視界觀1091 順德倫教漁人碼頭至番禺祈福新邨騎行 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, taking advantage of the good weather today to get rid of the humid weather in the south for the past two days, we went out for a walk and drove to a street in Lunjiao, Shunde, which used to be a town . We found a place called Fisherman’s Wharf,

But There is no water in this place. It may be a little different from the Fisherman’s Wharf we used to know. You see, behind me is an old factory called Shunde Silk Weaving Factory. It is a renovated commercial district. Small entrepreneurial districts like this are everywhere. Some of them are doing quite well

, but I believe they are all places where young people like Internet celebrities to check in. But it is not clear how much they can promote the economy, but I believe these young people will like such an environment . I am now . I started my cycling in Shunde

In this small commercial district called Lunjiao Fisherman’s Wharf, which is quite fashionable. In fact, I used this place as a starting point for my riding today , so I asked my wife to take us there. The car drove directly home. I just looked at the map.

The straight-line distance from here to Qifu New Village is about 20 kilometers. I think if I turn around again, it should be less than 30 kilometers. It should be easy to ride back by the way . In the neighborhood of Lunjiao, which is now called a street, you

Can walk through the streets at will , but I still checked the navigation to avoid the trouble of looking for you, so I just followed the navigation. The road I am riding on is called Lunjiao South Road. Now I To correct this , the road through this intersection is called Lunchang South Road

, not Lunjiao South Road. It can be seen that this is an old city , but it looks very clean. Although the houses on both sides of the road are not that tall, they are all open. It seems that none of the stores are closed

. It seems that the local economy still has a certain vitality. Friends who watch my videos, you will find that I rode from Panyu to Shunde in the first few videos. Of course, it is the street and town closest to Panyu. Beijiao lingered in Beijiao New Town over there for a while

To show everyone some fashionable neighborhoods in New Shunde . Today we came to Lunjiao, which is also a town in Shunde. I have been to this town more than 30 years ago. Here , when I was riding, the 360 ​​camera I put on the handlebars twisted a little

Because it was not fixed very firmly. I re-fixed it to see how it looks now. This is the second time I use this. A bicycle stand specially connected to a 360 camera. This road is not very comfortable to ride on because it is paved with a kind of gravel. The road

Is not smooth and slightly bumpy . Now you turn from Lunchang South Road to a small road . It seems quieter , but there are also more It looks like a market place and feels like some old areas here. I rode on a big industrial road

And there is no special scenery on both sides. Maybe the navigation refers to a relatively short road, so I will save some effort and brainstorming . I rode back along the road it guided me. I lost my way on such a road in an industrial area. I just walked a wrong road.

I believe that now I am heading in the right direction. I just walked a wrong road for a while , but now I am here. I believe this is the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Highway that I rode on last time when I went to Beijiao. If you ride this road directly, you can return to Panyu.

Now that I’m on the right track, I’m starting to officially ride this bridge. Actually, it’s called the Sanhongqi Bridge. The opposite side of the bridge seems to be Beijiao. On the right is the bridge over Hongqi Waterway. It seems that there is a subway or light

Rail passing through it. It turns out that when you get to Weiye Road, you have to make a U-turn and then ride back through a small tunnel under the bridge . I still haven’t figured it out yet. Wherever I have been riding now is exactly this one. There should be many industrial-style

Streets riding on it , but I suddenly discovered that there is actually a Yang Clan Ancestral Hall on the opposite side . I thought it was quite beautiful on the edge of a small river, so I stopped to take a look. At a glance, you can see that

This Yang Family Ancestral Hall is pretty good, right? Continue to the road and ride the first 1.7 kilometers before returning to the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Highway. There is probably a guide like this. This side is Midea’s factory. This side should be Beijiao Town. It is a new residential area

. More than 200 meters ahead, you will turn right onto the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Highway and return to the main road. But I don’t know why I have to make such a big turn and go back to the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Highway because I was there at the beginning. I was riding on the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Highway when

I got here. I already knew that the river on the right was where I came from last time when I rode from the Junlan Golf Course . Yes, I have actually ridden this road before. It turns out that we have already come here , so there is not much to

Ride back. Okay, I rode back relaxedly and happily. In front of me was Midea Avenue. Last time I rode on Midea Avenue on the left , you can go to Beijiao New Town on the right. There is a Bijiang Jinlou next to the Nanyong subway station.

In fact, it is also the headquarters of Country Garden. I will turn a corner and go here to have a look. Give yourself some distance. Turn left ahead and there is Bijiang Jinlou, an ancient building. Prepare to go there and see it. I saw

That the huge archway in Bijiang was directly opposite me. After replacing a battery, we continued riding. In front of us was a station on the urban rail at Bijiang Station. We had already ridden this road last time , so I will ride it quickly again . I rode on this bridge.

In my last video, I passed this bridge when I came back from Beijiao. I stood on this bridge in the middle and looked at the scenery for a while . Then today I went home directly and passed by the archway of Sangui Village to see this. Sometimes the screws on the bracket

Are still loose and may not be tightened by hand. The bike will vibrate during riding, which will cause the rod and screws that fix the 360 ​​camera to loosen . Unknowingly, they will loosen towards this When riding in the future, you should still pay attention to the fact

That at least 4/5 of the distance has been completed by riding here. There is less than 4 kilometers left to ride to Qifu New Village . Generally speaking, it is from Lunjiao to Panyu and home. This section of the road is not as far

As I imagined. It seems that I can still challenge more old towns in Shunde in the future . Of course, I am only riding one way today, not a round trip. So twenty or thirty kilometers is a very easy journey , so I rode back to Qifu New Village in one

Go The total of one lap should not exceed 30 kilometers. Because it was a one-way trip , I rode back very easily. I felt that this distance was still a very good distance for fitness riding . So this is the end of my ride today. It also gave me a lot of confidence

That I can ride to more towns and villages in Shunde in the future , and of course, other places to challenge one by one . Well, that’s the end of today’s ride. Thank you for watching and supporting us. Goodbye once we go out

#順德 #倫教漁人碼頭 #騎行漫聊

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

Hi guys! I am Dr.Chin, a retired dentist. If you are watching my videos as the first time, you are very welcome to follow my channel and turn on the little bell, so that you will not miss every video I continue to update. Thanks for watching!

觀與說 DentistView&Talk:
1. 視界觀 DrChinWorldView-分享退休生活方式。Share retired lifeway, spread health and inspire life.
2. 牙醫說 ChinDentalTalk-讓你不得牙病,少得牙病的牙醫才是好牙醫。Your health, My pleasure!

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