
I heard a man coming. Should be drunk below I thought there was no movement when I got here. Alas, pull it up first Eat a duck egg And here are the pancakes I heard from my friend in Zhenjiang. There are also pancakes in supermarkets here in Zhenjiang.

This pancake has now traveled all over the country Hard currency is a good location. It is Camping here at night Too many cars coming and going All are Come to this ferry Then go to Jiangnan This is the campsite last night. Oops. If you go this way. It’s the place to the ferry.

Pack your things Go to Jiangnan There’s no bridge here. Can only sit pass It seems to be five dollars I’ll collect the equipment first Let’s get ready to go The current location is called Takahashi Town. Belongs to the only one in Zhenjiang The town of Jiangbei Because Zhenjiang

He is in the Yangtze River South you said Jiangbei words It belongs to the northern Jiangsu region. This is not a, uh, island in the middle of the Yangtze River. And it’s the only town in the north of the river that’s connected by land.

In fact, this side should be assigned to Yangzhou by rights. Because it’s too close to downtown Yangzhou And also on this side of the river In the past, it was Zhenjiang City. This river. That shepherd’s purse is a lot In fact, on this kind of river bank Can dig shepherd’s purse

This is not shepherd’s purse This barbed The kind of stock solution Not a lot here. Two days ago, there were very, very many riverbank areas. This is what This is shepherd’s purse A little old I feel that I can actually dig some shepherd’s purse. Fried an egg at night Go by boat.

Maybe you go over there and buy tickets. Let’s go and have a look first. Take a look first Where to buy tickets Come down, push up, push up, push up directly You can come down, come down, come down, come down, go up. Come on, it’s going to open. Hurry up, hurry up

Ah, no charge, free of charge Oh, just go straight through I thought it was five dollars. No charge many kilometers their words If he dares to give the prince a word, he will come to you. Do you understand? The previous work invited by this person from the teacher. Where are you? 11 days.

It’s ten o’clock more than ten years Three years and 20 days? You who walk slowly ah walk slowly walk slowly It’s still somebody else’s Slow down. Okay, bye. Just this, this, this, yes This sister eats. I can’t understand what these uncles speak in Mandarin at all. This has been

None of them were deleted Did you see it? I deleted it It’s all those little hills Next to it too. After crossing the Yangtze River This way. More to Hangzhou If you pass Hangzhou, it will be the Wuyishan Mountains. Big Bones 28 Let the boss to chop Can chop a little smaller

Thank you. I found the half shell and went back to look at it. turned a big circle No mosquitoes found. What does the tower do? Lightning rod? It should be a landmark building Just like the TV station. It’s kind of like Longshan Village There is still about 10km to go to Danyang today.

Arriving at today’s destination There are also 6.5km and luxiang roads that are curved. And there’s a small slope. I suddenly feel that the road here is not so easy to ride. Not so flat It’s all undulating roads 11km directly to Danyang City Don’t go to that park. I looked at the park.

It seems that there is no place for camping. The park still charges Forget it. It was directly downtown. Danyang Station Coming through the roundabout please take the second exit around China Danyang International Glasses City This seems to be a place rich in glasses. particularly much Come all the way.

A lot of people do this stuff. I was next to the Grand Canal. Below is the canal. There’s no water left Buy a bottle of water Even if the loss of the place One bottle is almost enough. three yuan I got a bottle of chili sauce Spicy Beef Sauce

It’s okay to be an old dopted mother. Let’s get a small one first. These two can eat three to four pieces. Oh, you don’t know and I got a beer I haven’t had a beer in a while. Line Almost get a bottle of this sauce Mainly directly useless ran all night

I haven’t found a suitable campsite. Front Yunyang Bridge Don’t go Today in this position That makes it fierce The words of this little lamp I expect it will stay on tonight. Just this Use this next to it. On the floor Then set up a tent Tent first. It’s a little windy. Tent

It’s already done. Just put it here Ha ha Add a fill light I’m ready for tomorrow’s deadly three questions. The first question is, what do you do? The second question is where are you? Then where to go Fatal Three Questions I talked to people for a year.

