視界觀1094 珠江兩岸悠閒騎行,廣州市民自娛自樂場景 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, I am continuing my riding in Haizhu District. On my right is the Pearl River, the mother river of Guangzhou. Although it is cloudy today, the rain has stopped during the day. The road on my left is Binjiang Middle Road. This Binjiang Road is also very long

. Now I am going to ride along Binjiang Road until I reach Zhoutouzui. A former pier has been transformed into a public park. Now I am still riding on the south bank of the Pearl River. Today I plan to see if I can

Ride to the north bank through the Renmin Bridge or some other bridge. Cycling back to Panyu along the north bank through the Guangzhou Bridge will be a challenging long ride today because I estimate that it has been about 20 kilometers by riding here. If we add this section of the road

And the return, it will be today. The total riding length will reach 60 or 70 kilometers, and I challenge myself to take advantage of the cooler weather. Mainly because I have been waiting for it to rain for many days. Finally, when the rain stops, I will challenge myself to make

Up for it. Make up classes and release the energy accumulated in the past few days. Now I am riding across the road because there is a memorable place here. Sun Yat-sen’s Generalissimo’s Mansion is right in front of me. Of course, I have been here many times before . Since we are here,

We are also here. Let’s take a look around here. What’s in front of me is the Generalissimo’s Palace. This is where Sun Yat-sen took office as Generalissimo. You can see a full-body statue of Sun Yat-sen, holding a saber and wearing a military uniform. A great man.

What I’m facing right in front of me is the Generalissimo’s Palace. Wherever there is Relatives and friends from the north usually come here to visit as long as the door is open. It is to commemorate the ancestors and it is also a scenic spot. What they do here seems to be closed.

This is the Generalissimo’s Mansion. There are some memorials above. It looks like the Generalissimo’s Mansion Elementary School or something. The Generalissimo’s Mansion is facing the Pearl River, so it should be a place that used to be more convenient for water transportation. I stopped here for a while, and behind me

Was Sun Yat-sen in full military uniform. Behind the statue is the gate of his Generalissimo’s Mansion . There are many footprints of Sun Yat-sen in Guangzhou, and there are many memorable places. Friends, if you come to Guangzhou, you can even take a tour of Sun Yat-sen’s memorial site.

Well , I am here today. I’m here for one stop and I’m ready to continue to Binjiang Middle Road across the road and ride along the river bank from east to west. Many of the piers here are mainly for day and night

Tours on the Pearl River. These piers are the docking points for ships . Of course , this pier is called Grand Marshal. Unknowingly, a battery was exhausted at Fu Pier . I just replaced a battery. Now I rode across the road and returned to

The cycling island on the bank of Binjiang Middle Road. Many people here are riding with the help of shared bicycles. I am now riding Crossing the Jiangwan Bridge is the bridge behind me. This bridge connects both sides of the Pearl River and is

Directly connected to the Donghaotong Expressway in the north. It is connected to the Inner Ring Expressway. It is an expressway. You can enjoy the river view here. Look at these on the right. Although the house is not as tall as the houses on the Huangpu River in Shanghai,

It is a house on the river bank after all. The scenery is still good. On the left, there are huge banyan trees on both sides of the road. This banyan tree is definitely a symbol of the spirit of Guangzhou people. You see these intricate roots. The banyan tree is like an umbrella,

Providing shade for everyone in the summer. It is a very beautiful gesture. Sometimes I really don’t understand how there are so many people fishing here in such a public area. You see, some people even run outside the embankment to go here. The Pearl River is indeed the mother river of Guangzhou

, but in the past, although the Pearl River was not very wide, it blocked the development of both sides of the Pearl River . This side is called Henan , which is the south bank of the Pearl River. In the past, when there was only the Haizhu Bridge in front,

The north-south transportation was very inconvenient . The ferry is the same as Shanghai Pudong and Puxi. I would rather have a bed in Hebei than a room in Henan, which is about the same meaning. But now more and more bridges are being built , I believe it will slowly develop here. What I

See now. The Haizhu Bridge is an old iron bridge that is about 100 years old. It is a bit like the Waibaidu Bridge in Shanghai. In the past, the bridge body could be opened, and large ships could pass underneath . But it no longer has such a function

, but it still underwent a major overhaul a few years ago . The bridge has been restored to the people. Everyone can pass on the bridge. I have also cycled on this bridge. Today I just walked under it. A few days ago, some of my classmates came all the way from Shanghai.

