, you bastard . What are you going to do ? Sir, you asked me to act like a samurai. Damn your identity.

You are not worthy of dying as a samurai. Your mission has not been completed. Your life belongs to His Majesty the Emperor. But I am no longer a man. I can’t stand this shame . That’s why your behavior is shameful. You are not worthy of entering the Imperial Shrine

After being humiliated like this as a samurai of the Empire. If one day you can wash away your shame, you can die with honor. Until then, I will not stop you . Thank you, sir, for your teaching. I will kill that little beast with my own hands. There are

Two people parked in the courtyard. There are 16 guards at the entrance of the courtyard, a truck, and two motorcycles. They are equipped with heavy machine guns. The roof of the headquarters building is equipped with four light machine guns. In addition , there are four snipers

In the hidden places on the roof and corners. There are irregular mobile sentries in the courtyard plus rotating ones. Guard, I estimate that the number of Japanese troops in the headquarters should be no less than a hundred. You only took one glance and actually remembered them all.

This is a piece of cake for her . I have suffered from her, right? The formation is not mine. I’ll leave the rest of my strengths to you . It’s useless to say anything now. It depends on whether the monkey can successfully transport the weapons in tomorrow

. Slow down, slow down the car. Stop and open the coffin. What person is inside? My brother-in-law didn’t ask you. You said he was my man. Why did you die so sick ? What kind of noise did you make? Taijun , the wood of this newly made coffin is swollen.

Is n’t that strange ? Open the coffin. Taijun, please do it for your convenience. If you die , don’t bother me. Open it, hear it, okay ? Okay, hit it, hit it, hit it, let’s hit it, you’ve only been dead for three days, why does it smell so bad,

Taijun? This coffin is too stuffy and airtight, how can it sweat ? My brother just said, Taijun, that this coffin is newly made, so The humidity is too heavy. My man’s body has begun to rot. Taijun, please let us go into the city. We have to rush back to

Let my parents-in-law see each other for the last time . If it ‘s too late , I’m afraid my man’s body will be in disarray . Okay, okay? Taijun Please, Taijun, Taijun, Taijun, Taijun. My brother-in-law has lupus erythematosus. This disease is contagious. Taijun , please be careful. Take a walk

And pick up the coffin. Thank you, Taijun. Thank you, Taijun. Monkey brother, lupus erythematosus. It’s not contagious, right? Fortunately, the kid didn’t notice. Come on, park the car . What ‘s in it? Taijun, this car is full of medicines that Nakasa Ikeda needs urgently. You guys, go over and take a look, Taijun

. I’ll take you for a walk. Go up and check Taijun. These are all medicines. Tell them to slow down and check each box carefully for me . Take a break. What are you doing? Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin ? What are you doing? Lieutenant Colonel Ikeda urged me several times,

Qin. Sir, we have arrived a long time ago. They want to check. Taijun, please make it easier . Ikeda Nakasa has urged me several times. Thank you for your hard work. Taijun, you have worked hard, hard, hard, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, slow down. What are you doing? Taijun, let me

Go by the fire. Go this way, walk on the stone , go that way . Why is this painting crooked? Stop , what are you going to do ? Mrs. Qin, don’t panic . It’s okay . Please step aside and rest. Everyone, don’t panic. Please rest where you are. The adjutant

Will take a few people to watch. No one is allowed to go. You guys come with me and tell me one last time where the cipher machine is. Tell me what it is for. Stop what you want. I have the stone here. I will trade this cipher machine with you.

Lei Zifeng, you are cunning . I want to know if this lockbox of yours is real or fake. Go, go , hurry up, kill, get out of the way , go , kill the bastard , go , go, what are you doing ? Get in the car, come down , get in

The car , drive, Lei Ye, get in the car, hurry up , stone him, what are you doing? It’s okay. Where ‘s the black box? Don’t ask. I’ll open the fire, put out the fire, put out the fire. Sister Shangguan, I ‘m sorry for your stone. I don’t blame you

. You are also eager for revenge. Why don’t you blame him ? If this kid hadn’t gotten the black box through mischief and returned it to Little Japan. We almost lost our lives, Madman Lei, don’t worry, I will definitely give you an explanation when I get my revenge. What explanation will you give

? Don’t think that if you are not afraid of death, you are just a hero who will go on a rampage in a few seconds. I’ll trouble you to use your brain later. Can your fists and kicks be faster than bullets ? And don’t keep talking about how long your life is.

There are only three of you in the village of more than two hundred people. Just focus on this . You should live well for me , but this black box is a day away. If you don’t get it , you and your sister-in-law

Won’t be able to get married for one day. What should I do if the old lady blames me ? Okay, okay, okay , stop saying these useless things. It’s a big deal. I’m afraid it won’t work with this action group . The Japanese troops in the city will definitely strengthen their precautions.