These three questions are the most talked about. Because in the park If you come here, you will definitely ask If you come here, you will definitely ask This need not think It’s too deadly Make some dinner, huh Today I bought that big bone again boil that big bone

Now it’s the 10.09 of night to fly Just now their staff came and said Bicycles cannot be placed in the park. You want me to push to the parking space on the road. Uh-huh. Say no fire in the park It is that the card furnace cannot be used.

So there is also the need to get up earlier tomorrow morning. Can’t be too late When there are people in the park, they always close the tent. So say alas I was driven out again tonight. I’ll pack up Then get out of here I’ll go outside the city

I estimate it will be two or three o’clock in the morning this evening. and then After dinner, yeah Get the stuff done. Very not easy to set up the tent Then I will not fight It hasn’t been five minutes. Also sit down not hot yet not hot yet The ass is coming.

Oh, I ‘d better find one of those Where no one is in charge in the wilderness. Well… What time do you want to sleep? What time do you sleep? The park is still not very convenient You can say that Gone. I’ll take the tent first. Then go in the direction of Yixing

39km to go first Jintan District of Changzhou See if there’s a suitable place for camping on the road. I’ll just find a place to camp walk along the river Zuomuqiao Village Look where I ‘ve been Zuo’s ancestral home Here is On the left is the magnetic field. should be

Walk a few more kilometers Enter immediately. Changzhou is still a few kilometers away. Just leave Zhenjiang City I ate a lot today. There are many wetland parks in this park. I didn’t find a suitable place to camp along the way. Ride forward again. When do you ride?

It’s already 12 o’clock in the evening Smooth entry into the Long Concession 233 national highway Next to a public toilet Camping here tonight This is the Chanzi Lake Wetland Park in Jintan District of Changzhou City Quiet here. It is also far away from the city. This side belongs to the suburbs.

And this park has lights on all night. It’s two o’clock in the evening I’ll put up a tent right here This park can pitch tents casually this is very convenient Right here on this ground I feel a little wet It should be fine. It’s right here. I bought this bone. Not tonight.

It’s too late I’m so sleepy and special particularly tired Have to rest quickly I have pancakes Take something simple with you. Fortunately, there are dry food to buy Pancakes and this beef sauce Have some and a bottle of beer Have some of this Beef sauce Tomorrow.

Let’s talk about it if we can get up. If you can’t get up Don’t leave, just take a day off. No. I’m going to bed Uh-huh. Eyes are red See you tomorrow Go to bed, go to bed 06:36 Is it? I can only collect things This park also does not allow camping

Come at six o’clock in the morning Said camping is not allowed here Let me collect things I don’t even know Ouch Why can’t you camp in such a partial park? I found it from above the nest. Maybe I took it to the park. Is that right? Hey. Ah. This is where I came

Jiangnan’s No. The first day was driven twice in a row Maybe I don’t understand what’s on this side. What’s going on? Alas, I am speechless Pack up your things and collect them quickly. Well, to be honest This day by day, I have no confidence in riding along the coast.

I want to run away The main thing is, ah, this camping is too much trouble. If you don’t go camping in the park. Where to go camping? No, it’s too densely populated. In the coastal areas, you can go to the countryside below. There is no suitable place for camping in the village.

Is nothing more than this kind of small square Because the square is more And the park. This side is still away This lake is quite near just a few hundred meters The lake is quite large. Oops. I have nothing to say I don’t know what to say very speechless Here we go again.

Immediately finished Wash up Oops. I slept last night. Three hours so sleepy



  1. 窮遊騎行江蘇跨過長江.大飛被人家驅趕真可憐


  2. 这种爱乱问问题你有权利不回答或者先反问他:你是谁? 自我介绍一下吧,我不回陌生人问题的,我建议你不要好奇心那么重随便问,因为哪天习总微服出巡,你还像个傻B似的问这三问题,铁定你准备倒大霉了!看他回应你再决定,因为有些会问问题反而不愿回答别人问题的很多,当你问他一溜烟不见的一堆

  3. 大飛順利渡江,沒想到找個營地卻遇到了不友善的人,出外人連個方便都不給太差勁了😢

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