You Must Try THIS in Thailand! / Korat Motorbike Tour 2024 / Thai Street Food in Isan

You need a girlfriend? There are many girls over here.. Oh.. so many girls.. They are very beautiful! Is it a flowers shop or a girlfriends shop? Hey hey hey! Welcome back to our hungry adventures! Hungry adventures in hot and sunny Isan.. North-East part of Thailand..

Yeah, guys.. it’s probably 1,000° C outside which is why it’s simply impossible to stay in the sunlight.. everywhere I go I try to find shadow.. Hello.. Today we’re exploring Nakhon Ratchasima province (Korat). it’s very hot here..

We’ll be riding around the city, visiting some local landmarks, trying to find places with delicious Thai food and street food.. we will make some local people smile and laugh.. we will just roam around in this unbearable heat.

And we begin this journey in 60 km away from the city in a very special place which in my opinion is definitely worth visiting cause it looks just stunning. the place is called Wat Ban Rai or Ban Rai Temple.. Let’s explore it out together!

There is no doubt this temple complex offers a chance to know more about the rich religious heritage of Thailand. When I saw the pictures of it for the very first time – I knew I must visit it someday.

However, once I arrived – I was staggered by the scale of this project as well as the size and amount of details of various figures and statues located within the complex. And even though I visited hundreds and hundreds temples around Thailand over the past years, this one left me speechless, to be honest..

As it is not just a temple or a monastery.. it is much more than that! After entering the main building you’ll encounter probably one of the most amazing and unusual paintings you could find in temples around Thailand.

I spent at least half an hour just staring at the walls trying to understand the drawings – they are very detailed and very impressive. There are may photographs of the founder of this temple project – Luang Pho Khun – who used to be one of the most revered monks in the province..

Known for his wisdom, compassion, and miraculous abilities.. a monk who devoted his life to the teachings of Lord Buddha and the service of humanity. While walking to the top floor you’ll see even more artworks giving you more and more food for thought.. historical information about Buddhism inside and outside of Thailand.

I was glad to discover a section dedicated to religion in Nepal. There is a lot more art to discover inside and outside of the temple.. and 2-3 hours of your time here might seem like 10-15 minutes, as you will be amazed by these wonders appearing after every turn and corner.

It is just absolutely magnificent.. I struggle to find right words to describe the feeling.. this is probably the most artistic temple complex I’ve ever seen in my life, and I’ve seen many temples in Thailand.. there are artistic temples in Chiang Rai.. there is stunning Wat Phra That Pha Sorn Kaew in Phetchabun Province..

But this one – it just hits you differently.. accordingly to official sources this is the largest ceramic and mosaic shrine in Asia.. because to build this temple complex they’ve used 20 millions pieces of mosaic and ceramics – and you can see it’s literally everywhere! numerous amounts of statues, monuments, murals and so on.. just breathtaking..

Absolutely amazing place.. and I just don’t want to go anywhere but we got to continue this tour! Bye bye! Yeah, it would be great to find a parking place somewhere here.. Very hot.. like it’s supposed to be in Isan.. Very very very hot.. All right ladies and gentlemen, we are back to the city..

And one of the major landmarks here in the city is of course Thao Suranari Monument or monument of Lady Mo.. she was the wife of Deputy Governor of Korat City around 200 years ago.. back in the old times of Siam kingdom.. and there are many legends and stories about Lady Mo and her brave actions..

Because she saved her people when the city was seized by Lao invaders.. and one of those stories says that when Lao invaders ordered her for food to be prepared, she said – if you want to get food then you got to give me knives for cooking.. The invaders provided her with those knives..

And Lady Mo secretly passed those knives to her imprisoned men who’ve managed to escape, resist the guard and force the invaders to flee the city.. and Lady Mo is loved by many Thai people.. loved and respected..

Which is why all Thai people visiting Korat city – they just must visit this monument and pay their respects to Lady Mo.. and that’s why we’re visiting this place too.. it’s very sunny here, there are no trees at the center of this square, of course.. However there is a beautiful park here..

Plus there are many restaurants around which is the second reason why I came here! It’s hot, isn’t it? yes, it’s hot! Very very hot.. Hello Mother.. Do you have number 92? 92? I have these.. How many lottery tickets you want? I’ll take 2 lottery tickets.. 2 tickets – 200 Baht..

Okay.. lucky number – 92 Okay.. good luck to me.. Good luck foreigner! Let’s try my luck.. Number 92.. Guys, check it out if I will be lucky this time.. All right, hungry man in Korat.. what to try?

Someone wrote in the comments that somewhere near Lady Mo monument – there is a shop with very delicious Khanom Jeen.. rice noodles with different curry toppings, which I absolutely must try.. so now I got to walk around and try to find this Khanom Jeen noodles..