By then, it will not be so easy for us to move. If we bring weapons into Tuancheng again, it will be even more difficult. I am not worried about the weapons that were transported in last time. There are still many weapons that will be used by monkeys. It’s been hidden.

What I’m more worried about now is that if the Japanese move the black box, it will be difficult to find it again. Having said this, Lei Zifeng, I would like to ask you how many arms are hidden in such a big copycat

, and they are all the same. They are all American-style equipment. Sister-in-law, you want to find out the details of our Mr. Lei before you get married. I don’t have any. Don’t talk nonsense. Just check it out . Sooner or later, we will all be a family. Monkey

, let’s go to the arsenal and show us off. Show your sister – in-law’s family fortune. Okay, sister-in-law, please ask the monkey to turn on the light . How about you , please ? Where did you get all this equipment ? Sister- in-law , let us Mr. Lei slowly accompany you to see.

I will withdraw first. In fact, we are building Foxya Peak. Before Shanzhai , I was in the national army and was a major. I see that you are not too surprised. You are surprised. How can I be surprised? From your excellent military quality, I have already seen

That you are not an ordinary bandit . I am a fourth-term infantryman from Huangpu. After graduating from college , I have been following Tang Enbo to participate in the Lunan Battle and the Taierzhuang Battle. I also fought bloody battles with the Japanese on the front line of Juyongguan for ten days.

I saw all the casualties among my brothers. But I have never regretted an inch of mountains and rivers, an inch of blood. One hundred thousand young people and one hundred thousand soldiers. I swore an oath. For the sake of the country and the nation, why did you leave the Kuomintang Army later on

? So I volunteered to be transferred to the Military Supplies Department , but later the people in Henan became so resentful that they attacked troops like ours while we were retreating. It didn’t make sense to me , so I took my old troops

To Fox Ya Peak to occupy the mountain and become the king. I originally wanted to be a free and easy mountain king , but I didn’t expect that I still couldn’t stay out of this matter. I seem to have heard that there is a rumor among the people about

Floods, droughts, and locust soup. All the equipment you see now is from the four deserts of Henan. The Kuomintang would rather let these equipment rust in the warehouse than use it to fight the Japanese , let alone use it for our Eighth Route Army . So we went to

Fight the Japanese with swords and spears. Why don’t you take your brothers and join our Eighth Route Army? We are dedicated to resisting Japan and will never bully the common people. Lieutenant Commander, it is a fluke that the cipher machine was not snatched away by Lei Zifeng. I think

It is better to transport the cipher machine to the provincial capital as soon as possible to prevent long nights. I am willing to personally escort our troops after these battles. We are running out. Are you sure you can deal with Lei Zifeng? I will fight to the death . There is no use.

What I want is the absolute safety of the cipher machine. You cannot fight Lei Zifeng until reinforcements arrive. I have decided to send an armored vehicle to escort me. When the cipher machine arrives in the provincial capital, you don’t have to go and stay here to recuperate. I just sent

A telegram to the provincial capital to get them ready to respond. I don’t believe that Lei Zifeng can handle the armored vehicle. If you like the American radio station , I’ll give it to you anyway. No one will use it if we stay here. With this radio station,

We can use it to monitor the movements of the Japanese troops in Tuancheng. Maybe we can also find the black box. It seems that you still don’t trust me . That black box should be the cipher machine . How do you know what Ikeda told me

? From this, we know that the key pad is in my mother’s hand. No wonder it is so important to you. Lei Ye , Ikeda is going to use an armored convoy to deliver the cipher machine to the provincial capital. When will it be ten o’clock tonight ? Here is the map.

It is the location they must pass. According to the speed of the armored convoy, they will arrive at Qingshiji at seven o’clock tomorrow morning. We have time to stop . But can you deal with the armored vehicles? The armored vehicles are coming. “Sister Guan, you devils, come with me, you hidden dogs .”

Brothers, fight me to death. 9362 Don’t stop. Go at full speed. It ‘s fast . Why are you running? Why are you parking ? Officer, look at the cannon. How about this box? It’s intact. It’s intact. Hit me down . You’re awake. It ‘s okay. Don’t be afraid.

Come and lean on me first. Come on . Who is this? My name is Gaotian. People in the village look at my strength. They call me Man Niu. I carried you back from the cliff. Thank you. I have to leave here right away . Don’t touch

Your body. It will take at least two days. It takes two days to get out of bed. What ‘s your name? Liu Jiangong. Liu Jiangong. You are Liu Jiangong from the Third Independent Regiment. My brother’s name is Fu Sheng. His first name is Gao Fu. He is also from your Third Independent Regiment.