It was of course very special to meet old friends. A happy thing , so I spent two days with my friends from Lao Xiguan to Shamian to Yanjiang Road to Ersha Island to Tianhe. I also visited some places in Guangzhou with them and also went to the

Beautiful suburbs of Guangzhou. Another kind of scenery is of course a taste of Guangzhou’s food. After all, it is very famous. I spent two days very happily. They have returned home , so I also have the opportunity to go out and walk around. During the communication with them,

They had a good impression of Guangzhou. There are a few impressions that I still feel are good. First, of course, it is the food in Guangzhou because they also made a special trip to Shunde to taste the birthplace of Cantonese cuisine. Shunde should have a more authentic taste. Second,

They are very impressed by the urban development of Guangzhou. At first, I felt that some places were still relatively traditional and old , but I heard that if there is to be demolition here, in principle, they will return to the original place. They are very in favor of such a policy in Guangzhou

Because we know that the development of Shanghai actually means that the citizens have no choice. The only way to fight against the government’s strong will is to demolish the whole area . Then these people will be driven to the countryside. Except for a few people

Who can afford to buy back in the urban area, more than 90% of the people will have to give up their previous homes. It has become very inconvenient for Guangzhou to move to the suburbs after getting used to the home. Basically, demolish the original building and then move it back.

This is a basic policy. This is very humane. Although it sometimes hinders some development of the city , this is very Following public opinion is also a very democratic and very good policy. Another one is Guangzhou . It also has an old city but also a very modern city style

. So from Xiguan to Tianhe Although you can see that the levels of development are different , it really makes people feel that it retains the traditional area , but at the same time there are many new buildings and it is even very modern . From this point of view

, it is also very well maintained. This old urban area also pursues fashionable development. In short, they have a good impression of Guangzhou because everyone is ordinary people. Basically , it is related to their own lives. As long as they can be free , it will be a good life. No matter how

Tall the city is, They are all built into high-rise buildings and are of no use to the people. The bridge in front is the People’s Bridge. So what I plan to do is to have a passage from the People’s Bridge that can be pushed onto the bridge

And to the other side of the road. But if I can, I will ride across it. There is a park on the side of Zhoutouzui from Renmin Bridge , and then we go back and go from the bridge to the north bank of the river.

Every time we ride on the river bank, it is very comfortable because you don’t have to change gears because it is a flat road. You can ride forward slowly and evenly at a constant speed so that you can appreciate the scenery on both sides of

The Taiwan Strait. In front of you is the People’s Bridge . Wait a moment. I want to get on the bridge from here . It feels good here. There is also a special elevator. Wait a moment. You can go up from the elevator and there seem to be more people here. In

Front is Baietan, which should be the confluence of the three rivers. The high-rise building in front is Fangcun , which has just started . The former Fangcun District was later given to Liwan District , but there has been no development for decades. But now it should be slowly starting up.

The white building in the front right is the White Swan Hotel. Many people know it , including friends as far away as Shanghai, and they know its origin very well. It should be said that it is the first example of China’s reform and opening up. The five-star hotel is still in use. In

Front of me, there is a group of buildings that have basically taken shape but have not yet been opened. It is said that it is a cultural facility called three halls in one. This cultural facility should be very big and should become Fangcun in the future. It is a landmark

And a scenic spot in Baietan. The Zhoutouzui Park that I am walking into now is originally a pier. I used to have some fate with it. This place is the best place to see the scenery in Baietan. Look at the three in front. I can’t tell you which three museums are in one

. It seems that one of them is an intangible cultural center, probably some places like this. I believe that in the next many years, there will be many high-rise buildings here, and a new urban area . Looking over there is the White Swan Hotel . This side is Sha Mian.

It used to be a foreign concession that was well maintained. Now it has become a tourist area. This side is Zhoutouzui Pier. Only one big anchor is still there, but the others are gone . Well, here are the Guangzhou people . I like freedom. Look at some people swimming in the river.

The water surface should be quite cold and quite powerful . Are you ready to jump in ? Wow , there are not only men but also women who are swimming from here. They are very brave . You can see it right here. There are some swimming enthusiasts behind me. Although

The temperature today is only about 20 degrees, which should not be too low, the water is still a bit cold. So I jumped from the embankment here to swim. I thought it was brave. I thought about the previous paragraph. In Vancouver, there are crowds of people swimming in the winter at English Bay,

So everyone is willing to take on the challenge . It’s a pretty good activity for the brave , so I’d better ride along on this shore. In front of me is Taikoo Cang , the Taikoo Cang Pier. It has become an Internet celebrity bar street. I have cycled there more than once, but

Due to time constraints, I may not go that far today . Here you can see the high-rise buildings on the left. These are very beautiful Wangjiang River. Of course, the price of a building is certainly high , but isn’t this what everyone pursues for a better life after they have money?