Are you Mickey? Yeah… Oh.. I subscribed you on YouTube.. Oh really? Yeah! Nice to meet you! What’s your name? My name is Suppakorn but you can call me “Ham”.. Okay now you’re are finally in the video.. Oh my God! Hello YouTube! Nice to meet you! Drive safe! Hello.. Hi!

Do you make coffee? yes, I do.. Are you closed? No, no, not closed.. What do you have in menu? Here is the menu, please.. Ah.. You don’t have ancient style coffee, right? I have it.. Do you have it? This is the coffee I make, ancient style ..

Freshly brewed coffee but made in ancient style.. Yes, exactly! I want.. What is the mosty delicious? Dpepends on what you like.. I like… I want.. Salty… I’ll take Americano! Okay, sure.. I have medium roast and dark roast.. Ah.. dark roast and medium roast.. I’ll take dark roast, please.. Wow.. Nice style..

That’s the grinder from Sweden.. I’ve never seen anything like it.. l HUSQVARNA.. made in Sweden.. wow! That’s real antique grinder.. Sweden.. Reliance.. never seen it.. never seen such device before.. never seen before? yeah.. never seen, right? yes, never.. very interesting..

I stay in Bangkok and I’ve never seen something like this in Bangkok.. this is a very special style.. Is this Honda? Yep.. Honda Phantom? Yes! Wow you know it! I like Honda, I am in Honda fan club! Where are you from? Hungary?

I am a Russian, but I live in Bangkok many years already.. You speak Thai very well! I speak Thai just a little! Came from Bangkok.. came here to travel, right? Yep.. What year is this Honda? How old is it? 2548 year.. And now is the year of 2567, right? Yes!

So it is around.. 20 years old.. Do you work here everyday? Yeah.. Okay, I’ll recommend to tourist to come here and try coffee.. Go to Russia? No, no.. Many Thai people watch my channel.. But you are from Russia? Yes, I am from Russia.. Putin.. I am not him..

And what is the name of another man.. from Ukraine.. they have conflict.. Zelenskiy.. But I am not him.. okay, please.. Russia.. Hello.. I came here to promote.. Oh you can speak Thai! promote traveling in Isan.. How long yo’ve been living in Thailand? Over 10 years.. What country you are from? Russia..

Oh, coffee has arrived,, Smells nice.. How much is it? 45 Baht.. let’s make a review.. let’s try this unique style of coffee from Korat.. oh very strong.. but it’s not bitter, not sour.. oh that’s the happiness.. that’s the place where we all should start our day..

If you come to Korat – come here and drink some coffee.. then go to Lady Mo to pay your respects and then visit Khanom Jeen shop.. which we’re going to to find right now! Thanks a lot, the coffee is delicious! Hello.. Hi! Hello hello..

Excuse me, do you know Khanom Jeen shop around here? It is inside.. Do you need a girlfriend? Oh there are so many girls.. They are very beautiful! Is this a flowers shop or a girlfriends shop? It’s over there.. Okay, thank you..

In Isan people mostly don’t say “poo-ying” (a girl).. They say “sao” – Isan girl.. which means “a Thai girl”.. and everywhere you go (if you’re a foreigner) – people ask Isan girls are beautiful or not, do you have a girlfriend, or if you’re looking for a Thai (Isan) girlfriend..  

Anyway, let’s talk about girls a little bit later.. we’re in a market.. but we’re in a market not for a girl – we’re in a market for Khanom Jeen noodles!! let’s find it! I think it’s here.. Hello.. Do you cook Khanom Jeen noodles? Yep.. What is the most delicious? Can you recommend?

I can eat spicy food.. Chicken liquid curry is tasty.. chicken liquid curry? okay! How much for 1 plate? 30 Baht.. If you want to add a chicken drumstick – it’s gonna be 50 Baht.. Can add it too.. 50 Baht is okay.. 1 plate, right? Yep! Good protection from the virus..

Can you help me a little? I want that one.. the green thing.. Do you want a lot? Yes, a lot! And this one too, please.. Looks yummy.. okay, enough.. don’t need anymore.. thank you very much.. A large portion of Khanom Jeen noodles with a huge chicken drumstick..  

Actually there are many shops with Khanom Jeen.. I can see at least one or two more.. but this one has got the most friendliest and cutest girls.. Yeah, even in a market you can’t stop talking about girls..  Mickey.. stop it.. enough! Where are you manners? I don’t know..

Khanom Jeen is dish with fermented rice noodles and liquid curry.. ooh.. Very tasty! very special.. I feel like there is some coconut milk maybe.. it’s creamy.. definitely they put some coconut milk inside.. If you don’t want to eat chicken drumstick – the portion is going to cost you only 30 Baht..