Do you know Fu Sheng ? Fu Sheng Fu Sheng. You are Fu Sheng. My brother’s name is Gao Tian. Two years ago, Fusheng sent me a message. He said that he was following Captain Liu Jiangong in the army and killing Japanese every day.

He also asked me if I wanted to join the Eighth Route Army. How was my brother doing in the army? Did he do well ? Fusheng died. Just a few days ago, during the battle with the Japs, Fu Sheng was a good guy. Commander Liu, the little Japs,

Take me to join the Eighth Route Army . I want to kill the Japs with you. The old lady , the Guanyin Temple is just ahead. How about we take a break ? Rest, I have a strong body. I have to go quickly. What are you doing ? Do you

Want to invite you to a place? You go, go, go home quickly. The old lady has worked hard. What did Japan do to tie me up? Don’t misunderstand the imperial army. I will treat every good citizen kindly. Please cooperate well and I guarantee your safety.

Now that I’ve fallen into your hands , don’t pretend to be slow and pretentious. If you want to kill or slay, just come. But don’t be anxious. We have plenty of patience. Just kill me. If you have anything to worry about. It’s none of Mr. Zhu’s business that I’m here.

The old lady deserves to be a hero. She deserves to be Lei Zifeng’s mother. Invite Mr. Zhu in. Old lady , please don’t worry. I didn’t say a word to them, but the beating made me hurt so much that I couldn’t bear it . Master Zhu, you guys are beasts that

Jumped out of the cracks in the rocks. There is no trace of humanity in your body. It seems that the old lady is not very satisfied with the way we entertained Mr. Zhu. Then please invite Mr. Zhu back to wash his wounds with salt and disinfect them. Disinfection

Old lady, old lady, old lady Leif is the old lady’s crooked stone . You see this tire mark. The old lady must have been kidnapped by the Japanese. Let’s chase her quickly. You hurry up the mountain and tell Mr. Lei and let him take people down the mountain immediately. What about you?

You tell Mr. Lei that as long as I am here, nothing will happen to me. Don’t worry, old lady. I won’t let Mr. Zhu die so happily. In the last stage of his life, I want him to enjoy it well. What do you want to do? It’s very simple.

Your son writes a letter asking him to cooperate with us. I can ignore the answer and guarantee the safety of all of you. Go ahead and dream. If you don’t want to drink a toast and be fined, then just wait in the square

And wait for your son to close your account for you, old man . Madam, don’t worry. You won’t have to work hard for long. I heard that you have a filial son who will come to save you. The first team left the rest and followed me. Mother, please

Leave my son alone. You go quickly and leave me alone. This is a trap. It’s okay . I’ll see where you go. Run for cover. I ‘m going to shoot . Go, go , go. Drive , everyone, open fire and chase . What’s going on ? Stop the car. What to do ?

Ah Fu, get in the car. Ah Fu, are you okay? I’m fine . Let’s go quickly. Mother, be careful and take good care of me. My mother will meet you at Qingshiji. You have to be careful. Come on, my son must come back. Come on . Come on

, come on. Come on, get in the car . Come on , Master Lei , wait for warning. Everyone, be careful and protect me. Wife, monkey, Afu, Shangguan, lead the troops to leave. Hurry, what about you? I’m going to blow up the arsenal. You can’t make it cheap. The Japanese

Cipher machine is in the arsenal. I’ll go with you . I’ll help you get it. Hurry, no, it’s too dangerous for me to go alone. Come with you Feng’er, be careful, mother, I know, everyone, protect the old lady, go down the mountain quickly, very quickly, walk carefully, the old lady rushes,

Protect the old lady, rush away, cover me, be careful, cover me , cover me well, how about Shangguan, bring the radio ? Put the bomb over there. Old lady, old lady, old lady , cover up, old lady , you all leave me alone . If I can’t do it, go ahead and cover

Me . I’ll cover you. It’s a pity . Let’s go . Lei Zifeng , do you think you can run away? Take the cipher machine and this female eight-way If you stay , I can let you die quickly. Don’t even think about it . Listen to the less and less gunshots outside,

Which means that your team has been completely wiped out by me. Take cover. Do you think I care about your life? What I care about is the cipher machine and Your U.S. military equipment, you fell into my plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, you are completely defeated,

I don’t think so, then I want to see what you are capable of, come over here , chase, hurry up, jump out of the car , and go. Is that okay? Stop , stop, drive, and go.

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《抗战之战狼出击》FULL: http://tinyurl.com/yl47957c
《抗战之铁血游击队》FULL: https://tinyurl.com/yu7ms2hn


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