So what I mean is that you should never care about how expensive a house is and how many units it buys. If you have money, you will be willing to buy it. If you think it would be happier to live in more apartments or in a bigger

House , why not make him happy? Here, you see there are still many flowering trees planted on this shore , but I believe most of them are redbuds and yellow campanula trees, so in In Guangzhou, if you ride along the Pearl River on Binjiang Road or Yanjiang Road, including riding here

, you can enjoy a very comfortable slow ride on the river bank. This feeling is just like riding on the bank of the Huangpu River and the Suzhou River in Shanghai. Cycling is about the same. This place has become an active area. This way is the bar street on the Taikoo Cang side,

But I think I should just stop it and go back. I still ride back to the shore . After all, the scenery here is beautiful. It’s better. Logically speaking , this kind of self-organized swimming should not be allowed , but Guangzhou is relatively relaxed and everyone does not receive too much interference

. You can still engage in some activities according to your own wishes, so I think this is quite good. In front of me is the Renmin Bridge across the Pearl River. The north bank of the bridge was probably the busiest place in Guangzhou in the past. I can’t say that now,

But it is also a traditional business district. When I first arrived in Guangzhou, I lived on Renmin Road , but unfortunately As soon as I arrived in Guangzhou, I was greeted by thieves who stole all my personal belongings. This was a long time ago. I don’t know where this should go.

The third floor is good. Now when I get up from this elevator, it is on the People’s Bridge. There is a cycling path from here. You can ride to the North Shore. So I will ride from here. This is the first time for me to walk on this People’s Bridge, let alone

Ride a bicycle. I have never walked across it. There are also some scenic spots here. It’s a small platform , but because my camera can’t be lifted up , I passed by in a hurry. But it’s quite interesting to ride on this bridge. It’s quite interesting

Here. You can ride directly down the bridge. It’s quite interesting. You can ride directly down. I returned to the riverside again. This is the Renmin Bridge that I just rode over. This place used to be called Changdi , and it was probably the busiest place back then. The building with the big clock

Was probably the former Customs House. The Guangdong Customs Museum is also the place where I used to come here to do business. This is a tour of Guangzhou. Generally speaking , it is a more comfortable riverside cycling path. In Guangzhou, it should be that Guangdong

Has been engaged in the construction of a ten-thousand-mile greenway. You can understand it as a greenway , but it can also be understood as a waterway because of the water here. Along with the river, there is a lot of green space. Let’s take a look first. What I see in front of me

Is the Postal Expo, which is also a Western-style building. Because this area should have been an extension of foreign concessions in the past , so there are some antique buildings that were reformed before. When it first opened , the most famous thing was the Nanfang Building.

It used to be the Nanfang Department Store and is now a hotel , but it is no longer popular. The Bidao I just mentioned is the Wanli Bidao. Any place where you can ride a bicycle should be on the river bank or the like. It belongs to the general name of “Bidao

” , so it is not the only greenway. There are people playing saxophone here, which seems to be average. There are some flower beds here that are quite good. This road is Renmin Road . It used to be the busiest road in Guangzhou

, but This viaduct, the Renmin Road viaduct, was built very early. Once it was built, traffic became smoother , but this road was destroyed. This is a pity. Today’s temperature is very suitable for cycling . You can ride leisurely and leisurely without sweating. But I don’t think the building in front of Leng

Is a bit like the Normandy Building (Wukang Building) in Shanghai. The building was called Aiqun Building. Before 1949, it was the tallest building in Guangzhou. It was similar to the International Hotel in Shanghai next to it. The hospital is called Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital. It is actually

An affiliated hospital of Sun Yat-sen Medical University. It is very lively here with many tourists , but it seems to be mainly local people. There are many people fishing. Look at the scenery under the banyan trees by the Pearl River.

It looks a bit like I was in the city. It’s almost the same when riding along the Qiao Waterway in Qiao City , except that the road is slightly wider, but the feeling should be very similar. Is this the fish they caught? I guess some of them are for sale.

Look at these turtles. Where did they catch them ? It should be someone who sets up a stall here to do business. There are many interesting turtles of different sizes. I can’t remember the first time this happened. I rode on the pedestrian path along the riverside road and

The embankment . It felt like this. It’s still very comfortable , blowing the river breeze, looking at the scenery , and feeling the lives of ordinary people. This side is the Haizhu Square Pier . In front of you is the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University , where Zhong Nanshan works.

