「ユズ、隣町アドベンチャー」第323話 | あたしンち | [ENG sub]

This way! Hey, Yuzuhiko. You know the water tower you can see from the train? The one on the mountain. Oh, that one? Gaki Tower? There’s a secret to that tower. Yuzuhiko’s Adventure in the Next Village. What’s the secret? The writing on the tower actually says “Warugaki!” What? Warugaki? Yes.

There’s a wide field underneath, and all the mischievous children of the neighborhood are gathered there. Who says? My brother’s friend’s sister’s classmate. That sounds a lot like a lie. What? You could believe me a little, you know. Even if you say that… – Hey, Yuzuhiko. – Huh? Let’s go find out!

Alright, let’s go. Alright! This weekend the Fujino Exploration commences! Why is it named after you? What does it matter? I don’t like it. It doesn’t sound nice. – Then Team Fujino? – No! That’s silly! – Fujino Corporation. – We’re not a company. – Sound Fujino. – That has nothing to do with this.

[Sunday] Since I’ll get sweaty, I’ll need towels. And bandages. It’s a mountain. Oh, right. This is essential. Battery, check. Oh, Yuzuhiko. Going somewhere? Yes, just for a little while. I’ll be home by dinner. Okay. See you. Goodbye. Why the backpack? Is he running away? No way. Hey, Yuzuhiko! You’re late!

Hey. Shall we go? Yes. He’s so passionate about this. Fujino, do you really know the way? It’s fine. This road follows the railroad. It’ll take maybe 30 minutes. The direction should be correct. Wait, the direction? Isn’t that a little vague? It’s straight southward. I got this. Are you sure?

Hey, is this the right way? This doesn’t seem right. Where are we? I knew it. We must have ridden at least 30 minutes. The fact that there’s a river means that’s the neighboring village. Yes, if that direction is south. The direction is perfect. You first set the hour hand towards the sun.

Then the center point between the hour hand and the 12 is south. That’s the south. Amazing, right? Is it amazing, though? Why? It’s a bridge. It’s the border of the next village. Alright, I’m first! Hey, cheapo! I can’t lose! [Welcome, Tonari] I’m in! Yay! Hey, that’s cheap! Show some sportsmanship!

We’ve crossed the border, so let’s have a toast. – Cheers! – Cheers! The juice is tastier here, as expected. Though that makes no sense… It’s sweeter for some reason. I know, right? The surroundings are getting more and more opulent. Fujino, look! Isn’t that the mountain? I don’t see the tower.

It must be the trees. It’s the one next to the tracks, so that must be it! Hey, don’t be cheap! – Choo choo. – Choo choo. We’ve come up quite a ways. I don’t see any tower. Yes, it’s the trees! Let’s climb one and look around! Really? Stay still, Yuzuhiko.

I don’t think climbing a tree will help. It’s okay. What is it? What is this? This feels gross! Hey, don’t take your hands off! It’s slippery. Ouch! I fell. Are you okay? Can you stand? I’m sorry. What is this slippery stuff? That stinks. – It itches! – You’re right!

I want to wash my hands! Water! Why did we come all the way here? This was your idea. It was your idea. No it wasn’t. Hey, Fujino. Look, it’s the tower! – Let’s go. – Yes. The answer is right there! It must say Warugaki. It might be hamigaki. This… This is the secret?

– Hoshigaki (dried persimmon)? – Hoshigaki? It wasn’t warugaki? That’s the way it is with rumors. But why hoshigaki? Maybe there a store that sells them nearby? But this is such a remote place. Hey, Fujino. Did you find it? Isn’t that it? It has to be.

– Shall we go check it out? – Okay. [Famous Hoshigaki] It looks like it closed down. The door opens. Hey! Excuse me. Hey, don’t. Nihao. That’s my flashlight. Hey! Stop. – Wait… – It’s dangerous. We’re done now. Let’s go home. What is it? Oh my. A person?

I thought she was a hoshigaki ghost. What? You want hoshigaki? We closed the shop long ago. Kids these days don’t eat these. Here. It’s alright. Try some. – Okay. – Thank you. It’s sweet. Yes. Well? Is it good? It’s good. – Across the bridge is our neighborhood. – Yes.

It was a long day. Was it? It went by really fast. Fujino, I want another hoshigaki. Innocent, Yuzuhiko. I can enjoy a whole bunch for a while. Those are… I got them as gifts. What about mine? See you. Wait, Fujino! Hey, give me some too! Catch me if you can. Wait, Fujino! [Atashin’chi]

[Please subscribe to the channel, Atashin’chi] Red rose of passion, and jealousy.

#あたしンち #情熱の赤いバラ #atashinchi







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「ユズ、隣町アドベンチャー」第323話 | あたしンち | [ENG sub]



  1. あたしンちって、本当に共感できる話ばかりで、面白いわw

  2. 方位磁石も地図も持たず、道も確認せず、人に道も聞かずに感覚だけで目的地に行こうとする暴挙。ただこんな冒険を一度はしてみたいと思ってしまう

  3. 今は遠いところでGoogleマップ上で見れちゃうしわざわざ行かなくてもわかる便利さはあるけど、地図も持たずに方角と勘で行くってゆうのはすごくいい体験になるんでしょうね😌

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