However together with chicken drumstick it cost 50 Baht.. Yeah, this is definitely a must try in Korat! Bye bye.. Khanom Jeen is tasty here.. Tasty? Yeah! Khanom Jeen is tasty.. Isan girls are beautiful.. Really? Yes! Perfect! Yes, they are perfect!

All right ladies and gentlemen.. it’s time to present you the place where I was sleeping last night.. Looks good.. 799 Baht on a weekday and 899 Baht on weekend – which means on Friday and Saturday..

Because this is a regular thing in Thailand – on weekends room rates might be a little bit higher.. usually 100 or 200 Baht up.. 799 Baht for a night.. huge bed, little sofa, TV, fridge, kettle, Wi-Fi and a working desk.. nothing else needed..

The hotel is located close to Central Festival in Korat, probably just 2-3 minutes drive or a few minutes walk.. but I don’t need it.. I need only 7-Eleven.. 7-Eleven contact me! All right.. I’m going to wash my face because it is very hot outside and we’ll continue exploring Korat! Thank you! Wow..

This is probably the first time I am riding under the plane.. this is amazing.. What is this? Boeing? Definitely not an Airbus.. This airplane is enormous.. Okay let’s find a praking place.. It looks really unusual.. This airplane park is located in about 20 km from the city and it’s definitely worth the ride..

Because this place is quite spectacular.. there is a cafe where you can grab some coffee or tea, maybe some snack or a decent meal.. it is a beautiful park.. I’m actually quite surprised that it’s not heavily promoted on social media because it really looks stunning.. The airplane is really in good conditions and it is massive…

Probably kids love it.. kids who live here in Korat.. very beautiful place.. but I’m curious to know – is it allowed to enter inside? would be great to see what’s in there.. maybe I need to pay to someone? Very hard tires.. Bridgestone.. Can I mount them on my bike maybe?

I remember there was an old movie.. if I remember right  it was a movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger.. In the movie he entered the airplane through the chassis section (or escaped from the plane).. However I believe it is simply impossible because there is no direct access into the cabin..

Yeah, there is no way in.. Arnold, you lied to me.. Can’t go inside.. there is CCTV Yeah, there is a sign which says that the plane is temporarily closed and people can’t enter.. and for disobeying the law you can be prosecuted..

Probably this is still the consequences of the pandemic.. it was closed and probably never opened since then.. or maybe they do some reconstruction inside.. some maintenance.. because I saw the pictures from the inside and there are many seats – like it’s supposed to be in an airplane..

And for some extra fee you can go inside, sit and take some photos.. probably it’s amazing for children.. beautiful place.. There are definitely amazing sunsets here.. All right, ladies and gentlemen.. We are finishing this episode in a very special place..   Place which has changed me forever..

It’s a Wat Boon night market, which I also call Wat Boon walking street.. because it’s located at the intersection, along the street which is closed in the evening time as many street food vendors come to this area to sell street food at very affordable prices..

Exactly at this place 3 years ago I tried a Thai dish that has changed me forever.. A dish which helped me to realize how amazing and delicious Thai food can be.. and how little I know about Thai cuisine.. This dish even today is still in my top 5 Thai foods list..

It is called Gaeng Hed, which is a Spicy Thai soup with mushrooms and with fermented fish sauce “Pla-Ra”.. Soup that has black color.. it looks a little bit strange however I fell in love with the first spoon.. and exactly here I tried it for the very first time..

I don’t know if this woman and her shop are still here because it’s been 3 years since my last and first visit to Korat.. but still we got to go and check it out.. because besides this street food shop there are many delicious things to try.. delicious Isan sausages… Let’s go!

Hello.. Everythin sold out already? Yes, I’ve got only one left.. Just this one, really? Okay, I’ll take this sausage.. How much is it? 25 Baht.. Okay, good.. Don’t need a plastic bag, I am gonna eat now.. I need just one chilli.. is it very spicy?

But if it’s not spicy – then it’s not tasty! 25 Baht, right? Yeah.. Don’t need a plastic bag.. Looks tasty! Large chilli.. Oh it’s delicious! Delicious… really delicious.. Okay, I will come back tomorrow.. thank you.. very tasty sausage for 25 Baht.. Excuse me.. is this sausage made of pork or not?

Made of beef.. Beef really? Yeah.. I was thinking why the taste of it was special.. it’s made with beef, that’s why the taste is different.. Because usually in Isan people cook sausages with pork meat.. is that right? Yeah.. Okay, thank you very much.. Tasty..

I can’t remember if I’ve ever tried Isan sausages made of beef.. but it’s amazing! wow Hello.. Hello! Do you cook Gaeng Hed? I remember you.. You remember me? Yeah.. Oh, so nice! I’d like to order Gaeng Hed, and eat it here.. add fermented fish sauce too, please..

