
Marumi was camping in the snow and was relaxing while taking a nap in her sleeping bag… it was warm inside and comfortable enough to live in! When I go outside, it’s so cold that I shiver. Dinner is almost here, so I’m going to start preparing the wood stove now.

Since it is foldable, it can fit in a carry bag, so you can bring your wood stove with you even when you are walking. I’ll do my best to assemble it. I am preparing my long-awaited chimney for the TAKE2 wood-burning stove whose ring is too tight . Snow scatters everywhere.

Camping in the snow is fun! ! Wait a minute… the snow is pretty deep as the firewood gets stuck in the snow … I live on this thick snow right now. Amazing… burying the firewood is unique to snow camping (?) and it’s fun! The holes are getting bigger…I

Silently chop the firewood. That kind of time is fun. Thick firewood is placed on both ends, and thin firewood is placed on top to improve ventilation and make a bonfire. I learned this from a certain firewood striker! I thought I was told what to do, but

Maybe I’m just doing it based on my own assumptions…? I guess it’s the fire starter Dragon I’ll be using this time… I received it as a birthday present, so this is my first time using it. I think it’s like solid fuel. This white one. Are you going to release this…?

It’s not like lighting the case directly on fire like with solid fuel, right? It’s suspicious, but when you take it out… it won’t melt and stick like solid fuel, right? Just to be safe, I put it on a tree and light it.

Even if it melts and hardens, it just sticks to the wood, so I’ve been keeping the damper of the wood stove closed for a while now, so it catches fire but it’s smoldering… When I open it, smoke comes out,

So I opened the damper to improve the airflow and it worked fine. It lit me up! Thank goodness! ! I don’t want the chimney to hit the tent and burn it, so I leave about a third of the tent outside, but it’s still warm enough!

Of course it would be warmer if I went indoors, but since I’m a little nervous, I can enjoy this enough♪ I’m going to make dinner. Today’s dinner is dandan sesame hotpot. I’ve been really into the Petit Nabe series lately♪ It’s easy to bring along and you can enjoy a variety of flavors, so

I’m going to make this one today. I think it can be done in about 5 minutes… I don’t think the amount of water is right because the water is at an angle of 300 …I put in a potion that I don’t know how much water it is because it’s too diagonal .

Tantan’s amazing color… Pour the sauce into the water and bring it to a boil. It wasn’t boiling, but it was warm enough to melt the two hardened layers… it looked like a minced meat hamburger… I knocked over the camera… it was dangerous! I almost ruined the pot with my camera.I’m

A little scared, so I’m actually looking for vegetables, but I’ll just use this to warm it up. I’m afraid it might spill, so I evacuate it. I found the missing vegetables! I prepared the vegetables at home. I just replaced the cut vegetables with the bag…

It’s not something that makes me feel proud that I’ve prepared it… Here you go. It’s warm… I’m almost done but I’m too hungry so I’m impatient so I’ll make it on the burner. The wood-burning stove shakes in the gusts of wind I’m afraid of the occasional gust of wind, so

I hold the wood-burning stove down with tongs. Add the gyoza. I actually brought ramen to finish the meal, but I have space so I’ll add it now. The meaning of 〆… Make a wish to your soulmate. Looks delicious!! Completed!

I’m so scared that I’m going to drop this burner, so I want to put it down as soon as possible.I’ve made this instant instant dandan gyoza hotpot ramen . It’s nice to be able to eat it quickly with the filling ♪ The taste is perfect!!

It’s so rich that it will make your blood pressure explode! It’s spicy and suffocating (;´Д`) Because it’s cold in winter, we tend to cook more hot pot dishes, but just by changing the taste and ingredients, we can eat fresh and delicious meals every time ♪ Slowly and instantly (?)

Everything except the soup is left behind. ate. I’m so full… I’m starting to feel sleepy. I get sleepy when it’s cold. Freeze-to-death pattern? That’s not peaceful. When I clean it up, it’s a mess. The fire was completely extinguished , and I thought it was cold, but it was 1.3 degrees Celsius right now

, and when I was using the wood stove it was 5 or 6 degrees Celsius, so it seems that just a little bit of it had an effect… It’s cold… it’s really cold… I put the igniter on the fire in the back. Will it burn if I put it on it?

It’s cold, so instead of waiting for it to burn, start it quickly… It doesn’t work at all… Add all the firewood and increase the firepower at once!! It gets really cold! ! The after-party is starting ♪ Cheers! good! !

It was so cold that I realized it had entered my mouth, passed through my esophagus, and reached my stomach. So delicious! I think it would be better to put it in the hole you made when chopping wood earlier so it won’t spill.

It’s 0.5 degrees right now, so I wonder how much the temperature will rise… Today’s snack ♪ 2nd place in Western liquor chocolate market sales. 2nd place is a bit of a maniac. I really like Bacchus. It feels like winter has started when I eat this♪ It’s delicious.