After passing the Jiefang Bridge, the one in front is the Haizhu Bridge. Next to the Haizhu Bridge There is a Haizhu Square , which used to be the center of Guangzhou. Of course, it is now a relatively lively place. The area around Haizhu Square is full of old Guangzhou-style streets.

There is a pedestrian street called Beijing Road not far from here , but I won’t go there today. Save your energy and ride home for next time. The one above this is Haizhu Bridge. But today I won’t ride back from this bridge. I will go to the front to Guangzhou Bridge

And then ride back from there and pass Haizhu Square on the left. We continue to ride eastward along Yanjiang Road. Many people on the Internet recommend that there are 10 or so many famous cycling trails in Guangzhou . This section I am riding must be one of them

. In front of us is the famous Tianzi Pier. Legend has it that it is the emperor. The place to board the ship is the number one in the world – Tianzi Pier. Now it is actually the pier where cruise ships dock for Pearl River tours.

I came here before and rode a bike and returned to the river bank. The bridge in front is the Jiangwan Bridge today. When I came here , I passed under it from the south bank. You see, there is an introduction here. This is the former channel section of the Pearl River Blue Road.

There is the Donghaoyong entrance here. I used to be in Donghaoyong. Now it has been greened. I rode here on the edge of the river. Donghaoyong is actually the moat on the east side of the old city wall of Guangzhou. It was filled in very early and now it is all open.

It is said that the west Haoyong of Guangzhou City will also be the moat outside the city wall in the future. It is also necessary to open it and turn it into a waterway. I have heard reports like this. There are many Pearl River tour boats parked here.

You see, they are all named after some companies. It is more lively at night. This is where the Dashatou Pier will become after it is opened. This side of the park is the boarding gate. This is another boarding gate. I bought a ticket and came here to wait for the boat.

I don’t know why there are still several cannons displayed in this place. It feels quite lively with many people here. Do some exercise, take a walk, chat , hey, there’s a band here that’s really good , and it’s not easy to get such a band together. It’s still a bit of a skill

To be able to play a whole piece of music . I think you still need some basic skills. This is a freshly caught fish. Is this the fish you just caught? This is the fish you just caught. Wow, it’s amazing. There are still such big fish here.

It seems they said there are still three or four kilograms . Wow, it ’s amazing . You just catch it for fun, right? I see you It was released , hahaha, it’s fun, yes , yes, it’s great. I also saw a fishing friend for the first time.

He released the fish he caught into the river , so he said he didn’t do it for fishing. To catch fish is to enjoy the fun of fishing. I think this is very good. Now I ride in the direction of Ersha Island. After crossing the bridge, I will see Ersha Island, which

Is an alluvial island formed in the Pearl River. But this island has now been transformed into luxury houses. Inside is a low-density residential area. There is also a sports base on this island , and some projects will be trained here. This is the Guangdong Province Ersha Sports Training Center and a gymnasium for

Athletes . It’s a good place to train here . Now I plan to ride to the river. I don’t know which year started. This island has turned into some low-density residential areas , including some villas and conjoined villas . Now they are all valuable There is a cycling path here. You can

See a lot of runners . In fact, many people also ride here. I have been here many times before. In fact, this path is now a cycling path around the island. It is very good. I rode it . It feels like today’s second paragraph should end here.

Look at the mansions on the left of me. They are definitely very private mansions. This is a very nice place. And on my right The north gate of Sun Yat-sen University is a gate of Sun Yat-sen University. The old mayor of Guangzhou used

To organize a swim across the Pearl River here every year. I swam from here to the opposite side. To my right is the first luxury residential area in Guangzhou called Binjiang. The east residential area is not bad now , but there are some high-rise buildings , while here there are some low-rise houses

, which make living more practical. On the left is the only new commercial center on the island called Wen Cube , and there are many prestigious schools nearby. There are also international schools, such as the elementary school and kindergarten department of the American school. Just in front of this island

Is the Xinghai Concert Hall, which is a place for people in Guangzhou to enjoy elegant opera and symphonies. I will end my second part of today’s riding here . I will ride back to Panyu District via Guangzhou Bridge from here in a while. Please pay attention and look forward to it

. Then we will see you on the next ride . Thank you for watching and bye.

#珠江 #孫中山大元帥府 #騎行漫聊

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

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