Make it the same way as you do for Thai people, please.. Today you’re working alone? Your daughter is not here? She is here.. but I don’t know where did she go.. okay.. Do you want it to be spicy? Yes, spicy please.. Enough? Okay, good.. Real magic.. just mushrooms, vegetables, pumpkin..

And what is this? “Phak Wan” Yeah guys, as you can see all of these food stalls look pretty basic..   This is not some fancy street food fair which you can find somewhere in the city center of Bangkok.. This is just a traditional Thai style local market..

However don’t let the appearance to fool you, because food here is extremely delicious.. Yeah this is the shop which has changed me forever.. so if you will be coming to Korat or if you are living in Korat – come here and enjoy one of the most amazing Thai dishes “Gaeng Hed” It’s very hot..

Everything you need for a good night’s sleep – pumpkin, mushrooms, lots of chili and magic herbs.. Very tasty thing, ladies and gentlemen.. very tasty thing! Relatively spicy but amazingly tasty.. How many times I said the word “tasty”? Probably not enough! Oh, you’re so tall, Dew! Hello.. Already so tall! Hello!

Don’t remember me, right? No, I don’t.. It’s okay, never mind.. I went here 3 years ago.. I remember you were very small.. Now you’re very tall.. okay, bye bye.. Okay, let’s find something else.. Oh.. this is a very unique Isan style of cooking chicken.. Hello.. How much is the chicken? 130 Baht..

Can I buy a half? Can but it’s not ready yet.. Ahh.. need to wait, right? Okay, I get it.. Do you have a wife? No I don’t have a wife.. I am looking for a wife now.. You want one half, right? yes, just a half.. Do you want garlic? I want..

Do you have dipping sauce? Sold out already! Don’t have anymore? Ohhhh… No dipping sauce anymore – it makes me sad! How much? 70 Baht.. Look over there.. she is single! She is a kid.. Look at this beautiful piece of chicken.. yeah it looks amazing with this garlic dressing.. garlick topping..

And it is very hot.. golden colored chicken.. okay let’s try a smaller piece.. oh it is very hot… very hot.. Tender and natural meat.. not same as chicken you can buy in a supermarket.. this chicken had a very happy life.. free range chicken running from one part of Korat province to another..

All right ladies and gentlemen..  Thank you all for joining me in this trip.. It was a very long and interesting day.. Hit the like button to support this channel.. Hit the like button if you want to see more videos from Isan..

Share this video with your friends and subscribe to the channel if you aren’t already for some reason.. bye-bye!

In today’s episode we continue exploring Nakhon Ratchasima province (Korat) in Thailand which I visited first time 3 years ago. It’s gonna be a motorbike tour around the city, with visiting local landmarks and atttractions, hunt for delicious Thai food and street food (we are going to find a special dish that you must try in Thailand!) and as always – meeting some nice and friendly Isan people!

Location info:
Ban Rai Temple
Thao Suranari Monument
Khanom Jeen Shop
Airplane Park Korat
Night Market
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  1. 1:07 The weather is hotter than the past few years. Because of global warming (El Niño) and will continue to be hot like this until next year Please maintain your health by carrying drinking water with you wherever you go. to prevent heatstroke And another tip is to wear bright or light colors, not dark colors like black. Or dark blue (navy blue), etc., because these dark colors will absorb sunlight. and absorb heat The more it heats up several times than before.

  2. Lots of good stuff in here. I also find it very interesting that you include footage of you speaking to locals in Thai and just provide us with subs. I enjoy this a lot more

  3. มิกกี้คุณไม่ต้องกลัวแดดเพราะว่าเราไม่ใช่ แวมไพร😂😂😂😂

  4. 😂😂😂😂😂😂มิกกี้อาโนลเขาเป็นคนโกหกคนทั้งโลกเชียวละ

  5. โอ้ยอยากกินแกงเห็ด…มันหอมเชียว

  6. 55 ถ้าวนไปวนมาแล้วยังอยู่ในประเทศไทย คุณน่าจะเจอน้องเขาจนสาวได้เลยนะ

  7. ตามดูทุกคลิปเลยครับ ขอบคุณที่พาเที่ยว คนไทยแท้ๆยังเที่ยวไทยไม่เท่าคุณเลย 555

  8. คนอะไรกินแกงเห็ดเฉยๆก็ได้ 5555

  9. Mickey, your Videos are getting better and better and better!!! My wife and me, we really love you! Greetings from Germany!

    We Love Thailand too. Have been there often, last Time in January (Koh Lanta). Thai People are so cute and friendly.

  10. แกงเฮดต้องกินข้าวเหนียวเข้ากันได่ดีกินเผ็ดได้เริ่มจะเป็นคนไทยแล้วครับ

  11. เห็นสภาพตลาดแล้วเศร้าใจมาก​…. คนไทยหันไปซื้อแต่ของออนไลน์​ ขอบคุณที่ช่วยมาอุดหนุนคนไทยนะคะ

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