It’s half outside, so the falling snow is dancing on top. It’s getting warmer ♥ I can’t make a bonfire, so I’m going to have a little taste of the bonfire feeling ♪ It’s the best time

To have a drink with a wood stove and a candle. Sometimes it’s fun to have a wood stove ♪ Those fun times are over. Sometimes I spill too much on the dynamic leaves lol I prepare some tea before going to bed at night or in the morning

When my body is cold because I want to warm it up from within . I highly recommend preparing tea in a water bottle so you can drink it when it’s cold! Prepare a hot water bottle for bedtime. Sometimes carefully.

We recommend using a hot water bottle that can be placed directly on the fire! I put some mandarin oranges in the snow before and they didn’t harden, so I’ll leave them on top today. The temperature is currently 0 degrees, so I

‘m looking forward to tomorrow morning thinking I’ll be able to make frozen mandarin oranges ♪ I’m going to bed now. The temperature is currently 0 degrees, but I feel really cold, so I prepared some tea, a hot water bottle, and a hat.It ‘s

Cold, so I’m going to sleep in my sleeping bag with my down jacket on. I think you’ll be fine as long as you wear this much. good night. Good morning. cold! It was cold, but with two hot towels I was able to sleep warmly. But it’s cold when I put my hands outside… It’s warm inside my sleeping bag. I wonder if I’ll wake up… Whether I sleep or wake up, I’ll be attacked by water droplets…

It’s really convenient to have a waterproof hood in case water drops fall from above . Also, I’m wearing snowboarding pants today, and they’re extremely waterproof, so even if I’m slogging through the snow or getting buried, even the innerwear I’m wearing won’t get wet. Snowboarding wear is highly recommended! !

The temperature is now 4 degrees, and yesterday it was at least -0.3 degrees. So I’m having fun camping in the snow, but I’m glad the temperature itself wasn’t that cold. It’s always fun to have snow.The snow makes it feel cold, but the temperature itself wasn’t that bad.

I have it now and the temperature is rising rapidly… I’m going to make it for breakfast! It’s hard to decide where to put it because the various places are so slanted … I’m the type of person who feels hungry in the morning.

I get nervous when the gas comes out and the fire doesn’t start… I’m relieved (*´з`) The default gyoza menu is similar to yesterday’s dinner, but… I ‘ll time it for 3 minutes with this one. After talking with my best friend in the morning

, I was able to easily make a meal that would warm me up in the morning ♪ The dumplings were dismantled as they ran away in a blink of an eye … I want you to make this super delicious combination ! Easy to do in about 3 minutes!

Because it’s jjigae, it’s spicy and warms your body, so I highly recommend it! It was a perfect instant soup, so I was very hungry. It’s starting to rain or snow…I want to catch the bus until checkout in 3 hours, so I’m going to start cleaning up and take it easy.

When I go camping in the car or sleep in the car, I put my sleeping bag back in its case, but when I go camping on foot, I just put it at the bottom of my backpack. This way, the bottom space

Will be filled with the sleeping bag and there will be no gaps, so there will be no wasted space. I heard this when my packing master taught me this. Hyper packing time When packing, most of the space will be filled with sleeping bags, so we will crush this.

Also, let’s add some down pants. First, crush it with all your weight. If you step on it with your foot, it will become flattened. I pushed it in quite a bit and it’s now 1/3 the size of my backpack.

If there is even a little air left in the mat, it will not inflate too much, so this is the most careful time during camping. At this point, the cleanup is almost finished. An unpleasant period for adults who don’t want to go home. It was excavated from the snow.

I forgot I bought the second bottle… I’ll take it home and drink it at home ♪ It’s easy to clean up because it can be disassembled! The chimney that I worked so hard to build was also dismantled. The part that overlapped with the resin on the chimney is now two-tone!

Gloves are required to avoid injury. A short break . Suspicious brown powder . Suspicious white powder . Seriously. Suspicious fruit. Cleaning up. The snack for the break was coffee and mandarin oranges. I thought it would be a frozen mandarin orange, but it turned out to be squishy… It’s like a cold mandarin orange.

It’s a shame that to make frozen mandarin oranges, temperatures below -5 degrees Celsius are required… Apparently, mandarin oranges become sweeter when they are rubbed. Packed! My tooth hurts because I’m sensitive. But it’s delicious… Break is over. I will continue to do my best to clean up afterwards!

When camping in the snow, things that usually take 30 minutes take an hour or 1 hour and 30 minutes, almost twice as long… It’s surprisingly difficult to walk in a straight line, and I tend to wobble quite a bit.

It’s hard, but being able to camp in the snow is so precious and fun! ! I’ll do my best to clean up! The hook-and-loop pegs that were attached unprotected came off so easily that it didn’t make any sense… It’s always a sad moment when a tent collapses…

I don’t get too sentimental and quickly put it away. Unlike auto camping where you throw it in the car, you clean it up thoroughly for packing. The evacuation is complete ♪ When I looked at it like this, I set up a tent and camped in a pretty uneven place.

When I was sleeping or sitting, I kept sinking to the bottom, so I thought it would be safer to camp if I scooped up the snow with a shovel and tamed it. Backpacks are heavy… I respect all walking campers! Camping in the snow was fun… Playing time with solo group friends.

Isn’t it dangerous to leave it there?! You’ll get wet there! Snowman died in an accident… It was a pretty cruel accident. There’s no going back from that, right? ! Isn’t the lower half of his face dead? He’s looking like an old man , lol. He’s getting a hair transplant.

Amazing! It’s making a comeback. I only have one eye. You look troubled, you look weak… so cute! ! Looks like my cat! It’s a brown one. Be careful not to fall… It seems like it’s going to be displayed at the entrance. This scenery was so wonderful!

It’s so much fun to be in the snow ♪ So let’s do our best to get through the last hurdle! The last Kanmon Bridge! ! Take the bus to Makino Station. 1 bottle per hour. This time I came to Solo Group with Chibii and Izumi for walking camp. I’m going home now.

I’ll get on the bus and go home. Probably the first and last snow camp of the year is over… we arrive at Makino Station. I’m going home now! Kansai group and Tokai group say goodbye here. (Voyeur) Camping in the snow this time was a lot of fun ♪

The best thing about coming to camp in the snow this time was that the snowboarding pants were a big help! Clothes need to be warm, and if they aren’t waterproof, you’ll get drenched. You will have to bring your physical strength,

So be sure to wear waterproof clothes on the top and bottom so you can enjoy it! I think it’s a good idea to wear boots as well ♪ When I slipped into the snow, the snow came in through the gaps and my socks got soaked, so

I thought I should bring a change of socks… Now . I’m already wearing down shoes inside my boots, so they get really slippery when I walk. I also thought it was important to warm up your body from the inside out by using hot water bottles, hand warmers, and

Drinking tea , all of which are necessary for winter camping ! I camped on my side, trampling the snow without digging, and it was a little slanted inside, but it was fun.I was also able to properly assemble and use the folding wood-burning stove, so I was very satisfied! !

It was a huge success after a year! ! I want to go snow camping one more time this year ♪ Thank you for watching until the end! See you again in the next video!

After this, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to get on because I didn’t press the button to open the door… I was able to get on safely, so I’m heading home! Well then♪


箸: https://amzn.to/408lJJJ










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♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
効果音:ポケットサウンド – @ポケットサウンド

#雪中キャンプ #徒歩キャンプ #ソロキャンプ #ソログル #キャンプ #女子キャンプ #キャンプ女子 #キャンプ初心者 #camp #solocamping #キャンプ #camping #徒歩キャンプ #女子ソロキャンプ


  1. 雪中キャンプは楽しいよね~❄️🏕️🤩 私は子供の頃の雪遊びの延長戦の感じで楽しんでますね☃️😆子供の頃は夜まで雪遊び出来ませんでしたからね~🤭。

  2. お疲れ様です(^^)/

  3. まるちゃん こんにちは🤸‍♂




    それから寝袋もちゃんと乾かして下さいね byebye😆

  4. キャンプ復活しようと参考に拝見させていただいていましたが、自宅でも一人飯なので作られている食事がとても参考になってます。

  5. 一人での雪中キャンプを楽しみながらする、まるみちゃんはすごいですね。一人楽しんでできるのが羨ましいです。

  6. 3人とも平日休みなんですか?😊

  7. 誕生日プレゼントで着火剤って結構スゴイですね…ww
    スノボウェアのパンツはキャンプで試したことはありませんが、狩猟用のTAGAMI さんのパンツは薄くて暖かいので最高です。

  8. 養老の星☆幸ちゃん(ようろうのほし こうちゃん、本名:佐竹 幸二〈さたけ こうじ〉、1963年8月25日 – )は、岐阜県養老郡養老町在住の男性歌手である。地元団体に勤務する一般人であるが、下記の出来事により話題の人物となった。
    2006年1月8日放送、『NHKのど自慢』(開催地:岐阜県大垣市)の18番目に登場。シャ乱Qの「いいわけ」を歌う[1]も、鐘は2つで終わる。「養老町の星 幸ちゃん」はこの番組の収録を見にきた知人たちが掲げていた横断幕に書かれていた言葉だった。
    さらに、7月14日放送『探偵!ナイトスクープ アカデミー大賞2006』において最優秀音楽賞を受賞し、スタジオ・ライブを敢行した。

  9. 初コメ失礼します。。いつも楽しい動画ありがとう😊

  10. この動画、ヤフーニュースで紹介されててめちゃビックリしました😆

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